#Elizabeth solorio-espadas
arty-e · 10 months
arty,if it's no problem could you answer those questions,please?
Who is the current 3 of hearts?
How was life for Elizabeth and Camilla as Coral governed spades?Since they hate each other
Shall we see the nobles of hearts again soon?
Where is Rubis?
and why is Jokers like the neutral place for the kingdoms to come together?
1) current Three of Hearts is Tyees 14 year old daughter Khloe Samra
2) Elizabeth and Camilla lived in a private estate Dylan had granted them and Coral didn’t fuck with them. She doesn’t like them or their relationship but she knows Dylan want tolerate her ducking with them. And he tolerates a lot from her so she knows that they’re a no zone. As long they don’t bother her or get in her way (which they didn’t they did their own thing) she doesn’t care
3) when Gen 2 starts yes you will be seeing them and so new faces as well.
4) you’ll find out next chapter
5) Jokers isn’t like the other kingdoms they’re very unique, the closets equivalent we have in our world is the Vatican but if the pope a hereditary position. They have no nobles, their pale mark is reserved for priests and members of Imara temple. On top of that thr najoroty if the common population are mostly nomads who travel around Jokers and Cards. There are some settlements by oasis’ but oasis only last for a couple of generations, but new ones do appear. To simply put Jokers isn’t an ‘organised’ kingdom that can form an army or have any desire to attack or conquer anything. They also have the only patron fae who lives there and isn’t afraid to fuck with mortals if pissed off so the other kingdoms ain’t gonna fuck with that. So it’s been agreed that Jokers has become neutral ground for the other kingdoms to agree of peace deals and truces after wars
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buttercup-draws44 · 4 years
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Cards characters in different time periods (the third one isn’t a couple jsyk)
In order
Lazuli Diamont and Alexandre Diopside-Diamant (early 1870s)
Dylan Espadas and Coral Espadas-Morphew (1950s)
Sakura and Clover Meihua (1890s)
Alvis Wilson-Cor and Mahira Cor (late WW1 era (1917-1918-ish))
Elizabeth Solorio and Camilla Ennis (1830s)
Mercury Cor and Cyan Espadas (1880s)
Iris Espadas-Romero and Matilda Espadas (1901-1902)
Characters by @arty-e
Bonus pic
Someone on the cards server asked me to redraw this pic with Camilla and Elizabeth, so I did.
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thesoulbonder · 3 years
♠️Spades Royal Family♠️ (Part 2)
Hey peeps!
Here’s part 2 of the Espadas Family!
These characters are from Cards, an amazing series by @arty-e ! If these guys seem cool, then go check out Cards today!
But without further ado, here’s more blue babies!
Meredith Espadas-Solorio, Rosa Espadas,
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Elizabeth Espadas, and Samantha Espadas!
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And that’s it!!
Next up is the Diamond Family!
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arty-e · 2 years
How does Alfonso feel about Coral (though he has already passed)
Did not like her but in a more passive way compared to how Elizabeth felt (REALLY didn’t like her to point of hating her). He felt she was a snob and he didn’t care for her father either but he knew Dylan liked her a lot plus she was from the ten family so he saw no point in fighting against them.
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arty-e · 3 years
I know you’ve already explained this, but tbh I’m still hella confused. Kamir is ace, and Camilla is lesbian so… how is Alvis their kid again? Sorry this bit always leaves me confused🤔
Kamir and Camilla are good friends. Camilla is in a secret relationship with Consort Elizabeth (queen of spades). Camilla wanted her own baby after Elizabeth had Dylan. Kamir needs an heir and so comes up with the idea of having a baby with Camilla. Que cup and Turkey Baser or also know as Intracervical Insemination.
the two did not sleep together, Alvis is a cup baby.
Would recommend reading Alfonso's mini story (specifically part 2 and 3) to understand the whole story.
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arty-e · 3 years
I don't know if you answer it yet, but why do some people in Spades have bandages on their necks? I thought it was just the boys but Elizabeth has one while the main chef doesn't
They're not bandages (but i can clearly see why you came to that conclusion). Cards fashion is supposed to be loosely based off of the 18th century, specifically 1770-1780s. so spades clothes are based off what people would have worn then:
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However this is WAY too glam for Spades and this is much more Diamonds extravagant style. So i got rid of the cravats (ruffle neck thingies) and just gave them simple cloth around the neck.
I also heavily mens fashion off of British Naval officers uniforms which looked somewhat like this at the time (Horatio Nelson portrait).
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Womens clothing in Spades however are pretty far off from the original source i based them off (tried to make them as plain as poss) so it makes cross between the mens clothes and this style of dresses a lot:
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Elizabeth's dress she is wearing in the comic is most like the one in the portrait.
i hope this helped! :)
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arty-e · 3 years
Chapter 4 is out!
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arty-e · 4 years
Can we see more sketches?
Sure! I recently made a bunch of Baby Alvis sketches that you all can have
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Elizabeth: Dylan this is Alvis, be nice to him
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Elizabeth: DYLAN!
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Alfonso: he’s very small...
Camilla: I’m very small
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Camilla: is there something wrong with him? He always cries!
Elizabeth: he’s fine, just a bit sensitive
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First steps
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arty-e · 4 years
Hi arty can we have more sketches? 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Hyeon and Peony
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Little Alvis and Dylan
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Alvis’ first word
Dylan: come on Alvis, say it!
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Alvis: Pleb
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Camilla: My baby!!!
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arty-e · 4 years
Alfonso’s Story part 3 (Camilla and Elizabeth)
Five years (11,495) since Alfonso had sent Isabella to the Asylum in hopes of her getting better, the Spades Royal Court receive news that the Queen-Consort had died. Alfonso had been informed that Isabella had contracted the Snowflake Disease and quickly deteriorated and died (though this had actually been a lie and a cover up of the Asylum). The same disease that took his mothers and his two eldest son’s lives had now taken Alfonso's wife as well. Alfonso shut himself away for months crying and mourning the loss of his wife and Queen. He refused to let anyone talk or see him; apart from Elizabeth:
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Elizabeth, having been his friend before his wife’s death and had listened to his woes without complaint, came to his side immediately and comforted him in his grief. Elizabeth managed to get him out of his room and to look after himself with walks. He truly appreciated everything she did for him.
While Alfonso was more focused on looking after himself and his mental health while Elizabeth cared for him, the other courtiers grew somewhat jealous. Many had begun to throw themselves at Alfonso in hopes of becoming his next spouse. Even when he had confirmed he was not willing to marry ever again they began to fight to be his right hand Advisor as Queen of Spades, some even wanting to be a surrogate for any heirs he would need for the future. But his attention was on Elizabeth who tried her best to distract her friend from the ridiculous games the nobles were trying to get him to play. Alfonso, very aware of the nobles desperate for his power and growing somewhat paranoid, pulled Elizabeth aside one day questioning if this had all been her plan in hopes of becoming the next Queen of Spades, she adamantly denied it and explained her relationship with Camilla, even showing off the ring that Camilla had given her. Alfonso relieved that Elizabeth had no ulterior motive carried on their friendship with peace of mind:
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Elizabeth’s parents, noticing the close bond their daughter had with Alfonso, began to push for her to marry him and become the new Queen of Spades. Elizabeth tried her best to persuade her parents that was not what she or Alfonso wanted nor needed however they grew more and more persistent. Seeing her parents grow more power hungry each passing day she tried to tell them she had already promised herself to Camilla in hopes it would stop their efforts to push for a union between Alfonso and her. However this only enraged her parents who said they have no choice but ‘to remove the problem’ locking Elizabeth away so she was unable to warn Camilla or run away with her:
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Camilla had been taking Kamir out into the capital again, both having a fun evening together. As the two were returning the palace Camilla was grabbed by one of the Royal guards announcing she was being taken to the Asylum because she had been showing strange and unruly behaviour that needed to examined in order to ‘help her’. As Camilla was being dragged away Kamir tried his best to stop he guard arguing Camilla’s case that she was completely sane and showed no sign of anything the guard had claimed. However Kamir’s words were met with deaf ears and Camilla dragged away to the dungeons until the Asylum would collect her the next day:
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Elizabeth, desperate to save Camilla from whatever her parents have planed for her, tried her best to break free from her room. With the door securely locked she opted to climb out the window. Upon finally breaking free from her room she ran through the Spades Palace looking for Alfonso, praying to the Fae that he could help her. She found him in his room and begged and pleaded with him to help save her and Camilla. Through her sobs she told him everything about her parents demanding she try and marry him. Alfonso was speechless from seeing Elizabeth in such a state and hearing what her parents had done. As this was going on Kamir also barged into his room demanding he release Camilla and began ranting about how using the Asylum as a place of punishment rather a place of healing was evil and wrong. As Kamir ranted and raved Elizabeth ran over to him questioning if he knew where Camilla was and if she was already too late. Kamir shocked to see Elizabeth so upset tried to tell her that Camilla had been taken away by a guard and will be taken to the asylum tomorrow. Alfonso told the two to stay in the room and he would get Camilla back:
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Alfonso silently collected Camilla from he cell she had been sitting in and guided her back to his room where Elizabeth and Kamir were waiting. Elizabeth was so relieved to see Camilla again and mostly unharmed, the two cried in one another’s arms. Alfonso watched the reunion filled with unbridled rage. He was furious with how his friend and her lover had been treated and all under his nose. He was also furious to learn that the place he had built to help people, to help his wife, was being used to get rid of people who were ‘bothering’ the nobles.
Alfonso announced to the three in the room that Elizabeth will be his wife and she and Camilla would be under his protection. His only request was that Elizabeth were to give him an heir. The reunited couple agreed to this knowing that if they didn’t both of them would still be at the mercy of Elizabeth’s parents. Alfonso reassured them that they could still be together and Elizabeth will only be his friend and Queen and nothing more. He tells Kamir to never speak of this evening again. He also warned him to never to barge into his room unannounced and be so rude to him again otherwise he would throw him out of Spades without a boat or paddle:
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It was announced to the Spades court that Elizabeth would be the new Queen of Spades and Alfonso’s wife. They also announced that Camilla will be Elizabeth’s lady-in-waiting, a role that had always been reserved for nobles. There was some outrage with the announcements but Alfonso shut it down real quick. It’s not the only thing that Alfonso received backlash for; the age difference between him and Elizabeth, something he had been uncomfortably aware of himself and loathed that he was marrying someone who could be his daughter. The two were married without problem and Elizabeth was crowned queen-consort and the new Queen of Spades:
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Both Alfonso and Elizabeth were very uncomfortable married to one another but they remained very good friends. Alfonso removed Elizabeth’s parents from his court forbidding them from interacting with heir daughter. He was even prepared to punish Elizabeth’s half-brother as well but Elizabeth defended him when it is revealed he had played no part or even knew what their parents were doing. Two years into their marriage Elizabeth gave birth to their son, Prince Dylan, Jack of Spades. Alfonso absolutely adored his new son and doted on him constantly for the first few months before he grew scared and distanced himself from his child. Having lost all four of his children in his past marriage he feared he would lose Dylan as well so kept himself away in order not to get too attached in case the worst happened:
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Camilla and Elizabeth kept their relationship going both were ecstatic about the new baby. Camilla also loved Dylan and treated him like her own at first but was soon pushed away from the young prince by his tutors and nannies saying she had no place acting like his parent. Elizabeth tried her best to include Camilla in this new family as she saw Camilla was just as much Dylan’s parent as her and Alfonso were, but social constructs only distanced her further from the family which was hard on both of them. Camilla feeling alone and wanting to be part of a family of her own was approached by Kamir who needed an heir himself. He explained his plight of being Aromantic and Asexual man and how his mother was desperate for him to get married or at least have a child to carry on their title. He asked if she was willing to have his baby. She was confused by the proposition considering she was a Spade common and he was a Heart noble. Kamir explained his ‘brilliant idea’ that Camilla will have their child and if they had a heart mark like Kamir they would come to Hearts with him once they were an adult. He would send support and visit them both often and even if the child was a Spade he would send support and wouldn’t abandon them. Camilla agreed to his plan though she was rather skeptical.
Camilla gave birth to Alvis, who was born with a Heart noble mark meaning he would be in fact Kamir’s heir. With Alfonso’s permission, Elizabeth and Camilla had Dylan and Alvis raised together as brothers and they were able to become a little family in a slightly unconventional way:
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arty-e · 4 years
Alfonso’s Story Part 2 (Camilla and Elizabeth)
Years had passed since Alfonso and Isabella’s children had died and Isabella’s mental health had not improved. Depressed and having delusions about their children still being alive Alfonso felt he had no choice but to send her to new the Asylum he had established to help the mentally ill. Alfonso, now ruling alone for the past few years, had become dark and stern in his grief and most of his people assumed he was dangerously angry when really he was just sad and lonely:
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Elizabeth Solorio was the third child of the Seven of Spades, George Solorio and his second wife Adelina. Elizabeth’s half-brother from their father’s first marriage was meant to inherit his title so Elizabeth had little purpose in her family and was often over looked other than for them to try and marry her off to a higher standing noble family or wealthy common family. Camilla Ennis was Elizabeth’s close friend and her lady’s maid since they were young tweens. With the two being inseparable they soon fell in love with one another finding every excuse to be alone which was not hard considering Elizabeth being her family’s forgotten member and Camilla was expected to be with her whenever she beckoned.
Elizabeth, with Camilla in tow, made her first debut to the Royal Court when she turned 22 and stayed there for several months socialising with other nobles and wishing she could be as far away from them as possible:
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Along with Elizabeth’s first appearance at the Spades Royal Court another new arrival came from over the sea. A young noble from Hearts called Kamir Wilson, the future Four of Hearts, arrived in Spades to practice his diplomacy with the Hearts Ambassador at his request as he was extremely curious by Spades, their culture and their ideology of learning and the importance of the mind. The Spades at the court were at first pleased by this new arrival as he was constantly asking questions and enlarged their pride to grotesque amounts as he praised Spades and it’s pursuit of knowledge. However their enjoyment of him began to wear thin when he wouldn’t shut up for five fucking seconds. The only person who seemed to enjoy his bubbly and curious nature was Alfonso who enjoyed Kamir bringing a brighter atmosphere to the rather gloomy Spades court and was even amused when he broke protocol and spoke to him so informally. The Hearts a ambassador found it near impossible to keep Kamir in line and eventually gave up and started crying inside every time he did something stupid and thus humiliating her and Hearts:
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Elizabeth and Camilla found the new Heart very amusing and would gossip amongst each other and making fun of him and the other nobles. The two often ventured into the spades gardens together and had picnics with one another in places they knew and hoped they wouldn’t be disturbed. However one day, when they had picked a poor spot that day, King Alfonso bumped into them on one of his daily walks. Elizabeth not wanting to seem rude or disrespectful invited Alfonso to join their picnic. Unfortunately for Camilla Alfonso treated her as a servant rather than being actually part of the picnic. Whilst Elizabeth and Alfonso sat together Alfonso began to talk about his wife and the loss of his children which left for a very awkward atmosphere that he did not notice. Elizabeth did her best to comfort the King of Spades and he was charmed by her thanking her for the picnic and the conversation. Camilla was less than thrilled by the whole ordeal feeling very left out:
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After that day Alfonso and Elizabeth would take walks where Alfonso would just talk about his family and loss even mentioning how Elizabeth would have only been a couple years older than his oldest son, Alfie. Camilla was often left out of these walks and wandered the Spades palace alone. On one of her wanderings she bumped into the very excitable Kamir who began to bombard her with hundreds of questions about Spades and what life is like to be a common in Spades. When she managed to answer some of his questions (after coming out of her shock) he was over joyed as she had been the first Spade common and servant not to run away from him. Camilla offered to take him into the capital where he could meet people and see what Spades ‘was really like’:
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Camilla told Elizabeth about the strange Heart Noble and how she may have even considered him a friend. Elizabeth began to grow more and more jealous the more she heard about Kamir and how Camilla spoke about him so fondly. Elizabeth finally having enough hearing about Kamir forbade Camilla to see him anymore or to even talk to him. Camilla was shocked by Elizabeth command  and quickly became angry how Elizabeth was not treating her as her equal. She ignored her order and went off with Kamir into the capital to show him what Spades life was like. They traveled all around the city before finally stopping at a small pub where they danced and played drinking games. Overall they had a wonderful night as friends:
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Elizabeth found out that Camilla went out with Kamir against her orders and screamed at her for disobeying her. Camilla grew more and more frustrated with Elizabeth and how she was treating her before biting back that Elizabeth was not treating her like her equal and her lover but a doll to be flung about. Elizabeth slapped her in her anger, leaving both of them in shock. Silence rung out in the room in before Camilla curtseyed to Elizabeth treating her as noblewoman she worked for and was nothing more. Still crying Camilla left to servant quarters in the palace, heartbroken by the interaction. Elizabeth, left alone in her room, cried about how she messed up:
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Camilla sat alone crying about the deterioration of her relationship with Elizabeth. She felt used by Elizabeth instead of feeling like their relationship had meant anything to the nobles daughter. Kamir found Camilla and just sat with her listening to her vent about everything that had happened and how marks and the social divide in Cards had ruined her life with Elizabeth. Kamir pointed out the heir to the Hearts throne, Seth Cor, was the son of common but then Camilla quickly reminded him that his common parent was murdered, so there’s that. Seeing he couldn’t cheer her up with words of hope, he began to recite silly little limericks until she started laughing instead of crying. He promised everything will turn alright for her in the end.
Camilla, after a good cry, resolved to at least talk with Elizabeth. Camilla went searching for her only to discover that Elizabeth had been looking for her as well. The two went to a quiet spot in the Spades Royal gardens where they talked about what they were and what they could be. Camilla made it clear to Elizabeth she loved her and did not want to be just a Nobles affair then thrown away and forgotten in seconds. Elizabeth promised Camilla she loved her as well and she would never hurt her like that again. The two relieved to find out their relationship had been real and not a game the other was playing. Elizabeth, wanting to solidify their relationship gave Camilla her ring that had a sapphire and four small peals embedded into the band while Camilla exchanged her own ring of two white pearls and a singular black pearl that had been passed down her mother’s family. With this exchange of their ring, both on small silver chains, they promised themselves to each other and would hopefully be together once Elizabeth was able to leave the Spades Royal Court:
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arty-e · 4 years
Since my shoulder is still fucked have some sketches:
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Bonus meme:
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arty-e · 4 years
What happened to George Solorio's first wife?
George’s first wife died from complications after giving birth to their son Felipe (Elizabeth’s half brother and Seven of Spades). Her name was Catia. Elizabeth’s mother (Adelina) married George two years later and they had three children including Elizabeth. Jaime, Gabriella and the Elizabeth. There’s a 15 year difference between Feilipe and Elizabeth.
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arty-e · 4 years
How did Alvis react upon learning about Camilla and Elizabeth's relationship?
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That. That’s how he reacted
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arty-e · 4 years
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I have finished the frames for Alfonso’s mini story! It’s the same amount as Kellans mini story! But I’ll be dividing this into three parts most likely
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arty-e · 4 years
Alfonso’s Mini Story Playlist (Camilla and Elizabeth )
7 years - Lukas Graham Ten Minutes Ago - Rogers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella Paradise - Coldplay Stay Alive (Reprise) - Hamilton How Could I Ever Forget - Next to Normal Lullaby - Nickleback Ghosts - Jacob Tillberg I Dreamed a Dance - Next to Normal Somebody I Used to Know - Gotye Farewell Good Angel - Jane Eyre Musical Just One Yesterday - Fall Out Boy I Am a Girl Like You - Barbie’s Princess and the Pauper Galway Girl - Ed Sheeran 7 Things - Miley Cyrus 2 Stars - Camp Rock Viva La Vida - Coldplay It’s Over Isn’t It - Steven Universe Count on Me - Bruno Mars Bury a Friend - Billie Eilish Safe and Sound - Taylor Swift Thinking of You - Katy Perry Love Story - Taylor Swift
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