#clover meihua
arty-e · 3 months
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Some little gen 2 royal ‘friend’ groups
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mystic-lilac · 2 months
Drew Clover Mèihuā, one of @arty-e ‘s characters in the webcomic CARDs. It’s on WEBTOON I highly recommend reading it.
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I also tried a new shading technique with this one so I hope you like it!
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buttercup-draws44 · 4 years
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Cards characters in different time periods (the third one isn’t a couple jsyk)
In order
Lazuli Diamont and Alexandre Diopside-Diamant (early 1870s)
Dylan Espadas and Coral Espadas-Morphew (1950s)
Sakura and Clover Meihua (1890s)
Alvis Wilson-Cor and Mahira Cor (late WW1 era (1917-1918-ish))
Elizabeth Solorio and Camilla Ennis (1830s)
Mercury Cor and Cyan Espadas (1880s)
Iris Espadas-Romero and Matilda Espadas (1901-1902)
Characters by @arty-e
Bonus pic
Someone on the cards server asked me to redraw this pic with Camilla and Elizabeth, so I did.
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arty-e · 8 months
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Clubs royal portrait
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arty-e · 2 years
Out of curiosity, do you have the original concepts - either digital or tradtitional - for your OCs?👀
I have some but they’re hella old, the oldest designs I made when I was 14/15
Original Alvis (+mercury) and Mahira designs
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Old fae designs
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Also og Imara design (+ Kabira)
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When Valerie was meant to be a side adult character (she was blinded by some other spade nobles)
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Original Adrian Latifa (was previously called Mercy) and mercury
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Bonus a heather au i did
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Old diamant siblings
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arty-e · 2 years
Will Clubs and/or ever make an appearance in the comic in the future?
They will but at the end of deck wars part
The club characters (mostly clover) play a bigger role in gen 2 (Mercury’s story) so they’ll appear then
Also Lily is a main for gen 3. Clubs will get their time to shine just not so much in gen 1
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arty-e · 2 years
arty, if you don't mind, can you tell us if during Mercury's history, Rune has any noble suitors?
Rune doesn’t really (other than Camilla before she died and later Clover) but his mother did try to push him at other Diamond noble ladies which he didn’t really have any interest in
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arty-e · 3 years
Does Rune eventually end up with anyone else after Camilla's death?
Technically he's with Clover
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arty-e · 3 years
Arty, do you have any more playlists to share at the mo?
I have a few. Some are still in the works and I’ve redone a couple recently so I might share a few that have been completed
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arty-e · 3 years
Sorry if you’ve already been asked this, but what song would fit Coral and Cyan’s relationship, and which song would fit Sakura and Clover? I’ve always wanted to know more about that sisterly relationship.
Coral and Cyan: I hope ur miserable until ur dead - Nessa Barrett
They do not have a good relationship.
Sakura and Clover: I almost do - Taylor Swift (but listen to it in a broken familial bond that used to be super close (you can make any song platonic love if you try hard enough))
The sisters were close but they drifted away for several reasons and mistakes on both sides and they miss that bond
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arty-e · 3 years
Two questions, both conserning Cards, if thats alright. 1: How did Adrian ¨break-up¨ with Naisha, and end up with Latifa? And 2: Would the song Candy Store (From Heathers the musical) fit any of your OC´S?
he tried to have a conversation about it and how he had interest being with her anymore and she just had a meltdown... some complicated stuff happened afterwards so adrian and latifa didnt end together for like two years after that
candy store fits Rune, Clover and Isaac (plus Mercury) always thought so even when they were still early in development
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buttercup-draws44 · 3 years
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Cards characters as playing cards. I’ve hit a limit here, so I’ll reblog and continue.
Cards created by @arty-e
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arty-e · 4 years
I have a question, I know being LGBTQ+ is allowed in Cards but having society like Clubs and Diamond do they treat them differently? like for example if Clover would somehow be a lesbian or evan trans would there be any backlash?
I’m gonna use the Clover/Club scenario you set up to explain this: Being trans wouldn’t be seen as such a big deal in fact Clubs would welcome it because Clover was a man all this time so things would be back to how they should be (a man being the ruler). However the lesbianism would be an issue, not because of her being gay that doenst matter what does matter is that clubs would be ruled by two women. Bad enough that Clover would be the main ruler but two women!? Outrageous! Clubs would fall apart!
If Clover had originally identified as a man and then changed her gender to be a woman there would be a lot of outrage but nothing would be done about it. But if this happened and Clover had a younger male sibling then she would have to step down and hand over her inheritance to her boy sibling.
This would also apply for Diamonds but the other way around..
Hearts, Spades and Jokers don’t give two flips.
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arty-e · 4 years
Hyeon & Eben Part 2
TW: Child death, Death, Murder, Blood + Torture
Eben, Ruomei and Yukio were imprisoned for a whole year by Hyeon. During this time Eben and Ruomei were victims of torture but Eben still hoped that his brother would come to his senses and realise what he was doing was wrong. Yukio, though exempt from torture, was treated poorly while imprisoned. Food was sparse for the family and it hit the young boy harder as he became sick. The parents were unable to comfort and care for their son as they had been forced into different cells and could only watch as their son’s health decline. He never got better:
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The day Yukio died it was the last time Eben ever held any love for his brother and saw him only as a monster. The news of Yukio’s death reached Nuo who was devastated. She requested to speak with Peony who had also learnt of Yukio’s death, also heartbroken by it. Nuo begged her to help save her son and daughter-in-law because she knew Hyeon would kill them as well, however Peony was extremely hesitant as she didn’t want to betray her husband as she still loved him despite the many cruel things he had done:
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Peony went to Hyeon and questioned wether he knew about Yukio’s death and if he was planning on killing Eben and Ruomei as well. Hyeon thinking she was worried they would harm them promised he would get rid of them so they would be safe from them forever. After this confirmation Peony realised the husband she loved was gone and she needed to save Eben and Ruomei from him. She snuck away to the dungeons and guided the two to freedom and handing them over to a rebel group who had started to go against Hyeon and his rule. The rebels took Eben and Ruomei to safety in Diamonds:
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Eben and Ruomei escaped to Diamonds with the help of the rebels and sort out safety from queen Lazuli Diamant, the King of Diamonds. Hyeon was furious when he learnt they had escaped and began to randomly accusing people of setting them free and betraying him. Everyone he accused was executed, commons, nobles, whole families were killed in his purge to get rid of the people who betrayed him. Peony watched all of this feeling guilt for not being able tot stop him and fear from knowing she would be killed once he learnt the truth. She went to Nuo crying what she should do and did not want to be the cause for so many deaths. Nuo gave her blessing to tell Hyeon what they both did, knowing well they’d both be killed. The two had been right, when Hyeon learnt the love of his life and his own mother had betrayed him he turned on Peony and blamed her for all of his misfortune and killed her and turned around and killed his mother in a fit of rage:
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Eben and Ruomei in Diamonds were constantlybeing  informed and what was happening in Clubs and it was not long before they arrived in Diamonds did they hear about Nuo and Peony’s deaths. Eben wanted to return to Clubs and take back his home from Hyeon before he destroyed it and killed anymore of their people. He requested Lazuli for Diamonds aid in helping him and the rebels take back Clubs. She was willing on the condition he re-signed the Mineral Treaty and begin to feed the Diamonds people as they had been starving without Clubs exports of food:
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Eben and Roumei return to Clubs and began to build up their rebellion with the aid of Diamonds money and weapons they supplied to them. For many months they'd go through Clubs gaining more support from the and fighting off the Royal soldiers that were still in support of Hyeon. Most of soldiers defecedt and joined the new Rebel Army. However Eben constantly felt wrong about trying to take the throne of Clubs and making himself King of Clubs:
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As the rebellion got closer to Kíshu Eben’s doubts only heightened and became afraid what would happen if he killed his brother and became a king slayer. The rebels were staying in a small town just a few miles away from the capital where Eben went to the small temple there to pray to the Fae of Clubs, Lian, for guidance. There as he prayed Lian came to him begging him to save her people and to become their king. She couldn’t bare their pain anymore and wanted them freed from Hyeon’s tyranny. She reassured him that he was not wrong in taking his brothers throne and she didn’t see him as her King of Clubs anymore, and hadn’t in a long time:
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With Lian’s reassurance and blessing Eben had a new found confidence, ordered for an advance and charge on the capital. There they found Kíshu as a ghost town and the majority of the army had abandoned Hyeon. The rebels received little resistance as they stormed the Clubs palace where Hyeon had left himself to wither away. Eben barely recognised his brother as he was imprisoned in the same cell that he had thrown Eben in:
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Hyeon was locked away and imprisoned where he waited for his own execution. Despite Ruomei’s protest and advice to leave it be Eben decided to go down to see his brother in his cell. Eben struggled to see the person he grew up with and looked up to and only saw the man who destroyed his life, family and kingdom. He questioned why he had done it, why had he done it all? Hyeon’s only reply was “I don’t know… I thought I knew… but I don’t.”:
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Eben found no closure in seeing his brother again and shortly after the brothers final conversation Hyeon was executed and Eben was made the King of Clubs. The start of Eben’s reign wasn’t easy as he tried to stabilise Clubs and build up what Hyeon had destroyed. He re-signed the Mineral Treaty and began to send food over to Diamonds once again ending their famine. Roumei was by his side the whole time helping and advising where she could as the Queen of Clubs. They had to squash several rebellions who called Eben a usurper and a traitor to his brother and true King of Clubs. Six years after Yukio’s death Eben and Roumei finally had another child, a little girl who they called Clover. Though they would never forget Yukio they were so happy to have a family once again and they were overjoyed when their second daughter, Sakura, was born years later:
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The End
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arty-e · 4 years
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The Clubs Royals family tree! A brief explanation, Clubs is the only patriarchal society so unlike hearts and spades the oldest inherits the throne while the daughters are overlooked. This is opposite of Diamonds which is the only Matriarchal society in the Cards world and it is inherited through daughters.
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arty-e · 4 years
Who is Clover's husband?
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He’s here little puppet and unfortunately he is very aware of it
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