runawaymun · 4 months
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Excuse me, miss
Would you please elaborate?
oh don't worry about it I'm just clinically insane actually
I know silvergifting is huge (and it has very much grown on me) but I think about the whole "Annatar went to Gil-Galad first and Gil-Galad and Elrond said hi your vibes are RANCID. Leave." basically daily. Like Tolkien says that and then never elaborates. How long was he there for? Was it like an instant thing (I have that in Tinuvion), or was he there for a while trying to wheedle his way into court? There is just so much potential for some interesting interactions here, which I am planning on exploring quite soon.
In any case what makes me insane about them is:
If we apply the transitive property to Arwen = Luthien and Arwen = Elrond then Elrond = Luthien in terms of looks. He is also Luthien born again. Which would freak Sauron the fuck out.
Okay but is he freaked out or turned on or fascinated? Part of me wonders if he would know whether or not he wants to fuck Elrond or kill him. There's a score to be settled here, he's just figuring out how he wants to go about it.
Something something Elrond could be king if he wanted to but he is intentionally subordinate to Gil Galad. Something something Mairon-Aule something something the temptation of Mairon. Something something "but you could be so much MORE. So much BETTER than him. Don't you want that? I could teach you so many things." something something mairon-morgoth parallels. (a theme which I very much like to continue with Silvergifting)
Does Elrond know this is a maia he's talking to or does he just know that he feels familiar? That something about him doesn't quite fit into this world in the same way that Elrond doesn't quite fit? Does he recognize part of himself in Annatar and wonder why? Is it something he hasn't felt since Elros left the world?
Does Annatar not realize at first who Elrond is, or not realize that the line of Melian and Luthien has diluted so little over the years? Is he taken aback by that spark of divinity and does some part of him want to refine it like gold in a furnace? To make something out of him? To turn Elrond into one of his greatest creations? To, perhaps, wake him up the way Morgoth woke him?
To perhaps feel less alone in this post-Morgoth world where he is cut off from all the others of his own species and can NEVER go back? To feel that connection to his own kind again? Does some part of him wish for Elrond to somehow be his redemption?
Ah, but the score to be settled with Luthien. No, no, what on earth is he saying? Let's come back to focus. He wants to break him.
There is just soooooo much potential. I am rubbing my evil little writer hands together about them. I want to put them in a centrifuge and watch it go brrrr
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saturn-s-moon · 1 year
I've been thinking a lot about Elrond/Sauron as a pairing. Now this seems random, but I ship both w/celebrimbor so it is only logical to try to experiment with Annatar being in Eregion on the 2nd age.
They'd be introduced by Tyelpe, and inmediately something clics. Maybe it's because of their Maiar connection, but Annatar is a bit more flirty than usual and Elrond doesn't really mind. He has his doubts at first, but lets himself be led by Annatar (because impending war is making him miserable and he reasons he deserves at least one nice thing, and what's the worst that could happen?) And eventually the two fall in love. And it's sweet, they both learn and complete each other in weird ways. Even when Elrond learns he used to be one of Morgoth's pawns, he figures he's trying to get better, leave that life behind. The charming blonde man who speaks up whenever someone tries to make him feel bad about being peredhel cannot possibly be evil, he reasons.
But he is, and as the story goes, he tortures and kills Celebrimbor and Elrond's whole life falls apart. Everyone he's loved and been loved by is gone now, one way or another.
In my head, it goes down as a 1 on 1 Elrond & Annatar fight by the end of the 2nd age in which they're the bitterest of exes but then… Elrond has the updo annatar told him he loved on him and the gold armor he told Elrond was perfect with his skintone. And Annatar, having gotten rid of his headband has his eye fixed on Elrond and can't help but think about the times Elrond told him he should show his third eye more, and he's wearing the outfit he wore on their first "date" and they both hate the other, and they'd do anything to destroy him and they've taken everything they can from them, but they know deep down that they still love the other and they can't stop thinking abt him, even with how things are between them. And it's awful, but they can't stop loving each other.
AND THEN after the 3rd age starts and sauron starts rebuilding his forces he "harasses" elrond through osanwë but they both know hes holding back and they can feel the tenderness underlying the connection and there's love but it's just the remains of what once was. It is love that can no longer grow, to ask them to rebuild their love is to ask a wet log to burn, but they still mourn for it's brief existence.
It's even worse if they have the LaCE soulmate bond because then, when they're using it, they know there's been something there and that is the evidence of its existence; their bond was made out of love that has long died but its ashes stain both of their hands and they can't wash it off. And Sauron may say he'll murder every last of Elrond's family but it does not work when he's used the same bond to say sweet little nothings, a few hundreds of years ago. Things that were once thought in the dark now echo through that bond and it haunts them.
And maybe, when Celebrian is released and Elrond sees what Sauron has done to her, Sauron feels how he feels through the bond and maybe, just for a millisecond, he feels pity. It vanishes quickly but it was there and it was there because of Elrond, because as always he has managed to make something grow out of barren land.
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sakasakiii · 20 days
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elrond through the ages based on one glorious panel from chapter 95 of Black Butler (hopefully i got that right....). in the context of this sequence, i always thought it was sad to think abt how many people elrond has lost throughout his life alongside how remarkable he is to remain "as kind as summer" still by the time the hobbit rolls around 🥺
i redrew elrond's poses based on ciel's in the original panels BUT i forgot what page exactly the original panel sequence is... however!! if you scroll down to the middle half of this blog post you can find the original reference pic :D warning that it includes heavy spoilers for the black butler manga so u could just alternatively google 'ciel phantomhive running' and it'd probably be one of the first results that pop up haha
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sluttyseacadet · 18 days
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Rings of Power + text posts (1/?)
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thesummerestsolstice · 3 months
I absolutely love the idea that Elrond took one look at Annatar and immediately disliked him. He just instantly failed the vibe check. And the best part is about that is that there are so, so many reasons Elrond might've immediately mistrusted Annatar, ranging from drama to comedy. I've compiled a few of my favorites below:
Vague, Luthien-related "not this motherfucker again" senses (always a classic)
Something about Annatar reminded Elrond of Maedhros's description of Sauron, even if he couldn't quite connect the dots at the time (good if you want to be emotional about Kidnap dads)
Annatar's general attitude really didn't fit with his story that he was an emissary of the Valar (if you want to be pro-Valar)
Alternately, Elrond fully believed that Annatar was from the west, but had serious problems with the Valar and didn't trust anyone they'd sent (if you want to be anti-Valar)
Vague foresight visions (for a metaphysical reason)
Elrond thinks that Annatar's appearance in Lindon is just a little too politically convenient (for a very practical reason)
Galadriel had warned Elrond that something like this might happen (I would also listen to Galadriel)
Annatar was being really, really unsubtle about being evil and Elrond was just the first person to point out that maybe the guy asking around about the best way to poison an elf without being caught shouldn't be allowed to stay in the city (Annatar got better at the whole 'evil in disguise' thing in Eregion)
Elrond has already heard enough traveling salesmen in his life and doesn't have patience for another one (Lindon really needs a 'no soliciting' sign)
Annatar made a vaguely offensive comment about Elrond being a half-elf and Elrond ran out of tolerance for that roughly an Age ago (good for him!)
Annatar said that Lindon needed a Maia, and excuse me, Lindon is already under Elrond's protection, it does not need another Maia wandering around causing problems! (Maiar territoriality my beloved)
Annatar said that Gil-Galad needed a Maiarin advisor, and, excuse me, Gil-Galad is Elrond's king, he does not need another Maia to whisper jokes to him during meetings, or to tenderly braid his hair, or to be his messenger bird. Elrond does all that perfectly fine, thank you! (Maiar territoriality, good for them edition)
Annatar and Elrond would've gotten along fine if Gil-Galad had bothered to introduce them properly, but seriously, you can't just toss them in a room together! Everyone knows that Maiar need time to acclimate to each other's presences first! You have to use a wall to separate them for a couple days! (did Gil-Galad even do his research before allowing a Maia-adjacent being to be his herald?)
Elrond absolutely refused to explain his reasons but everyone still listened because at that point they knew nothing good came from ignoring his warnings (smart choice)
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fukutomichi · 23 days
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The Rings of Power | Season 2 | Aug 29 - Oct 3, 2024 S2.E2 ∙ Where the Stars are Strange
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niamhcinnoir · 22 days
Was anyone else super upset about the tragic fate of Celebrimbor's first age bottle
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starknesskenobi · 21 days
Galadriel: "I'm thinking about Halbrand I mean Sauron again"
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celebrimborium · 20 days
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THE RINGS OF POWER Season 2, Episode 2 · Where the Stars are Strange
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earthshine-moon · 22 days
Still not over how Annatar tried to bullshit Durin about Elrond while giving him those adorable puppy dog eyes and Durin just internally went
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Mmhm. This little fucker thinks he can fool me. “Elrond said you are the wisest of all the dwarves” my arse.
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Brb, currently screaming over this
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ailendolin · 1 day
I cannot stop thinking about episode 6.
The way Celebrimbor shoved Annatar feels like such a triumphant moment. He is physically fighting back against him now, not just mentally, and yet he is so deep inside the labyrinth already that this small win is nothing but the setup for another trap. He doesn't even realise what time of day it is supposed to be, and he is so desperate for everything to be all right that the too perfect vision Annatar creates for him is immediately a comfort.
And Annatar - the worst thing is, even when he is clearly angry and impatient and fearing to lose control, he is not lying. "Leave this tower now, and when the Men of Middle-Earth fall, I swear to you every soul in the seen or unseen world will know that it was you who was the architect of their demise." Because this is exactly what is going to happen - just not because Celebrimbor is leaving the tower, but because he is returning to it.
And don't get me started on Galadriel and how easily she allowed herself to be manipulated into giving up strategic information not just regarding Lindon's troops and who is leading them but also Nenya. She gave it to Elrond to keep it safe and here she is, telling Adar exactly where to find it, endangering not only Nenya but also Elrond and all of Eregion in the process.
It is all about manipulation, about people thinking they have the upper hand when they have not. And after what we've seen Annatar do this episode, how can the viewers know what is real or not? That moment in the promo for 2x07 between Galadriel and Celebrimbor - is that something that is truly going to happen or is it just another one of Annatar's realities, created to comfort Celebrimbor so he will forge the Nine? How long has Celebrimbor already been alone in the tower? How long will it take him to realise how lost he truly is?
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the-writing-goblin · 1 year
I am once again thinking about how good the story of the second age is, and all the fun things you could do with an actually decent adaptation. Consider:
Galadriel should be exactly the same as she is in Lord of the Rings. She is older, weirder and more powerful than any elf other elf in Middle Earth. Other elves are just as unnerved by her as mortals, and dealing with her is stressful at the best of times.
Elrond should be an absolute infant. Just, complete baby face. But everyone treats him super respectfully and he has a lot of power and influence. The energy should be the same as when the super ancient and powerful vampire or faerie or whatever looks like a ten year old girl.
ALSO there should be a tall, menacing elf with visible tattoo and facial scars who just. Stands behind Elrond looking intimidating all the time. The least elf-looking elf ever. All the other elves are uncomfortable around them. Elrond should treat them like their an Aunt or Uncle. The elf is one of the few surviving hard-line Feanorians, all of whom follow Elrond. The longer you can go without explaining this, the better.
Gil-Galad is very tired, and spends a lot of time balancing one of the most famously unstable political systems in all of Arda. Galadriel and Elrond both have factions they support to strongly to be relied on to be impartial. The reason he doesn't worry much about what Celebrimbor's up to is that he's the one member of the family who is highly unlikely to attempt something batshit nuts, and his followers are mostly moderate.
Celebrimbor and Annatar/Sauron should spend the whole series playing complicated mindgames with each other.
Annatar is playing four-dimensional chess from the beginning. For him, this is an all or nothing gamble. If he can't make the rings he won't have the power to seize control on his own. He should spend a lot of time having Light Yagami-level monologues where he tries to figure out what game Celebrimbor is playing while outwardly pretending to be harmless and normal and only succeeding at this about 75% of the time.
Celebrimbor should start of thinking the stakes are considerably lower. Like... is Annatar hiding something? Yea, but he figures Annatar doesn't actually have permission from the Valar to be here or something. Not, ya know, Annatar is secretly Satan in disguise. In the first act there should be an almost comical disconnect between the amount of energy Sauron is putting in to these mind games versus Celebrimbor.
Bonus points if as Celebrimbor figures out the truth, you intersperse more and more of his family backstory. The guilt he is still carrying for a lot the things that happened in the first age. Early on bring in the fact that Finrod went into Sauron's jaws alone and it was Curufin's fault, use this as angst material. And then as he figures out who Sauron really is, drop Maedhros and Thangorodrim in like a nuclear bomb.
Because Celebrimbor has seen this play before, and he knows what Sauron does to people. It wasn't even personal then, what Sauron is going to do to him will be so much worse.
And Celebrimbor chooses to forge the three rings anyway. He doesn't give up their locations, even with everything Sauron does to him at the end. And that should be devestating.
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thesummerestsolstice · 4 months
Sauron has complexes about exactly two (2) beings. Feanor and Luthien. Feanor, the mere elf whose work bested his and drew the eyes of his Maiarin peers (and even his master Morgoth). The elf who, whether he knew it or not, had challenged the mighty Sauron's forging skill and had, whether Sauron could admit it or not, won. Luthien had also challenged him, and left him defeated and humiliated, and had done it all with a kind of disgusted scorn that Sauron could never stop thinking about. She, a half-bred girl, had dared to look at him, most admirable and powerful of Maia, like he'd been a nasty stain on one of her cloaks.
And he's an obsessive perfectionist with an unparalleled ability to hold grudges, so of course he can't let either of those slights go. One of his greatest frustrations is the fact that Luthien has moved beyond the world, out of his grasp– if rumors are to be believed, so has Feanor, sent to the Everlasting darkness. Sauron hates them all the more for being gone, all the more for being out of reach of his anger and vengeance. And that hatred only festers in the long, lonely years of the Second Age, as Sauron bides his time and starts planning his comeback.
And then he walks into Eregion, and what is the first thing he sees? Luthien and Feanor.
He's introduced to Lord Celebrimbor and his cousin, Lord Elrond. He knows who they are of course, but he'd never been told they were such perfect copies of their ancestors. He's told more about them, but he doesn't listen. All he can think is that he finally has a chance to get his revenge.
Luthien and Feanor are back, and this time, Sauron promises himself, he will claim his victory over them.
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braxix · 2 months
Galadriel: Does Elrond scare you sometimes?
Annatar: You're scared of the Peredhel?
Galadriel: Have you met him?
Annatar: ... Unfortunately.
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fukutomichi · 2 months
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The Rings of Power - Forging The Rings / Promo Video
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