#Elsword lofty executor
bb-grm · 1 year
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lofty 141
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otokeneko · 5 months
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Anpassen on his culinary adventure!
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! My one favorite Ain of the many Ain’s!!!
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djinn-box · 1 year
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I drew the Ain's as dragons and no one can stop my crippling addiction from turning beloved characters into fire breathing lizards with wings.
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elsjobproject · 1 year
So that anon got me thinking.. When did they change job quests...
Let me explain.
I started this project back in January of 2020, with Richter's quest line being the very first thing in my records.
Back then, I noticed something terrible about most of the job quests I was recording...
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They all... Sort of looked like this. Looking into my backlog, where I also started recording Laby and Ain- they're completely different. Compare that with Lofty: Executor's first job quest.
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Now I wasn't sure what exactly was happening... But I knew this wasn't really right? But I didn't know what to do about it.
I don't know when they changed into this format, but I DO know when they changed everything... Either back or to something completely new.
...I first thought it was
The first one I recorded that wasn't any new job or character was Blazing Heart and it looks like this
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Granted, this was in September of 2022, so I definitely don't have exact dates when things changed, but either way it was a step in the right direction. Such an amazing one in fact that I...
Promptly forgot about the issue I experienced all of 2020 and that combined with how many 4th jobs I recorded up until that point excitedly began trying to play every single class I could like a madman in an effort to archive things.
Then I opened this blog in late 2022, confident that I was nearly done with my archival efforts.
So if you ever wonder why things seem recorded so last minute, just know I DID have this things recorded, and usually plan to release the original recordings, but uh. They changed everything up on me. Whoops.
With the videos on each individual job class coming out, I'm sure they're most likely not going to be changing job quests again- unless they decided to do 4th jobs. Which... I mean I guess that's basically masterclass, and I wouldn't really want them to do anyway since that adds extra workload onto me.
When did they exactly change job quests?
Now. An issue with this is I don't speak Korean, and was not around during 2020 Korean Elsword, so I guess this kind of ends here. I can't really tell what they were doing during then. This could be an NA exclusive issue
Now I wish I could say "I have a job quest from 2020 KR server that helps prove this may not be the case"
But although that would be nice, it wouldn't matter because I only recorded the Furious Blade 5/5 quest when someone else was doing the Jump event in 2020 very legally on their own account and barring translation differences, it is virtually the same as the 2022 version. And of COURSE I didn't record the other job quests because it was a JUMP EVENT and they let you speed through job quests........
Here it is, legally obtained of course, if you would like to fact check
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(Furious Blade's Job quest, for reference)
Anyway so if it isn't an NA exclusive issue, we have no way of telling, unless someone who was using the European server or very legally using the KR server has anything from 2020 to back this up.
But, for now. Looking through the GM blog on Elsword, it's tempting to say that these are the only patch notes. But.
There was an elsword tumblr. One I can no longer find, but there was one. I suppose it doesn't particularly matter, but I promise you that tumblr had more detailed patch notes. Then they most likely moved their focus to twitter and decided to start doing patch notes on their official blog from then onward.
I had a lot of theories on when exactly it changed but I think when it did was during the dungeon revamp that happened due to Laby and Noah's dungeons being uniquely fast in EXP gain.
My evidence is that all of the current job quests align with those changed dungeons. Let's compare Lofty: Executor, because if the icon wasn't Tyrannus, it would be Richter;
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This is a 2 year gap in between these recordings, so it's kind of a stretch and they could have just as easily been changed with 4th path release, to match up with the job questline videos... However, it's easier to have a script in advanced and put them in a game 1 month before you release the first of the 4th paths than it is to put them in just as each individual 4th path is coming out.
If there was any time to change job quests, it would have been then.
If anyone recorded job quests from 2021 during this update to corroborate, that would be fantastic.
Again, the only instance I think they would maybe change job quests is to perhaps suit areas for individual characters, but I sort of doubt that's going to happen any time soon.
I both want and don't want that to happen.
Thank you to everyone whose read this far in, if you have any information or addendums, I will reblog them. This project was made specifically to archive job quests, after all, and even if the history of Elsword seems kind of short (it's been 15 years), I would prefer it to be recorded and readily available.
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shana340artblog · 5 years
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Quick sketch of Lofty Executor my favorite class of Ain! His combos are so freaking good!! And I built him on attack speed and critical so I hit hard and fast... but I’m a freaking glass cannon...
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elsgraphics · 2 years
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⋆ ainchase ishmael icons 1st line
300 x 300.
likes / reblogs appreciated!
request here.
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ri-ael · 4 years
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yeah. 500 years ago.
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ottermelon08 · 3 years
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Time for my favoite angel, Ain!
Ain is miaspec and aroace. Lofty: Executor and Arme Thaumaturgy are aroace and cassgender. Ritcher is aroace cassgender and angeltheric. Lofty: Anpassen and Erbluhen Emotion are boyflux and omni. Bluhen is boyflux omni and angelkinic. Lofty: Wanderer is aroace. Apotasia is aroace and agender. Herrscher is aroace agender and abyssium
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kakajoju · 4 years
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Executor is the best Lofty, you can’t change my mind.
Also my mouse is b r o k e n. It keeps unclicking while I hold it so that made drawing this more tedious. pepehands
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​Shipping Ain actually makes me pretty uncomfortable???
This isn't really an analysis but more me sharing my personal issues with a specific topic. I'm not trying to say you shouldn't if you do in the slightest. My preferences are not yours. And I'm not going to deny that a lot of my problems are pretty personal.
But since only one Ain route even bothers with emotions, and still doesn't have a good grasp on them even at third job, he feels too emotionally immature to be in a relationship. I've stated before that he's good at identifying and validating emotions in others, but that doesn't at all mean he understands them or how they can affect him and his judgement. So even if he were to feel love or attraction, I cannot see him pursuing it in any way. Especially since he's supposed to disappear at some point.
And another problem with Ain ships is that... He's often infantilized. At least in the content I see. He tends to be stripped of what little emotional maturity he DOES have and often it's the other person in the ship guiding him through his own emotions in a way that really feels groom-y to me. Maybe I'm just oversensitive to it because of shit I'm not gonna go into (and I'm not saying anyone is making it like that on purpose), but the person guiding you through your emotions should not be the one you're in a romantic relationship with. Not when it's to the kind of extent that I often see it portrayed. It feels to me like whoever he's being shipped with is telling him how to feel masked under a supportive "its okay to feel how you do". It's such a hugely off balance, horrifically unhealthy power dynamic and I'm not cool with it.
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nafusstuff · 5 years
𝙇𝙒 *texting LE* : Hey.
𝙇𝙀 : Hey.
𝙇𝙒 : I can't sleep...
𝙇𝙀 : Well, I can. Night.
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otokeneko · 1 year
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diyan22 · 5 years
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nanintell · 5 years
When Wanderer was teamed up with Executor in a dungeon.
Wanderer : ... *stared at Executor* Executor : ... *stared at Wanderer and started to get pissed* Wanderer : ...Not good... *casted Schmerz to clear a way then ran ahead* Executor : Hey ,COME BACK HERE ,YOU CORRUPTED BASTARD!!! *ran after Wanderer while throwing his spears* 
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elsjobproject · 2 years
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Lofty: Executor
1/4 - Enter ‘Bethma Village’
Ain decided to travel with Elsword and his party retrieving Ruben's El for his mission, but he feels more and more disappointment and doubt as he encounters more humans. The experience made his sense of duty stronger. Ain believed that he is the only one who can right the wrong.
2/4 - Bethma - Clear ‘Bethma Lake’ [0/1]
Ain's instinctual repulsion kept pushing him to use the power of the Goddess and caused him to slowly lose his human form. But in order to complete his mission, he needed to concentrate and find the El shard. So Ain decided to go search for the El shard on his own.
3/4 - Enter ‘Bethma Village’ 
Even after persistent investigation, it wasn't easy to find the El shard. Though humans are pitiful, swept by their own emotion, it might be necessary to use them to find the necessary El shards.
Let's talk to Stella to gain more information on the surrounding area.
4/4 - Bethma - Clear ‘Dragon’s Nest’ [0/1]
What Stella told him made him furious.
Necromancy, bringing back the dead, and humans, who could not stop them. The disappointment he felt in humanity and the problems in Bethma caused Ain to lose all hope in cooperation and he decides to act on his own. He will project the great diving weapon and bring down judgement on the poor beings of this land.
(recorded; 10/31/2022)
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