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Dawnstripe [@enigmatic-enigmas] (she/her)
My first Warrior Cats oc... those were the days. Dawnstripe is a medicine cat in Riverclan. She originally wanted to be a warrior, but on her very first day of apprenticeship she tried to climb a tree and. well she fell on a rock, landed paws-first and had all of her claws break off. My fifth grade mind was very creative. Anyways, after she became a medicine cat, she almost immediately got into a half-clan relationship and had two kits. I never thought about one of the kits, but the other one got into a relationship with a dark forest ghost and they?? Domehow had kits?? Ask past me.
She was a grey cat with bue eyes and three purple stripes on one of her ears. As stated above, she had no front claws.
Elwen [@peregreen] (she/her)
my LotR self-insert! protagonist of my first fanfic, she was the younger sister of Isildur and Anarion. When Numenor fell, she survived by .... floating to the shores of Middle Earth while clinging to a wooden harp case? It's a bit fuzzy to me now, but I do remember having a romantic arc planned out involving Glorfindel. Anyway cringe is dead, long love self-inserts and middle school escapism!
Creation [@catboirights] (she/her)
Created when 13 year old me thought bright neon colours, asymmetry, zombies and mild edgy gore were cool (I still do). She’s now been flushed out with a loving evil scientist dad and robosister <3 I love my freak daughter
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marlindotzip · 1 year
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Inktober or something
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frostbitebakery · 1 year
cleaning up sketches is The Most Tedious.
Anyway, Captain Cody of the High Seas looks very dashing in his uniform held together by ten million buckles, my beloved. And when he’s keeping it cash, he has a back holster for his rapier so his hips are free real estate for pistols. This is what you get when you allow Free Range Frost any character design.
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brigittttoo · 3 months
Hello, my dear!!! I would love to hear about 1, 5, and/or 13 for the fanfiction author game. <3<3<3
hi my darling!! thanks for the Q's <3<3<3
1. What is your favourite trope to write?
I really like writing established relationship fics, and I'm not sure why! Maybe it's easier for me to focus on other character traits, or external plot if the initial "getting together" part is already out of the way? But then again, getting together in fanfic is easier than in real life, so maybe I just like exploring more/different relationship dynamics.
5. The fic you're most proud of writing?
You know it, you love it, it's my least kudos-ed fic over 3k, it's: What Year Was Our House Built?, the haunted house codywan AU that can almost be read as a meta analysis of codywan AU's vs canon story if you look at it from a fandom perspective <3
13. Latest fic written/latest WIP?
My latest WIP is really whipping me [laugh track] but I'm determined to make my way through by at least this fall because yeah, it's another semi-horror fic based on a tomb raider-esque mission, but within a canon divergence rather than a whole AU! So maybe it's more summer action flick than spooky? We can discuss genre later once I've published it, but it's title is officially "The Other Grows Rampant", based on a line from a Rainer Maria Rilke poem (translation). I don't have it in front of me but will add it to this post when I have access to the word doc :)
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notebooks-and-laptops · 11 months
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So yeah I made a new warden (after going to see Fall Out Boys new concert...their new album just gives me such origins vibes I couldn't resist). Introducing Elwen (he/they); proud Dalish rogue, confused (derogatory) by Shem culture, friend of animals and outcasts, deep deep guilt from The Whole Tamlin Thing, a deep reverence for the Witch of the Wilds (friend to elves) but uh...maybe willing to forgo all that for the love of Asha'bellanar's daughter. He can never go home.
Anyway isn't he so pretty??? I'm so happy with how his character design came out
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nemo-in-wonderland · 1 year
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"Through the darkened fields entranced Music made her poor heart dance Thinking of a lost romance Long ago
Feeling lonely, feeling sad She cried in the moonlight Driven by a world gone mad She took flight
"Feel no sorrow, feel no pain Feel no hurt, there's nothing gained Only love will then remain," She would say
Shadow of the Moon"
"Shadow of the Moon" - Blackmore's Night
*pokes head from outside the burrow*
Evening evening everyone! :)
Just passing by and dropping this little thing that I worked on in the past couple of days.
I wasn't feeling that well, and whenever it happens, I just retreat to my usual hermit self and watch movies and whatnot.
So, the other day, I was watching LotR: The Two Towers, what these books and this trilogy had meant to me when I was a friendless, traumatized teen. They had been my safe haven for a long time, allowing me to find refuge when the world around me was too much for me to handle.
And it was in that period of time that my first proper OC was born, the one that would go on and influence many of my subsequent brainchildren, and the very first one that allowed me to pour all my hopes and dreams into her story. She would also be the one that has lasted the longest in my mind, having worked on her from 2001 until 2015.
That OC is my Elwen Ithildin, Elf Maiden of the House of Celeborn and probably the reason why, believe it or not, I managed to keep my mental health during those awful years.
I wanted to depict her passing her "duty" to Dorothea, the darling brainchild that has been keeping me company all throughout the pandemic and continue to do so to this day. :)
A small fun fact!
By now, you know that Dorothea is known as the "Morning Star"; well, that minuscule detail was actually a sort of personal homage that I did to Elwen and her status, in my old stories, as the "North Star": an ever fixed light in the darkness, a light that would always guide the wanderers through the night <3
(yes, I am obsessed with astronomy, so, as I said multiple times, the whole Sun/Moon/Star theme will be omnipresent in all my characters <3).
I hope you will like this <3
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oathkeeperoxas · 11 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
I have been tagged by @adiduck to show the last line (of so, so, so many lines) of my omega Ice fic, which I will do happily as it's a rare occasion (funny)
“You know how he gets after a heat,” Mav grumbles to Carole, and Ice shoots him a hard look over the top of Bradley’s head, already unimpressed with whatever is going to come out of Mav's mouth next. “Clucky.” Ice glowers at him. That’s it. No sex for a month.
Tagging @iceman-maverick @dontbelasagnax @snowywinterevenings @tragediegh for last lines? 🥺
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galateagalvanized · 2 years
Thunder, Penny and Sparrow
For Prompt #5, from @elwenyere—thank you, dear! For others, this story is part of the ‘verse I started in this fill, which isn’t necessary to read but might be informative ;) 
If it hadn’t been raining, Cody would never have bothered with his family’s carriage.
Thunder rolls like the crashing of waves on the other side of the windows, and rain beats a frantic tattoo on the warped glass. Cody draws the curtains closed and leans back in his chair, unwilling to watch the dancing orange lights in the distance grow any larger.
Perhaps, he thinks with a fatalism that he never would’ve tolerated on his ship, the weather will chase away all the family’s potential guests. Perhaps he will arrive at his cousin’s manor sopping wet and alone, and Rex will invite him in for revitalizing glass of tihaar, and they can sit by the fire and trade stories from long summers spent dunking each other in the duck pond, until Cody heads back to his parents’ estate, exactly as much of a bachelor as he is now.
The first rattle mostly blends into the thunder, and it makes Cody sigh over the state of the roads in Concord Dawn. The second rattle makes him sit up, concerned that an axle might be loose.
On the third rattle, the door opens.
Cody startles backwards, draws his pistol, cocks it, and finds himself unable to pull the trigger on whoever could be insane enough to enter a four-horse carriage hurtling down muddy, broken roads.
“Ah,” the thief from yesterday says. The barrel of his own pistol never wavers from Cody’s heart. “Hello there. Are you following me?”
Cody blinks, then laughs.
“Isn’t that my line?” he asks with surprising fondness.
Behind the thief, white-blue lightning forks across the sky, illuminating the back of his cloak in oil-slick pools of light. Rain splatters into the carriage’s enclosure, pooling along the leather.
In the ensuing thunder, Cody makes a decision, slides back along the seat, and makes room.
“Well?” he says as he tucks his pistol away. “You coming in or not?”
The man hesitates one second, then another, then slides in next to Cody. He shuts the door with a click, and the rain and thunder beat a softer tune.
At the front of the carriage, a small door slides open.
“Everything well, young master?” the postillion asks. “Thought I heard the door open.”
Cody keeps his eyes locked on his guest’s as he says, “Just wanted some fresh air.”
“…right you are, sir,” the man says, and the shutter closes once more.
“Okay, what am I missing?” the thief says. “I have to admit, I may not be the most experienced highwayman, but I do think it’s not supposed to go like this.”
But even in saying so, he lets the hood of his cloak fall to his shoulders, and he runs a hand through damp, dark brown hair. It mostly sticks where he sets it except in a few strands that drape themselves, resisting, along the line of his forehead.
“You need to rob someone,” Cody says, trying not to stare at the water droplets winding their way down the man’s neck. This is not the time nor the place. “I need to be robbed. I thought we could come to some accord.”
“You need to be—my dear, many people need to be robbed, but very few of them would ever admit to it,” the man marvels. “Pray tell me, why do you need to be robbed?”
“I can’t think of a better excuse to not go to a party than to be stripped of my clothes and my coin purse on the way over. Can you?” Cody says, reaching for the buttons on his suit jacket.
His skin heats up even in the howling cold as the man’s eyes follow Cody’s fingers with rapt attention, his pupils dark even in the next flash of a lightning strike.
“It must be some party,” he says softly. “Whose is it?”
Cody laughs. “Technically? Mine.”
When he’s finished, Cody folds his jacket over his arm and raises an eyebrow, taunting, daring—
And there’s a heady mixture of heat and challenge in the man’s gaze when he raises his eyes and his pistol and he says, “Then, darling: your money, or your life?”
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soliloquent-stark · 6 months
Hello friend!!! I would love to hear about 💞 and 💫 for the ask game if you're interested. <3
hi, dearest 💗
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
considering that i almost always begin with a message, feeling, or a specific situation in mind, and then build up to the overall plot, i believe that emotion is what's most important to me. this encompasses the whole spectrum: tender moments, darker themes, smutty bits, humourous instances — it's crucial that i effectively nourish the itty bitty sprout i start with into a multidimensional and powerful plant. 🌱🥺
i also really care about staying authentic and sticking to the story i strive to tell instead of trying to please a nonexistent reader breathing down my neck.
alas, i do also dedicate significant time to intricacies (both proofreading every character and checking the continuity and accuracy) — i love enriching the story with seemingly unnecessary details. if it makes me happy, that's all that matters. :D
💫what is your favourite kind of comment/feedback?
i already answered this question here but i'd like to add another reason why these types of comments are truly wonderful, which relates to the answer above: i feel immense joy when someone highlights an easter egg, joke, or tiny detail that holds significance for me. it's validating to know that others appreciated it! i often wonder whether readers have picked up on certain subtexts, enjoyed references, or found value in the single paragraph i painstakingly put together for hours; and what better way to find out than when they share their thoughts with you? ❤️
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therollingstonys · 10 months
Hello, my dear!!! 9, 16, and 29 for the ao3 wrapped meme? <3
Hello lovely! Thank you so much for the ask!! 🥰
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
Steve and Toni!! Back in 2021 I wrote "Tuesdays are for Pegging" for @longhornletters for her bday, and slowly over time I've planned out a whole series of one shots in a 'verse where Tony is female and goes by Toni! So this year I wrote "Met You on A Monday" which chronicles the ups and downs of Steve and Toni getting to know each other in the aftermath of the Loki/Chitauri attack on NYC.
I love this pairing because it's stony, but more so because writing Toni as a woman challenges me to think about canon and analyze how it would be different with that one change. It changes the dynamic of stony in some interesting ways, and ultimately, I think creates a really unique story.
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
lololol angst comes in with 21 tags, followed closely by Falling In Love with 20 tags, and then Smut with 19 tags 😂😂😂😂 this perfectly encapsulates me as a writer
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
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I love this one because yes Steve is flirting, but he's also 100% sincere in a way that I think is unusual to Toni--most people want something from her and flatter and lie to get it and here Steve is just being beautifully sincere and asking for nothing, instead, offering himself to her.
AND I love this because that final line is a callback to the Kiera Nightly Pride and Prejudice scene where after helping her into the carriage, Darcy walks away flexing his hand.
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charhounds · 2 years
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package deal
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Dawnstripe [@enigmatic-enigmas] (she/her)
My first Warrior Cats oc... those were the days. Dawnstripe is a medicine cat in Riverclan. She originally wanted to be a warrior, but on her very first day of apprenticeship she tried to climb a tree and. well she fell on a rock, landed paws-first and had all of her claws break off. My fifth grade mind was very creative. Anyways, after she became a medicine cat, she almost immediately got into a half-clan relationship and had two kits. I never thought about one of the kits, but the other one got into a relationship with a dark forest ghost and they?? Domehow had kits?? Ask past me.
She was a grey cat with bue eyes and three purple stripes on one of her ears. As stated above, she had no front claws.
Elwen [@peregreen] (she/her)
my LotR self-insert! protagonist of my first fanfic, she was the younger sister of Isildur and Anarion. When Numenor fell, she survived by .... floating to the shores of Middle Earth while clinging to a wooden harp case? It's a bit fuzzy to me now, but I do remember having a romantic arc planned out involving Glorfindel. Anyway cringe is dead, long love self-inserts and middle school escapism!
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marlindotzip · 10 months
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Day seven : Elwen Berkeley
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theegravediggress · 2 years
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Just oc posting. I love them
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brigittttoo · 13 hours
WIP game!
Rules: You will be given a word. Share one sentence/excerpt from your wip(s) that starts with each letter of that word.
the ever-splendid @elwenyere had open tags for whoever attempted to do this with the word LOST, so:
L: “Let’s go, then.”
O: Obi-Wan tries to think of an appropriate tactic, but at the end of the day she was not the one to get intensive training in all aspects of warfare.
S: Someone calls out for the general and she turns to see helmetless troopers congregated in the yard of a farmhouse, its two neat rows of windows staring back at her above her men’s shoulders.
T: There’s cresh-shift troopers at the comms unit downstairs, their presence spirited but steady, and patrols further out by the barracks that have the nerve of some pacing thing, focussed.
wow my sentences are always so long unless it's literally the ONLY sentence that starts with L??!!? in my entire wip??! oh well. Passing along the open tags for anyone who wants to try with the word BIRD, or try elwen's!
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notebooks-and-laptops · 11 months
Elwen Mahariel and Alistair have SUCH a complex relationship it looks like my elves having a complex relationship with Alistair is becoming a trope I cannot escape
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