catsnuggler · 1 month
The Emela-Ntouka is a member of the national* bourgeoisie; and, furthermore, an agent of the neo-colonial snakes. Only the Mokele-Mbembe, whose thund'rous quakes rattle the oppressor away, can Liberate The Nation.
*(Of the singular, specific nation, unspecified to emphasize that the nation is so great, that it must inherently be known by being spoken of without saying its name; for, to say its name, would be to indicate that it is insignificant enough that one must be reminded of its existence, let alone its name; and, as a member of the Mokele-Mbembe National Liberation Front, I cannot do The Specific Nation such a dishonor).
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spencerranch · 8 months
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Monster Month Day 13- Emela Ntouka
The elephant killer. One of the most precious cryptids... with a not so precious attitude. I actually drew this little lady for a previous monster month! You can check that out right here: Spencer Ranch — Monster Month- Day 25: Emela-Ntouka The Killer of...
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Emela Ntouka
Altura: 135 metros (en 4 patas)
Longitud: 560 metros
Peso: 72,000 toneladas
Primer Avistamiento: Pantano Likouala [Tierra: Teratoverso]
Controles: Tierra Control [Excavación, Embestida Petrea] Fuego Control [Rayo Incandescente]
Guarida: Pantano Likouala [Tierra:Teratoverso] Monte Makapu [Avatarverso]
Aspecto: Centrosaurus
Humanos: Aang, Katara, Soka, Iroh, Zuko, Toph
Kaijus y otras bestias: Godzilla, King Kong, Mothra, Rodan, Anguirus
Humanos: Ozai y Azula
Kaijus y otras bestias: Kasai Rex
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dragoncreator312 · 2 years
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“The Emela-ntouka Pokemon”
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dxrknessembr8ced · 18 days
Another thing about the dinosaur based darkstalkers let me guys tell you something about the problems of two creatures that live alongside mokele-Mbembe there are tyrannosaurus species nor are there any triceratops fossils in africa so with a very special thanks to my favorite youtuber Mudnag I have to improvised and make these two dinosaurs actually speculatively plausible. Firstly the kasai rex the dinosaur will not be a T-rex given the description of the hunter John Joneson and his servant in 1932 instead the animal would accurately be the abelisaurus which was an animal that had roam during in africa and other parts of the world including africa in the cretaceous. In the modern day the kasai rex along with the other dinosaur base darkstalkers will have to coexist peacefully cause they're not monsters they're animals and they all have to be animals.
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The second dinosaur base darkstalker the elephant killer Emela-ntouka like the kasai rex will not be a triceratops in fact there were no ceratopsians in africa which this fact alone can play a part of the theory that this particular darkstalker have somehow appear in the Congo after the events of both dino crisis games. The animal upon further studies and eyewitnesses reports the beast will be Styracosaurus as this animal fits the description of Emela-ntouka and his hatred of elephants could be than self defense and or territorial display rather than the actual malice towards elephants.
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The idea of such an animal having immense hatred towards elephants is weird and not really plausible so I made Emela-ntouka's hatred towards elephants into more akin to what animals would do if they fought it is either self defence or territorial display and this means the elephant killings happened because these animals either aggravated them or enter their territory. Other than that if they leave the Emela-ntouka alone the animal will leave the elephants alone. Like all animals both of them have to play nice and not get in their way. In the aftermath of the T-Erebus south america, the Congo and the rest of africa have become a thriving lost world where these darkstalkers and the evolve animals thrive without interference from man. In africa bio organic weapons such as the majini and other creatures are the bottom of the food for these deadly darkstalkers in the far future these ancient creatures will thrive and reproduce turning africa truly into the land of the lost along with the other exotic darkstalker species.
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the-kaiju-lodge · 6 months
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El dingonek es un criptido escamoso, con cola de escorpión, con dientes de sable presuntamente visto en las junglas congolesas africanas (principalmente aquellas de la República Democrática del Congo), y aun así es otro en una larga lista de criptidos africanos como el Chipekwe, el Jago-nini y el Emela-ntouka. En Brakfontein Ridge, en la Provincia Occidental del Cabo en Sudáfrica hay una pintura rupestre de una criatura desconocida que encaja con la descripción del dingonek, incluso con sus colmillos de morsa.
Se dice que mora en los ríos y lagos de África occidental, el Dingonek ha sido descrito de color rojo o gris, midiendo de 3 a 6 metros de largo, con una cabeza cuadrada, a veces con un cuerno largo, dientes de sable y una cola que finaliza en un huesudo apéndice, tipo dardo, el cual se presume es capaz de secretar un veneno mortífero. Esta criatura es también conocida por tener estar cubierta de pies a cabeza de una piel moteada, que ha sido comparada con el mirmecófago (comedor de hormigas) asiático de aspecto prehistórico conocido como pangolín. La descripción que de él hace John Alfred Jordan, un explorador que dijo haberle disparado a este monstruo desconocido en el río Maggori, Kenia en 1907, aclamo que esta criatura cubierta de escamas era de al menos unos 18 pies de largo y poseía garras de reptil, una espalda moteada, una cola larga, y una cabeza grande, curvado, y con colmillos estilo morsa. Un disparó con una .303 British solo sirvió para enfadarlo.
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prof-marvolius · 8 months
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Críptido del día: Emele-Ntouka.
Descripción: Su nombre significa "asesino de elefantes" en lengua lingala. Se afirma que el Emela-ntouka tiene aproximadamente el tamaño de un elefante africano de sabana (3.2 m de altura, 6 toneladas de peso), de color entre marrón y gris, con una cola pesada y un cuerpo similar. forma y apariencia de un rinoceronte, incluido un cuerno largo en su hocico. Se supone que cuatro patas cortas, parecidas a muñones, sostienen su enorme y voluminoso cuerpo sobre el nivel del suelo. Se describe que no tiene volantes ni crestas a lo largo del cuello. Se supone que el animal es semiacuático y se alimenta de Malombo y otras plantas frondosas. Se dice que el Emela-ntouka emite una vocalización, descrita como un resoplido, un estruendo o un gruñido. El Emela-Ntouka fue mencionado por su nombre por primera vez en 1954, en un artículo de la revista Mammalia, escrito por el ex inspector de caza de Likouala, Lucien Blancou. Dijo que Emela-Ntouka era "más grande que un búfalo" y habitaba en los pantanos de Likouala. También fue Blancou quien mencionó por primera vez el hecho de que un Emela-Ntouka mata elefantes cuando se le molesta, de forma muy similar al supuestamente famoso odio de los Mokele-mbembe hacia los hipopótamos. Si bien ambos animales son supuestamente herbívoros, también supuestamente comparten un feroz sentido de territorialidad y es por esta razón que se afirma que los pigmeos "le temen más que a cualquier otro animal peligroso". Aproximadamente en 1930, un Emela-Ntouka supuestamente fue asesinado cerca de Dongou.
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altsmatou · 2 years
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Day 26- Emela-ntouka (Congo/Cameroun) #inktober #Drawtober #folklore #creature #inktober2022 #watercolor #dinosaurs #elephantkiller #africa #afrique https://www.instagram.com/p/CkLDoiTKtpE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shadyufo · 4 years
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Cryptid Drawtober Day 20—Emela-Ntouka
The Emela-Ntouka is an elephant-sized creature that supposedly lives in the Congo region. Some say it resembles a sort of ceratopsid dinosaur with a single long horn protruding from its snout while others report it as looking much more like a sort of rhinoceros with a massive horn and a long, thick tail. Locals refer to it as the “elephant-killer” due to fact that, well, it’s known for killing elephants.   
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cryptid-quest · 4 years
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Cryptid of the Day: Emela-Ntouka
Description: The Emela-Ntouka is a reptilian-rhinoceros like creature seen in the Likouala swamp of the Congo. It was first written about in the 1950s by game inspector Lucien Blancou, and has been considered apart of the “African Dinosaur” family ever since. In 1981, Roy Mackal traveled to the Congo looking for it.
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sookietime · 3 years
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spearhafoc · 5 years
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Another African cryptid, this one from the Congo. The Emela-Ntouka, or "Killer of Elephants," is a large saurian with a single ivory horn protruding from its snout. The creature is said to be related to the Triceratops but has lost its frill and other horns. Floppy ears are also frequently described. It gets its name from its nasty disposition and its tendency to brutally gore its natural enemies.
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The Emela-ntouka is a large, semi-aquatic creature spotted in the Congo. Its name translates to “Elephant Killer.” It is the size of an African Bush Elephant (weighing approximately 6 tons), and its body resembles a rhinoceros. While the creature is supposedly an herbivore, it is extremely territorial and kills other large animals who approach it. Some theories include that the Emela-ntouka is a dinosaur - specifically the centrosaurus - or a new type of rhinoceros. 
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Altura: 85 metros
Longitud: 270 metros
Peso: 81,400 toneladas
Primer Avistamiento: Desierto del Gobi [Tierra: Teratoverso]
Controles: Tierra Control [Excavación, Disco Rotatorio, Cola de Mazo] Fuego Control [Pira cornea]
Guarida: Desierto del Gobi y zonas aledañas [Tierra: Teratoverso] Desierto Su Wong [Avatarverso]
Aspecto: Tarchia de Dino Rey + Teleoceras
Humanos: Aang, Katara, Soka, Iroh, Zuko
Kaijus y otras bestias: Godzilla, King Kong, Mothra, Rodan, Emela Ntouka
Humanos: Ozai y Azula
Kaijus y otras bestias: Kasai Rex, Ariaf Rexus
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lpbestiary · 7 years
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The emela-ntouka is a cryptid said to dwell in the Likouala region of Central Africa. It is described as a brown-grey beast the size of an African elephant, with a single horn and a long tail.
The creature's name translates as "killer of the elephants," but it is thought to be herbivorous. The emela-ntouka is said to be just as comfortable in water as it is on land.
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Monster master list.
Suggest a spook.
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dxrknessembr8ced · 18 days
The idea cryptid sightings of living fossils such as mokele-mbembe, Kasai rex, Emela-ntouka, the Nguma-monene just to name a few fascinates me a lot. After the asteroid along with the aftermath wiped out the dinosaurs 65 millions of years yet some of these creatures somehow managed to escape their doom through out the years and now finally adapted into our timeline thriving. It's truly a fascinating sight and I considered dinosaur cryptids to be another unique species of darkstalkers that must have survive the huitzil extinction event while the identifications of these creatures will be slightly different than eyewitnesses reports. These dinosaur cryptids could also be creatures from the events of dino crisis somehow gotten into parts of africa to live and thrive there.
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