#i just realized that i forgot to shade the blood pool son of a
nochi-quinn · 7 months
candela obscura chapter 3 episode 1: oh god everybody's fucked up
I'm here, I fell asleep and missed the start but I'm here
lmao the immediate note-taking
ur really committing to that voice huh liam
marisha made an older character and liam said hold my dentures
heyyyy someone else makes the joke I picked up from a stargate episode 20 years ago
liam what was that look
absolutely love ashly's wig
sam looking like he got hit with a cattle prod
what's a sam reigel
why are we getting oscar's CV
"are they hot"
listen I saw the trailer he 100% uses that chain to beat people with
"no one calls you carey, oscar"
oh no he's hot
oh he's kotallo, that's why
the flat cap does look good on sam, I can't lie
y'all that's gay
I like cordelia's little halo
eloise best character
(maybe that's the look liam was giving ashly, eloise vs elsie)
elsie's a werewolf calling it
yesss the old people guilt trip
oscar: I'm gonna punch a ghost
"you're wearing a ball gown. it's the morning."
the maw??
haha it took me until literally this moment to remember ashly is aloy, my ship is reunited
"I'm using my bullshit detector" did you get that cleared with the gm
I like the term "blood and guts doctor"
I've been watching S1G play Slay the Princess and the more they describe her the more she sounds like a Princess variant
oh no lights
liam you did that on purpose
oh Aadtika (?) is a very pretty name
"lung, heart" liver, nerves
"you have an extra house?" "you don't?"
"you slick son of a bitch"
he IS a slick son of a bitch
oh sam's being THAT character
prepared to spend three episodes threatening to punch oscar in the head and throw him in the pool
("nochi nobody read your free! livetweets" well maybe they should have)
sam doesn't watch the product
liam always wants to roleplay fish and chips
[picks elsie and raj up and shakes them until backstory falls out]
"I'll be as subtle as I can be" smash cut to him beating someone to death with a chain
the docks seems like a terrible place to play baseball
did they do a dndbeyond for candela?
they did!
sam forgot he was short
"high stakes not for harm" but bc it's funny
rajan: oh I am NOT involved, you made that VERY clear
"don't waste that on me" "I agree"
I'm being gaslit bc I've always pronounced "copse" like "cope" with an "s" in it
shades of the old man at my previous psych office yelling about obama's secret weather machine
"I help by SCREAMING"
grandpa's making a wheel for it
[mabel pines voice] grappling hook!
the way sam rolls dice STILL kills me
oh good, everyone else also thinks they should fuck
"why can't we just be friends? oh right, because I don't like you."
what the fuck's a flashlight
"yeah! temperature play! :D" aabria
"do you go down my little hole" "of course!" aren't y'all divorced
oh no an ot3
don't say degloved that means something else
oh I dig that
oh no aabria's doing the voice
everything goes black, and you die
how could crcw not have prepared me for this
immortal asshole oscar grimm
oh he's an asshole because he gave up the non-asshole bits to bargain with death
hey sam what the fuck
oh hey ashly. ow.
thump thumps? why?
imagine if oscar coming back just freaked elsie right back into beast mode
there's another hour left of this wtf happens
yessssss "I'd take a bullet for him but I wouldn't go drinking with him" my beloved
local woman realizing that everyone around her is an absolute freak
liam's startled old man noise
"ohhh I'm not good at that"
wait I don't understand what he just did
oh he did a drug
little bird ;-;
his WHAT
it glows blue when there are nuns nearby
where's that one digital devil saga monster
I desperately need an artist's rendition of this orca-mantis-thing
excuse me
I keep missing the spelling of his sister's name
"oh god everybody's fucked up"
A WHAT built in his WHAT
augh eye stuff no quiero
is noshir lefthanded?
I kind of half-called that
"that felt like twenty. that was a season."
"do you know you're covered in bees?"
I like my women like I like my coffee
"because yours is super chill"
liam you can uncommit to the voice
(he will not)
"drop the skincare routine"
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shadyufo · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Cryptid Drawtober Day 20—Emela-Ntouka
The Emela-Ntouka is an elephant-sized creature that supposedly lives in the Congo region. Some say it resembles a sort of ceratopsid dinosaur with a single long horn protruding from its snout while others report it as looking much more like a sort of rhinoceros with a massive horn and a long, thick tail. Locals refer to it as the “elephant-killer” due to fact that, well, it’s known for killing elephants.   
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amelialincoln · 4 years
I got a prompt about doing a fic where Amelia took the spot of Arizona in the plane crash. I felt as though I had to swap the characters around a bit but I hope everyone enjoys!
Amelia was not a good packer. She was also a very last minute packer. This seemed to stress out Link beyond belief. To be completely fair, this was a very last minute trip. Meredith, Alex, Jo and Jackson were all told today that they needed to be on a plane to Portland tomorrow to operate on the son of Owen’s veteran friend who he’d met when in Iraq. All of them had agreed, of course. The patient was a ten year old boy who suffered from a frontal lobe tumour. They’d have to split open his entire forehead. Meredith was presenting at a conference closeby later that week and had decided to fly with them last minute.
“This is all very abjupt.” Link was staring disapprovingly at the messy suitcase Amelia had been throwing items of clothing into.
“It’ll be fine, babe. I’m only gone for a couple of days anyway.”
“No one ever flies me out for special surgeries.” He faked jealousy. Amelia laughed as he came to sit beside her, beginning to fold the mess of clothes.
“Oh, I forgot to show you.” She pulled a small ultrasound photo out from her pant pocket.
“You went without me?” Link scowled.
“I was feeling weird this morning,” she explained. “I went to see Carina and she did an ultrasound just in case.”
“Feeling weird?” He pushed a fallen curl behind her ear.
“Crampy,” she shrugged, “turned out to be nothing. I think I’ve just been extra precautious because of last time.” Link nodded, staring down at the photo in his hands before slipping it into his wallet.
“You’ll call when you land?”
“Link, the flight isn’t even an hour,” Amelia teased. “Both of us will be fine.” She took the suitcase from his hand, placing a light kiss on his lips. Apparently it wasn’t enough because Link pulled her into a tight embrace. “Baby is officially crushed.”
“Facetime tonight, I want to hear all about your surgery.” Amelia nodded. “Have a safe flight.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too.”
“What’s the freakin holdup?” Alex yelled from the back of the bus. “We could’ve taken Koracick.”
Amelia waved to Link before climbing up the stairs and taking the empty spot across from him and Jo. “No, you couldn’t have because I’m better than him.”
“So modest.” Alex grinned. “But correct.”
Almost immediately upon boarding Jackson was asleep. Amelia enveyed his ability to pass almost everywhere. Jo, however, was gripping the arm rest as if she would fall out of the plane if she let go.
“You don’t like flying?” Amelia questioned.
“I haven’t much,” Jo admitted. Alex wrapped an absentminded arm around her and she seemed to relax. Amelia had no problem with flying although she would enjoy the presence of Link’s company. He’d been all over her since they found out they were pregnant, to the point where, unless she was working, she felt weird without him by her side. She reached into her bag to find that Link had completely stocked it with a ton of snacks and a water bottle. Such a worrier. She shook her head in amusement. Meredith was flipping through cue cards that contained the speech she was trying to memorize. The pilot made an announcement about turbulence and Jo went a shade of white that Amelia didn’t know was possible.
“Jo it’ll be--” Amelia was cut off by the sudden drop that the plan experienced before returning to normal. 
The drop was enough to wake Jackson up, who looked around in confusion. “That wasn’t normal.” The plane suddenly dropped again. Amelia gripped onto the arm rest as well, not knowing what the point of it was. Oxygen masks were released from the ceiling.
“Alex!” Jo looked like she was going to throw up. Even Meredith, who Amelia had never seen look fazed, was staring out the window in concern.
“We’re too low,” she murmured. The plane dropped again and Amelia held her breath, waiting for it to level out. It didn’t.
“Amelia!” Meredith’s voice was begging her to wake up. Amelia didn’t want to. Her entire body ached, weighing her down. Her back was against something soft, and warm, as if she was lying in a field of grass. “Amelia!” Her eyes shot open, treetops swayed in the warm wind that was whistling in her ears.
“Meredith?” She croaked.
“I’m here.” She could feel Meredith’s hand grip her arm. “What hurts?”
“Nothing.” Amelia went to sit up and suddenly screeched as pain radiated through her entire body. The view of the trees was blinded by black spots and her ears thundered with the sound of red hot blood pumping.
“Shit!” Meredith was pressing her sweater into Amelia’s chest. “Lie back down!” Amelia did what she was told, a metallic taste filled her mouth and she coughed.
“She okay?” She heard Alex’s voice from a couple meters away. She couldn’t see Meredith’s response but sensed she was shaking her head. “Jo’s pretty banged up. I think she has a concussion and some pretty big lacerations. She’s been in and out of consciousness. When she’s awake she won’t stop screaming”
“Jackson?” Meredith asked.
“I can’t find him.” Amelia could hear Alex sigh. “Mer, you need to stop walking on that leg. It looks fractured at best.”
“I needed to get to her. Have you seen this?”
“Jackson was with me. When the plane broke apart.” Amelia bit back tears. Her head was pounding, she assumed she also had a concussion.
“Stop moving.” Meredith hissed. She turned to Alex. “Get a tourniquet on, you’re going to lose it.”
“How am I supposed to tie a tourniquet myself? You can’t exactly take pressure off that thing.” Amelia coughed up another round of blood, as if on cue.
“I can tie it.”
“Jackson,” Amelia gurgled.
“My shoulder is dislocated but if you pop it back in I can do it.” Jackson came into Amelia’s field of view. Judging by the mess of his fingers, she figured his shoulder wasn’t the only thing dislocated. She tried to ignore Jackson’s cry as Alex attempted to pop his shoulder back in.
“Jo you shouldn’t be walking,” Meredith sighed.
“Come lie beside Amelia,” Alex ordered. “It’s gonna get cold soon, guys,” he bit his lip, staring up at the darkening sky. “They keep blankets on planes, right? The ones who can walk should try and find them.”
“So you and me?” Jackson's voice was dark.
“I guess--”
“I’m pregnant,” Amelia blurted out, the realization hitting her like a ton of bricks.
“Oh god,” Meredith breathed. She brushed Amelia’s red stained hair out of her eyes and glanced up at Alex nervously. Amelia had hardly realized Jo was screaming until she stopped. Alex sighed as he looked at the mess that was Amelia’s abdomen. He couldn’t tell if the blood pooling there was from her chest or another open wound. He knelt down at her side, pulling her hoodie up and exposing her flat stomach. He examined a couple deep cuts but didn’t find anything needing immediate care. The thing worrying him was the bruises that were developing along her ribcage.
“I don’t know,” he muttered honestly. “I really don’t know.” 
“What do you mean you don't know where they are?” Link slammed the door behind him as he entered the conference room. Owen flinched.  
“The plane never arrived in Portland,” Bailey’s head was tilted to the ceiling, her eyes closed. Link glanced at Maggie, who had her head in her hands.
“What does that mean?” Link was trying to suppress an anger that was becoming uncontrollable.
“The plane lost signal around Chehalis.” Owen stared out the window at the clouds that were rapidly taking over the sky. “They think it might’ve gone down.”
“Gone down?” Link took a step back. “She’s pregnant. Amelia’s pregnant.” Bailey opened her eyes to look at him, her hand shot to her mouth to suppress a whimper. “You did this.” Link turned to Owen, his expression was cold like ice. “You put her on that plane.”
“Link, he couldn’t have--” Maggie began. Link was radiating heat. The next thing he felt was his fist colliding with Owen’s jaw. Owen staggered back, his mouth filling with blood. Link’s knuckles were on fire and he was surprised to find them bruising rapidly. “fifth metacarpal bone break,” he muttered. 
“Dr. Lincoln.” Bailey shot out of her seat. “Get out.”
“Find them!” Link was surprised to hear the amount of pain in his own voice. “You have to find them.”
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28. When They Are Being Perverted
Updates Pein You were organizing files in Pein’s office. You were crawling around looking for the papers you had just recently dropped. Pein was working but paused to see what you were doing. He opened his mouth to ask you, but then he saw your butt. All his thoughts went out the window as he just stared at you and your butt. “Damn papers, how’d this one paper get that far under this thing?” You growled and got in a weirder position. Your butt was up in the air and you forgot that you didn’t have pants on; you were wearing a skirt. “Nice underwear.” Pein said simply. You gasped and sat on your knees, thankfully with the paper. Your face turned all shades of red as you realized what you were wearing. “You were just staring at my ass weren’t you?” You asked, not turning to look at your boyfriend. “Your ass was more interesting to stare at than this paperwork.” Pein replied, as if that made it better. “Pervert.” You threw the papers at Pein and left the room to put pants on. You couldn’t believe you forgot what you were wearing and you couldn’t believe that Pein would be perverted like that. Zetsu You were moving around plants. You were lifting things and moving around. You thought you were working alone since you were working on your own little spot but you were wrong. Zetsu was watching you from a distance. As you were moving some dirt, one of the bags of dirt you picked up tore and covered you with dirt. “Son of a bitch!” You yelled. You couldn’t stay like this and you weren’t allowed in the hideout covered in dirt. So you chose to go and wash off in the stream within the garden. You walked over to the stream and removed your shirt and pants. You got into the stream and began to wash off. The entire time, you never once noticed that Zetsu was there. “We shouldn’t watch her like this.” White Zetsu told his other half. “Be quiet. She won’t notice us.” Both sides watched as you washed off your clothes and yourself. Zetsu had gotten closer to get a better look, but you were now able to see him from the reflection on the water. “You pervert what are you doing?!” You yelled as you spun around. You were covering yourself with your wet clothes. Zetsu didn’t respond; he just went into the ground. “Where’s the damn weed killer when you need it?” You growled to yourself, shocked that your plant boyfriend would be so perverted. Sasori You were bent over looking for a certain tool to fix one of your puppets. For some reason, your shirt kept sliding forward. It was making it hard to bend down and work on anything. You knew Sasori was in the room, but you didn’t really care at that moment in time. You stood up and tossed your shirt away. “What are you doing _____?” Sasori asked, a little unsure. “It was getting in the way.” You went back to your work. Sasori on the other hand, did not go back to his work. He couldn’t help but stare at your chest. He was a little shocked that you would be so open about removing your shirt even though your breasts were hidden from him. “You are distracting me.” Sasori informed you. You rolled your eyes and continued what you were doing. “That’s your problem puppet boy. Stop staring at me and you’ll be just fine.” Sasori growled at your response and went back to work, but every few moments he’d look up to see you. He stopped staring when you threw a tool at him. “Stop watching me you pervert!” “Put a shirt on then!” Sasori snapped back. The two of you began to bicker about your lack of clothes. His pervert thoughts gone now. ~ Itachi You were looking for your favorite shoes. You weren’t sure where they were so you had to look everywhere. Currently, you were bent over looking under the bed in yours and Itachi’s room. Of course Itachi had to walk in that second to see your butt up in the air. “Hn,” Itachi stared at your butt. You can imagine the dirty things that he was thinking about. He walked over to you and tapped a finger on your butt. “Need any help with something?” Itachi questioned, startling you. You came out from under the bed, pouting. “Help me find my shoes.” “That wasn’t the type of help I was offering.” The smirk on his face made you realize what he meant. “…I need my shoes, pervert. Help me find them and then I’ll think about letting you help me like that.” A moment later, Itachi was gone. You shook your head at your boyfriend’s odd behavior and began walking towards the closet. You were pulled back to the bed before you could reach the closet. “Here.” Itachi handed you the shoes you were looking for. “Now, let me help you some more.” He smirked again. The fact he was smirking scared you a little. Kisame You were doing some stretching before you got in the pool. You were moving in all these odd positions and caught the attention of your sharky boyfriend. Kisame stood and watched you stretch. He was supposed to be doing stretches too, so he got an idea. “_____, how about we do some stretching together?” Kisame asked using his sexy voice. You instantly knew the kind of “stretches” he wanted to do with you. “You could always go do yoga with Itachi if you really want to stretch with someone.” Kisame cringed, he did not want to do stretches with Itachi, normal stretches or otherwise. “I’d rather stretch with you.” He walked to you, and almost got his hands on you. You rolled away from him, then pushed him from behind making him fall face first into the pool. “It looks like you get to skip stretching for today.” You smiled at him then turned away. “And I’m going to skip the pool. Have fun ‘stretching’ on your own from now on.” Hidan You and Hidan were taking turns stabbing each other. Since you both were immortal, it was a fun thing to do together. Once you two were done, you liked to lick the blood off of the kunai. So today you were doing it. The only thing different about it was that Hidan’s mind was on sexual things. Hidan watched you intensely as you licked around the kunai. Though he was not imagining it was a kunai. You caught onto what Hidan was thinking, so you turned it up a notch. “This tastes so good.” You moaned. You really did like the taste of blood and you knew that Hidan lost his mind whenever you moaned about it. You kept it up until it looked like Hidan was about to pounce on you. “Well, I’ll see you later Hidan.” You stood up and began walking to the bathroom to shower, like you usually did after it. “Can I join you in the fucking shower?” Hidan asked, trying to sound sexy to get his way. You paused at the doorway to the bathroom to pretend to think about it. “Nope.” You slammed and locked the backroom door. “Damn…” Hidan grumbled. Kakuzu You and Kakuzu were in the bedroom counting money. Well you were at least. Kakuzu was watching you. You were kissing the stacks of money when you were done counting them. You would also tell them how much you loved it. Sure that seemed innocent, but Kakuzu wasn’t thinking innocently. In his eyes, you were rubbing the money on your naked body and saying dirty things. You had a feeling that’s what he was thinking about so you decided to be mean. You suddenly stood up with some money and walked past Kakuzu to the bathroom. “Me and my money need some time alone.” You locked yourself in the bathroom then pretended to make it sound like you were using the money to pleasure yourself. Kakuzu nearly broke the door off its hinges to get to you. “What’s going on?” Kakuzu demanded. You were actually just sitting there rubbing the money together. “I like the sound of money? What were you thinking Kuzu?” His face went bright red. That told you exactly what he was thinking. Tobi Tobi refused to take no as an answer. So here you are one hand on green, the other on red and both feet on yellow. You had Tobi hovering over you. You were stuck playing Twister, with your man-child boyfriend. It really looked like an awkward sex position, which is exactly what Tobi was going for. “Can we be done yet?” You asked, as your arms began to wobble. “Not until someone falls.” Tobi or maybe Obito told you. You sighed as Zetsu told Tobi what to do next. Tobi didn’t even try; he just fell on top of you. “Oops, Tobi is so sorry.” His hands were on your breasts and his male part was pressed against above your butt. “You did this purposely, didn’t you, Obito?” You replied simply. You heard Obito chuckle from behind you. “Of course not _____.” “Get off pervert.” You shoved him off and began to walk away. “I’m never playing that game again!” “Seems you failed again, Tobi.” Zetsu informed your sad boyfriend. Deidara You accidentally cut your arm with a kitchen knife, so you went to your boyfriend. “Dei, I got a cut.” You whined as you walked into the room you share with said man. “Again, hm?” he let his hand mouth lick at it. For some reason that always made you feel better. Any cut you got, you’d let the mouths lick it and it’d end up healing faster. Today was a special say though. Deidara’s mouths wanted more than just to lick your arm. “Are there any other things you need licked with me hand mouths, hm?” The suggestion was not innocent, and you could see it all over his face. “No Barbie, I’m fine.” You turned to walk away, unamused by your boyfriend. “Come on, hm. You know they’ll make anything feel better, hm!” “Go lick yourself if you really want to lick something so bad!” You yelled as you walked down the hall. You wanted everyone to hear it so Deidara would be embarrassed and let it go. “Damn loudmouthed woman, hm.” Deidara grumbled as he locked himself in his/your room.         
You and Madara were lying on the couch watching a movie. It was a boring movie, until a sexual scene came onto the screen. It was a couple on a couch doing stuff. It made your face go red and Madara chuckle. He was behind you with his arms around your waist as you leaned back against him.
“You know what would make this movie less boring?” Madara whispered in your ear.
“Going to sleep? Having some snacks?” You suggested innocently.
“Doing what they are doing on the screen.” Madara whispered once again making you go red even more. A moment after he said that, the sex scene turned murder as the man killed the woman on the screen.
“So you want to murder me? I thought we talked about this Madara.” You chuckled.
“Oh… I did not see that one coming.” Madara mumbled in defeat as the movie caused his suggestion of sex turn into one of murder. You couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction to it. He himself even smiled at it after a few moments.
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Ficlet: The Fall of a God
Note: Just an idea I had and actually decided to write out complete enough to post. In a perfect world I would now write a lengthy fic about how Harry goes on to take poor Loki under his wing and they become magical bff. Alas it will not be....
When Loki fell, he forgot what the passing of time felt like. He forgot the sound of laughter and the scent of rain. His surrounding where bleak, colorless and silent, numb. He felt numb and he didn’t know why. Maybe it was emotional, maybe it was the eternal void, or maybe something inside him had broken. Everything he knew was a lie, he was the monster Asgardian parents warned their children about. One of the devils, the enemy and it hurt. So, he guessed the numbness was fine, it was an escape. Loki fell and fell and fell, numb and uncaring. After an eternity or a day, he noticed he was no longer alone, suddenly there was a boy falling with him or perhaps the youth always had been there.
The boy was pale, extremely so, with hair curled and twisted in contrasting inky tendrils. He seemed small and rather short. He wore faded jeans, simple T-shirt and a long silver cloak that rippled like a pool of mercury. However, the most striking thing about the figure was his eyes. They were the only source of color not swallowed by the greedy void they were falling through, a green that may have been mundane anywhere else, but in that moment, they shone a million shades of emerald. Though they were not directed at him, to Loki they were more beautiful than any stone.
Together they continued to fall twister and spinning with only the faint the feeling of not air, but something brushing past. There was no sound, not even that of their breath or the rush of blood through their veins, all of it was stolen away. Loki didn’t even know if he could speak or even acknowledge the child.
"You seemed like you could use some company," said the foreign being. His voice was strange, it echoing back with multiple overlapping tones, like a thousand people were speaking through the young man's lips. It soft but still startling after so long. There was a as if he was waiting for a response, then he nodded once and resumed speaking. "If you don't have anything to say that's fine too, let me tell you a story."
"There once was a boy alone in the world, in a supposedly happy household, but is wasn’t happy. It was a delusion of normality. He was ridiculed by others for being different, abnormal, maybe even magical. He was called weak, and was bullied by the others, even though he could do great things, terrible things. This boy was never told why he was mistreated or what he had done. It turned out I wasn’t what they told me I was, I didn’t fit in their mundane world or even in their magical one." The being paused and set his piercing gaze on Loki. "We are very much alike Loki, son of two worlds, only I have progressed past that point and now they no longer call me weak and have earned my place in this universe. I passed my trials and metamorphized. Soon you too will have this chance, but you must make the right choice.”
“I have been around long enough to nearly forget my life before. However, this I will always remember how I once was an unwanted child hidden away underneath the stairs pretending that I didn't exist. Only the strongest have to undergo such tests and you will become much more because of it, do not despair."
Then as the last echoes of his voice fade, he held out a hand, on it glinted a thick gold ring with a black stone embedded in the middle with a strange symbol on it. It was a triangle with a circle inside bisected by a line. Loki gasped, the first sound he’d made in an eon. This Being was known through the nine realms, no one is foolish enough to ignite his wrath. He walks with Death like an old friend. "It is time I introduced myself, I am Lord Harry James Potter-Black, better known as the Master of Death. I’ve been wanting to meet you for a while Hel speaks fondly of you.” This time his voice was one, but still powerful. “I thought this would be a great opportunity. It has been a pleasure to fall with you. You will know what must be done. We will meet again and I hope next time it is not at your reaping, for sometimes even gods must fall." The proclaimed Master of death took out a slim branch of an elder tree, drew up the hood of his invisibility cloak and vanished, leaving Loki alone once more.
Loki realized he had brush shoulders with Death himself, and soon he would have to make a very difficult decision. There, impossibly far away, was an irregularity in the nothing and Loki was slowly moving toward it. His fall was coming to an end, but Loki Liesmith did not know it was a good thing.
Soon he decides that he prepared falling to the landing. After some time, he is willing to destroy Midgard itself to escape. So, he accepts this so called glorious purpose and the cruel insidious magic that come with. He stands tall as he walks through the portal with his elaborate robes to hide his new scars, his eyes tinted blue and his hand clenched around a glinting staff.
New York lies in ruins, there is still building crumbling and fires burning but the rift in the sky is closing. A figure sits unnoticed on the edge of a mostly intact skyscraper. Cloaked in silver, he is watching the heroes scramble about. They wake the armored genius and the green giant shrinks. Then they set about restraining their defeated opponent. They do not look up to see they are watched, but their captive does. The eyes are still an overwhelming green, even with the more vibrant surroundings.  
“He made the wrong choice, oh well mortals are still so entertaining. Maybe he might even get another chance.”  
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inkognito97 · 7 years
Does tahl ever appear again in the Dracula au with her being paralyzed and with obiwan bringing her blood to make sure she heals faster? With sifo being partially drained so he won't fight her while she drains him?
Includes the following anon prompts:
In the Dracula au can we see jocasta meet dooku in the gardens while obiwan drains sifo dry and turns him into his new familiar.
In the Dracula au does sifo escape obiwan or does obiwan drain him dry? With obiwan using the force to dull sifo’s presence so jocasta doesn’t sense his death.
Upon entering the huge garden, Jocasta almost forgot about her companion and friend since childhood. The landscaped was truly magnificent. Through the garden lead a concrete path. Countless Lilium Blackouts were framing the path. The star shaped flowers were a dark carmine red, with a darker red-black shading in each petal’s center. It was a hypnotic sight and only one of many attractions in the garden.
While the female Jedi made her way forwards, she saw a field of roses. Black and red roses, though they were mostly black formed a heart, which was filled out by just red roses. Jocasta was able to see two letters made out of white flowers in the middle of the heart shaped artwork, a ‘Q’ and a ‘T’. Of course Jocasta had no idea what the letters stood for, but their meaning was still clear. This was the sweetest and most romantic token of love she had ever discovered.
With a small smile on her features, she turned back to her guide, who had an almost longing gaze to the flower heart. His expression was emotionless, like a mask, but his eyes spoke other volumes. The brown haired female wanted to reach out, but her guide’s steady voice made her stop.
“It isn’t far now,” Qui-Gon turned around. It had been quite some time until he had last been in the garden and it touched him deeply to know that his little boy - for who else could it be - had taken so much care of the gift he had made his wife upon the day, he had asked her to marry him.
Jocasta watched the taller male with mixed feelings. There was something ultimately sad in his aura, but it seemed to be either dimmed or pushed aside. She was not sure about it, but wouldn’t ask, not when she had Sifo to worry about.
The duo eventually reached the middle of the garden, which was practically just a large pond with clear blue water. Different fish were swimming in the pool, some beamed like the son, other’s glittered like the mon and some were as black as the night. A few colorful were in between and they truly looked as if the were born out of a rainbow. Jocasta’s blue eyes were following one of the black exemplars, which was partly hidden under one of the bluish water lilies that could be found floating in the pond, when her attention was caught by the scrunching of boots. Since her tall guide had not moved, it had to be a newcomer. Partly expecting it to be Sifo, she turned around with the full intend to hit him, only to be greeted by the Count himself.
“Count,” she inclined her head in greeting.
There was a pleased smile on his features. Yan exchanged a glance with his adopted son, who understood even without words, and said his farewell, before vanishing the way they had come. Jocasta looked after him for a moment, before her focus was returned to the man in front of her. One look into his deep eyes and she had forgotten the reason for her presence in this beautiful landscape.
“Shall we?” the Count offered his arm towards the brown haired female.
“It would be my pleasure,” answered Jocasta and before she realized what was happening, she was lead around the pond.
Sifo Dyas was desperately trying to figure a way out of this mess. He had tried to call upon the Force a couple of times now, but every time he did so, the Force would not come. The long haired man would have gritted his teeth, had he been able to move his jaw. It just HAD to be the bloodsucker, who was currently feasting on his neck. 
The worst part of it all, was not even the fact that he was about to die, but the realization that he was leaving Jocasta behind with three inhuman predators. He was no fool, he knew that his friend since childhood had no chance against them. Vampires were often described as the next step of evolution and even though it pained him to do so, he had to admit that this thesis was completely right. It needed much more than one or two Jedi to take down ONE vampire, let alone three.
A sudden pain in his neck brought his thoughts back to the harsh reality. It appeared as if the little devil had stopped drinking from him. With disgust watched Sifo, how his own blood ran down the boy’s chin.
“Don’t worry, I am not finished with you,” there was an ugly grin on the red head’s features and before the human male knew it, he was thrown over small shoulders like a rag doll.
The male desperately wanted to ask, where his captor was taking him. There had to be a very good reason for the boy to move him and it certainly was not the arriving Jocasta. Unfortunately, he could only watch mutely, how he was carried down stairs after stairs, deep under the ground, that much was clear. The way did not seem to end however and just as Sifo was about to fall into a meditative trance, they seemed to have arrived. 
The ginger haired monster opened a large door and therefore revealed, what looked like a crypt or perhaps a Mausoleum. There were three coffins in the circular room. One looked worn out and much older than the rest, it was a chestnut brown and there seemed to be not much more that marked it special in anyway, except perhaps the crucifix that was carved on the cover. 
The second coffin was a little smaller than the first. It was pitch-black and looked the newest of all three. A large crucifix that was almost as long as the whole cover, as well as other adornments were incorporated into the coffin, even the sides had a similar design. The most striking feature of this one, was the skull that was planted on the middle of the cross. Sifo did not want to know if the skull was real or not. 
The third and last coffin was actually a coffin for two people. It was shaped like a unshapely hexagon, and coal black. The male Jedi wondered. At breakfast, they had been introduced to only three people, but it seemed as if at least four vampires had once lived here. Could this be the coffin of the boy’s mother?”
Obi-Wan did not spare his or his family’s coffins a glance. He knew them all by heart, especially the one his father was still occupying. He had spent many sleepless day OR night in it, mostly by his father’s side and especially after his mother had died.
He determinedly walked passed their beds, towards the blank wall. To anybody, even vampires, it would have looked like a normal stone wall, but he knew that there was a secret. If the right stones were pushed in the right order, a secret passageway was revealed. It lead to an old laboratory in which blood magic had once been practiced, Obi-Wan could still feel it. It was here that he had started to spent most of his time, when his father was away and his grandfather was busy. He had studied the old books, learnt magic, taught himself about the Force and had eventually done what had appeared to be impossible, he had brought the dead back to life. Or better yet, he had brought the undead back into a life-like existence. There was no better way to say it. Vampires were neither dead, nor alive and his mother was no exception.
“Mother,” he called while descending the last stairs. Neither his father NOR his grandfather knew about this room. In fact, Obi-Wan was not sure, how he had discovered it himself, but he blamed the ancient blood magic that still lingered, as well as the ever present Force his father always preached about. “I am back.”
“Obi-Wan,” the answer was weak and tired.
The ginger haired vampire was not surprised. Even though his mother was back, her body was still weak, healing and trying to get used to be ‘alive’ again. Needless to say, Tahl had been glad to be back, though she had made Obi-Wan promise to wait before he ran to his father to tell him the good news. Her reason for that was simple, she wanted to be sure that nothing went wrong and that her husband was not hurt a second time, should something go awry.
“Mother,” there was a gently smile on the younger vampire’s features, which was returned by a tired one. “I brought dinner,” he said and arranged the motionless Jedi so, that his mostly paralyzed mother could drink from him. 
When he had freshly awoken the hone skinned female, she had not even be able to speak, let alone move a single muscle consciously. It gave the boy hope that one day, the dark haired female with the gold-green striped eyes, would be running around again, laughing and just like he remembered her.
“Well Jedi, before it ends, I would like to thank you for being so cooperative,” his words were mean, though he did not at all care, not for a Jedi. “Also, since both mother and I have feasted from you, I think it is save to welcome you into the family. I am sure grandpa has use for another ghoul somewhere in his estate.” Sadly, the Jedi did not see the mad glint in his blood red eyes, but he was still petrified, that much was clear in the air around him.
Obi-Wan shared a look with his mother. They both agreed, things were finally getting better again. 
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settingorange · 7 years
Bulletproof Heart
Thought I’d try my hand at SP7 GTA stuff lmao, sorry if it’s bad and you hate it!
Word count: 3,393
Pairings: Parker/Andrew/Jeremy, trace amount of Steven/Parker
Warnings: Violence, minor character death, implied major character death
At first Parker didn’t notice anything was wrong. It wasn’t unlike Steven do go days, or even weeks without calling him. He wasn’t a necessity on most crew activities. And after little slip up on their last mission a month without contact was nothing. A bullet gone off at the wrong time, landing Cib a trip to the hospital and suddenly they don’t need him around anymore. It was as if Steven forgot all the times Parker executed things flawlessly, no questions asked.
He didn’t need them anyway. Jeremy and Andrew knew what he was capable of, and they appreciated him for it. He spent every day with his boys. Wrecking shop, creating chaos for the fun of it. Parker couldn’t help the rush he got seeing the fear in some lowly gang members eyes as he threatened him, Jeremy and Andrew standing guard behind him. They always laughed about it afterwards. And every Friday, without fail, was movie night. Be it Schindler’s List or any number of Disney films they owned on DVD, the trio would curl up on the couch at precisely 8 pm with a big bowl of popcorn.
Which is why at 8:45 on this particular Friday Parker sat, leaning forward, hands on his chin, leg bouncing. No call, no note, nothing. He hadn’t seen either of them for a few days but he was sure they’d make it here. If it were Steve or Cib or even Autumn he wouldn’t worry so much, but Jeremy and Andrew would never forget about movie night. He glanced at his phone for the hundredth time that half hour. Nothing.
“Fuck it,” he whispered, dialling Steven’s number.
“Steven hey, it’s Parker, I was just calling to see-”
“You’ve reached Steven Suptic, leave a message and stop calling here.”
A dial tone beeped and parker hung up. Typical Steven. He  decided to try Autumn. She certainly wouldn’t ignore him. He pushed call and almost immediately the phone went to voicemail. That’s odd. Autumn always answered his calls first ring. And she always had her phone on her. He called everyone in Steven’s crew but nobody answered. Everyone went straight to voicemail.
Parker waited around a bit more. Maybe he was seeing a disaster where there wasn’t one. Steven could be having everyone freeze him out. Jeremy and Andrew could be taking longer than expected on a clean up mission. But another hour slowly ticked by and he was met with radio silence. Foot bouncing he called his last resort.
Several rings later a man with a gruff voice answered, “Hello?”
“Geoff? Geoff Ramsey?” Parker gulped. He’d never actually spoken with the guy, and he sounded scarier than he looked. Which was saying something.
“Who’s asking?”
“M-my names Parker, I’m with Suptic’s crew and I uh-”
“Suptic?” Geoff’s voice softened. “One of those pine boys?”
“Yes. Well, sometimes. Sort of, mostly. I uh, well I-”
“You’re in some serious trouble kid, you know that?”
“I was afraid of that,” Parker sighed. It was going to be a long night.
Geoff wouldn’t explain over the phone. Wouldn’t say much besides, “You’re in trouble.” He insisted on meeting Parker in person to tell him what he knew about his missing friends. Parker had done his share of intimidation routines, and he could be off putting at least, most of the time. But this was the Geoff Ramsey and he didn’t have his boys to back him up. Things could go horribly wrong. If the Fakes had an issue with him, his odds of survival weren’t great. He shook off his  fears and donned his best suit and Jeremy’s sunglasses. Fake it till you make it, Parker. He slipped a handgun into the small of his back. Knives in sleeves. A vial of poison in the heel of his shoe. Jeremy always said to never go in unarmed, even friends can be persuaded to turn for the right price. Parker had no reason to particularly distrust the fakes but no reason to trust them either. A message dinged on his laptop. He assumed it was from Geoff, giving him directions. His eyes widened as he read an email from a familiar address. It was going to be one hell of a night.
He pulled up to the nondescript gray building, having turned his headlights off halfway down the street on the way here as instructed. Waiting for him outside the front of the building was the one who he supposed they called the Golden Boy. Parker thought he looked like a real asshole, wearing those golden shades at night. Upon realizing he too was wearing sunglasses he sighed and got out of the car.
“Parker?” The Brit asked, his voice somehow suggestive, although all he said was a name.
“Who else?” Parker shrugged and put on a fake smile. “I take it you’re not Geoff.”
“‘Course not love, can’t have the boss waiting out here on the street like a pleb. Let’s get you inside shall we?” charming words rolled off of Gavin’s tongue. Parker could see how this man could easily undo the will of many a weaker man or woman.
“I’d like nothing more than to be inside,” Parker winked.
“You know I could have Geoff postpone this meeting, you and I could go off and have a little fun of our own. You’re attractive enough, I s’pose,” the words fell lightly on Parkers ears.
“Are you sure our pal Rimmy up there won’t mind?” Parker said with a smirk.
“W-what? Whaddya mean you bell end? How do you know bout-” Parker held a knife to the thin mans throat.
“Cut the shit England. You’re gonna unlock the door and take me to Geoff and if you call for Michael at any point I won’t hesitate to end your life right there,” Parker growled. He had already taken out their sniper. What kind of idiots had their sniper clad in purple and orange. It didn’t matter he needed the information Geoff had. And he knew the fakes wouldn’t just give it up.
“Alright!” Gavin squawked. He fumbled the keys and they fell onto the ground. He gasped as Parker dug the knife into his arm and tossed him aside.
“On second thought, I’ll just let myself in. Get out of here if you know what’s best for you,” Parker calmly unlocked the door and strode in. His heart was pounding. The clock was ticking. His crew had been missing for too long. They don’t always live this long. Luckily the thin hallway didn’t leave a lot of options for Geoff’s location. He entered the first door on his left and found a large man with tattoos. Geoff.
“Hey, uh Geoff,” Parker said, hoping the man would turn to him. He did not.
“Parker.” Geoff said curtly. He sounded different than he had on the phone.
“You said you had intel on my crew and I’m really worried about them, Steven hasn’t answered my messages-”
“Steven hasn’t answered my messages,” Geoff mocked. Parker froze as he heard his own voice coming from in front of Geoff. “Steven, hey, it’s Parker, I was just calling to see-” Parker had hoped the email he received before leaving was a fluke. He hadn’t wanted this to happen this way.
“Where are they?” Parker demanded. His peripheral vision picked up a figure and he whipped around pulling the gun from his back and firing. A circle of blood formed on the curly haired man’s stomach as he fell to the ground.
“Son of a bitch! Geoff what the hell is going on?” ‘Mogar’ yelled. He didn’t look great.. Parker pointed the gun at Ramsey.
“Where are my fucking friends?” he barked.Geoff tossed Steven’s phone aside, screen shattering completely. “Tell me you bastard or I’ll kill everyone in this place, try me.”
“I know what you’re capable of,” Geoff chuckled. “That’s why you’re here. I know Suptic doesn’t appreciate what he’s got with you, and I thought I might offer you a position here in exchange for something I know you’d like back.”
“Just show me that they’re okay. I’ll do whatever you want.”
“I’m gonna need you to leave the gun with Michael here. You can understand why I wouldn’t want to bring it with us.” Parker mumbled a weak agreement and dropped the gun, kicking it in the opposite direction of the wounded man. “Fair play. Follow me.”
Geoff lead him to the end of the hallway to a simple metal door. It wasn’t even locked. Geoff pushed it open and sitting on the floor were Cib, James, Autumn and Steven. Parker smelled a trap.
“Where’s the rest of them?” he asked.
“Isn’t the four good enough? Awful greedy don’t you think? After all, there’s only one of you and more of us than you’d care to know about.”
“I won’t ask again,” Parker’s voice was cold, but his eyes were fiery daring Geoff to keep testing him.
“Greed is a sin my dear boy,” the Vagabond said, appearing from the shadows, donning his iconic mask. “A deadly one at that.” Parker kept a straight face.
Steven looked at him incredulously, and truly noticed him for the first time. The way the suit fit him just right. The way the sweat beaded down his face, pooling at his lips that Steve was just noticing looked awful soft. Yuckie. He didn’t know what Parker was trying to pull. He may have been secretly cute in a bumbling hero way or something this whole time but it wasn’t like he had the talent to get them out of here. Not Parker.
“What’s your plan Coppins, really?” the masked man asked. “I’m curious.”
“I suppose I thought I’d just do this,” Parker snapped his fingers and the lights went out. When they quickly flickered back on Parker was wiping blood from his second knife. The vagabond coughed and blood bubbled from his throat. “A man’s gotta have some tricks up his sleeve.” Geoff had bolted as soon as the lights went out, either to escape or call for reinforcements, it didn’t matter to Parker. He sliced the ropes binding Autumn first, removed the tape from her mouth. She simply thanked him and smiled. Cib and James came next, neither were particularly thankful, griping about how he didn’t notice they were missing for almost a month and what kind of friend even does that let alone one in this business.
Last came Steven. Eyes wide. As soon as Parker undid his restraints Steve pulled him into a gentle embrace. “You really did it,” his boss whispered in his ear. “I had no idea you were capable of anything like this.”
“Oh. Well, yeah. I’m pretty good at this, actually,” Parker responded, awkwardly shifting out of the hug.
“We should celebrate. I have this expensive wine back at my apartment-”
“Shouldn’t we search the building first to see if anyone else is being held here? I mean, Jeremy and Andrew are still missing. We can’t just leave without them,” Parker interrupted.
Cib, who had plucked his vape from his pocket, shrugged and said, “ You win some you lose some dude.” He proceeded to blow smoke into Parker’s face. Parker grit his teeth and stared at Steven, unmoving.
“Well yeah we should look for them. James, go on,” he gestured at the corner of the room from whence the Vagabond had come. James sighed and went to inspect the area. Parker followed closely behind him. There was a hatch in the floor and like the door to the room they were in, it was unlocked. Jame shined a light down as Parker lifted the hatch open. Two pairs of eyes stared up at them. Unfortunately they weren’t the eyes he’d been hoping to see.
Parker nearly slammed the hatch shut in frustration. He begrudgingly held his hand out to help the two men out of the hole. James Allen McCune and Devin couldn’t help not being Jeremy and Andrew. It just pissed him off that they weren’t here. That there was no way the email he’d received was a lie.
“Parker…” Steven rested a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll find them. But we all need some rest. Come on back with me tonight. I know you don’t want to be alone in that apartment anyway.” He was right.
“Okay, sure,” Parker nodded. It was unavoidable now. “Let’s go I guess.”
The car ride was uncomfortable to say the least. Being kidnapped by another crew meant the only person with a car was Parker. He dropped off Cib and James first, giving them each a curt nod goodbye. James thanked him but it seemed hollow. Cib was still upset with him which was, in Parker’s opinion, bullshit. JAM wanted dropped off at a bar and who was Parker to stop him. After pulling away from the seediest bar in Los Santos he drove Devin to his house in the suburbs. He waved goodbye and it was finally just Parker and Steven alone, street lights illuminating their faces as they drove in relative silence.
“Parker, I’m sorry I doubted you,” Steven broke the silence. “You were incredible today. The thing with the lights? I mean, you might’ve killed The Vagabond. I’m just so blown away by it all.”
“It was nothing.” It was nice to hear compliments for a change. It was always ‘Why do we even invite you on these missions?’ and ‘Do you even do anything here?’
“I wish there was some way I could repay you. This is a genuine debt. You know how much I hate being indebted to people,” Steven continued.
“All I want is a glass of wine and a place to stay,” Parker said as he pulled into the apartment complex.
“That can be arranged,” Steven said with a laugh.
One awkward elevator ride later Parker was sitting in the penthouse apartment, on a pristine white couch, holding a glass of fancy wine. Steven was sitting uncomfortably close to him, still babbling about how grateful he was. Parker began to tune him out, thinking about that email and what it had said, the post script in particular.
“You know what I mean? Parker?” Steven interrupted his thoughts.
“Uh yeah. I hear you,” Parker laughed nervously. Steve’s hand was on his thigh. When did that get there? He took his first large swig of wine and as he put down the glass he felt Steven press closer. Their lips met and Parker allowed it to happen, returning the kiss. He’d seen this coming since he saw the look in Steven’s eyes in the warehouse. They pulled away and Parker rubbed his mouth on his sleeve.
“Not bad,” Steven said with a smirk.
“Mm.” Parker responded, looking down at his hands.
“No I- I mean it,” Steven said. He winced and coughed. He tried to begin again but Parker interrupted him.
“Look I. I know what you’ve done, Suptic. Just tell me where they are,” Parker said evenly.
“Parker, I-”
“You don’t have much time left Steve. I poisoned my cup. Passed it onto you. Without a cure you’ll be dead in half an hour. Not bad, huh?”
“Immune to poison now are we?” Steven shook his head. “You’re full of surprises. Your boys are alive, but for how much longer I don’t know.”
“Where are they?” Parker grabbed the other man’s throat. “Fucking tell me!”
Steven coughed pried Parker’s hand off his neck. “Parker, please, just give me a cure for the poison and we can talk about this like adults.
“I think you lost the right to a conversation when you fucking kidnapped my friends, hired some assholes to pretend to be the Fake AH Crew and pretended to be a victim yourself. Is that all you’re good for? Playing the goddamn victim?”
“I never wanted to hurt you,” Steven said. He immediately felt Parker’s closed fist make impact with his nose.
“Fuck you,” Parker turned away from him. “One last chance, Steve. Please, tell me where they are.”
Steven was finding it difficult to breathe evenly. Blood dripped down his face and he took the time to carefully wipe it off. He simply said, “Cib.” Parker pushed passed him, wasting no time getting to the door. He tossed the vial of poison to Steven who just barely managed to catch it.
“Find your own damn cure,” he said, putting up both middle fingers as he walked down the hall. His walk turned into a sprint. It was a risky move, endangering Steven’s life but not killing. He could have Cib on the phone faster than parker could possibly drive to James and Cib’s place. But despite how upset he was with Steven he couldn’t find it within himself to pull the trigger and actually kill him. Not bothering to take the elevator he made his way quickly down flights and flights of stairs.
He slammed his car door shut, fumbling with the keys, desperately trying to start the car. This was a race he couldn’t afford to lose. Once he got the car started and peeled out of the drive he reflected on the email once more.
It has come to my attention that you are in trouble. Your enemies are not who you think. Suptic can’t be trusted. I’m sorry that I couldn’t be of more help. We will not be meeting in person, I hope you understand. Do not try to contact me.
-G. Ramsey
P.S. If something you care about is at stake, Tread Lightly.
With the heads up Parker had known that there would be some amateur crew there playing dress up. He would never have killed the real Vagabond. Not that he couldn’t have. He had hoped that Geoff was pulling some kind of trick on him. A double fake out. But upon seeing the man in the warehouse he knew. The man in the warehouse had entirely different tattoos than the real deal. It was like the Sugar Pine Crew wasn’t even trying to fool him. Now, as he sped through the empty streets of Los Santos, the last two words echoed in his mind.
Tread Lightly. Tread Lightly. Tread Lightly.
As he bust through the door to James and Cib’s place, blood pounding in his ears, Tread Lightly.
Pulling a gun on a surprised looking James. Finger aching over the trigger. Tread Lightly. Tread Lightly.
“Parker! Glad you could join us. Why don’t you put that thing away and come with me?” Cib suggested. “I’m sure the boys will be happy to see you.”
Parker nodded, lowering his weapon. Cib didn’t appear to be armed, and neither did James. Cib brought him to the kitchen first.
“Can I offer you a drink? I don’t have any of that fancy one percenter wine but I’m sure I could find something.” Cib read the impatience on Parker’s face. “Maybe another time then.”
James unlocked a wooden door revealing a pretty spacious room. It was lacking in decor, however sitting in the middle of the room was a wooden table. Sitting at the table was a very battered looking Andrew and Jeremy. A sob caught in Parker’s throat.
“Hey Parker,” Jeremy said, face stoic as ever. Andrew looked hopeful.
“Hey guys,” Parker sniffed.
“Enough dude! I’m fine with a little happy reunion but there’s a problem. I’m afraid I can’t let all of you go. Doesn’t send a good message if this was all for nothing,” Cib shrugged. “It’s up to you.” He placed a gun on the table.
“Shoot me.” Parker said immediately.
“What, Parker no,” Andrew shook his head. “That’s crazy, you’re my best friend we could never-”
“I’m the one who pissed Cib off in the first place. That’s what this is about isn’t it?” Parker directed his question at Cib. He caught him mid-vape.
“It’s a safe bet” he coughed.
“If Andrew won’t do it, Jeremy, then. Please, I. I can’t lose either of you,” Parker pleaded. The past few days had made that evident.
“Parker…” Jeremy just sighed. He pushed the gun Cib had given them aside. Cib raised his eyebrows as if he was about to speak, but Parker got the words out first.
“Fine,” he lifted his own gun to his head. “I love you.” And, looking at Jeremy and Andrew, he genuinely smiled for the first time in awhile.
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