#Emma Celeste von Riegan
rainestorm2556 · 2 years
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Added highlights to this old art piece
Kudos to anyone who remembers it
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jojolovenotes · 2 years
After re-re-re-re-re reading that tiny Claude note that makes me so happy I got such an urge to gush to literally anyone willing to listen about the OC I made for him.
Her name is Sohelia. She’s Almayran but when Claude came to Fodlan you best believe she was on her way in an instant. She may or may not have bribed Holst into letting her over the border. She may be crestless but that doesn’t stop her from being a total badass. She can use magic but her strong suits are axes, flying, and authority. Her and Claude were childhood friends. She would have fought the war after the timeskip but he wouldn’t let her. When the Deer(this includes all recruitable characters bc I wanna save them all 🥺🥺🥺) went to Deridru and won the battle there Claude though to check up on her(they got married around a year and a half before Byleth woke up). When he got there, there was a little surprise waiting for him. Their daughter. They decided ti give her a name that sounds like it could pass in both Fodlan and Almayra so she’s Celeste Von Riegan. Fast forward he wins the war and is best dad. They split their time evenly between Fodlan and Almayra. That’s really all unless I go and explain every single little detail about Emma as well. For now I leave you with this Emma drawing I made.
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I’ll go back and shade later that takes too much time 💀
Oh, Sohelia! That’s a nice name. Aaah, I love this lore though and yes definitely a Claude thing to not have her fight in the war after the timeskip. I think he’d never forgive himself if anything ever happened to her T^T  But oh my gosh... Celeste, that’s a name I really like too. I think it’s so pretty ; v ; but ooh! Very cute... Emma is adorable ; v ; 
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rainestorm2556 · 2 years
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This OC isn’t from JoJo but I present you all Emma Celeste von Riegan! Her mother is an Almayran duchess(Sohelia) who was childhood friends with Claude. Emma was born during the war when they all go to Deridru for the roundtable conference with all the nobles. She’s a complete daddy’s girl.
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