#Sohelia von Riegan
rainestorm2556 · 2 years
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Added highlights to this old art piece
Kudos to anyone who remembers it
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jojolovenotes · 2 years
There’s a letter for Claude that’s been delivered by a messenger
My dearest Khalid Claude husband,
Hello my love, I miss you dearly. How’s the war going? I’ve heard that you met up with Judith of House Daphnel (news travels fast in the estate), that’s excellent news. Are you taking care of yourself? I understand why you didn’t want me fighting on the front lines due to my…condition shall we put it??? (Your daughter is certainly a fiesty one the due date is fast approaching…you’ll be there, won’t you?) but I could still help too y’know… I think what you’re doing is very noble (no pun intended). Good-looking and a good person, how’d I luck out so much? Well I better wrap this up soon since everyone who works at the estate is all “duchess Riegan this” and “duchess Riegan that” “oh but duchess Riegan you need your rest” (it’s harder to sleep without your added weight and warmth) but of course I lucked out immensely, I love being your wife. Nothing compares to the joy that being married to you fills me with (well other than the little one we’ll meet once she’s out of me). You’ll give everyone my regards, won’t you? Please…stay safe for me…for us
All my love,
Sohelia von Riegan (And Emma too, that child never stops kicking)
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Dearest Sohelia,
It’s always so nice to hear from you my sweet. The war is… Going. I’m hoping to put an end to all of this soon. It’s getting exhausting to be away from you, but I have to do what I have to in order to keep you and our daughter safe. Of course I’m taking care of myself, I promise you I’d come back in one piece didn’t I? Please don’t stress yourself out too much, it’s not good for you and the baby. I’m so happy you’re my wife, I love being your husband even though we have to spend some time apart for now. I’ll do everything in my power to make sure I’ll be back in time for Emma’s birth. I cant wait to be able to hold you again soon… Soon enough I’ll be able to hold you and Emma and assuming everything goes well she will be born into a world without conflict. No matter what I promise I’ll always protect the both of you.
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halycondaze · 5 years
EDELCLAUDE KID. also doropetra kid maybe??
IF THEY HAD A KID… | @valorwilled
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name: Sohelia Isabel von Hresvelg-Riegan Khosravi ( only ever called Soso or Is, unless they’re in trouble, then it’s the full name, and the whole palace knows they’ve done something bad )gender: wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy (they)|general appearance: If you asked a passerby who Soso looked like more, they’d tell you Claude - they’ve inhered his dark skin, curly hair, and his smirk. However, her eyes match El’s, and she’s got Edelgard’s build, being shorter and more prone to gain muscle.personality: Despite speaking a lot like Edelgard ( very formal, polite, and clipped, ) Soso is a trouble maker, a rabble rouser, and she loves to pull pranks. Harmless ones, mostly, like putting toads in Hubert’s jacket or shifting furniture over an inch. She also loves to sing. special talents: Soso has a beautiful voice, and is very good with both a bow and an axe.who they like better: Don’t make them choose! They love their parents for different things. Edelgard is a constant comfort, but Claude is the fun parent - meaning they can get away with more prankswho they take after more: Claude. absolutelypersonal headcanon: Sohelia never had to worry about coming out - the second they menioned it, both of their parents were very, very supportive. and nothing changed, since claude and edelgard raise their kids the same. also: though they’re the first baby, they’re the best big sibil
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name: Kiri Arnault-Macnearygender: female, maybe.general appearance: Kiri is adopted, but still manages to look a bit like both of her mothers - her eyes are green, like Dorothea’s, and she’s got Petra’s jawline, somehow. Otherwise, her hair is black and her skin is pale, like a lot of the kids in Enbarr.personality: She is very clingy to her mothers, and is actually rather shy. She’s nice to strangers, but she can’t handle social situations for too long. Kiri would rather be reading or gardening. special talents: Disappearing. You need Kiri for something? Oh, wow, haven’t seen her!who they like better: Dorothea, but only because she’ll sing to Kiri while she reads. It’s a very tight call, clearly.who they take after more: Neither, though maybe she has Petra’s insatiable thirst for knowledge.personal headcanon: Dorothea found her as an infant, abandoned in the snow, in an alleyway, and immediately took her home to warm up. Petra tried to suggest they give the girl to an orphanage, but hen Kiri grabbed her finger and Petra couldn’t let her go. 
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rainestorm2556 · 2 years
Chapter 1, New Nanny Pt 1
“So then my dad, who's the leader of the Alliance, practically blew his flat top when I told him I was moving away from Derdriu. But he chilled when I told him I had a great job. Do you know where I could find a great job?” Lady Tiana von Riegan sat in the back of a taxi carriage, telling the driver about how she came to be where she is. Her father, Duke Oswald, is the leader of the Leicester Alliance, and her older brother, Duke Godfrey, who bore a Major Crest of Riegan, was going to take over when Oswald eventually died or retired. Their mother, the late Duchess Aaliyah, who had been beloved by her people, had passed away many years prior when Tiana was still too young to form memories. Tiana had tired of the cushy life of a noble, so she decided to leave her home town of Derdriu, in order to become an actress. Duke Oswald was not happy about it, nor was Godfrey, though he had been far more supportive of her than their father. Tiana was sipping some Leicester Cortania as she awaited to be dropped off at her destination. Starting today she was no longer Lady Tiana von Riegan, Duchess of the Leicester Alliance, daughter of Duke Oswald the leader of the Alliance and the late Duchess Aaliyah, younger sister to Duke Godfrey, Oswald’s heir, no, starting today she was just Tiana, maybe even Tia for short! The carriage swerved and Tiana looked through her bag as they were to be nearing her destination soon, but she couldn’t find her wallet.
“Wha- my wallet’s gone! Someone must have stolen it!” She laughed nervously. “I don’t suppose I could pay you in lipgloss and breath mints?” The carriage swerved again, “They’re wintergreen.” and she was thrown out along with all her belongings that she’d taken with her. She landed face first on the ground. “That was rude!” Leicester may look like a united front….but that couldn’t be further from the truth. As Tiana’s luggage was thrown out it opened up, she must have forgotten to seal it properly. “Haha you missed me~” she patronized the driver, but then he threw another item at her and it hit her on her head. A handsome young man ran up to aid her.
“Whoa, you must be a really bad tipper! I’m Tony.”
“I’m Tiana. Tia for short.”
“And I’m guessing this is yours!” A little girl with pink pigtails and a tutu marched up to her holding her bra. Tiana chuckled nervously.
“Thank you sweetie, that’s just my…slingshot.” The little girl laughed.
“She doesn’t know it’s a bra!” Just then a crazed, middle aged woman came running out of the building with her suitcase screaming.
“Bye, Nanny! Whatever your name was.” The little girl waved in the direction of the crazed older woman. “Hey Tia, you wanna be my nanny?”
“Aw, thank you sweetie, but I didn’t come all the way from Derdriu in The Alliance to be a babysitter. I came here to follow my dreams cause this is where dreams come true!” The little girl gave her a look.
“Yeah, right.” “Until then I like my grilled cheese cut in triangles and my tutus starched.” The young girl led Tiana by the hand into the building.
The elevator opened to reveal a very fancy and taken care of house, it reminded Tiana of what she had chosen to leave behind in Derdriu. This little girl was either a very wealthy commoner or a noble. She knew that some of the nobles around her age had already settled down and had children of their own, but Tiana on the other hand, was looking for true love. His station mattered not to her, but his intentions and personality matter greatly.
“Whoa! This is like the Garreg Mach Monastery! But with better furniture.” A middle aged looking man who was bald and quite chubby paid little attention to her as he was busy feather dusting expensive looking items. Definitely a noble Tiana thought to herself. The girl still wouldn’t release her grip on Tiana’s wrist.
“Look, Bertram!” The little girl jumped up with joy. “I found a new nanny in the streets! Can we keep her?” The girl spoke of Tiana as if she was a puppy or kitten, not a human being.
“If she doesn’t poop on the floor it’s fine with me.” Bertram turned away and continued to dust a picture frame.
“Wait, don't you have any more questions?” Tiana asked.
“Do you poop on the floor?” Bertram answered with sarcasm.
“No.” Tiana spoke slowly.
“Congratulations! You just made the first cut.” Sarcasm could be found in Bertram’s voice again, more obvious this time than the last though. “Wait here the parents will be home soon to interview you.” Little did Tiana know that ‘the parents’ was referring to Cassian von Brandt, Ennora Goneril, Catalina Noor, Vicktor Goneril, Carla von Albrecht, and Zachary von Albrecht. All of them Alliance nobles who had settled down and had children. The young girl dragged Tiana by her wrist to the black velvet couch for them to sit.
“All this and all I have to do is take care of one cute little girl!” Screaming could be heard in the distance. Just then three kids all chasing after each other entered through the door leading to the balcony.
“Balthus! Give me back my moon!”
“No way!”
“I need it for my solar system!”
“I’ll show you a moon.” Balthus then lowered his pants until his undergarments could be seen and the girl arguing with him, Sohelia, shoved him right onto Tiana and Hilda, the little girl. He started to crawl around to regain his advantage in footing against Lia.
“Okay, okay.” Tiana fixed her dress. Then Holst, Hilda’s older brother, crawled onto Tiana as Sohelia was trying to suffocate Balthus by repeatedly hitting him with a pillow.
“Hey! Stop it! Stop it! Sohelia, stop it!” Holst exclaimed.
“Stop it! Lia, ouch!” Balthus appeared to be injured.
“Please tell me those kids are in the wrong apartment.” Tiana had no clue what she was in for…
“Those are my brothers and sister. Well really only Holst is related to me but we all live together. Baltie is his best friend and they’re also friends with Lia.”
“Or as I call them, the nanny killers.” Bertram seemed tired of whatever this was.
“Stop it!” Holst exclaimed once more.
“Balthus, Sohelia, please. Violence is never the solution.” Sohelia then hit Holst in the face with the same pillow she was terrorizing Balthus with. “To heck with the non-violence! I am on you like stripes on a tiger!” Then Holst jumped onto Lia’s back and started very weakly pummeling her with his tiny fists. He managed to get her to fall over and she shrieked.
“Yeah!” Balthus cheered. She shrieked some more.
“Stop, Holst, stop!” Then Balthus grabbed the pillow and started pummeling them both with it as he jumped on them.
“I’m a good child. Make me brownies!” Hilda smiled and demanded. Screaming, laughing, shrieking and all sorts of noises could still be heard from the trio. Tiana grabbed onto Balthus who was clinging to Holst’s leg while Sohelia was attacking the boys with the pillow now.
“Uh, hey, release!” Tiana shouted as she pulled Balthus off of Holst’s leg.”Usually works with the dogs back home.” She continued to shout release at Balthus until he let go of Holst’s leg. Sohelia continued pummeling Holst with the pillow.
“Hello, I’m Balthus. And you are?” He was most definitely hitting on her….
“Way too old for you.” Lia hit him smack in the face with the pillow and he fell onto his back. “Do you kids fight like this in front of your parents?” Tiana sounded exasperated. The question was directed towards Hilda. Just then the elevator dinged and opened to show the parents. All the couples were making out but the children were glad to see them regardless.
“Sometimes. But they never come up for air long enough to notice.” Hilda responded, referring to the fact that their parents were always all over each other.
“Mom! Dad!” The other three exclaimed as they ran towards their respective parents. Ennora and Vicktor greeted Holst, Cassian and Catalina greeted Sohelia, and Zachary and Carla greeted Balthus. Two of the three wives were blonde, though Catalina had a darker complexion than that of Ennora and Carla. Carla looked like she wasn’t familiar with noble traditions however and her hair was the same color as Balthus’. Ennora looked the most accustomed to this life out of the three women. Carla had freckles, and her hair was wavy. Catalina wore hers in a braid and it looked very silky, she wore golds, purples, and greens…..Almayran colors. Ennora looked like she could possibly be from the Kingdom, maybe even be a Blaiddyd, but she’d been born and raised a noble in The Alliance.
“Their parents are Cassian and Catalina von Brandt, Zachary and Carla von Albrecht, and Ennora and Vicktor Goneril!? The renowned Alliance nobles!?”
“No, they're sheep farmers.” Bertram replied sarcastically.
“Hey guys, we missed you so much!” The wives exclaimed.
“And we brought presents!” The men shouted while holding giant blue bags. Tiana appeared to be excited.
“Not for you, this isn’t Ordelia.” Bertram explained. Hilda grabbed Tiana by the hand.
“This is Tiana, I want her to be our nanny!” Balthus chuckled.
“So do I~”
“Nanny Kay quit? Did she say anything before she left?” Carla asked.
“She said you’d be hearing from her lawyers.” Lia responded.
“And then she said AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Hilda grinned while doing her impression of the crazed nanny and flailed her arms around.
“Who wants to see the cool toy that Erwin Fritz Gloucester gave me?” Vicktor asked.
“Me!” All the children shouted. He then pulled out an armorslayer.
“Is that a real armorslayer?” Tiana asked.
“Of course not, it’s just a prop.” Vicktor then cut straight through the chair that was to his left. “Awesome!” He shouted and the children went wild. It was a heartwarming sight and reminded Tiana of such times with her own father, Oswald and her brother, Godfrey. “Oh, maybe we better let that Ewok out of the toy chest….” The kids then looked deep in thought. “Let’s go.” He picked up Hilda and raced towards where Tiana presumed the toy chest was.
“Lia, how’s your science fair project coming? I don’t care what those judges said last year, I loved your glitter volcano.” Carla was the one who asked this, the kids were very close with other nobles and their children, but were also very isolated from them at the same time. They’d never truly met the Ordelias, Riegans, Gloucesters, Daphnels, Phlegethons, Siwards, among many others. They just knew that their parents worked with them. Nothing more, nothing less.
“Mount Fabulous?” Lia giggled.
“Thanks Carla, but this year’s gonna be even better! I got a clipboard and everything, I’m gonna be super science-y.”
“Okay, daddy and I will be back in time for your science fair tomorrow but first we have to fly to the Fraldarius territory for a super important yearly meeting we’re getting paid by the church to attend.”
“I love those meetings! They are the best giant, cross-continent meetings of all time!” Tiana had obviously been to these meetings with being the daughter of Duke Oswald and all. About two hours later she sat in a chair in the kitchen that also served as the dining room while Sohelia, Hilda, Holst, and Balthus’ parents looked over their detailed background check on Tiana.
“According to our security team you’re a straight A student, a universal blood donor, which could come in handy with our kids, AND you have a squeaky clean record. Except for once in third grade you went to the bathroom without a hall pass.” Ennora read over the information they were able to obtain on Tiana.
“If you’d tasted that cafeteria food you’d understand why.” “Armadillo does not go down easy.” Ennora grabbed Tiana’s hands and moved closer as she stared into her eyes. “Whatcha doin’?”
“Just getting a read on you. I made a fortune trusting my instincts. That and slapping my name on everything from sunglasses to cat food.” Ennora let go of Tiana’s hands and moved away. “You’re hired!”
“Thank you!” The pair hugged and then Tiana proceeded to hug Catalina, Zachary, Cassian, Vicktor, and Carla. The start of her new life began now. Balthus sprinted in with a giant grin on his face.
“Hey mom! Can I date the new nanny?”
“Let me think about it. No.”
“Oh well, ours will be a forbidden love.”
“Starting now.” Tiana then led Balthus out of the room.
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rainestorm2556 · 2 years
If I were to make an FE3H Jessie AU who would read it?
Hilda would be Zuri
My OC Sohelia would be Emma
Balthus would be Luke
Holst would be Ravi
Tiana would be Jessie
Lorenz’s grandmother would be Mrs Chesterfield
Mrs Kipling would stay the same
I’ve yet to decide who Tony would be but he might just end up staying the same
Morgan and Christina would likely just be all the kids’ parents, and since out of all of the Leicester nobles we get to play as, only Lorenz’s father and Claude’s mother have been named, I’d pick names for them myself. I don’t have all the little kinks and details worked out yet but I’ve had this idea for well over a year.
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jojolovenotes · 2 years
After re-re-re-re-re reading that tiny Claude note that makes me so happy I got such an urge to gush to literally anyone willing to listen about the OC I made for him.
Her name is Sohelia. She’s Almayran but when Claude came to Fodlan you best believe she was on her way in an instant. She may or may not have bribed Holst into letting her over the border. She may be crestless but that doesn’t stop her from being a total badass. She can use magic but her strong suits are axes, flying, and authority. Her and Claude were childhood friends. She would have fought the war after the timeskip but he wouldn’t let her. When the Deer(this includes all recruitable characters bc I wanna save them all 🥺🥺🥺) went to Deridru and won the battle there Claude though to check up on her(they got married around a year and a half before Byleth woke up). When he got there, there was a little surprise waiting for him. Their daughter. They decided ti give her a name that sounds like it could pass in both Fodlan and Almayra so she’s Celeste Von Riegan. Fast forward he wins the war and is best dad. They split their time evenly between Fodlan and Almayra. That’s really all unless I go and explain every single little detail about Emma as well. For now I leave you with this Emma drawing I made.
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I’ll go back and shade later that takes too much time 💀
Oh, Sohelia! That’s a nice name. Aaah, I love this lore though and yes definitely a Claude thing to not have her fight in the war after the timeskip. I think he’d never forgive himself if anything ever happened to her T^T  But oh my gosh... Celeste, that’s a name I really like too. I think it’s so pretty ; v ; but ooh! Very cute... Emma is adorable ; v ; 
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rainestorm2556 · 3 years
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This OC isn’t from JoJo but I present you all Emma Celeste von Riegan! Her mother is an Almayran duchess(Sohelia) who was childhood friends with Claude. Emma was born during the war when they all go to Deridru for the roundtable conference with all the nobles. She’s a complete daddy’s girl.
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