#Emma Ross
dollyiia · 2 months
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infiniteimaginings · 7 months
Started: March 1st, 2024 Updated: March 1st, 2024
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Characters I write for in the show 'Jessie'
Brooks Wentworth Emma Ross Jessie Prescott Luke Ross Ravi Ross Tony Chiccolini Zuri Ross
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nikkiruncks · 9 months
Jessie and Bertram were Emma, Ravi, Luke, and Zuri’s parents.
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anxious-copper-wp · 2 months
Luke Ross x Female!oc
Summary: when the win big shindig rolls around, Luke try’s to ask out his sisters best friend, while failing miserably. But he’s successfully able to get her to go with him.
Elijah time!
This was originally the first chapter for my Luke Ross story on Wattpad ‘ bestfriends brother’ but I decided I wanted to start the fic off on earlier seasons.
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Zuria May was excited, the win big shindig was happing this week, and the girl was helping Emma Ross, the sister of her best friend, zuri Ross,  plan the dance, which she wasn't actually helping plan, she was just in charge with music, and luckily, the girl just so happened to be apart of a band. Everyone around school was talking about who they were going to ask to be their dates, and Ria was just hoping she'd be able to have a conversation with the boy she wanted to go with, and luckily, said boy had left a note in her locker.
"So, Luke, what did you wanna tell me?" Zuria asked as she walked into a hallway that was filled with confetti.
"Uh..." Luke stuttered, looking at the girl before turning towards the lockers, letting a terrified noise.
"Go away, Zuria?" Ria read aloud, turning towards Luke. "Is this some kind of practical joke?" She scoffed before getting a face full of confetti.
"Fixed it..." Ravi laughed nervously.
"You're a total jerk." Ria glared at her best friends brother, rolling her eyes as she walked away.
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Another letter from Luke saying to meet him outside, Zuria wasn't going to go, but she decided she'd give him another chance.
"Luke, it you have something to say, please, make it quick." Zuria spoke quickly, "I'm supposed to be at band practice with the guys."
"Uh, yeah." Luke stuttered as he made his way towards her, grabbing her arm and manoeuvring her to a certain spot. "Just stand right here." The boy stared at her side profile, a smile on his face. Zuria furrowed her brows, turning to Luke with a confused face. "Uh...okay, I just have to make a quick call." He seemed nervous, which Zuria found weird. She's known Luke for quite some time, he was never nervous. "Don't move, okay?" Luke quickly walked to the side, and that's when the sprinklers went off.
"Oh my god!" Zuria screamed, her white off shoulder butterfly top and black and white jeans were getting soaked, she was supposed to go to band practice in this outfit. "I can't believe I fell for another one of your stupid practical jokes!" She cried out, covering face, trying to stop the water going to her face.
"Uh, no, wait!" Luke tried to make his way over to her, only for the girl to trip backwards and hit her head against the ground.
"Ow, My head!" Zuria cried, sitting up and looking at Luke. "Why do you hate me?"
"Zuria, I swear, I wanted you standing there for something else!" Luke tried to explain, going over to help her up, just as the marching band came by. The boy was quick to move her out of the way before she got trampled.
"Merciful heavens, make it stop." Ravi spoke, taking a sip from his drink.
"Could this get any worse?!" Luke groaned, his hand still keeping Zuria stable on her feet.
"Who is zaria?" Ravi sounded out, squinting at the sky, making Luke groan again. Zuria wasn't paying attention, she was too busy trying to keep herself awake.
"I think I have a concussion." The girl cried, placing her hand on her head, stumbling away from the boys and to the nurse.
Zuria was making her way to the gym, wearing her rainbow tie dye crop top over her black singlet, some black jeans, some tennis shoes and her hair was down, braided at the top with some beads. She was turning into the hallway, were rose petals had been laid out, and Luke was on his knee, a huge bouquet of flowers, holding one in his hand.
"Luke?" Zuria questioned, staring down at the boy.
"Ria." He smiled, staring up at her.
"I can't believe this." She chuckled, "is this all for me?" She wondered, not wanting to get the wrong idea.
"Uh.." he stuttered, glancing around before holding out the bouquet, with a sweet smile. "Yes, It is."
"This is so sweet." She smiled softly, "I thought you hated me." She laughed nervously. "Wait-" her eyes widened before she started looking around frantically. "The marching band isn't hiding anywhere, is it?"
"Zuria, I'm really sorry about all that." Luke stated clearly, placing his hand on her arm. "It just, you know, you're the coolest girl I know, and wonderful to, and I didn't think you'd go to the dance with me unless I asked in a big way." He explained, "plus, zuri said she'd skin me alive if I didn't make the proposal good enough."
"Well, I'd say this is pretty big." Ria smiled softly. "And definitely good enough," she chuckled, "although, I heard someone named zaria got asked by a skywriter." She smiled, impressed.
"So, uhh..." he stuttered, before holding out a rose to her. "Will you go to the dance with me?" He asked nervously.
"I'd love to." Ria smiled, taking the flower and Luke's hand into hers.
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"And you know, you didn't have to go through all this trouble." Ria stated, smiling at him. "You could've just asked me through a note, I would've even found it sweet if you did it through zuri." She laughed.
"Trust me, when prom rolls around, I'm just sending you a paper airplane." The two laughed, making their way to the dance hand in hand.
"You look really pretty." Luke smiled as the two slowed danced, Zuria laughed, spinning the boy under her arm.
"Thank you, Emma tried to force me into a dress," the girl laughed, "but I finally convinced her to let me wear this because it's more easier for me to preform in." Zuria spoke as Luke manoeuvre her under his arm now.
"The band and I are performing tonight," she smiled. "We're on after throwing stuff at the Viking and after the Vamps."
"Seriously?" Luke grinned, now having his arms around her waist as the two slowly swayed. "You're going to do great." He stated, despite not having heard her or the band before.
"Okay, party people," Emma spoke into the microphone, "now, it's time to destroy the Viking!" She exclaimed as Bertram made his way on the stage, opera singing the words 'I am a Viking.' Which made the students not even hesitate with their throwing and booing. Soon enough, Bertram exited the stage after having cake thrown at him.
"Listen up, everyone." Emma spoke, "I have a huge surprise for you." She stated. "Thanks to my incredibly hard work and a lost tour bus driver, I give you, The vamps!" The crowd cheered as the band began to play. Luke and Zuria were dancing like they were the only people in the room, jumping up and down with each other. Soon enough, they were done, and it was time for sunset curve.
"And now, for our own amazing little band, welcome Zuria, Aamina, charlotte and Sirius, Sunset curve!!" Emma exclaimed, the four students making their way on stage.
Zuria began to play the piano, while the others got ready.
"Sometimes I think I'm falling down, I wanna cry, I'm calling out, for one more try, to feel alive." She sang, staring out at Luke in the crowd. "And when I feel lost and alone, I know that I can make it home, fight through the dark." She gained more confidence. "And fine the spark! Life is a risk, but I will take it, close my eyes and jump, together I think that we can make it." She smiled. "Come on, let's Run! And rise-!" The band joined in. "Through the night, you and I!" Ria raised from the piano, taking the microphone with her. "We will fight to shine together, bright for ever!" She pointed into the crowd. "And rise through the night! You and I! We will fight to shine together, bright forever!" Ria grinned as the crowd were cheering.
"Uh, Is this really happening?" She asked Sirius in disbelief.
"Just go with it!" He grinned, taking a step forward. "In times that i doubted myself, I felt like I needed some help, stuck in my head," Sirius grinned as he watched Zuria and Mina jam out together, "with nothing left!" He laughed, "I feel something around me now, so unclear, lifting me out! I found the ground! I'm marching on!"
"Life is a risk, but we will take it!" Mina joined it, both her and Sirius singing into the same Mike as she played bass and he guitar. "Close my eyes and jump! Together I think we can make it, come on, let's run!!"
"And rise! Through the night! You and I! We will fight to shine together!" Everyone joined in, including Lottie who was on drums. "Bright forever!! And rise, through the night! You and I! We will fight! To shine together! Bright forever!"
"In times that I doubted myself. I felt like I needed some help, stuck in my head, with nothing left!!"
"And when I feel, lost and alone, I know that i will make it home, fight through the dark, and find the spark!"
Zuria laughed as she caught Aamina wink at charlotte.
"And rise! Through the night! You and I! We will fight forever, to shine together!! bright forever!! And rise through the night! You and I! We will fight! To shine together! Bright forever!!"
And with that, the song was finished, and the gym erupted in screams and cheers.
"Thank you, sunset curve!!" Emma cheered, hugging the band as they exited the stage, and The Vamps were back on. Zuria made her way back to Luke, and the two began to dance again, Zuria grabbing his hands and Luke spinning and dipping her.
The two had the time of their lives, it had been the first time the two actually had a proper talk, and the talking continued as Luke walked her home.
"You were absolutely amazing, I didn't know you could sing like that!" Luke grinned, spinning the girl around as he walked with her down the road.
"Thank you, i haven't preformed in front of a crowd before," she laughed, squealing as Luke lifted her off her feet as they arrived at her house. "I had an amazing time, Luke." She smiled, still holding the boys hand.
"I did to, thank you for an amazing night." He smiled, helping her up the stairs. "I really like you, Zuria." He stated, staring into her eyes.
"And I really like you, Luke."
"So...would you, possibly, think about being my girlfriend?" Luke nervously stumbled over his words, holding her hands nervously.
"Absolutely." She grinned, kissing the boys cheek.
"Hehe-" Luke giggled, reaching up and holding his cheek. "I'm never washing this face again."
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fangforthememories · 1 year
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faelayouts · 9 days
Hi, you can make headers that match these icon, please
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bunnybeansowo · 1 year
Karmi, to Honey-Lemon: This is from the facial you recommended. My face looks like a baboon’s butt! Hiro: Well, yeah. Oh, but today it has a rash!
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nuriaxcc · 11 months
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leavememorieshere · 1 year
I just remembered that Emma Ross is canonically a fan of ONE DIRECTION and TAYLOR SWIFT.
I don’t know how I forgot but, her and Piper Hart would make good friends
(probably, it depends if they met when Jessie was still around or when Emma was in Bunk’d).
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bunk’d is the disney channel version of riverdale and you cannot convince me otherwise
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kaceyrps · 2 years
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m0tel6mxzzy · 2 years
heard a comment on tiktok on an edit from emma from that disney show jessie “she is the nepo baby” so true. so true
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stuffiveseenontv · 1 month
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Jacket is from GAP
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fangforthememories · 1 year
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diioonysus · 4 months
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objects in art: instruments
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