#Emma x Norman x Ray
fullscoreshenanigans · 11 months
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(from here)
@questiontocertaintyofreality @whywoulditho ooo lemme do a little promo post to put in the REN tag because the fic makes me happy
Fair warning that as of writing this post, the fic is currently unfinished. I know some people are hesitant to start fics in light of that, but even if a fic remains unfinished my general perspective is to proceed forward and appreciate what an author did share of their work and play around with the little plot bunnies that spring forth in my head.
With that said, some snippets and ramblings (spoilers, natch):
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I've said this numerous times before how I'll give more leeway to individual short comics with the hyperbole being used to quickly and clearly deliver a punchline with a limited amount of time and space (like in the chapter 91 "Hayflick Effect" → "Hey! Flick!" bonus comic), but I hate when Emma is stripped of all her nuance to facilitate familiar shipping formulas. I understand how this snowballs from innocuous offhand jokes in the fandom, but it's unfortunate when these things overtake popular perception of her. She's emotionally intelligent and cunning (we see this early on when she's brazen enough to muse what Conny's up during her confrontation with Isabella in the hallway, all while keeping up the most cheerful front), so I always enjoy reading fic that keeps that balance in mind.
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Beautiful, a simply beautiful exchange of greetings.
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The preestablished Noremma is absolutely delightful. Another thing thing I've mentioned before is my dislike of Norman being extremely uncharacteristically nebbish or aggressively confident and suave when pursuing relationships that' works in tandem's usually packaged with Emma becoming bizarrely demure. Again, I understand the appeal of stock scenarios, but it's not something I enjoy reading for them. I adore when they reach this level of knowing, playful banter with an underlying thrum of challenge, bred of familiarity at which boundaries can be teasingly skirted and which are low blows and off-limits, and founded on them being equals (after both of them, to different degrees, placed each other on pedestals).
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I generally have two default outlines for how I see REN getting together: all together at once, or NE getting together first before roping Ray into the relationship. Here it's clearly the latter, though with a bit of a twist in that NE isn't as intimately familiar with Ray stemming from a shared childhood, but there is an awareness of him being out there. There's also the layer of longing that I personally vibe with for him and incorporate into my interpretation of the ship that can be summed up as "Ray is first to know, last to go, and Emma is last to know, first to go." (Because when there’s something she wants and believes it’s correct to do so, she just goes for it. There might be some delay in trying to find the correct timing, but the progress on it dramatically picks up when she realizes, "wait, why aren’t we together? We should fix that." lfjldj adore that respectful tenacity and ambition.)
With Ray, there's a denial born from years of steeling away his heart so he would have the mental fortitude to see off multiple children on their shipment days and a bone-deep belief that after everything he's done, he doesn't deserve such love. He is committed to the vow he makes to Emma in chapter 38 about living on to protect their family, and multiple times he's at the center of discussions what's the best path forward to secure the safety of his friends and family. He can be in the spotlight for that, but when it comes to advocating for his own wants, he falters; accepts that internal strife born of self-loathing as penance for everything he's done to reach this point, prostrates himself to the idea that Emma and Norman are beyond him when it comes to matters of the heart, and attempts to twist and contort to himself he's content to live the remainder of his days with this secret if it means they'll be happy together. (I'll also do a quick shoutout to @salsae's vowsverse for the ultimate breaking down of this wall; simply spectacular culmination of all the build-up over the years.) But all this is underlined by a desperate clinging to the hope that a future with them is possible, a hope that he would never dare put to words but still subconsciously lingers as he tries to extinguish it.
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Tying that long tangent back around to this AU, again, Ray doesn't know the two as intimately as he does in canon, but there's a spark of hope at the thought of a different future for himself that he wrestles with, griping over the ludicrousness at the pair's goal and fighting them tooth and nail with each step of their approach, yet he's still the one to initiate their game and can't help but want to meet them to see if there's a foundation where his hope can bloom.
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Finally, I am going to McFuckin' Lose It™ if the reveal that Ray is the son of the kingdom's enemy happens in the middle of Norman holding court (either with Emma and Norman knowing beforehand or it being a surprise for them, too; both have delicious potential.)
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frankenjoly · 10 months
To normalcy
ray/emma/norman + crying during a movie
“Gosh.” Emma's eyes only moved from the screen when Norman spoke, breaking the comfortable silence in which the three of them had been immersed as the movie went on. “Ray crying, what a sight.” And after the slight teasing, there came the boy's actual reaction. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, duh.” A quick glance revealed that Ray was indeed crying, albeit not very heavily. It hadn't even shown on his voice yet. “I'm fine, the movie just got to me.”
“Aw, don't worry, you know how I cry with most of them.” Emma herself added, with not a single trace of shame in her tone. Why would she be ashamed anyway?
Besides, after all they had gone through, it felt nice tearing up for such a mundane reason as getting emotional over a fictional story.
“Yeah, I'm glad it's just about a movie, and not actual dang stuff.” Ray said, as if he had read her mind. 
Though, reading each other till that point or even agreeing without further discussion had become more and more common when it was the three of them. Like their disposition to watch the movie on itself, with both her and Norman hogging Ray's shoulders and making it so everyone could hold hands with the others.
“It's nice, yeah.” Was also Norman's response.
Not only could they get used to it, but they were slowly doing so as well. And damn, it felt great.
(Also on ao3.)
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molotovgirl45 · 4 months
heyyy !! would it be cool w you if i requested fluffy tpn ray x reader headcanons?? :D
Yes. This post doesn't reference the gender of the reader, so all genders may enjoy this! I hope you guys enjoy <3
In the orphanage, Ray and you would mostly spend time in the library.
Depending on how close you were with him in the orphanage, he might share his favorite books with you, reading them to you if you were up to it.
I feel like his love language giving would be acts of service, while receiving would be touch or words of affirmation.
He loves it when you play with his hair when he's reading to you. Like you'll just be sitting, cuddled up beside him, playing with his hair, as he reads one of his favorite books with you.
Usually, he likes to just enjoy books by himself, but with you, he would very much like to share.
If you read books in your free time too, then you've already guaranteed yourself a husband at that point.
Books are his passion, but so are you. So it makes reading together so much more intimate for him.
When you, Ray, Emma, and Norman got to the human world, Ray worked at a book store.
Whenever you stop by, he gives you books he thinks you'll like for free. Just don't tell his boss 😉
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milkcookiekin · 4 months
in honor of Valentine’s Day coming up soon and me wanting to write for other fandoms besides phighting, here’s a treat for the zombie of a fandom we call yakusoku no neverland <3
(of course, this is after escaping to the human world!)
Emma would 100% be the type to take you out on a picnic date. she planned out everything, the scenery with the fairy lights wrapped around the trees, the sunset looks perfect, the food tastes delicious, but it also looks so cute and you feel bad for eating it. she reassured you, and she also just has the cutest little smile on her face while you eat peacefully, she’s just really happy to be spending time with you. you guys end up snuggling as you watch the sunset and just talk about your random thoughts together.
Norman would either take you out on a library or a fancy dinner date, he wants the date to be casual, but also not enough to where he looks like he didn’t put much thought into it. throughout the whole date, he’s happily listening to you ramble about your interests and he makes mental notes so he knows what to buy for you later during the date. though, he’s also very shy and nervous, he doesn’t talk that much throughout it all because he just wants to listen to you, and shaking every time you guys touch even the slightest bit.
Ray on the other hand, is much more comfortable with the idea of having the date be as comfy as possible. he decided a nice date at home on a rainy day was his favorite way to spend Valentine’s Day. he doesn’t really make this occasion a big thing, but he does his best to show his affection. he reads to you with a soothing tone as he plays some soft lofi music in the background, but he’s not actually all that interested in the book, he’s more interested in seeing your reactions, especially as the rain helps lull you to sleep, and he smiles softly. you guys end up falling asleep together all cuddled up with each other.
Don would take you to a big theme park, and you guys go on as many rides as possible before the night rolls around. if you’re afraid of heights, then he’ll take you to an arcade instead, and he actually ends up winning you a lot of prizes and gifts, which is exactly what he wanted, because he wanted to impress you, but you reassure him that spending time with him was more than enough, and he swore he felt butterflies in his stomach for the rest of the night. (he ended up not getting any sleep, he just thought about the date the whole night)
Gilda would most definitely take you out shopping, buying clothes and plushies, and overall just having a fun time. she helps you look for outfits and accessories she knows you’ll love, and has you try them on like you’re on a runaway as she’s complimenting you and cheering you on endlessly! if you’re more self-conscious, she’ll hug you and let you know that you’re absolutely gorgeous, and that nothing could ever change that..
(bonus if Gilda almost gets into a fight with a Karen for being “too loud” while she’s cheering you on)
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Random stuff #1
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nerdysleepybunny · 1 year
This TPN joke is pretty overused but I saw the “Ray’s birthday was pretty lit” joke and choked on my fucking water. 😭 It’s so wrong but so funny. 💀💀💀
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Just like with the other one, I'm so so sorry it took so long. Rough few months. Wasn't sure how you wanted it, so i gave the format of headcanons a shot.
🧡 She was just vibing
🧡 Hey, losing most rounds of tag, nearly snatching the first place, can be difficult.
🧡 Who better to brighten her day than you, of course?
🧡 "Hi, y/n!" She smiled, her chirpy voice resonating around the grounds.
🧡 You had a slightly different smile today though.
🧡 Almost like a smirk
🧡 "You look happy to see me."
🧡 uHm
🧡 "Well, yeah!" She focused on looking at the trees instead of you. Not that she DIDN'T want to look at you, of course.
🧡 "I knew it!"
🧡 wAiT
🧡 "Knew uh.. what?"
🧡 "I know who your little crush is!"
🧡 oh no
🧡 no you don't, right???
🧡 "It's me!"
🧡 "Wh-what!" She exclaimed.
🧡 kinda hard to miss the blush tho.
💙 Ah, the library.
💙 A place of complete silence.
💙 "Normannnnn."
💙 Well, normally.
💙 He didn't particularly mind this interruption though.
💙 "Afternoon, y/n!" He said, smiling.
💙 "Hiya." You said simply, sitting opposite him.
💙 Man had to fight hard to concentrate on his book tbh.
💙 "You know, Ray told me something interesting earlier." You quipped, propping your cheek on your hand, elbow on the table. 
💙 omygod.
💙 of course he did..
💙 Norman raised his eyebrows. "Oh yeah? What's that?"
💙 not doing a very successful job at hiding his blush.
💙 You simply smiled
💙 "I know who your crush isssss."
💙  tomato activated.
💙 You burst into laughter seeing this.
💙 Day spent well.
🖤 Man is just reading at the tree.
🖤 Screaming kids all around him.
🖤 And then someone sits next to him.
🖤 Normally little dude would be displeased.
🖤 Butttttt he can excuse it if it's you.
🖤 "Hi, Ray."
🖤 "Hey, Y/N."
🖤 "Sooo.. Emma told me something very interesting earlier."
🖤 ...
🖤 no way - she didn't..
🖤 You smirked slightly.
🖤 "I know who your crush issss!"
🖤 Ray somehow had the composure to just raise his eyebrows. 
🖤 "Oh, really?"
🖤 He didn't take his eyes off his book.
🖤 But he definitely wasn't reading it.
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sleepyhouzuki · 9 months
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No I will NOT shut up about them
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cirkkaa · 1 year
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Fantasy Au Prologue (Draft)
Ray was the protagonist alongside Anna. They are orphanage children (16 ish) result from an ongoing war where they lived. Story is set when they are both adopted by different families. Anna adapts very well and has a good prospect, whereas Ray is just a rebel kid who wants to find his family again (in this au Isa's location is unknown. Ray has been separated from her during the war when he was younger)
During his search, he gets saved from imminent death by what he could describe as an angel. For some reason since then, he can see and feel the supernatural which, as he discovers later, ends up playing a key part of Ray and Isa's past.
This version is no longer "canon" sadly, but I thought sharing this could be nice. As I was writing I noticed there a lot of plot gaps that just couldn't work out and changed some things. The current canon version takes the angels pov (Emma and Norman) and centers more on Emma's emotional journey as a celestial being. Also some characters roles are different like Isabella who's the death angel now. I like both versions, and i took it as a challenge to just write a story really. About the new version I don't plan to develop it as a tpn au anymore but a original story so besides the few ideas I shared, it will still stay in the drawer TT
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jupahochiko · 9 months
•🪻Outfits I think Emma, norman and ray would love on you🪻•
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(btw sorry for not Posting in so long I was in the hospital 🥲👍🏻)
-like ray I feel like he would like the more basic style.
-"you look stunning as always love."
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-Cmon she would adore you if you wore this like clinging to your side rambling about how cute you look
-"Cmon you look adorable cariño!"
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-I feel like he just loves the more basic style over other styles that use to much accessories giving you maybe 1 complement (cmon it's ray what do you expect?)
"you look nice I guess.."
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fullscoreshenanigans · 3 months
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Posuka Demizu's first artwork for Norman's birthday 21/3/24 (second)
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floralcavern · 9 months
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molotovgirl45 · 4 months
Hiii! I have a TPN request for Emma and Ray (seperately).
Them x reader who is bubbly, childish, energetic, and kind gets shipped out and the next time they see them (reader was with Norman after they got shipped out), they were more reserved, soft-spoken, and mature.
Tysm and have a great day! P.S. Stay hydrated.
This genuinely sounds like something I would read, lol. I hope you enjoy, even though this isn't a total proof read. Just how i remembered. I did mainly just Ray, and im planning on making another version with Emma.This will be based off the manga, but I can make an anime version too. Here you go!
Tw: Violence, slight trauma, use of Y/n, slight angst at end.
Introduction Ray+Emma
After you got shipped out, you went to Lambda with Norman. That was definitely an eye opening moment for you, seeing all of the test subjects as you walked through the halls. You watched as they screamed, or tried to resist, but it was all futile. You watched as they morphed into horrific creatures, their wails echoing throughout the lab. That one moment, the energetic Y/n that everyone knew and loved faded. Throughout the months you spent alone in a small white box, your mind began to shape itself to your new environment. You never really knew what it was like to be injected with unknown treatments, or to be held down so they could test on you. That Era of your life left a mental scar, one that could probably never be healed.
Ray: Seeing you again.
"Long time, no see."
You smile softly at Emma and Ray as Norman stood by your side. Ray's facial expression went from stoic instantly it shock. Was this really you?
"... Y/n?"
Before you knew it, you felt something collide with you a little harshly. He had sprinted towards you, hugging you tight as if he would lose you again if he let you go for even a second. For the first time, Norman, Emma and you saw him cry. He was crying into your shoulder. That was... Unexpected. Half of you thought that he would act like he didn't care. You hug him back. Eventually, he spoke.
"Don't leave us like that again, Idiot."
You chuckled slightly.
"I missed you too, Ray."
Ray: Noticing your personality change
Back at the farm, you constantly would bug Ray, or try and play games with him. So when he asked you if you wanted to play a board game with him, and you didn't light up with that cute face you made when you were excited, he was confused.
"Hey, dumbass, do you want to play monopoly with Norman, Emma and me?"
You glanced up from the papers you were writing. You smile softly.
"Oh, I'm good, thanks."
... He blinked. Were they being serious?
"... What?"
You don't glance up this time, continuing to write some boring papers.
"I said I'm good, thank you, though."
Something was wrong. You *never* declined the opportunity to play a board game. Were they sad? Did he do something wrong that upset them? He frowned hard. Maybe they are just tired. He leaves, to go back to where Norman and Emma were.
A couple days after that, he walks by to see you... Reading? No, clearly something is wrong. You used to HATE books. You would only ever read them if Ray read them to you. He approached you, frowning again.
"What's wrong?"
Huh? You look up, a bit confused.
"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong."
"Did we upset you?"
You get even more confused.
He takes the book from your hands, seeing what it even is that you're reading. ... Pride and Prejudice? Yeah, something is definitely wrong.
"I'm sorry you feel neglected enough to read this."
Your confused expression increases in strength.
"Ray, nothing is wrong. What are you even talking abou-"
"-Y/n, you don't read. You've never read before, unless I was reading it to you. And last week you said you didn't want to play monopoly. Clearly something is wrong. Have you been getting enough sleep?? Sleeplessness affects your energy and mood. Are you depressed or something? You know you can always talk to-"
You yell, after a couple times he finally seemed to stop talking. You sigh, standing up from your seat.
"Ray, I'm fine. Truly. I just..."
You rub your temples.
"I just matured. Back at the farm, we were together. We all helped each other out, and that gave us all hope. But when you're alone, in an environment like the Lambda, you just... Change. I can't help the fact that I had to mature before I was supposed to. But I'm telling you, I'm fine."
He stares at you for a while, before nodding in understanding. He gives you your book back.
"Sorry for bothering you, then."
He leaves, before you could stop him. You sigh, looking down at your book. You really had changed.
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lidatan · 5 months
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I miss Noremma 😭😭😭😭 this is an old draft, redraw from one of the CSM manga page 😂 (I drew them based on their school AU official illustration).
Emma in whatever appearance, Norman will still see Emma is cute and beautiful 😂😭 and Ray be like : are you serious, Norman 🤨
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giganticgeo · 13 days
Someone pls revive the tpn fandom, I'd love to do it myself but my writing skills genuinely suck and I'm doing the world a favour by not writing any fanfics for tpn but pls, tpn fans, rise🙏‼️
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nerdysleepybunny · 1 year
(This is my first time requesting something) I was wondering if you could do a tpn X fem reader (separate ofc )wear the reader likes to play with their hair while cuddling ( fluff plz) 🌈- anon
Of course! Welcome to the clouds, 🌈 anon! Thank you for the request, hope you enjoy! 💕
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
Fandom(s): The Promised Neverland
Character(s): Norman, Ray, Emma
Reader: Feminine (she/you)
TW: Feminine petnames
Style: Hcs
Summary: Norman, Ray, and Emma (separate) react to a reader that likes to play with their hair whilst cuddling.
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Soft blushy boy. <3
I feel like the feeling of you brushing your fingers through his locks and scratching his scalp is just super relaxing, so he’d definitely fall asleep.
Once he’s asleep put his hair in a ponytail (or, do the best you can with how short his hair is-) and see his reaction when he wakes up!
When he notices he’ll be like 😮😳🥹
He would tackle you but then he’s like “no no no must be gentle with my baby”
“Thank you princess, I love it.” AND THAT CUTE SMILE SKDHAJDNSBX
Many many smooches on both ends. 😭💕
I feel like Norman doesn’t get much physically affection so he absolutely melts whenever you play with his hair.
Just the cutest boy. Protect him at all costs. 🫶🏻
If he’s in one of his soft moods he’s laying against you, then he just feels your hand touch the top of his head and he jumps. You think you hurt him or made him uncomfortable and go to move your hand but then he relaxes into you and pulls your hand back. 😭
Whilst you’re playing with his hair he turns to you and tries to look all scary and being like “don’t tell ANYONE about this” but you knowing him just smooch the look off his face and being like “sure”
Turns back around scoffing but you know he liked it. 💀
Don’t tease him though. He WILL slap you. (Then apologize over and over but don’t tell that to anyone)
If someone walks in or you tell someone about what happened he’ll go full gaslight mode, as a joke of course. Just denying everything even if there’s proof.
Ray: *looking at the picture Emma took of you playing with his hair and him blushing*
Ray: *scoffs* “What is this? This never happened. Something must be wrong with all of you.”
You: *trying not to laugh*
Ray, preparing to slap you if you even dare laugh: *intense side eye*
He likes the affection, just don’t tease or tell others. 😭
She loves loves LOVES it!!
You two are so close that you’re surprised your bodies aren’t morphing together into one.
When she feels your fingers begin to comb through her hair, she’s giggling and leaning into your touch.
She’ll even reach up and play with yours as well!
Safe to say the two of you fell asleep lol.
She’ll let you play with the little strand of hair at the top of her head. That means a lot because she doesn’t let ANYONE touch it. Except you now! :D
You like to curl it around your finger to make it all curly. She hates how weird it looks but lets you keep doing it, just sitting there with a mad pouty face whilst you laugh at her face and her hair. 😭
Poor baby is just like >;( 🥹
She expects MANY smooches when you’re done torturing her.
You know that little braid Emma has in her hair in season 2? You either taught her how to do it or you do the braid for her lol.
“Y/NNNNN, MAKE MY HAIR LOOK COOL!” The girl whined and wouldn’t shut up till you agreed to style her hair. There wasn’t many options due to how short it was, but you finally decided a little side braid would look nice. She loved it so so much that she had you restyle it whenever the braid comes out. :D
She’ll literally be so sad when it came out for the first time thinking it would never be replaceable. She would’ve actually started crying if you didn’t tell her you can do it again. 😭
“Calm down princess I can braid your hair again..”
“REALLY?! :0”
“Yes now stay still.”
You smooched the tears off her cheeks and restyled her hair, meaning happy Emma. :D
“Shut up Emma.”
“Ray is right Emma, you are being a bit loud..”
“Lower your voice, Em.”
“Anything for you Y/N! :D”
Emma’s a simp lmfao.
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
The ask didn’t specify which tpn characters they wanted so I just went with the trio, but if you have any other characters in mind just send in another ask! 💕
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