#Enele Butterfly
shinysamurott9 · 1 year
I finished Xenoblade X again today and... wow.
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OK so, I played Xenoblade X for the first time last year in a marathon of Xenoblade 1, X, and 2, and honestly, compared to 1 & 2, I didn't enjoy it as much. It was the only one I didn't really know much about going in. I felt like it had a lot of good parts, but I hadn't any idea what I was doing because the game has literally no tutorials and I ended up stumbling through the game when I wasn't able to use my Skell, so I just didn't have as much fun with it compared to the trilogy.
However, after finishing Xenogears and the Xenosaga Trilogy, I thought it would be a good idea to give X another shot as a nice way to bookend playing the Xeno series, specifically after watching some guides and learning how the combat actually works (Thanks Enel)
And, holy shit. Out of every game I've ever played, this and DMC 3 are the ones I'm most glad I gave a second chance. I genuinely could not stop thinking about this game after I started playing again. Before I stopped pretty much as soon as I beat the final boss, this time I went literally all the way and completed the entire Mira Survey. I'm just gonna take this chance to go in and incoherently go off about about all the stuff I have in my head about this beautiful mess of a game.
Ok so the combat. Overdrive, is a completely balanced mechanic that doesn't allow you to completely take the main game’s difficulty and snap it over your knee like a fucking twig. Except it is. Like, it is honestly comical just how trivial almost everything becomes with the right arts on your build. And if you throw really busted arts like Ghostwalker/Ghost Factory or Blossom Dance into the mix, literally nothing can stand up to you bar the literal endgame superbosses, and a big part of that is just because a lot of them, Telethia in particular, are in positions where you literally can't fight them on foot and realistically survive without a highly specialised build. But with that proper build, that probably takes a lot of grinding, you can still beat them fairly quickly, save for Levael The Terminus, because it's literally in the middle of the ocean. All because of this funny counter gear.
Going along with Overdrive, is the amount of customisation this game offers you. Almost every weapon type offers you at least a couple arts that work really well alongside Overdrive. The build I ended up with at the end was a Knife, Dual Gun combination, mainly because Smooth Recovery, is an amazing art for Overdrive, and Black Butterfly and Full Specs are great compliments for an Ether Build with Executioner as the main Damage Art. Yeah sure I ended up using Ghostwalker/Factory like most Endgame builds, but hey that shit is comically busted, and I absolutely love abusing stuff like that, intentional or otherwise. Plus I do enjoy the idea of my Cross, Coraline, using the arts of Irina and Elma, her immediate superior officers in BLADE. Which actually brings me to,
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I was honestly surprised at how much thought I ended up putting into my Cross this time around, but it was fun. Not just deciding on a good look both when creating her and finding what gear she'd wear, but also thinking about how her character woukd respond to the situations and dialogue options presented throughout the game. It's to the point that Coraline's basically become my first OC, depending on how you count Milton the Mythrakid I guess, since he's an interpretation of a character we know exists but we haven't seen or heard about. Either way I definitelywant to do more with Coraline. Probably gonna draw her some more as time goes on to get a better feel for the design as well as drawing her skell too just because.
That actually brings me around to the story. I'll be the first to admit that overall X's story falls short compared to the trilogy andveven Gears and Saga but it still has a lot of solid stuff that really git me thinking, in addition to stuff I only picked up the second time around, something Xeno stories have been fantastic with since the beginning with Gears. Obviously spoilers ahead as I talk some notable stuff in the plot
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This moment really stuck out for me after simmering on it for a while. Because this idea that memories and the continuation of a person's consciousness are what make them who they are would continue as a prominent thematic plot point in the following games. Xenoblade 2 emphasises it the most heavily with Blades losing their memories with each reawakening, thus they lose their "contuity of consciousness". It's quite literally the central source of conflict for Blades and is everywhere in the main story and side content with characters like Praxis, Theory and Vess. Xenoblade 3 has this too, albeit as a more subtle background element with the Agnian and Kevesi Soldiers effectively being reset upon death as they are reborn, however there are still cases where things slip through the cracks, most notably with Eunie and Ashera. Yet despite that, Monica asserts to Eunie that whatever her past life was, it wasn't her and she didn't make it, all because soldiers simply don't have that continuity of consciousness.
Thinking about it now X has plenty of thematic ideas that 2 & 3 would go on to pull from. Things like a cycle of death and rebirth, something that Blade and NLA are trying to achieve with finding the Lifehold Core. As Lao puts it, they're the lucky ones who can come back as many times as they want. Lao's arc is particularly well done all things considered. A moment early on that stuck out to me was when they were discussing how Lin got her spot on the Whale as a way to repay her parents who were crucial in getting the ship going in the first place. Lao, whether he shows it or not, would have some misgivings about that, and Elma seemingly picks up on that and is quick to point out Lin's own skill were crucial in her getting her spot and that it wasn't just pure nepotism. It's really interesting to see Elma pick up on Lao's misgivings so early. If we do ever get an X sequel, which I do think and hope we will sooner or later, I'll be very curious to see where Lao's character goes from here. Speaking of characters who I really want to learn more about,
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Elma is a really interesting character honestly despite the many unanswered questions surrounding her, it just has me more intrigued to learn more about her. The question of what her species and planet are like is one i really want to see explored someday. Funnily enough, 2 actually gave us a breadcrumb of that. Elma has a line when receiving a Seafood pouch item, one of her favourite categories, where she expresses fascination with the concept. "Making meals out of marine lifeforms, fascinating" which I've always taken as her species just straight up not having a concept of seafood. Idk why, it's such a minor inconsequential detail that isn't even from X but I always found that super interesting. Her designs are also two of my favourites in the Xeno series, especially dince they double as subtle references to Kos-Mos and T-Elos. I think I lean a little more towards Alien Elma though, something about the crystal hair is really cool to me.
A few other Miscellaneous things I can think of:
The sidequests are fantastic. While many are a little tedious, they do a really good job of building the world and fleshing out the natures and cultures of the different alien species that come to inhabit NLA.
The Affinity Missions go hand in hand with this, they do a great job of fleshing out all the different party members all the while giving you an avenue to learn their unique abilities. Most of those party members are also really well developed abd mostly compelling characters. Even the most if the ones who seem like assholes at first, like Boze or HB, do get better as their affinity missions progress. They clearly knew it was a great concept as it came back in 2 & 3 with the Blade Quests and Hero + Ascension Quests.
The ost is fucking incredible, I've been adding X music to my personal playlist over the course of my playthrough because there's so much good stuff in it. It's honestly criminal how much you end up missing because the Overdrive and Flight themes override 90% of them.
Skells are incredibly cool and a brilliant way to bring in the concept of mech combat systems from the previous Xeno games.
Phew, I think that's everything I've had to say. I've called out many of this game's flaws in other places and most of that I do still stand by. The game is in desperate need of an actual tutorial and QoL improvements. The game's draw distance can be quite frustrating at times trying to find specific things or characters and getting certain materials can be a really annoying grind, (Neinail Materials), but if you can put up with that there is a hell of a game there. I don't know if I'd consider it better than the trilogy, just because it has more complete stories, but it's quite close.
Overall I'm so happy I gave X a second shot and now I'll definitely be there waiting for a port or sequel. It's easily the most underrated game I've ever played. I'm confident it'll happen at some point but either way I'l likely have more Xeno stuff to play in the meantime if whatever's next is Xenoblade 4.
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My reaction to this game.
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In the incest Au is bepo a tartigrade since he's a bear?
LMAO I assume you mean insect? Truly the most unfortunate typo
I don't know much about Bepo yet, but him being a tartigrade is interesting. I do feel inclined to point out that tartigrades aren't insects, they're just kinda they're own thing. Still a fun idea though!
I have some ideas for what some other characters could be to make up for not having much to add on to this. I'll just do a quick rapid fire round and describe them in better detail later.
Ace - fire ant
Sabo - termite
Buggy - millipede
Crocodile - death stalker scorpion
Vivi - butterfly
Enel - lightning bug
Doflamingo - spider wasp
Blackbeard - locust
I'll elaborate more on these later, as well as go more into detail on the straw hats. For now though, I am going to bed
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nami-lvr · 1 year
Correct OP: Part 4
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
Ft: Enel, Katakuri, Big Mom, Kidd, Arlong, and Yamato (last part)
A/N: I absolutely hate half the people who are on here and if you guess them I’ll give you a kissy kiss on the cheek 😛 and this one was definitely super hard to write. Like I had to re-write Enel and Karakuri and big mom like 8 times because IDK ABOUT THEM BRUH! I also only thought of guys for this but then remembered big mom so 💀
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Has a god complex
An “alpha male”
Definitely somewhat respectful
Always makes the goofiest faces ever just to mane people laugh
Loves hearing others laugh
Kind of controlling guy
Not very go-with-the-flow at all IMO
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Incredibly respectful gentleman
Will hold the door for women
Will pull your chair out for you
If you fall he will ask if you’re ok and help you up
Calls every older woman “Aunt” and every older man “Uncle” as a form of respect
Will never insult you no matter how annoying he finds you
Probably tried out neopronouns
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Big Mom
Doesn’t mind the LGBTQ
Supports it actually
Tried dating a woman and she liked it just fine
Would read her kids bedtime stories
Her favorite color is like a hot pink
She loves heart shaped things
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Definitely a homophobic straight cis man
Would also be transphobic
I feel like his nose would be way bigger than its drawn.
Like a crooked and hooked nose
Definitely has dyslexia
100% would be a school bully from the 90’s and think hes the shit
Tried out a mohawk as a kid
Dresses punk and emo most of the time
Writes poems
Sorry he would also fuck as a power move just like crocodile
Like he would definitely be aroace! But want the power yk
Woman beater
Not sorry for shitting on this guy he sucks
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I never liked Arlong
Never cared for him
I am going to be so honest I forgot about him!
But I will put this out there: He has a butterfly tattoo on his left asscheek that he hides from everyone.
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No doubt that his love language is physical touch and words of affection
Literally so adorable
Probably friends with the ASL brothers if I’m being fr
I mean he is intrigued by Luffy so Sabo probably intrigues him too
Not much for him BUT!! I think he’s one of those trans people who don’t get dysphoria from having long hair and tbh I think he loves it!
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vegalocity · 6 years
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I put all the anon requests in one post because I felt it would be easier
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I got way more than I expected
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tamersmile888 · 3 years
Not So Berry Challenge Candie Edition: Final Rose Play 26 (Part 3)
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The next day, Cheri invites Max to visit this “spooky” abandoned house in Forgotten Hollow that Enele's so nervous about.
Max says, it looks like a great set for a horror movie.
Cheri says, it's not the most visitor friendly, but they could change that. Maybe that's why no one comes here because there's so much work to be done. It could use a little light.
Max says she always did have a way of seeing the good in things. Even if no one else could. He suggests they walk around a little, get a feel for the place. Make sure no one's lurking behind the trees waiting to pounce on them.
Cheri says, that just sounds like Del Sol Valley.
Max says, true.
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As they walk along the trail through the undeniably cold and dreary neighborhood, Cheri admits that she's never actually been here before.
Max says, you've been slacking Madame President.
Cheri says, that happens when you have a whole new person to take care of. But, he has a point. As president, these are her people to. She should be more involved. Get to know what they want.
Max says, or maybe they just like being...forgotten.
Cheri says, no one likes being forgotten. Or cast aside. As if they don't matter. She hesitates before bringing up the sore subject, but figures now's the right time to clear the air. Close the wound, finally.
She says, she's always going back to that day at the Harvest Fair. How she totally disregarded his feelings, flirting with Jonathan in front of him like that. It was cruel and heartless--
Max shakes his head and says, that was years ago. She shouldn't beat herself over for it. He survived.
But their relationship didn't. And it's been eating away at her ever since. She says, she just wanted him to know he didn't deserve that. She ruined their friendship over a stupid flirty joke. She missed this. She missed him.
Max says, it's never too late to start again.
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The trail ends at an enormously thick barren tree beside a cold, stone bench. They sit and chat about their teenage years, joking about school and their science project together. Cheri confesses that she's still hanging onto Starlight. She keeps it in her closet.
Laughing, Max says, what? Why?
Cheri says, it's a nice reminder of one of her favorite days in high school. And just in case Lemon has the same project, she'll have a reference to work with.
Max's gets silent for a moment. He asks if she ever wonders what would have happened if things turned out differently.
Cheri says all the time.
Max says, what if this is our second chance? To find out?
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The look in Max's eyes reawaken butterflies she never thought she'd feel again. For years, in every relationship she's had after Max, she's been searching for this exact feeling. A connection that's real, and deep. A look that made her feel like the only woman in the world. No matter who she was dating or talking to, Max was always the standard she compared everyone else to. Nothing else ever came close.
But she broke them once before, and they were never the same since. Could they fix it? Would she want to? One by one, her love life pulled at her petals until she had nothing left to give but thorns. Did she really want to risk getting her heart broken again? Why put either of them back in that position? 
Max says, not a day goes by when he doesn't regret not fighting for them. But he was a kid. They both were. They weren't ready for that kind of commitment. Now, they have their own kid. They're a family due to circumstances, but it doesn't have to stay that way. Not if they both want to give it another shot. He’s willing to move forward if she is.
Cheri looks into his hopeful eyes, her heart warring with her fear of crushing him again. Of getting crushed. She says it may not end as he wants it to.
 Max says, what's it hurt to try?
 Cheri says, you really want to do this?
 Max says, they can start slow. No rush. He smirks and says, would you like to go on a date with me?
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danwhobrowses · 5 years
One Piece - Void Century Theory Dump
So as promised I am ready to do a dump of theories that mainly involve the Void Century, so that’s the stuff involving the Great Kingdom, the Initial D, the ancient weapons etc. They will be like my other Theory dumps I’ve done on this page but possibly in more detail. Spoilers for Chapters leading up to Chapter 968
Right so the Void Century happened 900 years ago, it’s a Century which led to the World Government being formed of the 20 Kingdoms, the fall of Shandora and the Great Kingdom, Joy Boy failing to keep his promise to Fishman Island and leaving something of his in Laugh Tale, the Tontattas being oppressed in Dressrosa and the overall forbidding of reading Poneglyphs. There’s a lot there that can be digested and there are a lot of theories about it already, so sorry if some may sound familiar. Im the Immortal
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We’ll start with the one who sits in the empty throne, Im or Imu, is a mysterious individual. Gentle to butterflies but knifey to sweet princesses who did nothing wrong. It is a common theory that Imu is an immortal being, someone who has lived since the Void Century, but I believe it goes a little deeper. Imu isn’t immortal ‘just because’, Imu is immortal because he has had the Perennial Youth Operation, what makes the Ope Ope no Mi one of Marejois’ most beloved treasure. It’d explain why the Gorosei answer to them despite being pretty old themselves and how they could keep to themselves so much that nobody really knows that they exist.
Eight Moons
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It’s a combination of many theories I’ve seen, but I do believe that the One Piece world has 8 Satellites orbiting it. Of course there’s the standard moon otherwise known as Fairy Vearth, but Ohara’s globe showed at least 5 other satellites, including one with a satellite of its own, but we always see this kind of globe from the front, as if there’s a missing moon behind the planet. The idea that there are eight moons go beyond just the globes of Ohara, the Kozuki Crest and the Alabasta flag also have a symbol of a circle with eight dots around it. Right now I do believe that at one point Wano’s borders were very open, it’d explain why Toki was born in Wano yet never saw it - since her time jumps do not affect her geographical position. It’s also unusual how often the moon is a focal point around the planet, from the Minks’ ability to perform Su Long, the ancient city of Birka and the Wano Daimyo names all relating to moons. A Spaceman Came Travelling...
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We already know that the Shandorians, Birkans and Skypeians all once inhabited the moon thanks to Enel’s cover story arc of him going to Fairy Vearth, whereby he entered the advanced and abandoned city of Birka. Given that there is potentially 8 Moons, why could there not be life on those moons. I speculate that this story runs much deeper, we know there are even Space Pirates from the cover story, but what if most of the races from these 8 moons all came down to the planet and they comprise of the 20 Kingdoms. Not only that but this could explain how some races could’ve come to be, the technological advancement of Birka and the fact that their automata match the invention of other automata Enel meets is proof of that but the Minks’ ancestral race may’ve also come from the moon, since they seem to react to a full moon’s radiation. This could also be why there are races such as longarms, longlegs, fishmen and merfolk. The Creator Race
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So, through Enel’s cover story we can prove that there was a dude that happened to create 4 Automata that almost exactly matched the design of Automata in the Moon City of Birka, this robotist happened to live on one Karakuri Island as well, the birthplace of Dr. Vegapunk. Vegapunk has been a heavy mystery himself almost as much as Im, what we know of Vegapunk is mainly through their creations; Seastone manipulation, Cybrogs, Artificial DF, Lineage Factor, Artificial life etc. It seems that there’s only certain things that Vegapunk has failed to achieve; Climate Control and Gigantification which could be key to other parts of these theories. Now Vegapunk could simply be a born genius, or maybe he’s from a race that was the most advanced race out of the 8 moons, Oda did say in an SBS that Vegapunk may already know what Devil Fruits really are and thus how they work, and the World Government have him locked up so much that even the threat of Kaido has made CP0 only hesitate about handing Vegapunk over to Orochi - how Orochi would know of Vegapunk is another question, was Vegapunk from Wano? Digging deeper this could also explain how the races of moon people integrated themselves into the ‘Blue Star’ and even created some of the aforementioned races like Minks, Longarms and Longlegs, even maybe the Kuja and the Three-Eyed Tribes, all a product of Lineage Factor tampering or natural selection not unlike how humans created dogs out of wolves or oranges out of citron. A key point could also be the theme of Electricity, Enel was able to call himself God by virtue of having a lightning Devil Fruit, all Minks naturally have the ability of Electro, the city of Birka ran on electricity and like in the modern world electricity had been key to many advancements. Of Dwarves and Giants
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One of the things I mentioned that Vegapunk failed at was Gigantification, it seems a little odd that he would need to research that. But imagine that normal humans were from the moon, a much smaller land space, and they come to the Blue Star where everything is either Huge or Tiny. We know that Giants can live for at least twice as long as a One Piece human would and that they have always been a sought after force, even Big Mom believes that with the Giants she would be unstoppable. So perhaps the Giants are the native race of the Blue Star, alongside the Tontotta dwarves. There is some evidence to this as well, Oda seems to lean on a lot of Norse myth (even Im’s name is based off of a Jotunn) and if Giant Jack is a part of Elbaf’s Yggdrasil tree that could further fan the flames. The interesting thing is that the Giants and the Dwarves seem to live in areas where flora thrive, often a sign that they are symbiotic with the ecosystem, there’s also the matter that there are various giants; Oars, Saul and the Yeti Cool brothers being different kinds and sizes of giants, even Kaido and his Numbers could be a form of Oni giant and attempting to obtain gigantification the ways they influenced other races led to smaller scale creatures like Ceasar and outliers like Magellan, Big Mom and Whitebeard, people who seem like they could be like giants. The Kingdom of the Dawn
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This then leads to the ‘Great Kingdom’ that Clover was talking about in Ohara, a kingdom whose name Clover couldn’t even speak of before being shot. When you hear Kingdom though you think of one country or one island, but what if the Great Kingdom was actually an empire. I mean you’d think it excessive for 20 Kingdoms to need to take on one right? But what if the Great Kingdom was a combination of kingdoms that included Shandora and Wano, two countries who have been called the ‘City/Country of Gold’. It’s worth reminding that neither of these lands had a ‘King’, Shandora may’ve had a God and Wano has a Shogun (sans an Emperor) but not a king nor a queen. I definitely believe that Wano had ties with the Great Kingdom, the main reason being Poneglyphs: Wano is where the texts were made, where the language was written and taught how to translate, if the Kingdom ‘disappeared’ leaving their story on Pongelyphs then that implies a Wano connection, potentially from the Amatsuki clan - as demonstrated with Toki not being in Wano when we meet her properly - or the Kozuki clan given their blood bond with the Minks on Zou, their crest being placed under a Rio Poneglyph of a millenia-old City. A common thing is also the term of the ‘Dawn’, a symbol of an event in the future where dreams will come true and I believe like others that this is the core belief of the Great Kingdom, a kingdom of many races and cultures living freely and prosperously, the Kingdom of the Dawn. Though whether that was its actual name I’m not sure of, I feel like it’d have another name since Luffy was born on ‘Dawn Island’, so I feel like if the WG didn’t want that name out there so badly they wouldn’t allow one of their Affiliated Kingdoms to have that kind of name. I think it’d have a name similar to the pirate havens like Tortuga, Port Royal, Libertatia and New Providence. This Kingdom however was clearly something threatening to the other leaders of the world to the point that they were terrified of their skills and the creation of what they deemed ‘(Ancient) Weapons’, which led to a war that caused the fall of Shandora (but didn’t ravage their gold) and possibly the closing off of Wano. The Great Kingdom ‘Disappears’
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Defeat is feasible yes, but it was rare even for the WG to eradicate even a single island, would they really be able to do that 900 years ago? Part of the reason CP9 wanted Pluton was for its destructive power. So how did the Great Kingdom ‘disappear’? The wording makes it out like it just vanished rather than dissolved. So what if the main country of the Great Kingdom did really disappear, just not in the way that the WG thought. Remember that the Pluton was said to be able to destroy an entire island and we know that Poseidon could command Sea Kings that were capable of carrying the Noah, so what if the Country itself was ‘blown up’ by the Pluton itself but secretly, the island was scattered across the world with the help of the Kingdom’s allies; the Sea Kings and the Giants. Oars is known as a ‘Continent Puller’ so it’s possible to have that strength, and if that is true then maybe islands such as Zou, Ohara and possibly even Dawn Island and more could actually be remnants of the Great Kingdom, hidden or assimilated into the world. The Nefertari Redemption
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Alabasta is noted as being one of the 20 Kingdoms that made up the World Government, but the only ones that didn’t go to Marejois after the Void Century. Why seems to be the appropriate question and the appropriate answer could be because they regretted the outcome of the war. It’s possible that the Alabasta Kingdom was the Garp to the Great Kingdom’s Roger, there was emnity but also understanding, which could explain why Alabasta then held not only a Poneglyph but also the entire Pluton hidden within their kingdom. Perhaps Alabasta regretted the side they chose and instead decided to withhold the Ancient Weapon (remember Robin scoffed when Cobra said that the country was charged to ‘protect’ Pluton) from the newly established World Government, and sometime down the line after holding the Poneglyph explaining where. An answer Robin never found because she never read the First Poneglyph the Straw Hats first came across. There are other ‘Ancient Weapons’
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As said in a Sherlock Episode “There’s always something so comforting about the number 3″, so far we are told of 3 Ancient Weapons; the ship Pluton that can destroy an Island, the Mermaid Poseidon who can command the Sea Kings and Uranus. Each of these weapons were named after Gods because of their incredible power, but what if there are other ‘weapons’. People speculate that Momonosuke is Uranus or Zunesha was Pluton, but do we consider that there are other things that could be tools of destruction? Take a Dragon for example, Kaido is considered the strongest creature but the WG doesn’t call him a Weapon, it’s gotta be odd as well that Oda mixed the namings up to have the common trifecta of Sea, Sky and the Underworld but gave two of them names of Roman Gods and one the name of a Greek God. It’s possible that there are other weapons out there but they’re not deemed weapons because the World Government have them, and thus don’t fear it being used against them. The Tequila Wolf Project
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Tequila Wolf has been a World Government project for at least 700 years, a massive bridge with an unknown stopping point starting in the East Blue. We saw it with Robin and recently Oden so the question is why is Tequila Wolf important? If Kuma wanted Robin to meet the Revolutionary Army why not send her to Baltigo, the army’s HQ? There was something here that Kuma wanted Robin to see, something she needed to learn about it to better prepare herself for the New World. Its name may be a hint, Tequila is named after Santiago de Tequila (much like how Champagne is after the French Province or Stilton after the English Village), the village translating to ‘Place of Tribute’ so it’s possible that this bridge is a Tribute - though wolf does imply deception, like the Crane and the Wolf fable. I personally think this was the WG’s plan to lock in all the islands they deemed important and like most nobles we have seen, leave the outside to suffer, thus the trickery of the wolf, while in Japan once worshipped for protection the rest know it to be a trickster that deems itself superior. Joy Boy and the Initial D.
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Recently, the name “Joy Boy” returned to the limelight having been the writer of the Poneglyph in Fishman Island, then we discovered that Joy Boy was a key part of what lived in Laugh Tale, a gift he left behind being able to bring the Roger Pirates to tears of laughter as Roger muses that he wished he lived in his era. So who was Joy Boy? What was Joy Boy?  I think the answer lies in the giant Straw Hat, Joy Boy was a giant, or at least partly giant, a leader of the Great Kingdom who constantly smiled and brought joy to people around him, was able to turn even his enemies to friends, someone of deadly strength that his allies are called ‘Ancient Weapons’. Joy Boy is the person I believe is the reason the World Government outlawed the use of D. the D stands for something that Joy Boy’s real name had, whether the D is his smile, Dawn, Dragon, Devil or something else, the D likely comes from Joy Boy and the people and friends that rode with him as Nakama thus adopted the name D to carry on his will. A small thing I want to note as well, I feel like each of these D holders initially named themselves after animals or parts of an island; Monkey, Jaguar, Rocks, Water, it’s possible other D holders over time married into other families or corrupted their names (imagine if Roger’s family were Gull then changed to Gol) while keeping the D a secret note to the will they carry. Inherited Will
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Joy Boy may’ve been this charismatic figure, but there’s still the matter of Fishman Island, his failure to bring the Fishmen and Merfolk to the surface via Poseidon being a deep regret for the character. This could’ve been a human trait had it not been for Chapter 968 alluding to the fact that Joy Boy can ‘reappear’. I don’t think this is Joy Boy pulling a jesus though, I think Joy Boy’s particular race is capable of reincarnation the same way Poseidon is. Poseidon is reborn over time in a Mermaid Princess so maybe the timelines of reincarnation are iffy and the Poseidon of Joy Boy’s time died (or Joy Boy themselves were dying) thus rendering them unable to carry the Noah. If certain characters are able to reincarnate this can give a whole new dimension not only to the Will of D but Inherited Will as a whole. Luffy may’ve inherited Roger’s Will but what if Roger inherited Joy Boy’s Will first and thus Luffy is the reincarnation of Joy Boy that Roger was hoping his ‘son’ would be. This can be further evidenced by the fact that Luffy does intend to reopen Wano’s borders for Momonosuke, thus the point where Joy Boy has returned to Wano. The Devil Tree
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Which leads to our finale part of the theory dump. It’s often considered that Devil Fruits were born from a moon, since as Enel noted the moon has no Water. However it cannot be Fairy Vearth, since Enel found a dried canal. So the Birkans, Shandorians and Skypeians did not have the Devil Fruits, instead I believe that the Devil Tree came from the same moon that brought Im and/or the founders of the Great Kingdom and with them they brought a seed for the Devil Tree. From what we know of SMILE, a Devil Fruit seems to take away a key property of its eater, usually their ability to swim, so it’s possible that the Devil Tree’s fruits were initially normal, but when eaten or exposed to a property reincarnated itself into the Devil Fruit we know today, leading to an endless cycle of gestation within a host and reincarnation through the lineage factor. The tree was likely also called the ‘Devil Tree’ not because of its properties but because the ones who planted it sported horns, which can explain why SMILE Gifters and Pleasures grow horns after consumption. I also believe that the Devil Tree isn’t the only tree brought by this race, like many things Trees seem to have properties unlike the simple tree would, there’s the Sabaody mangrove with its bubbles, the Boin Archipelago Venus Fly Trap islands, the Tree of Knowledge, Treasure Tree Adam sporting strong wood durability, Sunlight Tree Eve which can emit light (Like Dressrosa’s sunflowers), Hiriluk’s fabled healing Cherry Blossoms, Weather balls and Shandora’s trees of cultural significance. The Key note of the Devil Tree was its further cultivation, something I believe was the role of the Donquixote family. Doflamingo was key to the production of SMILE and he seemed to want to follow in the footsteps of his ancestor. So it’s possible that back in the Void Century, the dwarves were enslaved to use their botany skills to cultivate multiple Devil Fruits, a fate they’d then repeat with SMILE. Phew! That took a lot out of me, but that’s my Piece, whether it’s key to One Piece we’ll have to wait and see, but I’ll just wait by the phone, see if Oda gives it a ring.
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Name: Enel
Age: 37
How well do we know each other?: I know you quite deeply I must say 
Are you attracted to me? I believe that I’m attracted to you like a butterfly to a flower, so yes. 
Why do you want to be my cuddle buddy? I think you’ve been made to become my little spoon. I have to claim that title. 
Can we watch a movie while we cuddle? We can, but I’d be certainly distracted, you know me. 
Are tickle wars allowed? Yes, but you’re the target here. 
Are pillow fights okay? I will prove you that you can’t win (: 
Anything else? I won’t make a drawing, you already have the picture in your mind. I can cuddle… a lot. 
Penguin was a bit skeptical when Enel handed him the paper, the smirk not helping his skepticism. Though as he read it over, the smile was near impossible to keep off his face. “Oh? Well we already cuddle quite a bit as is. Ill have to happily accept this application.”
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vegalocity · 6 years
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The Queen Cards for my Crossover kids
Or rather... the crossover kids who actually will inherit the throne and would actually get Queen Cards
(Queen Card base made by @valour4eva) 
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vegalocity · 5 years
e0nt45t33 replied to your photoset “Granted how the Citadel and stuff work in the Metaverse I can’t help...”
Can someone explain the parents and where they come from?
Some part of me still can’t belive that this comic is still making rounds, so all the same:
As for how where the kids come from though, basically it started with Sandy whom ended up crossing the multiverse to look for fellow ‘rare timeline’ children like herself and they find out that they’re all from timelines where Star Butterfly either didn’t go to this ‘echo creek’ place or she did but decided to continue traversing dimensions after Eclipsa becomes queen (if she does) and with nothing better to do in their down time hanging out together they decide to become pirates because it’s the metaverse and everyone is sworn enemies to everyone.
And as for the kids themselves and their parentage: (under the cut)
Sandy Hamada (gap tooth girl) Daughter of Star Butterfly and Big Hero 6′s Hiro Hamada- She was conceptualized under the idea that, maybe some time in Moon’s adventure era, Moon needed to do some business on Earth and ran into Stan Fredrickson, aka, Fred’s Superhero father, and so when Star is sent to an Earth Dimension to train, it was decided to use an Earth Dimension where Moon already knew and trusted someone, so Star ended up in San Fransokyo instead of Echo Creek. Star enters the picture breifly after Big Hero 6 becomes a more established hero team and eventually becomes an unofficial 7th member. 
Enele “Gear” Butterfly (boy with the hand gun) Son of Star Butterfly and Hunk Garett- Enele must be noted to have been made long before either series finale, so I was working under the assumption of ‘the struggle for peace continues’ on either side. Basically, with Eclipsa on the throne and Star no longer a princess, Star actually wanted to continue to help foster peace, so at Marco’s suggestion they (platonic best friends that they are) start wandering the multiverse as a diplomat. and eventually, they find Voltron. Star’s an adult at this point of course, but Voltron is still keeping the peace in their own universe, more war torn and battle hardened, but still there. Enele desparately wants to be trained into becoming a paladin for the next generation of Voltron. A magic using Paladin hasn’t been around since Allura went back to princess-ing after all.
Hana Butterfly-Midoriya (Smiley green girl) Daughter of Star Butterfly and Izuku Midoriya- Not dissimilar to Sandy’s general setup, but instead of having previous experience, Moon merely did a bit of research in various earth dimensions and came to the conclusion one where there are schools to help people train their abilities would be the best, so Star gets sent to an earth of Quirks. And much like with Marco’s family, the Midoriya family is assigned Star at the beginning of Izuku’s last year of Middle school. Izuku and Hiro are the only two of this whole setup to have the blood moon curse on their relationship with Star.
Kouki Bakugou (Heckapoo lookin kid) Son of Katsuki Bakugou and Heckapoo- Same universe as Hana is from, basically the idea is that after Izuku helps Star slay Toffee and save Mewni Bakugou gets aggro about all the cool stuff Izuku is doing, which, of course, is in his nature. and decides to one-up him by challenging Heckapoo for his own Dimensional Scissors. And, in the twenty years/8 minutes his test goes on for, they develop something... interesting. And hey, Heckapo’s been alive for thousands of years, but she’s never tried being a girlfriend before. 
The rest don’t have much by explinations, but:
Delphius Malfoy (Hogwarts kid) Son of Janna Ordonia and Draco Malfoy- because if anyone in the multiverse would convince Draco that Muggles are worth getting with it would be Janna.
Jonas Fenton (Kid with no legs) Son of Jackie Lynn Tomas and Danny Fenton- I just thought the idea of a ghost kid with only a furth of ectoplasm in him woud be fun to draw
Hitomi Diaz (Purple girl in lookout tower) Daughter of Hotaru Tomoe and Marco Diaz- A Sailor Senshi needed to be here. Plain and simple
Desdemona Ordonia-Addams (little girl with saw) Daughter of Janna Ordonia and Wednesday Addams- I mean... it’s self explanitory
Mason Diaz (Dipper lookin kid) Son of Mabel Pines and Marco Diaz- We just thought it would be cute
Toph Lucitor (purple girl) Daughter of Opal Bei Fong and Tom Lucitor- The idea was just ‘Tom asks a girl from another dimension out, Opal wraps her head around his deamon-ness pretty easily but everyone else keeps asking if he’s a spirit’
Rowan Lucitor (Fluffy haired kid) Child of Connie Mahaeshwaran and Tom Lucitor- I mean there’s gotta be SOME timelines out there where Connie and Steven just stay besties. 
Hibiki Tohmas (Keyblade kid) child of Jackie Lynn Tohmas and Sora- because Kingdom Hearts and also was made long before KH3 came out so as far as Hibiki is concerned, Jackie did a sweet kickflip over a heartless and Sora was instantly here for it. 
Barry and Nerissa West (the twins) Children of Jackie Lynn Tohmas and Wally West- We just thought it would be hilarious to have a couple of speedsters on the team. 
Maylis Butterfly (Bonus girl under the cut) Daughter of Star Butterfly and Chloe Bourgeois- awwww remember when we had faith Chloe’s redemption arc would make sense in-canon?
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