#Enhance Mac speed
izicodes · 1 year
Switching to Firefox
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This post is to answer @leaveblackkbrosalone’s question on my post about me switching to Firefox!
I recently had an eye opener moment when researching about Google and how they collect data to alter the things they recommend you and other things. And it was astonishing how much data they collect on you and how they track you every movement whilst on Google/Chrome/Other Google services e.g. Google PlayStore.
I truly believe there are better alternatives out there than the default Google Chrome people tend to use. We now live in world of constant data breaches and online tracking, therefore protecting your online privacy and security has never been more important.
I’ve recently deleted Chrome from my phone and computer and switched to FireFox and I’ll explain why~!
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What is Firefox?
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Firefox is the famous fox web browser! It is a free and open-source that is developed by the Mozilla Foundation. It's designed to be fast, secure, and customizable, and is available for multiple operating systems, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Firefox includes a suite of built-in features, such as enhanced tracking protection, custom themes (so important obviously) and add-ons, and a flexible interface that can be tailored to the user's needs.
Why Firefox and not Google Chrome?
There are a bunch of reasons why I chose to delete Google Chrome and why I prefer FireFox now, let me list some:
Firefox has a strong focus on privacy and security, with features like built-in tracking protection and a strict anti-tracking policy.
In contrast, Chrome is owned by Google, a company that relies heavily on data collection and advertising for its business model.
Firefox has a much more flexible and customizable interface than Chrome, with a wide range of add-ons (equivalent to Chrome’s ‘extensions’ I believe) and themes available to personalize your browsing experience.
Firefox is an open-source project, meaning that anyone can contribute to its development and review the code for security issues.
Chrome, on the other hand, is based on the Chromium project, which is also open-source but is controlled by Google.
Cross-platform compatibility
Firefox works on a wide range of devices and operating systems, including Windows, Mac, Linux, and mobile devices.
Chrome is also available on multiple platforms, but it's more heavily integrated with Google's services and ecosystem.
Firefox has made significant improvements in recent years and is now a competitive browser in terms of speed and efficiency.
Still, Chrome is known for its fast performance
Firefox is developed by the non-profit Mozilla Foundation, which has a strong focus on user empowerment and community involvement. This means that Firefox users have a voice in the development process and can contribute to the browser's future direction.
With all of that being said, there is one particular area that caught my eye that I mentioned briefly: the Privacy and Security.
Firefox’s Privacy and Security Advantages
Firefox definitely has advantages in these areas than Google Chrome surprisingly!
Enhanced Tracking Protection
Firefox includes built-in tracking protection that blocks many common types of trackers by default, including
third-party cookies, cryptominers, and fingerprinters
This helps to protect your online privacy and reduce the amount of data that's collected about you. Below are the options for the 'Enhance Tracking Protection' in the settings:
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No Google Tracking
Oh boy, I like this one. So unlike Chrome, which is owned by Google and ties into its advertising and data collection ecosystem, Firefox is developed by the non-profit Mozilla Foundation and has no affiliation with Google or any other major tech company. This means that Firefox is less likely to collect and share your data with third parties.
No Sign-In Required
While Chrome requires you to sign in with a Google account to access certain features, Firefox does not require any sign-in at all. This means that you can still use Firefox without creating a user profile or linking your browsing activity to any personal information -
Don’t get me wrong, if you want to use the Google search engine WITHIN FireFox, it might still prompt you to sign in but you still don’t have to! Also, the choice is there to create an account just to sync bookmarks and tab from one device to another e.g. phone to laptop.
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Private Browsing Mode
(Another very important part!) Firefox offers a Private Browsing mode that doesn't save your browsing history, cookies, or temporary files. This can be useful for browsing sensitive content or preventing others from seeing what you've been looking at.
Firefox's Private Browsing mode offers a more robust set of features for privacy and security than Google’s Incognito mode. Within the ‘Settings’, you can customise your privacy settings more extensively than Google Chrome. You can choose to block all third-party cookies, prevent websites from accessing your location data, and clear your browsing history and data automatically when you close the browser.
Google's Incognito mode does not block all cookies or prevent all forms of tracking.
Open-Source Security
Like I mentioned before, Firefox is an open-source project, meaning that anyone can review the code and contribute to its development. This helps to ensure that security vulnerabilities are identified and addressed quickly, and that the browser remains as secure as possible. You too can find something and report it to the repository via creating an issue!
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To Conclude
Of course, these are just some general reasons why you might prefer Firefox over Chrome, and the choice ultimately comes down to personal preference and priorities. I know with developers, they would prefer Chrome for the dev tools and I think it’s almost a standard to use Chrome (though at my workplace we use Microsoft Edge), anyhoo Google is just a default for web browsing and search engine. I also know it’s hard if you have a whole Google ecosystem set up like Google docs to Sheet to Slides, emails, calendar etc, you can still use them but on a safer browser.
I would also recommend using ‘DuckDuckGo’ for a search engine as they too are really good with security and privacy but as a search engine (plus on their phone app they have a cool animation when you want to delete you browsing data from the tabs hehe)!
Links to interesting pages for more information on this topic:
YouTube videos: video 1 | video 2 | video 3 | video 4
Articles: article 1 | article 2 | article 3
I’d say give it a go, if you don’t like it I still recommend anything but Google Chrome! Well, that’s all and thank you for reading! 🥰👍🏾💗
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regretsretrotech · 3 months
Other Sides of the Coin
That phrase is the guiding philosophy for my computer collection: lets unpack it.
First off, I've been around PC's all my life. While I don't remember it, the family's XT clone, then a 486 and onwards. I know PC's in and out. While they are fascinating machines in their own right, they aren't the only computers out there.
So what is out there? Many systems, all shapes and sizes, commercial and enterprise machines that never see the light of day until they are scrapped and the consumer machines meant for the home. For me the commerical and enterprise machines don't hold that much allure, they are curiosities for sure and one of two of them may find their way into my collection but that's for later. I focus on consumer machines currently.
But wait, there are many of those machines!? How do I keep myself from drowning in silicon and rocks we tricked to think?
You'll see this more in the earlier systems that had a vast array of systems that either competed with the example in my collection or preceded it. CP/M systems were many in a vibrant competitive ecosystem, I simply cannot own an example of every kind that is out there, so instead I settle on a well known unit and say it represents what the other units are.
Lastly, I sort the collection into bittiness and while my decisions are arbitrary and subjective, there is method behind them:
8 Bit Systems: Everyone will think of systems like the C64 but I also class systems like the PC/XT and the TI99/4a in the same category.
Limited color palettes and sounds
expectation to load software from 5.25" disks, cassette tape or cartridge ROM's.
Majority of the IO or internal operations done in 8 bits.
Limited RAM to 1MB or less.
Examples in my collection:
Commadore C64/C128
Apple IIeP (Representative for the Apple II line)
Kaypro 4-84(Representative for the CP/M ecosystem.)
Texas Instruments TI99/4a
Timex Sinclare 1000
Atari 8 bit. :(
16 Bit Systems: Here the lines start to blur and you'll see why.
Enhanced colors and sounds
Expected to load software from hard drives and 3.5" disks, gone are cassettes and cartridges for computers.
Faster CPU's
Majority of the system conducts itself in 16 bit operations.
RAM expanding above 1MB.
Expected to run GUI's
Commadore Amiga 1000
Atari ST520
Apple IIgs (16 bit CPU but does everything in 8 bits)
Apple Mac Plus
Clone PC/386 (full 32 bit CPU but all IO is 16 bits)
32 Bit Systems (Early)
Why do I say early? The 386 is a 32 bit CPU, but it's in the 16 bit category. And to that, I say the 386 didn't have a standard 32 bit expansion slot for it to use, a CPU like the 486 had two.
High color resolutions, and high fidelity sound capabilities.
Hard drives are standard equipment now.
CPU's pushing mid double digit speeds.
Multiple megabytes of RAM are expected
GUI's and multimedia.
CD-ROM is the new hotness
Gateway 2000 4dx2/66V
Apple Performa 630CD
Commadore Amiga 2000/3000
Atari Falcon
32 Bit Systems (Late)
At this point we are seeing the foundations of the modern computers as we know them today.
Unlimited Colors and Resolutions
Hard drives pushing dozens of gigabytes
RAM in the hundreds of Megabytes
Advanced CPU's with SIMD instructions running at several hundreds of Mhz.
Advanced OS's
Compaq Deskpro EN866
Apple Imac G3(750)
To be decided
The tail end:
Here the lines blur to the point it's difficult to call, so it's here where I plant the end of my collection, at least for now.
The modern computer as we know it has been invented and we start to shed the legacy of decades of computers that came before them. It is here that the coin has become flat. Apple is still doing their own thing with the Power PC's but will soon drop them in favor of x86. Intel is scratching it's head at the Pentium 4, AMD is ruling the roost with it's wildly successful Athlon processor.
There may be a home for systems in this era in the future as memories coalesces into nostalgia. There is already a root forming with two systems that blur the late 32 bit system lines, a Pentium 4 XP box and a Sawtooth G4.
Perhaps I'll get a G5. That would really blur the lines.
Thank you for reading.
Here is were I will put my wish list. Some of these systems are my biege whales, I would love an Amiga 4000T but at the costs of these machines, it is unlikely without shelling out as much as a decent used car.
Commadore Amiga 4000T
This machine doesn't have a direct comparison with either a PC or a Macintosh, but there are contemporary machines that would be added to the collection with it.
IMSAI or Altair 8800
Mostly for it's front panel toggling goodness. I'd reasonably be just as happy with something like a modern clone for me to twiddle the switches but still have something usable afterwards.
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oddnub-eye · 8 months
Fanservant: Laeg Mac Riangabra (Rider)
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Picture Made in This: https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/19158 Picrew
Laeg Mac Riangabra
Class: Rider/ “Grand Buddy”
Title: The King of Charioteers 
Gender: Male
Source: Irish Mythology (Ulster Cycle)
Region: Europe (Ireland)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Height: 186cm
Weight 70kg
Natural Enemy: Enkidu
Strength: C+
Endurance: B
Agility: C
Mana: D
Noble Phantasm: B
Luck: E (By Association)
Class Skills
Riding A++
The most renowned Charioteer in Irish Mythology - he can operate any kind of vehicle or creature, including dragon kind. 
Magic Resistance B+
While Laeg's magic resistance is not as "effective" in regards to canceling spells outright (in that respect, he only has Rank C Magic Resistance) but he possesses a borderline sixth sense for detecting magic and magecraft, and that talent allows him to avoid magic and magecraft incredibly easily.
Personal Skills
King of Charioteers A+
The idea that Laeg was the greatest charioteer in Irish legend. It allows him to perform all the functions of a charioteer perfectly. While this primarily takes the form of an exponential increase to his riding skill (he’s treated as having two “Riding A++” skills that multiply with each other) it also enables him to effectively store weapons and instantly gain a lay of the land.
Hero’s Sidekick B
The ability to effortlessly work alongside a Hero. When forming a partnership with another heroic spirit (or even a mortal being worthy of the title “hero”), Laeg gains the ability to perfectly synchronize with them. He will not be able to fight alongside them as a “partner” but he will be able to support and fight around them flawlessly. Laeg would even become able to ferry around a rampage Berserker in his chariot with ease.
Incitement (Taunting Words) C
A skill that typically serves to incite the masses with words. In Laeg’s hands, it becomes a skill that targets a specific individual, mocking them until they get worked up enough to put their all into something. This skill works best on individuals Laeg has partnered with through [Hero’s Sidekick].
Noble Phantasms
Búainid Carbat: Circuit of VictoryRank: B
Classification: Anti-Army
The scythed chariot of Cú Chulainn, pulled by the horses Liath Macha and Dub Sainglend, and driven by the King of Charioteers Laeg Mac Riangabra. A Noble Phantasm quite similar in function to [Trioas Tragodia: Tempestuous Storm Chariot] where it gains speed and power the longer it is deployed. By announcing the true name of this Noble Phantasm, Laeg can deploy a second ability of the Noble Phantasm, the “circuit of victory” - derived from the three charges Cú Chulainn and Laeg made against the Connacht army in retribution for the Boy Troop of Ulster, and the three charges Liath Macha against the conspiracy to kill Cú Chulainn after being fatally wounded.
Once activated, a “route” is selected, and Laeg must circle this route three times. Within this route, [Búainid Carbat] becomes “unstoppable”, gaining increased speed, power, and destructive ability. Not even destroying the land [Búainid Carbat] is traveling on will interrupt this rampage. During this rampage, Laeg gains the equivalent of an A-Rank [Battle Continuation] (although if he is fatally wounded during his ride, he’ll immediately die following its completion). The most effective way to stop the Circuit of Victory is to force its end by facing Laeg head on and destroying the chariot. Good luck.
Like many things about Laeg, his Noble Phantasm is stronger when partnered with another hero. If Laeg uses [Búainid Carbat] while partnered with a “hero” via [Hero’s Sidekick], the skillset of the Hero partnered with Laeg will be enhanced by Circuit of Victory’s effects, gaining all the benefits he does, as well as “custom” buffs to allow them to take the stage.
This Noble Phantasm will instantly fail if used against any Cú Chulainn aside from Cú Chulainn (Alter), as Liath Macha and Dub Sainglend will refuse to attack him.
Laid-back and brimming with dry humor, Laeg is a man content to let others take the spotlight. He is, in essence, a “sidekick”, someone who is more comfortable in a supporting role, yet not taking a backseat entirely. If the role of a healer is to support a hero from the backline, Laeg is best suited to supporting a hero from right at their side.
While laid-back in attitude, in nature, Laeg is as bloodthirsty and proud as his best friend. He takes his role as a charioteer, and in particular, the best of the best of them, very seriously. Given someone to fight alongside, Laeg will never turn down the opportunity for a fight, and he will never turn down an opportunity to show off.
Laeg’s penchant sarcasm and dry-wit comes from his perception of himself as the smartest person in the room at any given time. Whether this perception is actually true depends wildly on who he’s surrounded by at the moment.
Motive and Attitude towards Master
Laeg’s motive for fighting is more or less to “show off”. He doesn’t have any real desire for the Holy Grail, just so long as he gets to show off his talent with charioteering. This can potentially cause friction with his master, as he’s fundamentally more focused on demonstrating his skill than actually winning, but thanks to Laeg’s laid-back nature and preference for playing “second-fiddle”, he can work with most master’s easily enough.
That being said, he’s not afraid to turn his wit on his master.
“Come on Master, you summoned a charioteer -- a sidekick. If you were really trying your damnedest to win, you would have just summoned Cúcuc, right? Exactly. So just hold on tight and let me take you for a ride!”
Bond Craft Essence
Rejected Brindle
They'd never done it before. Even though they were Cúcuc's horses, they felt like mine. So when Liath Macha refused to allow himself to be harnessed that day...something felt wrong. But Cúcuc got ‘em harnessed and I ignored it. Willfully. Everyone knew why Liath Macha was refusing to be harnessed, everyone was trying to keep Cúcuc from riding out that day. Well, everyone except me. Does that make me a bad friend? To see the writing on the walls, to know why everyone was trying to restrain Cúcuc that day, and to ignore it all? To treat it as if it'd be just another day, another ride, another battle? I'd say it wouldn't, but I'm a biased party. But sometimes, when it's late at night, and my gut hurts, even though there's no possible way it could still be wounded...I'm happy to have driven Cúcuc out that final time. I'm happy it was at least able to start as just another ride for us. 
Historical Depiction
Cú Chulainn’s charioteer, and best friend (there is a man with horny skin who would contest this assertion). The greatest charioteer in Irish Mythology, earning the title of “King of Charioteers”. He accompanied the Hound of Ulster on practically all of his adventures, with the only one he was not involved with in some way being the Hound’s training at Dun Scaith. Once Cú Chulainn returned home and they officially became partners, however, they were a practically inseparable duo. Be it retrieving Emer from her father’s lands, traveling to the realm of Fand to fight her enemies, battling Queen Medb during the Tain Bo Cúailnge, or even his final battle, Laeg was always at his friend’s side.
During Cú Chulainn’s final battle, Laeg was speared by the first spear thrown by Lugaid Mac Cú Roi, which would prove to be a fatal blow for the King of Charioteers. Although Cú Chulainn attempted to order Laeg back to Ulster, Laeg remained to watch the rest of the battle. After Cú Chulainn tied himself to a standing stone for his final stand, he caught sight of Laeg and made one final plea to his friend to return to Ulster, if only to tell Emer of the news. Laeg reluctantly agreed, arriving back at Ulster to deliver the news, and pointing Conall Cernach in the direction of the battle, before finally passing away.
Cú Chulainn - Laeg’s best friend and partner. In spite of his familiarity with Cú Chulainn, Laeg mocks him relentlessly, their banter being filled with good natured ribbing and put-downs. Faultlessly loyal to Cú Chulainn, Laeg stood by his friend until the very end, even until his death. Truly, they could be said to be the personification of “Ride or Die” (or, for these two, maybe it would be more accurate to say “Ride and Die”).
Cú Chulainn (Alter) - Although Cú Chulainn Alter is not the Cú Chulainn Laeg knows, Laeg has decided that he is Cú Chulainn nonetheless, and shall not be spared Laeg’s barbed tongue. It is not an uncommon sight to find Cú Chulainn Alter enduring comments about “trying a little too hard” and grumbling empty threats of violence in return.
Queen Medb - Laeg holds no ill-will towards Medb for organizing the conspiracy that led to his death, but he will never forgive for getting Liath Macha killed in the process.Achilles- A hero Laeg notes as being incredibly similar to Cú Chulainn, Laeg is often spotted hanging out with the Hero of the Trojan War in his off time.
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Art of Cu and Laeg
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govindhtech · 11 days
Apple M4 Powers Up the iMac: Blazing Speed for Creatives
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Apple M4 iMac Predictions
24 Apple iMac
Apple M4 chips may be introduced when Apple updates the 24-inch iMac in 2024. Apple intends to update the Mac series, including the iMac, with AI-focused M4 CPUs. This document details Apple’s M4 iMac ambitions.
Apple M4
Apple may incorporate the M4 chip from the latest iPad Pro models in the forthcoming 24-inch iMac. Since iMacs have M3 chips, the M4 will be a direct upgrade.
Apple M4 is a second-generation chip based on the M3’s 3-nanometer technology with performance and efficiency improvements. Apple M4 CPU outscored M3 chip by 25% in Geekbench benchmark test, suggesting considerable performance boost.
The Apple M4 had 3,695 single-core and 14,550 multi-core scores, compared to 3,087 and 11,702 for the M3.
Apple’s M4 processor has a 10-core GPU and CPU with four performance and six efficiency cores. Apple uses an M4 with a 9-core CPU in the iPad Pro, but the iMac may not have it.
Other Macs will have upgraded M4 Pro, M4 Max, and M4 Ultra CPUs, while the 24-inch iMac, which is equal in price to the MacBook Air, will only have the M4 chip.
No signs suggest Apple will revamp the iMac soon the last overhaul was in 2021. The 2024 iMac refresh may focus internal improvements over exterior design changes.
Computers and displays are merged in the iMac. It fits on a desktop due to its narrow profile and 11.5mm thickness. It has a pastel chin and comes in bright shades.
They know of no iMac enhancements other than the Apple M4 chip.
Larger iMac?
Despite rumours, a 30-inch iMac was still in development in mid-2023. Its release date is unknown. As of May 25, 2024, Apple has no larger iMac. Current 24-inch iMacs include M3 chips. In 2024, rumours of a bigger iMac with an M-series CPU had faded. Apple hasn’t confirmed a 30-inch model for 2025.
Expect a larger iMac: Rumours say Apple may sell a larger iMac in the future.
Connect Mac to external display: You can add a larger external monitor to your iMac or Mac mini. This maximises screen space and lets you choose size and resolution.
Consider Mac Studio: The Mac Studio is fast and may be used with a larger display for a strong desktop arrangement.
Launch Day
Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman expected a 24-inch iMac M4 processor update “around the end of the year.” The iMac may launch at October or November Apple events with new Macs. Pre-year MacBook Pro and Mac mini improvements are anticipated. Since the iMac was updated in October 2023, an October 2024 release would conclude the year.
The M4 processor outperforms the M3 with a 10-core CPU (6 efficiency and 4 performance) and GPU. Hardware-accelerated ray tracing and 16-core Neural Engine are featured. The M4 iMac could handle video editing and 3D rendering.
Apple iMac M3
They expect the new iMac to have a 24-inch Retina 4.5K display like the M3 model. Apple may possibly offer more colours for the upcoming iMac, like the M2 model. The M4 iMac will be a major upgrade from the M3. Keep an eye out for Apple’s M4-powered iMac later this year if you want a powerful and adaptable desktop.
Based on rumours and leaks, the M4 iMac may include these features:
The next-generation 24-inch iMac is believed to have the M4 chip, which Apple used in the current iPad Pro versions.
The M4, a second-generation microprocessor with faster and more efficient performance, uses the same 3-nanometer technology as the M3.
The M4 outperformed the M3 on Geekbench by 25%. Apple’s M4 processor contains a 10-core CPU and GPU with six efficiency and four performance cores.
Design: The M4 iMac will have a slim, colourful aluminium casing like the M3.
Seven brilliant colors blue, green, pink, silver, space grey, yellow, and orange are likely.
256GB of M4 iMac storage can be expanded to 2TB of SSD storage.
The M4 iMac will have 8GB of starting memory and up to 16GB of unified memory.
Reports and leaks suggest these specs for Apple’s M4 iMac:
M4 Chip had 10 cores: 4 efficient, 6 performant.
Ten cores and second-generation 3-nanometers make the GPU more efficient and performant than M3.
24-inch 4.5K Retina screen, True Tone, P3 colour gamut.
SSDs start at 256GB and RAM up to 2TB.
Standard unified memory is 8GB, customisable to 16GB.
Dual SDXC card slots, USB-C connections, Thunderbolt 4 connectors.
From last update, there was no mention of a “M4 iMac.” Apple regularly updates their products with newer processors and features. Apple’s custom Mac CPUs are generally labelled “M”.
The M1 chip, which delivered exceptional performance and energy economy, changed Apple’s desktop and laptop computers. An M4 iMac may use this special silicon to boost power and efficiency. I prefer Apple’s official releases or trusted tech sources for the most accurate and current information.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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thejuanblog · 8 months
Demystifying Digital Images and Video: Formats, Tools, Copyright, and More.
In today's digital age, images and videos have become an integral part of our daily lives. From personal photographs shared on social media to professional content uploaded on platforms like YouTube and Twitch, understanding the intricacies of image and video file formats, codecs, and manipulation tools is essential. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive overview of these digital elements, focusing on the definitions of common file types, export settings for popular broadcasting platforms, image manipulation tools, and the critical aspects of image copyright.
Definitions of Commonly Used Image and Web Video Formats, Wrappers, and Codecs
Image Formats:
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group): JPEG is the most widely used image format for photographs and digital images. It uses lossy compression, which reduces file size while maintaining reasonable image quality.
PNG (Portable Network Graphics): PNG is preferred for images with transparent backgrounds or crisp, high-quality graphics. Unlike JPEG, it uses lossless compression.
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format): GIFs are a popular choice for short, looping animations and simple graphics. They use lossless compression and support transparency.
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format): TIFF is a versatile format commonly used in professional photography and graphic design. It supports lossless compression and maintains high image quality.
BMP (Bitmap): BMP is a Windows-native format known for its lack of compression. It results in large file sizes but retains image quality.
Video Formats and Codecs:
MP4 (MPEG-4): MP4 is a widely supported video format that uses the H.264 codec. It offers a balance between quality and file size, making it ideal for streaming and sharing on the web.
AVI (Audio Video Interleave): AVI is an older format that supports various codecs. It is not as efficient as MP4 in terms of compression and is used less frequently nowadays.
MOV (QuickTime Movie): MOV is a format developed by Apple and is popular among Mac users. It can use various codecs, such as H.264 and ProRes, for high-quality video.
MKV (Matroska): MKV is an open-source container format that can contain videos with a variety of codecs, making it highly customizable.
Export Settings for Popular Broadcast Platforms
When it comes to sharing images and videos on popular broadcasting platforms like YouTube, Twitch, and Facebook, selecting the right export settings is crucial for optimal quality and compatibility.
YouTube: For video content on YouTube, the recommended format is MP4 with H.264 video codec and AAC audio codec. The ideal resolution is 1080p (1920x1080) or 4K (3840x2160) for higher quality. These settings balance quality and compatibility across devices.
Twitch: Twitch also prefers the MP4 format with H.264 video and AAC audio codecs. A resolution of 720p (1280x720) or 1080p is recommended, depending on the viewer's internet speed and quality preferences.
Facebook: Facebook accepts a wide range of video formats, including MP4 and MOV. However, MP4 with H.264 video and AAC audio codecs is a reliable choice. The resolution should be adapted to the target audience and device capabilities.
Commonly Used Image Manipulation Tools and Techniques
Image manipulation tools are essential for enhancing and editing images. Here are some commonly used tools and techniques, along with their purposes:
Adobe Photoshop: Photoshop is a versatile image editing software that can be used for tasks like retouching, color correction, and compositing.
Adobe Lightroom: Lightroom is perfect for photo organization and enhancement, with features like exposure adjustment, color grading, and batch processing.
GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program): GIMP is a free alternative to Photoshop, offering similar features for image editing and manipulation.
Canva: Canva is a user-friendly online tool for creating graphics and social media content. It simplifies design tasks for non-designers.
Cropping and Resizing: These techniques are fundamental for adjusting image dimensions and removing unwanted parts of an image.
Image Copyright Essentials
Artists and content creators must be aware of copyright laws to protect their intellectual property. Key copyright essentials include:
Ownership: Creators automatically own the copyright to their work upon creation, but registration provides additional legal protection.
Fair Use: Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission for purposes like criticism, commentary, news reporting, and education.
Licensing: Creators can license their work under specific terms, such as Creative Commons licenses, allowing others to use their work while respecting their rights.
Public Domain: Works in the public domain are not protected by copyright and can be used freely.
DMCA Takedowns: The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) enables copyright owners to request the removal of infringing content from online platforms.
Attribution: When using copyrighted material, proper attribution is often required to credit the creator.
Understanding digital image and video formats, codecs, export settings, image manipulation tools, and copyright essentials is essential for content creators, whether amateur or professional. By adhering to best practices and legal guidelines, creators can ensure their work is of high quality, reaches the right audience, and is protected from unauthorized use. Whether you're a budding photographer, a vlogger, or a graphic designer, the knowledge presented in this blog post can serve as a valuable resource to navigate the digital content landscape successfully.
Reference list
Arts Law Centre of Australia 2010, Copyright - Arts Law Centre of Australia, Arts Law Centre of Australia.
Attorney-General's Department 2022, Copyright basics, Attorney-General’s Department.
Image Manipulation: The What, How, and Why 2021, Clipping Path Campus.
Image Processing: Techniques, Types, & Applications [2022] n.d., www.v7labs.com.
Video File Formats, Codecs, and Containers Explained | TechSmith 2018, Welcome to the TechSmith Blog.
By: Juan Gutierrez.
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linuxgamenews · 8 months
Escape Evil Otto with Berzerk: Recharged
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Berzerk: Recharged twin-stick maze survival game is coming to Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to SneakyBox for their amazing work and dedication. Due to makes its way onto Steam. Atari, a globally recognized name in the entertainment world, is introducing a fresh take on a classic from the 80s called Berzerk: Recharged. If you're looking for a bit of history combined with modern flair, this might be right up your alley. Back in the day, there was this popular action challenge where players worked around a maze, avoiding or facing aggressive robots. The most notorious figure in this scenario was "Evil Otto." Picture this: a bouncing smiley face. Sounds harmless, right? Not quite. Otto was also relentless, passing through walls, and you couldn't stop him. Your best strategy against him? Get out of his way. What's New in Berzerk: Recharged? Firstly, visuals. Expect sharper, crisper graphics that also give the classic game a fresh look on Linux. Then, there are the controls. Twin-stick controls have been added, making movement smoother and also more intuitive. The soundscape has been enhanced with a musical touch from Megan McDuffee. Due to blend in futuristic vibes with some 80s nostalgia.
Berzerk: Recharged - Announcement Trailer
A key detail to note: The Berzerk: Recharged robots chasing you aren't silent. They speak. Due to be a homage to the older version, one of the pioneers in using speech in such challenges. The dialogues add a layer of personality to the robots, making your encounters with them more engaging. And, of course, Evil Otto's still in this twin-stick maze survival with his unwavering smile. He's also going to be that constant pressure, making sure you always stay sharp. Features to Look Forward To:
Dynamic Difficulty: The mazes you'll navigate in Berzerk: Recharged won't be easy. As you progress, the challenges ramp up, symbolized by the robots changing their colors.
Unique Mazes: 20 carefully designed mazes await you, each throwing a different set of hurdles your way.
Boosts and Power-Ups: Enhance your arsenal with weapon upgrades and modifiers. These range from spread shots to railguns. You can also enhance your speed, deploy shields, or even lay down mines.
Team-Up and Scoreboards: If things get tough, call in a friend for shared split-screen co-op. After you've given it your best, see where you stand on the public scoreboard.
Lastly, you'll find Berzerk: Recharged twin-stick maze survival available on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. This project, promises to be a blend of the past and the present. Get ready for some maze-navigating action! And also be sure to Wishlist the game on Steam.
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binmay0ditek · 9 months
Swift for iOS App Development
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Swift is multi-paradigm, a general-purpose programming language that was developed by Apple Inc. for its different operating systems like iOS, tvOS, macOS, watch OS. It supports Linux, Darwin, free BSD like multiple OS, It is a static and strongly typed discipline. Swift is designed to work along with Apple’s Cocoa framework and Objective C library to work in Apple products. Extension filename for the swift files is .swift to support core components from Objective C.
Through many core concepts, Apple supports Swift is associated with Objective-C, dynamic dispatch, late binding, extensible programming to catch software bugs. Swift has features addressing some common programming errors like null pointer dereferencing and provides easier syntax to avoid the pyramid of doom. Swift supports types, structures, and classes, where Apple promotes in programming paradigms as protocol-oriented programming.
Benefits of Swift Programming Language
1. Open-Source Community
Swift is an open-source as well as a developer-friendly programming language. The developers for iPhone applications can explore, enhance Swift language, contribute to bug fixes, add new features and platforms, and so much. In Swift, an open-source, made with a strong community of developers.
2. Readability for Easy Code
Swift programming language is easiest to read and write. It uses simple syntax for the iPhone App Development language. Swift is similar to Objective C. You have to write so few lines of code compared to Objective C using simple and clean syntax throughout the code. In Objective C, it is necessary to add semicolons at the end of the parenthesis for conditional statements due to getting errors while compiling. But in Swift, these are not required. This has made Swift more simple and clean and user friendly as compared to C/C++. Hence, almost all language programmers can easily grasp with Swift and develop iOS applications.
3. Slower compilation speed
Compilation speed is much slower in Swift projects. As Swift is a more complex language and more feature-rich, it is harder to ensure that everything is exact. Each time, this costs time and money. Swift programming language is approximately 2.6x faster than Objective C. Swift is super-fast for iPhone application development.
4. Less Error-Prone
Null value as nil pointers is handled in different ways in Objective-C. Whenever you call a method with a nil pointer variable, nothing returns. But, it becomes the source of a huge list of bugs that the developer is unaware of and brings his efficiencies to the zero level. But, this is not the case with the Swift programming language. While defining the method, the iPhone app developer can define whether the value exists or it is nil (null). So, if the developer has mistakenly taken nil optional value, Swift triggers the runtime crash. This crash forces the iPhone app developer to resolve the bug right away and remains on the line of code with the nil pointer’s optional value. Hence, Swift is strict for iPhone app developers to develop bug and exception-free apps.
5. Multiple Devices Support
Swift is a programming language that supports iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV, and Mac devices that are developed by Apple. Swift is not just limited to, support Apple devices, but Linux and Windows devices as well. In fact, about its new upcoming operating system, So, Swift is not going to just limit it to Apple devices. Across the technology world, it will support multiple devices.
6. Dynamic Libraries Support
Dynamic libraries are executable for code that can be linked to an app. This feature allows links against the latest versions of the Swift language. Dynamic libraries are directly uploaded to the memory on the initial size of the app and ultimately increasing app performance.
7. “Playgrounds” Backed
Playgrounds enable programmers to test out a new algorithm without having to create a complete app. Apple has added code execution to Playgrounds to help programmers create a group of code or write an algorithm while receiving feedback. With the help of data visualizations, this feedback loop can improve the speed at which code can be written. To make app development easier and more approachable necessary to do Playgrounds and Swift together for Apple’s efforts.
8. High-Level Performance
Swift is 3.4X quicker than Objective C. Also, the code execution is quicker than Objective C. Swift supports dynamic libraries and multiple devices that improve the speed through which the apps are developed and updated. This ultimately improves the performance of the Swift apps to a great extent.
The Benefit of Swift over Objective C:
1. Swift is the latest programming language that is developed by Apple and can be run on various cross-platform operating systems such as Linux, Darwin, Free BSD, etc. whereas Objective C is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language used by Apple in its operating systems and APIs Cocoa, etc.
2. Swift has safe programming patterns, the syntax in Objective C, complete access to Cocoa frameworks whereas Objective C also supports the same features as C++ except for STL and includes foundational frameworks.
3.Swift has object-oriented and procedural features in its language and in-built functionalities in its library whereas Objective C has different data types, tokens to recognize the identifiers, declarations, and assignments and pre-processor to define constants.
4.Swift supports different operators such as Arithmetic Operators, Logical Operators, Bitwise Operators, Relational Operators, Assignment Operators, Range Operators, and Miscellaneous Operators whereas Objective C also supports the same operators except for range and pre-processors which are not the part of the compilation process.
5.Swift supports Dictionaries, Functions, Closures, Enumerations, Structures, etc. whereas Objective C supports Posing, Extensions, dynamic binding, Protocols, Composite Objects, Memory Management, and Enumerations.
6.Swift supports optional chaining, typecasting, generics, protocols, subscripts, etc., whereas Objective C allows dynamic dispatch, auto-generation of accessors to access member variables and properties, and allows a method and a name to share the same identifier.
7.In Swift, calling a method will be decided at compile time and is similar to object-oriented programming whereas in Objective C, calling a method will be decided at runtime.
8.In Swift, errors can be handled using protocols to avoid the unexpected flow of program control whereas Objective C has nil which can be safely handled in a powerful way by safely sending messages to nil objects.
9.In Swift, operator overloading is supported and is global in terms of scope and simplicity whereas Objective C does not support default parameters but can be implemented by multiple methods manipulation and also does not support private members.
10.In Swift, Arc (Automatic Reference Counting) is the feature that handles the garbage collection where emptied memory is allocated to the required processes whereas Objective C does not support stack-based memory objects and allocating memory in Objective C is very expensive and it plays a key role in writing successful programs for the delivery of efficient applications.
11.In Swift, class objects are declared as general object-oriented programming languages whereas Objective C has an embedded object inside an object, by means a private declare object will be embedded into the main object along with some primitive methods.
12.In Swift, advanced operators exist to handle the manipulation of the complex value whereas Objective C has a fast enumeration feature where collections are core components of this feature.
1. Swift is open-sourced and easy to learn. 2. Swift is fast, safe, and expressive. 3. Swift is approachable and familiar like C and C++ code can be added by Swift programmers into Swift applications. 4. Swift is the future of Apple’s development. 5. Swift is enterprise-ready.
1. The language is still quite young and the talent pool is limited. 2. Swift is considered a “moving target” as it is a new language and the numbers of swift programmers are few. 3. Poor interoperability with third-party tools and IDEs. 4. Lack of support for earlier iOS versions.
The Swift programming language seems to be the future of developing high-performing and it is also a secured app. And, this is the reason it is being adopted by Apple’s competitors as well. Looking at the benefits Swift offers, sooner it will reach the top of the app development charts.
There are several factors during every time organizations start a new mobile project to take into account, whether decided to use Swift or Objective-C for development. Selecting the most appropriate language depends on the project and team context preference for a particular programming language. Swift takes a lot of useful components from Objective-C for allowing developers to write safer, more reliable code. It is a leading programming language for creating engaging and also a user-friendly mobile app.
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cricutlogin · 9 months
An Ultimate Guide for Cricut Design Space Download
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Cricut Design Space is a free and easy-to-learn app. This app will help you enhance your design skills with endless possibilities. With Design Space, you can create your design using the Cricut library, or you can upload your design to it. It is not required to have design experience to create a design using Design Space because it can be learned while using it. There is no need for an internet connection to design because it works offline as well and can be designed at any time and anywhere. All you need to do is Cricut Design Space download and connect it to your computer. In this blog, you will be able to learn how to download Cricut Design Space on your computer.
System Requirements for Using Design Space
Before downloading and installing the Cricut app on your Windows and Mac computers, you need to know about the minimum systems requirements for using Design Space.
For Windows
Operating System
Windows 10 or later
CPU: Intel Dual-Core or equivalent AMD processor
2 GB free disk space
An available USB port or Bluetooth connection
Display : Minimum 1024px * 768px resolutions
Broadband connection: minimum 2-3 Mbps download and 1-2 Mbps upload speed
Standards rate may apply
Available for Design Space for Desktop
Memory needs may vary on usage
For Mac
Operating System
macOS 11 or later
CPU 1.83 GHz
2 GB free disk space
An available USB port or Bluetooth connection
Display: Minimum 1024px * 768px resolutions
Broadband connection: minimum 2-3 Mbps download and 1-2 Mbps upload speed
Standards rate may apply
Available for Design Space for Desktop
Memory needs may vary on usage
Steps for Cricut Design Space Download on Your Computer
Design Space can be downloaded on any Windows or Mac computer or your iOS or Android device.
For Windows
First, open a browser window and navigate to design.cricut.com.
After that, you need to click on the Download button. During the downloading process, the screen will change. The process will be a little different for different browsers. (The image below is an example of how it will look in Google Chrome.)
When the downloading process is complete, you have to double-click the downloaded file, which can be accessed through the internet browser or the Downloads folder of your file explorer.
When double-clicking on the file, a popup window may open to ask if the user trusts the app; tap on the Yes option.
Next, a setup screen will appear during the installation process.
After successful installation, you can log in with your Cricut account ID.
A Desktop icon is automatically added for Design Space to the Desktop screen.
Right-click on the Desktop icon for the app and select Pin to Taskbar, or drag the icon to the Taskbar to create a shortcut.
You are all set up; you can start your journey with Design Space.
These are the necessary steps for the Cricut Design Space download on Windows.
For Mac
As your initial step, open a web browser and go to design.cricut.com.
Select Download. During the downloading process, the screen will change. The process will be different for each browser.
Once completed, you will have to double-click the downloaded .dmg file, which can be accessed through your browser or the Downloads folder of your File Explorer.
To start the installation process, drag the Cricut icon to the Applications folder. Design Space for Desktop is automatically added to the Applications folder.
Click twice on Cricut Design Space in your Applications folder to launch it.
A Mac notice will appear to ask for permission to open the application. Select Open to continue.
Now, you can log in with your Cricut ID and Password.
After a successful login, you are all set up to start your journey with Design Space.
These are the necessary steps for the Cricut Design Space download on Mac.
This blog consists of all the steps for Cricut Design Space download, install, and setup. By following the instructions carefully and successfully downloading the Cricut app, you will be able to use it without any hassle. If the Design Space is not properly installed, then you might face an error while trying to access the app. If you face any error and need any assistance in setting up Design Space, it’s best to communicate with the customer support team at cricut.com/setup.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Cricut Design Space and its features?
Design Space is an application that is used to design at any time and anywhere, so it can be used even if the device is not connected to the internet. You can design, edit and cut projects without any internet connection. It’s one of the companion apps provided by Cricut to create designs. It supports multiple devices, so you can create unique DIY projects that can be done at the same time.
Can Design Space work on multiple devices?
A cloud-based Design Space can work on multiple devices. So, you can start a project from one device and finish it on another device without any hassle. By using Design Space, you can access the resources required from one device to another. There is no need to transfer your resources from the device used to start the project to the device used to finish the project, as you can access those resources.
How do you access projects and their resources offline?
You can access the projects only if the project is saved on the computer as well. So, when you are working online and choose to save the project, then choose to save projects to the cloud and computer as well. Through this, you will be able to access the project and resources offline, even when you are not connected to the internet or offline.
Source: Cricut Design Space Download
For more information visit: Cricut Design Space Login
Cricut New Machine Setup
Cricut.com setup windows
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peribytes · 10 months
I've designed a smash moveset for peridot
Peridot is a light-mid weight fighter (Probably around Little Mac level weight) who has a medium speed and 2 jumps. Their jab is a two-hit jab of one punch and one kick. The dash attack has peridot spin backwards and backpedal with paintcans on their feet (You know what it references). The up tilt has a metal spike point up, holding her hands up. The side tilt has them head but to the side. Their down tilt has them jump, place a Flask Robonoid down and it spins, exploding into goo afterwards. As for the smash attacks, Peridot uses their limb enhancers. Up smash has Peridot uses their propeller limb enhancer for a multi-hit attack. Side smash has Peridot kick upwards with their enhanced legs. Finally for the normal attacks, the down smash has peridot spins around and her limb enhancers fall off. Now for the specials; Neutral special has peridot send his tablet forward with their eyes closed. The tablet flies forward until it hits a player or the blast zone, flying at a slow speed. Side special has Peridot fly forwards on their trashcan lid at twice their movement speed for a short distance, hitting any enemy in their way. Their up special has them hold the bottom of their trashcan lid flying up at about the same speed as K. Rools up special. Finally, the down special has Peridot place down a tv and play a Camp Pining Hearts dvd (The good season too) which heals any fighter nearby.
Now, the Final Smash Peridot's appearance changes to their season one appearance and goes to the very left of the screen, screaming "DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE!" As they shoot a bunch of large lasers across the screen
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hoodharlow · 11 months
top 7 on repeat 🎧 thank you for tagging me @trulymadlykiki 💕💕💕 in no particular order
Vampire by my baby Olivia Rodrigo
The Feels by Labrinth ft. Zendaya
Last Dance by Dua Lipa
They Don't Love It by Jack Harlow
Monster by Shawn Mendes ft. Justin Bieber
Speed Driver by Charli XCX
No Enhancers by Jack Harlow
I'm tagging: @chamaleonsoul @heavyhitterheaux @ijustwantedplums @lover-of-mine @nattinatalia @that-90s-girllll @jackharloww @neon-lights-and-glitter @be-ready-when-i-say-go @earthtoharlow @killatravtramp @hemmohoran (Mac I couldn't find you then I remember you chnaged @ lollll)
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thatonebipotato · 2 years
yooo scorpion design
Edit: yooo go check my reblogs for some more little concepts ^^
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mmmm ok so I've never explained this sort of au that I have but like basically it's a "rehabilitation" au where, instead of fighting the villains and realizing maybe something could've been done after their dead/jailed and it's too late, Spidey seeks to help them as soon as he can, even if that help may be really hard to get
Mac Gargan is a private investigator who often deals with some shady people, but he never asks questions and just gets the job done.
Some criminals want info on the infamous Spider-Man and hire him to find what he can, but when he turns up with basically nothing they get angry.
Though I haven't entirely fleshed out the reasons behind everything happening the way it does, it involves a bunch of toxic chemicals, scorpions, Mac, and the three happening to end up together.
The chemicals break Mac and the scorpions down like acid into a thick, green sludge. Over a few hours, the sludge pulls itself together and forms a sort of chrysalis. After a few more hours, the chrysalis begins to break, and out pops Gargan, reformed into what he thinks is a terrible monster.
He tries to find someone, anyone who could help him, but because of the way he looks and the transformation making him unable to speak, he is met with severe resistance by the people of NY, and especially the police.
On the run, he happens upon one Spider-Man, who offers to try helping him. He takes him to an abandoned warehouse so that he is safe and away from anyone who might be after him.
Though Mac is very on edge and incredibly scared of what's happened to him, he isn't truly hostile. He lashes out a little in fear, but once calmed does not pose a threat to anyone.
Because he cannot speak, and has trouble writing, he can't explain how he got the way he did, and is therefore unable to be given aid. Though, even if he could, there's no real way to reverse being entirely broke down and reformed with completely new DNA from chemicals, so he's stuck the way he is no matter what.
He adjusts well enough to his new normal, and is quick to act as he normally would: being a little shit. The only difference is he can kill someone easily now.
His stinger can shoot/inject a toxin similar to what he'd reformed in(which is very corrosive). He also has enhanced strength, speed, and agility, and his skin is coated in a thin and hard but flexible layer if exoskeleton, making him resistant to most forms of attack with just his body. Also he has two sets of eyes. I don't have a reason for not just giving him one, it just looked cool.
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vacantgodling · 2 years
I'm new here, apologies if this has been said before, but I'm very curious -
Has Darren always known he was a half-vampire or is this reveal you mention a surprise for him? If so, how does he react??
How else does being a half-vampire affect him other than heightened senses?
I love this kinda thing so I'm super interested!
omg you’re totally fine! hi thanks for asking! i also wanna preface this with i apologize for not answering this before? tumblr literally ate this ask but i happened to be on my browser and i saw this sitting here and i was like omg ??? so ig i don’t want you to think i was ignoring you tumblr is just dumb 😭
anyway tho! the reveal is actually a surprise to him bc a lot of the stuff that could be considered or are related to him being a half vampire he was able to write off as him just being slightly odd. for instance, bc darren is only a half vampire his taste buds are a bit wonky (bc they’re acclimated to consume life force, blood or otherwise) — this just essentially leads him to being unable to taste certain things. mac & cheese is something he can’t taste for instance lol. it’s very random which things half vampires can/can’t taste so he always just assumed he had a weird allergy or maybe he just didn’t like certain foods or something (with any of the foods he has a hard time tasting lol). or, he’s kinda sensitive to direct sunlight but he just assumes he sunburns bad lmaoooo.
so he’s very much like “haha quit playing! … oh wait you’re serious.” when he finds out. he meets it with a LOOOOOT of skepticism and still kind of thinks it’s all bs until he experiences blood lust for the first time LMAO (that’s a time pfff).
in terms of his powers and abilities overall tho, he and other half-vampires (and speaking of bloodlings specifically here bc there are different “variants” of vampires in this universe and i’ll post about that eventually fjdjdjdj)
have a longer lifespan that is/can be affected by the life force they consume.
they can ingest poisons through blood so they’re basically antidotes if they suck your blood (though half-vampires tend to get stomachaches if a poison is too strong but it won’t kill them. full vamps aren’t affected by this at all)
depending on the type of life force they consume they can take on different attributes, which is something that is important to said story tm. but basically what this means is that bloodlings feed off of sentience to an extent— animals occasionally but humans mostly. however they don’t have to just consume blood and kill you. they can also consume different aspects of someone if they have the intention. full-bloodlings can control that intention— if they want your blonde hair they can have it, if they want your intelligence they can have it, if they want you to die bc they sucked you dry well then uh fuck you ig. but half-vampires can’t really choose so they kind of default to physical characteristics. human blood won’t do anything to them but if they suck the blood of a bird they can grow feathers even wings, if they suck the blood of a different vampire variant that can also affect them. the caveat to this is while some affects can persist over time, usually most physical changes go away once your body finishes digesting the blood. so your feathers would molt after your body finishes digesting bird blood lmao.
generally half vampires have sharper senses bc they are apex predators tm lol. enhanced hearing, speed, durability, strength, are par for the course. how strong you are can vary but it’s definitely more than the average person. in darren’s case, he’s a couch potato and his dad (the human parent) works out. darren can still lift the same amount as his father without trying lmao,,, if he were to work out it’d just increase his threshold lol.
SO!! i hope all of that answers your question, again i’m sorry for not getting back to you sooner 🥲 but if you have any more q’s hit me :’)
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rlxtechoff · 1 year
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webmeridian · 2 years
Why Do eCommerce QA and BA Play a Key Role in the Retail Industry?
The article was initially published in WebMeridian blog.
The website handles everything, from sales to the processing of financial transactions. Giving clients the highest level of pleasure is crucial for the company to thrive in the competitive market. If there is even a slight error, it might be disastrous for both the business and the customer.
As a result, “Quality Assurance (QA)” is crucial for the eCommerce sector. Spending a lot of time on maintaining or increasing the quality of the services provided or the functioning of the items on sale may help the business build its brand and remain competitive for an extended time.
What Exactly Is eCommerce Quality Assurance?
Quality assurance is a technique developed to guarantee improved or higher performance, functionality, and usability of a particular system. Preventing flaws and providing clients with better items that meet their needs is the primary goal of quality assurance in this context of e-commerce.
Performance, usability, navigation, customer service, and payment systems testing may be provided for an application or website by a committed team of eCommerce QA professionals with experience in e-Commerce testing.
The QA process in eCommerce website development frequently entails the establishment of specific measurements and designs, including:
carrying out simulations
software function testing
examining the code
reviewing the design
These procedures give a specific understanding of the software’s quality and usefulness.
Why eCommerce QA Testing Is Essential
Testing, when done effectively and consistently, may significantly boost conversions while also enhancing the entire experience of site users.
Increase user engagement
Testing aids in verifying a page element’s hygiene. It enables us to address problems more quickly by revealing which website element or procedure impacts a user’s on-site experience. The more people will be engaged on the site, the better the user experience.
2. Develop market strategies
You may create efficient strategies for your website by testing and optimising it. You can engage more visitors and lengthen their stay by highlighting the sections of your website that need improvement.
3. Lessen risks
Making extensive and significant modifications to your website can frequently result in noteworthy strategic shifts or even substantial financial losses. However, carefully planning the testing of these adjustments can help reduce the likelihood of these unknown losses.
4. Boost the rate of conversion
Your website is being tested in practically every area, and site optimisation ensures a positive user experience. As a result, your conversion rate is certain to rise.
5. Improved knowledge of visitor behaviour
It might be challenging to map the wants and preferences of your website users and then improve your site accordingly. However, anything is possible with testing. This method is one of the finest and quickest methods to find out what your visitors appreciate.
How We Conduct eCommerce QA Testing
Functional analysis
Do all the buttons and links go as they should?
When evaluating an e-commerce website, we look for proper operation and compliance with the specifications.
UI/UX testing
Is it obvious where to locate products or how to buy them?
We evaluate the interface components and the product’s usability.
Performance evaluation
How can large loads be avoided in crashes?
We assess the effectiveness of your solution in terms of performance (speed, resource consumption, load, etc.).
Compatibility check
Will it function identically on MAC and ASOS?
We test the website’s functionality in various settings (different devices, browsers, platforms).
Regression analysis
How can I be sure that everything is stable following an update or bug fix?
We examine your solution work to see if the most recent revisions have any detrimental effects.
End-to-end testing
Exist any problems?
We thoroughly assess the e-Commerce product to ensure that it functions properly.
Integration testing
Do programs function properly?
We verify the prerequisites needed for all e-commerce software programs to correctly and efficiently communicate with one another.
Testing for localisation
Is it cosy halfway around the globe?
We assess e-Commerce items to ensure they are appropriate for the intended market (translation, local time, currency, date format). Includes examinations in linguistics, technology, and visuals.
eCommerce QA Testing Process
Requirements analysis
Before proceeding to testing itself, our team examines all the clients’ requirements in order to understand the scope of further work. We identify if the requirements are testable or not, and check that they do not contradict each other as well as understandable for implementation.
Checklist compiling
In accordance with the requirements, we create the checklist of features, that should be tested. It usually consists of the number of tests done, their results and bugs that were identified. The checklist’s content may vary depending on the environment.
Functional testing
At this stage, we test the logic of the features pursuant to the developed checklist. We have a responsible attitude to the testing process as detecting bugs at the testing stage costs much less than if they are found by users.
Usability testing
After functional testing, we begin to test usability. We check the arrangement of elements and their conformity to layouts. If there are not any layouts, then we check the integrity and correspondence of the elements to each other. Graphic optimization and cross-browser compatibility are also tested at this stage.
Regression testing
During the testing, we create a bug report, where all the bugs that we identified are described in detail. This bug report is necessary to answer the next questions:
what feature is not working properly?;
where is this feature?;
when the bug occurs?;
how should this function work?;
Full debugging
After all the bugs are identified and described, we pass our report to the developers for further debugging. After each stage of debugging, we test the product again until it works properly.
What Is The Role of a Business Analyst in eCommerce Quality Assurance?
A QA business analyst is tasked with bridging the gap between an IT team and a business team as a product development team member. This expert typically:
studies the business domain,
assesses strengths and weaknesses,
determines potential business value,
describes business needs,
takes part in acceptance testing or beta testing,
and develops new plans and initiatives.
Business analysts leverage data-driven insights to identify requirements and/or enhance areas to boost the supply of business value. They provide the reports to the interested parties and consult with the IT team to balance the proposals that have been authorised with what is technically achievable. The process may also work in reverse: a BA specialist examines if possible concepts are practical from a budgetary standpoint, fit with other functional and UX considerations, etc.
So what exactly does a business analyst do? The following duties often fall within this professional’s job and responsibilities:
Observe products and/or processes, talk to stakeholders and team members, use associated reports, and so on to gather information.
Analyse corporate processes to identify possibilities, determine areas that require change, and comprehend issues and their causes.
Find solutions that will improve the product’s potential and performance on the market based on independent analysis.
Explain the concept to the stakeholders and explain the execution strategy.
Discuss the proposal with the development team to determine whether it can be implemented technically.
Analyse the workable options in light of the available resources, timelines, and other constraints.
Verify the business requirements to ensure that they are understood by everyone engaged in the development process.
At this time, a BA specialist’s job is over. A development team is given the duty of implementation. A Business Analyst can, however, also oversee the implementation.
Determine the actions or duties that must be taken to make the changes.
Make the development process more uniform so that everyone in the team follows the same previously defined procedure.
Verify the anticipated outcome. If everything goes according to plan, studying the same factors (business processes, customer happiness, etc.) following change implementation reveals favourable dynamics.
The duties of a business analyst are often governed by the procedures and practices of the organisation. In other words, before beginning the collaboration, both sides should negotiate the duties and degree of participation.
Key Takeaways
The role of an eCommerce QA and Business Analyst in the development process is crucial. One of the numerous reasons a firm can need to improve is low client satisfaction.
Therefore, quality control in the eCommerce sector guarantees a methodical approach that ensures that the products supplied to the clients fit customer expectations. Nowadays, a substantial portion of businesses has a dedicated quality assurance division that ensures carefully thought-out, practical procedures are followed to avoid errors and achieve remarkable performance in the online world.
In order to attract devoted customers who will do business with you again in the future, you need a website that is functional, appealing, and error-free.
Want to learn more about eCommerce QA testing or ask the CQL quality assurance specialists a question? We are available to assist you with all of your e-commerce and business needs. Contact us right now.
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t2mip · 2 years
1G Ethernet PHY IP Licensed by 3 Different Customers in Q2 alone for Worldwide Use
T2MIP, the global independent semiconductor IP Cores provider & Technology experts, is pleased to announce the licensing of its partner’s  GbE (10/100/1000 Base-T) PHY IP Core to 3 different customers in China, Japan and Europe respectively in Q2 of 2022 alone. This trending Networking IP boasts a unique power consumption and Area spec that helps in its simple integration into any SoC.
The Gigabit Ethernet PHY IP Core extracted from production chip is able to deliver a very low power consumption and was licensed with full modification rights to customers in China, Japan and Europe for Ethernet Switch, WiFi Router and Network SoC applications respectively. The IP Core has hardware configuration for default operation including Power down mode and interrupt support which was integral in the Ethernet Switch application. It also boasts a high level of controllability with pre-defined Management interface, Baseline wander compensation and On-chip transmit wave-shaping which helped mitigate the power consumption and ensure easy integration into the Wifi Router and Network SoC. 
The GbE (10/100/1000 Base-T) PHY IP Cores is fully IEEE 802.3-2008 and IEEE 802.3az standards compliant. The GPHY IP Core connects the Media Access Control Layer (MAC) by GMII (Giga Media Independent Interface) and includes PCS (Physical Coding Sublayer), PMA (Physical Medium Attachment) Transmitter and Receiver. It can support the following modes:
·         1000BASE-T Full Duplex and Half Duplex
·         100BASE-T Full Duplex and Half Duplex
·         10BASE-T Full Duplex and Half Duplex
With the availability of a Dual port MAC interface with GMII and MII, the GPHY IP Core can also be licensed along with digital 1G Ethernet MAC, TSN MAC, or PCS Controller IP Cores. The IP Cores has IEEE 1500 support for SoC testing integration and LED indication for link mode, status, speed, activity, and collision. These features work together to provide an enhanced networking experience.
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1G Ethernet PHY IP Core can be ported to any Fab and Node required by the customer and can be licensed with full modification rights. The PHY also has BroadR-Reach™ support for use in automotive connectivity applications. The Gigabit Ethernet PHY IP Cores has also been used in semiconductor industry’s Data Servers, Automotive, Multimedia devices and other Consumer Electronics …
In addition to GbE (10-100-1000 Base-T) PHY IP Cores, T2M ‘s broad silicon Interface IP Core Portfolio includes USB, PCIe, Serial ATA, HDMI, Display Port, MIPI, DDR, 100/1000 Ethernet, V by One, programmable SerDes, SD/eMMCs and many more Controllers with matching PHYs, available in major Fabs in process geometries as small as 7nm. They can also be ported to other foundries and leading-edge processes nodes on request.
Availability: These Semiconductor Interface IP Cores are available for immediate licensing either stand alone or with pre-integrated Controllers and PHYs. For more information on licensing options and pricing please drop a request / MailTo
About T2M: T2MIP is the global independent semiconductor technology experts, supplying complex semiconductor IP Cores, Software, KGD and disruptive technologies enabling accelerated development of your Wearables, IOT, Communications, Storage, Servers, Networking, TV, STB and Satellite SoCs. For more information, please visit: www.t-2-m.com
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timd-timdigital · 2 days
5 Essential Tips to Speed Up Your Shopify Site
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In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, speed is a critical factor that can make or break your Shopify site. Slow loading times can frustrate visitors, increase bounce rates, and ultimately affect your sales. That’s why it’s essential to ensure your Shopify store runs as efficiently as possible. Whether you’re working with the best web development company or managing your shop independently, these tips will help you enhance your site’s performance and provide a seamless shopping experience for your customers.
In this blog post, we’ll explore five essential tips to speed up your Shopify site. By implementing these strategies, you’ll improve your site’s load times, boost user satisfaction, and potentially increase your conversion rates.
Tip 1: Optimize Your Images
Why Image Optimization Matters:
Images are often the largest files on a website, and unoptimized images can significantly slow down your site. Optimizing your images ensures that they load quickly without compromising quality, improving the overall user experience and site speed.
How to Optimize Images:
Use the Right Format: JPEG is ideal for photos, while PNG is better for images with transparent backgrounds. SVG is perfect for icons and logos.
Compress Images: Use tools like TinyPNG or ImageOptim to compress images without losing quality.
Lazy Loading: Implement lazy loading so images only load when they enter the viewport. This reduces initial load times.
Responsive Images: Serve different image sizes based on the device being used. Shopify’s built-in responsive images feature can help with this.
Tools for Image Optimization:
TinyPNG: Compresses PNG and JPEG images effectively.
ImageOptim: A Mac app that reduces image file sizes.
Shopify Apps: Apps like Crush.pics can automate image compression and optimization.
Tip 2: Leverage Browser Caching
What is Browser Caching?
Browser caching stores static files from your site on a visitor’s device, so when they return, the site loads faster as it doesn’t need to re-download everything.
How to Implement Browser Caching:
Modify .htaccess File: If you have access to your .htaccess file, you can set expiry headers to specify how long browsers should cache your resources.
Use Shopify Apps: Apps like Cache Killer can help manage caching settings without needing to alter code.
Benefits of Browser Caching
Reduced Load Times: Cached content loads faster on subsequent visits.
Lower Bandwidth Usage: Fewer requests to your server, reducing bandwidth usage.
Improved User Experience: Faster load times lead to a better user experience.
Tip 3: Minimize HTTP Requests
Understanding HTTP Requests:
Every time a browser fetches a file (images, scripts, stylesheets), it makes an HTTP request. The more requests your site makes, the slower it loads.
How to Minimize HTTP Requests:
Combine Files: Merge CSS and JavaScript files to reduce the number of requests.
Inline Critical CSS: Place critical CSS inline to reduce the number of external files that need to be fetched.
Use CSS Sprites: Combine multiple images into a single sprite sheet and use CSS to display them.
Remove Unnecessary Plugins: Deactivate and delete any unnecessary Shopify apps that might be adding extra HTTP requests.
Tools to Help:
PageSpeed Insights: Google’s tool can help identify and reduce HTTP requests.
GTmetrix: Provides insights and recommendations on reducing HTTP requests.
Tip 4: Use a Fast and Reliable Hosting Service
The Importance of Hosting:
Your hosting service plays a crucial role in your site’s speed. A fast and reliable hosting provider ensures quick server response times and reduces downtime.
Shopify Hosting:
While Shopify provides its own hosting, ensuring your plan matches your store’s needs is essential. For high-traffic stores, Shopify Plus offers enhanced performance and reliability.
Tips for Choosing a Hosting Service:
Uptime Guarantee: Choose a host with a high uptime guarantee to ensure your site is always available.
Server Location: Select a host with servers close to your target audience for faster load times.
Scalability: Ensure the hosting service can handle traffic spikes and growth.
Best Practices
Content Delivery Network (CDN): Use a CDN like Cloudflare to distribute your content globally, reducing load times for international visitors.
Regular Monitoring: Use tools like UptimeRobot to monitor your site’s performance and uptime.
Tip 5: Implement Lazy Loading
What is Lazy Loading?
Lazy loading defers the loading of non-critical resources (like images below the fold) until they are needed, reducing initial load time and saving bandwidth.
How to Implement Lazy Loading?
Manual Coding: Add the loading=”lazy” attribute to your images.
Shopify Apps: Use apps like LazyLoad by Instant to automate the process.
Benefits of Lazy Loading
Improved Load Times: Only necessary content loads initially, speeding up the perceived load time.
Bandwidth Savings: Reduces data usage by only loading images when they are needed.
Enhanced User Experience: Visitors enjoy faster initial load times and can interact with the site more quickly.
Optimizing your Shopify site for speed is crucial in today’s competitive e-commerce landscape. By implementing these five essential tips—optimizing your images, leveraging browser caching, minimizing HTTP requests, using a fast and reliable hosting service, and implementing lazy loading—you can significantly enhance your site’s performance. Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur or working with the best web development company, these strategies will help ensure your Shopify store delivers a fast, seamless, and enjoyable experience for your customers.
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