#Episode 95
witchamajigit · 1 month
Imodna weirdness
Anyone else feeling like the trajectory of Laudna and Imogen is heading into very... unhealthy waters? I know a lot of people will jump down my throat for this but I feel like their relationship might be the first one in CR to fall apart on screen. They seem to be forces ripped in different directions and with this last bit of drama, I think Imogen is really starting to see the cracks.
Laudna is not well and I have very very high doubts of her survival through the campaign. If Laudna wins, will she die without Delilah? If Delilah takes over, how long before someone takes her head off (look at the entire De Rolo bloodline for that one) or even the Bells themselves have to take her out.
The relationship has felt very strained and, forced isn't the right word, but held together with very thin threads. I wonder when enough of those threads will snap to make the whole thing unravel.
Sometimes love isn't enough.
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onheirpodcast · 3 months
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The Danish royal family released their annual report and we've studied all 65 pages so you don't have to! Join @princesscatherinemiddleton and @duchessofostergotlands as we explore what the report reveals about their working patterns and their financial arrangements.
Episode 95 - “Another fourteen sofas” - on Spotify, Apple, Google Podcasts and Amazon!
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ghoulietbat · 1 year
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more zombie kite for my freaky friends
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evaludate · 7 months
Evaludate Episode 96: Blood Splatoon (Crius Castlerock of even if Tempest, Part 1)
Today on Evaludate: who has time for witch trials and murder mysteries when there's BIRD POLITICS afoot! Commander Crius gets slut-shamed, and we ponder the motivations of our catboy timeloop administrator.
Content Warnings:
Self-harm: (36:21 - 36:29)
Suicide: (43:25 - 45:15)
Child abuse: (55:47 - 56:12)
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wbg-quotes · 8 months
MICHAEL: Go down fighting hard, Mikey. Have some dignity. MIKEY: I’ve already used up all the time on my clock. And I used up my dignity years ago, Michael. MW: I got the calculator if you want to fix the time. Don’t know if I can fix your dignity.
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my conclusion over Boruto episode 95
you know …that is what I do think and believe into. That Kakashi secretly loves Sakura ..but he knew from the beginning …that he stood no chance ….against Sasuke. I even come to believe ..that Sakura as well ..loves Kakashi back ..but either she is unaware of …or is supressing it ..because ..there is Sasuke ..who she fears would go again the wrong dark path if she would let him slip through her fingers. That is what Kakashi confirmed to Sasuke in the end of the fourth Ninja war and. I also believe …Sakura has felt …how Kakashi feels towards her. Kakashi is such a wonderful man …and he lets her go …and still does love her from a distance! I consider this true love …if someone can let go …because of loving this person. He would never pressure her …! That is real love.Kakashi thinks ..he is no better than Sasuke. So Sakura is better off with Sasuke. In which I will say no ….! Kakashi has always chosen the good way …even though he stood before a fork in the road and was in danger to choose otherwise. Of course all can choose between good and bad. That is fact! Remember when Kakashi lectured Sasuke via Icha Icha in regards of his daughter in Boruto Episode 95 ...and I urge you to look it up ..and I am sure …this caused much irritation. Icha Icha ..who is an adult literature is certainly not something that you can use for a minor. When I see Kakashi ..who intervenes when Mirai wants to have a peek into Icha Icha ..I dont believe one bit ..that Kakashi is such a dirty perverted uncle ..that he actually lectures Sasuke about his relationship with his 12 year old daughter. I pondered over that Episode …and I knew when it comes to Kakashi you actually have to read between his words. I also have realized ..that Kakashi seems to be angry at Sasuke ..when he says ..that he lacks social skills from wandering around all this years ...and even though he posses the Sharingan he still cant figure out ...how to react to his daughter. Then Kakashis absurd transformation into Sasuke and Sakura …and then I finally realized it. And when I heard Kakashi saying to Sasuke in admiration…on the bridge …that there is someone much more suitable for giving him advice when it comes to Sarada ….and he vanishes before Sakura arrives …there it hit me. Kakashi …all along …pointed indirectly to Sasukes relationship with Sakura …and then it made all sense to me….That is why I guess …Kakashi still is more concerned about the well being of Sakura than any other thing. And that is why I believe ..yes indeed …all this years as the Hokage and after that ,Kakashi still loves admires and cares for Sakura so much. You cant look at it otherwise …because …then ..you have that weird feeling ..that Kakashi becomes another Jiraya! But I dont see this confirmed…in any other Boruto episode ….so I stick to my conclusion! Remember ...Kakashi hides his feelings often ..and burries it deep inside of himself. One more thing ..I indeed come to believe ..that Kakashi is angry ..at Sasuke ..because he has abandoned his family ..and because ...I know that he knows of this ..this man knows so much about what is going on ...and because ...Sasuke wont greet Sakura ..even though he is in the village. I just remember Kakashi is asking Sasuke "Annoying ...huh ?She must be truly your daughter then ...!" and I firmly see Kakashi laughing inside ...and thinking of that Karma is a bitch ..and what goes around comes around ..and yes I can firmly feel his anger towards Sasuke! And in a sense ..I totally agree with. and totally can understand Kakashi ...! Hopefully ..people can see Boruto episode 95 in another light ..when they read through this!
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I feel here Kakashis anger ...
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conversation on the bridge ..from man to man. Kakashi teasing Sasuke in saying" annoying ....huh?" again ..I feel Kakashis anger here ...
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Kakashi sees already Sakura running towards the bridge!
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Kakashi pointing with admiration towards Sakura ..who is more suitable ...to advice Sasuke when it comes to their daughter.
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kumaky · 1 year
alright so condoms don’t exist in mana, and that’s fine and all but-
THERE IS A WHOLE BOOK OF PEEPAW SEX. How many aunts and uncles does Gillion have and my god please let us meet them.
unless there’s like spells for it but that’s just boring and not nearly as funny
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girlwholovesturtles · 6 months
I should be in bed, I have work in 5 hours but I wanna watch this episode.
Oh, hi Martin. Always good to hear from you.
Another war story. Fun... oh, WWII, little less fun... Not gonna lie, when I heard "I'm not a fascist," I was worried this was written from the POV of a Nazi. Glad it wasn't, that would be uncomfortable.
I just realized there's a content note for trigger warnings and stuff in the description. That's neat. Didn't occur to me until right this second but it does make sense why they would have those.
More tunnels? Maybe the Hive or the Stranger's followers?
The corpse's eyes following him... wow do I hate that...
Martin's being forced to do the recording? And he definitely doesn't like it. This poor man is so worried about Jon and bet he doesn't even-
Oh, hi Basira! Didn't know you were there and I suspect Martin didn't either. Always good to hear from her... a couple of hours?! Your so quiet...
Martin's getting embarrassed... my man is trying to convince her to be more upset about her situation and she simply refuses to be. I can't help but to respect them both.
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inkblackorchid · 1 year
I finally got to episodes 94-95 again (aka Crow's backstory, which I was waiting for to refresh my memory) and now the Crow thoughts are going brrrrr. Now that I've made it here, I think I can finally put together that Crow analysis I've been meaning to for so long, bc like. His backstory is integral to that.
Gonna have to start picking out some screenshots, I think.
(On the other hand, adding things like his interactions with Team Catastrophe, Team Ragnarok and Sherry in the finale would probably be even better but I have been waiting to get started on that analysis for so long already.... Should I wait until I've watched everything again? Or tack an extra thing on as a reblog or second post once I get there? Help)
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heather-m-quigley · 11 months
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i hope i spliced this together good! never really tried doing that much
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deprecious · 2 years
I will always love the drunken decision to open a bakery and they barely knew what they were doing
Slayers cake for life
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onheirpodcast · 2 months
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The English language version of the Danish royal family's annual report, just in case you want to read it for yourself!
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guiltknight-gaming · 6 months
Starfield Episode 95: All For One
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evaludate · 8 months
Evaludate Episode 95: Devoured By Clowns (even if TEMPEST, prologue)
Today on Evaludate: the new protagonist is Batman-coded, a cat boy we can trust (maybe), enforced route order locks away our favorite guys, and time loop logistics make things a little bit weird.
Content Warning:
Suicide: (48:41 - 49:10, 59:53 - 59:57)
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wbg-quotes · 6 months
I tried. I tried for a year of my life. Correcting this, correcting that. It’s like a time bomb. It comes out of nowhere and there’s nothing anyone can do. It only got worse after trying solution after solution, knowing that no matter what we tried, nothing would work. It destroyed me, Mikey. It annihilated me. It’s a miracle that I survived. I came here to start over because it was my only option. See if I can help out back when I was Mikey and things were just getting started. Now I’m standing here, got you pinned up against the wall, bleeding from a cut on your head, screaming at you. I-it all got away from me.
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nstaaf-book · 1 year
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The Economist Book of Vital World Statistics
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