#Ergonomic series chairs
gamingchairindia · 1 year
ASE GAMING Gold Series Ergonomic Gaming Chair
The ASE Gaming Gold Series Ergonomic Gaming Chair has emerged as a prominent choice among gaming enthusiasts and professionals. With its exceptional features, top-quality materials, and ergonomic design, this chair provides unmatched comfort and support during intense gaming sessions. Let’s explore what sets the ASE Gaming Gold Series apart from its competitors.
Unmatched Ergonomics for Optimal Comfort
The ASE Gaming Gold Series is built with the utmost focus on ergonomics to ensure maximum comfort and support for gamers. The chair features a high-density foam padding that molds to the body, offering excellent cushioning and reducing fatigue during extended gaming sessions. Its adjustable lumbar and neck pillows provide customized support to maintain proper posture and alleviate stress on the spine.
Premium Build Quality and Durability
Crafted with precision and durability in mind, the ASE Gaming Gold Series is constructed using premium materials. The chair’s sturdy steel frame provides exceptional stability, and its high-quality synthetic leather upholstery is not only soft and luxurious but also resistant to wear and tear. The chair’s base boasts a class-4 gas lift, ensuring smooth height adjustment and exceptional weight capacity.
Enhanced Customization and Adjustability
ASE Gaming Gold Series offers a wide range of customization options to cater to individual preferences. The chair features a 360-degree swivel, allowing effortless mobility, while the height-adjustable armrests ensure optimal positioning for your arms and shoulders. The tilt mechanism allows you to recline the chair at various angles, while the locking function keeps it securely in place.
Sleek Design with Attention to Detail
The ASE Gaming Gold Series combines functionality with style. Its sleek design and meticulous attention to detail make it an attractive addition to any gaming setup. The chair is available in multiple color options, allowing gamers to choose one that complements their aesthetic preferences and gaming environment.
The ASE Gaming Gold Series Ergonomic Gaming Chair stands out as a top-tier option in the market, providing gamers with an unmatched level of comfort, support, and customization. With its ergonomic design, durable construction, and sleek aesthetics, this chair is a testament to ASE Gaming’s commitment to enhancing the gaming experience.
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hd-junglebook · 2 months
Little Dove
Quinn Hughes x Reader
masterlist link
a:n This is part 1 and officially my first ever Quinn Hughes fic, this series will be pretty long since I want to get into the details and emotions. There will be no skimping on details. Not round here partner.
also he looks so good in this gif good god!
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summary: Sometimes Y/N's effort just isn't enough; every attempt seems to be futile and disregarded. The people she calls mom and dad do nothing but disappoint her, brushing her off as an ungrateful child. It seems the only person who can truly see her is Quinn.
Word Count - 4140
The sun had barely begun to peek through the towering skyscrapers of the bustling city as Y/N stepped out of her sleek, black car. Her red bottom heels clicked against the pavement with each confident stride, the sound echoing through the quiet morning air. She adjusted her perfectly tailored skirt, smoothing out any wrinkles that may have formed during her commute.
As she approached the imposing glass doors of her parents' company headquarters, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease.
Despite the success and prestige that came with working for her family's business, Y/N knew deep down that this wasn't her true calling. Nevertheless, she put on a brave face and pushed through the doors, ready to tackle another day.
The security guard, a friendly older gentleman named Frank, greeted her with a warm smile. "Good morning, Miss Y/N," he said, tipping his hat in her direction.
Y/N returned the smile, her red lipstick a striking contrast against her porcelain skin. "Good morning, Frank. I hope you had a lovely weekend," she replied, her voice smooth and polished, befitting her corporate persona.
As she made her way through the spacious lobby, her heels clicked against the polished marble floor, announcing her presence to the few early risers already at their desks. She entered the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor, where her office was located.
Stepping out into the hallway, Y/N was greeted by the sight of her office, its glass walls doing little to provide privacy. The modern, minimalist design was a reflection of her parents' tastes rather than her own. She sighed.
With a deep breath, Y/N pushed open the glass door and entered her office, ready to start another day in a job that left her feeling unfulfilled, yearning for something more.
Y/N settled into her plush, ergonomic chair, the leather cool against her skin. She reached forward and pressed the power button on her sleek, silver computer, watching as the screen flickered to life. The familiar logo of her parents' company appeared, a constant reminder of her obligations and the path she felt pressured to follow.
The computer hummed quietly, Y/N began to sort through the stack of paperwork on her desk. She picked up a folder, her perfectly manicured nails a stark contrast against the crisp, white paper. Just as she was about to open the file, a buzzing sound emanated from her designer purse.
Curiosity piqued, Y/N reached into her bag and retrieved her phone. The screen displayed a new text message, and her heart skipped a beat as she read the name: Quinn. she opened the message.
"Hey princess," the text read, the words both endearing and frustrating.
Y/N sighed, leaning back in her chair as she contemplated her response. Quinn had a way of blurring the lines between playful banter and genuine affection, leaving her constantly questioning the nature of their relationship. His messages were often short and casual, but the term of endearment he used never failed to send a flutter through her chest.
Despite his repeated claims that he wasn't looking for anything serious, Quinn seemed to take pleasure in pushing the boundaries, leaving Y/N in a state of confusion and longing.
She knew she shouldn't let herself get too attached, but there was something about him that drew her in, making it difficult to maintain the emotional distance she knew was necessary.
With another sigh, Y/N set her phone back down on the desk, trying to focus on the task at hand. She knew she needed to establish clearer boundaries with Quinn, but the thought of pushing him away completely left an ache in her heart.
Y/n shook her head, attempting to clear her mind and concentrate on the paperwork before her, even as thoughts of Quinn lingered in the back of her mind.
Y/N's attention was drawn away from her mother's presentation as her phone buzzed once more. She discreetly glanced at the screen under the table, her heart racing as she saw Quinn's name appear again. Her cheeks flushed with a mixture of excitement and guilt as she read his messages.
"I miss you," the first text read, causing a warmth to spread through her chest. Before she could fully process the implications of his words, another message followed: "Are we still good for tmrw?"
Y/N's mind raced as she contemplated her response. She had agreed to go out with Quinn for dinner tomorrow, a decision she had made in a moment of weakness, longing for the thrill of his company.
Now, sitting in the business room with her parents, the reality of her situation came crashing down upon her.
She glanced up, her eyes meeting her father's stern gaze from across the table. He sat in his imposing grey chair, his posture straight and attentive as he listened to Dedra's presentation.
Y/N knew that her parents had high expectations for her, and the thought of disappointing them weighed heavily on her conscience.
As Dedra continued to explain the new company policy, Y/N found it increasingly difficult to focus. Her mind wandered to thoughts of Quinn, the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, and the effortless charm he exuded. She yearned to respond to his messages, to confirm their plans and lose herself in the excitement of their secret rendezvous.
Y/N's heart raced as she quickly typed out her response to Quinn, her fingers flying across the screen. She glanced up every few seconds, ensuring that her parents were still engaged in the presentation. With a final look of determination, she pressed send, a small thrill running through her body.
Almost instantly, her phone buzzed with Quinn's reply. "Wear that red dress I bought you."
Y/N's eyebrows raised in surprise, a smirk playing on her lips as she typed back, "The v neck dress?"
"Yeah, that one."
"I will ;), I have to go back to work, I'll text you later." Y/N sent the message, a giddy feeling bubbling up inside her chest. However, her momentary happiness was short-lived as she felt a sharp kick under the table. Her eyes snapped up to meet her father's disapproving gaze, his brow furrowed in irritation.
the meeting concluded around her, Y/N's coworkers filed out of the room, muttering their polite goodbyes. Soon, only Y/N and her parents remained, the tension in the air palpable. Her mother fixed her with a stern look, her voice laced with disappointment.
"Y/N, you're not taking this as seriously as you need to be. This will be you one day." She paused, her eyes narrowing. "Who were you talking to?"
Y/N's heart sank, knowing that lying to her parents would only make matters worse. She opened her mouth to respond, but her father cut her off.
"Was it that hockey guy?" He scoffed, his tone dripping with disdain. "He sucks, he'll never be good enough. I should've paid him off four months ago if I knew he'd be such a distraction."
Y/N's cheeks burned with a mixture of shame and anger. She hated the way her parents spoke about Quinn, as if he were nothing more than a nuisance to be dealt with. She knew they would never approve of their relationship but hearing them talk about him so callously only strengthened her resolve.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N met her parents' gazes, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. "Quinn, and he's not a distraction.” Her mother's lips pressed into a thin line, disapproval etched into every line of her face.
Y/N's parents exchanged a knowing glance, their eyes filled with a mixture of disappointment and condescension. Her mother, Dedra, was a striking woman in her mid-50s, with perfectly coiffed blonde hair and a designer suit that hugged her slender frame.
Her father, Derek, was a tall, imposing man with salt-and-pepper hair and a perpetual scowl that seemed etched into his chiseled features.
Dedra leaned forward, her elbows resting on the polished mahogany table. "Y/N, darling," she began, her voice dripping with false sweetness, "you know we only want what's best for you. This... Quinn," she said his name as if it left a bitter taste in her mouth, "he's not good for you. He's a distraction, a phase. You'll see that soon enough."
Y/N felt her stomach twist, the all-too-familiar sensation of her parents' manipulation taking hold. She opened her mouth to protest, but Derek cut her off with a dismissive wave of his hand.
"Enough, Y/N," he growled, his deep voice reverberating through the empty conference room. "You're not a child anymore. It's time you started acting like the adult you claim to be. This company, this life we've built for you - it's all we've ever wanted for you. And you're throwing it away for some lowlife hockey player who barely even made it to the big leagues."
Y/N's cheeks burned with anger and humiliation. She hated the way her parents made her feel, as if her thoughts and feelings were invalid, as if she were nothing more than a pawn in their grand scheme.
Dedra reached across the table, her perfectly manicured hand grasping Y/N's wrist. "Sweetheart," she said, her tone softening, "we love you. We just don't want to see you get hurt. Men like Quinn... they're not in it for the long haul. They'll use you, break your heart, and move on to the next pretty face. You deserve so much more than that."
Y/N felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes, but she blinked them back, refusing to let her parents see her weakness. She knew they were wrong about Quinn, but their words still cut deep, playing on her insecurities and fears.
Derek stood up, his tall frame looming over her. "This discussion is over, Y/N. You'll end things with this Quinn character, and you'll focus on your work. Your future. Do I make myself clear?"
Y/N swallowed hard, her throat tight with emotion. She wanted to scream, to tell her parents that they had no right to control her life, but she knew it would be futile. With a curt nod, she pushed back from the table and stood up, her legs shaking beneath her.
"I have work to do," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "If you'll excuse me."
Without waiting for a response, Y/N turned on her heel and strode out of the conference room, her heart hammering in her chest.
The clock on the wall seemed to move at an agonizingly slow pace, each tick echoing through the cramped office space. Y/N leaned back in her chair, the leather creaking beneath her weight as she stared blankly at the computer screen.
The fluorescent lights above cast a harsh glow on her features, highlighting the dark circles under her eyes and the tension in her jaw.
Around her, the office hummed with activity, the sound of ringing phones and the gentle whir of computers filling the air. Y/N felt suffocated by the monotony of it all, the endless hours spent hunched over her desk, pouring over spreadsheets and reports.
As the clock finally struck three, Y/N let out a sigh of relief, the thought of going home filling her with a sense of euphoria. She could almost feel the soft embrace of her couch, the warmth of a glass of wine in her hand as she left the stresses of the day behind.
Just as she was about to log off her computer, a sharp knock at the door startled her from her thoughts. Alexandra, the secretary, peeked her head in, her perfectly styled hair and immaculate makeup a stark contrast to Y/N's tired appearance.
"I sent some of the paperwork to your email," Alexandra said, her voice saccharine sweet. "If you could just finish those up before you leave, that'd help a lot."
Y/N felt a surge of anger course through her veins, her patience wearing thin. She fixed Alexandra with a cold stare, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "It's three. I get to go home now, you know, like a normal person."
Alexandra's eyes narrowed, her lips pursing in disapproval. Y/N knew that the secretary had always treated her like nothing more than a privileged nepo baby, completely disregarding the fact that Y/N had never used her family's influence to step on any toes or make people do her bidding.
Y/N stood up from her chair, grabbing her purse and jacket from the back of her seat. She could feel Alexandra's eyes boring into her back as she made her way towards the door, but she refused to give the woman the satisfaction of seeing her frustration.
"I'll take care of it in the morning," Y/N said, her hand on the doorknob. "Have a good night, Alexandra."
Without waiting for a response, Y/N stepped out of her office, the sound of her heels clicking against the tiled floor as she made her way towards the elevators.
She could feel the weight of the day lifting from her shoulders with each step, the promise of freedom and the warmth of her bath calling to her like a siren song.
As the elevator doors closed behind her, Y/N let out a deep breath, her eyes fluttering closed as she leaned back against the cool metal wall. She knew that the road ahead would be filled with obstacles, but for now, all she wanted was to lose herself in the comfort of Quinn's arms and forget about the expectations and pressures that threatened to suffocate her.
The faucet let out a high-pitched squeak as Y/N twisted the gleaming chrome knob, the sound echoing off the tiled walls of the dimly lit bathroom. The flow of water slowed to a trickle before stopping completely, leaving behind a tub filled with steaming, inviting water.
Tendrils of steam rose from the water, carrying with them the intoxicating aroma.
With a fluid motion, Y/N untied the sash of her plush, white bathrobe, the soft fabric slipping off her shoulders and pooling at her feet. The cool air kissed her bare skin, sending a slight shiver down her spine as she stepped closer to the tub.
Tentatively, she dipped a toe into the water, testing the temperature. The heat was intense, but not unbearable, and Y/N slowly lowered herself into the bath, letting out a contented sigh as the warm water enveloped her body.
The water lapped at her shoulders, the heat penetrating her tired muscles and easing away the knots and tension that had accumulated throughout the day.
Y/N sank deeper into the rose petal-filled bathwater, the sweet, floral aroma wafting through the steamy air. The soft, delicate petals brushed against her skin, their velvety touch a gentle caress. She inhaled deeply, the scent of roses mingling with the subtle vanilla notes of her favorite candle, creating a soothing, intimate atmosphere.
As she leaned back, her hair cascaded over the edge of the tub, the ends dipping into the water and creating gentle ripples on the surface. Her eyes fluttered closed, lashes casting shadows on her flushed cheeks, a result of the bath's intense heat.
The tranquil moment was interrupted by the buzzing of her phone, its vibration echoing through the bathroom. Y/N's eyes snapped open, a curious expression on her face as she reached for the device.
Quinn's name flashed across the screen, his photo – a candid shot of him grinning widely, his dark hair tousled by the wind – accompanying the incoming call.
A smile tugged at the corners of Y/N's lips as she lifted herself from the bath, water droplets cascading down her smooth, sun-kissed skin. She grabbed the phone, tapping the screen to answer the call and putting it on speaker.
"Hi, hottie," Y/N greeted, her voice playful and warm.
Quinn's nerdy, endearing voice filled the bathroom, a chuckle evident in his tone. "Hey there, beautiful. How's my favorite girl doing tonight?"
Y/N reached for her glass of wine, the deep, rich red liquid swirling in the crystal glass. She took a sip, savoring the bold, fruity flavors on her tongue before responding. "Oh, you know, just unwinding after a long day at the office. How about you, handsome?"
"Counting down the minutes until I get to see you tomorrow," Quinn replied, a hint of mischief in his voice. "I can't stop thinking about how stunning you'll look in that red dress."
Y/N laughed softly, her cheeks flushing a deeper shade of pink. She set the wine glass down, running her fingers through her damp hair, pushing it away from her face. "Mmm, you sure know how to make a girl feel special," she purred, her tone flirtatious.
"That's because you are special, Y/N," Quinn said, his voice softening. "I can't wait to have you all to myself tomorrow. No work, no distractions, just you and me."
Y/N's heart fluttered at his words, a giddy feeling spreading through her chest. She bit her lower lip, a coy smile playing on her features. "I like the sound of that," she murmured, her voice low and sultry. "You better be prepared to sweep me off my feet, mister."
Quinn's laughter filled the bathroom, warm and infectious. "Oh, I have a few tricks up my sleeve, don't you worry."
As they continued their playful banter, Y/N sank back into the bath, the warm water enveloping her once more. She closed her eyes, a contented sigh escaping her lips as she listened to Quinn's voice, the sound soothing her soul and filling her with anticipation for the day to come.
As the morning sun filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a soft, golden glow across the bedroom, Y/N's phone buzzed incessantly on the nightstand. The vibrations seemed to echo through the tranquil space, a jarring contrast to the peaceful atmosphere.
Beyond the window, the vibrant green of the trees and grass was visible, a testament to the beauty of the early morning.
The bedroom was a serene oasis, with its pristine white decor creating a sense of calm and comfort. The plush, white comforter enveloped Y/N, its softness lulling her into a state of drowsy contentment.
Y/N stirred, mumbling incoherently as she slowly turned over, her eyelids fluttering open. She squinted, her eyes adjusting to the bright sunlight that flooded the room. As she reached for her phone, the alarm blared to life, the glowing digits on the nightstand displaying a crisp 7:00 AM.
With a groan, Y/N sat up, her hand instinctively reaching for her phone. As she unlocked the device, she was greeted by a string of texts from her mother, Dedra. The messages, even in their digital form, seemed to drip with condescension.
"Y/N, don't forget about the family brunch today. Your father and I expect you to be there, and please, try to look presentable. We have important guests attending, and we can't have you embarrassing us like last time. And do try to be on time, darling. Punctuality is a virtue, after all."
Rolling her eyes, Y/N tossed her phone aside and begrudgingly dragged herself out of bed. She went about her morning routine, selecting a chic and appropriate outfit for the brunch and work before making her way to the kitchen.
As she entered the heart of her home, Y/N couldn't help but smile. The space was everything she had ever dreamed of – a perfect blend of modern elegance and cozy charm. She moved towards the kitchen island, her bare feet padding softly against the cool, hardwood floors.
While her coffee brewed, filling the air with its rich, invigorating aroma, Y/N leaned back against the island, her eyes drifting to the television mounted on the wall. The familiar characters of The 100, flashed across the screen.
She sipped her coffee, savoring the warmth and comfort it provided, as she lost herself in the post-apocalyptic world unfolding before her.
Y/N glanced at her watch, the sleek hands pointing to 8:30, a frustrated huff escaped her lips. She quickly shut off the television and grabbed her essentials, making her way out of the apartment and towards her car.
The drive to the office was usually a time for Y/N to unwind and mentally prepare for the day ahead, with her favorite podcast playing through the speakers.
However, today's episode left her feeling unsettled. The young creator, barely 18 years old, was excitedly announcing her pregnancy. The way she spoke about it, as if it were some sort of miraculous blessing, made Y/N's stomach churn. With a quick tap, she muted the podcast, silence filling the car as she navigated the familiar streets.
As she pulled into the parking lot of the imposing office building, Y/N's eyes immediately landed on Alexandra, who was just a few spots down from her. A wave of dread washed over her, and she quickly locked her car, determined to beat her colleague to the elevator.
Y/N's heels clicked against the pavement as she hurried towards the entrance, her breath coming in short, anxious bursts. She could hear Alexandra's footsteps echoing behind her.
Just as Y/N stepped into the elevator, her manicured finger jabbing the button for the 4th floor, she caught a glimpse of Alexandra rushing towards her. With a sly grin, Y/N pressed the close button, feigning interest in her perfectly polished nails as the doors began to slide shut.
Alexandra stumbled, her hand reaching out in a desperate attempt to stop the elevator, but it was too late. As the doors closed, Y/N looked up, meeting her colleague's gaze with a sad, insincere smile. The look of frustration and annoyance on Alexandra's face was a small victory for Y/N, a momentary triumph in the never-ending battle of office politics.
The elevator began its ascent, Y/N leaned back against the cool metal wall, her eyes closing for a brief moment. She inhaled deeply, trying to calm her racing heart and push away the lingering unease from the podcast. The day had barely begun, and already she felt drained.
It dinged, signaling her arrival on the 4th floor, Y/N straightened her shoulders and put on a brave face. She stepped out into the hallway.
The constant cacophony of rings and beeps filled Y/N's ears for the next three hours, the incessant noise drilling into her skull. The cramped office space felt more like a chicken coop than a professional workspace, and Y/N could feel her sanity slowly slipping away with each passing minute.
Just as she thought she couldn't take it anymore, Dedra peeked her head into the office, her critical gaze sweeping over the room before she entered. With a sense of entitlement, she perched herself on the edge of Y/N's desk, her perfectly manicured fingers toying with a strand of Y/N's hair.
"You know, you look stressed, Y/N," Dedra remarked, her tone laced with false concern. Her eyes then traveled down to Y/N's attire, and her face contorted into a look of disgust. "Is that what you're wearing to brunch?" she asked, her voice dripping with disapproval. "I guess it will do."
Before Y/N could respond, Dedra abruptly stood up and headed towards the door, gesturing for her daughter to follow. Y/N huffed in frustration, the weight of her mother's judgment pressing down on her. She quickly logged off her computer and gathered her belongings, trailing behind Dedra as they made their way through the office.
As they walked, Y/N could feel the eyes of her coworkers following them, their gazes a mix of curiosity and envy. She held her head high, refusing to let their attention faze her. Dedra, on the other hand, seemed to revel in the attention, her stride confident and purposeful as she led the way.
When they reached the front of the building, a sleek black limo slowly approached, its polished exterior gleaming in the sunlight. Y/N couldn't help but roll her eyes at the ostentatious display.
"Why do we need a limo for brunch?" she asked, exasperation evident in her voice. "Could you guys be any more extra?"
Dedra shot her a sharp look, her lips pursed in disapproval. "Appearances matter, Y/N," she said, her tone clipped. "We have a reputation to uphold, and arriving in style is part of that."
Y/N bit back a retort, knowing that arguing with her mother was a futile endeavor. As the limo pulled up to the curb, the driver promptly exited the vehicle, opening the door for them with a practiced bow.
Dedra climbed in first, her movements graceful and refined. Y/N followed suit, sinking into the plush leather seats with a sigh.
The vehicle pulled away from the curb, and Y/N watched as the office building grew smaller in the distance. She knew that the brunch would be just another performance, a carefully orchestrated display of wealth and status that she was expected to participate in.
message me to be added to the tag list. hope you enjoyed it. please lmk how you liked it.
(also I just made this idea today and I can't believe I already wrote chapter 1)
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celenawrites · 2 months
— a soft life: unofficial prologue
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Summary -
Retired and domesticated, Johnny and Simon look forward to the next step in their life as a couple - parenthood. However, initiating this process turns out to be a lot trickier than usual.
And then enters you, a tired grad student who is desperate and willing to be their surrogate for some much needed cash. Needless to say, they find themselves orbiting you - like planets to the burning sun.
Warnings - A/B/O dynamics, Metaphorical ramblings of 'killing' parts of one's personality, reader is implied to be an immigrant and POC so expect topics of misogyny, sexism and threats of forceful marriage/parenthood to pop up in later chapters, Unbeta'd and unedited contents so mistakes are inevitable, etc.
Word count - 1, 128.
series masterlist || read on ao3
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Your eyes burn. 
The black cursor blinks against the empty white expanse of your Word document, taunting you and your incapability to muster up anything to write for your thesis. You shut down your laptop after staring at the blank document file for what seems like hours, barely mustering up the concentration needed to finally name the topic of your research thesis. 
You lean back against the black ergonomic chair and it creaks under your weight, and you can feel the way your back cracks as you stretch your arms over your head. You take off your glasses, and then let your palms rub at your aching eyes as you contemplate what more you could do to distract yourself from your imminent doom. 
Between your laptop and piles of printed papers, textbooks and notes lies an opened manila envelope that has delivered devastating news to you at a crucial point of your life. 
The education system is unfair in many ways, and going into academia and research is definitely not going to be a walk in the park for you. But your passion for the subject had you undeterred - leaping at the first chance of pursuing your postgraduate degree from one of the most prestigious universities in all of the United Kingdom. And yet, the printed letter you had received last week is threatening your dream and you do not know if there is any way for you to salvage it. 
You have rapidly applied for financial aid, scholarships, internships and even odd jobs - but most of the potential employers have either ghosted you or put your name on a never-ending waitlist. You cannot wait till next year to know if they would hire you for minimum wage, damn it. 
By the time they reach out to you, you might already be well on your way back home. And you do not want to go back home. 
A few tears of frustration bubble up in your eyes, leaving hot tear tracts on your skin as you try to wipe them away. You need a break. God knows when was the last time you had slept. 
At moments like these, when life was too much and the stress made the idea of death all the more inviting to you, your inner voice - your Omega, someone you have suppressed and killed with your own violent hands, would resurface into your life like a phantom and she would haunt you with incredulous ideas and sweet impossibilities. Need someone, need Alpha, she would whisper to you all sultry, Wanna be taken care of. Too much, too much, too much-
And you would bury her remains again. 
You cannot be soft. You cannot be kind. You cannot let people know you care. 
It would only get you killed. Or worse. 
You get up to leave the room on shaky legs and your knees buckle after staying so still for hours on end. You enter the small kitchen, put the kettle filled with water on the stove and turn it up to high heat as you lean against the island and rub your hands over your languished face. You’re so tired. So fucking tired. 
The kettle simmers over the fire, letting out a small hiss from its spout. You pay it no heed. You think and think and think of all the possible ways you can salvage this mess of a situation - only to end up with nothing. 
The market hasn’t been kind, and you do work as a TA and some freelance work online as an editor to ease your financial worries, but it is not enough. 
You can always take up more shifts at the floral shop, but that can also possibly interfere with your academic schedule - which is the last thing you could possibly want. You can always call back home, but the very idea of it fills you with dread and makes your stomach turn and sicken you even more. You could-
The kettle lets out a loud whistle, steam oozing out of it rapidly and the mobile phone in your jeans rings at the same time, startling you into action. You turn and hurriedly turn the stove off, letting the kettle rest on the island as it lets out all the steam stored in the ceramic vessel. 
You abandon the pot of leafy concoction, opting to go outside into your living space to finally pick up your ringing phone. You wipe your clammy hands on a hand towel lying nearby before you swipe the green button to pick up the call. 
“Hello?” you state your name, “Who is it?”
“Good afternoon, Miss” the feminine voice greets you over the mobile, “This is the Larksky Fertility Clinic”. 
Your heart stills. 
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You read the email the clinic representative had sent you after you got off the call with her. 
Alice was her name. Alice sounded like a kind woman. 
You read through the attachment files in the mail. The pamphlet outlined the vision and works of the fertility clinic, highlighting their doctors and the various fertility testing and treatments they offered to people and couples alike. The other attachment files consisted of the bare minimum information about the couple that are currently seeking you out in order to conceive. 
Mr. Simon Riley and Mr. John Mactavish. 
Both are ex-military - one of them is a personal fitness trainer and the other runs a security company. They’re willing to negotiate the price for your ‘assistance’; which is something you’re grateful for, even though you’d have done it for free once upon a time. 
While you have always been unsure about parenthood being the right path for you (and your personal aspirations and fears wouldn’t necessarily allow you to indulge in such ideas just yet), you have always wished to help people create the families they deserve. And you believe this call to be some sort of sign, corny as it might sound to some. 
Maybe it's divine intervention. Or manifestation. Or some spiritual signal. 
You have always been willing to help others out in any way possible - from taking on extra workload and sharing necessities to blood donations and volunteer work. At one point, you had been looking forward to helping people out with completing their families - eager to see them so ecstatic about becoming parents. The idea of doing this for money solely leaves your mouth dry, as if you have swallowed cotton - and yet, yet. 
It wouldn’t hurt to try, anyway. Sending out a response through your email, you confirm the time and date of the meeting with the clinic. You console yourself  and reason with your heart (or what is left of it anyway) - you need the money, you always wanted to do this, now is a good time anyway. 
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A/N -
I decided to post this almost scrapped prologue in hopes to motivate myself and to keep on writing some more. Hopefully, I will be able to post more in May. Also, forgive the few grammatical errors in this piece, I haven't been too keen on correcting such errors at the moment. I will eventually clean this up later on. I just wanted to put this out there so that I can work on the later parts of this series.
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The ORION team stumbled across a previously undiscovered planet during a routine atmospheric probe. Their spacecraft, equipped with advanced long-range scanners, detected unusual energy signatures emanating from an uncharted region of space. Initially, the readings were faint and erratic but as they drew closer, the signals grew stronger and more distinct, piquing their curiosity. That next morning, before the debriefing, each team member meticulously prepared for the mission. Jorlan started by running diagnostics on all their devices. While waiting, he delved into the latest data collected from their recent missions and analyzed the raw data streams in order to compile the data into a series of comprehensive reports, complete with visualizations to make the information more accessible for the team. Zerath began his day long before anyone else with a demanding training session. Afterward, he reviewed the latest intelligence reports with Zyri. He considered various scenarios they might encounter, from ambushes to environmental hazards, and outlined responses for each. Meanwhile, Zyri tried to decipher the energy signatures to no avail. Velana spent the morning in the laboratory where she conducted final analyses on biological samples collected from their latest expedition. Each observation was carefully documented, contributing to the growing body of knowledge about the new life forms they encountered. Despite extensive records, there was nothing that could prepare them for what was to come. As each team member entered the briefing room, they were greeted by a large, central table surrounded by ergonomic chairs, each equipped with individual data screens. The room’s walls were adorned with interactive displays showing real-time data feeds, star charts, and mission objectives. The central holographic projector hummed to life, displaying a rotating 3D model of the planet they were orbiting. The planet's surface appeared rugged, a vast expanse of reddish-brown terrain marked by deep canyons. Dust storms swept across the surface, creating an 3D render of swirling particles. Velana stood at the center of the room, her eyes scanning the holographic display that projected a detailed topographical map. "Preliminary scans indicate a complex network of underground caverns," she began, "These caverns may harbor unique alien life forms adapted to the harsh, subterranean environment." Zyri tapped her datapad and outlined a few zones of interest. "There are also unusual energy signatures emanating from deep within the caverns. If we can decipher their source, it may open new avenues." Zerath stepped forward, his expression serious. "While the scientific prospects are promising, we must proceed with extreme caution. The unstable terrain and frequent dust storms pose significant risks. We don't know what kind of creatures might be lurking in those dark caverns and any misstep could be deadly. Stay alert and stick to the safety protocols." Jorlan stepped up and tried to surpress a smile as he tapped his handheld device to project schematics on the center console. "Before we go, I’ve got a new piece of equipment that I’ve been dying to field-test: a helmet. It isn’t just about protection; it’s equipped with an integrated augmented reality display, advanced environmental sensors, and a real-time communication system.” He carefully pulled out a few high-tech masks, placing them on the table with a sense of pride. The masks were impressive, designed with a sleek, modern aesthetic that spoke of advanced engineering. The main body of each mask was made of a lightweight, durable material with a matte black finish, giving them a streamlined, almost futuristic look. Across the front, a curved transparent panel covered the mouth area, allowing for clear visibility of the wearer's facial expressions while still providing protection. As the debriefing came to an end, the ORION team geared up and prepared to descend to the planet's surface.
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What if dragon beams look like flashlights on purpose so that if they’re found there’s an easy explanation, and the lowest power setting is so harmless it can actually be used as a flashlight so it can be demonstrated if it ever comes up?
Yeah, I've said before that I really like the flashlight-looking dracon beams from AniTV, so much so that I kept them for my own Animorphs fics despite them not being canon for the book series. We don't know a ton about the dracon beams from the books, other than that a) Jake immediately recognizes one as "a gun" the first time he sees one in MM4, b) Tobias has to use get his talon around a trigger guard to shoot one in #3, and c) Rachel quickly figures out how to use a dial to get to the low-power "stun" setting on one in #17.
Near as I can tell, the only official art of that design is a tiny subset of the #34 cover insert, showing a few hork-bajir-controllers firing them.
Other than that we get a few drawings of them in the comics, which look cool (and at least more alien than the gun design) but again not that comfortable for a variety of hands.
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Anyway, I like the flashlight-style dracon beams from the show much better than the ray-gun-style ones from the books, because they seem both more stealthy and also more broadly ergonomic. My personal headcanon is that they're like those big bulky old-school flashlights even more so than the slender little ones from the show; those would be easier for gedds than humans to hold, which in my mind fits the bill.
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That pistol-like design is a little too well-fitted for human hands for my taste; I like how much easier a flashlight-like design would be for tiny taxxon hands and giant hork-bajir hands and clumsy gedd hands to wield. It's a recurring theme in the books that Bug fighters are just awkward for humans to use; they're set up to accommodate up to three taxxons or hork-bajir, and so some features (chairs, ten-finger keyboard setups) had to be sacrificed to that goal. If a dracon beam's a big clumsy tube with maybe two buttons for a trigger and a power setting, then it feels more alien than a laser pistol does.
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ramp-it-up · 1 year
Bucky Charms
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Summary: You learn more about Bucky other than the physical. Are you ready to risk it all?
Pairing: Dark CEO! Bucky Barnes x Journalist! Reader
Warnings: As always, 18+ ONLY, SMUT. Minors DNI. ANGST. Fluff. Descriptions of past trauma, kidnapping, death, violence. Steve and Sam, Pining, lust, flirting through music, teasing, karaoke, non con surveillance,  oral sex (m recieving) degradation kink alongside praise kink, Sir kink, good girl/bad girl kink, p in v (wrap it up!) lil bit of breeding kink, Soft Dark Bucky.
A/N:  This is part of the Playlist Series. Read the previous part, F*cking Bucky  @ysmmsy and @blackwidownat2814 are my exquisite muses who created the playlists, with more to come. 😉 Thanks you both! 🥰 please leave feedback, like and reblog. It helps to inspire me. 😊
The playlist is real and is linked here!
I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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I’ll stop the world and melt with you/you’ve seen the difference/ and it’s getting better all the time/there’s nothing you and I won’t do/I’ll stop the world and melt with you…the future’s open wide…
You listened to that cut over and over until you fell asleep after Bucky left your apartment and woke up with it still on repeat.
You’d certainly melted for James Buchanan Barnes last night, and he melted all over you. You smiled at the window, feeling light and buoyant as air, but then sat up and frowned as you realized what Bucky said.
He’d suggested that you could both be professional. After last night, you didn’t think you could do it, but you had to try. You moved to get out of bed and realized that you were still sore.
You grinned as you padded to the bathroom and ran another hot bath. You didn’t regret a single thing about the night before. 
And you had a feeling that despite what Bucky had said, neither did he.
Bucky was late to work. For him. He walked into the office at 8:45 am.
Steve and Sam shared a look across the shared space, but didn’t say a word. Until Bucky put in his AirPods and started singing Frank Ocean. 
A tornado flew around my room before you came/Excuse the mess it made…
“Okay. What the hell is going on?”
Bucky stared up at Sam who was now hovering over his desk and who’s broken through his noise cancellation.
Steve got up and walked over to Bucky. 
“Don’t play dumb with us. You are late, and in an awfully good mood. Singing, Buck? What happened last night, Bucky. Did you get with Y/N?”
Bucky looked up at the two men who were most like brothers in his life. He couldn’t hide anything from them.
“So what if I did get lucky last night?”
Bucky put his long legs up on his desk and leaned back in his ergonomic chair.
“What makes you think it was her? There are 4.3 million women in this city.”
Steve and Sam just stared at him, then Steve spoke again.
“Sure. But there’s only one that you are laser focused on.”
Sam agreed.
“Yeah, you’re like a dog with a bone.”
Bucky’s grin got wider and he just shrugged his shoulders.
“I don’t kiss and tell.”
Sam shook his head. 
“I’ve heard that before. That means this is serious, because in the old days…”
“We got a blow by blow. Literally.”
“Fuck you Steve. And fuck you Sam.” 
Bucky threw up double birds at his friends.
“And step the fuck back from my work space. I’ve got work to do.”
When his business partners had safely retreated, Bucky picked up his phone to text you. He couldn’t not text you the morning after, but he had to be careful.
“See you at 4 o’clock. Looking forward to moving on with this project.”
You read the text, your heart beating a mile a minute when you saw the notification. You took some deep breaths as you walked to the subway station to go into the city. It was pretty straightforward. No subtext to be parsed out. 
There was no way to know that you were the project that Bucky was talking about.
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Both of you went through your days, listening to the playlist Bucky was building throughout the day. This was not the music to do work to. The songs were cute and flirty, silly, surprising, and in some cases full of emotion that went well beyond a professional relationship. 
But it was just music, right? 
You two sent songs flying to the playlist throughout the day, flirting with music in place of words, glances, and touch. Etta James, Savage Garden, Monica, The Pogues, Frank Ocean, The Darkness, from the 80’s to last month.
It was a very eclectic mix that seemed to summarize both of your personalities perfectly. On the A train that afternoon, you caught an older woman smiling at you as you cheesed at your phone. 
Bucky was becoming more and more active on IG since your interview and he’d posted a photo. It was a close up selfie of him staring off into space at his desk in a dark grey suit with a purple line-patterned tie. He wasn’t wearing his glasses and his blue eyes were dreamy. 
This man was posting thirst traps fully clothed. And judging from some of the comments, plenty of people were falling for it. There were over 1200 likes in the 90 minutes it had been up. 
You didn’t want to like the picture, but then you read the caption.
No time to relax! Finished a full day of work, looking forward to working on a passion project this afternoon. #Icanseethebluerskieslikemulticoloredflowerfields
You scrolled through the comments, people saying how handsome he was, sending their coochie through the interwebs. You sighed, and liked the picture, and then posted your own comment.
I drifted off the Earth to march in your parade/Colors on me moving slowly
Bucky was waiting for your comment, ignoring all of the thirst replies and hoping that you’d respond. He replied with two perfect words.
Technicolor, girl.
Then came another slew of comments about his response and you started gaining random followers. 
Oh lord, you thought, this was going to be a lot.
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You decided to get control of yourself before 4 pm. If not, you would fall right into Bucky’s arms as soon as you arrived. And that wouldn't do, would it?
45 minutes later, you stood in front of Bucky Barnes’s brownstone for a minute making sure you had composure. You did a mental check of all your systems.
Heart rate: normal.
Breathing: easy.
Panties: dry.
You were confident that you were in full control and could be professional. You paused and bit your lip as you thought of the night before Bucky had made you feel like no one else had. You shook your head to clear it.
You could do it. You could be strong. He probably wasn’t as attractive as you were making him out to be. After all, it had been a while, you were horny, and now, you were fine.
Your hormones had made him out to be more than he actually was. He wasn’t all that. The dick was only amazing because you’d been sex starved. That was it. He had no control over you.
You stood up straight, your self-talk making you confident, you reached up to knock on the door.
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Bucky watched your internal struggle on his laptop. He admired the body that he felt like he knew so well after just one night. Your choice of outfit was modest, but sexy. Blue chambray shirt over slim fit black pants and tank with wedge sandals. You were covered, professional, yet comfortable. There was only one upgrade he would recommend. 
His blue chambray shirt. But all in due time.
Bucky studied your countenance and posture as you paused before you attempted to enter. The way you bit your lip made his cock shift, but he willed it down. You looked as if you were confident in your self restraint.
He loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt as you knocked, once, twice, three times and when he saw you look around and lick your lips, tentatively reaching for the digital lock on the door was when he went to open it.
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Your heart started beating off kilter when your knock went unanswered.
System one down.
You moistened your lips and looked up and down the street. There was no mistaking what he said last night. It was the right time. And the right place. You had the combination to the door, but you remembered what happened the last time you entered. But you screwed your courage and reached for the lock.
The lock drew away from your hand and you moved as if you were falling down Alice’s rabbit hole when Bucky opened the door.
First sensation: the sound of The Internet playing on a sound system behind him and you knew you were in trouble.
Know you wrong/But sho you right/Home alone/For the night…
Second sensation: falling in slow motion into Bucky’s arms as you tried to follow the knob.
You stumbled forward further into his chest.
Bucky chuckled as he held you fast. You two stared at each other and you forgot to breathe. Damn, he was as handsome as you thought. Even more so.
System two down.
Bucky inhaled a good whiff of your scent and smiled down at you.
“We have got to stop meeting like this.”
You looked up at him, slightly confused as you attempted to process the next sensations of Bucky’s hands on your body, the smell of him all around you, and that sexy tenor in your ears. And that smile, that face, that mouth. Your serotonin spiked. 
Bucky just continued to smile as you remembered yourself. You pulled back and straightened your clothes. 
You concentrated hard for system three to stay afloat. But then you looked back up at him. i
Damn. He was beautiful.
“You okay?”
Your panties were not as dry as they were. You wanted to climb the man in front of you, your hormones going crazy with flashbacks of the night before.
James Buchanan Barnes had put it down and now you were addicted.
But you couldn’t just flow with that. You were a professional.
“I mean…  no worries.”
You smiled brightly at him to cover your embarrassment.
“It was my fault, I should have waited–”
“My fault, I should have checked-”
You both spoke at the same time, and then laughed. You loved Bucky’s eye crinkles.
You cleared your throat and straightened your spine.
Bucky covered a moan in his throat with a cough. That body was his weakness. His cock thickened with thoughts of pulling you in his home and then fuck you on the hallway floor, but instead he stepped back and put his hands in his pockets awkwardly.
He smiled, and you blushed.
“How are you?”
Bucky ducked his head and smiled that smile at you. He looked so young.
“I’m good, Y/N. Real good. And you?”
His smile was hopeful, and full of knowing. God, you were a simp. Professional wasn’t going to work.
“I’m good, Bucky.”
You smiled at him and you two just stood there grinning.
Bucky just continued to stare at you. His smile and his nervousness was doing something to you, so you cleared your throat again. This was so not what you were expecting.
Finally, Bucky realized the awkwardness of the situation.
“Shit. I’m being rude. Come on into my office.”
You laughed again and followed him into the room, noticing his laptop. It made you grow warm.
“How did you sleep last night?” asked Bucky.
What a question.
He was closer that you thought, but farther away than you hoped. You turned around and looked at him, biting your lip and shifting on your feet.
“After a nice, hot bath, I slept like a baby.”
That eyebrow raised and made you squirm with the faint sensation of him inside you. You could still feel the effects of him.
“Hot bath, huh?” 
“Yes, with Epsom salts. I was a bit… sore. Needed another this morning.”
You lowered your eyes to your fingers which were clutching your bag, and then raised them back up to his face. That tongue snaked out and licked his bottom lip and his teeth captured it. You dragged your eyes up to his and saw the desire there. But he also looked contrite.
“I-I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be.” 
You interrupted him, fighting to keep your eyes wide open while they were on his. You tried to keep your voice from cracking when you said, “I liked it.”
Bucky took a deep breath and stepped to you.
“Y/N. I want to talk to you… about ground rules. With us.”
You lowered your eyes. You just knew he was going to shut all of this flirting down. You weren’t going to beg him, you just had to suck it up. Even though this thing between you felt like crack.
Bucky tipped your chin up, the feeling of his fingers on you shooting electricity straight to your core.
“I don’t want there to be any.”
You were confused.
“I thought last night would get it out of my system, but it only served to make me want more.”
What was he saying?
“More? More what? You want more sex?”
You were thrilled and disappointed at the same time. Bucky Barnes had you stirred up.
“Of course I do.You’re beautiful. That body, the way you feel…I’m not dead.”
Bucky stood there and his eyes raked over you with possession. And you let hIm, wanting to belong to him. That realization had you shook.
“But I want more. More than just sex. And if you just want sex, then that can’t happen. Feelings would get involved. At least for me.”
Bucky drew in a ragged breath.
“So you have to know that you are in control of this…” he moved his hand between you both, “this situation. Because I can’t trust myself to not go headlong over this cliff with you…”
Bucky’s eyes searched yours and you tried to return his honest gaze. His words were so fucking charming that you were ready to jump as well. But you had work to do.
“I get it, Bucky. Let's just take it moment by moment. Right now, I’ll behave and be a good girl.”
Bucky released a light groan and shook his head as his eyes dilated slightly.
“Please stop. Unless you want me to…”
He stopped, and you could tell that he was holding himself back by the way his jaw clenched. The knowledge that you had this power over him was heady stuff. But you decided to chill.
“Okay, you’re right, we have work to do. Now is not the time for.. more.”
You looked up at him and bit your lip.
“Definitely not.”
You took a deep breath.
“Where’s the manuscript?”
Bucky’s eyes swept over you one more time, then turned to his laptop, sat down and typed for a few seconds.
“In your inbox.”
He was calmer now, and anxious for you to read his story.
You sank down into the couch and opened your bag to grab your own laptop.
You looked up at him one more time before you started to read, and when you began, you were quickly immersed in the narrative.
An hour and half later, you looked up at him, tears in your eyes.
“Bucky… I…”
“Is it any good?”
You looked at him in a totally new light. This was a different level of intimacy than just sex. This was his soul laid bare..
“Is it any good? Bucky, it’s fantastic! The honesty, the raw emotion…thank you for trusting me with this.”
Bucky gave you a sad smile and your heart twisted. You centered yourself by observing details and  realized that his tie was now off and his sleeves were rolled up. He seemed more relaxed and natural and now that you knew the full story of Bucky Barnes, he was a marvel.
You put your laptop aside and stared off into space, trying to process. Bucky watched your profile, anxious and wanting to pull you into an embrace. But you were setting the pace.
You looked back over at him after a full minute.
“Are you sure you want all of this out there? This gives insight into your most personal, devastating moments. It will give people a lot of access to things most people hold close. And it opens you up for a lot.”
You had an entirely new perspective on James Buchanan Barnes. One that went far beyond sex.
“Yes. Writing this down has helped me to heal. Publishing it will bring closure.”
Bucky stood up and poured himself a drink, and offered the brown liquor to you. You nodded and took the glass, realizing that it was probably Macallan 18.
This man had lost his wife, his whole life… you couldn’t imagine. And here you were wondering if he were playing games.
“It must have been horrifying.”
Bucky nodded and looked down into his drink. 
“At first I had no memory of what I’d done and how I’d done it. I woke up in the hospital and saw the headlines that the CEO of CapTech had been found injured and sobbing hysterically as he cradled his wife in his good arm. The most anyone knew was that Sarah was killed in a failed robbery attempt. No one knew about the kidnapping.”
You rocked back in your seat, remembering the rumors around that event. Word was that Bucky went almost insane with grief. 
You realized now that the rumor was true.
“My heart was buried in the casket with Sarah, and after everything that happened, I went into a type of hibernation, holed up in the Manhattan penthouse above our offices. Steve and Nat challenged me to get back to work a year later, telling me that they were taking up my slack.”
Bucky laughed bitterly, shook his head, and took a drink.
“It wasn’t until Sarah’s birthday two years later that I finally noticed that Sam was grieving as hard, if not harder, than I was. And I realized how selfish I’d become.”
Bucky looked at you with a pained look on his face and you shivered, feeling a fraction of the emotion he must have been feeling. You wanted to cry.
“Bucky… I’m so sorry.”
Bucky looked at you.
“Don’t be sorry, Y/N. It’s alright. I’m ok now.”
“But… how?”
Bucky smiled at you.
“Well, intense therapy for one. Family therapy with Sam. Running. Running with my friends, or… with strangers I bump into.”
He gave you a smile and you smiled back, hopelessly connected to this man. 
“Another thing that has helped me immensely was meeting you and seeing the way you crafted our interview, and experiencing the response to it. I’m communicating about myself more with the public.
“Yes, I’ve noticed the response you’re getting on social media.”
Bucky just chuckled at your thirst trap shade.
“I need you to help me tell this story, Y/N. Please. Help me.”
You leaned toward him. You two gazed into each other’s eyes.
“Your story is powerful the way it is, but right now, the way it reads leaves you open to some liability for what happened to those men in that warehouse that day. I believe you that it was self defense, and defense of your wife. That was such a hard thing to live through and to write down. I have an idea on how to revise the story to keep the emotion, but protect you, and Sarah and Sam at the same time. Hear me out.”
Two hours later, you’d sketched out revisions to Bucky’s memoir. You were emotionally spent. And starving. It was almost 8pm. You looked at Bucky when you were done and he read you like a book.
“I ordered Thai food 45 minutes ago when you were on a roll outlining. I hope you’re hungry.”
You sighed and smiled.
“Feed me and I will love you forever.”
You laughed at your joke, but Bucky did not.
“Don’t tease me, Y/N.”
Suddenly, the air was thick with need. 
“About that… Bucky… I want to work with you on this project. But I can’t deny that… that I am attracted to you in the worst way.”
Bucky smiled and cocked his head.
“’The worst way.’ Is it that bad? I feel like I need to apologize.”
You nodded.
“It is bad. If we need to be professional.”
Bucky looked up in the air. 
“Well. Think about last night…”
You shifted in your seat.
“I mean, we just did some pretty good work tonight. After what happened,…”
Bucky grinned
“Well. You’re not wrong…”
You grinned back at him. You just liked him so fucking much.
The tension was thick. You were about to climb onto Bucky’s lap when the doorbell rang. He looked disappointed, as if he was reading your mind again.
You stood up, drank some water and tried to get your head on straight. Bucky came back in with and you remembered your hunger for food.
When you’d eaten, Bucky had a suggestion.
“Listen, we did some good work, had some good food, but I don’t want the night to end. And it is Friday. Don’t need to get up early tomorrow.”
Bucky looked at you like a little boy again.
You raised your eyebrow at him
“What do you suggest this late that we haven’t already done today?”
Bucky grinned at you.
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You two were laughing through belting out the One Direction song at the top of your lungs at Upstairs Karaoke bar, not far from where you both lived.  You were both jumping around and acted like idiots, as one does when they have a proper fun time doing Karaoke.
“Omg! Bucky! That was terrible.” 
You grimaced, thinking about your singing voice. 
“I bet you’ve reconsidered this idea after that.”
Bucky just ginned and swung the mic around in a circle as the music for the next song came up.
“I can do this all night.”
I can't fight this feeling any longer…
You grinned back and joined him in singing REO Speedwagon.
Three hours later, at almost one am, you walked back toward Bucky’s brownstone, and your apartment. When it came time to turn in the direction of your place, you took Bucky’s hand and tugged it toward his place. You walked in silence toward his house until you spoke up again.
“I’ve been through the gauntlet of emotions today, Bucky.. I mean in the last 24 hours.”
“Hmmmm?” said Bucky.
“Yeah. Lust, uncertainty, infatuation, nervousness, sympathy, motivation to write, attraction, hunger, silliness, and just plain fun. It feels like we’ve lived a lifetime today.”
Bucky stood on his stoop and looked down into your eyes.
“I feel the same. With maybe a couple more thrown in.”
You cocked your head.
“Yeah, like what?”
“Mmmmmm. Not ready to reveal that just yet. But I do want to explore a couple that you’ve mentioned. But, like I said earlier, that’s not my call.”
“Which ones?” 
You didn’t know why you were holding your breath.
“Lust, infatuation, attraction… and hunger.”
You knew he wasn’t taling about Thai food.
You tugged his hand, leading him up his own steps and put the code into his door.
“I would like to experience, more of those. And more of what you want. Bucky. Let’s drive off that cliff.”
With that, you pulled him inside.
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You two kissed all the way down the hallway to his living room, where you ended up on his leather couch, pulling off your jacket and pulling the sweater he had put on over his shirtsleeves up over his head. You were feral for him.
And so, it seemed, he was for you.
“Come here, Doll.”
Bucky grabbed your neck and pulled your lips toward him as he devoured your mouth and his hand roamed your body.
“Been wanting to kiss you all night. Want to kiss your lips. I love the way they suck my tip.”
His hoarse voice in your ear did things to you, although you were confused at first until his put his hands in your leggings past your panties and used two thick fingers to part your pussy. He wasn’t talking about the lips on your face.
He used your slick to lubricate his digits and entered you, pumping a few times, watching as your head lolled back on your shoulders. He kissed your neck and cleavage as you succumbed to the pleasure. Then, he pulled his hand away and toward his mouth, earning a whine from you.
Bucky meant to just taste you, but that taste stirred something in his soul.
“What the fuck are you doing to me?”
He kissed you, letting you taste yourself on him, then rested his forehead on yours as he asked a question.
“What do you want, Y/N?”
“Let me suck your dick, Bucky.”
He pulled away from you, and looked you in the eyes.
“You’ll get anything to ask for.”
This was a different Bucky, not totally unlike the night before. Still sex on legs, but this Bucky was gentle, but still oh so sexy.
He pushed you backward until you stood up before him and he took off his shirt, and then his pants. You reached for him before he took off his underwear, pulling his waist band so that his hard cock slapped his abs. You stared down at it but didn’t touch it.
“I’ve been dreaming of this since last night, when you denied me.” 
You swiped your thumb along his tip and then sucked it, making him lick his own lips. 
“Sit down, please. Sir.”
Bucky sat, and then you kneeled in front of him on the hardwood floor. Bucky noticed and put a pillow down for you to kneel on. You smiled at him as he started stroking himself. You stared, your hand trailing song your neck and chest absentmindedly as you admired him.
“It really is a thing of beauty. Ever since I saw it the other day, I’ve been obsessed with it. How it would feel, how it would split me apart. How it would taste.”
You looked up at Bucky and it was like he’d been shot with a magazine of cupid’s arrows.
“Damn, Doll. You sure do have a way with words.”
You reached for him, grasping his shaft in one hand that looked small now, and his balls in the other.
“I’m not all talk…”
And then you leaned forward to lick a stripe on the underside of his cock, from his balls to the tip, stopping to suck the thick cap vigorously.
“Ooooh, shit… Doll. That mouth.” 
Bucky’s head was sideways, cocking his head to watch you from that angle.
You opened your mouth and took as much as you could in your mouth and relaxed your throat to let him in there. 
He placed his hand on your head but placed no pressure on you as you bobbed freely for his pleasure. And yours. 
You placed your hands on his tensing thighs as you came apart as a result of your mouth, and he shuddered when you released him with a pop just to grab it again and trail your tongue back down his length. You drew his balls into your mouth, one at a time as you continued to stroke him off.
Bucky was looking at you with disbelief. He was putty in your hands. He leaned forward to kiss your sloppy face.
“I want to be inside you, wanna make love to you. Take off those clothes.”
He spoke to you softly, yet with a command your body remembered. You stood up slowly and tried to gracefully shed your garments as he stroked himself and looked up at you like you were the moon.
“So beautiful.” 
Bucky reached out and made grabby hands for you as you stood naked before him.
”C’mere. Climb on. Let me in again.”
He continued to stare up at you, kissing your sternum and each breast as your thighs trembled on either side of his as you slid down over his mushroom cap.
The feeling of him splitting you open caused a delicious pain, the soreness from the night before still evident. You didn’t think you’d ever get used to his size. 
And you didn’t want to.
“Fuck me baby doll. Fuck me good. Fuck your self on this dick.”
Bucky slipped his hand between you two and started circling your clit in tight little circles.
“Oh my god Bucky!  I can’t. Can’t breathe, can't concentrate…”
Your mind was mush as Bucky drove you toward your peak and up over the edge.
Bucky leaned down to lick your nipple and suck briefly, teasing each breast in turn to work you up even more.
“Don’t think. Just feel. Release all thoughts. Cum for me.”
You came ferociously, clenching around Bucky and causing him to pulse inside you.
“Thaaat’s a good girl.” 
He did not let up on your clit and drew your pleasure out until you were a complete mess on his lap.
Bucky licked a stripe up the middle of you, from your belly button to your cheek as you lay back in is arms, cock drunk, and still impaled on his very stiff dick. 
“You tastes so fucking good, Doll. Tasted you in my dreams last night.”
You your surprise, he stood up, holding you and turned around to place you on the couch. The fine leather stuck to your sweaty skin, but you didn’t care.
“I don’t want to service you anymore.”
Bucky started pumping and telling you how he felt. All you could do was moan in response.
“Want to make love to you.”
He watched your fucked out face and started stroking more insistently.
“Of course, if you were mine, I’d service you anytime you needed it. Give you everything your heart, mind, pussy, body could want…”
“Yes, Bucky… yessssss.”
You were blissed out, hearing and feeling all the sensations you wanted at the moment.
“What are you doing to me doll?”
Bucky’s eyes moved from where you two were connected to your face.
“So beautiful…”
He grabbed your hand from where it was resting on his abs, picked it up, and brought it to his mouth, kissing your palm. Your back arched at the added sensation of his lips on your hand and the long fingers on his other hand grabbed your hip as he continued.
Bucky’s ice blue eyes were watching you as yours closed in ecstasy.
He started moving your hip, long fingers digging in and sure to leave a bruise.
“You like this? Like how I’m giving it to you? You deserve it. Such a good girl.”
You started moving, loving the feel of the wiry hairs at the base of his cock against your clit.
“Feels so good. Feels like this dick is mine.”
Bucky’s eyes were focused on yours now. He held your stare, which bloomed new warmth in your belly.
“You want it to be yours?”
You didn't answer, just bit your lip and nodded.
Bucky’s hand snaked up behind you and grabbed the hair at your nape, causing your neck to bend and your body to arch backward.
He admired your form and the way your breasts moved as you did. You could feel him swell impossibly more than he already was.
“I’m trying to be gentle. Sweet and slow.  Like a good girl should be fucked .But you just make me want to… make me wanna fuck you. Like…”
Bucky groaned and squeezed your hip.
“Take it, Bucky. It’s yours.This pussy is alll yours.”
You rotated your hips so as to feel all of him, and which caused him to spurt a little inside you.
“You trying to make you cum inside you?”
“Yes, Sir.”
You moaned as Bucky’s hand came around and grasped your throat skillfully. His other hand grows and pinched your nipples, causing your hips to move wildly.
“There’s my bad girl. Damn. I think I…..”
“Y-yes Sir?”
Bucky almost let it slip.
“I think I wanna cum inside.”
He leaned down to whisper into your ear. That voice making you clench harder around him.
“Would you like that?  Hot load of cum in your tight little snatch?”
“Oh, ohhhh shittt. Yes!”
“So fucking pretty when you’re needy, Doll.”
The combination of filth and praise sent your over the edge and you detonated around him, causing Bucky to hike your knee over his elbow and start chasing his own end.
“I can’t… No. I won’t deny myself any longer. I want this. I want you and I’m gonna. Shit can I? Can I please cum inside?”
Bucky begging got you hot and bothered again. You nodded vigorously.
“Please, I want it too!”
“Circle that clit for me. Circlie it. Cum again for me just one… fuck, just once moreeeee!”
Bucky came inside you with a shout, shooting hot ropes of cum onto your cervix. You came when you felt that and as Bucky pumped like a jackrabbit inside you.
“Holy shit.”
He chuckled in your ear.
You curled yourself around Bucky and gladly accepted his weight for a few minutes. Then, he lifted himself off of you and knelt on the floor.
“Was that?  Was that okay? Did you really want this?”
Bucky looked so earnest. You nodded.
“Yes Bucky. And I want more.”
You bit your lip as he smiled down at you.
“Wanna spend the night?”
You shook your head.
Bucky’s smile dropped. You put your hand on his cheek..
“It’s practically morning. I’ll sleep over and let you feed me breakfast later. And then we’ll talk about spending the night.”
“Anything that’ll make you smile, Doll.”
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Hit play on that reblog button! 😏
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dd20century · 5 months
Henry Dreyfuss: Groundbreaking UI Designer Part Two
This is the second in a two-part series on designer Henry Dreyfuss. Read part one.
World War II and a Move to California
Henry Dreyfuss, Raymond Loewy, and Walter Dorwin Teague designed a series of strategy rooms for the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff at the beginning of World War II. Dreyfuss’s contribution was “four 13-foot rotating globes, one each for Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill, and the Joint Chiefs” (1).
In February 1944, when The Society of Industrial Designers (SID) was founded Walter Dorwin Teague was its first president, and Dreyfuss served as the organization’s first vice-president. After the War, Dreyfuss moved his family to Pasadena, California, and “opened a second office near his home” (2). In 1946, William F. H. Purcell and Robert Hose became partners in the firm. (1)
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Henry Dreyfuss, SS Constitution for American Export Lines (1950). Image source.
In the early 1950s, Dreyfuss designed two steamships, SS Independence and SS Constitution for American Export Lines. (3) For these ships, he developed aluminum deck chairs to replace the heavier wooden deck chairs. (5) Although his firm had done consulting work for Honeywell since the late 1930s, it wasn’t until 1953, Dreyfuss designed the most important product for that firm, the round Honeywell thermostat, “which allowed it to fit cleanly on a wall whether it was askew or not, unlike rectangular ones which frequently appeared crooked”(4).
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Henry Dreyfuss, Thermostat for Honeywell (1953). Image source.
During this time Dreyfuss continued working with Bell Laboratories. “In 1949 Dreyfuss updated Bell’s Model 300 telephone with the model 500, which would become the first phone to be offered in a color other than black beginning in 1954. It would ultimately go on to be the most popular phone ever made”(4). An updated version of the wall telephone and the Princess phone were introduced during this decade.
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Henry Dreyfuss, Bell Laboratories Model 500 telephone (1949). Image source.
The 1950s also saw Dreyfuss publish his seminal design book, Designing for People. “The book illustrated his ethical and aesthetic principles, [and] included design case studies, many anecdotes” (5), along with anthropometric charts. A second book dealing with ergonomics, The Measure of Man, was published in 1960. (1)
Dreyfuss’s Late Career
During the 1960s Henry Dreyfuss Associates clients included American Safety Razor Company and Polaroid Land Company, which introduced his design for the model 100 camera in 1963. Also during this time, his firm was responsible for the rebranding of American Airlines and continued to collaborate with its long-time client Deere & Company designing four new tractor models during the decade. (3)
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Image source.
In 1965 several professional design organizations, including The Society of Industrial Designers, merged to form the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA). Dreyfuss was its first president. (7)
Henry Dreyfuss retired from the design firm that bore his name in 1969, but remained working “with top management of several clients to analyze and improve their contact with customers”(3). In 1972 Dreyfuss, along with his wife Doris, worked on Symbol Sourcebook: An Authoritative Guide to International Graphic Symbols, a reference guide “of over 20,000 symbols [that] continues to provide a standard for industrial designers around the world”(4).
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Henry Dreyfuss, Cover pages for Symbol Sourcebook: An Authoritative Guide to International Graphic Symbols, McGraw Hil Publishers (1972). Image source.
The Tragic Deaths of Henry and Doris Dreyfuss
In 1972 Henry and Doris Dreyfuss had been happily married for 42 years, but Doris was suffering from terminal cancer. At one point the pain became too much for Doris to bear.  On October 5 of that year, the Dreyfusses went into the garage of their home at “500 Columbia Street in South Pasadena, California”(3), got into their car, and turned on the engine. “Within a few minutes they both died. They had lived their life together and ended it together”(7). “Authorities reported the cause of death as carbon monoxide poisoning”(3). The couple was survived by their son and two daughters.
Henry Dreyfuss Associates
The firm that Henry Dreyfuss founded in 1929, continued as Henry Dreyfuss Associates for over four decades after his death”(4). “After Dreyfuss’s retirement, Donald M. Genaro served as president of the company until 1994. In the 1970s, Henry Dreyfuss Associates was responsible for designing the “interiors of nuclear-powered Trident missile submarines”(3). In the next decade, the company “added a major new client in Falcon Jet Company”(3), and was averaging about 50 new products a year. (2)
When Genaro stepped down as president in 1994, a team of several partners took control of the firm. During the 1990s a new utility vehicle was designed for long-time client John Deere, and the company designed the interiors of a line of business jets for the Astra Jet company. Projects for AT&T in 1992 included a notebook computer and a smartphone “which featured an onscreen keyboard”(2).
Henry Dreyfuss Associates relocated to Ann Arbor, Michigan in 2004. (3)
The Legacy of Henry Dreyfuss
In 1963, “Henry Dreyfuss became a trustee of Caltech,… though he had been a faculty member of the engineering division for many years, and had annually lectured on industrial design to students in Business Economics”(5).
In 1996 a major retrospective of the work of Henry Dreyfuss appeared at the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum in New York, the same year a book on his work was published. The Industrial Designers Society of America posthumously awarded Dreyfuss the Individual Achievement Award in 2004. (2) The Henry Dreyfuss Archives are located in the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum.
A second retrospective of Dreyfuss’s work was held in 2020 at the Figge Art Museum in Davenport, Iowa. Currently the Cooper-Hewitt celebrates the 50th anniversary of Symbol Sourcebook: An Authoritative Guide to International Graphic Symbols with a special exhibition that runs through Spring 2024.
Henry Dreyfuss’s genius spans product design, graphic design, user interface design, as well as business and marketing. His greatest contribution to design is emphasizing the importance of the utility and usability of a product as well as its style.
Industrial Designers Society of America, (2023). Henry Dreyfuss, FIDSA. https://www.idsa.org/profile/henry-dreyfuss/
Uhle, F. (n.d.). Henry Dreyfuss Associates, LLC. https://www.encyclopedia.com/books/politics-and-business-magazines/henry-dreyfuss-associates-llc
Wikipedia, (24 February, 2023). Henry Dreyfuss. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Dreyfuss
Futurama, of the city of, designed by Norman Bel Geddes for the General Motors Exhibit at the New York World's Fair in 1939. New York, 1939. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/2012645722/.
Dreyfuss, J. (22 October, 1972). Henry and Doris Dreyfuss. https://calteches.library.caltech.edu/2944/1/dreyfuss.pdf
Industrial Designers Society of America, (2023).  Our Story. https://www.idsa.org/about-idsa/our-story/
Jones, R. A., (7 May, 1997). Our Dreyfuss Affair. La Times Website. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1997-05-07-me-56286-story.html
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cooladddy · 7 months
Fun and deliberately uncomfortable objects
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Katerina Kamprani is a Greek designer known for her extraordinarily uncomfortable works, which defy conventional functionality. Her work focuses on transforming everyday objects into something decidedly impractical and sometimes even frustrating to use . The series of projects titled “The Uncomfortable” includes many familiar objects reworked in ways that challenge their essential functionality. Among the most iconic creations are the unusable chairs, because they have legs of different lengths, thickened cutlery and deformed glasses.
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In addition to raising a smile, Katerina Kamprani's work offers ideas for a deeper reflection on the culture of design. Her works highlight the fact that we often take for granted the ergonomics and functionality of the objects that surround us and force us to evaluate our relationship with the material world and consider the importance of design in shaping our daily experience . In a world where we often seek comfort and practicality, Katerina reminds us that design can also embrace the unexpected and uncomfortable, and that this can be just as meaningful.
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Born in Athens, Katerina Kamprani studied architecture at the University of Thessaly, where she developed an interest in design and creativity. Over time she has gained an international following, so much so that her works have been exhibited in numerous contemporary art exhibitions around the world, gaining significant attention from both critics and the public.
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dave5422285 · 2 years
Week 8 Studio Tutorial- Digital iteration
This week we were tasked to investigate a model making case study -Razor and explore the Autodesk program 3DS MAXs tools in preparation for the next tutorial. Before talking about the task for this week, I'll cover the case study first. After watching the case study video presenting the use of mock up sketch models and investigating different materials in creating the right materiality of their razor, it informs us how models inform the design process. Aspects they were aiming for creating the razor was how materiality perceives value in the product as a consumer and allows for good ergonomic practice that drawings and sketches can only describe and label, not feel. Models allow for the physical analysis of the products functionality while showing its aesthetics. Quick sketch Models allow for quick fast pace exploration of ideas and concepts that are instantly able to show functionality and aesthetic in 3D form while sketching and drawings can only do the same 2D. Models bring the concepts to life in the physical world and can answer questions such as how the consumer interacts with the physical product, and so on. In answering the question Gonz posted on the week 8 post; What do you think Andrew means by "low-fidelity" and "hi-fidelity"? what he means by low/high fidelity is how far you as a designer is able to present a product that is faithful to the original while also exploring forms, materials, processes that no one has ever made a connection to the original product. How far you are able to create a entirely unique product that still reflects the original purpose.
Part 1
After briefly watching the pre-class activity videos, I went straight into following the steps in the tutorial. As Im doing it online I wasnt able to do a 3D scan of my foam models, so for this week I am focusing on exploring the tools in 3DS Max.
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After doing the pre-requisite tasks such as changing the units to 1mm in the customization and arranging my views like a 3rd angle projection, I formed the sphere and played around with the viewing tools, panning in and out. After doing so I then played around with the modifiers, trying to create a organic bend and form using the modifiers bend, melt, squeeze, taper and other tools. I was able to create a shell-like shape, with lines emerging from one point. The rest of the images on the other hand was me playing around the tools and see how they play and interact with one another. I'm unfamiliar with the program and its my first time trying it, so I had a difficult time trying to express what I was trying to make that I could sketch/draw on paper. Watching the videos/tutorial series helped in some ways, but putting it into practice will still take some time.
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Part 2
After exploring the primitives manipulated with modifiers, in this part of the tutorial we're now using poly mesh modelling. This part was very challenging for me, as I initially thought that poly modelling involved more freedom in creating the organic curves I wanted to bring out, but it had alot of steps in doing so. I wasnt able to explore as much in poly modelling, but I was able to just make a edged and organic version of abstract seats/chairs. For the first shape (purple colour) I wanted to make a organic form of a chair, having a hollow curve to allow for a person to sit. I would imagine the materiality would be plastic for mass production, and be used for simple seating in playgrounds. The edged shaped is for a range of people to sit on while visiting a mall, having a safe place to put plastic bags filled with goods under the edged out sections of the abstracted bench while resting. The materiality for this object/bench would be marble or metal depending on where its placed. The tools I explored this week was NURMS toggle, and the five tools in the conversion to a poly model. Although this was a challenging week as I'm unfamiliar with the process and tools in 3DS Max program, it was a good experience that has reminded me to always improve. I also followed nicholas's advice in sketching 3D models rather than "2D" (not fully following my sketches) which helped in making these forms as it developed shapes I would not have thought of! if you also have any tips using this program let me know! B)
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lineandround · 2 years
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A few months ago, another exciting challenge began. We’re now developing our new seating furniture series called Crosses, designed by Annabella Hevesi. The point is a completely new joint solution that results in a more economical and sustainable production method and has a high-value aesthetical character at the same time. The solution is a contemporary analogy of the traditional “tufting” technique - we will reach the ergonomic shape of the foam by mechanically distorting it instead of cutting or casting.
We are so lucky, because with our upholsterer partner, the Karpitos Partner Group Bt., we have been selected by the professional jury so that we are participants in the HFDA’s (Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency) DesignLAB incubation program again.
The program supports the development, thus the first member of our Crosses series, the Peach easy chair will be realized by the end of January.
We like working with our upholsterer partner, Csaba Jónás, and his group, because in addition to representing the unquestionably high quality, the risk-taking attitude is at least as important during each development.
As with Dedas, this is a learning process for all of us, and we hope that not only we will benefit from this, but also the next generations of designers and manufacturers in Hungary.
The photos were taken by Milán Rácmolnár in Csaba’s workshop, where we tested the first 1:1 scale cardboard model. This step is important so that we can check the final dimensions, proportions, and partially the ergonomics of the furniture with the cheapest/simplest tools possible.
more information about the program: https://www.hfda.hu/en/articles/iparagi-egyuttm-kodesek-a-fenntarthatosag-jegyeben-3018
Még csak néhány hónapja mutattuk be az első kollekciónkat, de már egy egészen új projekten dolgozunk. Annabella a következő időszakban egy innovatív, kárpitosiparban alkalmazható csomóponti megoldással foglalkozik, mely gazdaságosabbá és fenntarthatóbbá teheti az ülőbútorok gyártását - amely azáltal, hogy látható, egyúttal karakteres és esztétikus is. Ennek a hosszú útnak az első mérföldköve a Peach easy chair, amit ismét a Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency Design LAB inkubációs programjában fogunk létrehozni a Kárpitos Partner Group gyártó partnerünkkel együttműködésben. 
Nagyon szeretünk Jónás Csabáékkal együtt dolgozni, mert a kikezdhetetlenül magas minőség képviselete mellett legalább ilyen fontos a kockázatvállaló attitűd egy-egy fejlesztés során. Ahogy a Dedas esetében, ez most is egy tanulási folyamat mindannyiunk számára, amiből reméljük, hogy nem csak mi, hanem a következő tervezők és gyártók generációi is profitálnak majd. Köszönjük ismét a bizalmat, a lehetőséget a HFDA-nak és a kárpitos csapatnak is!A fotókat Milan Racmolnar készítette Csabáék műhelyében, ahol az első 1:1-es kartonmodellt teszteltük. Ez a lépés azért fontos, hogy minél olcsóbb/egyszerűbb eszközökkel meg tudjuk vizsgálni a bútor végleges méreteit, arányait, és részben az ergonómiáját.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Fellowes 9311601 Lumbar Cushion Portable Chair Pillow Lower Back Support Comfort.
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bestgamingitem · 3 days
Best Gaming Items: Essential Gear for Every Gamer
Gaming is a popular hobby and profession, requiring the right equipment to enhance performance and enjoyment. Whether you're a casual gamer or an aspiring esports professional, having the best gaming items can significantly impact your experience. This blog post will explore essential gaming gear, including computers, monitors, keyboards, mice, headsets, chairs, and accessories. Each section will provide insights into what to look for and recommend top products.
Gaming Computers
Desktop PCs
A gaming desktop is a powerhouse that offers unparalleled performance and upgradability. When choosing a gaming desktop, consider the following components:
CPU: A high-performance CPU, such as the Intel Core i7/i9 or AMD Ryzen 7/9, ensures smooth gameplay and multitasking.
GPU: The graphics card is crucial for gaming. NVIDIA GeForce RTX and AMD Radeon RX series are top choices.
RAM: At least 16GB of RAM is recommended for modern gaming. Opt for 32GB for enhanced performance and future-proofing.
Storage: SSDs offer faster load times and overall better performance. A combination of SSD for the OS and games, and HDD for storage, is ideal.
Gaming Laptops
Gaming laptops offer portability without compromising performance. Key factors to consider include:
CPU and GPU: Similar to desktops, high-end CPUs and GPUs are essential. Look for laptops with Intel Core i7/i9 or AMD Ryzen 7/9 and NVIDIA RTX or AMD Radeon GPUs.
Display: A high refresh rate (120Hz or above) and low response time improve gaming visuals. Ensure the laptop has a resolution of at least 1080p.
Cooling: Effective cooling systems prevent overheating during intense gaming sessions.
Battery Life: While gaming drains battery quickly, longer battery life is beneficial for general use.
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Resolution and Refresh Rate
The monitor's resolution and refresh rate significantly impact gaming visuals and performance. Consider the following:
Resolution: 1080p (Full HD) is standard, but 1440p (QHD) and 4K (UHD) offer sharper images.
Refresh Rate: A higher refresh rate (144Hz or above) ensures smoother gameplay, reducing motion blur and input lag.
Panel Types
Monitors come in various panel types, each with its advantages:
TN (Twisted Nematic): Offers the fastest response times and high refresh rates, ideal for competitive gaming.
IPS (In-Plane Switching): Provides better color accuracy and wider viewing angles, suitable for immersive experiences.
VA (Vertical Alignment): Balances color reproduction and response times, offering deeper blacks and higher contrast ratios.
Mechanical vs. Membrane
Choosing between mechanical and membrane keyboards depends on personal preference and gaming needs:
Mechanical Keyboards: Offer tactile feedback and durability. Switch types (e.g., Cherry MX, Razer) vary in actuation force and sound.
Membrane Keyboards: Quieter and more affordable but less responsive and durable than mechanical counterparts.
Key Features
Keyboards come with various features that enhance gaming performance:
Backlighting: RGB lighting allows customization and better visibility in low-light conditions.
Anti-Ghosting and N-Key Rollover: Prevents missed keystrokes and ensures simultaneous key presses are registered.
Macro Keys: Programmable keys for executing complex commands quickly.
DPI and Sensitivity
A gaming mouse's DPI (dots per inch) and sensitivity settings affect precision and responsiveness:
High DPI: Allows for faster cursor movement, beneficial for high-resolution displays.
Adjustable DPI: Customizable settings enable switching between different DPI levels based on game requirements.
Comfort and design play crucial roles in prolonged gaming sessions:
Shape and Size: Choose a mouse that fits your hand size and grip style (palm, claw, fingertip).
Weight: Adjustable weights offer personalized balance and control.
Sound Quality and Comfort
A good gaming headset enhances immersion and communication:
Sound Quality: Look for headsets with surround sound (7.1) for an immersive experience and clear audio cues.
Comfort: Padded ear cups and adjustable headbands ensure long-term comfort.
Microphone Quality
Clear communication is essential in multiplayer games:
Noise-Canceling Microphones: Reduce background noise, ensuring your voice is heard clearly.
Detachable or Retractable Mics: Offer flexibility for different usage scenarios.
Ergonomics and Comfort
A gaming chair provides the necessary support for long gaming sessions:
Lumbar Support: Adjustable lumbar pillows support the lower back, reducing strain.
Recline Function: Allows you to adjust the chair's angle for optimal comfort.
Build Quality
Durability and stability are crucial for gaming chairs:
Frame Material: Steel frames offer strength and longevity.
Upholstery: PU leather and breathable fabric covers balance comfort and durability.
Mouse Pads
A quality mouse pad enhances precision and control:
Surface Texture: Smooth surfaces are ideal for speed, while textured surfaces offer better control.
Size: Large mouse pads provide more room for movement, reducing the need for frequent repositioning.
Game Controllers
Controllers offer an alternative to keyboard and mouse for certain games:
Compatibility: Ensure the controller is compatible with your gaming platform (PC, console).
Customization: Some controllers offer remappable buttons and adjustable triggers for personalized gameplay.
Investing in the right gaming items can significantly enhance your gaming experience. From powerful gaming computers and high-resolution monitors to comfortable chairs and precise peripherals, each piece of equipment plays a crucial role. The best gaming items provide comfort, support, and performance, allowing you to enjoy your favorite games to the fullest. By considering the features and recommendations discussed in this blog post, you can make informed decisions and build the ultimate gaming setup. Happy gaming!
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Enhancing Study and Work Efficiency: Ergonomic Solutions for Home and Office
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Continuing with our series on health and wellness, we focus on ergonomics—a key pillar of good health. Previously, we covered the importance of ergonomics in daily activities such as reading, writing, and watching. Today, we delve into optimizing your working table design to boost efficiency and comfort, especially in the context of work-from-home (WFH) and online classes that have become commonplace post-pandemic.
Is Your Home Setup Ready for WFH?
With many of us working and studying from home, it's crucial to have the right accessories to support this new lifestyle. Consider the questions:
Is your home equipped with necessary WFH accessories?
How do you conduct meetings or your kids attend classes?
You may have heard phrases like "sitting is a silent killer" or "sitting is the new smoking." While these statements are alarming, they highlight the importance of a thoughtful approach to our home office setups. Here, we explore options to mitigate these issues.
The Dual-Mode (Sit-Stand) Desk: A Personal Experience
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Recently, I visited my brother’s house, where he proudly demonstrated his dual-mode sit-stand desk. This innovative desk allows users to easily switch between sitting and standing positions, offering numerous benefits:
 Convenience: Easily adjustable height to suit different needs.
Increased Energy: Standing can make you feel more energetic.
Enhanced Focus: Greater alertness and focus while working.
Flexibility: Ability to stretch and move freely.
Reduced Back Pain: Less strain on the back.
Postural Variety: Avoids the discomfort of prolonged sitting.
Impressed by these benefits, I felt compelled to share this information.
Complementing the Ergonomic Table: Essential Accessories
An ergonomic table is just the beginning. To create an optimal workspace, consider the following:
Ergonomic Chair
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A good ergonomic chair is essential. It should offer:
Adjustable Height: Easy to raise and lower.
Lumbar Support: Reclined backrest for better back support.
Mobility: Castors for easy movement around your workspace.
Proper Lighting
Proper lighting is crucial to prevent eye strain and headaches. Here are some tips:
Natural Light: Utilize natural light as much as possible.
Artificial Light: Use when natural light is insufficient.
Avoid Darkness: Ensure your workspace is well-lit to avoid eye strain.
Dampers for Comfort
Standing for long periods on hard surfaces can cause leg pain. Solutions include:
Rubber Mats: Offer cushioning and act as dampers for your feet.
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Rubber Slippers: Provide comfort for your legs.
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Screen Brightness
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Screen brightness is another often-overlooked factor. Incorrect brightness can harm your eyes. Tips include:
 Auto Mode: Use auto-brightness settings if available, which adjust according to ambient light.
Manual Adjustment: Ensure the screen is not too bright or dim.
 Balancing Work and Movement
Standing desks do not replace the need for exercise. Frequent breaks are essential. Here are some recommendations:
 Stay Hydrated: Move away from the desk to drink water, which also encourages more movement.
Stretch or Walk: Take a five-minute break every 30 minutes.
Mobile Calls: Whenever possible, take calls while walking.
The key is to balance sitting, standing, and moving around.
Ideal Work Pattern
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To illustrate an ideal work pattern, refer to the pie chart below (hypothetical here), which shows the recommended distribution of sitting, standing, and moving during your workday.
By following these ergonomic guidelines, you can enhance your efficiency, focus, and overall well-being while working or studying from home.
Key Concepts to Understand
For students study related fields, it's crucial to grasp the following:
Ergonomics & Anthropometry: Understanding human measurements and designing for comfort.
Principles and Elements of Interior Design: Applying design principles to create functional and aesthetically pleasing workspaces.
Essentials of Lighting: Ensuring adequate lighting to reduce strain and increase productivity.
Paint and Varnish: Choosing the right materials to create a conducive working environment.
Stay tuned for our next topic in this series, where we continue to explore vital aspects of creating a healthy and efficient workspace.
Ref. https://interiorcourses.in/blog/know-how-to-increase-efficiency-in-study-wfh
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relaxaukco · 18 days
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Health Screening
Backcare Awareness Week: Promoting Spine Health with Relaxa
Every year, Backcare Awareness Week shines a spotlight on the critical importance of maintaining a healthy spine and preventing back pain, a condition that affects millions worldwide. At Relaxa, we are proud to support this important initiative, offering insights, tips, and products designed to enhance your back health.
This year's Backcare Awareness Week, scheduled from October 2-6, 2024, focuses on "Back Pain in the Workplace." This theme is particularly relevant as many employees face the challenges of sedentary jobs, improper ergonomics, and increased stress levels, all contributing to back pain.
Relaxa is dedicated to helping you create a healthier workplace environment. We offer ergonomic assessments and a range of products tailored to support your spinal health. From ergonomic chairs and sit-stand desks to lumbar support cushions, our solutions are designed to reduce strain and promote proper posture.
During Backcare Awareness Week, our experts will be sharing valuable advice on our website and social media channels. Look out for tips on maintaining good posture, effective stretching exercises, and strategies for setting up an ergonomic workspace. Additionally, we will be hosting a series of free webinars featuring health professionals who will provide insights into preventing and managing back pain.
Join us in supporting Backcare Awareness Week by taking proactive steps to improve your spinal health. Explore our range of ergonomic products, participate in our educational events, and commit to a healthier, pain-free lifestyle. Visit our website at Relaxa to learn more and start your journey to better back health today.
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nzdepot · 2 months
$368.99 $ ONEX STC Snug L Gaming Chair - Graphite https://nzdepot.co.nz/product/onex-stc-snug-l-gaming-chair-graphite/?feed_id=150606&_unique_id=662c6a6273620 Features: ONEX-STC SNUG Enjoy a next-level sitting experience with this Large Size ONEX STC Series Snug premium gaming and office chair. It accommodates more space for bigger people while allowing maximum comfort. ONEX STC Snug Features Module injected High Density foam with Short pile linen fabric to provide all the day Comfort. Short Pile Linen Fabric is vastly superior for breathability to avoid a sweaty back. Ergonomic Design ensures comfortability and prevents potential health issues from sitting down for long hours, ONEX STC Snug Design improves posture and provides comfort for long period of time. Built with an ergonomically-friendly design, […] #
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anhometech · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Phone Stand for Watching Videos
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In today’s fast-paced world, our smartphones serve as our constant companions. Whether we’re binge-watching our favorite shows, attending virtual meetings, or capturing precious memories, having our phones within easy reach is essential. But holding our phones for extended periods can strain our wrists and necks. That’s where a reliable phone stand for watching videos comes in handy.
Why You Need a Phone Stand
Hands-Free Comfort: Imagine settling into your favorite chair, propping up your phone on a stand, and enjoying uninterrupted video content. A phone stand allows you to watch videos without the discomfort of holding your device.
Versatile Viewing Angles: Whether you’re catching up on YouTube, Netflix, or TikTok, a good phone stand offers adjustable angles. Find the perfect tilt for your viewing pleasure, whether you’re lying on the couch or sitting at your desk.
Stability and Convenience: A stable phone stand ensures that your device won’t wobble or fall during intense movie scenes. Plus, it frees up your hands for snacking, taking notes, or multitasking.
Top Picks for Phone Stands
1. AnHome Phone Stand – Best Simple Phone Stand
AnHome Phone Stand
Affordable and well-made.
Holds phones in portrait or landscape mode.
Adjustable tilt to reduce glare.
Ideal for video calls and passive viewing.
Available in various colors.
Price: $13.99
2. Foldable Phone Stand – Best Foldable Option
!Foldable Phone Stand
Foldable and portable.
Height-adjustable for ergonomic viewing.
Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
Available in multiple colors.
Great for travel.
Price: $13.99
3. UBeesize Portable and Adjustable Camera Stand Holder – Best for Stability
!UBeesize Portable and Adjustable Camera Stand Holder
Over 47,000 reviews and a 4.5-star rating.
Includes a wireless remote with a 30-foot range.
Legs can wrap around poles or trees.
Lightweight and versatile.
Price: $18
Investing in a reliable phone stand enhances your video-watching experience. Whether you’re catching up on your favorite series or attending virtual classes, find the perfect stand that suits your needs. Happy video watching!
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