#Erika C Brothers
suddencolds · 10 months
The Worst Timing | [1/?]
hello!! I've been wanting to write a longer h/c fic for awhile. This is the exposition/first installment to that (4.8k words).
this is an OC fic - here is a list of everything I've written for these two!
Summary: Yves invites Vincent to a wedding, in France, where the rest of his family will be in attendance. It's a very important wedding, so he's definitely not going to let anything—much less the flu—ruin it. (ft. fake dating, an international trip, downplaying illness, sharing a hotel room)
“A wedding,” Vincent repeats.
“Yes,” Yves says. “A wedding.”
It’s his cousin Aimee’s wedding—she’s four years older than he is. Back when he’d gone with his family back to France over the summers, she’d been one of the people he’d grown quickly to look up to—someone who knew the ins and outs, it seemed, to every stage of life he was in the process of stumbling through.
Yves has always been used to being looked up to—one of the natural consequences, perhaps, of being the eldest in his immediate family—and he likes to think that he’s good at giving off the impression that he has things figured out. But he’d grown close to Aimee at their family reunions precisely because she was everything he tried to be: strong-willed and resilient, self-sufficient even in the face of hardship.
Aimee’s getting married to Genevieve—someone who Yves has only met a couple times, but who manages to be one of the sweetest people he’s ever met. All in all, it’s a wedding he wouldn’t miss under any circumstances.
Leon, his brother, and Victoire, his sister, will be there, along with Aimee’s friends and the rest of his extended family. The problem is that Leon keeps in touch with Mikhail. Mikhail let slip that Yves has been seeing Vincent. Leon told Victoire, who told Aimee. And now Aimee is offering to pay for Vincent’s plane ticket to their wedding in France in the spring—a bit of a last minute arrangement, but she’d sounded so excited at the prospect that Yves was finally seeing someone new (“I’d love to meet him,” she’d said over the phone, “would it be too much to ask him to take a couple days off work? Oh my gosh, please give me his contact details, I’ll send him an invitation,” and she’d sounded so excited about it that he hadn’t had it in him to turn her down).
“It’s very last minute,” he says, “but my cousin’s getting married, and she really wants to meet you. It’ll be some time in early March, in Provence. She says she’ll pay for your flight, if you want to go, but you’d probably have to take a couple days off.”
“Oh,” Vincent says, blinking at him. “And you want me to be there?”
“Of course I do,” Yves says. “I think it’s more a question of whether you want to be there.”
Vincent looks back at him, his expression carefully blank. “Are you sure you want to introduce me to your family? That doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that you’d take lightly.”
“They want to meet you,” Yves says. “And I wouldn’t mind introducing you. I think they would really like you.”
“It would be a waste of your time,” Vincent says, quietly, “to introduce me as someone you’re serious about if we’re just planning to break things off.”
Yves is well aware of the fact. This arrangement with Vincent—the trust he places in Vincent; the practiced familiarity, the feigned intimacy—has an expiration date. The fact that he doesn’t know when the expiration date is doesn’t change the fact that it will, inevitably, end—when Erika gets the point, or fades from Yves’s life entirely; when Vincent finds someone he considers worthy of pursuing in actuality; when either of them become interested in dating again. Whatever it is that ends up ending things, Yves knows: what he has with Vincent right now is strictly temporary. 
Perhaps it would be disingenuous to lie to his family about who exactly Vincent is to him. But then again, Yves thinks it isn’t much worse than any other relationship, with all of its ups and downs, all its hopes and uncertainties. It’s not like he can ever guarantee that a relationship is certain to work out, no matter how serious he feels about it in the moment. So is there really any harm to introducing Vincent as his current partner—as someone he feels certain about now, but maybe not always—and to leave it at that?
“It’s not really going to be my day, in the first place,” Yves says. “My relationship status is more of a conversation starter than anything. And even if you go by the timeline we told Erika, we haven’t even been together for a year. I don’t think my family will think much of it other than, like, a small and noncommittal window into what I’ve been up to. So it’s really up to you.”
“I think it would be fun,” Vincent says, “though only if you’re sure about having me there.”
“Great. I’m sure,” Yves says. “Everyone will love you.” He does think it’s true. Something about Vincent tends to have that effect, he thinks.
The fact that he and Vincent are traveling together is not exactly a secret.
Vincent agrees it’s best shared on a need-to-know basis—they won’t be the ones to bring it up, but if someone asks about it, they’ll answer honestly. It would be more work, Yves thinks, to have to coordinate lies about this.
But he runs into trouble not even two weeks later.
“So you and Vincent are taking the week off,” Cara says to him carefully, over lunch.
“Yes,” Yves says.
“Any plans?”
“I’m actually flying to France,” Yves tells her, uncertain about whether or not he should mention Vincent’s involvement—if Vincent has talked to Cara about this already, there’s no point in hiding anything, but he should be careful with the information he discloses otherwise. “One of my cousins is getting married there.”
“Oh,” Cara says, all too knowingly. “What a coincidence. Vincent told me he’s also planning on going to France.”
“I… heard,” Yves says, slowly. “He’s told me as much.”
“I didn’t realize France was such a popular tourist destination for march,” Cara says, smiling at him. “I thought most people went over the summer.”
“You know what they say,” Yves says. “France’s beauty knows no seasons.” 
“You should ask Vincent which part of France he’s visiting,” Cara says, with a smirk. “Maybe you guys can book a hotel together.”
Yves is positive he’s being laughed at. “It’s the third largest country in Europe,” he says. “I’m sure the chance of us ending up in the same region is statistically very low.”
“I think Cara knows we’re fake dating,” he laments to Vincent later, in the break room. “I mean, the dating part, not the fake part.”
Vincent blinks at him. “Did you tell her?”
“No,” Yves says. He doesn’t think they’ve been that obvious about it. “I just told her I was going to France. She made some undue assumptions.”
“Oh,” Vincent says. “I told her I was attending a wedding there.”
An impromptu trip to France, over the same week at the tail end of busy season, to attend a wedding. Separately. Yves is starting to understand where Cara's suspicions might’ve come from.
“That would do it,” he says.
Perhaps they really need to coordinate what a need-to-know basis means. Cara is, thankfully, not the type of person to gossip, from what Yves has gathered, but if their coworkers know, that could complicate things. “I don’t think she’ll say anything,” he says. “But I’m sorry. I didn’t think she’d assume.”
Vincent seems to consider this. “It’s fine,” he says. “Though it might prove troublesome when we decide to end things.”
“We can figure that out when it happens,” Yves says.  
At some point in the foreseeable future, everything will go back to how it’s always been. Yves had been fine on his own for a long time before he’d met Erika. He’s sure he’ll be prepared for it when it happens.
The entire drive to the airport feels surreal.
Mikhail drives them. They leave at the crack of dawn—4am, on the dot. Victoire’s in the passenger seat, dozing off, and Leon, Vincent, and Yves are crammed into the backseat. 
Yves sits in the middle—there’s not much leg room to go around in the first place, but he tries to take up as little space as possible, mostly for Vincent’s sake. He and Leon have been crammed into far smaller cars on far longer road trips.
Leon says, “This is the earliest in the morning I’ve ever third wheeled.”
Victoire, who has her eyes shut, says, “It’s very nice to meet you, Vincent.”
“Likewise,” Vincent says. 
“Yves has told us all about you,” Leon says.
“Oh,” Vincent says, blinking. “What has he said about me?”
“Mostly that you’re super hot,” Leon says. Yves, who is in a perfect position to elbow him, elbows him for that.
“You make me sound so shallow,” Yves says.
“But also that you’re really good at your job,” Leon continues, patting Yves on the leg. “Did you know Yves likes people who he’s slightly intimidated by?”
“I never said that,” Yves says.
“It’s pretty obvious,” Mikhail says. 
“You guys are conspiring against me,” Yves says, and Vincent laughs. 
Leon launches into a series of questions—about how they met, about who asked who out first, about what it’s like at work, about what kinds of things Vincent does for fun.
“No wonder Yves is totally whipped,” Leon says, after Vincent finishes telling a story about how he’d given a presentation at a conference in place of his then-boss, who had—due to unforeseen flight delays—found out last minute that she wouldn’t have been able to make it on time. Yves hasn’t heard this story before, but it doesn’t surprise him that Vincent would be able to pull that sort of thing off, even with such paralyzingly short notice. “You’re exactly his type.”
Just great. If anyone could dig a nice, fitting grave for him over the span of one conversation, Yves thinks, it would be younger brother. 
“I can’t believe he hasn’t invited you over for dinner yet,” Victoire says, her eyes still closed. How much of this conversation she’s actually been awake for, Yves can’t say.
She makes Yves promise that, after their trip to France, Vincent will be over for dinner. (“Sure,” Vincent says. “Just tell me the date in advance. I’ll clear my schedule.” Yves will have to apologize to him after this—for some reason, Vincent has an uncanny talent for ending up invited to half the things Yves is personally involved in.)
Yves is awake enough to hold a conversation, but he finds himself yawning mid-sentence on more than a few occasions. Vincent doesn’t so much as yawn at all over the entirety of the car ride. Yves has no idea if he’s always up this early, or if he’s just naturally immune to tiredness—another signature of his good genetics, next to the fact that he looks like he’s just stepped out of a photoshoot, or the fact that he manages to look good in everything he wears. Some people just win the genetic lottery, Yves supposes.
For some reason, he finds he feels a little more tired than usual. Waking up early is never easy, but usually he’d be distinctly more alert by now. There’s a strange, uncharacteristic heaviness to his limbs—it’s the kind of grogginess he only experiences when he hasn’t been getting enough sleep for awhile.
It’s fine. They have an eight hour flight ahead of them—they’ll be flying into Marseille, and then being driven up to Provence, where the wedding will be taking place. He can catch up on sleep over the flight.
As they’re unloading the suitcases from the back trunk, Vincent says, “Your family’s nice.”
Yves laughs. “I’m relieved they haven’t scared you off yet. Sorry for the… well, interrogation, by the way.”
“I can tell you’re close to them,” Vincent says, a little more quietly.
When Yves looks over, something about Vincent’s smile looks almost wistful. Yves wonders, briefly, how well Vincent has kept up with his own family. If he’d ever been packed into the backseat of a small car, back when he’d lived in Korea; if over some long road trip, he’d ever had to come up with increasingly inventive ways to pass the time. If his relatives ever teased him, then, about the crushes he’d had when he was younger, or anything else. If the ocean that was suddenly between them came with another, less tangible kind of distance, the kind that even phone calls and international flights can never quite bridge.
Yves doesn’t know. He doesn’t even know how he’d go about asking if he wanted to know. How is it that sometimes, he feels like he knows so much about Vincent, but other times, he feels like he knows almost nothing at all?
Aimee has booked him a seat next to Vincent. 
They’re a few rows away from the others—I wanted to seat everyone together, Aimee had texted him a few weeks back, but when I was booking Vincent’s ticket, the seats up front were all sold out, so I just moved you so you’d be sitting next to him. 
Now, he watches as Vincent pushes his briefcase gingerly into the overhead compartment.
“You must not be new to flying,” he says.
Vincent nods. “I’m not.”
“Eight more hours,” Yves says, taking the middle seat so that Vincent doesn’t have to. “It’ll be over in no time, especially if you take a nap.”
“I have some work to get done,” Vincent says. “Only after the plane takes off, though.”
Right—no electronics larger than a cell phone until they’re 30,000 feet in the air. “I thought this was supposed to be your week off.”
“It is,” Vincent says. “I just want to make sure everything’s still in one piece by the time I get back.”
Yves has never quite been comfortable on planes. It’s not that he’s afraid of flying, or that the turbulence bothers him—it’s more just the cramped space, the noise, the anticipation, the discomfort—all of it compounds. It’s usually difficult to get to sleep, but he’s so tired right now that maybe this flight will be an exception.
There’s just one problem: whoever is in charge of the air conditioning in the airplane cabin really hates him. Compared to Provence, New York’s climate is generally more extreme—colder in the winters, hotter in the summers—so all he has on him right now is a thin jacket. It’d be perfectly reasonable attire in most situations, except for the fact that this airplane in particular is unusually frigid. It’s definitely cold enough to be distinctly uncomfortable, especially considering that he’s just sitting in place. Yves crosses his arms, suppressing a shiver.
“Do you think Aimee will be convinced?” Vincent asks.
“That we’re together.”
“I’m sure she has better things to do than play detective over the state of my relationships,” Yves says, with a laugh. “You don’t have to worry about that.”
“It’s why you invited me,” Vincent says, “is it not?”
“To show the rest of your family that you’re not still hung up over Erika.”
“I invited you for a lot of reasons,” Yves says. “For one, you’re good company.”
“So are all your friends.”
“I thought we could both use a week off,” Yves adds. “It’s France, in the springtime. What could be better?”
Vincent says, “I need you to tell me what to do.”
“Your cousin paid for my flight,” he lists, counting off his fingers. “Your family is paying for the hotel. Your best friend drove me to the airport.” He says these things as if he’s listing off all the ways in which he’s indebted to them. “It’d be easiest for both of us if you told me how to make a good impression. That’s what I’m here for, right?”
Yves blinks. “I don’t think you’d need my help to make a good impression.”
“You could’ve taken anyone with you, but you’re taking me,” Vincent presses. “There has to be something you need me for.”
If there was nothing, you wouldn’t have invited me. The sentiment hangs between them, unspoken. But Yves can see it in Vincent’s expression. 
“My favorite cousin is getting married,” Yves says, fervently. “To her fiancee—who is also super cool, by the way. My whole family is going to be there. Do you think I’d choose to endure an eight hour plane ride sitting next to someone I didn’t like?”
“Maybe,” Vincent says.
Yves shakes his head. “It’s true that my family wants to meet you. But if I didn’t want you to come to France with me, I could’ve come up with an excuse.”
He twists around in his seat so that he’s facing Vincent directly. Narrowly resists the urge to reach out and grab Vincent’s hand. “I like spending time with you. I wouldn’t have invited you if I didn’t. You don’t have to do anything out of the ordinary—if you have fun on this trip, that’s more than enough.”
Vincent stares back at him, his eyes wide. 
Yves has a feeling he’s said too much. It isn’t Vincent’s fault for assuming this is all just for show, considering everything that’s come before. Part of it is, but another part of him just really wants Vincent to have fun—to take in the sights at the gorgeous venue Aimee’s sent him pictures of, to have a week off in one of the most picturesque countrysides in the world (Yves may be slightly biased, but still) and not have to think too hard about impressing everyone. 
“Is that… okay with you?” Yves asks.
“Yes,” Vincent says. “It’s just unexpected.”
“Which part?”
“All of it.”
“Oh. Well. I’m sorry if I misled you, or anything.”
“You didn’t.” This time, Vincent really does smile—a sly, quicksilver thing. “For the record, I am very excited to go to your cousin’s wedding.”
“Thank god,” Yves says. “That’s good. I was beginning to think I was holding you hostage.”
He leans back into his seat, suppressing another shiver. Something about the changing pressure in the airplane cabin is making his head start to ache. It’s probably the elevation. Perhaps he should try to sleep just so that he doesn’t have to sit for eight hours with a headache brewing.
He shuts his eyes and tries. It’s no use. He’s tired, and the cabin is quiet enough, but it’s too cold to get to sleep—it feels impossible to get comfortable like this.
So he picks up a novel he’d been meaning to get to—something suspenseful, to offset the monotony of the flight.
When the seatbelt sign flickers off, Vincent unclips his seatbelt so that he can retrieve his briefcase from one of the overhead compartments, and spends the next half hour paging through multiple documents and leaving notes in the margins at a dizzying pace. Yves slinks down lower into his seat, trying hard not to shiver. 
“Is it just me, or is it kind of cold in here?” 
Vincent frowns at him in a concerned way that seems to suggest that it really is just him. Then again, Vincent is unfazed by New York’s cold winters, so Yves isn’t sure he’s the best point of reference.
“Do you need my jacket?” he asks.
“No,” Yves says quickly. “It’s not that bad.”
“Okay,” Vincent says. “If you’re certain.”
He turns his attention back to the screen, and Yves resigns himself to reading—or, more accurately, trying and failing to read. It’s mercilessly cold, and his head hurts enough to make focusing on any one thing an uncomfortable task. He gets through another couple chapters, finds himself rereading the same passage over and over again, and—finally, defeated—dog-ears the page and slides the book into the pocket attached to the seat in front of him.
The next time the flight attendants come around, Vincent says something to one of them Yves can’t quite make out. Yves asks for orange juice—it’s not supposed to be symbolic, or anything, but on the off-chance that this headache ends up being a precursor to something more unpleasant, he thinks it might be wise.
The flight attendant pours him the orange juice he’s asked for—no ice (right now, something ice cold is the last thing he needs)—and sets it down on the tray table in front of him. Yves stares down at it, blinking. He hasn’t eaten all day, but strangely, he doesn’t have much of an appetite.
He doesn’t register the flight attendant from before—the one Vincent talked to—is back until he hears Vincent’s quiet “thanks” to his left.
Something brushes against his arm.
He looks up. It’s one of those travel blankets they sometimes carry, neatly folded, though this flight hadn’t given them out to everyone at the start. They must be reserved—given only upon request, maybe. 
“You said you were cold,” Vincent—who’s holding out the blanket for him—says, by way of explanation.
Yves blinks at him. He’s about to reassure Vincent, instinctively, that it’s not that cold—that he would’ve been fine without the blanket, that Vincent didn’t have to go out of his way to ask for one.
But his head hurts. He hasn’t been warm all flight. To say that the blanket is a relief would be a massive understatement.
“Thanks,” he says, taking it. “This is perfect. I won’t be cold with this.”
He ends up wrapping the blanket around his shoulders, pulling it tightly around him—like a cloak, or like the jacket that he might have brought with him if he’d had the foresight to anticipate feeling this cold on a commercial flight.
It’s nice. He’s still a little cold, with the blanket, but it’s enough to keep him from openly shivering.
He should really try to get some sleep, he thinks. It’s going to be evening in France when they land. A seat away from him, the window shutters are pulled up, but he can see, from the crevices around the window, that it’s light out.
“I’m going to try to nap,” he tells Vincent. “But wake me up if I need anything—elbow me if you have to. I’m not usually a heavy sleeper.”
“Okay,” Vincent says. “I’ll try not to wake you.”
“You can wake me whenever,” Yves says, muffling a yawn into his hand. “Don’t work too hard.”
Vincent smiles at him, the kind of smile that implies he thinks he’s working exactly as hard as he should be. “No promises.”
It’s not easy to get to sleep, despite his exhaustion. He lays there for a while, his eyes shut—it’s certainly warmer with the blanket, but for some reason, he feels strangely restless. Maybe it’s the adrenaline of being here, with his family, with Vincent—on the way to see one of the most important people in his life get married. Maybe it’s the cup of black coffee he’d downed this morning to be awake enough to help Mikhail navigate and, subsequently, awake enough to actually be useful at the airport.
In the end, he falls asleep to the static hum of the aircraft, to the sound of Vincent hammering away at his keyboard next to him, incessant and comforting.
Yves wakes to someone tapping him on the shoulder. 
“Sorry,” he says. “I’m up.”
“A ‘light sleeper,’ you said,” Vincent says. “We just landed.”
Yves says, “I’m wide awake.” The yawn that he hides behind one hand is apparently not subtle enough, because when Vincent looks away from him in favor of staring straight ahead, it looks like he’s trying not to laugh.
Vincent’s stowed away his laptop already—Yves hopes that’s a sign that he’s done with work for the duration of this trip, but more likely he just had to put it away for landing.
“How was the flight for you?” Yves says.
Vincent looks at him. “Uneventful,” he says, at last.
“Not enthralled by all the financial records you had to go through?”
“They were very enthralling. How was your nap?”
“Good,” Yves says, even though he doesn’t feel particularly rested. He’s just groggy, probably, and the headache is just as bad as it was, if not worse. He’s sure once he gets off the plane and gets some fresh air, he’ll feel much better. “I probably needed it.” His breath hitches, unexpectedly, he turns to the side, raising his arm to his face to shield the oncoming—
The sneeze is loud, embarrassingly, and it scrapes unpleasantly against his throat, which feels… off.
“Bless you,” Vincent says, frowning. He looks more concerned than he has any right to be.
Yves flashes Vincent a distracted smile. “Thanks.”
Everything—from the moment they step off the plane—is exhaustingly hectic. 
The hotel in Provence is more than an hour away from the airport they’ve landed at. They have a bus to catch, which means that after they regroup with the others, it’s international customs, baggage claim, and then they’re headed, maneuvering multiple suitcases each, onto the bus. He sits next to Vincent, though on the aisle side, so that he can lean over and interject whenever Leon and Victoire say something that’s worth commenting on.
Other than that, he talks with Vincent, mostly—about Aimee, about how she’s been in his life for longer than he’s known how to write his name, back when his parents would take him back to France once or twice a year. (“She was practically an older sister to me,” he says, “except we never fought,” to which Vincent says, “You make it sound like not getting along is a requirement to be siblings,” to which Yves says, “It definitely is.”)
His parents flew into France yesterday, so they should be settled in already—they’ll catch up with them at the hotel tonight, if it’s not too late. He probably won’t see Aimee and Genevieve until tomorrow morning, at breakfast—and even then, that depends on how busy they are with the various wedding preparations Aimee’s been telling him about.
The roads nearing the hotel are uneven and winding. Halfway through the drive, Yves registers, faintly, that he isn’t really feeling any better from before. His head is still hurting from the flight, and when he swallows, he finds his throat feels perhaps the slightest bit sore.
He’s cold, too, in the sort of uncomfortable, persistent way that’s difficult to alleviate, even with extra layers or with a warm drink. He’s starting to suspect that maybe the airplane cabin hadn’t been the problem after all.
None of that is particularly visible to any of the others—that is, until he finds himself tensing up halfway through a sentence, burying his head into the crook of his elbow as his eyes squeeze shut—
“God, sorry, I— hh-! hHehh’iiZZSCHh’iiEW!”
“Bless you,” Vincent, Victoire, and Leon say to him, all at once.
“You’d better not be getting sick,” Leon says, turning to him, with the sort of tone that implies that he’s joking. “That would really be the worst timing.”
“I’m not,” Yves says, swallowing against the soreness in his throat. “I promise.” Or, perhaps more accurately—he can’t be.
It will be the perfect wedding, he thinks. Aimee has planned it out meticulously, and she’s one of the most thorough people he knows. The weather forecast says this week will be sunny and temperate. He’s here, in France. Tomorrow, he’ll be surrounded by his extended family, and in the afternoon he and Vincent will head off to the welcome party, and he’ll get to give Aimee the gifts he’s gotten for her and introduce Vincent to everyone formally. Everything will go as planned—the welcome party, the wedding rehearsal, the rehearsal dinner, and on Saturday, the wedding and the vows.
It will be perfect, because it has to be. Yves will be present, and attentive, and he’ll give the speech he has prepared at Aimee’s wedding, and they’ll all remember this week fondly. Even considering the small, almost negligible chance that he’s coming down with something, there are more important things he has to worry about right now, which is to say: Yves is going to do this right.
He’s going to make sure of it. 
[ Part 2 ]
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cynthiafalvey · 7 months
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character name: cynthia ruth falvey
nickname(s): cynthie, cynth, thia, princess
age & dob: june 9th, 1990 (33)
gender identity & pronouns: female, she/her/hers
sexual orientation & relationship status: bisexual, single
residential area: an apartment downtown
occupation: producer for local colorado commercial video production company
place of birth: cardiff, wales
length of time in providence peak: consistently from 2000-2008, visiting in between, and permanently since july of 2023
faceclaim: lucy hale
mother: erica falvey (53)
father: rodney falvey (59)
siblings: elijah falvey (41), nikolas falvey (39), reginald 'reggie' falvey (35)
niece: rhiannon falvey (7 months old)
youngest (and only daughter) of the falvey family, born in cardiff, wales and moving to providence peak at the age of ten. youngest sibling to her very core, and an expert of teetering on the edge of demanding attention when not easily given and knowing just how and when to slip under the radar. moved to new york after high school to attend university, eventually settling into film & television studies. after finishing her masters degree, a personal assistant role to the executive producer of a reality dating show (what the heart wants) turned into the start of her own producing career. worked on several seasons of the show, but the behind the scenes dishonesty and manipulation eventually got to her. after saying no to her boyfriend's proposal and on the verge of a mental breakdown, cynthia quit her job and moved back to providence peak seven months ago under the pretense of it being a temporary stay for her niece's birth, and is currently working a less soul-crushing producer job at a local colorado production company.
Cynthia had just turned nine years old by the time she accepted the fact that she would not be getting another sibling to take over the role as youngest in the Falvey family. It was one year more than the gap between her and her eldest brother, and the surpassing of it successfully sealed her fate in the spot she now knows she was always meant to uphold.
Did it stop her from thinking that the sit down conversation her parents had gathered them for shortly before her tenth birthday had been a surprise pregnancy announcement anyways? Unfortunately, it had not, and the actual reasoning for the common room meeting had left very much to be desired, especially when Cynthia’s usual tactic in getting what she wanted (being cute) did not seem to sway her parents on their decision to move them all to Colorado.
Her go to plan B (kicking and screaming like a bat out of hell the whole way until they changed their mind) and C (turning around and boarding a flight back to Wales immediately upon landing) both proved to be busts, but Erika and Rodney weren’t without some tricks of their own.
Who would’ve guessed that all it would take for Cynthia to change her tune was a little promise that she could get her ears pierced once they were settled?
(Or that that had been her longcon all along?)
Ears freshly pierced, there was nothing her first year in the American school system could throw at her that she couldn’t handle. Socially and academically, she excelled and continued to do so all throughout her junior and high school years.
The worst part about being the youngest was by far that unshakeable feeling of being left behind. They’d always been close, but it was watching each of her brothers leave the nest for their respective endeavors, and the combination of losing Eli and Reggie both in the same year to theirs, that really had Cynthia digging her heels in. She couldn’t, wouldn’t, stop them from achieving whatever it was they were searching for away from home, and would be proud of them all the same, no matter what it was, but she’d be damned if they all drifted apart on her watch.
Her own time to fly came at the age of eighteen with an acceptance to NYU. Though tempted to head to the opposite coast of LA to be closer to Elijah, hearing the way he talked of the big city life there, she couldn’t help but want one of her own after practically conquering Providence Peak.
New York was decidedly not Colorado, but Cynthia fell in love with it all the same. There was always something going on, always something to see or do, and the city quickly became her playground while she figured out just what, exactly, she was accumulating all that student debt for.
She eventually settled on Film & Television studies, which no one in her family had to point out wasn’t the practical choice (then again, what was anything any of them did considered practical?), but after shopping a few different majors, it was the first to feel right. Cynthia learned that she thrived in the behind the scenes of tv and filmmaking, several of the projects she worked on over the course of the four years going on to win local festivals and awards, and even a chance to study abroad in London for a semester before her junior year.
It was a no brainer to continue her studies all the way through to her Masters, graduating finally in 2015. Various odd jobs and several internships were held over this course of time, but her big break came in the form of working as the personal assistant to the executive producer of a reality dating show, What the Heart Wants. It wasn’t exactly what she envisioned herself doing in the long term, but an in was an in, and she was going to give it (and her boss, Isabelle Robbins) her all.
And her all she gave, and then some. For years and several seasons of the show, she made sure she was at the top of her game, Isabelle’s right hand man, but still Cynthia felt like she wasn’t any closer to getting a shot at any kind of producer spot. It wasn’t until an off hand comment she made about a lie to feed one of the contestants was put into action and garnered a viral reaction that opened Isabelle’s eyes to just what her assistant might be capable of beyond fetching her coffee.
Her first official producer role for What the Heart Wants was at the age of twenty seven for the show’s fifteenth season, and Cynthia began to build herself a reputation for knowing exactly what to say and do to get the most drama. She couldn’t say that she didn’t like the attention, didn’t like the praise from her boss, or scrolling on Twitter after an episode would air and see the reaction gifs and memes created from the episodes, and she definitely couldn’t say that she didn’t like the travel perks, getting to visit different beautiful locations with each new season, even eventually meeting her long term boyfriend, Jonas, while abroad.
What nobody prepared her for was how much the constant drama would eat at her over the years. By her fifth year and tenth season (including spin-offs), Cynthia was losing her edge, no longer able to stomach the word-twisting and blatant lies, a development that Isabelle was not pleased with, and was constantly breathing down her neck to fix. And yet, her breaking point was when her boyfriend of several years got down on one knee and proposed: what should have been the happiest day of Cynthia’s life, only for her to look the man that she claimed to love all this time in the eye and answer with a resounding no.
The worst part was that she couldn’t even give a reason. She didn’t have one. There had just not been one part of her that’d wanted to say yes, a part of her that’d felt anything at all, really…and that was what scared her the most.
Needing a change and with the excuse of being there for her niece’s birth, Cynthia quit her job and flew back to Providence under the pretense of it being a temporary visit (just until the ink on her new lease had dried). She loved her family and had never been known to shy away from being the topic of discussion amongst them, but the thought of having to explain to them what had happened both with work and with Jonas was too much when she didn’t even know what to say.
For the time being, she applied for and accepted a producer position at a local Colorado commercial video production company, which has somehow already felt more fulfilling in eight months than the several years she spent in reality TV.
Though still battling the shame that came with trying and failing and trying to decide just what comes next, she can’t say she’s not happy to have her family all back in one place again.
has never known the correct words to any song ever, and this does not stop her from singing along to them anyways (very reminiscent of this tiktok)
could manage to kill even a plastic plant, do not ask her to water yours!!!
peak of her career was when chrissy teigen replied to one of her tweets and claimed to be a big fan of the show (and then when she met her at the 2022 bravocon)
considers her first time at the cheesecake factory a formative experience
self-appointed herself in charge of the family christmas card, and takes the role very seriously. in similar vein, she's also the queen of wrapping presents misleadingly to look like something else entirely
if at a coffee shop/cafe and a chocolate chip cookie is available, she will be participating in one, and thinks it is a perfectly acceptable breakfast, argue with the wall!!!
always has her nails painted, feels naked without at least a simple nude color
her anxiety manifests itself in the form of heartburn, so she eats tums like they're candy
can, but should not for the guaranteed safety of herself and others, drive
is incapable of walking past a claw machine without trying her hand at it (so you could imagine how dangerous it was once they started slapping credit card readers on them things)
what the heart wants actually won an emmy for it's seventeenth season; the statue use to reside on the mantel above her fireplace, but is now currently used as a jewelry stand
thinks she could have definitely held out longer and swindled a puppy out of her parents in exchange for accepting their move to colorado
has considered homicide over nyt connections (colors with their first letters changed??? get fucked), but still completes it, the wordle and the mini crossword every day and sends her scores to the family gc, even if no one else is playing
isn't picky with food and is pretty open minded when it comes to trying new cuisines...which is good because she's not the best cook (not awful but nothing fancy), and orders takeout several nights a week, so she likes that she has options
though finding her place running things behind the scenes, in high school she made herself nice and visible, participating in a slew of extracurricular, such as cheerleading, debate, dance and theater (her role as juliet her sophomore year of high school was truly inspired)
has a small scar on the underside of her chin from when she was eleven and her brothers had picked her up thinking it'd be funny to swing her into the pool, but accidentally dropped her too early and she smacked the edge instead (first trip to providence peak memorial, ayoooo)
currently on a social media cleanse, going as far as removing instagram from her phone entirely (does it stop her from sporadically redownloading it just to make sure she's not missing anything? no)
loves, loves, loves a bubble bath, and spends an excessively unnecessary amount of time in the shower
has a twelve step skincare routine
still has not told anyone in her family the truth behind her breakup and sudden move/job change
younger (and only) sister of @elifalvey & @reggiefalvey
for all intents and purposes @draslihanxfahri-bailey's sister in law
friends who may or may not have kissed last november and are v much not talking about it @fletcher-braley
rite of passage childhood crush on her older brother's best friend @rcmandaniels
keeping the dmv workers who signed off on their licenses up at night, probs/surrogate sister @phoebeyates
friends who smash (broken tvs) @cjwelford
childhood turned awkward friends who drifted apart @theaxharris
blew off some low key noncommittal steam together in new york @dylan-westwick
fast friends who brunch @sarayoon
met and befriended @jacobklee while in new york
to be posted: ex-boyfriend, maybe a past contestant/host from the show she worked on (think the bachelor)!
potentially a roommate!
a best friend or two, girl squad (even old besties that drifted?)
childhood/high school/family friends
high school romances/flings
'used to hook up when home for the holidays but would stop when one (or both) of us got in a serious relationship and now neither of us are seeing anybody'
anyone she'd met while living in new york (on and off 2007-2023) or traveling (studied abroad in london in 2010, and filmed in different locations around the world from 2015-2023)
flirtationship/fwbs/one night stands/tinder dates
friends who’ve had a falling out/frenemies/enemies
connects through her brothers
owners of businesses her production company's produced commercials for
drinking buddies
gym buddies
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sophieswundergarten · 10 months
@nobodysdaydreams The end of the school year is getting to me, but here are my notes on Chapter 25 of S.O.S.
(Sorry it's kind of short)
Chapter 25!!! Milestone!!! I want to bake you a cake :) 
“He glanced at Number Two. / “Sorry, I’m having feelings,” she admitted.”
I love her
VERY interested in seeing how you write the Two family…
And poor Nicholas trying to stay in-character and also trying to be nice
One! He’s such a weirdo guy /pos
Poor Erika ajsdfjfdk. She’s not paid enough for this.
“You have absconded with a mastermind?” Is also a very hilarious line. It always gets me
I’ll never get over the Two family’s naming conventions. How did that get into the final script, I feel like someone hastily scribbled down possible names and then they just got automatically approved adsjfdjk
I love Reynie and Miss Perumal’s conversation about Curtain. It’s so good. I love it every time, and you’ve done so phenomenally with it
“Nathaniel was sensitive to [being betrayed]” I MEAN YEAH, FAIR. But also have you considered he’s a bit of a lunatic???
“once again allowing his brother to indulge the honor of calling him by his old name, though it held no meaning anymore” You liar
Oh my word, he’s such a guy. His whole mental hoops and rigamarole to make sense of his own thoughts are really… something
I love the little sibling bickering interaction where Nicholas is like “We are in a SECRET location” and then Curtain’s just like “I know exactly where you are” and he go D:
As always, it is fantastically enhanced by your writing
Oooooohh, Number Two time
One is so oblivious. Why is he so very unhelpful? C’mon, buddy, help your sister
It’s really interesting how much Curtain is convinced that Nicholas will always be there to beat him. At least for me, that’s very much a sibling thing. You fight and you get mad and sometimes you feel like you hate each other, but you do that because you always believe that they will be there for you and love you in the end
“any chance that Nicholas- that Nicky- could still hear him” OH OKAY WE’RE GOING THERE THEN
Man, This guy just has so much guilt eating him up. Years and years of it :( 
And once again the narration switching from calling him “Curtain”/”Ledroptha Curtain” and then going back to Nathaniel
“He didn’t have the luxury of feeling” Oh boy this man needs more hugs
I love how Nicholas apologises for the blowdart. It’s so sincere and kind, because most people would forget about it. The audience kind of forgets about it. But here he is, admitting that he’s sorry
(Which, unfortunately, you don’t seem to have any vases for…)
“She might not agree with her mother but, they were family. And they stood up for each other.”
I’m making snowflakes out of all the paper towels in your house
Ohh nooo. Here comes the Jackson and Jillson part.
I feel so bad for them…
And, to a lesser extent, poor Jeepers
I really like his perspective on the kids’ comments adsjafsd
“Unconventional, but true” should be their catchphrase at this point, honestly /j
Constance perspective!!! So happy, so excited about this
Oh. Nathaniel wants to be hugged too. He wants to be included in the family.
And he took the Worldview Wash so politely! He’s getting better at this stuff :D 
Madame Chops and the alpaca. The true main characters of S.O.S. /j /silly
He’s all on his own again :( 
This is like the fifth time, Bods. Just let the man have his family back! /j /s
Curtain and Nicholas both bribe people aakdjfjkas It’s a family trait
Help???? FIre alarms??? SOMETHING???
Ooh, he said “please”
Rhonda being like "You can come in. I'm not saying anyone will like it. But you can come in"
Bods, you are truly spectacular. Just. One of the most amazing people I've ever had the privilege to read the writing of. I hope you're doing well. I'm gnawing off all your doorknobs. Have a super day <3
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acacia-may · 2 years
For the four headcanons game, what sort of ideas do you have about Gauche?
Hi Erika! 💙 Thank you so much for the ask and for playing the headcanon game! I had to give these a little bit of thought, but I hope you will like them. 😊 Headcanons are below the cut because it's a little bit wordy.
(Warnings: death and blood are both mentioned).
Questions from this 4 Headcanons Ask Game
Headcanon A:  realistic
Gauche was close to both of his parents, especially his mother. They often praised him for being a good older brother and asked him to always look out for and protect his younger sister, Marie. This was one of the last things they asked him to do (shortly before their untimely death) which is one of the reasons why Gauche is such a protective sibling and why he feels so responsible for taking care of Marie.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Despite being a member of what is widely considered in the Clover Kingdom to be the worst Magic Knight Squad, Gauche had a small fan club that no one knows about except Gordon (because he is in charge of the squad's mail and answers their letters). His fans gush over the fact that he's "brooding" and "mysterious" and/or think he's very handsome. He has been growing more popular due to Gordon's responses to fan letters that paint Gauche in a very favorable light. [Unsurprisingly enough, no one from Nean is part of the fan club].
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Gauche has learned how to function on a very small amount of sleep because he has recurring, extremely realistic nightmares about losing his parents and Marie and being absolutely powerless to do anything to stop it. He never tells anyone about these nightmares, but one of the main reasons he tries to be in constant contact with his sister is because it helps him cope with the nightmares and remind himself that they are just dreams and Marie is safe.
Eventually, these nightmares extend to losing some of his friends (i.e. Grey and Gordon) as well. He doesn't admit this to them, but some of his squad mates are surprised when Gauche suddenly starts wanting to spend a lot of time with them.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Gauche has a bleeding disorder which causes his frequent nosebleeds. It also causes him to bruise easily and bleed excessively when cut or injured (due to lack of functional clotting factor), and this contributed to him ultimately losing his left eye.
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UMK 2023 - review
Gone are the years when Finns were ashamed of their Eurovision selection! 
We saw signs of improvement in the attitude of Finnish artists and music industry towards UMK / Eurovision already in 2020 before the COVID-19 hit us. I would wanna say a game changing factor happened when YleX (radio channel, part of YLE broadcasting company) joined in the production team after ESC 2019. 
Robin’s song Girls like you was elevated by the fun, uplifting and may I say a bit risky staging! (UMK23)
Three years ago Erika Vikman was the moral winner with her Cicciolina even though not winning the actual trophy and ticket to Rotterdam. Her song became a major hit launching her musical career to new hights in Finland. I even dare to say that she did change the competition with her song and performance. 
In 2021 the world saw music shows differently on TV and it was much needed face lift also for UMK. The other songs had no chance against Blind Channel. These were the years when the staging improved overall tremendously even though we had a few misclick (Teflon Brothers 2021, Erika Vikman 2020). 
Lxandra’s Something to lose was one of the most beautiful moments in UMK23! I would have wanted this to reach a much higher climax at one point though..
In 2022-2023 we really saw big Finnish names participating UMK (The Rasmus, Benjamin, Robin Packalen, Kuumaa) and also having some new artists emerging (Bess, Younghearted, Käärijä) and making a name for themselves some even without the UMK trophy. 
In 2023 UMK final gathered 2,1 millions viewers (in 2022 1,9millions), the lyric videos on Youtube were viewed almost 5,5 million times and the songs were listened on Spotify over 14 million times! 
In 2023 we finally have the quality that we need and the people’s interest (abroad and home) that we want! 
Kuumaa’s Ylivoimainen live performance was simple but effective! However, when watching it for the first time it seemed a bit dull and not having enough to keep you interested. (UMK23)
Finns tend to complain about the number of UMK songs and how 6-7 is not enough but if this is the quality they deliver, personally I need no more! I’ve voted 5 UMK songs now in two years in a row and I’m content! This is also a money factor, if we had more songs would the level of quality hold? In music, music videos and in the live statings? I would be doubtful.
I also like the way things are being revealed and when. Mid Jan for artists anouncements is a perfect time just before the ESC national selection kicks off and I love that the songs are being dropped from there without any delay or waiting times. For seven days, there was always something new to look for each day! Late Feb has become a bit a pattern for UMK final but technically this could be later but would it ruin the hype then? 
Keira’s No business on the dancefloor was excellent with catchy coreography and simple stating. However, the fact that she’s a new artist came across a bit. (UM23) 
UMK has received criticism about stagings over the years which we’ve seen improving each year (this year being perfect). Also camera work, angles haven’t been on point (las year Isaac was a bit of a disaster) but last night was a big jump to the right direction! 
What still is left to improve however is the acoustics - every year we complain about the artists vocals sounding shitty when in reality they sound good at the actual venue. The venues have been changing over the years (Tampere’s Mediapolis, Turku’s Logomo etc). Even last night the sounds of the audience singing, clapping were overwhelming the artists vocals which I think damaged the reactions of the people watching the live at home. 
Benjamin’s Hoida Mut was well executed and performed except vocally... However credits for performing ALONE! 
So overall UMK was smash hit with high quality performance and not just the competing ones and with a winner (Käärijä - Cha cha cha) that is definitely taking a risk. The hype has already spread outside of Finland and Cha cha cha is predicted to become a televote winner (juries, you never know). Time will tell us in a few months.. 
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scarywary · 2 months
But What Am I? pt. 4 cont.
Gender pt. 2: The Great Boob-ening
By the time I was thirteen I was a C cup. I was so bothered by this. If I had to have boobs, why did they have to be so big? My best friend at the time was an a B cup. She would say she was jealous of my boobs being so big. I would either say nothing in response, tell her I was jealous of her, or say that she could have 'em.
I was always called fat. My mom had been telling me to suck in my fat stomach since I was six years old. She told me that I needed to start learning how to suck it in so it wouldn't look so big. In car rides, if I sat in in the front seat she would always squeeze and call my legs fat and laugh at me. So that's always what I saw in the mirror -- a big, fat, disgusting blob. And then I started to overeat and sneak snacks, turning to food for any comfort I could find -- I was already fat so what did it matter? And then in high school I developed an eating disorder. Instead of calling it what it actually is (bulimia) I tend to call it "anxiety vomiting."
A few years ago, I went back to Alabama and stayed with my mother. I flipped through photo albums from my child and teen years. I was shocked to see that I wasn't fat. I told my brother and he said "Yeah you were just a skinny-mini." I had been so poisoned by my mother that I had never seen it and had been ashamed looking at any pictures of me. I had loved having my picture taken when I was little, but overtime that started to change. I struggled with having my picture taken and lost any sense of "posing" for a picture -- that lasted until recently as I have been taking more pictures to help get past this. I still see that blob sometimes. I've lost 60lbs so far this year. I didn't really see how much I've changed until a couple of weeks ago. I hadn't been able to really see it, despite my clothes starting to hang off of me and what the scale said.
So why this detour? Because though still begrudging of their existence, I did like that they seemed to make my stomach look smaller. They poked out further than my stomach, so at least that was good.
I LOVED the show Living Single. I would watch it whenever I could. I loved how both Khadijah and Max weren't overly feminine. I loved that Maxine went by Max -- I wanted a boy nickname like that. I had crushes on both Erika Alexander and Queen Latifah -- especially Queen Latifah. I will never forget one particular episode. Khadijah, who had long been experiencing back pain, decided to have a breast reduction, and in the episode she has the procedure. I couldn't believe it. I had no idea that was something a person could do. I could be like her. I could one day make them smaller. I remember years later in high school researching the procedure. I was so excited by the idea of making them smaller and I was delighted to see that the surgeons could also reshape them to make them more attractive. Not only did I struggle with HAVING big boobs, I hated the way they looked. My boobs naturally sag. My nipples almost look at the floor, and on top of that I have large, darker areolas.
I never have had that surgery -- I still like that they make my stomach look a little smaller. I mind them less now. I still don't love them necessarily, but I like them fine. I've gotten more comfortable with them and often wear tight crop tops with no bra -- several of which clearly show my nipples. I really like laying on my stomach in the bath and feeling my boobs underwater. The way they float beneath the surface, the soft feeling of them in my hands -- gentle, almost delicate.
I don’t have the feeling that I don’t want boobs at all. When I was younger I wanted a flat chest, then a smaller chest but that wasn’t because I wanted to be a boy anymore. I hadn’t really wanted to be a boy, I just didn’t want to be a girl or the things that applied to being a girl. But then I realized there were wonderful things about being a girl— about womanhood.
So I was definitely a girl after all, right?
Not quite.
continued in next post
0 notes
goalhofer · 2 years
2022 San Diego Padres Famous Relations
#11 Darubisshu Yū: Husband of former wrestler Yamamoto Seiko Yū.
#44 Joe Musgrove: Distant relative of former Boston Red Sox 1B the late Deron Johnson.
#75 Robert Suárez: Brother of Samsung Raionzu P Albert Suárez.
#40 Ryan Weathers: Son of former Milwaukee Brewers P John Weathers.
#38 Jorge Alfaro: Brother former Kannapolis Cannon Ballers C Jhoandro Alfaro.
#12 Luis Campusano: Son of former Charleston Rainbows 1B Genaro Campusano.
#26 Austin Nola: Brother of Philadelphia Phillies P Aaron Nola.
#13 Manny Machado: Brother-in-law of MLB Network analyst Yonder Alonso.
#10 Jurickson Profar: Brother of Quebec Capitales 3B Juremi Profar & Curaçao LF Jurdrick Profar and cousin of former ACL Guardians SS Makesiondon Kelkboom.
#22 Juan Soto; Jr.: Brother of DSL Nationals RF Elian Soto.
Quality control coach Ryan Flaherty: Brother-in-law of former Atlanta Braves RF Nick Markakis.
3B coach Matt Williams: Grandson of former Washington Senators LF the late Bartholomew Griffith and husband of KTVK-TV anchor Erika Williams.
0 notes
Dog Gone It || Eureka 01 || Vote Result Reaction
Silence was her defense. Silence was her defense because her final gambit had failed and speaking further would only endanger what tatters of it remained. She had gone through plans A to D and then when all them had fallen she had gathered the scraps of them all and formed a hasty plan E. A plan Emergency. It was a hopeless attempt. One where she had used sorrow as a fuel to try and get people to believe her out of guilt. When the votes came in, she deflated, and looked at her podium.
"Ae-Ra wasn't the target. That wasn't a lie. i was trying to mix lies and truths in order to make it hard to see what was real. Everyone believed my plan, until Kenshin started poking holes. No grudge though. A little grudge. I'm a little mad about that, but to be fair the plan you broke was not my plan."
She takes a deep breath and looks at everyone. Reaching into her jacket she retrieves her taser and sets it down on the surface in front of her. She wouldn't be using it anymore.
"Give Erisu my tazer. Erik A can help you make a charger for it. or you can find a way to get the one I made either way... My plan had been to kill Erika C. I was going to wait for Ae-Ra to be mid murder, and then catch her in the act right as Erika C was dying. Looking to be dead to anyone without medical knowledge. It takes people a minute to die from most methods. I was going to investigate the body and give her the shot to kill her myself before whatever Ae-Ra did eventually killed her. And tell Ae-Ra that the attack must have given erika a heart attack. Then i would have time to hide the evidence and obscure the shot locations. But the fucking TIME! I was too late and Ae-Ra had already killed the bitch! And, I just... I couldn't let Ae-Ra save her brother."
Her eyes filled with rage, fire, sadness. A broken mind fueled by rage and fear. Fear, hotter and brighter than the anger it created. Her hands gripped the podium as her fingers went pale around it. Her voice rose in fury.
"I refused to let that fucker live! I have been looking for my sisters for five fucking years! Five years to find 04 and 05! ive years to find them and kill them before they could kill me! Before they could take away even more of my life! I have seen five people die. Erik knows this. Many of you do.
One, my mother who refused to let me leave because if the government found out about me they might find her and jail her. She tried to kill me and I shot first then i ran. Two, me and kimimi went to a travelers meet in Brazil and 03 found me. Went into a rage and tried to kill me. I should have died that night but Teedlez shot her before she could kill me. I never learned why she attacked me. But I knew my sisters were after me now. Four, number 02, moms precious little ass kisser who had her brain fucked with to make her more compliant than me. She found my home. Again we both shot. I got hit in the stomach and she got hit in the chest. Four, Kimimi."
Eureka began to feel the weight of her loss. Not just here but in what had seemed like a ghost following her throughout her life. No, it wasn't seeming. She truly had been haunted by her family. her mother's specter cursing her. Tears filled her eyes as she continued to speak in a broken anger.
"I'm sorry END. I won't say what you two had was something with a great connection. It was just starting. Basically nothing yet. But I had to make sure. I felt her die next to me while i was bleeding on the floor. I can never wash her blood from my skin. I have to kill my sisters before they take even more from me. Even if it means being a monster. Even if it means taking from others. i refuse to be a victim again!"
Her hand slams the podium as she shouts. Then she looks to the floor. her eyes are stained with tears but she is not going to cower or buckle. She has too much rage and determination. Even now she was thinking of how to try and escape. She felt no guilt for killing Ae-Ra. She felt no guilt for trying to kill everyone's loved ones. All she felt was hatred, and a despair at her failure.
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thatsamericano · 3 years
Now Alfred is carrying twelve presents downstairs at once to impress his boyfriend since I had to account for the presents from his school friends (Katya, Magnus, Tolys, Kiku, and Emma).
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pandasized-crevice · 2 years
are y’all freaking ready cus I’m not😭
back at the house okok
Ig after he remembers he’ll go get Korns headass?
Vegas looks so innocent and sweet just then
As you should protect pete!!!!
Baby chay!! 🥺so cute
Bitch im gonna cry DEADASS
I’m scared Porsche is gonna shoot Korn on accident and kinns gonna come in at that moment
Say sike we can’t be c o u s i n s 🕴🏻
SIDEBAR:Everyone was so quick to be like omg they’re cousins as if Korn would let them be together/bring them together if they were actually blood related
There it is:foster sister
Kinn don’t look at him like that🤨
it would be their dad nearly dying that brings them together
YOU SHOULDVE DIED GUN (he better die on god)
wait poisoned?i thought the stress of the truth got him…..🤨
His dad dead and he can’t even mourn DAMNED MAFIA LIFE
Porsche my boy☹️
Hey girlies💃🕺
All these whores underestimating my boy 😤
oh lord there goes the minor families boys
Vegas in the tan suit🥵
pause:are vegas pants like flared? thats giving
Wait if Chan dies……😶
Chan you are so cool sir🗣🧎‍♀️
one last smoke i salute you chan🫡
kinns "porsche" AYAHAHAH
it time hoes
*the woman was too in awe & stunned to speak*
hair dye product placement nice nice
his face dude 😂
chay just chilling while kim fighting for their lives💀
kim the badass you are🧎‍♀️
no fuck you,you killed my parents
these fools i stg
HE'S ALIVE?!??????!!!!!dude what the fuck
SHE'S A L I V E?!?!
dude once again WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
man i'd shoot korn anyway,just a little🤏
oh hey vegas
your dad was trash vegas highkey better this way
pete don't leave NOO PETE STAY WITH US
bro im crying
damn that was an all day fight huh
bitch im sobbing
oh so chay didn't know kim was there?typical
yall see their fucking rings bitch im levitating
yes and pol is okay thank god
hey chay what goes on
jeff fucking it up rn AS HE SHOULD YUH
tankhun getting emotional i love him you honor
porsche not that type of surprise girl💀😏
dude just....apo is so fucking gorgeous who allowed this
porsche smacking kinns ass is something i never knew i needed
kinn bartender era!
kinn is so fucking cheesy
you can't kill the devil that easily😈
become one? sounds like a marriage proposal
dude i fucking love them so.much
tankhun just like me fr
their mom deserved so much better☹️
this is heartbreaking 😭
the last glimpse we see of macau and he's asleep
bro stop look at them 😭just a little family fr☹️🫶
WHAT A FUCKING ROLLARCOASTER MAN. but it was an honor to ride it with yall my fellow kinnporschers🫡
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ellianar · 3 years
Tumblr media
Postmodern Approach: Escaping the Confines of Museums “Rubber Duck” Inflated sculpture built with PVC Florentijn Hofman, 2007-2017
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Postmodern Approach: Collapsing Boundaries Between “High” and “Low” “The Runaway” Painting that appeared on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post Norman Rockwell, 1958
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Postmodern Approach: Rejecting Originality “New Portraits” Series Inkjet prints on canvas of Instagram posts Richard Prince, 2014
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Postmodern Approach: Jouissance "Womb” Pen drawing, digital manipulation Hannah Ward, 2016-2017
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Postmodern Approach: Working Collaboratively “Modern Lithuanian Girl” Magazine collage in collaboration with the World Lithuanian Youth Meeting based on the Ruseckas painting of the Reaper Girl Agne Kisonaite, 2015
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Postmodern Approach: Appropriating “Fountain (Madonna)” Cast bronze sculpture appropriated from the Fountain sculpture by Marcel Duchamp Sherrie Levine, 1991
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Postmodern Approach: Simulating “Mother and Daughter” Photograph Gregory Crewdson, 2014
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Postmodern Approach: Hybridizing “Untitled (Head)” Painting Jean-Michel Basquiat, 1981
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Postmodern Approach: Mixing Media “San Francisco - Collage Collage” Paper on canvas Erika C. Brothers, 2021
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Postmodern Approach: Layering “Untitled (Your body is a battleground)” Photographic silkscreen on canvas Barbara Kruger, 1989
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Postmodern Approach: Mixing Codes “Lord of the Flies” Painting Michael Ray Charles, 2018
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Postmodern Approach: Recontextualizing “Han Jar Overpainted with Coca-Cola Logo” Paint on ancient pottery Ai Weiwei, 1995
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Postmodern Approach: Confronting the Gaze “Harem Revisited #32″ Photograph Lalla Essaydi, 2012-2013
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Postmodern Approach: Facing the Abject “Chicken Knickers” Photograph Sarah Lucas, 1997
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Postmodern Approach: Constructing Identities “SILENCE = DEATH” Offset lithography Gran Fury, 1986
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Postmodern Approach: Using Narratives “Late America” Painting Erick Fischl, 2016
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Postmodern Approach: Creating Metaphors “La venadita” Painting Frida Kahlo, 1946
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Postmodern Approach: Irony, Parody, and Dissonance “Untitled #299″ Photograph Cindy Sherman, 1994
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verobatto · 3 years
Holaaaaa c: yo leo tus historias en Wattpad y realmente me encantan. Y vi que estás aceptando pedidos de lectores para hacer one shots. Mi idea es la siguiente:
Puede estar situada cuando Dean, Cas, Sam y Jack viven en el búnker, Chuck ya está derrotado y ahora solo son casos sencillos. Pero Sam nota (como todos fans) que entre Dean y Cas hay mucha tensión sexual, pero no sabe cómo darles un empujón para que ellos sean honestos. Entonces de forma casual e inocente, Jack da la idea de qué tal vez si Dean se siente amenazado por otro hombre guapo, haría lo que sea para que evitar que le roben a sus parejas. Pero Jack lo diría como "los leones hacen esto cuando hay otro macho en la manada" o algo así.
Y Sam puede ser ese otro macho 7u7 y hacerle pequeños coqueteos e insinuaciones obvias a Cas.
PD: Soy @ErikaMellark13 en Wattpad.
English translation:
Holaaaaa c: I read your stories on Wattpad and I really love them. And I saw that you are accepting requests from readers to do one shots. My idea is the following:
It can be located when Dean, Cas, Sam and Jack live in the bunker, Chuck is already defeated and now they are only simple cases. But Sam notices (like all fans) that there is a lot of sexual tension between Dean and Cas, but he doesn't know how to give them a push so they can be honest. Then casually and innocently, Jack gives the idea that maybe if Dean feels threatened by another handsome man, he would do whatever it takes to prevent his partners from being robbed. But Jack would put it like "lions do this when there is another male in the pride" or something like that.
And Sam can be that other 7u7 male and make little flirtations and obvious innuendos to Cas.
Gracias por este pedido tan divertido @erika-abejita1101! Espero te guste. Te publiqué la versión en español en Wattpad!
Thank you so much for this funny prompt! Hope you like it! I published the spanish version on Wattpad!
Destiel Fic
My brother, my enemy
"The truth is ... I can't stand them anymore. Seriously," Sam fell on Jack's bed covering his face with both hands.
Jack was sitting at his desk watching a documentary on his laptop. The boy paused, turned in his chair and looked at his father with a frown:
"You're talking about Dean and Cas, aren't you?"
Sam sat bolt upright on the bed and nodded wearily:
"You noticed them too."
"Well, it's hard not to notice when you're in the same place as them."
"I thought everything would work out after I beat Chuck, and rescued Cas from the Empty ..."
"Defeat the Empty, restore Heaven and Earth," Jack continued, smiling.
"Well, that was you alone," Sam laughed.
"I also thought that everything would be solved,'' sighed the boy thoughtfully, dropping his arms on his lap. Then he looked at Sam as he narrowed his eyes. The boy decided to confess a secret, "Did you know that Castiel confessed his love to Dean before the Empty took him away?"
Sam's eyes got so wide that they seemed to want to jump out of their sockets, "You are kidding me. Seriously?"
Jack nodded in amusement and sat next to Sam on the bed, "But Dean didn't say anything to him."
Keep reading on AO3
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jordanhughesham · 3 years
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Postmodern Approach:Mixed Media. “BBF- Mixed media pop culture Art Collage”. Erika C Brothers. 2019. 
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Afro-Futurist Reading List Vol 2.
Afro Futurism Reading List Vol 1:
Afro Futurism Reading List Vol 2:
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Black Speculative Fiction Breakdown by Genre
African Fantasy (early myths and fables from the continent): Forest Of A Thousand Deamons: A Hunter's Saga by Daniel O. Fagunwa The Palm Wine Drinkard by Amos Tutuola My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts by Amos Tutuola Simbi and the Satyr of the Dark Jungle by Amos Tutuola The Brave African Huntress by Amos Tutuola Feather Woman of the Jungle by Amos Tutuola Ajaiyi and his Inherited Poverty by Amos Tutuola The Witch-Herbalist of the Remote Town by Amos Tutuola
Utopia (alternate histories written during the jim crow & antebellum eras): Blake Or The Huts Of Africa by Martin Delany Imperium In Imperio by Sutton E Griggs Light Ahead For The Negro Edward A Johnson One One Blood by Pauline Hopkins Black No More by George Shuyler Lord Of The Sea by MP Sheil
Space Opera (far future sci fi worlds of interplanetary travel): Nova by Samuel R Delany Stars In My Pocket Like Grains Of Sand by Samuel R. Delany Binti Trilogy by Nnedi Okorafor An Unkindness Of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon Midnight Robber by Nalo Hopkinson Rayla 2122 Series by Ytasha Womack Trouble On Triton by Samuel R. Delany Babel 17 by Samuel R Delany Empire Star by Samuel R Delany The Galaxy Game by Karen Lord The Best Of All Possible Worlds by Karen Lord Ancient Ancient by Klini Iburu Salaam Escaping Exodus by Nicky Drayden Ascension: Tangled Axon by Jacqueline Koyanagi Teleportality by T Cisco Nadine's Bible Seris by T Lindsey-Billingsley Nigerians In Space Series by Deji Bryce Olukotun
Aliens (alien encounters): Lilith's Brood Trilogy by Octavia Butler Lagoon by Nnedi Okorafor Rosewater Trilogy by Tade Thompson The Lesson by Cadwell Turnbell The Wave by Walter Mosley
Dystopia (oppressive futures and realities): Friday Black by Nana Kwame Adjie Brenyah Riot Baby by Tochi Onyebuchi War Girls Series by Tochi Onyebuchi Sunshine Patriots by Bill Campbell Gunmen's Peace by Milton J Davis Dragon Variation by T Cisco
Experimental (literary tricksters): The Ravicka Series by Renee Gladman The Freedom Artist by Ben Okri The Structure Of Dante's Hells by LeRoi Jones The House Of Hunger by Dumbudzo Marachera Black Sunlight By Dumbudzo Marachera Yellow Back Radio Broke Down by Ishmaeel Reed The Last Days Of Louisiana Red by Ishmaeel Reed The Sellout by Paul Beatty Koontown Killing Kaper by Bill Campbell The African Origin Of UFOs by Anthony Joseph Quantum Black Futurism(Theory & Practice Volume 1) by Rasheeda Philips by Rasheeda Philips Spacetime Collapse: From The Congo to Carolinas Spacetime Collapse II: Community Futurisms by Rasheeda Philips consent not to be a single being trilogy by Fred Mot
Post-Apocalyptic (worlds falling apart): The Purple Cloud by MP Shiel Dhalgren by Samuel R Delany The Parable Series by Octavia Butler Brown Girl In The Ring by Nalo Hopkinson
Dying Earth (far future post-apocalyptic worlds + magic):
The Broken Earth Trilogy by NK Jemisin The Einstien Intersection by Samuel R. Delany The Jewels Of Aptor by Samuel R. Delany The Fall Of The Towers Trilogy by Samuel R. Delany Who Fears Death by Nnedi Okorofor The Book Of Phoenix by Nnededi Okorofor The Prey Of Gods by Nicky Drayden
Alternate History (alternate timelines and what-ifs): Mumbo Jumbo by Ishmael Reed Everfair by Nisi Shawl The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead The Water Dancer by Ta-Nehisi Coates The Insh'Allah Series by Steven Barnes Ring Shout by P Djelia Clark A Dead Djinn In Cairo by P Djelia Clark The Black God's Drum by P Djelia Clark Washington Black by Esi Edugyan Pimp My Airship: A Naptown By Airship Story by Maurice Beaudice The Dream Of Perpetual Motion by Dexter Palmer Pym by Matt Johnson, Dread Nation Series by Justina Ireland From Here to Timbuktu by Milton J Davis
High Fantasy (magical kindoms and high adventures): The Neveryorn Series by Samuel R. Delany Black Leapard Red Wolf by Marlon James The Deep by Rivers Solomon & Clipping Imaro Series by Charles R. Saunders The Children Of Blood & Bone by Tomi Adeyemi The Children Of Virtue & Vengeance by Tomi Adeyemi The Sorcerer Of The Wildeeps by Kai Ashai Washington A Taste Of Honey by Kai Ashai Washington Beasts Made Of Night Series by Tochi Onyebuchi A Place Of Nights: War & Ressurection by Oloye Karade, Woman Of The Woods: A Sword & Soul Epic by Milton J Davis Temper by Nicky Drayden They Fly At Ciron by Samuel R. Delany Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman The House Of Discarded Dreams by Etakterina Sedia
Magic Realism (literary naturalism with surreal, dreamlike, and mythic imagery): The Echo Tree & Other Stories by Henry Dumas The Kingdom Of This World by Alejo Carpentier General Sun My Brother by Jacques Stephen Alexis The Famished Road Series by Ben Okri The New Moon's Arms by Nalo Hopkinson The Salt Roads by Nalo Hopkinson Montaro Caine by Sydney Portier Mama Day by Gloria Naylor Redemption In Indigo by Karen Lord Mem by Bethany C Morrow
Urban Fantasy (modern citybound fantasy): The City We Became by NK Jemisin  Sister Mine by Nalo Hopkinson The Chaos by Nalo Hopkinson The Intuitionist by Colson Whitehead Blue Light By Walter Mosley Fire Baptized by Kenya Wright
Time Travel (stories unstuck in time): Kindred by Octavia Butler Version Control by Dexter Palmer Recurrence Plot by Rasheedah Phillips
Horror (nightmare, terrors, and hauntings): Beloved by Toni Morisson African Immortals by Tananarivue Due Fledgling by Octavia Butler The Gilda Stories by Jewelle Gomez Lakewood by Meggan Giddings The Ballad Of Black Tom by Victor Lavalle Lovecraft Country by Matt Ruff The Changeling by Victor Lavealle Zone One by Colson Whitehead The Between by Tananarive Due The Good House by Tananarive Due Ghost Summers: Stories by Tananarive Due Unhollowed Graves by Nunzo Onho Catfish Lullaby by AC Wise
Young Adult (books for young adults): Akata Witch Series by Nnedi Okorofor Zarah The Windseeker & The Shadow Speaker by Nnedi Okorofor Long Juju Man by Nnedi Okorofor Ikenga by Nnedi Okorofor Tristan Strong Series by Kwame Mbalia A Song Below Water by Bethany C Morrow Daughters Of Nri by Reni K. Amayo A River Of Royal Blood by Amanda Joy 47 by Walter Mosley
Comics (graphic storytelling) George Herriman Library: Krazy & Ignatz (1919-1921) by George Herriman The Boondocks Complete Collection by Aaron Mcgruder Birth Of A Nation by Aaron Mcgrudger, Reginald Hudlin, & Kyle Baker Prince Of Cats by Ronald Wimberly Concrete Park by Erika Alexander & Tony Puryear Incognegro Series by Matt Johnson Your Black Friend & Other Stories by Ben Passmore Bttm Fdrs Ezra Clayton Daniels & Ben Passmore Sports Is Hell is Ben Passmore LaGuardia by Nnedi Okorofor & Tana Ford Bread & Wine: An Erotic Tale Of New York by Samuel R Delany & Mia Wolff Empire by Samuel R Delany & Howard Chaykin Excellence by Brandon Thomas Bitteroot by David F Walker, Chuck Brown & Sanford Greene Black by Kwanza Osajyefo Niobe: She Is Life by Amandla Stenberg & Sebastian A Jones Black Panther by Christopher Priest Black Panther by Reginald Hudlin Black Panther by Ta-Nehisi Coates Shuri by Nnedi Okorofor World Of Wakanda by Roxane Gay Truth: Red, White, & Black by Kyle Baker House Of Whispers by Nalo Hopkinson & Neil Gaiman Naomi by David F Walker, Brian Micheal Bendis, & Jamal Campbell Far Sector by NK Jemison & Jamal Campbell
Short Stories (collections by single authors): Driftglass by Samuel R Delany, Distant Stars by Samuel R Delany Bloodchild & Other Stories by Octavia Butler Unexpected Stories by Octavia Butler Falling In Love With Hominids by Nalo Hopkinson Skin Folk by Nalo Hopkinson, Kabu Kabu by Nnedi Okorofor, How Long Til Black Future Month? by NK Jemisin Nine Bar Blues by Sheree Reneee Thomas
Anthologies (collections from multiple authors) Dark Matter edited by Sheree Renee Thomas So Long Been Dreaming edited by Nalo Hopkinson Conjure Stories edited by Nalo Hopkinso Whispers From The Cotton Tree Root: Caribbean Fabulist Fiction edited by Nalo Hopkinson Afro SF: Science Fiction by African Writers edited by Wor. W. Hartmaan Stories For Chip: A Tribute To Samuel R Delany edited by Nisi Shawl Octavia's Brood: Science Fiction Stories From Social Justice Movement edited by Adrienne Marie Brown & Walidah Imarisha Mothership: Tales of Afrofuturism and Beyond edited by Bill Campbell The City: Cyberfunk Antholoy edited by Milton J Davis Steamfunk edited by Milton J Davis Dieselfunk edited by Milton J Davis Griots: A Sword & Soul Anthology by Milton J Davis & Charles R Saunders Griots: Sisters Of The Spear by Milton J Davis & Charles R Saunders
Non-Fiction (histories, essays, and arguments) Afrofuturism And The World Of Black Sci-Fi & Fantasy Culture by Ytasha Womack Afrofuturism 2.0: The Rise Of Astral Blackness edited by Reynaldo Anderson & Charles E Jones The Black Imagination: Science Fiction, The Future, and The Speculative by Sandra Jackson & Julie E Woody-Freeman Afro-Futures & Astral Black Travel by Juice Aleem The Sound Of Culture: Diaspora & Black Technopoetics by Louis Cude Soke Black Utopia: The History Of An Idea From Black Nationalism To Afrofuturism by Alex Zamalin Afrouturism Rising: The Literary Pre-History Of A Movement by Isiah Lavendar III A Pure Solar World: Sun Ra & The Birth Of Afrofuturism by Paul Youngquist Where No Black Woman Has Gone Before: Subversive Poryrals In Speculative Film & TV by Diana Adesola Mafe Black Kirby: In Search Of The Motherbox Connection by John Jennings & Stacey Robinson Super Black: American Pop Culture & Black Super-Heroes by Adilifu Nama Black Space: Imagining Race In Science Fiction Film by Adilifu Nama Black Super-Heroes, Milestone Comics, And Their Fans by Jeffery A Brown Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changin Worlds by Adrienne Marie Brown
*cover image from Ytasha Womack’s “Afrofuturism: The World Of Black Sci-Fi & Fantasy Culture”
(please post anything I might have left out in the comments) 
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carbootsoul · 3 years
erika+ephriam+lyon for ask game 👀? and a witch hat character of your choosing if you like as well :3v
omg clint you're spoiling me :) also this is mostly unrelated but i was listening to kat flint today and a) her music is so good thank u for introducing it to me years ago and b) VERY witch hat atelier vibes which was fun. im putting my answers under a cut bc i am sooo verbose about characters
eirika: a song that reminds me of them: this is just the first that came to mind but oh what a world by rufus wainwright! oh what a world my parents gave me / always traveling but not in love. the rly interesting mix of idealism and pragmatism that she embodies- both being in awe of and in love with the world and the people in it but also not hesitating to accept that they are in a war and the tragedies that come with it what they smell like: i think for most of the game she smells like sweat and dirt an otp: eirika and l'arachel is actually the best ship in the whole entire world they're sooo funny. they keep meeting and every time eirika is like ???? and l'arachel is just falling head over heels in love a notp: eirika and lyon romance honestly very textually relevant in the game and adds to the story and whatever but they're both so absolutely homosexual that i can't conceptualize it favorite platonic/familial relationships: eirika and ephraim 🥺🥺 but also eirika and seth he's such a good big brother figure!! but also eirika and colm and eirika and tana and eirika and lyon. it's like.. rag tag army as family.. a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: there are like two posts about her on tumblr dot com but her fire emblem heroes characterization makes me insane shut up about your brother shut up about your brother the position they sleep in: on her side one leg curled to her chest
ephraim a song that reminds me of them: omg lies by marina abt his relationship with lyon. you're too proud to say that you made a mistake / you're a coward till the end i really wish we had been able to see more of ephraims reaction to the true story of what happened with lyon, since he obviously forgives him but also seems to be angry about it and that's such a good dynamic. also oc can't let you go / i just want it to be perfect / to believe it's all been worth the fight. they make me... ugh what they smell like: he has also been living in tents for months so he probably also smells like horses and sweat an otp: ephraim and lyon do get to me... 🥺 also he and innes as a like teenage fling is hilarious to me they're so funny to each other i can't believe they don't have supports a notp: if i ever see another incest joke i'm killing someone favorite platonic/familial relationships: he and his sister are so good!! they're so siblings! a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: again i have never rly interacted with the fe fandom but something from canon i disagree with is the assignment of the sun to him and the moon to his sister he is so obviously the lunar twin im furious abt this the position they sleep in: absolutely sprawled out. he takes up as much space as is given to him
lyon a song that reminds me of them: ache with me by against me just happened to be playing rn but it's very him. do you share the same sense of defeat / have you realized all the things you'll never be / ideals turn to resentment, open minds close up with cynicism / i've got no judgement for you / come on and ache with me. what they smell like: roses but in a fucked up revolutionary girl utena way like the roses symbolize something sinister an otp: lyon and ephraim.. admittedly lyon is kind of carrying why this ship is compelling with his tragic backstory but ephraim is such a boy so he's important too a notp: see eirika :/ favorite platonic/familial relationships: he and eirika and ephraim as a unit are so important to me they are so [unintelligible] a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: i haven't rly seen this much but i guess any tendency to soft-boy him bc of his character design like this guy sucks a lot and he has a lot of flaws that almost ended the world :/ the position they sleep in: hugging a pillow
and for the wha character.. agott bc she's so girl :) a song that reminds me of them: pretty little things by the crane wives! but trust is now something i make people earn / so i'm not inclined to just give it away / to a pair of blue eyes with some nice things to say what they smell like: grass in the best way possible! an otp: she and coco are SO !! im in love with them. sasunaru dynamic but better in every way. all the panels of coco hugging or complimenting agott and agott blushing furiously are the new wonders of the world. shipping kids in media always feels a little weird but i think they're a rly cute like first crush dynamic a notp: i dont think she's been shipped with anyone else lol favorite platonic/familial relationships: agott and olruggio are rly interesting to me! i've probably just drawn lines between them because they're both grumpy but i could definitely see agott becoming for coco what olruggio is for qifrey and i love when children are friends with their adult narrative foil it's about helping the younger generation overcome the things that they couldn't! it's also about olruggio being able to connect with agott because they're both grumpy :) a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: not a headcanon bc again the fandom is tiny but so much of her tag is ppl being mean to her about what she did in the second (?) volume like yeah that was mean but she's like 12! 12 year olds do fucked up stuff all the time they're still learning what interpersonal relationships are the position they sleep in: on her stomach clutching her pillow a crossover au i’d love to see them in: anything that would allow her to say swear words my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn: the like single panel where tetia is getting mad at her about not liking wearing costumes and it shows her dressed as a prince! she looks so good
djskflj i feel like i wrote a novel about each of them and tbh i do not know if u will make any sense out of it but thank u for sending this it was super fun to think about them for a while!!!
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lifeinpoetry · 4 years
hey! do you have any recommendations for poetry by latinx writers?
I’ve made three lists here to give a full range of what’s out there and they've been merged into Poetry Collections by Latinx Writers: New in 2020 & 2021 &  Poetry Collections by Latinx Writers: 2019 & Earlier on Bookshop if you’re so inclined. Hopefully at least one of these interests you. ❤️
Poetry Collections by Latinx Writers: 2019 & Before (Ones I’ve Read & Enjoyed)
Slow Lightning by Eduardo C. Corral
Beastgirl & Other Origin Myths by Elizabeth Acevedo
Loose Woman: Poems by Sandra Cisneros
The Carrying: Poems by Ada Limón
Citizen Illegal by José Olivarez
Lessons on Expulsion: Poems by Erika L. Sánchez
peluda by Melissa Lozada-Oliva
My Wicked Wicked Ways by Sandra Cisneros
lo terciario / the tertiary by Raquel Salas Rivera
Teeth Never Sleep: Poems by Ángel García
Lima :: Limón by Natalie Scenters-Zapico
while they sleep (under the bed is another country) by Raquel Salas Rivera
Sharks in the Rivers by Ada Limón
A Tongue in the Mouth of the Dying by Laurie Ann Guerrero
blud by Rachel McKibbens
Virgin: Poems by Analicia Sotelo
The Glimmering Room by Cynthia Cruz
Unaccompanied by Javier Zamora
The Black Maria by Aracelis Girmay
Girl with Death Mask by Jennifer Givhan
Cenzontle by Marcelo Hernandez Castillo
Brother Bullet: Poems by Casandra López
The Inheritance of Haunting by Heidi Andrea Restrepo Rhodes
Milk and Filth by Carmen Giménez Smith
Corazón by Yesika Salgado
Refuse: Poems by Julian Randall
Ordinary Beast by Nicole Sealey
Cuicacalli / House of Song by ire'ne lara silva
Tracing the Horse by Diana Marie Delgado
With the River on Our Face by Emmy Pérez
Museum of the Americas by J. Michael Martinez
Paraíso: Poems by Jacob Shores-Argüello
Gold That Frames the Mirror by Brandon Melendez
Miami Century Fox by Legna Rodríguez Iglesias
Of Form & Gather by Felicia Zamora
Palm Frond with Its Throat Cut by Vickie Vértiz
Elegía/elegy by Raquel Salas Rivera
The Crazy Bunch by Willie Perdomo
Colonize Me by Benjamín Naka-Hasebe Kingsley
Poetry Collections by Latinx Writers: 2019 & Before (TBR)
Of Darkness and Tumbling by Mónica Gomery
Preparing the Body by Norma Liliana Valdez
Ugly Music by Diannely Antigua
Ceremony of Sand by Rodney Gomez
Stereo. Island. Mosaic. by Vincent Toro
Other Musics: New Latina Poetry ed. Cynthia Cruz
Meditación Fronteriza: Poems of Love, Life, and Labor by Norma Elia Cantú
Beast Meridian by Vanessa Angélica Villarreal
You Ask Me To Talk About The Interior by Carolina Ebeid
YOU DA ONE by Jennif(f)er Tamayo
These Days Of Candy by Manuel Paul Lopez
Unpeopled Eden by Rigoberto González
Advantages of Being Evergreen by Oliver Baez Bendorf
Each and Her by Valerie Martínez
Skins of Columbus by Edgar Garcia
When I Walk Through That Door, I Am: An Immigrant Mother's Quest by Jimmy Santiago Baca
Landscape with Headless Mama: Poems by Jennifer Givhan
Solecism by Rosebud Ben-Oni
Heart Like A Window, Mouth Like A Cliff by Sara Borjas
Scar on / Scar Off by Jennifer Maritza McCauley
¡Manteca!: An Anthology of Afro-Latin@ Poets ed. Melissa Castillo-Garsow
Grenade in Mouth: Some Poems of Miyo Vestrini by Miyo Vestrini
How to Pull Apart the Earth by Karla Cordero
All My Heroes Are Broke by Ariel Francisco
black / Maybe by Roberto Carlos Garcia
Blood Sugar Canto by ire'ne lara silva
The Book of What Remains by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
The Black Flower and Other Zapotec Poems by Natalia Toledo
Forgive the Body This Failure by Blas Falconer
Tijuana Book of the Dead by Luis Alberto Urrea
FUEGO by Leslie Contreras Schwartz
Puerto Rico en Mi Corazón ed. Carina del Valle Schorske
Dirt and Honey by Raquel Vasquez Gilliland
Cruel Futures by Carmen Giménez Smith
The Real Horse: Poems by Farid Matuk
A Song of Dismantling: Poems by Fernando Pérez
Arsonist by Joaquín Zihuatanejo
Comfort Measures Only: New and Selected Poems, 1994–2016 by Rafael Campo
Poetry Collections by Latinx Writers: 2020 & 2021
Postcolonial Love Poem: Poems by Natalie Diaz
Thresholes by Lara Mimosa Montes
Catrachos: Poems by Roy G. Guzmán
Repetition Nineteen by Mónica de la Torre
Like Bismuth When I Enter by Carlos Lara
The Breakbeat Poets Vol. 4: LatiNext ed. Felicia Chavez
Guillotine: Poems by Eduardo C. Corral
Migratory Sound: Poems by Sara Lupita Olivares
Thrown in the Throat by Benjamin Garcia
Not Go Away Is My Name by Alberto Ríos
Guidebooks for the Dead by Cynthia Cruz
Geographic Tongue by Rodney Gomez
Tertulia by Vincent Toro
Borderland Apocrypha by Anthony Cody
Every Day We Get More Illegal by Juan Felipe Herrera
Body of Render by Felicia Zamora
La Belle Ajar by Adrian Ernesto Cepeda
Feel Puma: Poems by Ray Gonzalez
On This Side of the Desert by Alfredo Aguilar
In Bloom by Esteban Rodriguez
An Incomplete List of Names: Poems by Michael Torres
Who Speaks for Us Here by Leslie Contreras Schwartz
The Fire Eater: Poems by Jose Hernandez Diaz
After Rubén by Francisco Aragón
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