#Eros and psyche au
starsfic · 22 days
Eros and psyche au prompt: Red Son and MK renewing their vows
Qi Xiaotian wore red this time.
Instead of a shivering young man in funeral robes and holding funeral flowers, he smiled as he looked at his own reflection. He looked and felt so handsome.
"Oh my gosh, you look great!" Long Xiaojiao squealed, darting around and snapping pictures of him. She had taken her duty as maid of honor seriously, whipping up an even fancier wedding (with the help of his groom and his in-laws) than Xiaotian had ever dreamed. This time, he wouldn't be alone. "I can't believe this is happening!"
"After everything, I can't believe it either." Xiaotian and his family had gone through a lot of shit. A good party had been needed way before this. A thought popped to mind. "Is-"
"Huiying's waiting with Pigsy and Tang," Xiaojiao said, reading his mind. "Wukong was playing with her to get all his nerves out last I saw." She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tight. "Everything is ready."
Xiaotian took in a deep breath and nodded. "Right." Everything was going to be great. He knew it, deep in his bones.
"Now, I gotta get the music started," Xiaojiao said, pulling away. "And Red's waiting for you outside."
She opened the door, saying hi as she walked out, and Xiaotian's heart skipped a beat as he processed what he was looking at.
Red looked like divinity itself, wearing a beautiful red gown. His hair was tied back, allowing room for his beautiful horns to blossom. As the skirt shifted, Xiaotian could've sworn he saw his tail wag back and forth. He held his own bouquet, but the flowers were dim in comparison to his beauty.
His husband. His love.
His Red smiled.
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xaphrin · 11 months
Midnight Promises Broken at Dawn
It's Halloween! (just barely) and this is part of the colab I was working on with @inverted-typo. We decided to go with an Eros and Psyche theme.
There's so much more that's set to come out, because (of course) it got way out of control. I am aiming for the next part in two weeks, and I will post it to AO3.
Thank you so much for everything, and for being patient!
Damian felt the tug of someone breaking the seal that lined the wilderness of his estate. It was like a spider web thread snapping in the back of his mind, the delicate fiber straining until it broke and hung limp and loose against someone’s skin.  
The seal was designed to create a barrier along his sacred land so that wandering humans would have the sudden urge to panic and flee in the opposite direction. Anyone who managed to break through was either very powerful or very stupid. Or, maybe even a little desperate. After all, desperation bred fools. 
He glanced up from the sketch he’d been working on and stared out the window into the dark gray of a blizzard at twilight, a mild annoyance creasing his brow. Damian may have been the grandson of a god, and have some minor powers of his own, but even he couldn't command the weather when it was like this. 
Unfortunately, whoever had broken through his barrier would be allowed to remain close to his land until the storm calmed down.
Damian frowned and let go of a heavy sigh, glaring at nothing in particular. What an annoyance.
Raven could at least say that she had been given some small graces, even tiny ones. She had managed to harvest a few late mushrooms and set up additional traps in the woods farther from her cabin. It would have been better to have the traps be a bit closer to where she was currently taking shelter, but the storm had moved in faster than she anticipated, leaving her food sources scarce, and her choices even moreso.  
The wind whipped overhead, shaking snow loose from the trees and scattering it over her shoulders. The noise was somehow both ear-deafening and eerily quiet. It shook her bones, but somehow never made a real sound.  
With a curse staining her lips, she picked her way back along the path she created, making her way back to the dilapidated cabin she was taking shelter in. Her feet couldn’t move her fast enough. She felt strange being on this land, as if she wasn’t supposed to be here. It felt like a tug in her chest, a panicked feeling that made her breath short and her body shiver hard. But necessity drove her this far away from the cabin, and her options were growing more and more limited. 
"Someday," she muttered to herself, brushing snow-wet hair from her eyes, "I am going to learn to live with others. In a society. With people." 
It seemed more like an empty promise than a real one, and it was one she made at least three times a week. It had been well over a year since her bastard of a father had thankfully died, but his heavy shadow remained on her shoulders - oppressive and domineering. Her world should have opened up and grown larger with possibilities and friends, but the fingers of his crazed fear sank too deep into her own mind. And if she was honest with herself, she doubted she would ever be free of them. 
For the protection of the world, you must remain alone. You are a stain here, Raven. Nothing better than a whore of Babylon. 
Fuck him. Cursing his grave (wherever it was), she kicked at a rotting stump and made her way back to the abandoned forest ranger cabin that had become her temporary home. It didn't have much in the way of modern comforts, but at least it had a hand pump for water outside, and an outhouse. After some of the places she had stayed with her father, four walls around her while she did her business was practically palatial in comparison. 
Raven made her way through the snow, following the marks she had left in the trees to show the path. The storm continued to rage around her, growing more and more violent and bitterly cold with each minute. Even the shelter of thick, ancient pines couldn’t shield her forever. She pulled her worn coat tighter around her, and eventually found her way back to the cabin. 
When she stepped over the threshold, the pitch black of night had fallen, and the storm eased marginally. Small blessings, even if they were a little late. 
Walking carefully over the packed dirt floor, Raven stoked the coals still smoldering in the fireplace, and sank down into the ragged remains of an armchair by the hearth. She looked through her ever thinning supplies until she located her last can of soup. Sighing, she tucked it near the coals of the fire, warming what was left of her food. She wasn't sure when she'd be able to go on a supply run into town, and she didn't feel great about the traps she set today, so she was going to have to make this last as long as she could. 
Raven pulled herself close to the fire and tucked her thin blanket around her legs, feeling every muscle in her body ache with exertion. She was weary, and not just from the daily struggle of trying to survive. She was weary of being so utterly alone and isolated. Her father, in spite of all his bullshit, was at least some small amount of company. After he died, she had no one.
Her chest grew tight, and grief filled her until it was so heavy she wasn’t sure if she could bear the weight. A cold tear spilled over her cheek and she wiped it away with her sleeve. She wasn’t sad for his loss, but was sad that she had no one to turn to - no one to help her move forward in the world. She was, for all intents and purposes, alone. 
Raven watched the coals' red glow fade, her mind drifting in and out of consciousness as she slipped into a half-sleep, where her dreams seemed far too real. 
"A human. How pathetic."
Raven grit her teeth against the insult. She might have been a pathetic human, but she would survive out of spite, and that was a threat. 
Her head rocked to the side, staring into the dark shadows of the half-rotted cabin. Hearing phantom voices and seeing unexpected things became a usual occurrence after being alone for so long, but this voice sounded different than it ever had before. "You're not any better…" She paused, trying to think of something to call this new hallucination. “…you ass.”
Very clever.   
The was a soft grunt, proving that it was obviously not insulted by her weak name calling. The shadows moved like smoke, staying tight to the deepest part of the darkness. Raven felt something staring at her, as if trying to understand what she was. She turned her head and stared into the rafters, hearing the creak and groan of the roof under the weight of snow. 
“What are you doing out here?”
“It’s public land. I am public.” She closed her eyes, trying to let herself fall deeper into sleep, but the shadows kept talking, much to her annoyance. Sometimes she wished her phantoms would just shut up.  
“Not all of it is public land. You stepped past those boundaries.” 
“Oh, please.” Raven snorted. “Will some absurdly rich recluse really know if I trap a few hares on their thousands of acres of unused land?” 
The shadows responded with a strange breathy noise, as if it wasn’t sure whether or not she made a valid point. 
“See?” Raven let her point seep into her tone. “Even you agree.”
There was another long pause, and the darkness spoke again. “Perhaps there is a reason to keep you off the land.”
“To make sure that their investment of land holdings is properly protected?”
“Hm.” The shadows moved like ink in water, spreading out against the walls as the coals’ light dimmed even farther. Finally it moved closer to her. “You seem to think you know a lot for someone who lives in a stolen hovel on public land.”
“Circumstances don’t always dictate the totality of a person.” 
The shadows didn’t seem to know what to make of that comment, and stayed silent. Raven closed her eyes and let her body sink into the remains of the armchair, wrapping the threadbare blankets tighter around her. She shifted onto her side and faced the fading heat of the coals. The world grew heavy and dark, and Raven felt her body finally succumb to exhaustion, as she slipped into a dark, empty dreamless sleep.  
But, she swore she heard one last word from her half-dream of shadows along the wall… 
She haunted his thoughts and that infuriated him more than anything. 
This ragged slip of a human, who squatted in abandoned cabins and had the gall to tease him. Him. The grandson of a god, and a demigod in his own right.
And yet, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. He wondered if the traps she set remained bare, if she had managed to find food or warmth, and even if her firewood was dry enough. It was unbearable. Every moment he wasn’t completely focused on something else, she entered his thoughts.
Against his better judgment, Damian found himself visiting her again a few nights later, unable to stay away. He thought that if he saw her again, he might be less enamored by her - at least, that was what he kept telling himself. 
She was interesting, even if he didn’t admit it out loud. There was something about the way she spoke to him that piqued his curiosity. It was as if she thought he was an echo or a dream, and not real in any sense of the word. He had spent most of his long life being surrounded by those who worshiped his grandfather, and while Damian appreciated the reverence and kowtowing, it felt almost refreshing to have someone treat him… normal. 
She should still have some verneration for him. He was technically still a god. 
When Damian slipped into the shadows of the abandoned cabin, he found her floating in that space between awake and sleep where things seemed almost real. Her eyes lifted to the dark corner where he stood, trying to discern his shape from between the shadows. 
“You came back.” Her voice was a slow drawling sound that slid over his skin like a spell. “I thought you’d disappeared. It’s been a few days since you’ve haunted me.”
Part of him wished he hadn’t returned here, and he had forgotten all about the trespasser on his land. But, here he was, watching a strange woman sleep on a rotting armchair. “You’re still here…” He trailed off, leaving the question unspoken in the air. 
“Raven,” she muttered with an annoyed sigh. “I would have thought you would have at least known my name since you insist on following me around and invading my inner peace.” There was a long pause and he thought she had fallen asleep. Finally, her words slipped from behind her lips. “I’m here because I have nowhere else to go.” 
He blinked and continued to watch her, letting her words settle. There was a story there he wanted to know, but he wasn’t sure if he should pry. Prying meant that there was a part of him that cared about her, and he didn’t. But… perhaps he was a little curious. 
“You have no home?”
“Even if I did, it would not be a place I would go back to." Raven sighed, as if this conversation was exhausting her. “And, if I can't find strength in myself, then who else could I possibly find strength in?”
Damian was about to say something brave and gallant, but he stopped himself. He was not the type of person to offer platitudes and words of encouragement, and he certainly wasn't the type of person to offer help in any sense of the word. He liked his solitude and his privacy, and the only reason he was here was because this human was upsetting his perfectly manicured life. 
“Seems to be a lonely life.”
“It is.” She gave a dry laugh, her blunt answer cutting through the weight of the room. There was a sorrow that clung to her, and a longing for something more than she had now. “After all, I'm talking to the shadows on the wall about my lack of home.”
He wondered if she would believe him if he said he was real, but chose to keep silent instead. 
“You should go away, you’re keeping me from my well deserved sleep. You’re like an annoying fly buzzing around my head.” She gave a halfhearted wave, as if shooing him away, before she turned her face to the warmth of the fire. Her breath deepened, and Damian stood there for a long while, watching this curious human sleep. 
There was an odd, uncomfortable stirring in his chest, as though his heart was waking up after a long, deep sleep. 
His lips twitched in annoyance, and he glanced around the small cabin, taking stock of what she owned. It was so little, that it seemed as though she had simply walked out of a place one day with whatever she could carry on her back. A few clothes, a threadbare blanket, a backpack that had certainly seen better days, and…
His eyes rested on several beat up paperback books poking through the holes of her bag. That seemed like an odd choice, having books when she seemed to have such limited resources in the first place. Damian turned that observation around in his head for a moment, unsure of what to make of it.
Ultimately, it didn't matter. Mortals were of little concern to him.
Raven included. 
Ignoring that strange flutter in his chest, he slipped back into the shadows and disappeared from the cabin.
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Joker Out Mythology AU: Eros and Psyche
Nace, the god of love, and Kris, the god of beauty. The perfect betrothal of the heavens, evenly matched in every way. Their union was blessed by the King of the Gods himself, and was thus firm and unshakeable - or at least, that was what most believed.
Fate, however, had other plans...
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Nace | God of Love and Desire | Arbiter of Hearts
Nace had but one task from his betrothed, and that was to make the mortal learn his place, and fall in love with a fearsome beast. And yet, as he gazed upon the mortal in question - a solitary man clad in black - he found himself lowering his gilded bow instead, as he tried to catch the mortal man's dark, piercing gaze.
"He is but a man. His name is Jan, a common name for a common mortal," Nace silently repeated his betrothed's words, to remind himself of what had to be done, and yet the more he said them, the less he believed in them, especially once he gazed at the mortal, beautiful as the night. There was certainly nothing common about the mortal called Jan.
He fiddled with his arrow, twirling it once, and then twice, as he stared, utterly transfixed, at Jan...before pricking himself with its golden tip.
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Jan | Most Beautiful of Mortals | Dark Butterfly
Jan knelt upon the stones of the dark, perilous crag once more, as he gazed down at the ruins where the mysterious palace once stood. One mistake. A single moment of doubt. That was all it took for him to lose his mysterious lover - the God of Love himself. For a few dangerous moments, he pondered on how easy it was to throw himself towards oblivion and put an end to his misery and regret.
For despite the God of Love's warnings, Jan could not bring himself to forget about him. He wrapped his arms around himself, feeling the ghost of Nace's embrace. Yet he refused to shed tears, as he let those moments pass before he picked himself up, remembering the promise he uttered to Nace as they were torn apart. Even if his search took him to the ends of the Earth.
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Kris | God of Beauty | Lord of the Doves | Born of Ocean Swell
"Foolish Nacko," Kris whispered as he tended to his betrothed's wounds. Three burns, from the three drops of tallow that fell from the mortal's lamp while he dared to gaze upon Nace, and thus proving himself unworthy as a result. A year and a day. Not nearly an insurmountable task, and yet, Nace lay nearly unmoving, heartbroken and suffering, the ichor in his veins burning and his lips unable to form words.
However, it was not like he expected a different outcome. Jan was a mortal, and an irreverent for disobeying a simple request - failure was inevitable, he thought. Kris could not fathom what Nace saw in the lowly mortal Jan that he, the God of Beauty, lacked. Nobody knew Nace better, nor loved him more deeply than he did; and the sooner Nace would open his eyes to that, the better for everyone in the heavens.
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cryptids-and-muses · 1 year
Me: psyche and Eros vashwood with Eros vash and psyche wolfwood
My girlfriend, a genius: psyche and Eros vashwood with psyche vash and Eros wolfwood
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free-for-all-fics · 1 year
I’m such a nerd for Greek Mythology and the tale of Eros and Psyche is one of my favorites so this prompt happened. This got long but I regret nothing. That’s how much I love this myth lol. Pls tag me if you’re inspired by any of the ideas presented here and I’d love to read it! 💜
Eros and Psyche AU: Mandalorians are gods, the last vestiges of an Ancient Way long past. They are so few and sightings of them are incredibly rare. Their temples lay empty and abandoned, devoid of followers and worship offerings. Din is one of these great and lonely gods, and spends his immortal life keeping to himself - until he’s called upon for a favor. He’s very selective about who he appears to. Most entreaties go unanswered since he finds them to be frivolous, petty, or otherwise a waste of his time and energy. Someone enters his temple and asks him to track you down and bring you in, warm or cold. He was going to ignore it, but then he saw your beauty through a holopuck and became entranced.
Despite what he’s offered as reward, he doesn’t agree to anything. When he finally finds you, Din sees that you have a small green creature that looks like a child attached at your hip. You have Grogu and he’s your adoptive son (like the fill-in for Hedone). You enter a temple and humbly pray to him for love and protection. If not for you, then for Grogu. Seeing how earnest you are, Din reveals himself to you. He knew that, based on how you reacted, you were different from other targets. He can tell when someone is lying to get out of facing punishment when they’re guilty, so seeing you with a child and how scared you are that something might happen to Grogu makes Din realize that you’re innocent. He asks what you have to offer him in return for granting your boon. When you sheepishly admit you have nothing but yourself, he accepts your offering.
Instead of capturing or killing you, he fakes your death/disappearance and whisks you away to a faraway planet that’s not on any map, where it’s safe for you to live together. Over time, you fall in love. You’ve never seen his face, not even a glimpse of his mouth since you’d always eat separately. When you’ve made love, it’s always been under the cover of pitch blackness, too dark to see your own hands in front of you - or you’re blindfolded so you can’t see a thing. He doesn’t let you travel the galaxy with him and makes you stay home, forbidding you from leaving the planet or having guests while he’s gone.
He deems it too dangerous or risky to take you with him on adventures after all he did to fake your death/disappearance and bring you to this secret place. Anyone could recognize you then report your location back to the person who wanted you in the first place. Or worse: the other mandalorians could discover your existence and that he’s smuggled a mortal into a realm of the gods. You’re not too happy with this argument, since he himself has spent a considerable amount of time teaching you how to fight so you wouldn’t be left defenseless whenever he was called away. He made sure not to go easy on you during your training. You think he’s just trying to scare you to get you to stay in isolation.
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You’ve been living in peace and safety, but unbeknownst to Din, you’re periodically visited by Luke Skywalker whenever he’s away. The Jedi sensed Grogu through the Force long before you even met Din. He has been training the little one to master his abilities ever since. He’s a dear and trusted friend of yours who keeps you company in Din’s absence so the loneliness doesn’t consume you. He’s always gone before Din returns home. You’re friends and nothing more. You’d never betray Din like that, you just find it unfair he forbids you from having even one guest.
One day, you and Din find yourselves in a dire life or death situation. Din gets wounded in the head by a weapon of legend that has the power to weaken or kill gods. After he takes the killing blow meant for you, you’re uncertain if he’s alive. So you have to take his helmet off to make sure he’s still breathing. It doesn’t matter how quickly he reacts by putting his helmet back on or how urgently he tries to rush you through exchanging Mando’a wedding vows so he can save you from the wrath of the other gods. They already know. The damage has been done. You’ve seen his face. He’s broken his creed and your “marriage” is annulled by the mandalorians. Neither you nor Grogu are under their protection. You’re both banished from the planet at once, while Din is kept locked away under house arrest and incapacitated due to his wounds.
You’re told that your only hope of earning redemption for both you and Din is to travel to the depths of Mandalore, the first ever dwelling of the gods, and bathe in the Living Waters. You must bring back a vial of the waters as proof. Only the Living Waters can heal Din’s wounds. You’re warned that no living creature has ever survived the harrowing journey to the mines down below. It’s said the atmosphere is poisonous and only the gods may enter. But still you press on.
You’re left to fend for yourself and your son, but you’re tired of running and hiding. Time to fight for your love. It takes many days and nights, but you finally make it to Mandalore. Even though Din is extremely weak and can barely control his powers in his current state, he uses what little energy he has to astral project himself. He appears to you briefly so he can guide you through the mines. He knows this quest would be impossible to complete on your own and he loves you too much to watch you die. With or without Grogu’s help, you use what Din taught you in order to survive. You come out victorious, but not unscathed, after such a grueling series of trials.
As you submerge yourself in the Living Waters, you’re taken aback when all of your wounds are healed. You feel rejuvenated. You retrieve a vial of the waters and journey back, only thinking of Din. Meanwhile, Din has drained all his energy and can no longer see you. He doesn’t know if you’ll make it back or not, but he hopes you will. He wants to marry you properly. He wants to make you his riduur and adopt Grogu as his son. As he convalesces, he can only think of you and how there’s one thing about the water you still don’t know. Something he so desperately wanted to tell you but never got the chance to.
Upon your long awaited return, the waters are used to heal Din’s wounds. The success of your quest has been proven. Thus, you’re both redeemed and the banishment is lifted. Din takes the vial from you and slices his finger open, letting drops of his blood mix with the remaining water before the wound instantly closes as if it was never there. Countless living creatures have died, killed, or been killed in the vain pursuit of this - The secret to immortality. And now Din wants to share it with you. Just one drink of the Living Waters infused with mandalorian blood and you’ll be like him. You’ll never age, never get sick, never die. You’ll be beautiful forever. He won’t have to lose you to the shadow of death. He implores you to drink and join him in eternity as his riduur. What do you choose?
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wanderingjedihistorian · 10 months
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
This is suuuucccchhh a hard question!
Going to have to go with this one. Not 100% sure I'd say its my absolute favorite but its definitely in the Top 5.
The Eros/Psyche myth has long been one of my favorites, so adapting it to Codywan was soooo much fun for me. The story itself, determining who to use as side characters...I enjoyed it all so much. Plus, I commissioned art for it that turned out gorgeous and I love it so, so much.
I enjoyed it so much, I wrote a couple side fics for it and a follow up smutty oneshot too, lol
Tags and such for this one: Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Clone Trooper Waxer (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Longshot (Star Wars), Jango Fett, Anakin Skywalker, Clone Trooper Wooley (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Keeli (Star Wars), CC-3636 | Wolffe, CC-2237 | Davijaan | Odd Ball Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Mythology, Inspired by Eros and Psyche (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Author cherry picks from both Star Wars and Mythology to create an unholy combination of the two, Obi-Wan as Psyche, Cody as Eros....sorta, Jango as a god of war who wants revenge for his slighted lover and his betrayed son, Implied Sexual Content, Falling In Love, Loss of Trust, Emotional Hurt, Quests, Proving one's devotion, Making Up, Arguments between gods, Cuddling & Snuggling, Angst and Feels, Happy Ending, Star Wars characters assigned as Greek gods and demigods and other necessary characters, without regard to accuracy to myth Series: Part 4 of Codywan AU Fest, Part 1 of Of Duty, Devotion, and Love
Summary: When the gods are angered, there is always a price. Obi-Wan isn't unwilling to pay it. He never expects to find happiness, but he does, nor does he expect for it to fall apart in a moment. He will do what he must to make it right.
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riality-check · 2 years
Steddie Eros and Psyche AU part 2!! Part 1
On the day Steve is supposed to marry the monster, he ascends the cliff on the edge of the city. He goes alone, as he was instructed, and he hears the crowd below slowly fade to a hum, and then to silence.
The quiet is nice, even if he knows it will not last for long.
The sun is high in the sky when he reaches the peak. It is barren and rocky and completely absent of monsters. It has a beautiful view of the sky above and the sea below and the line where they meet, straight ahead.
Steve waits. He cannot hear the crowd, but he knows they must be growing impatient, watching him on the cliff. He does not look back to see them. He will not risk that, not when there is even the slightest possibility of looking back and seeing his sisters. He knows that if he catches sight of them, his resolve will crumble, and he does not know what the consequences of defying this prophecy will be.
He does know that they will not be good.
He waits longer. He can see for miles in every direction, but there is no sign of a monster.
Then, quietly, a voice whispers, so faintly Steve almost does not hear it.
What is the first step to loving someone?
Steve thinks. He knows the answer. He waits for an alternative but cannot find one.
He goes to the edge of the cliff and lets his toes hang over.
"Falling," he whispers, and then he leans.
He hears screams from the crowd. He hopes his sisters will forgive him.
Just before he meets the ocean, the wind snatches him and carries him away.
This was not supposed to happen.
Mortals are trivial little things. They are puny and pathetic and temporary. They are built for brief dalliances. They are built to be broken and laughed at.
And yet, Eddie is utterly captivated.
This was not supposed to happen, and yet it did.
He stopped in his tracks when he first saw him, beautiful and terribly sad. Eddie did not feel the spark of amusement he normally felt. He did not feel the inkling of possession reserved for his favorites.
He felt intrigue and sympathy, two emotions he thought he had long outgrown.
So, he watched. He watched as Steve was idolized by the entire city. He watched as Steve wanted none of the attention. He watched as Steve let himself be truly human with his sisters and only his sisters.
He listened to Steve’s laments for a love that would know him.
Eddie prepared a beautiful palace filled with the finest food and clothing. Steve would not want for anything.
But Eddie is a monster, or so he has been told. And while he has grown to love himself, in spite of or perhaps because of that fact, he cannot imagine that Steve will.
He sends the wind - it does not have eyes, so it cannot be afraid - with a message and a task.
The wind blows around him, whispering its joy in having followed orders.
Eddie will visit the house at nightfall. If Steve is afraid, if he does not want to stay, he can go.
But Eddie needs to try, at least, to make him happy.
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konigsberg · 2 years
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Midnight Ocean
Fandom: Hades (Game) Pairing: Thanzag Rating: E Status: In progress Word count: 371,180 words Tags:  alternate universe, romance, mystery, secret identity, strangers to lovers, marriage of convenience, fake/pretend relationship, domestic, hurt/comfort, gentleness, family secrets, self-discovery, inspired by eros and psyche, first time, cuddling, sharing a bed
"Please consider what I’m about to say. Think of it as you return to your mother. You must put as much thought into it as you can. Will you? Please, promise me you will.”
“Yes! Whatever it is, I’ll consider it.”
“Eventually Lord Hades will have mercy upon you. He will. I know that must sound strange—the most severe of the gods showing mercy where his kindred won’t—but it’s the truth. The Olympians are more… unreliable. The only way I can see to protect the Underworld and in turn you and your mother is this: Bind yourself to me.” His hands tremble. He brushes his thumb along the crook of Zag’s throat, so very sweet, even when he’s rigid with tension. “Wed me.”
Raised by his mother far away from both Olympus and the Underworld, a strange series of events leads Zagreus to meeting a faceless, nameless Chthonic god.
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sea-owl · 2 years
Lmaaooo imagine them all thinking that the Bridgertons did stop resorting to kidnapping only for all of Olympus to bare witness Gregory BabyHimboTM Bridgerton kidnap Lucy, shoot the uncle and basically put his predecessors (ABC) to shame.
Spouses sans Licy: Thank goodness they've reformed.
*Gregory (Himbo in the making) taking notes of the dumbassery his siblings had done*: Huh? Uh yeah sure
What's worse is that Lucy is fully human too. So not only did he kidnap his wife, but he kidnapped his wife, who is mortal.
At some point during their story Lucy ends up in the Underworld and she tells Penelope the story who can't stop laughing.
Penelope reintroduces herself as her new sister, the first to marry in and who was also kidnapped.
Lucy, who would've been told of the myth at that point, puts two and two together. She has to stop herself from laughing. Penelope tells her to laugh away.
Penelope can't wait to tell the other spouses that Gregory was taking notes and ended the Bridgerton marriages the way they started.
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auxiliarydetective · 1 year
OC Pride Challenge: Day 29
You can find the challenge here
We're officially in the last two days of pride month and this challenge. Today's prompt is: Here's my Review... Not Gay Enough which means you're supposed to take a classic het romance and put a queer spin on it. For my het romance, I decided to use the myth of Eros and Psyche with Eros being played by none other than Chandrah aka Charlie Drake. This project became so huge that this story is gonna have two parts, so stay tuned for part 2!
Chandrah sat in its temple, overlooking the vast fields beyond it. This was where all the spirits from Earth who died in love lived, be it romantic love, platonic love, or love for an activity. Whenever there was a passion and they died while it still burned bright, they found themselves under Chandrah’s reign. This was because Chandrah was a deity of love with the power to cause love but also destroy it. If it wasn’t for its servitude to Gozer, destroyer of worlds, one could even say that Chandrah was a peaceful god. Well, demigod. Normally, this place would be a peaceful place, too. But with the next coming of Gozer on the horizon and Earth being the victim, the entire afterlife was chaotic with spirits coming in and out.
Amid this chaos, Chandrah was called by Gozer. So, it made its way to the Destructor’s palace, bowing deeply before the Goddess of Gods.
“Chandrah,” Gozer said. “I have a task for you to carry out in the mortal realm. Are you aware of the group of mortals trying to halt my arrival?”
“Yes, my lord,” Chandrah replied.
“Use your powers to drive them apart.”
“As you wish, my lord.”
It was as simple as that. Whenever Gozer demanded something, Chandrah was there to comply. Even though it much preferred using his powers on a whimsy - and it did, on its various visits to Earth and other worlds, answering prayers not meant for it - when Gozer gave an order, it was an order to be followed and Chandrah had to abuse its powers for it.
So, bow and quiver of gleaming arrows over its shoulder, Chandrah entered the human realm in the middle of a fall evening, beneath dark clouds. It quickly found the firehouse the so-called “Ghostbusters” resided in. Now, the only thing to do was to figure out how to carry out this order. Taking the form of a dove, Chandrah sat down on a street lamp next to it. From here, it could look in through the windows. But, as it turned out, it didn’t need to. A man came out of the firehouse with a woman, saying:
“Come on, Dana, just give me one chance. I can be pretty amazing.”
“Dr. Venkman,” the woman replied, “you should probably focus on solving my case instead.”
“But your case is exactly what I have in mind - besides the beauty that you are, of course. Wouldn’t you like to spend time away from your ghost-infested fridge and go out on a date with me instead? The night is still young, I’ll take you to dinner right now.”
“No, Venkman. Solve my ghost problem first, then we’ll talk.”
And just like that, the solution had presented itself. This man - Doctor Peter Venkman, as Chandrah gathered by reading his mind - was in love with this woman, Dana Barrett. The only thing Chandrah had to do now was make one of his colleagues fall in love with that same woman, maybe make Venkman a little more madly in love, and they would start going at each other’s throat! So, Chandrah waited until it got dark, then climbed the firehouse wall like a spider. One of the windows was open. How foolish. Chandrah easily climbed inside and found itself in a bedroom with only minimal furniture but four beds. One for each of the Ghostbusters, obviously. Three of them were empty, but in one lay a man. Chandrah approached the sleeping man slowly and carefully, all while pulling out one of its rose gold arrows. The man was tall with a more or less large nose and dark, curly hair that was partially combed back, partially ruffled by sleep. He was handsome, Chandrah thought, which was why he would do nicely for this little scheme.
Suddenly, an alarm blared throughout the entire firehouse, causing Chandrah to jump. The man started moving with an annoyed groan. For a few seconds, Chandrah was frozen, its heart beating a hundred times a second, suddenly feeling very hot. Then, it sprinted to the window, completely forgetting that it could just turn to smoke or turn invisible. Only when it jumped out the window was when it remembered to turn into a bird and fly away. But it only got to the next roof over before turning back into its demon form, clutching its chest. What was this burning feeling? And why was that man suddenly all that occupied the demon’s mind? That was when a realization crept upon Chandrah: When the alarm had gone off, it had dropped the arrow - and the arrows must have gotten under its skin. But then that meant… Yes, that meant Chandrah was now in love. Madly in love, even. It should be impossible. Chandrah should be beyond human feelings such as love. But somehow, its own arrows were too strong for it to overcome.
The only question that remained was to figure out what to do now. In this light, Chandrah couldn’t bring itself to carry out its plan, or even its orders. Suddenly, it wanted no harm to come to this man, a man it didn’t even know the name of. Petrified, Chandrah watched a white car with sirens and lights rush out of the firehouse. Then, a choice was made. Chandrah had to somehow get inside that firehouse, get close to the man, get him to fall in love.
But things weren’t meant to be this easy. As it turned out, the man - Dr. Egon Spengler - was a lot more interested in researching the paranormal than he was in romance. Why, of all people, did it have to be him? His colleagues would have been a lot easier to persuade. Especially Peter Venkman, though he was currently in love with someone else. All it would take would be to turn into a particularly beautiful, more willing woman and he’d be stolen. Winston Zeddemore, the newest addition to the Ghostbusters’ theme, seemed like a decent man, loyal and dependable, but also easily persuaded. Dr. Ray Stantz was also science-inclined and the other half of the brains of the Ghostbusters, though Egon was clearly the stronger half. What Chandrah found out fairly quickly was that Ray’s mind was quick and easy to take possession of and seducing him would be a matter of minutes if done right. But Egon… Chandrah wondered if he was capable of falling in love at all. After all, there were people who had no romantic attraction to speak of. But by the gods, if Chandrah wouldn’t try! So, Chandrah turned into Charlie Drake, a young man with a love for jewelry, messy brown hair and deep brown eyes. An appointment with the Ghostbusters was made and so, Charlie found himself walking freely into the firehouse.
The front part was empty, probably because there was usually a car here, the infamous Ecto-1. But now that it wasn’t here, the view was open right up to the secretary’s desk where a woman by the name of Janine Melnitz sat, filing her nails. Charlie walked right up to her, a kind smile on his face.
“Good morning,” he said, “I’m Charlie Drake, I’m here for my appointment.”
“Right, Mr. Drake,” Janine said in a monotonous or annoyed voice. “The Ghostbusters are out on a call right now. They’ll get to you once they come back but they might be a bit cranky. They’ve been out all night.”
“That’s no problem for me.” But then Charlie realized these might not be the best circumstances to meet someone who should like him under. “Or should I come back some other day?” he asked.
“I’m afraid you’d probably have the same problem then. Things are very busy here these days.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard.”
“Would you like some coffee, Mr Drake?”
“If you can spare some.”
Janine smiled. “Of course. Just one second.”
So, Charlie waited with his cup of coffee and as he did, he talked to Janine about various things - when they weren’t interrupted by calls, of course. The Ghostbusters really were busy.
Finally, the Ecto-1 pulled into the firehouse. Charlie’s heart gave a flutter and he started shivering all over. Egon, Ray, Peter and Winston climbed out of the car in their flight suits, looking perfectly exhausted.
“Janine, who’s this?” Peter asked, pointing at Charlie.
“This is Charlie Drake, he’s here for his appointment,” Janine explained.
“Great, wonderful, my colleagues will take care of you.”
With that, he disappeared up the staircase. Egon, Ray and Winston looked at each other. Immediately, Ray and Winston appeared very busy - which was good for Charlie because it meant Egon was the one to greet him. Or maybe it wasn’t that good, because when Egon approached him, Charlie jumped up from his chair as if it had been electrocuted, his heartbeat picking up again. Maybe it was the coffee, he told himself. That was a lie, it definitely wasn’t the coffee. But he tried to convince himself it was. Luckily, Egon seemed too tired to be bothered by Charlie’s behaviour.
“I’m Doctor Spengler, that back there is Doctor Stantz, the man at the car right now is our colleague Winston Zeddemore and the one who just disappeared is Doctor Venkman. Why did you come in today?”
Hopefully, Charlie thought, his plan would work out, and hopefully he wouldn’t start fumbling because of how freaking nervous he was.
“I think I’ve been possessed,” he said.
Once again, Egon wasn’t very impressed. He simply pulled a device from his belt and pointed it at Charlie. Immediately, two arms sprung out from the sides of the device, the lights on them blinking rapidly, accompanied by frantic whirring. The moment he saw this, Egon’s expression changed. He had taken the bait.
“Ray,” he called, looking over his shoulder.
Ray came over and suddenly sparked with excitement.
“I’m going to set up the Aura Video-Analyzer,” Egon declared, then climbed the staircase, skipping multiple steps so he would get to his destination faster.
“Winston, we’re gonna need some coffee,” Ray blurted out.
Winston seemed to have caught on too and followed Egon upstairs. Once that was taken care of, Ray beamed at Charlie, putting an arm around him. “Right this way, Mr Drake,” he said, moving him towards the stairs. “We’re gonna run some tests on you to see what we’re dealing with. First, we’re going to ask you some standardized questions that you should answer as precisely as possible. We know possession can lead to symptoms like memory loss and confusion, so just try your best, okay?”
“Okay. - That device Doctor Spengler just pointed at me, what was that?” Charlie asked as he climbed the stairs.
“That’s a P.K.E Meter or Aurascope, one of our most basic tools,” Ray explained. “It detects psychokinetic energy - and from our readings just now, whatever came in contact with you must’ve been crazy strong and left a big signature.”
“So you really think I’ve been possessed?” Charlie asked excitedly. His plan was working!
“I can’t imagine what else would cause these types of readings - chances are you still are! Do you feel- No, I’m getting ahead of myself. - Sit down over here, please.”
They were in a living area now, but the place Ray pointed Charlie to was on a table next to a set of computers. As soon as he sat there, Egon put a sort of helmet with countless wires on his head.
“Alright, Mr. Drake, please tell us why you think you may have been possessed. What happened right before the possession?”
“Well, it was close to midnight,” Charlie lied, “and I was just about to go to bed. That’s when I heard this voice outside, sort of echoing. It was calling my name. So, I opened the window and looked outside - and that’s about all I remember. Next thing I know, I was on the floor in my room - and it was three days later.”
“Interesting, very interesting,” Egon murmured.
“And you hadn’t been drinking or taking drugs?” Winston asked, carrying over the coffee can and some cups.
“No, of course not,” Charlie scoffed. “And even if I had, I wouldn’t lose three whole days, right?”
“You’re probably right.”
“Take a look at this,” Egon said, pointing at a computer screen outside of Charlie’s view. He leaned forwards to try and look at it but Egon pushed him back. Immediately, a rush of… a rush of whatever this was travelled through Charlie’s body. Meanwhile, Ray, Winston and Egon stared at the screen.
“My God,” Winston gasped. “That’s not good, is it?”
“Are you kidding? This is wonderful!” Ray called out. “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.”
“I’d like to run some more tests on you,” Egon told Charlie, switching off the screen and taking the helmet off of him. “ESP, precognition, telekinesis and other potentially supernatural capabilities.”
“You did great coming here, Charlie,” Ray said, patting his back. “Do you want some coffee? Tea? We also have some cookies somewhere - right?”
What started now was a little game. Well, to Charlie it was a game. To the Ghostbusters, it had to be peak scientific research. A breakthrough even. Charlie was shown only the back of a card and was supposed to say what symbol was at the back of it. Easy for a demon, but probably hard for a human. All throughout, Egon was hovering around Charlie. Sometimes, he held up the cards, sometimes he sat a bit off to the side, watching everything and taking notes, and sometimes he sat next to Charlie, those deep brown eyes watching him through his glasses.
They could have gone on like this for hours, but another alarm interrupted them. Overwhelmed with the situation, the Ghostbusters looked at each other. Venkman came out of the bedroom, brushing past them.
“Ghostbusting time, chop chop!”
“Well, uh,” Ray stammered, “it’s been absolutely incredible. You’re a real ESP phenomenon.”
“C’mon, we gotta go,” Winston said. “Thanks for stopping by, Charlie.”
“If you have time, come back tomorrow,” Egon murmured, scribbling down the last of his notes. “There’s still a lot of tests I’d like to run.”
“Alright,” Charlie agreed with a smile. “I look forward to it. This is fun!”
And then it happened. Egon flashed him a smile. A genuine smile. And it made Charlie’s heart melt, if he even had a heart to speak of. But before Charlie could even process all that, Egon had disappeared down the fire pole.
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akiacia · 5 months
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the myth of eros and psyche
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starsfic · 8 months
Eros and psyche au prompt: Huiying says her first word.
Or Huiying starts to learn to her first steps
Inspired by this cute comic of baby Red by @ekary!
It was Qi Xiaotian's first actual night sleeping at DBK's place.
Of course, he had visited the palace out in the desert before. But that was just a stop in the rush of the journey to stop the Lady Bone Demon, and they hadn't even spent a night. Now, however, DBK was celebrating his birthday the next day and wanted his entire family to be there. That included him and Huiying.
"Wow." Qi Xiaotian immediately dropped his bags at the door to Red's room, making his way to the grand bed he saw all the way at the end. The room was luxurious and in shades of red and purple and touches of gold, like he expected, but surprisingly dust-free. He couldn't help a laugh as he bounced on the bed, awestruck at how soft it was. "This is the best room ever!"
Red hmphed as he looked around. "I honestly prefer our bedroom," he said, grabbing the bag Xiaotian had abandoned and hauling it in. He kicked the door behind him. "At least there you don't have Mother glaring at you."
"Eh, she's still mad you married me in a rush. She'll get over it eventually."
"Still." Red unzipped their suitcase and pulled out his clothes. "I prefer knowing that Huiying is in the next room or is in here with us."
Oh, right. Huiying's naptime had started around lunch, so a maid had politely whisked her away. Xiaotian had been too startled to really protest. "Where's the nursery? She'll be in there, right?"
Red nodded as he grabbed the fancy hanfus they had bought for the celebration tomorrow and draped them over the chest at the end of the bed. The rest of the clothes, excluding some pajamas, were tucked into the closet. "Yes, yes, she'll be in there. It's on the other side of my parents chambers." He shut the suitcase and zipped it up before pushing it into the closet with a humph. "I'll go over there and check on her before I drag a crib in here. The servants know to bring her to us if she cries-"
The door opened with a wail.
Speak of the devil, and she would appear, sobbing her poor little eyes out. The poor maid who held her looked like she had been through a firestorm, some of her hair still smoking. "Apologies, master Red. I was trying to get her ready to take a bath, and she started crying and refused to settle down." Xiaotian sat up, but Red was already marching over. "She's been crying for two hours now and I don't know how to make her stop-"
"Bring her to us!" Red gently pulled Huiying away, her sobs reducing once she was in the familiar warmth and safety of her bama's arms, but the motion was still a touch harsh. "I told you, bring her to us if she cries. My father complained that you had a similar problem, but I can't believe-" Red's hair exploded into flames, his voice growing louder and louder as he chewed the poor maid out for not listening to the one instruction.
Xiaotian opened his mouth, ready to save the poor maid, before a giggle made everything silent.
Huiying's tears and sobs had died down, leaving behind tear tracks. Their daughter was instead smiling, clapping her little baby hands with soft little giggles. "'Gain!" she squealed, the word almost lost in her giggles. "'Gain, 'gain! Again!"
Xiaotian nearly fell onto his face in his scramble. "Her first word?!" Red nodded with wide eyes as his husband knelt, meeting Huiying's darling amber eyes. "Huiying, can you say that again?!"
"Again!" she echoed back. "Again, again, again!"
Neither noticed the maid slip out before Red could follow his daughter's request.
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xaphrin · 8 months
Midnight Promises Broken at Dawn
Part One Here
A few days later, an unusual warm spell had melted the snow, but had left freezing rain in its wake. For the past week, Raven's traps had laid empty since all the animals in the surrounding forest had bedded down to wait out the freezing rain, and the last bit of food she had brought or foraged had been consumed days ago. 
It was no surprise that her half-dreams of whispering shadows had returned. Hallucinating was a symptom of extreme starvation, after all. Feeling a presence in the room with her, Raven curled tighter in her thin, worn blankets, listening to stray drops of rain sizzle on the fire in the hearth. She was trying to force herself to sleep. The sooner she could fall asleep, the sooner she could forget about the hollowness in her stomach. 
“You're still here.”
Raven chose not to waste precious energy on a response, and instead lay there in silence. Her hallucinations were rarely so curious. However, the shadows continued to talk, as if unnerved by her silence. 
“Honestly, it's a feat you've managed to last this long.” The darkness slid along the corners of the room, and she felt the weight of its stare. “Humans tend to die when faced with circumstances like this.” There was another long pause, and the shadow seemed to drop closer to the floor, as if inspecting her like she was a decaying rodent. “Perhaps you will die soon. It would ease your suffering at the very least.” 
That was an unnecessary slight. Her eyes snapped open and she glared into the coals of the fire, forcing that gnawing, hungry feeling to the back of her mind. “I refuse to let my father be right.”
The shadows were quiet for a long moment as they continued to watch her. “Your father?”
“Father.” She snorted, the sound growling and divisive. “The unfortunate seed from which I was born.”
There was another pause. “You seem to harbor some hostility towards your father.”
“That's a bit of an understatement.” 
A soft hum escaped, as if the shadows fully understood the vitriol in those words. They spoke again, their question genuinely curious.  “What would your father be right about?”
“That the only good thing about my existence is ending it.” Raven's words were thick with hatred, and she closed her eyes against the dry heat of the fading coals. The emptiness in her stomach was fading as sleep started to claim her, curling in at the edges of her mind. “The fucker can rot in his grave for all I care. I'll survive just to prove he was wrong about me. I am not the curse he thinks I am.”
“Your determination is almost charming."
She snorted and turned her head into the bunch of clothes serving as a pillow. “I don't need my hallucinations patronizing me.”
“Don't make it so easy then.”
Raven gave a breathy laugh as the last bit of her energy faded, letting sleep pull her into its quiet embrace. “Mouthy bastard.”
The last thing she heard was a low, rumbling laugh. 
He wished he could stay away from her.
He should have stayed away from her. Contact between gods and mortals never ended well. The union between his parents was case and point. And yet he had returned to the rotting cabin again looking for… her.   
When Damian had visited her next, the deep, bone shattering cold of midwinter had returned, and the brief few days of wet icy warmth had disappeared. The cabin smelled of rot and stagnant water and… something else. His lip curled up in disgust, and Damian covered his nose against the scent. 
The coals in the fire had died hours ago, and any light that would have come in from the outside was swallowed by a clouded, moonless sky. It was still and eerie, as though all life had been sucked out of the space, leaving a vacuum where something had once stood. Damian moved through the space, feeling around himself for echoes of her.
She must have left. Well, good. At least it would keep strangers off his land. A small feeling that seemed almost like sadness twisted in his chest, and Damian stepped onto the decayed floor. His toe hit what felt like a heavy bag, and he frowned. Dropping down to a low squat, he pressed his hand against… 
Her ribs.
Damian dug around in his pockets until he found his cell phone, and flicked on the flashlight. Raven was laying sprawled out on the floor, her breathing shallow and coarse. The smell of sickness and death washed over her, staining her skin. His fingers slid down her side, feeling her ribs nearly poke through the thin fabric of her sweater. 
When had she eaten last… and what was it? 
He thought it was odd that was the first thought he had in his mind - a feeling of concern for someone he barely knew. His grandfather was not a benevolent god, and Damian wasn’t sure if he was too. His reign on earth was too short to understand who he really was. His lips twitched, and his fingers pushed back her ragged hair from her face, watching her eyes twist underneath the dark color of her eyelids. She wasn’t going to last more than a few more days, and that was only if she was lucky. 
He groaned and rubbed a hand over his face. He shouldn’t do this. He really shouldn’t do this. Cursing under his breath, Damian lifted her slight frame into his arms and stepped out of the cabin into the cold night. 
Raven was floating somewhere. 
She wasn’t entirely sure where, but somewhere. 
Gods, she would hate it if her father was right. She rolled onto her side, expecting to feel the hard cold dirt of the cabin floor, but instead felt soft sheets and an even softer mattress beneath her. She was surrounded by the scent of clean linen, and the room was pleasantly warm. If this was the afterlife, she could have done worse. A window on the far side of the room showcased sweeping views of a wild pine forest that seemed to stretch out for eternity, each tree turned silvery by the sliver of the moon in the sky. 
“You’re awake.”
The voice spoke from the darkest shadows of the room, and try as she might, Raven couldn’t see into the darkness. 
“Did you… save me?” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Or am I dead?”
“No.” A soft snort was her response, followed by a heavy silence. “Those mushrooms you foraged were not meant for human consumption.” 
“I knew… but I didn’t really have many options, did I?” Raven fell back against the luxurious pillows on the bed and gave a harsh laugh. “I didn’t even get a good trip, did I? No, just gastrointestinal distress and a one way ticket to the afterlife.” 
She had known that those mushrooms were iffy at best, but she had been without food for nearly two weeks, and her options were limited. She took a chance and gambled, and she had lost. Running a hand over her face, Raven looked up at the ceiling, watching the moonlight flicker around the space, casting long, dark shadows. 
“Sorry for any inconvenience I caused you.”
There was a long pause, and the only sounds in the room were a rustling of fabric and her ragged breaths.
“Stay until you feel well enough to travel.”
Raven blinked and looked towards the shadows again, and she got the impression that the person just shrugged. 
“I have room enough for both of us.”
There was another pause. “You’re not going to break my legs and force me to stay and write novels, are you?”
“You’re free to come and go as you please, and I don’t know you well enough to gauge your writing ability.” The shadow moved toward the edge of the door, still shrouded from her observation. “You’re safe here, so take your rest while you can, and sleep.”
As if he had spoken magic, Raven felt her eyes grow heavy and she sunk deep into a dreamless sleep. 
Damian stepped outside the room and closed the door, looking into the expectant eyes of his half-brother. Fuck. If anyone was going to gossip to Damian’s family about what Damian was doing, it would be Dick. 
“Stay until you feel well enough to travel?”
Damian sighed and turned away from him, obviously annoyed. “Are you going to continue to tease me?” 
“I’ve never seen you get so worked up over a human before.”
“That’s kindness that I was displaying, in case you didn’t realize.” He started down the hallway, and Dick followed, obviously amused.  
“Yeah, I know. That’s what’s so confusing.” Dick glanced over at him with a grin. “I don’t think I’ve seen you act that way with anyone let alone, a human.” 
“Father is human.” 
“Barely.” Dick snorted. “Your mother thinks his blood is diluted to the point where he’s still got some kind of powers… whatever they are.” 
Damian made a noncommittal noise. He’d expected there was some diluted blood in father’s lineage for a long while, but he chose not to mention it. They both fell into a companionable silence for a moment, until Damian could start to feel the tension of an unspoken question hanging in the air. Dick was trying not to say anything, but Damian knew he was about to burst by trying to keep quiet. 
With a sigh and an annoyed click of his tongue, Damian stared over at him. “You're like a dog with a bone. Just ask whatever it is you want to ask already.” 
“Why her?”
Damian tried to look unaffected by the question, but the truth was that he asked himself the same thing. By all accounts, Raven wasn't special. So, why was he affected by her? Why this disheveled, downtrodden human? Why this woman who slept in abandoned cabins and could carry her entire life in a backpack? 
And yet… Damian had never felt this way about a human before. He liked her, but didn’t really have any reason why. With her sharp wit and even sharper tongue, she seemed to keep his ego in check. She was strong enough to keep going, in spite of everything the universe continued to throw at her. But those weren’t reasons to like her, just understand her. 
“You look like you're fascinated by her.” Dick's voice held a note of amusement.
“Oh, shut up.” Damian snapped at his brother, his eyes dark. “You’re no better, with the girl you try to keep hidden in town. What was her name again? Kory? Runs the cafe and makes the absolute worst coffee I’ve ever tasted?”
Color stained Dick’s face and he glared. “How do you know?”
“It doesn’t take a genius to realize she’s a bubbling, glowing mess every time you’re in town.” Damian waved him off. “What you do with humans - or anyone else - is none of my business. Just like it’s none of your business what I do with strange women wandering on my land.” 
“Fair.” Dick conceded the argument. “Fine. I won’t pry.” Damian snorted, as if he didn’t believe him. If there was anything he knew about his brother, it was that he would never be satisfied until he stuck his nose into everyone’s business.
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mynabirb · 6 months
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love without sight
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polintwitteraus · 3 months
Polin Twitter AU: The Wallflower Among the Wildflowers, pt 7/27
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In case it's not clear Colin did not post any of the stuff about Penelope lmao, just the sad middle parts.
Thanks for all the love, I so enjoy reading all of your comments <3!
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erosyrup · 1 month
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Toying with an Eros and Psyche AU, where Enjolras is married off to a monstrous being as punishment for his beauty, but instead of a happily-ever-after, he incites a revolution against the gods via his "marriage" to Eros (aka Grantaire...)
Or perhaps its just an excuse for me to draw Enjolras with a knife and butterfly wings 😶🦋
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