#Escape Room Holland
moviemosaics · 2 years
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Escape Room: Tournament of Champions
directed by Adam Robitel, 2021
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Oh! I’m watching Escape Room 2 and I totally forgot Holland Roden was in this. I don’t think Ive ever really seen her in anything but Teen Wolf. She’s so different 😂
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badmovieihave · 2 years
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Bad movie I have Escape Room: Tournament of Champions 2021
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tvtalk247 · 2 years
Did you guys know there’s two different versions of the Escape Room sequel? I watched it at the theater back in 2021. But today, I was all excited and wanted to show a friend the franchise so I played the first movie and the sequel. The version I played to my friend was drastically different than what I saw in the theaters.
Like this one had a backstory of the puzzle maker and his family. The daughter was the one that really was designing the rooms. And Ben last room was in a sauna. The one I watched his last room filled up with water and he almost drowned. Amanda from the first movie didn’t come back in this version. And the movie ended happily after. The one I watched Minos planned everything to the very end. The police was fake and finally tricked her on the plane. The movie ended with them finally doing the plane escape room on her.
Like how can this movie have such different endings floating around out there!?!
I had to go to YouTube to play the clips from the version I remembered. It made me feel like I was making it up 😂😂
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abs0luteb4stard · 2 years
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patwrites · 2 years
Escape Room: Tournament of Champions 🤝 No Escape
Being basically the same movie and having Holland Roden in them
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celebritybodyswaps · 3 months
The Great Celebrity Shift pt10 : Tom Holland
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(Tom To Justin) :
I woke up this morning a little tired. I felt as if i didn’t get enough sleep. But i realized that i wasnt in my hotel room. I went to find a restroom and looked in the mirror to realize im not in my body.
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I felt so much joy. I am not in my body anymore. I don’t gave to worry about any photoshoots or acting. I can live a normal life now. Being an actor took away most of my life. Now i can live my life as a regular person.
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This body isn’t like my old one tho. He is fit but doesn’t have abs and kinda looks like a skeleton. But i cant believe i have escaped my fame. I don’t have to worry about crazy fans breaking into my house.
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I can go out without worry of being noticed. I can finally live my life as normal as i can. The shift has really helped me. Now i can work a normal job. I can now work for what i have. I love the shift it has helped me escape the fame.
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ifortom · 10 months
Bad Decisions - T.H. (1)
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frat!Tom x Reader - Fake dating AU
Summary: Tom and Y/N, two students with opposite personalities, join forces to solve a problem: they both desperately need a fake relationship to escape different social pressures.
W/C: +3K
There is an unknown saying that says that every choice is a loss and that good choices will also hurt. Some may say that the best choices are those that are made calmly and cautiously. Choices made on impulse are the most worrying. Taking a risk without thinking about the consequences and not being sure you can deal with them is dangerous.
But perhaps, thinking too much about a decision to be made is not a good option. Sometimes we need to take risks and be willing to face whatever comes our way. Regardless of the need.
That's why you find yourself on an endless tightrope with only two alternatives: keep walking trying to keep your balance without seeing the end or throw yourself towards whatever can hold you before you hit the ground. That whatever being a brown haired boy with stars in his eyes who you call your friend.
‘’Friend” may even be too strong a word for what defines your relationship with the famous Tom Holland, one of the players on the college football team. Known for his charm and great performance on the field, intelligent, friendly and attentive, these are just some of the qualities that define the boy.
What started as just a pair project on social psychology has become a constant in your life. You and Tom worked hard during class and received a high grade due to your research performance and dedication. But what surprised you was Tom's insistence on staying in contact with you.
No stereotypes but truth be told, you would never have exchanged a single word if it weren't for this project. Despite having already crossed each other's path at times, nothing ever went beyond that.
Today, Tom is curled up on the sofa in your living room with a book in his hands, while you are sitting on the floor with a notebook open on the coffee table. Study dates happen frequently between the two of you. Despite his fame, Tom is very focused on his studies and is months away from graduating in psychology, just like you.
"Can we take that break you promised?" He says without looking up from the book but without reading a single word.
"It's been exactly 20 minutes since we started.'' You said.
"Isn't there a study method like this? You study for a few minutes and take a break?"
"I don't think that's how it works, Tommy" You giggled.
"I'm bored" He says, closing the book and throwing it on the table in front of him.
"Studying isn't supposed to be boring. If it is for you, it means you're not learning anything."
"Seriously Y/N, you can't tell me that studying about catharsis and free association is fun" He looked at you in disbelief.
"Tom, this is literally part of the course curriculum... you should have known this when you signed up."
He huffed and lay down on the couch, looking at the ceiling of your living room.
You even tried to turn your attention to the content in front of you but every 30 seconds he would snort, clearly seeking your attention.
"Alright, you win!" You said, letting go of the pen that was in your hand and turning towards the boy lying comfortably on your sofa. "If my grades drop, it's your fault, and don't complain about yours later." He grinned standing up and sitting down.
"As if there's any chance your grades will drop, smartiepants” You rolled your eyes, sitting on the couch next to him. "I'm hungry. What do you say we order something to eat?"
Just as you thought about agreeing, his cell phone went off. He picked it up off the table and you noticed that it was a video call from Brian, one of the other players on the team.
Tom quickly looked at you who just shrugged. He got up answering the call.
"Where are you, bro?" The muffled sound came from the other end of the line.
"What is happening?" Tom asked while watching his friend, clearly out of control of his cell phone, focusing the camera on everything but himself.
"Bro, the party at Taylor's house, did you forget? Everyone's here. She said she invited you and she seems disappointed that you're not here yet. Where are you?” Tom rubbed the back of his neck.
"I'm at Y/N's house." He replied.
"Dude, again? You better be seizing the opportunity and using it to your advantage." Shaking his head, Tom walked to the open balcony door and closed it behind him, making it impossible for you to hear the rest of the conversation.
Even though you know him better now, you also know Tom's reputation around campus. You know that he has been involved with many girls and that he has already broken the hearts of most of them who always expected more from him than he was willing to give.
You also know that most of the kids on the team only think with their other head and not the one above their necks. You know people talk about your friendship with Tom. Everyone thinks you're fucking in secret.
But Tom never took any initiative in this regard. Nor did he show any interest in you in that way, despite the intimacy you very quickly created with each other. There have been a few nights where you shared a bed and even cuddled on the couch while watching a movie. Not to mention the dates you had together but were never named that way.
So everything was always platonic. Two people who understand each other and feel comfortable with each other to share the most intimate moments.
Even though this all happened in just 6 months.
Getting up, you started putting away your study materials, waiting for Tom to say he was going to that party. Surely you lost all desire to study and your only objective from that moment on was to lie in your bed until daylight.
Maybe you could even ask for something to eat and drown your sorrows.
Not 5 minutes had passed and you heard the sliding door to the balcony opening again.
"Hey, did you give up studying?" Tom said looking at the now clean table. His belongings were also already inside the backpack he brought and no longer scattered on the floor.
"Yeah, I thought about going to sleep, actually." Tom looked at you in surprise.
"I thought we were going to order something to eat... then we could watch a movie, that new horror movie you wanted to see just came out."
"It's called Totally Killer..."
"So... what are we waiting for? Would you really rather sleep than hide in my arms when a scene scares the hell out of you?" He said smiling and opening his arms.
"You know I never do that, and if I remember correctly you're the one who has to hide when a movie gets too scary."
"You know that's our secret, don't you?" He said sitting down on the couch.
"I thought you were going to... what's her name? Tina's party?" You said mockingly.
"Taylor, actually. And no, I'm not going there" He said and you sat down next to him.
"Can I know why?"
"You know Y/N... It's Taylor. Taylor Brown."
"Ah, the girl who won't let go of you? I thought she had given up, I haven't heard you talk about her in a while."
Taylor was one of the girls who had created too many expectations after a night with Tom. The problem is that it wasn't just one night. She was one of the only girls Tom almost had a relationship with, they hooked up several times and even hung out together all the time. But just 2 months after meeting you it seems they broke up, with the story that he wasn't ready for a relationship. And since then, Taylor has been looking for any opportunity to be close to Tom.
"She invited me and insisted that I go to the party today. I just spoke to her on the phone..." He sighed, running a hand through his curls. "I don't know what to do anymore Y/N... I made it clear to her that I don't want anything serious but she keeps pushing me."
"Do you want my honest opinion or do you want me to agree with whatever you say?"
"Be honest"
"First of all," You settled down on the couch, facing him, "you shouldn't have hooked up with her at Brian's party two weeks ago. You just fueled the fire even more."
"I was drunk, we kissed. And nothing more than that happened, you know that."
"Yes, I was there helping you when you got sick."
He laid his head back on the couch and closed his eyes.
"I just wanted to take a break from this. I didn't mean to. I don't want to give her hope. I have so many things to think about and a complicated relationship isn't one of them."
Tom is a person completely responsible for his actions. He was raised like this since he was a child. Despite loving football, he knows the importance of his studies and always seeks to improve himself more and more. He still doesn't know what career he wants to follow, as his talent for football was only discovered in his first year of college, but you're sure that whatever side he chooses will be a success. He knows he gets distracted easily and doesn't want to put anything in front of his main goal right now: graduating.
"If relationships weren't something so complicated, who knows..."
"I don't think relationships are complicated... people are." You sighed, moving closer to him and placing your head on his shoulder. "Relationships should be calm and welcoming. Of course, there is no relationship without problems and that's okay. But we are the problem... we are the ones who complicate things.” Tom gently took your hand that was in your lap and intertwined your fingers.
"Sometimes we overthink things. Relationships should be light. Not a weight we have to carry on our shoulders."
"I'm sorry" he said in a whisper as he stroked the back of your hand with his thumb.
Tom knows your story. He knows about the relationship you had that lasted 4 years and you swore it was that once in a lifetime thing. He even met the boy who broke your heart into thousands of pieces and left you to glue them back together alone. He didn't know you at the time, he only found out that your ex-boyfriend was his rival from another university a few months after you met and after he commented on the asshole who almost broke his leg during a match.
You and Sean met two months after classes started at a friendly match between the two universities. He accidentally slipped in front of you while running towards the field and you laughed at him. He flirted with you and promised he would take you out for coffee if he won the game.
His team lost but he kept his word.
It's hard to say when the flame between you went out. And this is something you don't try to think about often. Something inside you changed when Sean decided to leave your life. Maybe the broken pieces of your heart were still lying around, waiting to be fixed.
"It's okay... You don't have to feel about it."
"If I could, I would finish him off."
"Oh, how manly. My savior."
You laughed but soon the laughter was replaced by the silence of the apartment. The two of you continued to sit next to each other maintaining physical contact, Tom held your hand firmly and showed no signs of letting go anytime soon.
That was a constant between you. Even the silence was pleasant. Just each other's breath and presence was enough.
"My sister will be getting married in 2 months." You said.
"Woah, already? That's good isn't it?"
"It seems so." You sighed. "I don't wanna go."
"The last time I was home they wouldn't stop asking me about Sean... even after 5 months since we broke up."
Your family loved Sean. Just like you, at one point they were just waiting for you to announce your engagement.
"Do you need support?" He asked.
"I can't ask that of you"
"If you need me to go as your date it won't be a problem, you don't have to deal with this alone."
"Maybe I'll find a boyfriend in two months. Maybe they'll stop asking me about my ex if I show them I've moved on." You joked.
Silence returned and the two of you remained in the same position. As you closed your eyes, enjoying the calm of the moment, Tom's head was spinning with different thoughts.
That's when he found the solution.
“Y/N, would you like to be my girlfriend?”
"What?" You said scared, raising your head and looking at Tom's profile. "Are you crazy?" You said laughing.
"I meant... my fake girlfriend." He stared at you.
"Tom, you've got to be kidding."
"I'm serious. Think with me, okay?" He said looking at you seriously, which made the smile fall from your face. "You need to introduce someone to your family to forget about your damn ex. And I need to take a break from Taylor and show her that I'm not available."
"Tom... I don't... I don't think that's a good idea." You said, looking at everything around you except his eyes.
"Look, I'm not going to force you into anything... it was just a thought I had given of our situations." He said, settling back down on the couch.
You felt the air in the room change and Tom seemed shy and embarrassed by what he had just proposed.
"Tommy, this could end badly. I don't want things to get complicated between us."
"You know you don't need to, nothing has ever been like that with us. But it's okay, forget what I said. It was stupid, I don't know what I was thinking." He said, running his hand over his face.
Tom had already let go of your hand a while ago and suddenly you felt the extreme need to hold his again. But something changed and it was strange. He had just proposed a romantic relationship between the two of you. What would that involve? Kisses, hugs, dates... sex?
"Still hungry? Shall we order something?" You said trying to get back into the mood.
Tom got up quickly.
"Actually, I think I'll go. You said you wanted to sleep, so..."
Surprised by his decision, you stood up as you watched him put his backpack on his back.
"Ah, okay. So, can we watch the movie another day maybe?" You said awkwardly.
"Yeah, another day" He replied in the same tone.
Normally, he would hug you when saying goodbye but this time he just shook his head and walked towards the front door. He also left without looking back.
What just happened?
After Tom left you didn't do much. The hunger you felt completely disappeared too. You took a shower with the intention of relaxing your tense shoulders and then lay down on your bed.
Despite your attempts, nothing could put you into a deep sleep. Millions of thoughts were running through your head at the wrong time. How did Tom think of something like that? Does he feel comfortable with you on that level? Wouldn't that be weird? What could happen to your friendship? What is the limit of a fake relationship?
At some point during the night you decided to use your cell phone and browse social media.
Big mistake.
Angela, a colleague from a previous curricular subject had posted a series of photos and videos a few hours ago. The first photo was nothing more than a selfie in the bathroom mirror with another unknown girl. The following photos already included the place and people present at the party. In any other situation, you wouldn't care much about a specific photo, but due to the events of hours ago you felt heat rush to your face when you saw a photo of Tom with his arms around Taylor.
In fact, one of his arms was resting on her shoulders, while the other was on the shoulders of his best friend Harrison. Seemed friendly, just posing for the photo. But knowing their history, it's suspicious. So he went to the party after being rejected? Does what you did count as one?
At that moment you felt something changing inside you. Would it be a bad idea? Despite the short time, Tom has become a constant in your life and you know that he knows you like no one else. Still with your head racing, you left your cell phone aside and reflected a little more before sleep completely invaded you.
Due to the time you spent rolling around in bed before going to sleep, the extra 5 minutes before getting up became almost 30. You barely missed the first class of the day, and despite the teacher's ugly face when he saw you enter 15 minutes after hours, it was very useful. Lily, a friend, was already saving your spot.
"What took you so long?" She whispered.
"I'll tell you later." You replied smiling slightly.
The truth is that only one thing was on your mind this morning: finding Tom.
The class distracted you for long enough and when the teacher dismissed the class, you were one of the first to leave the room. Lily didn't even have time to ask you anything else.
You made your way through the halls to the courtyard, heading to the football field at the back of the campus knowing you would find your target there.
He was sitting in one of the lower stands. The sun made the sweat dripping off him shine, he had probably already ran around the field a little. The slightly tight uniform left little to the imagination. Some boys from the team were on the field chasing the ball, while others surrounded Tom.
You walked up to him, holding tight to the strap of your bag, suddenly not feeling as confident as before. When you were a few meters away, Tyler, one of the boys spotted you and tapped Tom on the shoulder getting his attention before pointing to where you were.
Tom looked confused but he got up and ran to you.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked.
"Uh, I... I came to see you." You replied embarrassed. What was happening?
"Really?" He said with a playful tone. "I didn't know I was so dear to you" He joked.
"Yesterday you left very quickly and I..."
"I know, I'm sorry about that Y/N. Can we just forget it happened? Forget anything I said?" He cut you off and ran his hand through his hair looking embarrassed.
"Look, I need to keep training, the coach might complain and I don't want to get you in trouble." He interrupted you again. "Ah, I think I'm going to have lunch with the boys today, is that ok? We can arrange another day." He was already turning around before he even finished the sentence and fear spread throughout your body.
Was he suddenly avoiding you? Has he felt so embarrassed that the only option he has now is to push you away?
On impulse, you grabbed his hand before he moved further away from you. He turned around and you looked at him.
"I'll do it." You stated.
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A/N: And so it begings! I'm really excited and I hope you like it. Don't forget to tell me what you think, feedback is important!
Tagging: @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps @un06 @lnmp89 @hoodharlow @let-me-luve-you @erule @smoofine @smile2345 @itsdoni @helen-on-earth @hollands-underoos
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totallyunidentified · 4 months
Auntie Omega
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A/n This is dedicated to my best friend who gave me this idea and let me run with it.
Omega lives to see the fall of the Empire and the rise of the First Order. She joins Leia and helps train pilots for the resistance. 
This is a part one of what I’m hoping to make a longer series
I hope you enjoy!!
“Leia, I'm just about done.”
Omega looks at her old friend who she had been fighting alongside since the early days of the Rebellion. In the years between the Empire’s fall and the first order’s rise the two had always been friends. Wrinkles had started to show on her face as much as they did on her own.Growing up and old together. Leia had accompanied Omega to visit Pabu many times, and was with Omega when she returned home the three times when it was the hardest. She had held her as she cried and reminded her that, though her brothers were gone, she was not alone. She would always have her fellow Rebels and she’d always have Leia.
“I don’t know why you would think that, You know as well as I do these pilots aren’t gonna train themselves. I need you here, Mega.”
“I know, I know,” Omega chuckles. “I just want to retire to Pabu, like my brothers did. I’ve had twice as many years as they got, I want to be able to put fresh flowers on their markers and watch Batcher’s great grand pups play on the beach. Wrecker’s kids aren’t getting any younger, I want to see them grow.”
They’d had this conversation before, sitting at this very briefing table. Omega felt done. The First Order was relentless and she didn’t want to lose any more people she loved. She fiddles with the necklace around her neck as Leia speaks.
“How ‘bout this? I’ve got this one kid — huge pain in my ass,you’ll love him — he needs training. He’s already good but you can make him great.”
“You are trying to appeal to my ego,”
“Is it working?”
“….yes,” Omega grumbles as Leia laughs
“Listen Megs, this kid is crazy. You were trained by crazy.”
“You said that yourself! Crazy knows crazy so I need you to train him. You’ll like him, I promise. You’ve trained all my best pilots. Who was that last girl? Hillary? Holland? Oh, Holly! That’s it. You made her one of our best. She’s just about as good as Luke was, you know.”
Omega sighs, leaning more onto the table.
“Fine. But if he's a little shit then you owe me dinner.”
“Add it to my tab,” Leia laughs and stands up, motioning for Omega to follow her. They walk out of the briefing room and down the hall to the hangar, passing many who either greet or salute them as they pass. Both women smile and salute in return. Everyone on base had almost grown up with Aunt Omega and General Leia. If they hadn’t then they were surprised to find that Omega would adopt them eventually.
If Omega didn’t personally adopt you then she found you others who would be your family. She knew what it felt like to be isolated while surrounded by people. If she saw you sitting by yourself then she made sure to send someone else over and would make you start talking to each other. Omega always had an uncanny ability to bring people together exactly how they needed it.
As they walk into the hangar they squint as the bright sun comes through the open hangar doors.They hear it before they see it. Two figures, one man and one woman, both human,both in flight suits. Pilots. The space between them narrows as their voices get louder.
“You can’t shut off the karking engine mid-flight!” the woman yells up at the man in front of her.
“With enough altitude and, oh I dunno, life and death, then yes! I can!” the man yells back.
The pair is nearly nose-to-nose by the time Omega steps in.
“You two! Holly, you’ve got a cooler head than this.Tell me what's going on.”
“This nerfherder thinks that shutting the engines off would make for an effective escape strategy.”
“In the sky, or out in space?”
“In the sky, Aunt Mega. He’s got a kriffing death wish.”
Omega looks at the young man,standing there with his arms crossed and chest heaving. He’s ready for a fight.
“Well? In the sky would you turn your engine off?”
“He said tha—”
Omega holds up her hand, quietening Holly immediately.
“No. I want to hear this from him. It is his idea after all. So Mr. Trouble-maker…”
“Gesundheit. Mr. Trouble-maker, care to explain why you think killing your engines in the middle of a battle would help you in any way?” Omega questions.
Poe thinks over his answer before beginning what she knew would be a long-winded speech bloated with chest-puffing and exaggeration. She knew both well.
“Well, as I was saying to my lovely acquaintance — Holly, was it —,if you’re skilled enough, a pilot could kill your engines only halfway and dropped behind enemy fighters and become the one doing the chasing.”
He finishes his explanation with a nod to a glowering Holly and turns his gaze back to the woman in front of him.
Poe had heard of the “Aunt Omega” of base camp. In her eyes there was a sparkle that spoke of wisdom, kindness, and love. Her hair is white as Hoth, held back by a red bandana,her face covered in laugh-lines that were evidence of a good life full of happiness. Everyone said that she was kind, loving, caring, and more. They also said she was hard-headed, extremely quick, and took no bullshit from anyone.
“Your response, Holly?” Omega turns to Holly looking to create a discussion instead of an argument.
“I said bullshit because your engines wouldn’t be able to turn off and then back on quickly enough to escape.”
“Half off,” Poe snaps back.
“Oh yeah well I’m gonna cut half your—“
Holly isn’t able to finish her sentence before Omega stops her once again.
“Pardon?” Poe looks at Omega incredulously
“Not the engine but the thrusters. You have to lower the thrusters and pull back if you even hope to dream of finishing that tight of a turn.Technically, it could be possible if you lowered your thrusters to slow down already but kept the engines primed when you shut them off. And then turned them back on and immediately throttled all the way up.” Omega says, rubbing her chin in thought, though she already knows the answer. Her brother had taught her this years ago.
Poe turns to Holly and very maturely sticks his tongue out. She flips him off in return.
“All right, all right. Since you two have decided to be as immature as possible, why don't you test this out?”
“Mega, I don't know if that's a good idea,” Leia tries to start before Omega shoots her a trust me look.
“Those two x-wings have your names on them. Troublemaker, you get to test your theory and if you’re wrong, Holly you get to take out your frustrations in a game of tag,”
“Tag? What are we, twelve?”
“Did you play tag in x-wings at twelve years old?”
“Wouldn't you like to know, flyboy”
“Real mature.”
“You’re one to talk.”
Leia and Omega watch the two bicker before looking at each other and laughing, grinning at the next generation of youngsters who would be taking their places.
“If you two are done, I want to see what you’re made of. Go.”
The pilots shoot one last glare at each other before racing to their x-wings,throwing on their helmets, each one trying to beat the other to their ship. They carefully race through their pre-flight checks obviously safety is a large concern when playing tag with an X-wing.
“I’ll give you a couple seconds head start, Troublemaker.” Holly can be heard throughout the hangar, Omega turns and sees that there is a group starting to form around a radio connected to the com systems.
“The name’s Poe.”
“Is it?”
“Fifty credits the new kid eats it, Holly’s got this,” one mechanic says as he and another pull up crates for the growing crowd to sit on.
As Holly takes off she makes eye contact with Omega, giving her a two fingered salute.
“See? Crazy needs crazy,” Leia comments as they turn their attention to Poe who had been doing some tricks to warm up.
“You said he could fly, what is it that he's doing now? That's just fancy flippage and twirling.”
“Meh, he's got the foundation. I need you to help build the rest.”
They both practice for several minutes, getting comfortable in their fighters before hearing Omega’s voice through the speakers.
“Alright, I want a nice clean game. The guns are set to simulation so you can shoot as normal without messing up those beautiful paint jobs. Three tags and you're out. Got it?”
“Affirmative Auntie.”
“It's not— ugh! Nevermind, yeah got it,”
The two fighters swing away from each other. The crowd on the ground cheers as Holly spins and hits the accelerator immediately closing in on Poe,
“Tag! You’re it!” Her joyous shout can be heard over the coms. The responding muttered string of curses isn't heard as clearly over the audience’s cheers for their friend.
“That’s one for Holly! Troublemaker, I’m still waiting to see that fancy trick of yours.”
The two fighters round back at each other, playing a game of chicken before they pull away and turn in opposite directions. This time it’s Poe chasing Holly as they zoom through the sky. She manages to evade him for a while as the sun gets lower and lower.
Leia and Omega sit by the radio as more people drop off, leaving to go finish work or rest in their quarters. Finally, after ages of cat and mouse, Holly makes a mistake and Poe lands a tag on her.
“Ha! Tag! How's that feel?
Holly scoffs in frustration as they return to the starting points.
“Alright kids this is taking a while. Next point wins, free for all. Go!”
At first Holly has the upper hand and chases Poe across the sky. Both pilots maneuver their fighters through tight turns and large loops, trying to get the other in their sight.
Eventually Poe gets tired of being chased. It’s time to test his theory.
He makes sure Holly is still behind him before opening a private com channel to her.
“Ready for that special move?”
“Never gonna work, I’m gonna have to fish you out of the jungle after this,” she says confidently as she narrows in on him.
Poe grins under his helmet as he locks the brakes slamming the throttle back, cutting the thrusters off, killing the engine, and spinning around full force before tagging Holly and slamming the thrusters back on and shooting right past her. Spinning around 180 degrees and tagging her before she can even turn her head.
Holly’s frustrated yell can be heard as Poe whoops in celebration.
“Great flying kids, come back in for a landing. We need to talk,” Omega says into the coms.
“That's totally not the scariest phrase in the galaxy.”
“I’m sure you hear it a lot, Troublemaker,.”
“You know what, I'm gonna come up with a name for you and you are not gonna like it.”
“I'd love to see you try.”
The two continue to bicker as they come in for a landing, parking side by side.
Holly jumps out of the x-wing and holds her helmet to her side. She walks towards the two older women still sitting on crates, now the only spectators left.
“Ho-ly shit,” is all she can say as she shakes her hair out and joins Omega and Leia as the sun starts to envelope the room in a golden glow.
“I have to admit Aunt Mega, he is pretty good.You could make him great though,” Holly admits, grinning and giving Omega a hug.
“Not you too! Leia put you up to this didn't she?” Omega realizes she walked straight into a trap as Leia and Holly exchange a knowing look.
“Who, me? Conspire with our favorite General to make sure my Auntie stays here for a little while longer? I would never.” Holly keeps her eyes wide and pouty for Omega who can't help but laugh.
“You little shit, you lost on purpose didn't you?” Omega shakes her head as Poe lands and hops out of his own X-wing. He saunters over, helmet on his hip, winking at Holly as he joins the group.
“Seeing as I won and my nerfherder theory was correct, what’s my prize?”
Holly looks from the General to Poe smirking.
“Lessons with the best.”
“If the lessons are with you, Pretty girl I will never be late to class.”
“Pretty Girl. That's all you got?”
“You don't like it? How about—smart girl?”
“Funny, the lessons are with Auntie Mega. She’s the best around here.” Holly informs Poe who spins to look at a smug Omega who simply waves at him. Holly waves goodbye to the small group as she runs to escape Omega’s glare.
“Alright then, what kind of lessons are we having? You gonna teach me any more tricks? I like that spin, you got a name for it?” Poe questions Omega, rapid fire.
“First you are gonna go get cleaned up, then you are gonna meet me up on that cliff in 15 minutes. I need to destress after dealing with you children.”
With these words Omega turns headed towards the end of the hangar, ready to go to her special place. Her shadow long behind her as the sun continues its descent into the horizon.
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sunkissedpages · 1 year
instead of you [part fifty-eight] || th
pairing: [best friend’s brother] tom holland x college!reader
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either.
warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, smut (18+ mdni)
word count: 3.1k
Sam barely bat an eye when you told him where you were going. 
“Okay, be safe,” he said as he kicked off his shoes. 
That’s it? That’s all he had to say to you? You wanted to ask him just that, but you were afraid of creating another rift between the two of you. Sam had said he wasn’t ready to talk about it so you shouldn’t push, right? But was it wrong to keep leaving like this?
Going back and forth with yourself was only wasting time and Tom was still waiting for you downstairs. Fuck it. 
You grabbed a spare room key from the dresser, shoved it in the pocket of your dress, and left without another word before you could change your mind. 
Tom was right where you left him, leaning against the wall by the elevator hub. He grinned when he saw you. 
“Thought you’d never escape.”
You rolled your eyes at him as you let him lead you through the lobby by the hand. You were still wary of people seeing you together but the lobby was seemingly empty. 
“Sam didn’t care. It was me who took forever.”
Tom paused, letting go of your hand as he gave you a concerned once over. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?”
You nodded. “Yeah, I don’t really want to talk about it. So, where are we going?”
He frowned, but only momentarily, quickly covering it up with a smile. “I- okay, um... remember how you said we don’t do ‘couple stuff’?”
“I thought maybe I could take you somewhere where we can do that.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m taking you on a date, silly.”
“Really? Where?” When he didn’t answer, you groaned. “You and your stupid surprises.”
“It’s more fun this way and you know it,” he insisted, tugging you along by the hand.
“I like being prepared,” you argued. 
He grinned. “So be prepared for a good time.”
The drive wasn’t far at all this time but you were confused when he pulled into a crowded lot. You were even more confused when he didn’t turn off the car or more to get out of it. 
You turned to him in confusion. “Tom?”
“Y/n?” he parroted. 
“Where are we?”
“We’re on our date.”
“Yes, but where?”
“Did you not see the sign when we turned in?” You shook your head. He grinned. “It’s a drive-in.”
“Why do you think no one’s getting out of their car?” 
“I didn’t really notice, to be honest.”
“Too distracted by your hot date?” 
You didn’t spare him a reaction. “How’d you find this place?” 
“I did some research the other night,” he explained, “when you, you know, we talked about it. I figured this is about as close as we could get to a real date. At least right now.”
“That’s… really thoughtful.”
He shrugged. “Nah, it’s nothing, really.” 
“Well I was going to kiss you, but if it’s nothing—”
“No, no. I want the kiss. Give me my kiss.”
You chuckled, relenting as you leaned in. He met you halfway over the center console and kissed you sweetly. It was short but eager, just enough to leave you wanting more. 
You had to remind yourself not to get your hopes up. Sure, Tom was showing interest in you now, but what about when this was all over? Would he want to do long-distance? Did he want to date you at all? You had been telling yourself that it was just sex all this time but now you were on a date... but what did it mean? You could just ask but you were scared to ruin the moment, ruin whatever it was that was actually going on. 
You’d been asking yourself the same questions for weeks now and the scary thing was, it seemed like Tom was serious about you. He had all but said it outright to you. And here he was taking you on a fucking date. It was you who kept pushing back. You told yourself it was because of Sam, but if you were being honest with yourself that was only half of it. You were afraid of getting hurt. You had never been in a real relationship before for that very reason. Well, that and you liked being single. It seemed favorable considering the dating pool of your university. 
“So, what movie are we seeing?” you asked, exhaling deeply to try and physically release the stress you’d been holding. 
Tom pursed his lips, making you narrow your eyes in suspicion. “Um, Spider-man: Far From Home.”
“You took me to see your own movie?”
“It’s what they were showing! I had nothing to do with it, like they’re in the middle of a marathon. Last week they showed Spider-man: Homecoming.”
“Seems awfully convenient,” you mused. 
“Trust me, I know. I thought I was losing my mind when I looked at their website earlier.  But I promise I had nothing to do with it. You really think I’m so tacky I’d take a date to my own film? I mean, if I was going to do that I’d at least start with the first one.”
You made a face. “What do you mean, the first one.”
“Oh, Far From Home is the second in the trilogy.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that. “We’re not even watching the first one? How am I going to know what’s going on?”
“I’ll tell you! That’s one of the nice things about drive-ins, no one cares if you’re talking through the whole movie. The second one is the best one anyway.”
“Will I be able to follow the plot at all? You know I’ve never even seen a Marvel movie, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I wouldn’t have taken you to a Marvel movie if there was something else playing, but there’s only the one lot. The plot isn’t that complicated, you’ll still be able to enjoy it.”
“If you say so.”
Tom smirked. “I do say so. I think you’ll like it, actually.”
“Oh, you do?”
“Yeah, I hear the lead actor is pretty good-looking.”
You hummed thoughtfully. “Oh yeah, Zendaya is in this, right?”
“Fuck you.”
“I’d rather fuck you,” you quipped. He raised an eyebrow suggestively, making you laugh.
“What are we doing here, then?”
“We’re on our date!”
“But we could leave.”
“I can’t believe you’re trying to get into my pants on the first date,” you scoffed. 
“I don’t have to try,” Tom pointed out. “I was already successful before our date. Many times, actually.”
“I was there, you don’t have to remind me.”
“Are you sure?”
You rolled your eyes through a grin. “Positive.”
“Alright, well let me know if you change your mind.”
“You’ll be the first to know,” you assured him, leaning over the center console to nudge his shoulder. 
You stayed there, shoulders resting against each other. He looked over and smiled at you before reaching for your hand and taking it in his. He lifted his other hand to check his watch. 
“The movie starts in about ten. I know they have a concession stand but if you want snacks you’ll probably have to be the one to get them. I can give you the money, obviously, I just can’t…”
“Leave the car,” you finished for him.
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“I’ll go see what they have,” you decided. Tom handed you his wallet but you didn’t take it. “It’s on me. You bought the movie tickets.”
“You know I’m in this movie, right? You don’t have to worry about splitting the cost of everything.”
“I know, just, let me do this.”
Tom held his hands up in surrender and pocketed his wallet. “Fine, fine. Can you get me a beer?”
“Sure. Any kind in particular?”
“Whatever they have is fine. I’m not picky.”
You nodded and stepped out of the car, smoothing your dress out in case it had ridden up. You stood on your tip toes and craned your neck to try and find the concession stand above all of the cars. 
Luckily, there was a big neon sign that read CONCESSIONS with an arrow pointing to a kiosk that was presumably sitting underneath it. 
You wove inefficiently through the parking lot over to the sign, sighing when you spotted the long line. It was moving pretty fast so you didn’t have to wait very long and by the time you made it to the front, you still hadn’t decided what to get. 
The woman behind the counter looked bored and impatient so naturally, you panicked. 
“Hi, um can I please get a medium popcorn and two Nerds Ropes?”
“Anything to drink?”
Your eyes flicked to the menu overhead but all of the options seemed to blend together in an unintelligible jumble. “Uh, a water bottle and a peach High Noon, please. And what kind of beer do you guys have?”
She listed off a handful. You chose the first one you recognized and hoped it was one Tom wouldn’t mind too much. You waited as she ID’ed you and rang you up, dropping a couple of bills in the tip jar when she handed you your change. 
You had stupidly declined a tray so you had to very precariously carry everything back to the car in your arms. It was one of those establishments that took the caps off of bottled drinks and opened cans before you were allowed to leave the counter which meant you had to be extra careful with how you balanced things so that nothing would spill. 
“You good?” Tom asked, watching you struggle with everything. “I’d help, but that would kind of defeat the purpose of not going to get the stuff in the first place.”
“I’m fine,” you insisted. 
He didn’t look convinced but it wasn’t like he could do anything but watch so he didn’t comment further until you were seated again. 
“What’d you end up getting?”
“Well, popcorn.”
“It’s not a movie without it.”
“Exactly,” you agreed and handed him the bucket. “And I got us a water to share and some Nerds Ropes, I hope you like those.”
“Love em.”
“And then I got myself a High Noon and I got you a Heineken. I’m sorry, I blanked when she told me all of the types of beer they served and chose the first one I knew.”
“It’s okay! I told you I’m not picky. Heinekins are fine, babe, thank you.”
“Are you sure?”
Tom chuckled and took a sip from the bottle as if to prove to you that he liked them. “Yeah! Why wouldn’t they be? Do you have something against Heinekins?”
You made a face. “Bad memories.”
“Mm, I see. In that case, I won’t offer you any.”
“Thank you. Did you want to try some of my drink?”
“Sure, what’d you say it was?”
You passed it to him. “A High Noon. Have you never had one?”
“No, I don’t usually go for seltzers.” You watched him take a sip, laughing when he made a similar face to the one you had made just a few moments prior. “Oh god, the bubbles hurt.”
“How big of a sip did you take?!”
“A regular-sized sip! The carbonation is just a lot!”
“You’re so dramatic.”
“You do realize that’s my job, right?”
You rolled your eyes. “You just enjoy your drink and I’ll enjoy mine.”
Just then, the parking lot’s overhead lights dimmed. The projector flickered to life, casting the station to which to tune your car’s radio. Tom fidgeted with the dial until it was tuned to the right frequency. 
“Welcome to Aloha Drive-In’s adult-only feature film of the night! We have late-night showings for ages eighteen and up every weekday.”
“What makes it adults-only?” you asked aloud. “Is this the extended version of Spider-man where he fucks Gwen?”
“They serve alcohol,” Tom explained. “Something with the licensing prevents them from offering it during regular showings. Also, it’s MJ in this version.”
“I can give you the extended version when we get back later, though.”
“What, are you going to eat me out while you hang upside down or something?”
He grinned. “If you want me to.”
“Please stay in your car for the duration of the film unless you need the restroom or concessions. In case of emergency...”
You listened to the rest of the spiel in silence, snacking lightly on what you’d bought until the Marvel logo showed up on the screen. You recognized some of the actors flashing behind the letters but could only make a few connections to what characters they played. You nudged Tom’s shoulder when the familiar red and blue suit popped up, feeling a strange sense of pride as you watched the Tom on-screen catch a shield. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him watching you, gauging your reactions. It was hard to follow along with the plot since you hadn’t seen the first Spider-man or the other twenty-something MCU movies that preceded it. Tom helped fill in the gaps when he noticed you looking confused. 
You had to admit that it was a pretty funny movie, even though you didn’t have a lot of context as to what was going on.  You also had to admit that Tom looked good. The Peter Parker thing was really doing it for you. You weren’t used to hearing his American accent and you were surprised at just how convincing it sounded. 
The only other movie you had seen of Tom’s was the one you watched on the plane to Hong Kong, and you couldn’t even hear his actual voice in that one. You hadn’t ended up finishing it, either. 
“Take off your clothes.” 
Your eyes widened as the blonde woman on the screen commanded Peter to strip. Tom laughed at your expression. 
“I thought you said this wasn’t the porn version,” you mumbled. 
He chuckled. “Jealous, baby?”
You nodded. “She’s so pretty. Did you get to kiss her?”
Tom’s face fell. 
“No, I didn’t.”
“Then what’s going on?”
“Just watch!”
You did, watching with curiosity as Peter unbuckled his belt and shoved his pants down. You couldn’t help but focus on Tom’s bare thighs, squeezing your own together as you stared at them. Tom’s gaze fell to your lap when caught the movement of your legs. 
“Are you cold?”
“Um, a little,” you lied. 
You were in fact, not cold at all. You were actually feeling a little warm. 
“Here,” Tom said, reaching behind him to grab something. It was a blanket, and he draped it over your legs. “Don’t worry, it’s not the same one from the beach.”
You nodded in appreciation, grateful that he had clarified that it was a clean blanket and not the one that had been laid down in the sand and had sex on top of from the night before. 
Tom kept a hand on your thigh even after he’d situated the blanket on your lap. 
“Warming you up,” he explained before you could ask.
You were a little suspicious of his true intentions but he wasn’t moving his hand and he had gone back to watching the movie so you let it go. 
The snacks you bought lasted you throughout the majority of the film. Once you’d finished them, you put the candy wrappers in the empty popcorn bowl and placed it on the floor of the car so that you could lean across the center console and rest your head on Tom’s shoulder. He met you halfway to make it less uncomfortable for you. It was a little awkward, trying to position yourselves in a way that felt natural.
Your suspicions about Tom’s hand were of course proved correct when you felt it begin to inch upward. Your thighs parted automatically for him before you could process what was happening. It was pathetic how responsive your body was to him. 
“I’ve been trying so hard not to stare at you all night,” he confessed. “Look so fucking pretty in this dress.”
“You should try harder,” you teased, reminding him of when you had to kick him under the table at dinner with his family.
“You’d be doing the same thing if you were in my shoes,” he insisted.
“No, because I have self-control.”
“Oh, really?” he asked, fingers ghosting over your panties.
You sucked in a breath, physically holding yourself back from arching into his touch. 
“This isn’t affecting you at all?”
You shook your head. “Nope.”
“What about this?”
You knew he could feel how wet you were getting. It was pointless to lie. But even as he pulled your underwear to the side and teased you by putting the tip of his middle finger inside of you, you wouldn’t admit it. 
“This is doing nothing for you?” Tom prodded, curling his finger in a little deeper. 
You gasped and gripped the car door handle, nervously checking your surroundings to ensure you weren’t being watched. Tom had parked in the back of the lot so there was no one behind you. Everyone else seemed zoned in on the movie playing like they were supposed to be.  
“I asked you a question,” he reminded you. 
“Feeling nothing,” you lied. 
Tom tongued his cheek in annoyance even though it was clear you were just fucking with him. 
“You’re such a brat.”
“You already knew that.”
He sighed. “That’s true.”
You were both quiet for a couple of beats, letting Peter and Mj’s dialogue fill the silence. Tom’s finger was still halfway inside of you under the blanket and your dress and you had to try very hard not to think about it. 
You hadn’t been paying attention to the film for the past several minutes so deducing what was happening presently was impossible. But then onscreen Tom took his shirt off and the plot seemed suddenly irrelevant. 
Beside you, Tom laughed. 
“What?” you mumbled absentmindedly, not looking away from the version of him that had his tits out. 
“You clenched around my finger when I took my shirt off.”
“What, I did not!”
“Love, I could feel it. I can still feel it, actually.”
Your cheeks burned with embarrassment and you sunk down in your seat, which coincidentally pushed Tom’s finger deeper inside of you, making you whimper. 
“It’s not my fault!” you cried before he could say anything. “Obviously I’m going to be turned on by seeing you half-naked!”
“You don’t need to explain yourself,” he assured you, voice full of amusement. “I’m glad I can make you feel that way. Quite flattered, actually.”
“You’re such a dick.” 
He leaned over to whisper in your ear even though you were sitting right next to each other and no one else could hear your conversation. “And I’ve heard I’ve got a pretty nice one too. What do you say we get out of here?”
iou tags: @youcouldstartacult @helen-on-earth @lnmp89 @lovelyxtommy
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thollandneedy · 5 days
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Bed Chem- Tom Holland
A/n: Did i took almost 2 weeks to write it? Yes. Did i slay? Also yes
Warnings: Swearing and smut
Don’t forget to share, like, comment and leave your ideas here
Bellah’s Masterlist 🪻
The white dress had transparent details around it, like tree branches hugging Y/n's waist. The woman had her legs crossed as she sat waiting for her agent to notify her of the arrival of her car. Her attentive eyes caught sight of a man in a white jacket, black jeans that clearly showed off his plump buttocks and his strong arms that seemed to be begging to be freed from his black shirt. The young woman supported her weight on one of her hands, tilting her body to the side in an attempt to see the brunette's face, but caught by surprise, his assistant called out to her:
“Y/N. Can we go?” A man with rectangular glasses asked her, holding out his hand so that the woman could lean on it.
“Um, sure.” The woman straightened her dress, slicked back her hair and walked slowly towards the exit of the fashion event that had just taken place in a historic museum. The architecture of the environment was the same, but with some transparent chairs with comfortable ivory seats. The fashion show of one of Y/n's sponsors had just taken place in the museum's garden, which was decorated with floral and mythical elements that seemed to be inspired by “Alice in Wonderland”. As she neared the exit door, a familiar figure called out to her, causing her to turn around and smile, walking away from her agent.
“Y/N” Laura Harrier, smiling, held out her arms as if waiting for a hug, which was quickly reciprocated.
“Laura! I didn't see you the whole event.” Y/n says as soon as she's out of the hug.
“I was with some of my cast mates. How are you?” The pony-tailed brunette replies, pointing to some people in a circle chatting and laughing quietly to themselves.
“I'm fine, but I have to go. New York is calling.” Y/n lies.
She hadn't been able to write anything for a while, let alone find a chord on the various instruments she played. It wasn't a lack of ideas, because like all Hollywood artists, it wouldn't be wrong to be able to use a song as a template, but nothing seemed to be original enough or to capture her attention in order to finish the song. 
“But already? Well, stay! We haven't seen each other for over five months.” The brunette asked, holding both of Y/n's hands as if begging him to stay.
Y/n smiles, but denies it with his head. Just as her mouth threatens to open in response, the man she was looking at approaches Laura, with a friendly smile and brunette hair as silky as linen. Y/n moves away briefly, giving him room to greet the actress.
“Laura! Good to see you.” The brunette says, and as soon as she finally manages to blur the actor's beautiful body, Y/n smiles with satisfaction, discovering who this man was who had caught her eye without even saying a word.
Thomas Stanley Holland, the newest Spider-Man
I couldn't deny the media attention he was getting, let alone his distinctive British accent.
And damn, what a voice 
“Tom, this is Y/n.” The girl in the red dress moved her body away from the actor, making room for the singer to enter the scene and greet him with a friendly handshake, which ended up becoming an embarrassed hug.
“Y/n L/n. It would be a lie if I didn't tell you that I listen to your songs in my car. You're incredibly spectacular in your songs.” The Brit compliments her, causing a shy smile to escape from his pink, glossed mouth.
“I appreciate your affection, Spiderman.” The woman replies, prompting a low laugh from the actor. “I've never been a big fan of Marvel, or any superhero franchise, but this time you convinced me to watch. You were awesome.” Y/n returned the compliment, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear, adorned with a pearl earring.
“Getting a compliment from you made my day worthwhile.” The brunette replies.
“My brother will go crazy when he finds out I talked to Spider-Man.” Y/n laughs, remembering that his younger brother was obsessed with the character Thomas played.
The two of them were already in such proximity that if they lifted their arms to fix their hair, they would end up touching. Electronic music played in the background, while waiters passed by handing out champagne and other appetizers to the guests in the garden and others who entered the museum to take photos. The actress, sensing the connection between the two newcomers, approached briefly, asking to be excused, trying not to cut off the rapprochement that was being generated.
“Sorry to interrupt, but some of my colleagues are calling me. Do you mind if I leave?” The actress asks, receiving a silent no and smiling in thanks as she quietly leaves in search of her friends who have called her to take photos. 
“So you have a brother? What's he like?” Thomas asks, stepping forward, trying to move his steps elsewhere as they talk.
“He's great, but he knows how to drive me crazy.” Y/n laughs, following in the actor's footsteps and walking to the exit door.
“You don't want to go to my house to meet my family then. I have four brothers, and for a touch of femininity, my dog Tessa.” Tom mentioned, putting his two hands behind his back and causing the singer to react with astonishment at the number of brothers he had.
“And do you get along?” Y/n asks, receiving a yes between silly smiles. 
“Yes, quite a lot. But it's still difficult to deal with.” Tom continues the conversation, only to be interrupted when his agent calls him with his hands, showing that his black vehicle is already waiting. “I have to go now. I have to do a photo shoot later and I haven't even eaten yet. Can I text you later? Maybe I'll be free tonight. “Holland mentions, shifting his posture to face the woman in the see-through dress.
As soon as he stopped, his eyes once again shifted to watch her.  The woman's clear smile mesmerized him, as her eyes beckoned him to touch her. Even though her face had delicate, virginal features, Holland's mind was filled with dirty thoughts, however unintentionally. The actor had no intention of making the woman do anything she didn't want to do, let alone disrespect her, because his British moralism would never allow it. 
Y/n, on the other hand, felt the same way. Women are discreet and careful in the way they express their admiration for appearance, especially of a man they had never met before. Y/n would deny the invitation if she was silly and really had important work to do, but perhaps a distraction would help her inspiration. 
“I didn't give you my number.” Y/n says.
“I've been following you on Instagram for a while.” The brunette admits, looking away.
“And where are we going?” Y/n asks, drawing a sideways smile from the actor.
“Wherever you want, darling.”
The sun had been out for hours, and the bars were closing. The air in London managed to be more different than in New York, strangely wetter. Thomas's apartment had some of its lights on when his shoes were thrown into the hallway, and the walls made banging noises as if there was a fight about who was stronger. The clock struck almost two in the morning, and the neighbors who had once tried to sleep were now hiding their ears from the sounds coming from the young actor's apartment. 
“I don't usually do this on first dates,” Y/n said, tripping over her own shoes as her long-sleeved blouse was lifted, exposing her white bra.
“Don't worry, doll. I won't tell anyone.” Thomas says, kneeling down in front of the singer, allowing his tongue to meet her exposed belly, leading it to her covered breasts, which she responds to with a positive moan. “Can I take it off?” The actor brought his eyes up to hers, as if they were begging for his wish to be granted.
“Please.” One of Thomas' hands goes up to the clasp of Y/n's bra, unbuttoning it in a second with just one hand. 
Carefully, he pulls her up, holding her legs and pressing her against the wall so that her feet don't touch the floor. Their necks meet in a hard, abrupt touch, while their mouths move in sync, not allowing them to move. Carrying her on his lap, Holland detaches the woman from the wall, taking her to his bedroom a few rooms away. The couple laugh, allowing the actor to open his eyes and walk through the corridors of their home.
“I bought the apartment recently. I still haven't got used to everything in here.” The brunette admits, while Y/n wraps her arms around the young man's neck, agreeing with what he has said.
She didn't even know what he was saying on the way, since her concern was how he was going to touch her, hold her and turn her. Y/n noticed that they were approaching a white door with a silver handle, which was easily opened by one of Thomas's free hands, as the singer's legs were entwined around his hips. The brunette closed the door behind him, taking a deep breath as he let the woman's feet touch the heated floor, watching her room as the lights came on. As much as Y/n wanted to check the actor's room for red flags before he could commit some kind of act he would later regret, it wasn't possible for the place to be assessed, since Holland's tongue will find Y/n's within seconds of leaving it on the floor.
“Holy shit, Y/n” Thomas holds her against him, walking backwards as if guiding her into a mysterious cave of hidden secrets.
“What?” The woman smiles, as Thomas's hands go down to the buttons of the younger woman's pants, which manage to be removed with ease by his nimble fingers.
Y/n's ass becomes exposed to the warm air of the room, while Holland begins to feel his member harden against the factory of his pants, adjusting his hard-on in search of relieving the feeling of desperation buried between his legs. The heat rises to his cheeks, making him stretch out on the bed, putting both hands behind him to support the weight of his body against the bed he was lying on. His eyes drifted down to his smooth, apparently freshly shaved legs, returning to his hard breasts against the shirt he was wearing.
“Come ride on me,” Thomas asked, quickly removing his shirt after thrusting his body forward, carefully pulling the singer's thighs apart until she was sitting on his lap, rolling against his erection as soon as she felt it.
The singer smiles sideways, resting her two hands on the actor's back, who lies back, allowing her to take control of the moment and feel safe in the midst of the act they were about to perform. The air seemed to be getting denser and denser, and that was exactly what Y/n needed for her week's vacation. Something that inspired, surprised and called her to focus on something other than just music and work. 
The woman removes her blouse, finally exposing her hot body, sliding it against the actor's muscular chest, which allows a moan to escape her mouth. Y/n's back arches, as her mouth seeks out Holland's mouth once again with her tongue and fiery desire. The actor holds on tightly to her hair, bringing her closer, until the sound of the zipper opening is heard and he finds himself with only a hut as a representation of underwear.
“It's been a while since I've done that.” The singer confesses between wet kisses, feeling her lower lip being touched by her sexual partner's tongue.
“I'll help you,” the actor offers, finishing removing his underwear, leaving them both completely exposed to their desires on the bed with its wine silk sheets and comforter of the same color. 
Without even thinking about protection, Y/n put one of her hands on the actor's chest while she searched for his member so that she could fit into his wet entrance. The need for touch was so intensely hot that foreplay was no longer part of the process. The actor's penis fit perfectly into the younger woman's layers, feeling every bit of her completing her between wet slides of her pussy. The man groans loudly, gripping the woman's waist tightly until he makes red marks on each side. Y/n throws her head back, pressing her thighs together so that her movements meet Thomas's in their sexual synchrony. The man's hands manage to control the woman's sloppy movements, making her moan louder. 
“Fuck, Thomas.” The woman moans thinly, closing her eyes as if to squeeze them shut.
“Do you like that?” The man draws her attention with a muffled voice.
“Uhum” The girl rides his lap hard, finding a perfect rhythm. “Oh, shit”
Holland quickly pulled a pillow over his head, managing to improve his view of the surrounding singer. He couldn't tell if it was because her vocal range was so good, or because he was enchanted by her, but every sound she made managed to be perfect. The window of Thomas's apartment was open, as were the curtains that exposed the immense City of London as if each light in each house were a tiny star in a sea of space. The light was low, almost reaching the same intensity as the moon, which was also part of the lighting used by the couple. Holland moved his left hand to the pillow, squeezing it tightly with each thrust that Y/n made into his hard member. 
“Huh,” the brunette moaned. “If you keep this up, I'm going to come soon.” The man warned.
“And that wasn't the intention, baby?” The girl says breathlessly.
Her breasts were exposed, swaying with each hard smack against her wet spot. Her clitoris could be stimulated by her own hand, seeking a faster and stronger orgasm, so that she could relax her body for a good sleep, or perhaps another round that felt satisfying. As soon as Thomas noticed the stimulation she was practicing on herself, he caught her eye:
“No, darling. Let me touch you. I want to make you scream.” The Briton said, placing one of his free hands under the woman's hand in front of him, making her get off quickly so that she could be penetrated once more.
The pillow, which once served as a support for the actor's head, was now positioned against the woman's belly as she lay in a straight position with her hips slightly raised. Thomas kisses the singer's ass, running his hands over her soft skin, his eyes fixed on the beginning of the bed adorned with several pillows that he probably hadn't even used. Thomas holds the base of his penis, placing it against the entrance of the woman who involuntarily asks him to penetrate her, pressing her wet core against the pink head of his penis. Feeling the wetness of his member in contact with her entrance, it was as if her insides missed him and were ready for him to take her.
Without haste, the actor's penis entered the woman, eliciting a loud moan from her that was muffled by the mattress. Y/n's loose hair was pushed away from her face, allowing him to see even the slightest of her facial expressions as he penetrated her to the point where their skins made a sound. Her back arched like a cat's, and her position was perfect for hitting her G-spot with ease. With a feeling of power overtaking his body, Thomas put his weight against Y/n's back, lowering one of his hands to one of her breasts, which were massaged with fervor when he found them. Once again, a loud moan came out, now sounding hoarse and lacking the strength to moan any louder. 
“Thomas!” Y/n moans, clutching the messy sheets.
Holland takes on more shape and movement, starting to feel the sweat build on his wet chest. His mouth opens in an “o”, while his eyes close abruptly as he feels a huge explosion forming inside him. His breaths, as unregulated as they were, still came in a rush. Y/n felt his body tense up, as if his muscles were trapped in a cage of exhaustion after too long without an intense connection. 
“Come for me, come on. Let me hear you,” the brunette ordered, as if he were imposing a commandment on her. 
Y/n can't even deny the request, as the orgasm hits her hard like an eruption from a fiery volcano, feeling her fire being put out by the actor's soothing cum. Her walls contract, expelling her entire furrow in a shrill scream from both of them in the room, as if their bodies were begging for more. The brunette exhaled the air of satisfaction, allowing his body to fall next to his partner, who was still recovering from the physical effort and energy released during the climax. The girl smiles to herself, putting one of her hands to her face to cover her silly laughter, and then sneaking closer to the actor, whom she embraces in an affectionate gesture. Her body is wrapped in the sweaty man's arms, who smiles briefly at the naked singer, then says:
“I don't know what we'd be like as a couple, but I'm sure we have good bed chem”
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shelyue99 · 5 months
To escape the boredom, I took a week's leave and visited England. Captain Nixon accompanied me and through a little creative collaboration, we stretched a seven-day leave into fourteen days. I had a wonderful time-went straight to Aldbourne to visit the Barnes family and I spent ten beautiful days right there. Mr. Barnes had passed away in October 1944, shortly after we left to jump into Holland, leaving only Mother Barnes and her store. I knew she had saved my room and bed for me, just as I left it, and there would be a cup of tea. I went to town once to a show, but the rest of the time I just puttered around the garden, cut the grass, or slept. It was my way of thanking the Barneses for being my second parents. After ten days in Aldbourne, I traveled to London and spent four days just watching shows.
The day I was supposed to leave, the plane didn't show up, so I returned to London for one last fling. That evening was the most lonesome night I had spent in years. The city was full of air corps men, not a man or soldier in the bunch. I couldn't talk to any of them; they were mere boys, kids, no depth. Hell, I quit and found a corner in the lounge to myself and read. Get me back to my battalion!
—Beyond Band of Brothers, by Dick Winters
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softguarnere · 1 year
Hi! I really love your writing. I was wondering if you could write something fluffy with Eugene x reader? He’s my favorite.
Avec Les Étoiles Dans Les Yeux
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Eugene Roe x reader
A/N: Hello Anon! You're in luck, because I have been on a Eugene kick after listening to Shane Taylor's podcast episode 🥺 His status as one of the fandom's favorite characters is well deserved, imo (As always, this is written for the fictional depictions from the show - no disrespect to the real life veterans!) Thank you for the request, and I hope you enjoy this 💕🕊️ Warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of war
The night has been loud and full of excitement. All around Berchtesgaden, parties are carrying on into the wee hours of the morning. It would seem that rules do not apply anymore, as alcohol flows freely and the loot is collected openly. And, more importantly for you, love does not seem like such a thing that needs hiding anymore.
Love tugs on your heartstrings as you walk through the night, hand and hand with Eugene. It gathers in the back of your throat, too, threatening to spill out in sobs of happiness if you open your mouth to express it. The most you can settle for is squeezing his hand and glancing at his handsome profile, watching him as he stares up at the stars, his dark eyes full of them. Avec les étoiles dans les yeux. He squeezes back.
Throughout the war, you’ve had to hide this – all the love that has grown between you and Eugene. But now, with the German surrender and rules going unenforced, who really cares about fraternization? And who, if they saw you walking together, would dare to make an assumption about where you might be going together?
When you make it back to the house that you, Gene, and a few other medics have chosen to quarter in, you both freeze in the living room. The room Eugene chose on the first night is off to the left, and yours is to the right. Now you stand at a crossroads.
He lets out a little laugh as he turns to you. “You want to . . . ? Or I could come stay with you – but only if you want to, that is.” He adds the last part quickly, a gentle blush coloring his cheeks.
“Of course.”
You follow him, slowly, into his room. The house is dark, but Gene’s warm smile lights the way. This is the Eugene that so many of the people who know him miss seeing. Most of Easy Company only sees Doc Roe, the shy but resourceful and caring medic. But you’ve come to know – to fall in love with – Eugene, the man. A man who is funny and kind and romantic. Part of you wishes that everyone else could see him like this so that they could better understand him, but sometimes you’re glad that you have him all to yourself. Like now.
Still with a bit of the party in you, you spring onto the bed, laughing as the fluffy mattress absorbs the shock. Such a different sleeping arrangement from what you had back in Bastogne, Holland, or even Toccoa, for that matter.
Gene laughs, his smile carrying to his eyes as he follows you, although he takes a seat on the edge of the bed, calmly.
“You’re beautiful, you know that?” He asks.
Now it’s your turn to blush. You don’t try to hide it, though. You haven’t in a while. Eugene does something to you, and he deserves to see it. After all, he lets you see a side of him that most others rarely experience.
“Merci beaucoup,” you say, trying to remember the little bits of French that you’ve picked up from him during the war.
He nods in approval. “Tres bien.”
In the quiet of the house, you arrange yourselves so that you’re pressed into each other on top of the bed, leaning into the peace that exists there.
“You’re good at it,” Gene says quietly. “The French, I mean.”
“Well, I figure that I need to be, so that I can come visit you in Louisiana after we get sent home.” After the words have escaped your lips, you immediately regret them. Visiting Gene is something that you’ve thought about – perhaps fantasized about might be a more accurate way to put it – a few times. Although it would be nice to think that maybe he has also been dreaming of seeing each other after the war, you can’t be sure. Especially not when you feel him freeze beside you. You bite your lip to keep yourself from admitting to anything else, any more feelings that you assume that you share. Ice water fills your stomach at the thought that maybe this is only a wartime fling.
“Actually, I’ve been thinkin’ –“ His words send panic thrumming through your veins. Who knows where he might be going with this? “ – Would you want to visit me? All the way in Louisiana?”
“Yes,” you answer immediately.
“Because I was . . .” He clears his throat, like he can unstick the words he’s trying to say. Pressed up against him, it’s impossible to miss the warmth that floods his skin as he continues, “I was wonderin’ if maybe you might want to do more than visit Louisiana. Stay a while, I mean. Or . . . maybe just – you don’t have to if you don’t want to, obviously – come home with me after they send us back.”
Is he asking you to come live with him in Louisiana? Sitting so close, he would have to be deaf to miss the way that your heart is tripping over itself in your chest. This is more than you’ve dared to imagine in your wildest daydreams.
You shift to look at him. He’s already looking at you, his expression so open and honest and timid as he waits. You could kiss him, right then and there. That would be your answer.
“Gene,” you breathe instead, all the happiness from back in the street threatening to flood over again. “Of course. I would love to come to Louisiana with you.”
He breathes a sigh of relief. “’Cause if you don’t want to, we could always go to your hometown. Or someplace else entirely.”
Once again you take his hand and squeeze it. “Louisiana sounds perfect,” you muse. And you mean it. On cold nights sitting in foxholes, he used to describe the sights and sounds of the South to you, describing it all with such love and care that you could swear his words warmed you right up. There’s nowhere else you would rather go.
“I guess I’ll have to perfect my French between now and then.”
“We can have a lesson now,” Gene says, a mysterious tone you’ve never heard before creeping into his voice. “Je t’aime.”
This time you can’t hold yourself back from kissing him. You press your lips to his cheek, smiling into the kiss.
“Easy,” you whisper. “I love you.”
A bubbly laugh, so unlike the Gene that everyone else thinks they know, escapes from his throat. “Darling, you’ve already got all the French that you need.”
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ellena-asg · 1 year
I'm a curious animal and gooosh one scene in the Pilot kept eating me, so I finally decided to do some detective work.
So, there is this moment when Steve comes to Danny's motel room and he starts looking around
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and he sees this:
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Photo of Gracie. Gun. Money. Newspaper. Phone. Badge. Yeah. And on the other table... A BOOK.
This moment in the show is just after the garage scene so I wondered "Hmmm what this book is about?". I needed to know what Danny was reading when Steve came to him. I needed to know what Danny started reading after he met Steve in the garage, after Steve called governor and pissed Danny off.
I hoped it's some kind of "How to interact with difficult people, Vol 1: Irritating sassy commanders and how to tame one of them" 😉
I also thought that maybe it's some romance book (cause I was sure that I saw a kissing couple on the cover). I know that romance genre isn't Danny's cup of tea (oh, he was so bitter about that rom-com they watched in the cinema) but, huh, he just met a person that made him romantic, for the first time in his life he met someone that gave him butterflies feels (#feels everywhere) and he's like 🎶Heaven, I'm in heaven and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak🎶 Besides, sometimes harlequins are like "How to tame an irritating sassy officer" so 😉
So, the book title is very blurry but I could see some letters and thanks to my brother's help 💐 I figured out the rest (also, I found photo of this book).
(gosh, my brother's face when he was watching that motel scene 😂 he's, huh, allergic to romantic scenes of all kinds but in McDanno case he was like "wow, that one is powerful, that one is interesting to watch")
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It's Sirchie catalog.
Info from their site: "Sirchie manufactures high quality forensic science and crime scene investigation products and customized special purpose vehicles and provides hands-on training for the law enforcement community around the globe".
So, when Steve pissed Danny off, Danny started reading about cop stuff.
Maybe it's because Danny's job is also his hobby and it allows him to relax and escape from problems (Hollander family before and, huh, now, in some way: Mr 'Now It's My Crime Scene' Commander. Okay, Steve/"problem" is part of this job but you know what I mean, right? 😉).
Or maybe Danny was so pissed off that when he was reading that catalog he was like "How to murder an irritating sassy commander... No, no, no, Williams, you can't. But geez, that schmuck pissed me off, he... Hmm, maybe new detective toys will cheer me up? Let's see...".
And then *knock knock*. Danny opens the door and... Ta-da! *Mr Schmuck says hello* 😂
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altocat · 6 months
Imagine if Shinra were so petty they sent sephiroth to kill angeal.
There's a twisted Crisis Core AU hc of mine that eventually Shinra catches on to Sephiroth continuously letting his friends escape and outright forces him to go handle Angeal or face serious consequences (of which Hojo would gleefully be involved).
Thus, Sephiroth reluctantly treks out to Modeoheim to confront his former friend and the terrible things Hollander has revealed for him. Sephiroth is filled with conflict, unable to budge, torn between his loyalties. And to make matters worse, a severely emotionally unstable Angeal keeps lashing out in an attempt to FORCE Sephiroth to end his life, to put him out of his misery. He can't bear the shame and agony at knowing he's an experiment, a monster. Sephiroth ultimately does not wish to kill Angeal--the single most precious person in his life other than Genesis. His other best, dearest friend. But Angeal isn't giving him that option. He ends up skewered on the other end of Sephiroth's blade, making Sephiroth promise to hand the Buster Sword over to Zack as inheritance. And, as a final parting gift, telling Sephiroth that none of this, none of what Sephiroth is, was ever, EVER his fault. Sephiroth doesn't understand. What did Angeal mean? What he IS? What was Angeal implying? What had he known?
The subsequent death of Angeal at his hand (coupled with the vague disappearance of Genesis in the crossfire) worsens Sephiroth's depression considerably. It isn't just that he's starving himself now. There are days where he outright refuses to leave his bed, lying there motionless, not sleeping, just staring emptily at the wall. Hojo comes to fetch him after several weeks of inactivity, fully intent on lecturing Sephiroth on maintaining his SOLDIER duties. Sephiroth won't initially allow himself to be provoked. He doesn't feel anything. Nothing but complete anguish and stagnation. It isn't until Hojo outright provokes him beyond his current capacity that Sephiroth finally lashes out, all his emotions finally erupting all at once, killing the scientist on accident in a fit of formerly suppressed rage.
Nibelheim never happens thanks to Hojo not being around to help orchestrate. But Sephiroth is thereafter strictly confined to Shinra HQ, prevented from leaving, locked away in his room, wallowing the hours, a disgraced hero. When Genesis comes sniffing around for S cells with his rejuvenated clone army, he finds a Sephiroth so badly broken down and emotionally exhausted that he has no qualms at all about joining forces. Better to bite the hand than to permit it to strike again. Not after Angeal.
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mendesblurb · 2 years
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His Sanctuary
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Shawn Mendes x female reader
Word Count: ~300
Warning ⚠️: fluff, maybe grammar error and maybe some punctuation errors.
A/N: Happy Valentine’s Day! And yes finally I wrote something 😜
The coffee table was filled with crumpled pieces of paper scattered all over it, a couple of pens, one notepad with scribbled handwriting, and two abandoned cups of now cold beverages. The fireplace was crackling soothingly on the other side of the room, warming up the space.
Across the table were two peacefully sleeping figures in a sweater cuddling up underneath the thick, knitted, fluffy blanket.
Shawn didn’t know what comforted him more at this moment; the warmth of the mid-afternoon sun shining through the window in the living room to the couch or the warm fireplace nearby, or the body heat of your body pressed close against his.
He had just woken up; the nearby sounds that belonged to nature woke him up. He was generally not a big fan of naps, but he was surprised he fell asleep mid-writing lyrics. He didn’t doubt for a second that it was because of the person sleeping with him. The gentle breathing escaping you and warm cuddles compelled him to drift to sleep a little while and abandon any of his pending tasks.
But now, he opted to take this time to relish the moment's beauty a little longer. He took time to notice how the locks of your hair were shining with the help of the sun’s rays as his hand caressed the top of your head, fingers entangling between the strands of your hair. Then his hands naturally fell to your shoulder. Fingers are moving across the skin, savoring the tingling sensation he got through his fingertips, palms clasped your shoulders to pull you closer to him slowly, and head tilted downwards to lean over to kiss your forehead.
It was as if time had stopped before you stirred in your sleep, groaning as you, regrettably, woke too soon from your slumber, “Hmph,” You mumbled as your boyfriend let out a huff from his nose, smiling at you, “Hey, baby,” He whispered gently, swinging his other arm to fall over to your waist gently, “I love you.”
This feels like his safe place; something about being wrapped up in your embrace felt like home somehow.
Thank you for reading guys... feel free to like, reblog, follow my account, leave a comment and my chat is always open for random chats or requests... appreciate every single one of you... ❤️
Taglist (open) : @monikamendes @holland-styles @bvttercupbby @lonelyreputation @badreputationlove @shawn-is-my-giant-jellybean @benito-mi-vida @swiftmendeshoran @yournameoneverypage @shawn-is-bruh @mendesbhraanth @perfectlywrongsm @imaginashawnn @smendes-forever @nervousmendes @whenyoureadyholland @shawn-youth @myboyshawn @camilalewiss @camilalewisss @theregoesmyherojd @nanijaac1 @shawnieeboyy @silverswallow @inlovewithmendes-blog @mendeslola-blog @mendesx123 @23kofmendes @jellyloml @chipofmendes @poohmendes @wutheringmendes @shawnmendesbuddy​ @chocochipcookie305 @socio-kai-path1972 @mendesficsxbombay @mendesmylove
Story Code:15022342
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