#Esteban's big ass fucking hand
starlightiing · 4 months
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I need everyone to understand how dear this is to me x x
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magicalonsomanydances · 3 months
In preparation for the Spanish Grand Prix I feel I must give my ranking of my top 10 on the Grid as some way to soothe the frustration that I have no way to watch the race.
Carlos Sainz Vazquez de Castro Cenamor Rincón Rebollo Birto Moreno de Aranda de Anteriuga Tiapera Deltun absolute king of my heart and the reason I got into this sport. The prince charming of Spain who's so classy and gracious and just such a good teammate no matter where he is at. With his powerful tractor beam big brown eyes. Long live the smooth operator! Vamos Carlos!
Esteban Ocon. Am I aware that this is like loving the problematic lead in a film or book just cause he has babygirl energy? Yes. Is that gonna stop me? Hell naw! I like his backstory, disarmed by his squishy little face, and I vowed to defend him from all harm like the minute after I watched him analyze Cars as being an accurate depiction of various racing aspects. Plus he's from the same region of France as where my family originates. So while Carlos is my F1 husband Estie is like my F1 baby bro. I will call him "teapot" it's a long story feel free to send me an ask about it. I will also call him Esteban "Can Do No Wrong" Ocon. Yes I'm fully self aware of how delulu I am about this man having no flaws (he does I've just elected to ignore them in favor of being charmed by the innocent face)
Daniel Ricciardo - I'm from Texas, I'm an extrovert, I'm legally obligated to stan this man to the moon and back. The Honey Badger is my spirit animal. Not the actual creature, just chaos gremlin Daniel. His energy is infectious and he brings the party and he loves my state. How could I do anything but support him?
George Russell - he was probably the second crush I got in F1 and I kinda love how in spite of his posh model energy he actually isn't from some moneyed or legacy background and he's so delightfully clueless at times "goat, sorry?" And the videos of him with kiddos he's so sweet and attentive to them
Checo - the Mexican minister of Defense. The down to earth friendly dad energy. He's just so solid and sweet and I love what he does to help mellow Max just by ya know being the chill dad Max never had. Also he an authentic Mexican, endorsed Tex-Mex so obvs I'm gonna love this man and wanna get tacos and drinks. He has that approachable energy and given the US's one driver might not even have a seat next year I gotta support our neighbor Mexico's driver cause I sure ain't supporting the Canadian nepo baby
Fernando Alonso - this mainly has to do with sex appeal let's be real. He's got that edgy bad boy kinda external vibe in some ways but then he's backstage arranging flowers and it's like "I could fix him and make him settle down" he's got charm style and is basically an immortal and foxy as hell. Let me try to domesticate this man please!
Charles Leclerc - sweet, I would vote him most likely to be true even while he's traveling abroad being swooned over and having fans handing him marriage licenses. He's just a little too type A for me to love him like I do my golden retriever energy chaos creatures and chill guys of the previous 6. But he's great and it's because of him and Carlos in the C² videos that I got roped into this sport so he's gotta make it. Plus after all the loss he's experienced he's a real inspiration in staying kind in spite of the pain of life
Max Verstappen - speaking of inspirations my traumatized ass can't help but support one of my own. He's an icon of breaking cycles. Yes he's definitely had his issues but he's matured in some ways and while I don't care if he wins or not on the track I'm very invested in him winning at life which him being a doting stepdad to Penelope is the kind of healing that helps me heal too. Children of hard ass dads who didn't realize their childhood was fucked up, unite! Plus he's an absolute goofball and that's endearing
Logan Sargent - I'm american, independence day is literally my favorite holiday, I have to have this man in my top 10 and I genuinely do think he's a classy guy (especially considering he's from Florida) and I can't help but love how the one American driver is just so painfully American looking. He looks like Captain America fucked an apple pie. He looks like scientists designed an American in a lab. He looks like the Beach Boys had a grandson with the descendants of Betsy Ross. He looks like a team scoured frat parties for a year to find the most American looking guy in the country. He is Logan Sargent and he is Kenough.
Valterri Bottas - his absolute self confidence and zero fucks given. He does not take himself too seriously and he is wholesome AF. He also has practical guy energy. Like if I hand to rank drivers on Most Likely to Pull Over and Help You Change a Tire he's definitely in the top 3. He seems like getting his hands dirty is something he's not too good to do and he seems like a good dude. Plus he's hilarious. He's as chaotic as Daniel in some ways he's just a little less boisterous about it. Calm chaos vs 5 year old given 16 energy drinks in an hour Ricciardo energy
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
Which subs would love getting plushies and who would hold them close while an intimate moment?
AN ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE ASK I ADORE THIS. Soft and smutty??? Amazing. 10/10. I have no notes. Actually I have several notes and I will share them all.
Lando will act like he doesn’t want to hold a little plushie while you stroke his cock. He’ll act like his all big and tough and tears aren’t welling in his eyes. You’ve learnt not to make fun of him here, because his pretending stems from a place of insecurity and you want him to feel comfortable here.
However, every single time you grab a plushie and hold it out to him, he will take it. Every time. Without fail. And then he’ll be so much happier, hugging his plushie tight, nuzzling into the soft fur as you stroke his cock. He’s so happy then, so warm and cosy. And of course you must cuddle him and the plushie for aftercare.
This shouldn’t be a surprise. I think poly!piarles especially actually?
Bunny gets so used to scening with both you and Pierre together, where he always has someone holding his hand or holding him close and whispering praise in his ear. But when it’s just you or just Pierre, there aren’t always enough hands to take him apart and comfort him at the same time.
He’s fine with it at first. But as the scenes get more intense and he becomes more comfortable with his subby headspace, he starts to want the comfort he can only get with two of you.
The solution is a giant bunny plushie Pierre bought at a duty free one time and had to then have it on his lap for the entire flight. Charles always has it with him now, cuddles it when he’s alone (and maybe will hump it sometimes but no one has to know), and if one of you are domming him, then he’ll sometimes call yellow and ask for the plushie if he needs extra comfort.
Then he’ll just be hugging it and stroking it as he gets wrecked and it’s amazing.
(The bunny is named rabbit. Because of course there can only be one bunny)
Max laughs at you the first turn you suggest it, finding the idea absolutely ridiculous. He’s a grown man. You already spank his ass, why does he need a plushie too?
But that’s exactly the time when you want him to have it. He needs to be spanked sometimes in order to let things to go and allow himself to relax, but you’ve noticed the way his hands scramble for something to hold onto and while you spank him.
He denies the suggestion of a plushie. But you buy one and put it in on the bed anyway, claiming is just decoration. The moment you spank him again, he’s instantly grabbing the plushie and holding it close. You don’t address it and neither does he, but he takes the plushie everywhere with him now.
We do not talk about este enough!! And he would love having a plushie to hold. Esteban is very laid back in scenes, very relaxed and plaint and making little jokes and comments to see you smile. Scening is almost informal with him? You’re clearly in charge and he would never disobey, but there’s this easy soft dynamic there that means you’re both smiling and laughing through most of it.
The plushie was originally a pillow. Esteban has nearly no body fat, meaning he has nearly no cushioning, meaning you can’t fuck him on hard surfaces without putting a pillow between him and the surface. What’s the fun of bending este over a table if doing so will just be very painful? So you grab a pillow and lay it down and then it’s amazing.
The pillow ends up with a name. It’s named pill. Because Esteban can’t say the full name when he’s desperate and needy. So then it’s pill. Pill soon has an entire lore and backstory. For instance, you can’t just drop pill to the ground to take care of Esteban, because that would make pill very upset (according to esteban).
Eventually pill ends up being a very soft and very round squishmallow who is used for cuddles and as padding against hard surfaces.
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sincelastsession · 2 months
Had a decent time doing the birthday dinner with Lucy and Travis. My neighbors kids have taken to stalking me from both balconies, thier mother videos me cleaning outside. I heard them talking about my car today confirming with one another it's the old silver Honda fit.
My parents are acting weird and paranoid about me getting a camera. They think it will get knocked down with a broom by the neighbors. Then I got bitched out that it better be under 200 when I originally said I'd buy it they insisted. I don't know what to think. If my neighbors can have a camera and the Office and the apartment management company said "Yeah do that if it makes you feel safer and gives proof"
No one us like actually happy I am around though. Like was very nice to everyone today and people were cruel. Even my mom was nasty to me.
She also offered me a dog that Esteban brought home. I told her when I moved I could take it as a foster or I could bring it to the foster ppl at CAABR.
She got furious when I tried to explain that the dog would likely get a home or go on transport to a no kill.
He told her he inherited the dog from this old lady.
Literally none of that is true unless he is scamming other women.
I'd really like to catch his abusive ass in a big lie and expose him.
But my mom know he almost broke my hand and put a fucking cigarette out on my sister that I didn't find out about till 2-3yrs ago.
I do want him to suffer and pay for what he does and did.
My mom says my dad is worse but he never beat her or threatened her or had her likely on drugs. She always has the coke nail and has even spoken about coke nails when she worked in the OR when I was a child...but now acts stupid about it. However I caught her a while back just getting mad because she does know and she is probably hooked on something he's giving her. Her teeth look like meth mouth. Teeth don't naturally turn brown Joshua. I researched it.
I will probably never bring it up to her but it's something that aggravates me and she has lied to me about so many things and the things that she has lied to me about are so fucking outlandish that if I were to tell anybody then they would be like oh my God what the fuck because everything I tell anybody about my crazy ass family everybody's like that sounds like Jerry sprigger and I'm like yeah yeah it does I feel like I was raised in that type of environment and I have been dealing with this shit forever and I would like it to stop
Like I just need to put up a fucking camera and everybody's telling me about all these bad things that could possibly happen if I put the camera up but then I've been told by the office the courtesy officer and my apartment management company to go ahead and get a camera
So I don't know what to do about that
I mean I planned on getting one anyway
And no I don't want a weird little Chihuahua dog right now that my mom's piece of shit garage sleeping cobbler alcoholic abusive boyfriend or whatever the fuck he is I don't want a dog that he brought to me I don't care what he's done for me in the past my mom always holds this over my head and says that when I wasn't home and my mom cleaned my black disgusting toilet and bathroom well it was getting clogged with wood roaches that were getting inside from under the door and all the clutter and shit in the garage as where all those roaches live and So it was a source of water and also I don't know if their bathroom only got soft water but my bathroom got hard water so there was a lot of rust staying too and honestly I mean that happened over 10 years ago probably So I don't know why she uses that as a defense for him that he cleaned my toilet I didn't ask anybody to come over and clean for me ever he and my mom went and tried to clean my room and my bathroom and it's like I could have done that when I got home from wherever I was and them shaming me about it is disgusting and I don't care how disgusting my bathroom was I was going through a horrible depression and various other abuses And I was not doing well and I had all these diagnosis that were not real and I was on medications That were making me sick and I needed to get out of the city and I went to visit my friend Mike in abbeyville
And then I came home to chaos and it was awful and then I had to live in that chaos and then my bed broke and I just needed a new mattress even if it was cbecause I could buy a pillow top or something and my dad made me sleep on the pull out sofa until the cat's claws popped the mattress and then I was still made to sleep on top of that which hurt really bad in the living room and then I asked if I could sleep in my sister's bed since it was the only mattress and room available not filled with things that I could possibly inhabit And this went on for years because he just wouldn't get me a fucking Mattress and when I moved out he still hadn't gotten me one and so the batress I have now is 1 that Bonnie just left for me because it belonged to somebody before her so I don't even wanted to be honest but it's the only 1 I have other than my guest Room 1 which needs patting and stuff that I can't afford right now
I really don't understand why my mom wanting to give me an overweight two-year-old Yappy little Chihuahua thing was a good idea like why did she think that was a great idea that her and Esteban get me a tiny dog and won't me to keep it
I mean I regret not just being like oh my God thank you yes
Like I could kick myself for that 1
And then I could just take the dog and tell them that it doesn't get along with the cats and I took it to the pound already and it's in the foster program and then they couldn't do shit about it unless they went and paid $200 to adopt it again
And what else I am tired of my neighbors playing games with me like that's what they're doing now like they're outside sitting on the steps being fucking assholes and I can hear them and they're saying should about me and I'm not paranoid that's what they're doing and it's really irritating and I don't know why people need to bully
Understand and I would like to understand what sort of satisfaction they get from that because even if I think app the most evil plan or whatever goes beyond just a prank I mean I could think of a million different nasty fucked up things to do and it would work but would I do that and no because I'm not fucked up and they had like that to act on anything of that nature to get back at people unless they have hurt me or my animals or my family or my brain snaps and I finally have enough I don't know
I don't know I just feel threatened by all these people and I know that they're just insecure and ratchet.
I'm still really pissed off and aggravated that I had to talk someone down from killing themselves and like yeah I helped them but boo I fucking hate this this has been like a large majority of my life of people coming to me and being suicidal and me having to convince them not to do that
And as much as sometimes I would like to embrace the let them standpoint I prefer not to see people pass away and I'm tired of funerals
And sometimes I would like to just say fuck it and not care like that would be refreshing
I've seen a few trailers available that are outside of Baton Rouge and it would probably be a long drive to get Anywhere Especially in the Kind of Car I Have on Gravel Living in A trailer park but it sounds more peaceful than the city at this point and I'm not sure what to do but my parents don't want me living in a trailer or trailer park or a ghetto in word house because they are both incredibly racist even though they say they aren't and With me it's not racism I'm sure I have micro aggressions but I really don't care that these people are black honestly they could be white trash or some other skin tone I reallyDon't care I just want them to quit being awful and leave me the fuck alone.
And then now my parents are just trying to scare me about putting a camera up and I'm like why when you guys said that you would help me is it now a big deal like if we put the camera up it might get knocked down oh my God and it has me worried and I'm like what the fuck
I don't know if we can just do like standing appointments every week for Thursdays at 2 PM?
I would really like to see if my insurance would approve 2 visits a week and I think if I call my caseworker and ask her you know what should you be asking that won't have me put in some sort of stupid outpatient program because like I've had therapist who have seen me twice a week and I did not require an outpatient program and so my insurance might not require that I know some insurance is may But I'm not sure
Wish I was someone's favorite person but I know I'm not currently.
I mean yeah I have a partner and I know he loves me and cares about me but it's just like I get so many guys blowing up my messages and none of them really want to have a real conversation they just want to go on a date and fuck. It's just all about sex and what I can offer with my body and it's awful. And I am I guess going to make men wait. But I got told that if I continued to do that then I was going to end up all alone and you know I don't like to be alone and I don't want to be alone when I'm older and I don't want to marry somebody that I'm not attracted to And I don't just mean looks.
I mean I'm gonna be 38 soon and most of my friends have kids and jobs and are traveling other countries and comparison as a thief of joy but they're having a hell of a lot better time than me and I'm embarrassed honestly every time they ask me how I'm doing and I don't know how to reply because all I want to do is tell them the truth and I have to give some stupid little short oh I'm doing fine I'm doing wonderful so I'm just bullshit response but I'm not doing it okay I'm having a fucking terrible time.
And right now I can hear people being loud as fuck outside it's like 11:40 PM
All my supposed to like relax and watch TV or do anything when people are being so loud that it could be heard over that and why are none of my neighbors calling about this other than my neighbor Darlene
Because I know that there's lots of people that live in the apartments surrounding the pool but maybe they just don't know that they can contact the office
I don't know quite understanding that and I cannot wait to live in a house of my own or just somewhere fucking quiet away from everyone
The world is loud and violent and I keep getting hurt and I would rather just step away from it and live somewhere where I feel at peace
And it's either I wait for a long time and I might possibly get a house to live in or my parents die or my parents do help me find a place to live to rent and hopefully SSI goes up because I don't know if I will ever be able to do financial stability because lake in that department I don't overspend I don't think on just whims
Like I don't buy anything that's not useful or doesn't have a purpose
But like I just want my own home I want to work from home I want to have a partner that has their own job and I want to be fun actually stable or financially stable enough to live comfortably and I don't need the world's best fancy plays but this is just too stressful and I need something that's peaceful and I'm exhausted trying to keep up with everyone
I mean it's really weird being born of a family that is divided into 2 classes very poor and very well off and then watching my family who is bad with money my mom and my dad make poor financial choices and then watching both families be like fucking embarrassed and then everybody does not want to talk to them and hates them and everybody has kind of just forgotten about me or they don't want anything to do with me because I think I'm like my parents And I don't no how to do the mass in the taxes and regular banking and all I've ever known is like how the credit union works at least a little bit I don't even know all of that
And I just bright now I feel like I don't have any more room in my brain for like any information like I would love to be able to learn things and store it and bring it out when I need it but I haven't been able to do that and it's really frustrating like I just want to learn how to do new things and do them and it seems so easy for everyone else and why is it difficult for me
I've done plenty of things by myself but the things that I don't know how to do that I need assistance with so I can visually learn is really frustrating because like you know you want a person there with you while you're trying not to like fucking electrocute yourself Or not fuck up your wallpaper or whatever the case you know just home improvement things that no one ever taught me financial things no 1 ever taught me and you know I've been to outpatient facilities where they wanted to teach people who were mostly down syndrome and had other neurological problems you know all these things and how to do them pulled me out of that group because they didn't even think I was autistic they were just like you're way too smart and they couldn't find a group to put me in and they finally settled on 1 group and it was fucking terrible I had a girl get obsessed with me and another guy and I got pulled into that nightmare fuel
I had to block her on everything it was insane
It is really frustrating for it to be a Sunday And to hear my neighbor's screaming on the balcony like everybody wants to go to bed right now
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Would you consider doing a jealous Félix fic? Preferably around the time of the movie? I love all of your fic by the way! Your Pepa/Fèlix ones are actual perfection, thanks so much for blessing us with them🙏🫡
Sure! We LOVE some big, jealous men!
(Also thank you, thats sweet ❤️)
"I told you, he'd be fine!"
"No no. I promised him meat, meat he is going to get."
For SOME reason, his older brother, Julio, was the only man on this planet that enjoyed how Pepa cooked steaks. As such, she promised to not only make it for his birthday tomorrow, but make it out of a REALLY fine cut of meat. Julio knew little about emotions AND food, so Félix kept telling her he'd eat a fucking cow hoof if she put enough salt on it. But of course, you couldn't tell this woman that. She just HAD to get a good cut right from the butcher. She at LEAST let him go with her, so the bastard wouldn't try to cheat her by making her pay more for a shitty cut.
"Is this just because he actually likes how you cook meat?"
"I will hit you. I make GREAT steak!"
"You make beef jerky. And I love it about you-"
"You know what, you don't get to kiss me. For at least five minutes."
Ow, harsh punishment. He opened the door to the butcher shop, letting Pepa in, and letting someone else out. Pepa walked up to the meat counter, looking over at the selection for a brief second, before ringing the bell. The family never really did runs to the butcher shop, given that people ALWAYS volunteered to bring meat to their family, save Alma the trip. It was why Félix felt a bit out of place, despite having gone to a butcher shop plenty of times.
"One second, por favor!"
They waited for a man to come up from the back, wiping blood from his hands. Pepa didn't even wait till the guy got up to the counter.
"So I'm having company over and...Esteban?"
The man blinked at her, confused, before recognition flashed in his eyes.
"PEPA? Dios, it's YOU!"
The SMILE on her face. He hadn't seen that shit since this morning. Towards him.
"Oh-YOU! I KNEW I recognized those hands! I haven't seen you in years!"
"It HAS been years, hasn't it? I'd shake your hand, but I'm a bloody mess."
"Oye- I'm offended you'd offer. Last I checked, friends hugged each other."
Félix got a good look at the guy as he took off his apron and gloves, and come up behind the counter to hug her. He was a HUGE guy. Which wasn't a rare type that Pepa attracted, but this dude was also FAT. Little bits of hair stretched alongside his arms and poked out of his shirt. Pair that with his beard and he was just a mess of a man. Aka...Pepa's type. Realizing that made the tight hug feel so WEIRD to him, and it didn't get too much better when they seperated.
"It is SO good to see you again! Wow, you got to be so BEAUTIFUL!"
"What? I wasn't before?"
She huffed, but before a cloud could form, he put her hands (that looked so little in his) right onto his hairy chest.
"Pepa, you were always incredible. I'm just saying, I always wondered how you'd look as a grown woman, and here you are. Just. Wow, Pepi."
Pepi. Did this random ass dude just call HIS wife Pepi? She wasn't bothered by it like she should be, but rather, amused.
"Oh alright, ill let you get away with that one. Only because I like you."
"Your husband must be VERY lucky to-"
"Yes, I'm very lucky. I'm Félix. Her husband. Right here."
He stepped in a bit, holding his hand out to him. Esteban looked confused, before he chuckled, shaking his hand. A good grip on him too.
"So nice to meet you! Dios, the man who tied down Pepa Madrigal, in MY shop. How about that?"
"Yeah you'd think people would remember. You know, hurricane and best day of my life and all that- how exactly do I not know you?"
Pepa chuckled, waving her hand dismissively at him.
"Oh we had a few classes together. That and he was my first boyfriend. Oh I remember, back then, me and my girlfriends thought he was so cute, we called him 'esta-bien' behind his back."
Esteban rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.
"Yeah I was uh. Nervous around girls, and apparently they liked that. Pepa was my first girlfriend and she...taught me a lot-"
"Like how he REALLY liked a good hand job."
They both had a bit of a laugh over this. Now while Félix respected Pepa's past (god knows he was no virgin mary either), it was a BIT different, being face to face with one of them.
"That's. Nice. How did you two break up anyway?"
"Oh my dad didn't like me being with girls. He wanted to get me an all boys class, but of course they said no. When he realized I was messing around with Pepa, he homeschooled me. That was the last time I saw Pepa, actually."
Pepa sighed at the memory, it clearly being special to her.
"He HATED me, but I respected what he did for the community. How IS your papi?"
Esteban fiddled with his hands, suddenly seeming so down.
"He uhm. He passed away a week ago. Heart attack."
"Oh I'm SO sorry! I had no idea!"
"I know. He said he wanted it kept to the priest, and his family. But since mom died, that kinda left just. Me."
Pepa, trying to fan away the rain clouds, frowned.
"I am SO sorry. Do you need a hug?"
"I...don't wanna make things weird, with your husband-"
"Félix is a grown man. Come here."
Now he felt for the guy. Really he did. Assuming his words were true, it must've been a rough thing to go through. But that didn't mean his face had to be RIGHT in his wife's tits during the embrace. Those were HIS (and Pepa's obviously), and it took everything in him not to bitch slap this guy away from his wife. The hug lasted a real, solid minute, and the man smiled.
"You're still sweet as ever, Pepi. Thank you. But uhm, you came here for some meat though, right?"
She pouted a bit as she lightly patted his cheek. This guy LIKED that. He could see it in his eyes.
"If you don't mind. I'm cooking for HIS brother, so it has to be special."
"For you Pepa, I'll give you the best meat I have. Here, let me show you what I have."
Esteban got behind the counter as he showed her different cuts. Félix didn't like how much he smiled at her. Didn't like how he kept finding reasons to touch her hands or talk about their past. They were happy together. She liked touching him then. Stories of how she'd constantly sneak her little hands where they shouldn't be. This guy was getting so excited, there was that twinkle in his eyes that said 'say the world, and I'll take you in a heart beat'.
"Okay so, prime rib. Anything else you recommend?"
"Well, I don't know what else you're doing with dinner, but HIGHLY recommend the sausages. I make them myself everyday! And the leftovers go to the hogs, but I'd MUCH prefer you use it to feed you and yours."
"You know what, go ahead, give me of your sausage while we're at it."
Okay this wasn't just him, right? That fucking sounded weird? That didn't sound like Pepa's cute ex wanted to think about plowing her? Couldn't be just him. Félix took a hold of it all, since that's what a husband does for HIS wife, and he was the best of them all. He stood there, waiting for this man to let go of his wife's hand.
"And you are welcome here ANY time, Pepa, only the best cuts for you."
"Disparates! We'll meet for pleasure SOME time! Maybe some cafè?"
He watched as he squeezed her hand. It was subtle, but it was there. That lovesick man, all over his wife, like a fly to shit. Don't strike him, do NOT strike him-
"I'd like that. Very much, Pepita."
He was gonna find him in a dark fucking alley. He gently nudged his wife with his elbow.
"Pepa, we can't be late. Come on."
She waved him goodbye, before Félix finally got her out of there, and on the way home. He hoped that was the end of it. It wasn't. The whole walk over, she wouldn't stop talking about this guy. About how she'd love to wear his jackets, about how he'd bring her little flowers, about how he liked being kissed right on his chin. He knew so much about this man in a few minutes, way more than what he wanted to.
"Oh and once, for english class, he wrote poetry about my hair. It was awful, but we were adorable back then. He always said they reminded him of strawberries in a field, he was SO sweet~"
"Uh huh."
Félix nodded as he started to put things away in their kitchen. Félix was sure that he as a person was great. But he was a guy who she found attractive, who wanted to fuck her. He knew he fucking did, he remembered that look in those eyes that she kept staring into-
"Félix? Are you listening to me?"
"Hmm? I'm sorry, I spaced out. What was it?"
"I was saying, easy on the cabinets! You're slamming them!"
Félix carefully shut the cabinet, muttering under his breath.
"You'd know about slamming, wouldn't you?"
"What was that?"
Wrong answer. Lightning cracked above her head, and she damn near slammed the meat on the counter.
"No. You speak up. You have something to say, be a man and say it."
She wanted him to say it? Fine. He turned to her, returning the same amount of huffiness as he was being given.
"I said you and your meat boy over there would KNOW about slamming, wouldn't you?"
She looked so confused. God he loved that dumb expression on her face.
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about HIM. 'Esteban' this and 'Esteban' that- I'm SICK of it. That idiota WANTS you Pepa, and I want to kill him for it. I SAW his face. He wanted you. If I didn't say anything he'd probably try to pound you right on the dirty fucking floor!"
She put her hand on her chest, as if aghast.
"Félix Madrigal. Are you JEALOUS of Esteban?"
He couldn't help it. He practically slammed the cabinets shut to look at her.
"You know what, I AM, okay? I know when a man wants a woman, and that CABRON wants you!"
Pepa smirked at him, leaning against the counter.
"Are you worried big, sexy Esteban is going to sneak into the Casita when you aren't around?"
She was fucking mocking him. She was adding fuel to the fire and he was getting angrier by the minute.
"Are you worried he's going to use all of his weight to hold me down? That him and his belly are gonna pin me down and fuck me in my own bed?"
"Pepa I'm fucking warning you, knock this shit off-"
She leaned back, letting one hand caress her thigh. She was fucking getting off to just the IDEA of her getting fucked by this guy? How DARE she?
"Are you worried he's going to make me scream? Are you worried that he's going to fuck me so good, I'll beg for him to cum in the pretty pussy you love so much?"
He pointed a finger at her, his chest rising and falling as anger made it VERY difficult to get a decent breath in.
"Don't. Don't you even FUCKING-"
"Félix...are you mad that I'll beg him to put a baby in me?"
The second she cupped her own pussy, that was it. He was angry. Enraged. Furious. Not at her, his Pepi could do no wrong. He was mad at Esteban. For tempting his wife, for threatening his fucking marriage, and being the exact kinda guy she'd sleep with. The idea of another man having the honor of stuffing this pussy full of cum and get her wife so beautifully pregnant? It was anger he couldn't relax.
"That's it- that's fucking it. You, upstairs, now."
"Maybe I'd listen to a man with more of a gut. To a man who knew how to use those big, sexy hands of-!"
He wouldn't let her finish. He had her over his shoulder in a second, hand on her ass as he carried her upstairs. He damn near kicked the door down, and threw her onto the bed hard enough to make her cry out in surprise. She looked so fucking sexy like this, the idea of some stupid meat man wanting this only made his blood boil.
"You're going to listen to your FUCKING husband. You're going to get thoughts of him out of your head, or I'll get them out FOR you."
Pepa could make a choice. She could say okay, like a good wife. Or, she could be the sexy, absolute temptress he knew she could be. He watched as she peeled off her dress (she had learned to do it so quickly, he considered it her 'other' gift), spread her legs out for him, and started to rub her pussy through her panties. She was already wet, he could see the darkness of the damp spot.
"Félix, it's not my fault. Look at him. He's so...big. He could hold me down, finger my pussy with his thick fingers, and I'd be just so helpless. It'd be so easy for him to take me~"
That was it. The straw that broke the camel's back. He took a step towards her, nearly smacked her hand away, shoved his fingers past her underwear, and right into her pussy. Normally he'd do just one or two, but she needed three. She needed three of his thick fingers to stretch her little cunt to the limit. His other hand gripped onto her thigh, forcing her to take it.
"HE doesn't get to hold you down. I'M the one who holds you the fuck-swear to god try to close these fucking legs again, I DARE you."
It was so much for her so soon, it made sense that she try to cover herself up a bit to try to stop the stimulation. They both knew the safe word, she just wanted to fucking test him. She WANTED him to lift her leg so much, it forced her on her back and her pussy in the air.
"Félix p-please-!"
"That's right, that's the name of your FUCKING husband. You think he can hold you down like this? Make your pussy sound THIS loud?"
He was practically barking at her. Her nails were gripping onto the bed, sweat soaked her red face. He could feel the wet heat in the room, it made his shirt cling to his skin, and he KNEW she liked it. She kept giving her those big, pretty, lustful eyes. Eyes for HIM, and no one else.
"I'm g-going to-"
"That's right, you're going to cum because of ME. Not HIM. I'M the only gran hombre you need. Look at me. Don't you fucking look away from your husband,"
Oh she was so fucking tight. She was soaking his fingers, she was cascading down her own fucking stomach- that fucker WISHED he could see her like this. He'd be fucking hard in a second, just like he was right now.
"Look at me when I make you cum. Right on my fingers. You wanted big fucking fingers, here the fuck they are."
She came. Her hips bucked upwards, as if somehow wanting more. Greedy little girl. She cried out for him, loud enough to sound like music to his ears. He hoped he could hear it, right from his stupid fucking butcher shop. He pulled them out of her, admiring the way her fluids made her pussy hair cling to the rest of her body. She was shaking as she gazed up at her, helpless as a bunny.
"Félix, I-"
"Over here. Facing the mirror. On your stomach. Come on, you heard papi, move it."
He gave her already sensitive pussy a smack, but despite her loud yelp, his wife was ever stubborn. She huffed at him, even turning her nose at him to piss him off further.
"Esteban wouldn't 'ask me' like a fucking child. I should go over to HIS house and-"
Fuck this man for making his wife have such a nasty fucking attitude. He dug his fingers into her hair, and yanked her to where he wanted her to go. She cried out in pain, but given how she spread her legs for him as soon as he put her in place, he could tell she liked it. Fucking Pepa was an art, and every single time, he made a masterpiece. And now, he was about to put that paint brush in her palette.
"Don't you say his fucking name. Don't you EVER say his fucking name in our fucking room, not in our fucking bed. I'll kill him. He's not going to touch you, even if he wants to. I know he does. He wants to ram you and make you feel this. But only I can."
She looked at him through the mirror, and she practically had hearts in her eyes. Such a beautiful, sexy woman.
"I'm sorry, who's name can't I say?"
"Don't say it. If you fucking say it-"
"Oh, right. Esteban ~"
This man was dead. How DARE his name be purred through such sexy lips? He pulled his cock out of his pants, and after pushing it inside her hot, wet, TIGHT pussy, laid on top of her. She swore under her breath as he did this, and he swore he saw her bite her bottom lip in absolute delight. That is, until he held onto her jaw, and shoved two of his fingers into her mouth.
"Look at me. Look at these fingers down your fucking throat. He can't give this to you. His cock can't fuck you like this. He- don't you FUCKING stop looking at me, lo juro por Dios."
He pulled his fingers out of her mouth, to smack her cheek with his wet palm, only to shove them back into her mouth. Then, he started to fuck her. He WAS a heavy man, and a heavy man could pound his wife hard enough to rock the damn bed, to make it look like he was just using her for his satisfaction. But this wasn't just his jealousy. This was her desire. Her desire to be pinned down by a man as fat as him, to gag around fingers as thick as sausages, to be stretched by a cock as big as his.
"Look at me. I don't want you to even THINK of other men. I want you to look at men and think 'they can't fuck my pussy like Félix can'. Because that's right. Look at me railing you, look at me making my cock hungry wife happy. He can't do that. He can't make these sounds."
The sounds of her loud, lewd gagging, the sounds of the bed creaking under them, the sound of his heavy frame smacking against her goddess like figure. She couldn't do ANYTHING against him. She just sat there, meeting his gaze, nails digging into the sheets and legs twitching after each and every thrust. He kissed the nape of her neck, let his teeth graze against her little ear.
"He can't stuff you full of cum. He can't make it pour out of you and make you feel stuffed. He can't make you TAKE IT."
She screamed against his fingers as he pushed himself in fully, and came. His cum coated her insides, and he swore he saw goosebumps on her skin as he poured more and more into her. He pulled out of her, having just enough to spill onto the small of her back. She was limp under him. Limp, but loving. He pulled his fingers from her mouth, only to have her hold his hand, and lick and kiss his skin and palm.
"Dios, he got papi so mad...~"
"Damn right he got me mad. He wants to fuck you like me."
She didn't mind the smear of fluids on her face, especially as she continued to make eye contact with him through the mirror.
"But he can't~...no one can fuck me and stuff me like Papi. I think you bruised my thighs."
"One, MY thighs. Two, I got the ass too, don't you worry."
He smacked her ass with his other palm, and she cried out in delight, cheeks flushed at the stinging feeling.
"Ay Papi, so upset~...you really think he can take me from you?"
She sighed in almost exhaustion as she kept kissing.
"You're as dumb as you are sexy. He can't. Sure, he's sweet. And handsome. And he has so much hair. And he's got a big, big belly and hands-"
"Not helping."
"Oye, let me finish. He might have all of that, but he's not you. My husband, father to my kids. And mi papi, who takes such good care of me. He sees men who wants me, and reminds me of this."
His wife was so sweet. She was his sexy, sexy rock in his life. He sighed, feeling just a bit of jealousy leave his body.
"Gracias, Pepi. And I'm not against you guys being friends, obviously. I trust you."
"It WOULD be hot if he was involved, though."
He flicked her forehead in warning, despite her light swear.
"Hey, I'm still sticking by our no threeway rule. Any man touches you and I'm killing him."
"Does it count as a threeway if he just sits there and watches? All jealous? It'd be cute. He'd sit in a chair, pump his cock while you rub it in his face."
He wanted to say that was an awful idea, but. Well. He WOULD like other men to know they can't have Pepa.
"...we'll talk about it."
Pepa's smirk was huge. This girl really got whatever she wanted.
Whatever meat she wanted.
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danielxricciardo · 3 years
Hi there! I don’t know if you got my ask before😭 but I did sent one about Daniel being jealous type? Like Max is Reader’s ex and got bit too touchy and familiar to the reader at party, and like Daniel and Max got into a fight and where other drivers need to break them up. Angst story please! I wanna see Daniel super jealous and protective over his gf.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I am so sorry for not writing the last request!!! I had an extremely busy period and there will be a few more crazy weeks! At first I tried to write in order but I didn't have much inspiration so I started writing randomly! So sorry again!
Summary: You are Daniel's girlfriend and he is jealous on Max, your ex.
Warnings: angst, a little swearing
Word count: 1.7k
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Jealousy is an insane feeling... It comes out when you are very affectionately attached to someone or that even the thought of its possession with someone else creates a rage in your heart.
It can be constructive or destructive depending on how you presume to take it.
For him, in any way, it feels like his heart is in a constant state of dropping, his legs get shaky, he feels a twisting in his stomach and all he wants to do is snap at people. It's a horrible feeling that he feels a lot.
Jealousy can come from the fear of losing one or more of the following: power, love, sex, and possessions. Jealousy is a powerful emotion. It exists for a reason, to protect ourselves, but can cause havoc if left unchecked.
A jealous man who feels insecure in himself believes he’s not good enough to keep another person attracted to him over time. He fears that someone better than him is going to make his loved one reconsider their relationship.
Daniel never showed you that he was jealous. Although you were Max's ex-girlfriend, Max should be the one upset and jealous of the two, right? Because after you two broke up, friendly, of course, you soon got together with his best friend.
"Hey, love!" Daniel called to you from the bathroom. "I know you won't let me see the dress, although it is bullshit to me because we're going to a gala, not to our wedding, but can you at least tell me what color it will be? I need to choose a tie."
"Red." you answer from the bedroom, focused not to ruin your nail polish. "And it's not bullshit. I want to surprise you."
"For all I care, you can come dressed in a sack of potatoes and I will still think you are the most beautiful woman in the world."
"Mmm I smell bullshit!" you joke.
The FIA Prize Giving Ceremony is an annual event promoted by Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile which honors the achievements of all drivers over the past season.
Although you are not new to this sport, going to Grand Prix as the girlfriend of a driver for more than 5 years, you have never been present at a gala. Of course, you were invited every year, only something always happened and you couldn't go. This year, however, you wanted to be present, especially since Daniel was going to receive the Action of the Year award.
Daniel left before you, he and the boys rented a limousine with which they would get there, and you and the other girls would arrive, also with a limousine. You're not the type to refuse a limousine, especially since you've never been in one, but Daniel and the other boys had to leave their personal cars at the gala because the limousine won't leave you at home, you'll each go to your homes with your own cars.
You were wearing a beautiful backless, tight-fitting red dress, having almost like a silk texture to it, perfectly shaped to fit your figure, strapless, having a corset that makes your breasts bigger than they really were.
When Daniel saw you, you were sure he forgot to breathe for a few seconds. His already large eyes seemed to protrude from his pupils. Your heart had started beating faster, and you had butterflies in your stomach. Even though you had been together for more than three years, you still felt like you were looking at him for the first time.
"You're splendid," he tells you when he helps you out of the limousine. He kisses your hand and you see the dozens of paparazzi flashes towards you.
"You don't look bad either," you answer and enter the building.
Inside were hundreds of people talking to each other and looking like they were having fun. Daniel leads you to your table where you two were seated with Max, Charles, Esteban, and Sebastian with their girlfriends.
"What do you want to drink?" Daniel asks you as he takes off his jacket and leaves it on the back of the chair.
"A glass of white wine."
Daniel kissed you on the cheek and went to get you your drinks. You look around to try to recognize someone and notice that Max is coming towards you.
"Hey, Y/N! Wow, you're so beautiful!" he says and takes your hand to spin you to see you well. "Daniel is a lucky man."
You giggle.
"I saw Kelly, she's gorgeous too! And you're a lucky man because you have her."
He laughs and takes a sip of his drink.
"Yes, you're right. She looks great," he says and looks after her.
Kelly was talking with two women you didn't recognize. It was as if she felt the two of you looking at her, she turned her head towards you and waved.
"Daniel will receive an award, right? Good for him."
"Yes!" you say joyful. "I'm so proud of him."
Max leans over and lightly touches your cheek. You look at him with wide eyes, not understanding what was happening.
"You had a fallen eyelash," he says. "Make a wish."
Before you even thought about a wish to make, you heard glasses breaking, then you saw Max thrown to the floor by someone. Not just someone. Daniel.
Your head was buzzing and you couldn't hear what Daniel was shouting. But you could hear the sound of his fists and the screams of several people who immediately came to separate them.
"What the fuck? Daniel!" Max said as soon as he was lifted from under Daniel.
Kelly immediately ran to him and took his face in her hands, looking for the wounds. He was going to have some pretty big bruises.
"She's my girlfriend!"
Your eyes widened and you immediately looked at Max, who mimicked your movements. What the hell was Daniel talking about?
"Yeah, and Kelly is my girlfriend too. Are we still getting to know each other or are you going to tell me what the fuck happened to you, dickhead?"
"And your girlfriend, Kelly, does she agree with this intimacy between you and Y/N? And don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. I saw you earlier, you almost kissed!"
"Do you hear what you're saying, jerk? She had a fallen eyelash! Get your head out of your ass and realize that no one is trying to steal your girlfriend. Neither I nor anyone else."
You snort and everyone turns to you. Your face had taken on the color of the dress: red. You were angry. You were shaking and you wanted to beat Daniel, but you were at a formal event; although that didn't stop Daniel from punching Max a few times. You take a step towards Daniel and slap him across the face, hard enough to sting.
"In the car. Now!" You command Daniel and head for the exit, all the people who had gathered around you now getting out of your way.
In the car, none of you had said anything. You didn't know if you had to start saying something or you should wait for him. You had so much to say, but how did you get started? You had so many curses prepared for him, but in what order did you tell them? You wanted to die of shame because of the little stunt Daniel did inside.
You snort, probably for the hundredth time in just a few minutes, and get out of the car.
"Where are you going?" Daniel shouted after me.
He's joking? Because it seems so to you. How dare he ask you where you're going, considering that since you got back in the car he hasn't said a damn thing. He even acted as if your presence bothered him. It's like he doesn't care about you.
You wanted to leave. Go home.
It's just a small problem. The building where the gala took place was in a part of town where you had never been before. You didn't know the way back to the house, you didn't have any money with you to get an Uber and you didn't want to enter the building you just left, ashamed, to ask someone to take you home.
Even though you didn't know where you were, you got out of the car and head for the gate you entered by car.
You snort angrily and hurry up. You try to keep calm and not run away, although you are sure that you could not run considering that you are wearing huge heels. You don't realize when he got behind you but now he grabs your hand and stops you. You try to jerk, but he only tightens his grip around your wrist. You face him, giving him the angriest look you're capable of, but he doesn't even deserve it.
"Let me go, please."
You frown. Daniel doesn't say anything and doesn't move, as if he were a stone sheepfold. He is tense and slightly agitated. Finally, he withdraws his hand, then passes it through his curly hair, then puts it in the pocket of his cloth pants.
"I am sorry," he says softly and you can barely hear what he said. "I was jealous."
"Jealousy? Why?"
He shrugs.
"I have no idea."
"You do not trust me?" you ask, feeling like you're about to cry.
He nods frantically.
"It's not like that at all... My jealousy does not come from a lack of trust. It comes with the insecurity when I thought that someone may take my place or was trying to take my place."
"But Max and I are in the past, you are my future..." you say and bite your lip. "You had to talk to me, not pull that little stunt inside. Do you realize what the papers will say tomorrow?"
"Do you think you can forgive me?"
"You need to apologize to Max. I won't have the whole face bruised tomorrow."
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trentskis · 2 years
top 3 f1 drivers <3 (and why if there’s a reason x)
ooooh i am relatively new to f1 so a lot of this is based off drive to survive and other cute videos/vibes but let's GO
number one spot has to go to lewisssss. for one he is the only driver of the current ones that i knew before i started getting familiar with f1 lol. also he is just such a force of good, a fashion icon, seems like an absolute sweetheart, patience of a fucking saint, love when he's a petty king, obviously an extremely talented driver, cool, sexy, amazing dog dad, corny dog instagram man, socially conscious, most pretty man ever, i love his hand tattoos, and his little motivational posts on instagram genuinely make me sooo happy. whenever i see him it gives my heart a lil squeeze. i just think he is amazing and has such a beautiful energy and quite honestly that sport does not deserve him especially with how he's treated by so many within it. still, i'm glad he's there ❤️
second place goes to danny ric it HAS to by god that is my goofy babygirl. literally just a man who makes me smile ear to ear and isn't afraid to be SILLY which is so rare these days. he also seems like a very generous and selfless person and although i obv don't know him irl, he seems to have a good heart and good intentions in everything he does, he is so good-natured even when he doesnt need to be, or even shouldnt be, and he seems to also be very caring towards others!! he is so universally loved and respected by the other drivers and i think that says a lot. also i love his big smile his big nose his long ass neck his curls.. he is so handsome and hot its true. and he deserves better and i hope everything works out well for him ❤️
third place goes to the lovely esteban ocon!!! that is just my GUY. i was quite immediately fond of este from the first dts that was centered on him lol, without sounding corny i relate to him and the circumstances of his childhood and that is honestly one of the reasons he has a lil place in my heart. he is also another person who just has such an infectious attitude, he has such a warmth to him and i just love how he's always just like. smiling through it all can't believe this my life. he also comes across very thoughtful to me and by that i mean he has interesting thoughts on things, like he is very nice to listen to. and i LOVE HIS TEETH and also YES i ALSO think he's really hot gkfjg listen i am only human. that vanity fair shoot whew my god
i also LOVE charles he almost made the cut he definitely would be 4th that's my little woodland creature boy..
thank u for asking ella and also WHY is this so long hkgkg ily ❤️
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edie-baby · 3 years
Les Fleurs du Mal Chapter 3 | Pierre Gasly
Summary: Sava Dvorakova had big dreams for Formula One. An opportunity of a lifetime comes around, so she takes it and runs. She proved just about everyone wrong, and is awarded a very controversial seat on the F1 grid. There’s smiles and grins, hugs and kisses, love and laughter. There’s tears and sobs, fights and break ups. There’s evil where you least expect it, hidden in the garden of eden. The Flowers of Evil.
Warnings: a lot of swearing, shitty parents (they’re a recurring theme), sexism, i ignored a lot of actual f1 rules because i couldn’t be bothered writing it into the story tbh, yuki is fcking adorable, a lot of smut eventually, like a lot.
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Pierre Gasly wasn’t quite sure what to do. After coming into the F2 paddock to talk to his future teammate in the Carlin garage, he passed a small girl with pink hair, a pleated skirt and big, chunky boots. She was being guided through the paddock by a woman he had seen around the Carlin garage a few times before. He had heard whispers of a teenage girl taking the ‘spare’ seat for the remaining three races of the season, but seeing her in person completely consumed his mind. Distracted by the bubbly teenager, Pierre almost passed the Carlin garage completely, quickly correcting himself and keeping his head down so he didn’t make more of a fool out of himself.
“Pierre!” Yuki’s high voice called, waving to his friend with a large smile on his face that creased his eyes. Pierre walked over quickly, dapping his friend up and beginning the regular small talk about the car, and the weekend ahead.
“So, did you hear about my new teammate?” Yuki almost giggled. He had seen the reactions throughout the paddock and in the hotel that morning, and knew the Frenchman would have his own thoughts about the pocket rocket.
“The girl?” Pierre questioned, attempting to bide his time and think of appropriate questions to ask. Yuki nodded with a smile, his own thoughts disrupted by the bubbly, high energy, almost crackhead personality of the teenager.
“She’s very pink. I heard she qualified P2. I’m not really sure what to think about her, because I haven’t watched her race, but I guess I’ll see her soon. I saw her talking to Esteban this morning.” Pierre finished with a grimace. The mutual dislike between Pierre and Esteban was common knowledge, however Yuki still found it puzzling when he would speak so openly about how much the other Frenchman gave him a sour taste in his mouth.
“She’s very good. Considering she has only ever raced in go-karts before this, she’s going to give Juri a run for his money this weekend.” Yuki laughed again, already picturing the battles the two Eastern-European drivers would get into over the next 3 race weekends.
“I’ll keep an eye out. I should go back, our quali is starting soon. Good luck Yuki!” Pierre called, waving to his friend before he made his way out of the F2 paddock, and back toward his own.
The sprint race, and ensuing feature race had been entertaining, to say the least. After the shenanigans of the sprint race on Saturday, there was a large spike in viewers for the Sunday feature race before F1’s grand prix. And, as Amelia so proudly reported to Sava later that afternoon, it was the highest ratings an F2 race had ever gotten.
Headlines that Sunday afternoon were emblazoned with Juri Vips and Sava Dvorakova’s names and cars. The two had battled it out all weekend, a few close calls and both drivers finishing a maximum of two-tenths apart. Juri had won the sprint race on Saturday, where Sava came in P2, while she took P1 in the feature on Sunday, with Juri riding her gearbox for the entire race.
To say Dr Marko was pleased was a gross understatement. He hadn’t smiled, nor been so friendly as he was that weekend, since Max Verstappen won his race in Spain in 2016. It seemed to be an absolute miracle, and Alex Albon who had fared quite poorly through the weekend, was thankful to the new driver for cheering up the man who would have ridden his ass to hell and back.
After Sava’s first P1 finish, and the ensuing podium celebration, she was greeted by a few of the F1 drivers who had made their way over to congratulate the enigma. Esteban and Daniel were the first to stride toward her, enveloping her into a three-way hug where she was basically swallowed whole by the tall men. Daniel pinched her cheeks and pushed her around while they discussed her successful divebombs throughout both races, while Esteban leaned his elbow against her shoulder and listened in to the conversation. Both the men bid their goodbyes and left, allowing the next two drivers to approach her. To her surprise, it was George Russell and Lando Norris. She hadn’t interacted with either of them prior, so there was a small moment of internal fangirling before she greeted the men with a smile so large it completely obscured her eyes.
“Hey, we just wanted to say that you drove amazingly. Lando was yelling at the telly whenever you got cut off or nudged away. Alex was going to come over and say congrats as well, but he got held up with Horner.” George explained, his accent processing very slowly in Sava’s head. So, to her chagrin, she ended up staring at the ground, eyebrows furrowed, eyes bulging while she tried to process the words. Even worse, Lando leaned down to look up at her face, laughing that high-pitched squeal of a laugh that finally broke Sava’s concentration.
“Ah, fuck. I am sorry. Your accent, I have not heard one similar before, so it took a few extra moments to process. Sava.exe stopped working for a moment, but I am back, no need to worry. I must say, I am surprised the two of you are here. I thought you would have been concentrating on your own races for this afternoon, especially you, George. You might not be able to lose positions starting at the back of the grid, but you can definitely gain many.” Sava giggled, attempting to convey to George that she really was kidding and hoped it wasn’t a sore subject to be brooching. Lando squealed again, even going so far as to run away before circling back to the small group. George stood there, stunned.
“You just got owned by the new kid!” Lando yelled, pushing on George’s shoulder before the two waved and walked away, seeing the two men standing behind Sava, waiting their turn to speak.
When she turned around, she wasn’t expecting to see the man of her dreams and her teammate waiting patiently. Sava’s breath caught in her throat for a moment, and was left standing in front of Yuki and Pierre shaking like a leaf.
“Pierre, this is Bunny! He wanted to meet you after watching your races.” Yuki smiled down at his teammate who was still unmoving save for the tremble in her hands.
“It’s nice to meet you, Bunny. It was a really amazing drive today. A lot of those moves require more balls than most of the guys in F1 have.” Pierre smirked, and Sava swore she would have fainted on the spot.
“Holy shit wow, thank you so fucking much. You honestly have zero idea how incredible I think you are. Had I known that my social media would be released to the world, I would have definitely taken down all of my posts singing your praises before I actually met you because now that you’re here it feels fucking creepy. But, I meant everything I said, including the threat about Christian Horner, so if you ask, I will obey.” Sava spoke quickly. She glanced quickly into Pierre’s gorgeous blue eyes, the words tumbling out of her mouth before she had registered them. After she had basically told Pierre, to his face, that she would obey any command he told her, she was whisked away by Amelia toward the media pen, sending Yuki and Pierre a quick wink in the process.
With Pierre caught off guard and staring in the direction Sava had walked off in, Yuki coined the new nickname 'Pierre the Pedo'.
He might have gotten a quick kick to the ass because of that one.
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a follow from the queen? i am honored 🥺 i’m in the same side blog/main blog situation so no worries! not sure if i can replicate my 1am big brain antics but let’s keep the ✨f1 walk of shame✨ going
mick like mentioned by someone goes all out. breakfast, drive home, want him to wash your clothes? he’ll do it. apologizes profusely for having to walk his dog like??? sir???
valtteri is so awkward it’s painful one could only hope for a walk of shame before he’s awake
kimi the iceman is probably like ’this was nice’ after he’s fucked you five ways into next thursday and is no doubt asleep long into the day after so you’re on your own getting back home
esteban is so sweet and a little shy and probably kisses you goodbye when you leave as if you’re a couple already and he’s just seeing you off to work so you leave all 😳
george i feel is harder to pinpoint but there’s definitely tea instead of coffee because that dude is posh AND british. gets you a cab and is probably a little cocky because he got a (hopefully) good fuck, saw you off shirtless and is in an overall good mood the morning after. merc george will especially be a cocky asshole but still nice somehow? like he’s Trying to be cool and it’s so obvious
carlos doesn’t even offer you to stay the night. gives you a bro pat on the back as if saying ’good job’ lmao
fernando is someone you might think is a bit of an ass but turns out being a whole cutie offering to sleep on the couch in his own house and you’re just ???? sir it’s fine i can just leave and he’s like in the middle of the night?! no way. you stay here i’ll drive you home in the morning
don’t know much about gio but nice enough? idk might prioritize washing his hair the morning after so you’re like ’i’ll just see myself out lol’. confused when you’ve left after he’s done
yuki doesn’t even make it to the next morning, passed out like a light like less than a minute after cumming so you just get dressed and leave him to sleep (gets clowned for this by pierre because this kid is dumb enough to tell his teammate)
checo is probably pretty nice but doesn’t know how to act really so he just makes it weirder than it had to be but he calls a cab for you! so that’s something i guess??
lance could either be his very sweet self and asks if you want to shower before you leave or half kicks you out so he doesn’t have to deal with morning after etiquette. gives you a hoodie to leave in if you do end up staying the night but doesn’t go out of his way to make things nice like bitch this isn’t a hotel you can help yourself to breakfast if you want but like i said could very well be a sweetheart and attempt scrambled eggs or something before you leave
i think that’s the entire grid?? wow 😮‍💨
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Yessssss rounding out the grid!! Of course, as exactly as I'd expected, these are all just as on point as the previous set (which you can find here if you're interested!) and more than a few of these 110% fit the way I feel about some drivers to the letter lmaooooo 💀 I couldn't have said it better myself!
Mick's is dead on, like it'd the exact vibe of how I'm writing him in the one shot I'm working on (he's a touch dominant because no matter what way I look at it I can't imagine him being anything other than kind and patience and gentle but get him in the right place, right time and you have yourself an unparalleled experience waiting for you ✋😩)
Also yes, Carlos in my head is encaptured perfectly by the singular sentence you allocated him 💀as you should, honestly the handful of words speaks volumes lmaooo.
And I have a really specific slightly off topic theory about Lance but like hear me out... Sara did the hard work, she taught him, but between how much he clearly worships her, how sweet and genuine their relationship seems, and his golden retriever boy energy...you cannot convince me that he doesn't give great fucking head... what he lacks in technique, he more than makes up for in dedication and the drive to make his woman happyyyy
✨F1 Walk of Shame Game✨
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luisjuanmilton · 3 years
Ahhh hi I'm awake and I've never sent like a prompt or ship thingy before so I hope this is what u mean !! For a ship maybe Dan and esteban and for a prompt maybe just esteban taking Dan to look at Christmas lights or something like that?
This prompt is perfect and I had been dying to write dansteban so thank you so much for requesting it <3
(I just realised you can’t put a read more on mobile sorry guys you’ll have to bear with this long post)
Daniel sighed to himself, absentmindedly scrolling through every single movie Netflix had to offer as he desperately tried to find something that would distract him from how painfully lonely he felt.
It was Christmas Eve, and while he would normally be either in Australia or Italy with his family by now, the fucking global pandemic had made it so that he was stuck in the flat Renault had rented for him to use whenever he was in Oxfordshire.
The flat was so underused that it barely had any furniture, and the lack of decorations coupled with the cold that could be felt even when he had the heater on wasn’t doing anything to improve his mood.
Daniel was used to spending his holidays in the sun damn it, he’d never asked for a white Christmas.
He had been surrounded by nothing but silence for so long that he almost thought he’d hallucinated the knocking that was coming from the direction of the door, but when it grew more insistence he nearly jumped off the couch, hurrying to see who could have possibly come to visit him.
And his heart nearly leapt out of his chest when he found none other than his lanky teammate standing on the other side of the wooden door with a backpack slung over his shoulder.
“Esteban?” he asked, half convinced that he was definitely hallucinating.
“Yes, hi” the Frenchman answered, a tiny hesitant smile pulling at his lips “for a second there I thought you weren’t in”
“Yeah sorry I thought I’d heard wrong, but, uh, what exactly are you doing here?” Daniel’s eyes widened when he realised how rude that sounded, and he quickly rushed to correct himself “Not that I don’t want you here or anything, you actually have no idea how nice it is to see you”
Thankfully, Esteban only looked amused by his rambling, the smile on his face growing larger.
“Well I sort of realised we were both stuck here, and since I don’t particularly fancy being alone tonight I thought you might not either”
And really, Daniel was so embarrassingly touched by that that he could have cried.
“Oh. Yes, no, absolutely. You can totally come in but I have to warn you that I only have, like, frozen pizza and a couple of beers on the fridge so -“
“Actually, I thought I could take you somewhere” Esteban interrupted, his brown eyes sparkling with mirth “if you don’t mind braving the cold that is”
Daniel beamed at the Frenchman, his innate love for surprises making a flare of excitement rush through him, especially after he had been sure the most exciting thing that would happen to him that night would be watching the new season of Love Island.
“Let me get my coat”
Just to be safe he decided to put on the biggest and fluffiest coat he owned, paired with a knitted beanie and a matching scarf, not even caring that he probably looked ridiculous next to Esteban, who didn’t even look like he had noticed it was snowing.
There wasn’t anyone around to judge him anyways, and he knew Este would never mock him.
Indeed, the younger man looked almost fond as he took in his very over the top attire, holding the door open for him and shutting it behind them.
He was nearly skipping as he followed Este down the stairs, not even questioning it when they walked past both their cars to instead follow the trail that lead to a small park that he’d never bothered to visit before.
Esteban stopped him when the park was just around the corner, turning to face him with a serious look in his eyes.
“Do you trust me?”
Daniel found himself nodding before he’d even finished the question, and when his entire face immediately softened at that, he felt warmth flooding his chest that had nothing to do with the layers of clothing he was wearing.
“Of course I do”
“Close your eyes for me” Este softly commanded, holding a hand out to him that he didn’t hesitate to take before complying.
It was a little tricky to walk over the rocky and snowy path without being able to see, but the firm hold Esteban had on his hand was enough to assure him he’d never let him fall on his ass.
They must have walked for less than three minutes when they came to a sudden halt, but even then Este didn’t let go of his hand.
“Okay… you can open them now”
Daniel immediately did as he was told, and a delighted gasp left his mouth as he took in the sight in front of him.
The entire park was light up by what seemed to be hundreds of Christmas lights that were hanging from the snowy trees, making it look like it’d been taken straight out of a Hallmark movie.
Thanks to the way they swayed with the breeze it almost seemed like they were twinkling stars, and Daniel felt like he’d walked into some sort of winter wonderland.
“Holy shit” he breathed out, hearing Esteban chuckle beside him at the expletive.
“Do you like it?”
“Are you kidding? I love it! It looks like a fucking postcard”
Este let out a full bellied laugh at that, but it was obvious to Dan that he was very relieved by his reaction.
“I’m glad. It’s just that I remembered you saying how much you liked Christmas, and I didn’t want you to have a crappy one this year, I think it’s been shitty enough. I also brought a big blanket, some pastries and a thermos full of coffee, it’s not exactly a Sunday roast but I think it’ll do” he confessed, the apples of his cheeks as red as the tip of his nose for reasons that the Aussie was sure were completely unrelated to the cold.
If Daniel had felt touched before, he was sure he was about to spontaneously combust because of how endeared he was by the man standing next to him.
“You really are something special Esteban”
“Oh it was nothing”
Esteban’s entire face was as red as the Ferrari livery by now, and his pleased grin made him look all the more adorable.
It was only then that Daniel realised neither had let go of the other’s hand.
“Hey Este? I know I couldn’t leave here because of the travel restrictions in Italy, but I thought they had lifted the travel ban in France… why didn’t you go home?”
The sheepish look he got after that was more than enough answer for him, but he still wanted to hear him say it.
“I, uh, I sort of overheard you talking to Cyril about how you’d have to spend the holidays here. I’m sorry for eavesdropping but I promise I didn’t mean to, and I just really didn’t want you to have to spend them alone because I know how much you miss your family and -“
Now it was Daniel’s turn to interrupt Esteban’s rambling, and he couldn’t think of a better way to do it than by fisting his hand on the front of his sweater and pulling him down into a kiss.
The tiny surprised yelp that left him was muffled by Daniel’s lips, and when the younger man’s brain registered what was happening he all but melted into the kiss.
And the Aussie had no idea how long he’d been wanting to do that without realising it, but as their lips moved together he quickly found out he never wanted it to stop.
Unfortunately, their need for oxygen was still a thing, but they only separated enough so that they could breathe while still keeping their foreheads pressed together, not caring at all that the angle was far from comfortable because of their height difference.
“Thank you” Dan murmured, tightening the grip he still had on the other’s hand and feeling an electric current run through their linked fingers.
“Merry Christmas Dan” he answered, with a smile bright enough that it put all the lights that surrounded them to shame.
“Merry Christmas Este”
With that, Daniel pressed their lips back together, thinking to himself that maybe he wouldn’t mind spending his holidays in the snow as long as he had Esteban close to keep him warm.
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
Alright, everyone, LET'S GET CHARLES HOME! I've been looking forward to this part, not even joking 😁😃
LIGHTNING FAST CATCH UP: Galeforce has acquired the means to get Charles home(thank goodness), while Henry tells Charles something that he didn't need to know in his current circumstances. Rather than make him come running toward Henry, it made Charles's resolve that much stronger.
For all the juicy details, catch up with the links provided:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 and revision
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Now then, LET'S GO!!!
We start off with Charles again, but in a TV perspective, POV shot where he repeatedly blinks blinks on a dark room, each time resulting in Henry seemingly teleporting closer like a vampire or like Five, minus the blink sound he makes.
At some point, Charles blinks and Henry disappears. Charles looks around and finds Henry sitting next to him and tucking some hair out of his face and then reaches forward to civer his eyes.
What's out of this perspective? Well, I'll tell you. It's a close up of Henry holding Charles, who's got his hands tied above him(wink, wink for astute viewers).
Henry leans close to Charles go whisper something in gis ear, but we don't head it because a slap in the face wakes up Charles.
It's the next day, Charles is still gagged and restrained, and that slap did nothing but send him into a small panic.
Who slapped him? Right, who's been watching him for a while.
"Morning," Right says. "Sleep well?"
Charles glares at him instead.
Right counters with a bored look. "Cute. Think you're doing yourself any favors?"
Charles only continues to glare, because it's all he can do.
Right mimes punching him and Charles gives possibly the worst flinch anyone can see- well, anyone except Right, who chuckles at his reaction.
"Not so tough now, are you?"
Charles kicks at Right, but Right grabs his foot in his cybernetic hand.
Right narrows his eyes(eye, I guess), and tightens his grip on Charles's foot, even to hurt, even through the dress shoes on.
Charles yelps behind the tape and tries pulling his foot free, but only results in Right further tightening his grip.
"Better stop that now, kid. It's not gonna help you."
That's when the door opens and Henry walks in, gesturing for Right to politely leave him alone with Charles.
Right drops Charles's foot and nods, obliging to leave the two alone.
Once the door closes and Right's gone, Henry turns to Charles and holds up a bandaged hand, sciwling at him.
"I guess your bite's worse than your bark."
Charles glares at Henry and nods at the duct tape still in his mouth before raising both eyebrows; 'I'd do it again, if I could. Try me.'
Henry holds a hand against his forehead and sighs, shaking his head.
"When will you ever learn, Charles? Really, when?"
Charles turns his head slightly and gives a, "Hm?"
Henry strides toward the wall next to Charles, and Charles, knowing there's nothing cybernetic about Henry, kicks at him.
He gets electrocuted for it, Henry watching in what seems to be disappointment and that 'you're making me do this' narcissism.
Charles screams behind the tape and convulses for a while before Henry stops.
Charles groans as it stops, his head hanging even as Henry approaches, lifts his chin, and snaps his fingers to get his attention.
"Charles? Hey, stay with me. We need to talk."
Charles only gives him a weary look before weakly glaring.
Henry fights the urge to roll his eyes and moves both his hands to either side of Charles's face.
"Think this is going to do anything? How long have you been here? And when will you learn that you're not leaving?"
Charles shakes his head to get Henry off him, but Henry holds on and only leans closer.
"I told you before, Charles. You're not leaving, so drop the idea that you will."
Charles headbutts him, which makes Henry stumble back and holds his now bleeding nose.
Henry glares and raises his fist.
Charles inhales sharply and flinches, his entire body tensing as he waits for a punch or to be electrocuted again.
Neither happen and Henry walks around Charles and holds him from behind, arms around his chest and waist.
"You need to stop," Henry says. "All your doing is hurting yourself for nothing."
Charles wriggles to get Henry off him, but it doesn't work, evidenced by Henry wrapping his arms tighter and holding Charles close enough that Henry is physically against Charles, like his chest is touching Charles's back.
Regardless, it makes Henry snicker. "Guess you're not listening." He's silent for a second before an idea comes to him.
Henry lets Charles go and walks back to the wall, where he pushes a button that releases Charles fully.
Charles falls and fumbles around for a little bit before Henry speaks up.
"Before you decide to attack me, I want you to know that this is your only chance to get out." Henry nods to the panel used to get in and out of the cell. "I won't stop you from trying. If you get out, I'll take you back to Earth and surrender myself and the clan to the government."
Charles's eyes widen and Henry leans against the wall, nodding again at the panel before watching Charles shakily approach it and bring his hand to it.
He's seen people open the door using the panel. Hell, Henry SHOWS him the pattern used to open the door. He's seen it, he was paying attention, but he doesn't fully remember it.
Charles uses the pattern he's seen everyone else use, but the door stays shut. His eyes widen as his chest hollows, shaking his head and fighting a sob as he tries again. Nothing.
Henry smirks as Charles tries again and again to open the door, using both hands, using more than one finger, even using his knuckle, all the while Charles is becoming so upset and frustrated that he actually bursts into tears and just starts trying random patterns.
Henry gives a sympathetic hum. "That's unfortunate. Guess you don't have the right fingerprints."
Charles charges at Henry, but Henry quickly pushes himself off the wall, grabs and spins Charles around, throwing him to the ground, putting his shoe on his neck to keep him down; Henry doesn't stomp on Charles's neck or grind his shoe in, it's just more of a threat than anything.
Charles still tries to get up, though, shouting at Henry behind the tape. Henry quickly kneels down, remives his shoe, and holds Charles down by his wrists from on top of him.
Charles continues to try to break free, until Henry pushes his wrists down and leans closer to Charles.
"I gave you your chance, didn't I? You. Are not. Leaving. I'll make sure you don't."
Charles, even though his eyes are puffy and red, glares at Henry, non-verbally telling him to go to Hell.
Henry simply brushes some hair out of his face before restraining him once more.
"Make sure you don't bark or bite for a while. Don't want the General brining the army with him."
With that Henry leaves.
Charles sighs and rests his head against his arm, staring at the panel as he lets tears fall from his eyes.
TIME JUMPCUT TO EARTH!!!! Approximately a month has past, maybe less. The prototype has been completed, tested, and approved, with a team of Galeforce, Canterbury, and maybe three others joining, maybe less. Meanwhile, Henry has continued to mindfuck Charles, who hopes Henry gets fucked over by the clan.
On Earth, it is decided Rupert, Victoria, and Amelia Esteban. The twins have volunteered to go, but were immediately dismissed; Galeforce orders Victoria to keep an eye on them, so they don't leave or try sneaking with them.
With the sapphire and guns and ammo loaded, they head off to a take-off point and set off to get Charles back; you'll see what the guns are for in a minute😉.
With Charles, he's getting showered and cleaned up again, but this time is given his old clothes back, which have been washed. He also gets a hair trim, because Henry, who's cutting his hair, likes him better with the short. He's a little more bruised from getting aggressive and trying to be defiant, and his lips are chapped raw by the tape, wrists raw as well from being restrained.
Speaking of, he gets put in a simple pair of hand cuffs this time, his hands in front of him.
Once it's all said and done, Henry holds Charles's face and caresses his cheeks, noting the very upset and hollow look he has.
"Leave everything to me. It'll be over before you know it, and then it'll be me and you here. No more cells, after today."
Charles lowers Henry's hands, closes his eyes, and takes a breath as he leans up to kiss Henry, which shocks him beyond all reason before returning it, holding the back of Charles's head. TV perspective, we don't see how passionate it is, we just see Charles's hands on Henry's chest, which stray to his coat(HMMMMMM!?)
After a little while, there's a knock on the door and they pull away.
"Henry?" Ellie calls from the other side of the door. "They're here."
Henry sighs and turns to a still slightly panting Charles, smirking at him.
"Show time."
Everyone is tense. They're all armed, all ready to rittle the other side with holes, if need be.
Beside Galeforce, Canterbury, Rupert, and Amelia is the crate, where the replica sits inside, still in one piece(thank goodness).
Before anyone can make any introductions, Ellie and Henry strut their way in with Charles in toe, eyes on the floor.
When I said Charles is bruised, I mean there's a bruise under his eye, on the bridge on his nose, the side of his jaw, cheek, some on his throat(because he got mouthy), and his lip is split.
At the sight of him, Galeforce and Rupert almost race toward him.
Big mistake because Charles flinches back while Toppats aim at them with semi-automatics.
Henry also pulls Charles closer to him, smug-ass smirk growing.
Rupert goes for his gun, but Galeforce stops him.
"Don't," he says under his breath.
Rupert backs down and both rejoining Canterbury and Victoria.
Satisfied with the cooperation, Henry takes his place with the Toppats, his hand on Charles's shoulder.
It surprises the group that Henry doesn't sign to them, but Galeforce keeps his eyes locked on him.
Henry nods. "Been a while. You look good."
Rupert, fed up with Henry for getting his friend killed, other friend kidnapped by the Toppat Clan(Dave's free, btw, he's just at the home he and Rupert share because he's scared to go out), getting screwed over countless times, and seeing his best friend injured, hunted, kidnapped, and tortured, snaps at him.
"Shut it! Give Charles back or we'll blow this station to kingdom come with you, this clan, and this stupid gem inside it!"
"Price, stand down," Amelia barks.
Rupert whips his head to her, Henry, and back again, biting his tongue as he, indeed, backs off.
Galeforce nods at them both and taps the crate with the replica sapphire inside. "Before we waste any more of your time, here's the sapphire, like you asked."
Henry's smirk drops slightly at the fun being over, but he nods again.
"Right." He sighs and turns to Charles, who's staring at the floor with his fists clenched. "A deal's a deal."
As Toppats take the crate, Henry removes the handcuffs and stands back, letting Charles rub his wrists, once the metal's gone.
"It was fun, having Charles here."
That's when Henry draws a gun and aims at Galeforce.
The group jump right into action, drawing their guns as well.
Before any shots are fired, Charles shouts as he takes Chekov's knife out of his sleeve and slams it into Henry's side, making Henry scream as he fires the gun at the ceiling and falls.
Ellie, Reginald, and numerous other Toppats race to Henry's side, Right and the other Toppats draw their guns and start shooting, and the group makes a run for it, Charles following.
No time to take cover and continue because Canterbury takes a bullet to the calf, Amelia gets into a tussle, and Rupert and Galeforce concert them both and Charles, who had to get the bullet out of Canterbury's calf with the knife(don't worry, he wiped it off as much as he could, before doing so.).
Yeah. There's a little bit of a firefight, which even includes a Toppat aiming at Galeforce before Charles races in front of him.
The Toppat decides, 'Fuck all,' and aims at Charles, but Henry shouts at him to hold his fire.
The team quickly make a run for it, the Toppat shooting Charles anyway, and barely missing him.
Keyword: BARELY, evidenced by Charles holding a bleeding ear.
They get to the Destroyer right as they're being shot at, loading up and leaving, but not without a paying gift, courtesy of Charles:
A shot to one of their satellites, which breaks it.
Kind of a rushed escape, I apologize, I'm not good at impromptu escapes.😅
Regardless, while the team finally takes a breather on the ride back to Earth, and Amelia wraps Canterbury's wound, Charles looks out one of the windows and watches as the station shrinks further into the distance.
Rupert sees him staring and gives a small, nervous laugh. "You good back there, Charles? You've been quiet."
Charles rigidly turns and stares at all of them, though Canterbury's kind enough to give a wave.
"Is... is this... real?"
They all turn to him, even Galeforce, who gestures Rupert to take control of flying for a little while.
Galeforce leaves his seat and throws his arms around Charles, who tenses, and both find out that the other is violently trembling.
"It's real. You're going home, son."
The pure, unbridled reflief Charles feels is immeasurable as he lets out a shuddering breath, which turns into laughter before he passes out.
Back at the orbital station, Henry's done getting patched up and his resting in his room, with an arm over his eyes as he lies on his bed.
Ellie's leaning against the wall next to him, uneasy, but still there to make sure he's alright.
"At least we got the sapphire."
Henry moves his hand until it's over one eye and, after a moment, gives her a small smile and nods.
"Sorry about Charles, by the way."
Henry sighs and sits up, grunting. "He'll be back. The General's going to see that his most experienced pilot has all the best qualities of a thief or a criminal and will leave Charles alone, with no one to run back to, but the clan."
Ellie huffs/snorts at that. "You really want the guy who stabbed you to be a member of the clan?"
"What else is he going to do?"
They exchange smirks and get calls from Sven via ear pieces in their top hats, though Henry's is on his desk.
"Chief? Right Hand Lady? You might want to come to the treasurie."
Ellie and Henry's smirks drop and we cut to the two arriving and weaving through a crowd of pale faced Toppats.
Once they reach the front, Ellie gasps and Henry's eyes widen.
The replica is broken, shattered.
TV perspective, we see the Toppat that grazed Charles shot twice, the second shot being the graze. The FIRST shot, however, made the bullet break though the crate and get lodged it the replica, which was then dropped by accident as it was being put away; they were putting it in a high container.
Everyone turns to Henry, who's wide eyed and clenching a shaking fist.
He slowly looks up and at the Emerald he'd stolen with the Clan, and asks them all a question.
"Where is he?"
He doesn't have the sapphire, and probably won't be having it, but he'll have something else instead to make up for it:
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Sean Diaz Smut Alphabet
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A = Aftercare:
Sean is really kind and sweet during aftercare, often taking a shower with you and cleaning you up or he'll spend time talking and cuddling you until you both fall asleep.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Sean doesn't really have a favorite body part of his but if he had to choose, it'd have to be his hands as he often uses them to please you, to stroke you, he uses them to explore your body.
Sean loves almost every part of his lover but his favorite body part on his lover would have to be their eyes or their lips, he finds your eyes to be really beautiful and loves to gaze into them.
Your lips often look beautiful and he often wants to bite your lips or just devour your lips in kisses. He also finds that you have the most beautiful voice ever and that every time he hears you moan his name it sounds so fucking hot.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Sean finds it to be messy especially when you give him a blowjob or he's blowing you, he finds the stuff to be pretty sticky and pretty gross and doesn't expect you to swallow it up but if you do he finds it weirdly hot.
Sean loves your expression when you cum and will often try to lick up all of your cum if he can.
Also, Sean does sometimes cum a lot depending on how often you both have sex, but most of the time he has a normal amount of cum.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He has experimented with anal and stuff on himself and has wanted to try pegging with you but he would be terrified telling you about it unless you were into it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
It's almost no surprise that Sean is a huge virgin and that he has little to no experience. He'll often ask you if you're enjoying it during sex and would need a few tips but he's a quick learner and he'll become quite experienced in no time.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
It's hard for him to choose but he loves missionary with your legs on his shoulders and he loves the angle, how deep he can get inside of you and he loves being face to face with you, often kissing you when in the position.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Sometimes, he'll do something funny or something awkward will happen and you both will end up laughing together or sometimes he'll be in a playful mood and he'll tease you a lot.
But most of the time when you guys are having sex it's mostly intimate and there might be a joke or two here and there but he enjoys goofy and not so serious sex sometimes if he's in a good mood.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Sean has a small bush down there and sometimes he forgets to trim it or he tries not to trim his pubic hair too much as he finds it to be a hassle and hates how often he'll cut himself.
He'll cut his pubic hair if it's irritating you a lot but otherwise, he doesn't trim down there too often, think of it as a small bush down there.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He loves intimate sex and he likes when it's intimate and sensual during sex, he'll often kiss everywhere on your body and will go at a slower pace, he wants to take his time and he's not in a rush to make you cum.
8 out of 10 times, he'll often have intimate sex with you and doesn't like being hella rough during sex, he loves intimate sex and loves just making love to you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Believe me, before you both met, he was a kind of regular masturbator, he would masturbate at least 2 times a week or whenever Daniel wasn't bothering the hell out of him.
Sometimes when you're away, he'll masturbate to pictures of you that he has on his phone, most of them are you during sex or naked and he always cums hard jerking off to those pictures of you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
The boy has a praise kink and loves being praised and praising you a lot, he loves hearing your praise after pleasing you greatly in bed, he lives for that shit and it only drives him to fuck you harder.
He loves you biting into him and or putting plenty of hickeys on his skin, he finds it hot when you do it and you guys rarely have sex where you haven't put a hickey or a love bite on his skin.
He likes it when you sex toys are brought into the sex that you guys are having, he doesn't mind the toys being used on him or using the toys on you, his favorite toy has to be a vibrator.
He likes it when you role-play sometimes, most of the time it's something tame and something vanilla and most of the time you break character earlier than he does. His favorite role play has to be roleplaying fantasy creatures like a werewolf and you're the human.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He loves his bed but sometimes it gets boring doing it on the bed so the next best place he likes fucking you is on the couch or on the kitchen counter.
Another place he likes doing it in is his car, which he does get shortly after his 17th birthday, he enjoys it when you ride him whilst being parked somewhere secluded or fucking you in the backseat.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
A lot of things turn him on but the biggest thing is seeing you bite your bottom lip or kissing you, no matter how intense or how quick the kiss is he'll feel a bit aroused after it.
Also, seeing you in anything that hugs those curves of yours, he's an ass man and loves seeing your ass or your legs in something tight that really enhances your curves. He will tease you about it when you guys are alone.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Nothing containing BDSM or degrading, he hates anything containing pain or degrading you and whenever he fucks you he tries to make you feel as good as possible and just doesn't like the kink.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers giving but doesn't mind receiving and the boy once he does learn your sweet spots and what drives you wild, he is a god with his tongue and loves making sweet love to you with his tongue.
But he does love when he does receive oral from you, he almost always his moaning or groaning your name and often praises you during it, he'll tug on your hair and will be so soft beneath you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He prefers to go at a normal or at a slower pace, he loves slow and sensual sex and he doesn't like rushing with sex. But there will be sometimes where he'll have a quickie with you before going to school if he's really horny.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He doesn't mind them too much but he doesn't like having them too often as he often loves to savor every little thing during sex, he loves to enjoy himself and he loves to take his time during it.
He probably has a quickie once a week and it'll happen before school or before he has to go to running practice. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Sometimes but he's not a big risk taker and won't do anything that has a big risk, he won't do anything where Esteban or Daniel can see you or catch you.
He will take risks every now and again but he's not too big of a risk-taker unless he's hella horny cause at that point he wants you to fuck him quickly and he doesn't care who sees you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go for about 2 rounds per session and if he's really in the mood he can last 3 rounds. He lasts about 10 to 13 minutes per round normally.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He can't get any sex toys because he doesn't want Daniel or Esteban to find them, he wants to get some but will usually have to ask you to buy some or bring yours over.
He likes using one of your vibrators on you and himself, he loves seeing your expressions of pleasure and you arch your back, he loves seeing you lose control because of a toy.
He also doesn't mind you using one on him as he enjoys it a lot especially when he's not allowed to cum until you say he can, he often gets really loud when you use it on him and cums quite quickly.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn't like to tease you too much but he will tease you by like rubbing your thigh or nibbling on your earlobe, sometimes if he's in a playful mood he'll whisper how badly he wants you in his bed.
He doesn't mind being teased but hates when he's teased too much, seeing you bend over in front of him or pressing yourself against him really makes him needy for you. He loves and hates it when you deny him the privilege of cumming and will beg you to please let him cum.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He can be a bit loud and he almost always lets out these breathless needy whines and moans that will drive you crazy, he has higher pitched moans and can be quite vocal during sex. He often whines 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He loves his hair being pulled or you running your fingers through his hair during sex, it feels so good feeling your hands tug at his hair and will whine feeling you tug at his hair or even running your fingers through his hair.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He's a little bigger than average think about 6.3 inches and he's hella thick and really girthy, he's almost the ideal size.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He doesn't have too high of a sex drive and will probably ask for sex twice a week at the most, he loves pleasing you in many different ways and just being able to share deep emotions with such a person as yourself. But if you are in the mood, he isn't against helping you and you don't mind returning the favor.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Depending on how many rounds you both had done but normally he falls asleep like 10 minutes after sex, he'll talk with you a few minutes and will kiss you goodnight before falling into a deep sleep.
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Summer Roads - Chapter 3
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Pairing: Sean x Fem! reader
Description: You’ve always been Lyla’s best friend, but since Sean moved you became an inseparable trio. But who could say that, after all these years together, you would start growing feelings for Sean?
Warning: swearings only.
Word count: 2.049
A/N: is it allowed to use the same gif from the first chapter? I think so lol it just gives the best Sean’s vibes.
“I need to get some stuff first,” Sean said as you got near Lyla’s place.
“Yeah, me too,” you said.
“Okay then, I’ll prepare things. And by that I mean my mom,” Lyla responds.
“But she loves us,” you say frowning.
“Even so,” Lyla shrugs.
“Care if I go with you to pick your stuff up? I need to give Daniel that thing I promised,” you ask Sean.
“Yeah, cool. I’ll go with you to pick up your stuff too,” you were too busy looking at Sean to notice the look on Lyla’s face. “I need to give that board a new update.”
Hearing this made your heart pound a little - Sean meant the little whiteboard you had in your room for important notes, but those important notes turned out to be Sean’s drawings. Sometimes he would draw something simple, and other times he would make something clever and funny. It was a nice Easter egg feeling - you never knew what was coming. 
At your house, you grabbed your sleeping bag and old clothes to use as pajama. A little necessaire followed the pack as well. 
“Shit, I don’t know where I put it…” you thought out loud.
“That thing for Daniel?” Sean turned his head from the whiteboard. “What is it, anyway?”
“A stuffed animal…” you say focused in your search, looking behind pillows and under the bed.
“A stuffed animal? You do know he’s seven already, right?” Sean said with a grin.
“Sorry, I forgot my basic math lessons,” he chuckled in response. “It’s Power Bear, but since I don’t play with it for a long time I asked Daniel if he wanted it.”
“Of course he did.”
“I think it’s cute a seven year old boy still wants a stuffed animal.”
“Daniel is always cute,” Sean said in a low tone and you thought you felt a little resentment there. Shrugging the feeling off, you focus yourself once again in your search. “Try in the corner by the window. Where the toy chest is. You always lost things there as a kid.”
“But I don’t have any toy in there anymore,” you say as you open the chest.
Sean, once finished with the drawing, grims and goes to the toy chest, moves it a little bit and then raises his eyebrows at you. You roll your eyes, knowing what was behind there.
“Thanks,” you say as you get the stuffed Power Bear.
“At your service. Are you all packed up? I mean, I don’t want to rush you or anything…”
“Nah, I’m good. Just lemme grab some chips.”
“Don’t you dare let Lyla hear this.”
“Cheetos are not chips,” you imitate her. Sean laughs.
“They really are not.”
“I know, but I just can't stop saying it that way. But I don’t have Cheetos, anyway. It’s Doritos.”
“We didn’t had that discussion yet.”
“And I don’t look forward to have it. Let’s go.”
Before going out of your room you give a quick look to Sean’s update on your board. He made a drawing of the two of you at the skate ramp.
“That’s really nice,” you point out. “But where’s Lyla?”
“The little dot back there,” you laugh.
“We agree to not let her see this, right?”
“You bet.”
Arriving at Sean’s house, Daniel storms out of his room.
“Did you bring Y/N? That’s so cool! Is she sleeping here?” Daniel says all excited.
“Hey, goofball,” you greet him. “I brought ya something.”
“Really? What is it, what is it?” The little boy starts bouncing. You pull out the stuffed Power Bear and Daniel goes wild. “Wooooow…! That Power Bear you told me about!” He said in amazement. “Oh, he’s fluffy,” he chuckles after he pokes the toy.
“It’s yours, you do know that, right?” You say to him. Daniel gives a shy look.
“I remember you said so.”
“He was just afraid that you’ve might forgotten. Or changed your mind,” Sean said.
“I was not!”
“Yes you were.”
“Oh, here we go,” you breathes out. “Danny? It’s yours.”
“Yay!” He grabs the toy and hugs your legs - actually what he can reach at his height.
“What do you say…?”
“Thanks!” Daniel say as he run to his room again.
“I swear that sometimes…” Sean begins to say, but you put a hand on his arm.
“That’s fine, Sean. He’s a kid.”
“I know, I know… it’s just… sometimes it’s hard to live with him everyday.”
“That muffin? You joking me?”
“Wanna trade?”
“I’m hearing this,” Daniel’s head appear outside his room, pouting.
“Good,” Sean says. “Is dad home?”
“I’ll just let him know that we’ll be sleeping over at Lyla,” of course you paid attention to the whole phrase, but the we got to stick for a little longer.
“I’ll go with you.”
You enjoyed the Diaz garage, even though you didn’t understand shit about cars or knew what tools were those.
“Hey! If it isn’t Y/N,” Esteban greets you.
“Hi, Esteban,” you wave a shy hand at him. “How you doing?”
“Just good,”
“Hey, dad,” Sean interrupts. “We’re gonna have a sleepover at Lyla, is that okay?”
“Sure, mijo,” suddenly worry takes over Estaban’s face. “Y/N, I think your knee is bleeding.”
“Oh,” you completely forgot about your injury. “It’s fine, it’s just a scratch. I tripped with my roller skate, but luckily Sean was my superhero.”
“Was he?” You didn’t know if it was because of your crush on Sean, but you could swear for everything in this world that Esteban’s eyes sparkled a little. Maybe.
“Hey, let’s cut it out,” Sean says, his hand scratching his head. 
“But I’m not gonna let you leave my house until someone takes care of that scratch,” Esteban says.
“There’s no need to, really.”
“I’ll do it,” Sean says quickly. Esteban was smiling.
“Really?” You ask.
“Yeah, c’mon. Things are in the bathroom.”
Going upstairs, you insist to Sean that there’s is no need to take care of your knee.
“Let me just clean it then, you can’t go around while a bloody knee.”
“Actually I thought we were doing just fine,” walking in front of you, you didn’t need to look at his face to know Sean rolled his eyes. It was a thing that you could even hear. 
You sat on the edge of the bathtub, waiting for Sean as he looked in the cabinet for the things he needed, trying not give away your nervousness. He’s just going to clean your scratch, it’s not a big deal. Lyla could do the same thing, you kept thinking to yourself.
“What’s on your mind? You look so thoughtful,” you heard Sean’s voice. 
“Oh,” you jumped on your seat. “Nothing, nothing. I was just… zoning out.”
“I’m kinda nervous about this, I don’t wanna hurt you,” you could see Sean’s hands wasn’t as steady as they used to be, but you believed him, innocently. 
“You won’t hurt me, at least not as much as I already am,” he smiled.
“I’m not one to brag, but sometimes I take care of Daniel’s scratches as well.”
“So it’s in your résumé,” you say jokingly. Sean only smiled, since he started cleaning your knee attentively.
You swallowed dry as you kept your attention on him. Sean was being very serious on his task, but his hands were a little shaky indeed. You could barely feel the liquid burning on your skin, and you give the credits for that to your fucked up feelings. Maybe Sean’s hands had something to do with it too - they were hands of an artist, after all. He knew how to be delicate.
“How does it feel?” He asks.
“It’s fine. I’m not feeling it much.”
“I’m all finished here, just lemme put a bandage.”
“I don’t need it, Sean,” you protest.
“At least for today, Y/N,” since you don’t answer, Sean looks up at you. He holds your look. “I know you’re stubborn, but only for today,” you don’t give up on your principles. Sean takes a deep breath. “Gosh, you’re just like Daniel sometimes. Please, Y/N,” Sean pressures the bridge of his nose, trying to keep his patience. 
But there was no time for anything else, because a little goofball stormed inside the bathroom, holding stuffed Power Bear and another toy you didn’t recognize.
“Swooooosh,” Daniel made the toys fly. “You will never catch me, Power Bear!”
“Daniel!” Sean shouted.
“I’ll call my reinforcements!”
“Daniel!” Sean tried again, but Daniel came up to running around the bathroom.
“There is it!” Daniel pointed a stuffed Power Bear to you. “My reinforcements are here! Prepare to lose!” Daniel ran to your direction, knocking you down inside the bathtub.
“Oh my god,” you say laughing as Daniel fell on top of you, his little arms tangled in yours.
“Daniel!” Sean kept trying.
“You’ll never beat me, Power Bear!” Daniel sat on top of you and started playing with his toys again.
“For fuck sake, Daniel!” Sean lost it, his voice raising tones and more tones. You looked surprised at him, as well as Daniel, who turned. “Get out of her…”
“You never let me have fun!” Daniel complained.
“You always have all the fun, Daniel! Now get out.”
“But I wanna play with Y/N…”
“She can’t, she’s hurt.”
“Sean…” you try to reason.
“Really? Where?” Daniel started turning your head, looking for anything. You giggled.
“I scratched my knee, goofball. But I’m fine, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“See, Sean? She says she’s fine.”
“Still need a bandage, though,” Sean says pouting.
“Oh, you can have one of mine! It has Hawt Dawg Man!”
“That’s neat, Danny. Would you put it for me?”
“Yes!” Daniel leaves the bathtub and goes to his room. Sean gives you a hand to get up.
“I can’t fucking believe him…”
“Shh, he’s coming.”
“Here! See?, it’s big. I’ll put upside down so you can see Hawt Dawg Man.”
“Thanks, dude,” you ruffled his hair. 
“Any reinforcements of Power Bear is my friend too.”
“Oh, so I was the reinforcement?”
“We gotta go to, Daniel. Say bye to her as I get my stuff.”
“I can’t believe it,” Sean complains as you two go down the street.
“Sean, you need to be more understanding with him.”
“I know, but it’s so hard. And you don’t make it easier too. I was trying my ass off to put a bandage on you and you only accept when Daniel suggests it,” you would be lying if you said that Sean’s words didn’t hurt you a bit. On normal times this wouldn’t affect you, but now everything is different.
“I’m sorry, Sean, but your brother is just the cutest thing.”
“Tell me about it.”
“I’m sorry I upset you.”
“What?” Sean looked at you surprised. “You… you didn’t upset me, not exactly.”
“So what is it?”
“It’s… I don’t know, it’s nothing,” he shrugged.
“You don’t need to be jealous of Daniel.”
“I’m not,” he says as he rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, right,” you say ironically and put a hand on his shoulder. “But thank you for taking care of my knee. If you had offered me a bandage of Hawt Dawg Man before maybe I would’ve accepted way sooner.”
“So that’s what it was all about, huh?” Sean grinned.
It wasn’t news that sometimes Sean would be jealous of Daniel when he got in the middle of you and Lyla, trying to get your attention and playing with you. You never had a sibling to know how the feeling was and what really happened there, but today it was a little weird, if you could say so.
Maybe Sean got angry because Daniel started to make a mess, but you thought it was so adorable that you could never think that. You frowned as you stared at the asphalt. 
“You’re zoning out again. What’s up with you?”
“I’m just looking at my new awesome bandage,” you lie.
“With that look? I would say you’re trying to make it disappear,” you laugh and slaps his arm with the back of your hand. 
“C’mon let’s just go to Lyla’s. She’s probably wondering why are we taking so long.”
“I’ll blame Daniel for that.”
“Of course you will, Big Brother of the Year.”
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Wait wait that really really awesome and sexy snippet you wrote about Felix getting jealous and fucking Pepa and them talking about maybe letting someone else watch since the other person has a crush on Pepa or something and Felix wants to rub it in their face that no one else could have Pepa like he has her.
Would they actually do that? And if they do can you write it please?
Oh we're absolutely doing this one-listen this is the closest to a threeway anyone is getting from our main couples, at least on this blog. For free. Might try to make this self insert ish? Maybe?
"So, you weren't just being nice? You actually wanna talk about this?"
"Of course. Especially if it's something you want to do. You know I'm an open minded man."
A few days ago, Félix had a bit of a...run with Esteban, an old childhood friend of Pepa's. Long story short, they flirted with the idea of having someone watch them while they had sex. Félix only brought it up now, given that they were allowed to have breakfast in the privacy of their room. She hummed in thought as she sipped her coffee.
"I mean. I definitely think it'd be sexy."
"He'd just sit there and watch, right? And just touch himself? I'm just saying the only dick I trust in my ass, is the one we're keeping in the closet."
Pepa chuckled, nodding in agreement.
"I promise, he'll keep his hands to himself. The idea is that we rub it in his face, not that he uses either of us to touch him."
Félix thought about it, but his face seemed uncertain, even as he took a sip of his own coffee.
"I dunno. If he does try something-"
"I'll let you throw him out, and we won't talk to him ever again. Come on, you don't think bragging about me is sexy?"
"No no, it is, VERY sexy, I brag about you already. I just...I dunno."
"Do you hate the idea?"
Her head cocked a bit to the side, and the genuine worry on her face meant so much to him.
"No. I'm willing to try. Course, it can't be here in the Casita. We can get a hotel outside the Encanto, a real nice one."
"...think he'd pay for it?"
"If he finds me as attractive as you think he does, then probably."
They mulled over it for a second, before Félix nodded.
"Alright. You ask him. If he says yes, we'll do it."
"You'll try it? For me?"
"For you, Pepa, I'll try almost anything."
"It's fine. Totally fine. Not weird at all."
Esteban had to talk himself into this. He had just caught up with an old friend of his, and she was just. Beautiful. Incredible. Stunning. And married. With kids. Esteban always wanted her, but life just kinda, got in the way. He thought it was absolutely hopeless from there. That is, until Pepa came to his shop, all by herself, and made him an offer.
To watch them have sex.
And he said yes. He said yes to watching his first crush get fucked by her husband in this hotel. You'd think he'd have more dignity. But given that he jerked off the night after they reunited, you'd be wrong. He wanted this. Enough to actually pay for the whole thing himself. He was excited, but oh so terribly nervous. Mainly because her husband was a real big, real scary looking guy. He took a deep breath when he stopped by the door, before knocking. Félix opened the door, dressed in a robe and clearly fresh out of the shower.
"You're early."
"Uh yeah. Sorry, I just kinda couldn't stand to sit aroundmy place and wait. I could just sit out here if she's not r-"
"And have you freeze out here? No! Come on in, let me get you a drink."
Félix was surprisingly sweet about all of this. He didn't know him too well, but you'd think the guy would be bitter, or at least uncomfortable about this whole ordeal. Félix had him sit down on a comfy chair, before opening a beer and handing it to him. It was nice in here, fireplace, a giant bed. Bit cliché, but hey, if it works it works. Esteban took a drink from his beer, and looked around uncomfortably before forcing himself to speak.
"So. You've uh. Done this before?"
"No. But apparently Pepa has had this idea before. You know, you don't have to be so nervous. We're all amigos here."
Esteban watched as he took a sip from his bottle, and kinda realized...Félix wasn't ugly. He was a kinda...well. Nice looking guy. Full face, smooth skin. Esteban didn't like men like that, but he had to appreciate how full and firm, yet soft and gentle he looked. Did. Did he fucking like m-
"Félix? Is he here already?"
"Si, he's right here! But don't rush mija! We're just talking!"
Esteban tried not to look into the bathroom where the voice was coming from. He liked looking at Félix, but genuinely he wanted to see her already. Esteban chuckled, mostly out of nerves.
"Sorry again about the time. I've just been really excited to see her. I mean, obviously, but-"
"You're not gonna be a problem, right? Like hombre to hombre. I don't want to have to worry about you and my wife."
He shook his head furiously.
"No! Never! I'd never ruin a relationship with Pepa, or her relationship with anyone else. I wouldn't ever do anything inappropriate. I swear."
Félix looked like he didn't believe him, before shrugging, and took another swig of his beer. Félix looked like he was about to say more, when Pepa walked out of the bathroom, a huge grin on her adorable face.
"Esteban! So glad you could make it-oh no, no te levantes!"
She leaned down to hug him, yet again putting his face in her chest. She was wearing a robe this time, exposing just a bit of her chest. And she smelled so good, like mangos and wet grass. It was comforting, and he hated when she pulled away.
"Course I came. Well I mean, that's the end goal, but still."
That was funny enough to make even Félix chuckle in the background. He tried not to swoon as Pepa played with a bit of his hair, it reminded him so much of how they used to flirt.
"Oh, you were always funny. Now, we have rules before we get started. You'll be good and listen, si?"
She lifted his face up by his chin, and he tried not to whine. He really, REALLY liked it when she touched him.
"Listening. Yep."
"Good. Now, rule one. Keep your hands to yourself. If you touch either of us, Félix has permission to throw you out the window. Though I will If I have to."
"What was that?"
"I mean. Got. As in, I got it. Go on."
She patted his cheek with a bit of a chuckle.
"Uh huh. Now, rule two. This does not leave the room. We don't want the family concerned for our relationship. Rule three, you will do your best to not interrupt us while we have fun. Rule four, when we're done, you leave, understand?"
"Can I take before I go home? I. Kinda feel like Imma feel dirty after this."
Pepa glanced at Félix, who shrugged.
"Fine. Shower than leave. Any other questions?"
"Yeah- this won't make things weird, right? We'll still get lunch tomorrow?"
"Course! My treat. Now, Félix,"
He watched as she shamelessly stripped herself of her robe, showing just the cutest pair of white underclothes. He didn't know when it was appropriate to start touching himself, but right now he really, really wanted to. She had such a beautiful, freckled body, with the cutest little butt. What he wouldn't give to be Félix for a day, knowing he got to come home to that.
"You remember what you promised me."
She looked crossly at her husband as she kicked the robe to the side. Félix raised his hands in defense as he himself stripped. Pepa liked fat, hairy guys apparently.
"Hey, I'VE been polite. I'm on my BEST behavior, even though he's totally staring at your ass and it's pissing me off a little."
He was going to suggest he go home, not wanting to cause a rift between them, when Pepa clicked her tongue, and put her hands on Félix's chest.
"Don't be so grumpy. He gets to look all he wants. YOU get to touch~"
He seemed grumpy until she brought it up. A grin formed on his face, and he reached around to grab her ass, making her yelp in delight. It was sort of cute, watching them clearly love each other. He almost didn't want to do this. But Pepa looked so good when she kissed. Looked so pretty as she dug her fingers into his hair and played with his curls. He wanted that. Wanted that so goddamn badly, he could only imagine how soft and warm that body would feel.
Félix pulled away after a moment, lips traveling from her lips, to her neck. She relished in the kisses, her face falling into absolute bliss. Sure, he saw mostly Félix's body from this position, but he didn't care. Pepa was getting pleasure, and that was more than enough for a chub to form in his pants. He felt a chill run up his spine as her eye's fell onto his, and she grinned devilishly. It had been a long time, but he could recognize that mischief.
"Félix, mi sol. You know what'd be so nice?"
"If you got my pussy ready for him. Nice and slowly."
"Alright, be a good mami and lay down for me."
She yelped in delight as Félix spanked her as she did as he said. She got herself comfy amongst the bed of pillows, and spread open those long, pretty legs of hers. Félix sat to the side of the bed, letting one of his hands slowly caress her skin. He knew they were soft. He just fucking knew they were. Félix hooked his big fingers into her underwear, and slowly slid them off of her. He thought about asking for them, just something to have fun with while he sat here, but he was too distracted.
Distracted by the sight of the prettiest pussy he's ever seen. Mane of red pubic hair that was dark from her own wetness.
"You haven't seen anything yet."
Félix let his fingers caress her outside, before parting her folds, and showing her pink, soaked pussy in its entirety. He couldn't help himself anymore. He stuck his hand down his own pants, and started to rub at his balls, knowing they were just full of cum. Cum he desperately wanted to give her. Pepa giggled, a bit of mist decorating her adorable cheeks as she watched him.
"I think he likes it, Félix."
"He'd be stupid not to. Not when my wife has such a pretty little pussy."
He had to put a hand over his mouth as he leaned down, and kissed at her little clit. She cried out in surprise, trying (not very hard) to push his head away.
"Idiota- Félix! He won't be able to see it!"
"He'll see it when I say he gets to see it. Keep your legs open, just like that."
His view was blocked by Félix's frame as he started to eat her out. He could only imagine how sweet she tasted, how it'd be like mana from heaven gripping down his throat. She squirmed under him, biting her lip in a vain attempt to keep herself quiet.
"I'm sorry Esteban-Félix is a stubborn man. Here, does this help?"
He watched as she unclipped her bra, letting it fall to the floor. She had such a small set of breasts, but as he saw the nipples decorated with millions of beautiful freckles-Esteban just now realized he'd physically never want another woman. Her 'imperfections' were beautiful. Even now, as she played with her nipples, he noticed little things about her. Her toothgap, her crows feet, little bits of scars from what he assumed was her own thunder.
"You're beautiful, Pepa."
"So sweet of you, Esta-ay, RELAX!"
She laughed as Félix, probably fueled with anger, gripped his fingers into her ass as he continued to devour her. The room felt so goddamn hot, he was absolutely sweating, and he swore it was hard to even swallow in here. Pepa writhed under him, her little moans flooding his ears and making him pretend that HE was doing that for her. She kept eye contact with him, but that voice was meant for Félix, and Félix alone.
"Oh, you want him to see me cum? You want to swallow my cum while he watches? You want him to want me THAT badly?~"
Well, that's exactly what happened. She came for him, unapologetically loud as she spilled into his mouth, and as she grabbed her firmly to make sure not a drop was wasted. Her eyes looked so hazy, her face looked so flushed. He thought that was it. But boy was he wrong. Félix got off of her, wiping some fluids from his face with the back of his hand, and taking off his underwear. Esteban wasn't gonna lie, he felt a little self conscious, being in the room with such a big, thick cock. Félix stepped up to the side of the bed, and grabbed Pepa's head.
"My turn. Make him jealous."
She did just that. He couldn't help but pull himself out as Pepa kissed his tip, all the way down his length, before, very obviously, dragging his tongue alongside him. She was doing this so automatically, so fluidly, he could tell she had done this a million times. She liked it too, given how she rubbed her probably already sensitive pussy as she did so. He was pumping himself now, trying not to absolutely adore how that bulge in her throat grew everytime Félix forced his cock past her lips. Félix looked at him, as if he wasn't forcing his wife to gag around him every few seconds.
"Look. I'm a nice guy. Really, I promise. But I really, REALLY want you to know that you can't have her. Ever."
He watched as Pepa slid off him, kissing his tip as if saying thank you.
"Tell him why, Félix."
"Because you can't fuck her like I can. Look at her, she WANTS my cock. Look at her pretty face,"
He smeared her own drool all over her face with his length. It was a disgusting, disrespectful display. But she loved it. If it wasn't the constant whispers of 'damelo' it was how furiously she was fingering her needy pussy. He could fill her up. He swears he could, if he just a chance-
"Look at how bad she wants it. She's not going to get wet for you. Especially not with THAT cock."
He should be offended. But he...wasn't. He just continued to sit there, stroking his length and massaging his balls, actually sort of. Liking what Félix was saying.
"What's...wrong with it?"
Félix scoffed, as if it was obvious.
"It's not thick, that's whats wrong. Pepa would be crying if she had to suck on that. No, Pepa is a special girl that deserves very special treatment. She needs this little pussy,"
He leaned over to smack her clit harshly, and her hips bucked violently, her moans only stifled by the fact by his balls were currently down her gullet. She was letting her husband be so mean to him, all because he was making her feel SO good.
"To be fucked by a proper man. By her husband. Look at this wet cunt. That's for me. You're lucky you even get to see it. Look at you, idiota, touching yourself like some pervert to a woman who'd NEVER fuck you."
Why did that make him throb? Why did it feel so good, to be flaunted something he can't have? Pepa was finally allowed to breathe, and she was looking at Félix with big, starstruck eyes.
"Dios, estoy tan jodidamente mojado~...you need to fuck me Félix, please-"
Félix grabbed her face, and stuffed his thumb in her mouth to keep her quiet. It worked, and she was sucking on it greedily, happy to have something to suck on.
"See? I'M making her wet, while you're in the corner jerking off. You're happy MY cock is making her feel good. In fact, I want a thank you."
"A...thank you?"
"Yes. Go on. Say it."
Félix looked so serious, and Pepa wouldn't stop touching herself. He was leaking precum now, it was coating his own hand, and he adored how Pepa would occasionally glance at it. He wanted Pepa to see what she did to him.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For...f-fucking your wife, because I can't."
"That's fucking right. If you ever tried, not only am ai going to kill you, Pepa is gonna laugh at your sad fucking cock. How would you even WANT to fuck my wife, anyway?"
He thought about it for a second, trying to think about what he'd most want out of such a beautiful woman. He responded, a bit more sheepishly than he'd prefer.
"I mean...id want her to be-"
"No wait, wait. Hold on. I think I know what your sad ass wants."
Pepa was suddenly upside down (geez this dude tossed her around like she was a ragdoll), with her legs pushed to the sides of her head. It looked uncomfortable, but given the fact that his cock was immediately pushed inside of her, Pepa didn’t exactly look like she was complaining. In fact, she seemed absolutely elated to be put in such a position, looking up and giggling as she rubbed her little clit.
"Oye, papi es tan rudo conmigo~"
He really, REALLY switched from the gentleman he was supposed to be just a second ago. His grip on her thighs looked painful, and his cock was a lot for her, given how a bulge seemed to form everytime he was inside. She sounded so loud, so wet for her husband, Esteban was amazed Félix didn't just cum immediately.
"HE'S making me treat you like this. Look at him. He WANTS this. He's about to fucking cum just watching me have you."
He was right. As Félix continued to pound into her little cunt, he was moving his hand just as quickly, desperately trying to match his pace. His balls ached, ready to empty, his cock was dripping all over the floor, and he could only imagine what pathetic sounds he was making. All for a married woman. He hated that he couldn't hold it, but god he couldn't. Knowing she was married and that she craved the cock of only one man was just the final straw. He squeezed the cum out, using his other hand to muffle his own pathetic whine as ribbons of cum dumped onto the carpet below.
It was so much all at once, and even though his dick begged for him to stop, he couldn't. Not when Pepa was sitting there, laced in sweat and smirking at him.
"He doesn't even know how to cum properly. Show him, papi."
And show him Félix did. After practically MAKING Pepa cum with a smack to her ass, he came right after. As if to brag, he pumped a good load into her, before pulling out, and making a mess all over her stomach and her chest. He had so much cum in him, and she seemed absolutely delighted in it, smearing it around her tits and even licking her lips to catch whatever made it to her face. He pushed her further, letting him see the cum stuffed pussy.
"Take a good look. Because this isn't ever gonna be you. Understand?"
He nodded weakly, finding some sort of pleasant shame at the mess he had just made. Pepa giggled as she reached up to grab Félix's face, kissing his nose.
"I love you. I'm so proud of you for trying this. You're not jealous?"
"Nope. Because now we BOTH know he isn't enough for you."
They shared a bit of a kiss, before he excused himself to the shower. He thought this would be the end of it. But as soon as he put the water on, Pepa stood at the doorway, towel in her hand.
"You don't mind if I join you?"
"Uh...no. Not at all."
Pepa looked really, REALLY good when she was wet, and bruised up by her husband.
What a lovely relationship.
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odietxamo · 3 years
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( david castaneda, thirty, cis male, he/him,  cousin ) Did anyone else just see SALVADOR “SAL” LEON ? I hear for the LEON family they can be a bit REBELLIOUS & DESTRUCTIVE. But I also heard they can be PASSIONATE & INDEPENDENT. If you dare, I hear they frequent CHITOWN PARK in their spare time when they aren’t being an ILLEGAL FIGHTER / PETTY CRIMINAL. Tread carefully or else you might be next on their list ! 
basic information
Name: Salvador Antonio Leon Birthdate: February 29th Star Sign: Pisces Hometown:  Chicago, Illinois Nationality: American Ethnicity: Mexican Languages: English, Spanish
the look
Hair: Black, messy, does what it will Eyes: Brown, often bloodshot and surrounded by dark circles Height: 5′11 Weight: 170 Physique: Muscular, but thinner and more gaunt than he used to be Style: All black, jeans, oversized hoodies, sweatpants, basically anything he can find at the good will for cheap
the story
Sal Leon came from a big family, with sisters on either side and a slew of cousins, aunts, and uncles. Most of them came from military backgrounds or worked in law enforcement in some manner. This meant that in many ways, the Leon family was above the law... because essentially, they were the law. Uncle Javier was in charge of the police force, and he made sure that every member of the family always had a place working for the boys in blue. This even included Sal’s own Dad, Esteban, a crooked cop who probably would’ve never made the cut if Javier hadn’t pulled some strings.
The Leons’ also had a particular mentality, one that demanded that family always be put first. Nothing could come before blood: not love, not work, not money. Nothing. A Leon never turned their back on family and they always had each other’s back no matter what. Now, in most cases, this sort of ideology would be a good thing, but not always. Sure, through out his life, it’s been this unwavering loyalty that’s helped Sal stay out of jail... but it’s also this mentality that kept his Dad free and clear and allowed Sal to withstand countless abuses. 
See, the Leon family was great, but Esteban was nothing short of a monster. He drank, he cheated, he gambled, he took bribes, he killed people, and to top it all off, he hated his son. Esteban always had it out for Sal and he’d always find some reason to antagonize him. If Sal forgot to do the dishes, or stayed up too late watching TV, or just didn’t do well on a test, Esteban would light into him. Sometimes it would be with words, sometimes it would be with his fists or his belt. Really, it all just depended on Esteban’s mood.
Normally, in a situation like Sal’s, something would’ve happened and someone would’ve helped him. This is where that family first mentality really bit Sal in the ass though. See, every time the abuse was reported, someone in the family made it go away.
His home life really took a toll on Sal and it showed. His grades sucked, he was always in trouble, and he got kicked out of more than one school for fighting. Really, Sal was just a mess.
More concerned members of his extended family did their best to step in and protect him, but it was never enough. He’d go to their houses and stay there, sometimes just for dinner, sometimes for weeks at a time. Eventually he’d always have to go home, though.
His Uncle Javier got him involved with martial arts and boxing when he was thirteen. It was supposed to be something to help him handle his situation: a way to teach him to defend himself form his Dad and to let out his rage. Surprisingly, it was actually a pretty helpful outlet, and to this day, it’s the only talent he really has.
Despite everyone’s best efforts, Sal never really learned to walk the straight and narrow. By the time he hit highschool, he was doing drugs, drinking, dealing, and stealing anything worth pawning. He went to juvie a few times because of it but it was never anything serious. The family always made sure he never served any real time. 
Adulthood hasn’t been much better than adolescence for Sal. He couldn’t handle college, he had zero desire to join the force, and his skills and personality didn’t lend themselves to many fields. Plus, he was usually way too fucked up to do anything productive.
Thankfully, Sal had friends in low places and they’d give him a call anytime they needed an extra pair of hands. Car theft, assault robbery - Sal was available for almost anything as long as it payed.
There’s been a few brief periods where Sal has tried to get his shit together. The last one was a few years back. He had a lot going for him at the time: he was clean, he had a girlfriend that wasn’t a total mess, and he even was working as a trainer over at Takedown. But then he met up with an ex and did a few lines... the rest is history.
Nowadays, Sal just gets by however he can. Often, he can be seen in the park, where he regularly robs tourists and breaks into cars. He also occasionally fights at The Den - but he only does that when he’s really low on cash.
Sal is an extremely capable combatant and is familiar with multiple forms of martial arts.
He’s dyslexic
Really has nothing to do with his family at this point
Sal is generally the kind of guy who’s down for anything.
He’ll take just about anything you give him, but he prefers cocaine, benzos, and the occasional norco with a beer.
Dumb, but also kind of clever? Like, he says nuclear wrong, but he also is really good at puzzles.
Has a weak spot for doggos
Lives in a van down by the river
Nah, he doesn’t... well, yet anyway. He just lives in a really shitty apartment that probably should be condemned.
Is just full of really weird facts, stories, and tidbits that will leave people wondering wtf
wanted connections 
BEST BUDS  - There’s one or two of them. They’re involved in one of the gangs and have been for years now. They help Sal out and give him gigs here and there, just to help out. All of them have been friends since highschool. SHIT SHOW EX - She’s just as much of a train wreck as he is and when they’re together it’s a disaster. STABLE EX - The only girl he’s ever had who actually had her shit together. She was a great influence, but he fucked the whole thing up.
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versegm · 4 years
Gimme all the character ideas you have on Zia. (for the ask meme)
First impression
Ok I’ll be honest I first watched mcog when I was like,,,, 4. So I don’t remember.
Impression now
Favorite moment
Remember that time Ambrosius “literal alchemist” calls her a witch, clearly bewildered, and Zia answers by chucking a rock at his face? Iconic.
EDIT: actually you know that one time a samurai grabbed her and she bit the shit out of him to get out? That.
Idea for a story
You ever think about how Zia was taken away from her family at a super young age and never really had the occasion to rekindle with her culture, and also she was raised in a super catholic home and probably forced to learn prayers n shit, and how she might feel some jealousy over Tao for knowing his roots so well? Cuz I do a lot. (In the end mcog is just the story of three kids desperate to find their roots, be it a father or their ancestors or anything, and in this essay, I will,)
Unpopular opinion
Listen. Listen. From my understanding of incan mythology, the world was separated in three parts, right? The sky, often represented by a condor, the earth, symbolized by the puma, and the underworld, represented by a snake. Zia already has an affinity with the underworld, re: being able to sense earthquakes. She also seems to be well-versed in medecine, and by extension poisons- so, venoms of sorts. Also, she seems to be fond of biting as a last ressort, as with that one scene where she bites a samurai. 
My point is if Esteban’s theme is the “condor,” Zia’s is “snakes,” and my unpopular opinion is that she should have HUUUUUUUUGE-ASS FUCKING FANGS. TWO REALLY SHARP MOTHRFUCKERS ON EACH SIDE OF THE MOUTH. THIS GIRL!! DESERVES!! CANINES!!!!! BIG!! LONG!!! CANINES!!! LET HER HAVE SNAKE FANGS!!!
Favorite relationship
I had to pause from answering this to bury my face into my hands because I just remembered how good those fukcing kids are to each other. The mutual support,,, the friendship,,, the love,,,,, just fucking gun me down as I stand scottie
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Favorite headcanon
She absolutely taught her two dumbasses how to read/write with quipu and they leave leave secret messages to each other on Condor. It’s the 16th century equivalent to texting under the table about whatever you want to bitch about without Mendoza knowing.
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