#Etho x reader
secretsandwriting · 6 months
Ethoslab x gn reader
Where Etho is sick and the reader is dragged in to take care of him
As per usual, I've attempted gn reader but I am used to writing fem so if I messed it up let me know and I'll fix it
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You weren’t sure why you were pinged by Gem to meet at Etho’s base as soon as possible, but there you were, landing a few steps away from Gem in front of Etho’s base. She turned around, clearly relieved to see you.
“Etho’s sick.” That wasn’t good but you weren’t sure why that required your immediate arrival, Gem seemed to catch on to your unsaid question. “He’s refusing to believe he’s sick and won’t let anyone help him. Tango said he’s way too warm to just brush it off, and since Etho listens to you a little better than the rest of us I asked you to come.”
“I don’t know if he will on this, especially if he wants to get back to his redstone.” You followed Gem into Etho’s base and found him arguing with Tango and Pearl, both trying to get him to lay back down while Etho tried to get past them to work on whatever he felt was calling his name. Which left only one method that would maybe work.
“Etho?” He whipped around and smiled through his mask at you. 
“Hey Y/n! Want to come look at my farms if Pearl and Tango would get out of the way?” You held up some papers. 
“Actually, I have some plans I’ve been testing for a farm but I’m not sure if I have the numbers right. Would you mind looking over them with me?” Etho paused and his gaze flickered between you and the papers.  
“Of course!” With that, your fate was sealed. Etho ushered you to the kitchen table and the papers were laid out and he started pouring over them, figuring it out in his head and mumbling it out. It didn’t take long to hear the effects of his fever. His rambling made no sense. Less sense than most of his redstone rambles. While he was talking, you gently placed your hand against his forehead. Etho froze before ever so slightly leaning against your hand. 
Tango was right, he was burning up. 
“Alright, that's enough. You need to get some rest, your fever is high.” Immediately Etho protested, “I’ll make you a deal. If you listen to what I tell you, I’ll take care of you. If you don’t, I’ll ask Doc too.” He weighed his choices. “Head to bed, I’ll be there in a minute with some things.” Etho jumped up and headed to his room, he was out cold when you went up three minutes later. 
You took that time to get everything you needed together and make some light food for when he woke up. Knowing full well a sick Etho would take advantage of any open second to get away and go back to work and once he started it could be almost impossible to pull him away. 
Etho was out until the next morning, and as predicted, he tried to escape out the window. Thankfully you had blocked all of them off so he couldn’t but he still tried. Begrudgingly, he accepted the tea and sipped on it slowly while he ate his soup. 
When you checked his forehead, he leaned into your touch more than he had the day before, he was also quite a bit warmer then he had been. Hoping you were wrong, you gently pushed his hair off his forehead and kissed it. It was worse, though you were pretty sure the sudden flush in his cheeks was not from the fever. 
Etho whined and complained when he was sentenced back to bed but immediately calmed down when you offered to read something to him. Settling down under a large pile of blankets he fell asleep to the fairy tale you were reading to him.
The next time he woke up, he was delirious and to make it worse, he kept trying to get up to go work on some redstone project. Nothing you tried would convince him to settle down and at least stay inside. 
“You wanna know what will keep me inside?”
“Yes Etho, I do!” Etho’s expression morphed into something you weren’t sure you wanted to know and he leaned a little closer to whisper to you.”
“A kiss, and not on the cheek, it has to be on the lips and you have to cuddle with me.” Oh boy, you had a feeling you knew how this was going to end.”
“I will give you a kiss on the lips and cuddle with you, if you listen to me and you can collect it when you're better and no longer contagious.” He pouted at the last part but seemed to accept it as he settled back down in bed and fell back asleep. 
Three days later, Etho was better and you left to go back to your base for the first time in 6 days. It was nice to finally shower in your own home, and it would be nice to finally get a full nights sleep again in your own bed.
What you didn’t expect was for someone to join you.
“It’s just me.” Etho. “I am here to collect my kiss and cuddles.” Of course Etho would remember that, why did you even agree to it i- Your thoughts were cut off by Etho pulling you closer to him.
“I’ve wanted to do this for years.” Etho whispered before closing the space between your lips. It was a short kiss, but damn was it good. You could feel the questions in the air, questions you weren’t sure if you knew how to answer. So you did the only thing you could think of that could possibly answer a few of them without having to find the words.
Placing your hand on his cheek, you pulled him back for another one. You could feel his smirk through your kiss and his arms tightened around your waist. 
“I didn’t know you were so obsessed with me.” He teased, before you could fire a response back he continued, a little more serious, “It’s ok though, I’m obsessed with you too.”
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prianya · 3 months
AJSJSHHUEEU YOU WRITE THE BEST ETHO FICS IVE READ!!! if it ain’t to much trouble, can I ask for etho trying to fluster the reader? take care of ya self, love your work!
What a Flirt!
Etho x Reader
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Notes: Sorry this took so long! And thank you for the compliment! I’m not too confident in most of my characterizations, but it’s good to hear you enjoy my work. :)
Word count: 792 words
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Etho is an energetic man. He’s always on the move, working on some “top-secret” project, or having fun with his closest friends. The energy had always endeared you, and you and Etho had become good friends after a while. Etho is energetic as a fact of life, and recently, on top of that, Etho has become a flirt.
On Monday, Etho had cornered you just outside of your base, leaning against a fence post and giving you a smile.
“Have I ever told you that you have a beautiful face?,” Etho says, smiling brightly. You level him with a blank stare, and his smile wavers. “Why are you looking at me like that? I mean it!”
“Sure, Etho,” You sigh, smiling at his attempt. In recent days, Etho had seemingly made it his mission to fluster you, whether out of affection or entertainment, you can’t tell. “Come here, you’ve got a loose strap on your harness.”
Etho steps towards you, and all but halts his breathing. Your hands adjust the straps of the harness gently, fixing his elytra more tightly to his back. Looking up at his face, Etho avoids eye contact, going as far as to turn his head from you. Even still, you spot the light dusting of pink that adorns his cheeks.
“Hm. Seems like you’re losing at your own game, huh, Etho?” You tease, bringing a hand ip to poke gently at his face. He swats your hand away, his blush intensifying.
“I’m not losing at anything, I’ll have you know,” He pouts, once again swatting at your hand. “I’m not even started yet. Just you wait.” He says, puffing out his chest, similar to a bird.
“Okay, birdie, I’ll wait to see what you have in store.” You laugh, shooting his embarrassed face a glance as he realizes what you had called him.
“Hey! I am not a bird!” He says indignantly, and you laugh once again as you walk away from Etho, and as he watches you go.
On Tuesday, as you were brewing potions, arms deep in a cauldron with a heavy sheen of sweat over your face from the heat, Etho once again came to find you.
“You look stunning today, sweetheart,” He teases, leaning over the windowsill as he pokes his head inside of the window. “I love someone with such creative passions.” You smile, rolling your eyes.
“Etho, you should move. This potion splashes, and it causes boils on the face. It’s a prank potion, yes, but it’s still not pleasant, especially before dilution.” You tell him, and he gapes at you before standing straight up.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner! I was over that for five whole minutes!” Etho whines, placing a hand on his forehead.
Wednesday comes soon as well, and Etho makes haste in finding you in your garden. He sits next to you casually, laying out and facing the sun. He pulls down his mask, bathing his face in sunlight, and you note in the back of your mind that you rarely ever see him in the mask when it’s just you two.
“Fine day today, hm?” You say gently, uprooting a weed and tossing it into a wicker basket. Etho hums, eyes still closed and a peaceful smile painting his face. Smiling, you return to your weeding, systematically ripping weeds out of the ground and discarding them for future use. Etho stirs slightly, and when you look over, his eyes are locked onto you.
“Hello there. Finally awake?” You say, absentmindedly organizing your weeds into separate bundles. He doesn’t answer, but his hand finds yours relatively quickly.
“ Quiet day, huh? I get it. Would you like to join me for some tea?” You ask gently, Rubbing a thumb over the back of his hand and giving him time to reply.
“Yeah. Tea sounds nice.” He sighs, letting go of your hand to stand. He then offers his hand to you, and pulls you up. The two of you walk the few yards to your base together, hands linked at your sides. You can feel Etho’s gaze on your face, firmly locked onto you.
“You know,” Etho begins, his thumb caressing the back of your hand, “I can’t imagine life without you by my side. I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed someone’s company like I’ve enjoyed yours.”
You pause mid-step, face flushed, and cover your face with your hands. Etho looks at you, confused at first, then smug.
“I did it! I told you I would-“ Etho quiets immediately as you press your lips to his, muffling whatever “i-told-you-so” he had coming.
“Yeah, yeah. You told me you would.” You smile gently, rolling your eyes as you kiss him again. “You win, Etho.”
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can i request reader x hermits (seperate) ? like reader has a bunch of old scars and on a hot day they wear a tank top and expose all of their scars? completely okay if not AND TAKE CARE OF URSELF🫶
Okay, let me tell you, as someone with quite a visible scar on my face (I was a very courageous and dumb kid) and a few less visible ones on my hand, I get asked about it so so often and this request hits hard and I have decided to put my whole soul into it as headcanons. I've just picked a couple hermits I feel would have different reactions to it so here u go!
This boy is not going to mention it, like, at all
He has his own bad memories and sad backstory so he understands that you might not want to talk about it
The only reason he would ever talk about it would be if you ever showed any discomfort or insecurity about it
If you just never talked about it he wouldn’t either
Maybe at some point he would reassure you about yourself if you’re both deep in a relationship, but he would never explicitly mention the scars 
If you do mention them at all, it depends on how you approach it
He knows how to tell situations very well and I think he would still be careful about it
If you approach it humorously, like it doesn’t affect you then he will too
Maybe ask you where some of the bigger ones are from and expect you to tell him some good stories
If you get uncomfortable about them, or insecure he will reassure you
“I love you no matter what” or “I think they make you look cool”
He will always be supportive
He does try his best, but the moment he sees you he can’t help it
Shock on his face as he clearly looks you over
It’s clear he is concerned, and if you’re alone he will ask you about it
Stuff like if you’re okay, if you ever want to talk about it or if you need anything
If you reassure him you’re fine, he will totally dote on you after he is done being shocked
Will kiss your exposed scars and talk about how pretty or handsome you are to him
He will totally try to spend extra time with you, both because he learned a new thing about you that makes him love you even more but also because he is secretly making sure you’re totally okay
Even if you say you are, he would rather make sure
He will keep a little bit of a closer eye on everything you do and every little emotion you display just to keep himself sure you’re really okay
Either way he loves you how you are
This fool, this dumbass man
He cannot keep his mouth shut at all
He thinks communication is so much easier and better than having to just bottle things up or keep guessing what everyone else is thinking
So he just mentions it, asks where they’re from if you’re okay with him asking
He tries to guess it, if you’re not
The guesses will start out super detailed stories that are so far fetched as to ease you into it
“So this one is obviously from a wolf attack, where you managed to fight off 3 wolfs the size of the moon with nothing but your bare hands”
Then he will slowly try to reel it in and guess them more accurately
If one is sort of a piercing one, he will say you lost a duel in a bow fight
The one on your arm? That one is a cut from training your sword skills
He is just spitballing, trying to get it right
Either way he will pester you until you open up to him, he will not let it go
He thinks it’s so cool and really makes you look tough
Will ask you to protect him since you’re so strong
Will also definitely trace your scars whenever you are idle and he has the chance to
Even if you ask him not to, it just happens and he will laugh it off
He starts to slowly like them, the more he sees them
Every rare moment you show them, he slowly appreciates them more and more 
Really weird but he has favorites
He just loves them to be honest
It makes you so uniquely you
No matter what he will start out by making some sort of snarky little comment
“Did you fight your kitchen drawer and lose or something?”
It’s not mean spirited at all, it’s supposed to be humorous 
He just likes to approach things with lightheartedness and jokes 
He knows it might be a serious topic, but his objective is always to turn it into something fun or less serious to try and make you feel better about it
He won’t dote on you or reassure you like the others unless you open up about it
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you the way you are, his love is just more subtle like that
It’s small things you wouldn’t immediately notice about his reaction to it
Sometimes he will look at one of them and imagine the pain or maybe even accidentally imagine the person who might have given it to you
It’ll make him look at them with hatred, but it’s not directed at you even if it would seem that way
He’d make up little fantasies of revenge in his head to clear the thoughts
At this point you might even be the one who will have to reassure him that it’s no problem anymore, if it ever even was 
He will instantly be all over you, and no matter your approach he will be excited
Unless you just start straight up crying he won’t notice if you’re sad or insecure about them cause he is just so excited about seeing a different part of you
He’s the same as Scar where he wants to know where every little scar comes from
If it’s serious he will of course reassure you, but he will definitely also compliment them no matter what
He just think they suit you, and in the end Bdubs is sort of just a hopeless romantic
Anything that is a part of you, he loves it
Anything that is you is beautiful
Which in turn makes your scars beautiful too
He feels closer to you, looking at them because in the end it tells your story and your past, making him feel like he is closer to it 
It’s something he’s probably been sad about before, that not every inch of your life is tied together, that there are parts of you that he can’t be a part of which is before you met
But seeing the scars can help him understand that part, and sort of relate to you in a way that he finds very intimate
So of course he will pester you about them any given time they are on display
He does love them, just as much as he loves you
She’s definitely the most careful out of all of them, at least out of the ones who want to approach the topic at all
As much as she is a rambunctious personality she is also an extremely caring thoughtful individual 
And as much as she doesn’t want to overstep her boundaries she also has to know you’re okay
So she approaches it very head on, but she picks her words very carefully
“I don’t know if you ever want to talk about it, but I’m willing to listen if you ever want to tell me anything about your scars.”
That’s all she ever says about it, and at that point it’s up to you to go to her about it
She wants to be as respectable to you about it as possible
She has the mindset that she doesn’t need to know if you don’t want her to know
As long as she’s sure you’re okay now, your past doesn’t matter to her
For what she thinks about them look wise, she does think they suit you
It’s not going to change how she thinks about you, knowing you have a few scars
And she has a couple herself so it doesn’t really matter
She still loves you
Tango is probably the one with the roughest reaction
He is pretty emotionally driven, and just seeing something like that on you genuinely breaks his heart
It’s almost like he is going through the pain you went through with every single scar at once
He’s almost just,,, getting teary eyed seeing you and you might get confused at the looks he is giving you as you see each other
You probably won’t understand exactly what is going on with him and he simply takes your hands in his and he stares at you before embracing you in a warm hug
He wants you to feel physically that he is there for you
“Where are these all from?”
You cannot get out of a heart to heart with this man, and even if it’s all from totally normal and uneventful encounters he still thinks it’s very serious
Even if it was not traumatic like, at all, just you at some point being in pain is awful to him
Just the few times you’ve gotten hurt while on the server with him has been awful for him so to know you’ve gone through pain that’s left scars is unbearable
He doesn’t like your scars, hands down I will just say it
He hates having a constant reminder that you experience pain because he wants nothing but happiness for you
Obviously it’s delusional to think you’d never experience anything bad, he knows that, but he still wants that to be the case so bad and having to see it every time just sucks for him
That’s not to say he doesn’t think you’re still beautiful, he does, he thinks you’re amazing
But he does just wish you’d never have to go through that 
Oh boy
His first thought, and I am sorry to admit this, would be how hot that is
He loves that type of thing, he can’t help it
This guy loves a man/woman with a story to tell, and scars to show
BUT that does not mean that the next thought isn’t slight worry
He’s been through it all, considering he is experienced with every kind of server and an admin who has had to consider all kinds of walks of life and he knows what some servers are like
That in itself has lead to him being very observant and mindful, and he also knows exactly how to handle it no matter what
He won’t ask, he will wait for you to come to him, if need be
If you do explain them, he will take it from there. Sad? He’s got just the right words to assure you that you’re both safe and that it changes nothing in his opinion of you (It does.. He finds it so hot)
Happy and uncaring? He is making the best jokes you’ve ever heard about it
There is no losing with this blessing of a man
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hermit-lover · 7 months
PLATONIC REQUEST (If you include any romance I will be sad.) Reader who is adventurous and curious, loving science and fantasy in equal measure—so long as no one tries to misapply them and claim falsehoods are factually true or that stories always need to be scientifically perfect. Intentionally tries to pick up lots of skills. Innocent and childish. Intelligent, but uses internal fact checking to discern lies, which obviously has limitations when trying to determine if someone is lying about *themself.* Reader is friends with Scar and/or Etho. (So, personally, those two are my favorites right now, and I wish I could be friends with both of them. Approximately everyone who knows me in Real Life is unsurprised by this, because both of them are a type of person I like, and both of them have traits I like and want to cultivate in myself. 🤷‍♀️ Or at least, everyone would be unsurprised if I were the type of person to talk about having squishes [that's the word for wanting to be friends with someone, like a platonic crush] but I tend to keep my emotions about myself to myself, so only a few actually know.) Anyway, I think that the differences between Etho and Scar can be really interesting. Of course, you can choose to only include one of them in the resulting Reader Insert story, if asking for two Hermits is too much, or you don't feel familiar enough with one of them to write for them, etc. Other than the Reader being friends with one or both of the requested characters, you can have a lot of free will in the type and genre of the piece. Want to write silly fun times? I'm down! Want to write an adventure piece? Those are some of my favorites! Want to write about Reader helping the selected character(s) (or vice versa?) Sounds good to me! In the mood to write angst or hurt/comfort? I'll accept that too! Anyway, if this was all too long, or too vague, or too dull, or you have any questions—you can message me and ask questions or request that I send in a better request myself! 😅 Thank you for your time, consideration, and potential writing!
Fetching Wood!
Character: Ethoslab x Reader, GTWS x Reader.
Type: Blurb (~2k)
Theme: Platonic
Summary: Unsurprisingly, attempting an adventure on the HermitCraft server attracts shenanigans.
TW: brief swearing.
A/N: I hope I did your ask justice!! These two are so silly together and so adventure awaits. :)
The chirping of birds drifts through the ajar window, letting in the sounds of morning calamity and the gentle breeze that brings with it the scent of deep woods and dirt. Your cluttered desk stands proudly in front of you, stacks of intricate designs meticulously sketched, bottles of experimental potions, gadgets, gears, suspicious white powder, and ink spattered across the solid dark oak. It was your workshop- or at least part of it. At the moment you are preoccupied from tinkering, rather you squint at the mess of your storage trying to decide what exactly this trip warrants.
You see, your build, a large wizard-esc tower and subsequent dungeons was a rather demanding feat, and with your newfound appreciation for the Nether woods and brick, you needed a trip to Nether.
It was much to your surprise that when casually discussing the idea with those surrounding you, your neighbor Etho was quick to jump aboard. Apparently he too needed a restock on warped logs and mushrooms, and was more than happy to tag along to make the process more enjoyable.
It was always exciting seeing the ivory haired man, so many Hermits (including yourself) looked up to him.
With the whole HermitcraftTCG and Decked Out craze of last season he was a hard man to come across besides fleeting moments in games. You would be lying if you said you weren't eager to impress. Tucking another fire resistant potion (you can never be too sure) you sigh and check the time.
No...it couldn’t be that hour already...
Snatching up your backpack and skittering towards the door of your starter-starter base (something you will be tearing down) you made it out into the grass. You were so smart when it came to inventions you'd think you would be a little more aware of the time- but unfortunately not. Being late was an reality you lived with often. Snatching the reins of your beloved horse Millennium, you place a foot in the stirrup and very nearly faceplant off of the other side of his torso. He lets out a vibrating huff and you pout.
“Cmon, I can't have a horse making fun of me.” You scoff, rightening in the saddle. The horse doesn't comment back, shaking out its mane and beginning to trot. You ease Millennium into a canter, riding with practiced ease through the forest towards your neighbor.
It's a bright and sunny day, the wind whipping across your face and tugging at your clothing where it is free from the confines of your armor. You had asked Cleo and Stress to help in making a perfect outfit to combine the high fantasy of the wizard tower with the stylish ease of a scientist. You say they have done wonderfully. Despite not actually having a tower to call home yet, you were eager to leap into the aesthetic.
Spotting the gorgeous blue ceiling you broke into a grin, pressing a bit harder to have your horse break into a dash. Leaping over a small creave you break into the clearing, spotting the man of hour leaning against the side of the portal- a full one with corners and all of course. He straightens at your sudden appearance, watching you with careful eyes- You stand up in the stirrups, throwing a leg over and slowing the horse to let you jump off. Millennium whinnies and turns, slowing to blink at you. You hit the ground with a small ‘oof!’ knees bending to not topple over.
“Tadaaa!” You wiggle in the ever-corny jazz hands, watching his expression crinkle into a smile. His light chuckle makes you beam in pride.
“Woooow what an entrance.” Etho claps slowly, muffled by his fingerless gloves. It was almost sarcastic but it amused him nonetheless. “Almost makes up for the fact you're late- huh?” He prods, clearly in a teasing manner. You pout.
“Only by-” You check your watch. “Half an hour!” It's defensive, but you stick your tongue out to show no harm.
“Mhm, still late.” He turns sharply on his heels, now facing the portal. “We better start moving so we still have daylight!”
“It’s 9:30, plus we’re going to Hell- No sunlight there.” You quickly tie up Millennium, taking a tic to admire the build. Pacing quickly to catch up beside him, you note vaguely that he didn't move, instead throwing a coy smile (Hermits got used to only reading his eyes) down at you before stepping into the swirling purple depths. It was always nauseating, the world thrown off kilter and shapes fluttering behind your eyes. Then the pure heat- it prickles your palms immediately with sweat and makes you wipe them on your pants as you step out onto the odd red stone, slightly squishy under foot. It was an eyesore as always, the usual red cavern punctuated by glowing portals and scattered cobblestone paths.
“Sooooo.” You drawl, turning to face him- he looks odd in the environment. Pale skin and stark haired reflecting the orangish hues of ever-burning fire. Greens of his outfit reminding you much of the holiday season. “Lead the way captain.” You prompt- the notification of ‘Going deeper’ noting your lack of experience in this particular world. He chuckles, but sets off, picking around fires and large craters. You follow to a tee, analyzing the scenery in an attempt to memorize it for later. You've almost committed this well populated spawn area when a panicked scream breaks through the crackling silence. Jumping out of your skin you launch towards Etho- sword drawn. But that scream…It wasn't a ghast-
“NO NO IM SORRY I KNOW I FORGOT GOLD JUST SPARE A SCAR ONE SECOND!-” Hightailing from around a corner the offender nearly knocks into you, letting out a yelp. Scar’s eyes are wide, his expression that of pure terror, cheeks dusted in the same red dust as the scenery. A tic goes by as you open your mouth to speak, at the same moment he realizes you're friendly, dashing to cower behind you. The sound of a crossbolt loading pulls your attention from the man. The piglin snorts, eyes narrowed in bloodlust, weapon drawn as it searches for presumably Scar. Tattered tunic and scraped golden boots. You and Etho had planned accordingly- a gold dawning his boots as you opted for golden bracers- but a quick glance at Scar confirms he had in fact forgotten. Flicking your sword you swipe at the beast. Blade forcing it backwards. It squeals in surprise, having not seen you as a target. The crossbow rounds to your chest, you brace for pain. Then another blade cuts through the air. The piglin lets out one last squeal as it dissolves quickly into mist. Crossbow and leather toppling to the floor. You let out a breath and look to your savior with a pout.
“I totally had it handled!” You insist, poking him in the chest with a finger. It slides uselessly off of his iron chestplate. Etho blinks at you, then shakes his head.
“Uh no, you were totally doomed and in need of a strong PvPer to defend you.” his quirked head shows his comfortable ease, and it warms you that he liked bantering. Too bad you were about to murder him.
“Oh? Do you know one I can bring next time?” You ask, batting your eyelashes innocently. He gawks.
“This is fun and all but do you have any food and gold I can borrow?” You had forgotten about him. Turning to Scar you flash him a grin, digging in your pockets for food.
“Didn't expect to save a charming Scar this fine morning.” You chuckle, offering some of the steak you gathered to his shaking hands.
“Well I didn't expect to be in peril- I knew I had forgotten something!” He eagerly crams the food into his mouth, chewing as he talks around the bite. “Good thing Etho came to save me.” It's a tease- but you still squawk.
“hEY-!” The unholy noise grates your throat, and causes him to nearly choke on the mouthful, swallowing hard to avoid choking. His muffled giggles tug a smile to your lips. “You're an ass.” You spit, turning sharply away from him. “And to think I was going to share my bracers. Guess not!”
“Wa-Wait!” Scar stumbles to bump against your back, straightening himself to not invade your space too much. “You wouldn't leave a helpless scar all on his own?” His voice tilts into a whine, widening his eyes to plead. You scoff, gesturing vaguely to Etho.
“You have an Etho, isn't he enough for you?” You snark back, Scar is silent. He sulks to the Canadian, throwing an arm across his shoulder to begin his sales pitch.
“Ethhooo my buddy, you wouldn't happen to have some gold I could borrow?” Scar tries, offering a meek smile to the taller man. Etho hums, tilting his head to peer across the blazing landscape.
“Nope.” He pops the p, eyes squinting into what must've been a shit-eating grin. Scar groans, letting his knees buckle in exaggerated disappointment. Etho shifts to slow his descent, the uniformed man sliding helplessly to the red floor.
“Need me yet?” You call, shifting to spin and stare at the off pair. Scar groans again, but lifts his arms to grabby-hands. Splitting into a grin you trot towards him, sliding off one golden clasp. His fingers barely brush the surface before you snatch it away. “Nuh uh!- you gotta say I’m better than Etho.”
“Hey!” Now it was Etho's turn to protest, placing a hand on his hip. “You can't make Scar lie.”
“Then I guess he won't get any gold.” You shrug, Scar sputters. Using Etho as a pole to claw his way back up.
“Uh- I didn't say that, I think you're incredibly talented and definitely better than any old Etho.” He smiles, flashing his teeth. You hum now, swinging the gold bracer around. Scar winces every time it nearly slips from your grasp.
“Yea alright.” You toss the accessory and he lunges for it, fumbling for a few moments before managing a firm grasp.
“Oh thank you kind and generous-”
“Alright, that’s enough horsing around, we are already running behind schedule.” Etho interrupts, trotting back on path. You groan in childlike disobedience, but follow along. Scar stumbles to catch up.
“What are you guys doing?” He asks, keeping pace but tucking close to the protection of your side.
“Fetching wood.” You answer, giving him a nudge. “What were you up to?”
“Oh! Same here!” Scar answers confidently. You give him a once over. He doesn't appear to have even successfully made it to the biome, judging by the lack of mycelium on his boots. Raising an eyebrow skeptically he chuckles. “Well I was going to…”
“There's always space for another.” Etho butts in, clasping him on the shoulder. “Even if the role is just the goof.”
You giggle, causing Scar to shoot you a glare.
“I am more than just that!- I can be the entertainment, have you seen the most recent news about Mando?-”
You grin, a small excited noise leaving your throat. Etho groans loudly, retreating a safe distance to let you geek out. He knows the consequences of getting too close, being dragged into full body renditions of scenes.
Despite the blistering heat and hostile atmosphere, a few friends never fail to lighten the mood. You always feel safer when tucked between their shoulders, endless chatter filling the air. And maybe some shenanigans and mishaps occur along the way- but that's the fun of HermitCraft.
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patxhwrk · 2 years
greetings. could u write a little imagine thing for ethoslab? watcher!reader or dsmp!reader thanks! preferably male reader. take ur time if u do write it. stay hydrated.
my fuck this is such a good idea thank you anon for being so smart
anyways dsmp reader with angst sorry about that
completely forgot u asked for an imagine so have a whole fic instead. I might write a seperate imagine for this one too tho
-ˋˏ✄— Bubbling Memories
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ Ethoslab x Male! DSMP! Reader
Pronouns: he/him
"You're more home to me than any house is."
.navigation. // .hermitcraft & empires smp masterlist.
—Mentions of character death
—Implications of self-harm & attempt su*c*de
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Every second spent in that lawless server—ironic, considering it had been laws that started wars—was spent in the echoes of left behind misery. There was never silence in that world. If you managed to stumble upon even a sliver of quaint and quiet, you would find that it would have been better to have the ear piercing noise.
Y/n was lucky enough to have been left with one life. The last thing he remembered from the old server was the sorrowful eyes of his friends waving goodbye as he left. The portal—it vaguely reminded him of a nether portal if it was pink—shrunk as Tubbo's and Ranboo's backs turned to leave.
He hugged the blue stained yellow sweater closer to himself as he turned towards the new server—his new server—as the habitants greeted him with warmed welcome arms.
He was half afraid of building something that took effort. But one reassuring conversation with Xisuma—the man somewhat resembled Dream. Why was his mask fucking green?—coaxed him into building one of the biggest and best things he had ever created in his life. Well, it was just an "improved" Logstedshire, but it was the thought that counts, right? Building it reminded him of the time he spent with his brothers—though one had been a ghost, it was fine. He even put a bell where he and Tommy would—!
His hands stopped swinging the bell.
Tommy was dead. His younger brother had visited Dream in the prison where he was left to die. And he left his brother because he was too much of a pussy to confront the same man who had tormented him until he had a knife barely glazing at the skin of his throat.
He shook his head, running his hands through the mop he called hair as the bell ringed a final time. It silenced before it stilled. And then Y/n left his base.
Voices rang in his ear—was it his?—as he scolded himself for building something that gave him so much horrible memories more than the good ones. Why can't be just be like Ghostbur? Forgetful of the sorrows and always looking at the sun even through dark clouds.
His arms found comfort in himself, wrapping around each other as his nails dug into the skin under the yellow sweater. Wilbur wouldn't mind if he stained it, right? Wilbur would reassure him that it was fine, he was fine, it was all fine. And then he'd take the sweater and wash it. Because Wilbur was a good big brother.
No, Wilbur's dead. His brother was long dead before Philza killed him. Ghostbur wasn't like Wilbur, either.
He walked aimlessly around the server. He would have reminded himself of Ranboo's enderwalking state if he was in his own head. He watched as he passed by builds, ignoring the calls of concerned friends—friends? He had friends now?—as his feet brought him further and further from the build that he longed to blow up. Longed to tear into shreds bare handed as the memories of a pain long buried but never forgotten bubbled back to his head. Longed to feel the blood coat his fingers as his fists crashed through the shards of glass that showed the reflections of himself—a man who was too much of a coward to save his little brother. Too much of a coward to stop his father from killing the brother he looked up to. Too much of a fucking coward to just shove the knife through his chest, in the same place the sword dyed the sweater blue.
He longed to let his hands, his arms, his whole body fucking hurt. The seating hot pain that followed, the ache, the numbness, before it disappeared and he'd wake up with one less life left.
A hand was placed on his wrists. Cold, it was so fucking cold, as it pulled his shaking hands away from the yellow—now red stained sleeves—sweater.
It jolted him awake. Whether it was the cold, the tug of his arms, the way his voice called to him, or his concerned eyes searching for something—just something—in Y/n's unfocused stare.
"Y/n, hey," Etho's voice was gentle. He was patient as he tried to bring Y/n's eyes to his own. "Hey, hey, I'm here."
"I—Etho?" Y/n's voice was barely above a whisper, almost inaudible to Etho if he hadn't been paying close attention to him. "What—?"
Etho's arms wrapped around his midsection, pressing him against himself as his hand raised to hold Y/n's head gently. "Thank void you're okay."
Hesitantly, Y/n wrapped his arms around Etho's neck. He hadn't realized his legs were shaking until his whole weight was leaned against him. But Etho didn't complain, he was strong enough to carry Y/n if he ever needed. And he did now.
Y/n sniffled. He didn't stop the tears flowing out of his eyes as he buried his head on Etho's shoulder. And Etho let him. He buried his head on his hair as Y/n's whole body shook.
Pressing a feather light kiss on the crown of his head, Etho whispered in the quiet forest. "It's okay, you can cry. But it is never your fault. None of it is."
Y/n's eyes searched the distance, and he realized just how far he walked when he spotted the world border a distance away. He sniffled and hiccuped as Etho gently and patiently combed through his hair.
He shook off his thoughts before it could remind him of a memory long past and buried himself further into Etho's clothes. It smelled like redstone, and the glowing red dust was enough to tell Y/n that he was working on a project before hand.
"Let's get you home, shall we?"
"No, not my place. Please don't bring me back there, not again."
Etho nodded. The pain in Y/n's voice stung his heart, and he knew he had to make him feel better. He kneeled down for a short second just to hook his arms under Y/n's knees and bring him up to carry him easier. Y/n's head still nested on his shoulder as he took off to the direction of his own base.
"My place, then."
"You don't have a proper base yet, Etho." Etho felt the upwards tug of his lips. His eyes glanced down to Y/n's whose reddened eyes watched the path they took.
"Hey, it's a home to me and it'll be a home to you!" He laughed to lighten the mood. Y/n's quiet chuckles followed after him and he smiled down at him.
"Thank you, Etho."
"Anytime, sweetheart."
Y/n could take down improved Logstedshire when he felt better. Then, he wouldn't have to do it bare handed. Or alone, he reminded himself, as his eyes found dual coloured eyes.
Right now, he was just content to be with Etho.
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catastrophe-cole · 2 years
Their Favourite Place To Kiss You
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Summary: Their signature place to kiss you, and how they would react to you kissing them in that exact same spot.
Genre: Romantic fluff
Character(s): Ethoslab, Xisumavoid, Mumbojumbo
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Author's Note: So anyways I started writing—
Ethoslab [Wrist]
Etho's kisses are actually common in private and out.
So it's hard to call them a surprise.
But sometimes, some of his actions just caught you off guard.
You could be just walking, or just sitting somewhere together, alone simply basking in each other's presence.
That is until he grabbed your hand, and pulled it up close to his lips.
He didn't take his mask off: no. He kissed your hand through it.
While the colour of the fabric is dark, perfectly hiding his face away from the world, it's actually thinner than what you had expected.
You can feel his warm breath through it and he pressed his lips to the bottom of your palm, before slowly sinking to your wrist.
It's warm. You're not sure if it's because of his breath, or because of the fact that you're just absolutely flustered by his action.
With how his lips are pressed firmly, yet gently right on your pulse, you're made aware of how his actions affect your heart.
Pulling away, he look back up to you, you can feel his grin behind the mask:
"You seem a little flustered there sweetie. What'd I do? Hm? Care to explain?"
Kiss his wrist back. Just pull up the edge of his gloves enough, and kiss where his pulse is.
You can feel it quickened underneath your lips, but you know Etho.
He would just take your action as a challenge.
Now you're in a competition against your boyfriend, good luck, he's hard to defeat when it comes to flustering the hell out of you.
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Xisumavoid [Neck]
This might be out of the blue, but if anything, Xisuma is a tease from the bottom of his boots to the top of his head.
So it's no wonder that his favourite place to surprise you with a kiss is your neck.
Just like Etho, his mask doesn't stop him from showing you his appreciation through kisses.
When no one's around, he likes to pull you in his embrace and just buries his face to the crook of your neck.
It calms him down, whenever he feels you so close in his arms.
But when the feelings of sentimentalism are over; he'd start pecking.
Firm kisses, butterfly kisses, hell he would even blow a raspberry on your neck just to hear your protest and struggle as he keeps you close.
Even with his mask on, you can feel that he's enjoying it.
And well, you can't blame him. You enjoy this type of affection from him, too.
"You're not gonna get away from me. Did you really think you could escape? I mean you probably could but you wouldn't. Would you?"
Doesn't mind if you kiss his neck back, if you can reach it that is.
Would actually love it if you do, though. It most likely will happen when you too cuddle.
He likes holding the back of your head and keeping you there: it gives him a sense of protection where he can both protect you, but also be protected by you.
Though if you want a more intimate scenario on his kisses, naturally, it's not rare for his pecks to turn into more intimate and desperate kisses.
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The rest, really is up to you on where you want to take his kisses to. :)
Mumbojumbo [Palm]
One would think that Mumbo's main form of kisses are to kiss the back of your hand, or your knuckle.
-which are correct. But you would be surprised at how much he enjoys kissing your palm over the back of your hand.
Usually it would start with a greeting. Him taking your hand in his and pulling it up to kiss knuckles on your hand.
Then he would hold it there: breathed in your presence, before holding your hand in his and pressing your palm over his lips.
He likes burying his face in your hand, that's it.
He just likes to appreciate the tenderness and intimacy of giving appreciation to your hand.
It has finished many tasks and built many things, as well as going through many challenges. It should be right to appreciate and treat it as it deserves.
Bonus points if you greet him by cradling his face in your hands first!!
He'd just hold either of your hands and turn his face to kiss them each.
He's so soft, please kiss him back.
"Hello to you too, love. How was your day?"
Will actually die if you kiss his palm in retaliation.
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lunar-writes-things · 2 years
It's Our Time
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Pairing: C! Etho x Reader
Summary: In which you find out that he loves you as much as you love him
Genre: Fluff
Words: 1.9K
Extra notes: This was actually my first ever hermitcraft request. I messed it up last time so I redid it. Enjoy!
Content warnings (If any): Etho thinking hes not good enough for reader (Quickly disproven )
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A ninja in training. 
And your best friend since season 3 of hermitcraft. 
Granted he was off and on due to... Things but he was still the person you always looked forward to seeing each season even if he wasn't there or left early most of the seasons. 
In season 8, You decided to room with Etho and Iskall, the latter supporting Etho's shopping addiction. 
"Etho," You asked as they fixed up dinner for Iskall when he came up while Etho ate at the table "You can't keep forcing the poor man to go mining for diamonds for you." 
"But the 'poor man' doesn't mind! He does it willingly!" Etho insisted playfully as he took of a bite of his steak "Why do you care so much, Y/n? Do you like him?" 
His eyes were narrowed and shoulders much too tense for his usual body language and his voice dripped with non-lethal venom masked by a candy sweetness you had learned to look past. It was the first time he acted like this when it came to your person of interest and while he was usually so calm, cool, and collected, seeing this shocked you and reminded you of when you actually said yes to that question because you had thought you had fallen for the builder named Scar. 
Etho had actually set up a date with him in season 4 for you. It was romantic, set in a beautiful flower field with some steak and vegetables but that day it rained and thundered and bees swarmed the two. It was a disaster but you genuinely know Etho didn't do it. He was so giddy to hear that you liked someone and when he heard the date went wrong he pouted in your arms as you reassured him it was okay and that it was probably for the best. 
"I don't know. Scar was great but there wasn't that connection that I thought there was." You explained and ran a hair through his silver hair. It was still storming but instead of being distraught you felt content, especially with Etho in your arms 
But that was years ago, over time you developed feelings for the silver-haired Ninja and it would be so embarrassing to reveal them like this. 
So, you had two options. 
Lie and Say yes 
Say no and not elaborate on who it was. 
"There's some hesitation!" Etho said, his smile strained as he got up and placed his plate in the sink before washing his hands and wrapping his arms around your shoulders "You like Iskall dont'cha?" 
"No," Y/n replied immediately "And If I did like someone, you would be the first to know." 
"I better," Etho smiled and buried his face in the crook of your neck, his breath filtering through the thin mask of his and sending shivers down your spine "You're important to me. I need to know if my Y/n plans on dating someone." 
before you could ask him what he meant by his Y/n, you were cut off by the third of your trio slamming the door open.
"I'm back!" Iskall called as he walked into the house and his eyes lit up at the smell of fresh and warm food "and there's food! Thank you Y/n!" 
"Of course! Enjoy! Me and Etho already ate and I just served you so just give me your plate to clean." You grinned as Iskall came through the kitchen doorway before his eyes widened in surprise before they glimmered with something knowing as a smirk etched its way onto his face
"No, it's fine!" Iskall smiled "By the way, I need a few things. Can you and Etho get them? I've been in the mines for so long that I just need a shower before passing out." 
"I'd be down!" You exclaim "Etho?" 
Out of the corner of your eye, you see the masked man's expression change from... something to a soft smile when he notices you looking at him. 
"Sure!" Etho smiled 
Y/n watched as Iskall pressed a piece of Paper into Etho's hand and hugged him tightly. When the bearded man let go of the ninja, Etho's ears had flushed a pretty pink color and you instantly wonder why? What did the mischievous bearded man tell etho? 
then he moved on to you
"Bye, Y/n." He hugged you and whispered in your ear "Good luck." 
As confused as you were, etho pushed you out and turned to flip off Iskall who was laughing loudly at the ninja. 
"What was that about Etho?" You asked softly and grabbed his hand before he can jump off the cliff to gain some air for his elytra 
"Just Iskall being dumb," Etho said, a pout evident in his voice "Come on, He gave me some diamonds and we need some things fro the G-Train." 
He made sure to look behind you and see you had your elytra on before he picked you up and jumped off with you in his arms. You let out a scream and clinged onto him.
Etho loved this. 
Not you screaming in his ear but you clinging on to him like your life depended on it. 
which it kinda does but still-
Etho's had a crush on you since he met you. Of course he never realized it until you went on that date with Scar when he realized the feeling of puking in his gut was jealousy. Then there was years of pining that came with it, longing glaces, disappointed sighs when you left the room and giddy squeals when you did something extra cute. 
He loved you. 
And he has for a while. 
So for Iskall to come home and immediately ask for You and Etho to do something was fishy. He always finished his chores before he came home. It was only when Iskall gave him a hug and crushed a piece of paper in his hands did Etho finally know what Iskall was doing. 
Confess to them before you come home. I'm tired of seeing the pining glances from you and them. it said and it made Etho blush. A rare occurrence that only you can do to him
"You little-" Etho began to whisper back before Iskall moved to you and he had to cut off his sentence. 
and with all that he still took you to the G-train to find the 'things' Iskall needed. So while you browsed the fake list he gave you he gathered some food and random white-colored blanket and dye. He knew you hated white things getting dirty. 
"Before we head back, and I know we just ate, but would you like to join me on a picnic?" Etho asked and turned with a soft smile 
"I'd love that!" You responded, knowing your eyes lit up like a little kid on holidays. 
Spending time alone with etho was frequent when he or you weren't working on anything so it wasn't anything special, but him asking if you didn't want to go home just yet made your heart flutter. 
"Perfect," Even from under the mask you could see and hear the soft smile he had on his lips, and fondness shone in his eyes "Come on, I have the perfect place." 
Etho lead you to a flower forest some hours away and began to set up, and while you insisted you help he denied all your offers and placed down the blanket he hastily dyed pink and that had dried out while he was flying before placing the basket of food he bought down and spreading it across the blanket and sat down before patting the spot next to him where you sat down. 
"So, what's the special occasion?" You asked him as a joke and leaned your head on his shoulder as you took a bite of a golden carrot before offering him some 
"You?" He said truthfully 
"Me?" You asked back suddenly curious and sat up correctly to look at the male "Me? Why me?" 
"Well- I- Uhm," Etho stumbled over his words not sure where to start 
"Etho? What's going on?" You asked and crawled to be in front of him before cupping his face, which was warm. His cheeks were so warm and his eyes avoided looking at you and you could only wonder what he was gonna say but anxiety pooled in your gut. As he paused to find his words, you thought back to anything you might've done to piss him off since the beginning of the season
"Y/n," He finally said and ripped you away from your thoughts "I'm in love with you. I understand if you don't like me like that and if you hate me but I have to tell you. I fell in love with your eyes, the way you walk, the way you talk, your laugh, and how you hiccup after every time you eat. I fell in love with the builder who cleans my messy building style and who can watch me do and talk redstone for hours on end without falling asleep. I fell in love with my best friend. Y/n, I fell in love with you and I can only hope you can return my feelings." 
His face was burning even more and now his cheeks matched the color of the shiny redstone he tinkers with. 
And you? You were breathless
"Oh Etho," You cooed out softly  and cup his face again "I'm in love with you too. I'm in love with the way your eyes shine like jewels, The way you cackle when a prank went your way, and how the moon shines upon you like your own personal spotlight. I'm in love with the crazy redstone ninja who pushes me to do everything I can even when I don't think I can, I fell in love with the person whos been by my side the longest anyone ever been. I fell in love with you Etho. And you are all I could ever ask for, So no I don't hate you and god I wish I had done this sooner." 
"How long? Cause I've had this crush since season 3 and that's even before I knew." Etho said with a bashful smile "I don't think I old you because I thought I wasn't good enough for you. You deserve the best Y/n." 
"Oh, Etho," You sighed and leaned in to press soft kisses to his face "To me, You are perfect. You have bewitched me with body, mind and soul, and void, I love you, I love you, I love you."
With that last 'I love you', You press a kiss to his lips over his mask
"And I will continue to love you, even when all the mortals have forgotten about us and we are nothing but stardust." You murmured against his masked lips 
but after a second or so, there wasn't any piece of cloth in between their lips and slightly chapped lips met yours as Etho's hands cupped your face and tangled into your hair.
"Please be my partner. Please let me be by your side and I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever." Etho pleaded against your lips, and his words had you in a chokehold
oh how you loved this man 
"Yes, I thought that was obvious."
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redstoneglitch · 5 months
Had a nice conversation with Etho S. Lab today :)
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gvtzxd-writes · 2 years
Albino Enderman hybrid!Etho x lizard hybrid!Bdubs x SA'ed!trans masc!reader
Summary: One last kiss is fine, right? Etho and Bdubs thought so, but they were wrong.
A/N: like Tall Canada man. Am I right? also Reader was SA'ed by someone whos not a hermit. It doesn't sit well with me if a hermit did. they're all so chill and kind
"Stopppp~!" Y/N giggles as his boyfriends smother him in kisses and a teeny bit of spit. "NeVeR!!" Bdubs chortles with pure chaos. "Pleaseee?" Y/N having a bit of panic but the boys see it as him being silly. "Hmm maybe after a few more kisses Ma chérie." Etho hums kissing his soft jaw.
Y/N kinda shuts down, stiffening and not moving when Etho squishes him to kiss him one last time in kind fun.
"N/N? Y/N? Y/N!" Bdubs whispers as to be as calm as he can as Y/N starts crying and shifting back to Bdubs and shying away from Etho. "Please." Y/N hiccups softly "No. I don't wanna kiss."
Etho looks as horrified as he can with the mask on from one of his partners crying because of him. Bdubs is equally as horrified from Y/N's panic.
"Shh~. It's okay" Bdubs says as he slowly hugs him.
"What did I do!?" Etho panickly wispers to Bdubs "I don't know!" He replys patting the now kinda hyperventilating Y/N. "Please." Y/N whimpers softly. "Y/N?" Etho asks softly. 'Etho? It's Etho! Why is he here? Where am I?' Y/N thinks to himself. "Are you able to talk" "Etho?" Y/N asks in the softest voice Etho and Bdubs has ever heard their loud boyfriend talk in.
"Y-yeah? maybe?" "Why are you crying? What did I do, so I don't ever do it again. I didn't mean too! You're too sweet to hurt. I'm so so so sor-" Etho rambles and cuts off when Y/N opens his mouth then closes it again with a face that shows he's thinking hard.
"Past trauma, Hermoso. Very bad past trauma.-"
(Time skkkkkiiiippppp)
"Oh." Etho and Bdubs say in unison
"Yep." Y/N sniffes. Etho and Bdubs burries Y/N in a hug that turn into cuddles. With the soft particles that emanate from Etho and Bdubs' tail wrapped around him, Y/N slowly lulls to sleep.
Thanks for reading the fic! I hope it wasn't too detailed in the bad way
also if you were SA'ed too. I have a kind little flower for you <2 🤏⚘
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time-slink · 8 months
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ID: a series of Minecraft text chat. falsesymmetry entered a 1x Champion's Abode Vault! <Etho> oh snap <iskall85> oO <iskall85> is this an open for all type of vault? <falsesymmetry> not for theives <iskall85> aww, poor etho <Etho> I'm not a thief <Etho> I am a pirate <iskall85> thats based
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secretsandwriting · 10 days
HELLO!!!, can I request a etho fanfic
So this is not hermitcraft but the life series, so I would like the secret life one. like etho got a task but it involves reader, they have to like they both have to kill 2 or 3 warden together, but unfortunately the reader died, but the reader will respawn tho. if you dont want to make it secret life you can do it in hermitcraft, but it will change a few, BUT ITS FINE, That it! I dont know if you get it or not😭😭 but I hope you do get it🥲🥲, THANK YOU💜 LOVE YOUR WORKSS🫶🏻🫶🏻
I got this in April, i'm sorry it took so long!! I hope you see this anon!
Anyways, this has a hint of the hermits being borderline god mentioned bc I love that so much. So many emotions too...
Death Games and Wardens
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Etho wasn’t sure how to go on about this, He had to keep his task a secret but it involved you. He stared at the book in his hands.
Kill two wardens with Y/n. Neither of you can die.
The thought of you dying sent a pang of fear through him. Logically he knew that if you died, you would respawn and if you lost your last live you would go back to your home server. Which was hermitcraft, the exact Server he would return to. 
Respawning was bad on a good day, but on a Server with rules that didn't follow Players normal code and instead added some, made respawning even worse. He didn’t want you to go through that. 
“Etho!” His focus was torn away by you. He couldn’t help but relax around you, even when playing against you in death games. Somehow, you brought comfort to him no matter the circumstances. The book burned in his hand as he remembered what your task was. He saw your book in your hands and a nervous grin on your face. “You got a good one?”
“Let's go somewhere private.” You nodded and followed him to the border. Etho glanced at the two sentences in his book and signed. The fear of you getting hurt was back and growing stronger. You broke the silence, apparently he waited too long to start.
“Does your task involve both of us?” He nodded, the sick feeling in his stomach growing. “Good my task does too… Now.. Is yours something we have to do?” Another nod and more stomach pains. “Ok, this is my task.” You handed him your book and he opened it.
Etho’s secret involves you. Do it with him and guess what it is to finish.
Etho may read this book.
He somehow hated this more. You didn’t even know what you were getting into. That meant more room for mistakes and mistakes would lead to a very fast death. You were oblivious to his dilemma and just waited for him to figure it out, assuming he was just trying to figure out how to go about this. The expression on his face was very abnormal but these were death games, they put everyone on edge and filled them with stress.
“Are you ready?” Etho’s head jerked up to look at you. “We only have so much time after all.” He sighed and nodded. He really wanted to come up with a fake task but he knew you wouldn’t like that.
“We need to gear up.”
Fully geared,you followed Etho do into a cave, when the shrieker went off, you hesitated. This wasn’t looking good. This had to be a hard task and probably involved wardens. Something you avoided no matter what. The sound of the Shrieker going off a second time had adrenaline pumping through your veins and terror settling in your bones.
“Etho,” You whispered. “Is the task to summon a warden?” 
“No, but that's your closest guess so far.” You were starting to understand Etho’s hesitation and strange looks. The shrieker went off a third time, darkness filling your vision and the sound of a warden spawning filled your ears.
“It’s over here,” Etho whispered. You weren’t sure what to do until you saw Etho launch himself at it and attack it with his sword. Pulling out your bow, you shot it with arrows both to lower its health and to help Etho out of any sticky situations by drawing its attention away.
To focused on the fight, you didn’t notice the second warden spawn or it approaching from behind until it was too late
Y/n was slain by Warden
Etho’s attention on the warden shattered when he saw the death message and another warden standing in the middle of all your items. His hesitation cost him some hearts but he managed to get away and took the surface without them following. Rushing to spawn he looked around, desperately trying to find you and make sure you were ok. He found you not too far away, sitting on the ground looking a bit dazed.
“Y/n!” Etho grabbed you and held you close. “I’m sorry! I should have noticed! I shouldn’t have let it happen!” You sat in his arms, letting him ramble at you while you readjusted  after a hard respawn. When you finally got yourself together, you listened to Etho’s rambles, pulled yourself out of his grip, and slapped him hard. Etho immediately stopped and jerked back to look at you.
“Pull yourself together!” Etho immediately took a deep breath and squeezed your hand. Once he was calm, you continued. “Etho, I'd respawn no matter what. You know that. If I didn't respawn here, I’d be back on hermitcraft. If I wasn’t there we have enough people that are almost gods on the server I'd be found and brought back.”
Etho shuffled forward and dropped his head on your shoulder, he wrapped his arms around your waist and his shoulders shook with sobs. You ran your fingers through his hair while your other one rested on his back, you slowly rocked side to side. From your spot you could see a few of the red names started to surround you.
Your communicators buzzed with the 5 minute warning but you knew you wouldn’t make it until then. Not with the intent in Gem’s face as she came closer. She paused and pulled out her communicator and typed for a second before flipping it so you could see the message to Xisuma letting him know to expect you. Something only done when one of the players was having a rough time. She smiled when you mouthed a thank you and slipped it back into her pocket before lifting her sword.
Etho was slain by Geminitay
Y/n was slain by Geminitay
Waking up on hermitcraft was disorientating. It always was when you respawn from another server due to death. Your communicator buzzed with a message from Xisuma.
Xisuma: Did you respawn ok? Gem messaged ahead, she didn’t specify who
Y/n: Yeah
Y/n: Etho was having some trouble at the end. Did he respond?
Xisuma: No, I was just about to go check on him.
Y/n: I’ll do it. I’ll let you know if anything went wrong with his respawn.
Xisuma: Ok
You got up from your temporary bed at your mega base and made sure your elytra was equipped before shooting off to Etho’s base. You searched the entire place, the only sign of Etho was the messy bed and his communicator on the floor. So you took a gamble, instead of flying you ran down the path leading to your starter base. Looking for a mop of white hair along the way. With no sign of him along the way, you looked through your house. Stopping in the doorway of your room to see Etho sitting on the floor next to your bed.
“Etho.” He didn’t seem to hear you. “Etho!” You tried again, nothing. Carefully, you moved towards him, making sure to go slow. When you were close enough, you gently rested a hand on his shoulder. He jerked out of your grip and looked up at you.
“Y/n!” He launched himself at you, pulling you close and holding you tight, relief crawled up his spine as he clung to you. “I thought you were gone.”
“I just respawned at my mega base. I told you I would respawn… Come on, let's lay down for a bit.” You managed to get Etho into your bed and when he relaxed you sent a message to Xisuma.
Y/n: Etho’s ok, just the death part of the death games messing with his head.
Xisuma: Ok, take care of him. Let us know if you need anything.
With that out of the way, you put your communicator away and decided to get some rest. Maybe when you woke up, the two of you could figure out what you were. But for now, you were tired.
Etho x Y/n shippers
Geminitay: I kinda felt bad, Etho was clinging to Y/n when I killed them. I mean CLINGING
Xisuma: Y/n went to help Etho right after his respawn when he wouldn’t respond and then let me know he was ok.
Xisuma: What happened?
Grian: So I might have purposely messed with their secrets so they had to work together. I forgot it might have been a bit traumatic.
ImpulseSV: What were their secrets?
Grian: Ethos was to kill two wardens with Y/n and not die and Y/n’s was to help and guess what it was.
Xisuma: Etho is literally laying on top of Y/n in their sleep
Xisuma: [Image]
Tangotek: You think they’ll actually talk this through after this or not?
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You two did not in fact talk about it afterwards. Both of you just acted like it didn't happen and the group chat with every hermit except the two of you were outraged
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prianya · 2 years
hello! was wondering if i could request etho x reader with shaky hands? reader has trouble writing sometimes, their hands get cold easily, their wrists get achy, stuff like that! also drink water, have a snack, and look after yourself!
Wavering, Unwavering
Etho x Reader ▪︎ Romantic
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Word Count ▪︎ 389 words
Summary ▪︎ With wavering hands and steady resolve, you begin to plan. When wrist pain stops that, Etho is there to help.
Note ▪︎ I actually have pretty poor circulation, and I get very cold in my extremities, so this is very close to home! The wrist pain is actually something I get too, but not very often. I hope you enjoy this one!
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You had always had problems with your hands. Poor circulation caused many drawbacks, particularly bad when it came to your hands. You already got cold easily, a chill falling over you at any given moment, but your hands constantly felt like they were dipped in ice water. Your hands also shook terribly, your writing scratchy and wavering due to tge unsteadiness. Another effect of your poor circulation was achy wrists, and the dull pains that shot through your fingers when you used your hands for too long.
It wasn't usually a problem, since you didn't write often, but making blueprints for the new season had ruined your plan. You sat with Etho, across from eachother at matching desks as you drafted your blueprints.
You make a face, a sharp pain shooting through your wrist and fading into a dull throb. You drop the pen lightly, rubbing your wrist as you try to get over the dull ache shooting through it. Etho looks over slightly, watching as you twist your wrist gently.
"Is your wrist feeling okay? I can get you ice if you need." He says, gently taking your hand and cradling your wrist.
"I'm good, love," you reply, pulling your hand back and picking up the pen. You continue to write while Etho watches carefully, your hand shaking slightly. You continue to focus on tbe page, your penmanship wavering slightly as your hands tremble. Eventually you sigh, setting down the pen once again to hold your wrist.
"Maybe some ice would help," you say gently, smiling wryly at Etho. He lets out a small chuckle before standing and leaving to, presumably, get ice.
You wait, rubbing your hands together to stave off the sudden cold layering over them. Etho comes back seconds later, a towel laying in a bowl of water. He lies the towel over your wrists, and you startle slightly when the warm water touches your skin.
"I thought ice might make your hands too cold, so I brought you a warm towel instead," he hums, and clasps your hands between his own. You smile at him, and lay your head on his shoulder as he sits next to you.
"Thank you, Etho," You say, turning your head slightly to kiss him on the cheek. Etho blushes slightly, and just smiles at you as a reply.
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poetthewriter · 10 months
Excuse me sir, may I have some Etho fluff? Just a little to spare.
Drink water and touch grass! -🪓anon
KitsuneEthoslab x GnReader
Cookie Kisses
𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒇𝒕= 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒃&𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒄𝒆𝒔🌱🧄🌿
The sky is dark and the shopping district is silent as soft white snow falls down from the sky, a gently lit lantern sways back and forth as the light guides your way, heat realises its self from the tiny crackling fire but the heat is only enough to warm the frosted feeling in you finger tips. snow crunches underneath warm boots and the wind harshly snaps you face.
walking through the shops and stores a joyful smile forms on your face the beautiful blue glow reaches you as you look through the widows of the alley sanctuary, your eyes shimmer reflecting the enchanting view and from afar someone admires the charming looks that belong to you.
Etho sits like a cat on a firm branch of a spruce tree, one by one 9 tails show them self's behind his back matching the color of the freezing snow and mimicking the chilled wind, his tails resembles the tail of an arctic fox snowy white with soft periwinkle tips.
Ethos hair falls over his face as as he tilts his head onto his hand, you continue walking your cold path but a patch of ice is not so happy to let you pass on without harm, hidden under the snow you trip, slipping back onto the ice.
Holding your head soothing the flashes of pain pounding on the back of your head, a silhouette stands in front of you hold out a hand to pick you up from your pained state, "Are you alright dear" Ethos tall stance lowers as he puts an arm around you picking you up. "i would offer you some ice to help your head but i don't think you need more, already got enough ice to the head" he laughs out breathily.
As you pull your self up your friend supports you with his arm, feeling a bit dizzy still Ethos pulls you in to Scars cookie shop sitting you down to rest for a moment. "thanks Etho" you look at him with a smile and he returns one right away.
"Anytime, So Y/n what ya doing out shopping so late?" Etho responds in his quiet sweet deep voice.
"Well I'm going on a trip soon to some other servers to go scouring for some gifts for everyone I know its still quite early but I'm always rushing and I'm not to good at keeping up with getting all the gifts, I came to grab some elytra's". you respond with a embarrassed tone.
"ah I see well are you feeling alright now?"
"oh yeah, don't worry ill live"
Etho stand up and quickly grabs a cookie from Scars shop counter leaving him some cash and bringing it back over to you, your eyes question him at why he bought you one, Scars shop is fairly new and you haven't had the time to check out and support you good friends business so unbeknownst to you you didn't know the spell put on the tasty cookies.
"Oh, thank you Etho" you say to him as he hands you a cookie, slowly you take a bite out of the cookie as you close your eyes, soft and chewy and... huh? opening your eyes you see yourself teleported right Infront of Etho, of course embarrassed you go to get of of him but his hand pulls you in stroking your cheek.
"Y/n" he looks at you with loving eyes, pulling down his mask he looks at you again, "may i kiss you?" your heart strings pull tight and you feel as if the air has been knocked out of your lungs, looking as his face you stare in shock, Etho and yourself have known each other for years now he has been there and been by your side.
It was him all along, you and him. he watched over you taking care of you and being your best friend, you and him all along.
your face warms up as he awaits you answer and finally you speak up. "yes" you say to him, his face leans in and his lips are warm its only a peck and it only lasts a few moments but its full, full of love.
"That is one gift off your list" he smile holding you "may i take you home lovely?" he looks at you with a smirk pulling his mask up again, without responding you grab his hand and walk out of the shop, as the two of you walk past the spot of ice you tripped on he looks over at it and speaks up.
"What, lovely weather"
A/n-sorry it took so long hope ya can forgive me 🪓💕
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dvskf4llz · 1 year
Can I request a yan! Etho x ftm reader?
Of course here you go!
All for you...
Yan!Etho x Reader
Warnings: This oneshot will contain the following; Yandere behavior, stalking, possessiveness, Slightly forced kissing. If you're uncomfortable with these things then dni.
One day while you were building, you got a DM from Xisuma the admin of the hermitcraft server. You had checked your communicater and checked Xisuma's DM, it said: Greetings U/N! I've seen your builds and might I say they're wonderful! Would you be interested in joining Hermitcraft S8?
You were really excited and immediately replied to Xisuma.
I would love to join hermitcraft!
He responded immediately
Wonderful! The IP is: [ insert hermitcraft IP or a random IP ] you can join whenever you like. :)
You replied with a thank you and said you would join it already. You got your teleporter and inserted the IP, you then pressed ' Join server '.
After server hopping for a minute you landed in the Hermitcraft server, you looked around in awe at the beautiful builds. A few seconds later you noticed a blob of green and gray coming towards you, it landed and you recognized who it was. It was Xisuma, You were literally screaming internally while keeping a straight face.
" Hello U/N! Welcome to Hermitcraft season 8! If you couldn't tell I'm Xisuma, the one who invited you here. " Xisuma had said to you while holding his hand out, you shook his hand and said
" Hello Xisuma! Thank you for inviting me to the server! It's an honor to be invited to server with talented people. " You smiled at him he told you it was no problem and said to follow him so he could give you a tour around, you accepted and followed him. He introduced you to the hermits and they were all excited to meet you.
Etho was definitely the most excited one out of all of them, he had seen your builds before and was very interested in meeting you. He was the last one introduced to you, when Etho saw you were like an angel sent from heaven. When you introduced yourself and mentioned you were FTM transgender, he was very supportive just like the other hermits. Xisuma had left you since you mentioned that you wanted to talk to Etho more, you did have a bit of a small crush on Etho before joining the server.
You talked with him for a while, you had an interesting conversation. You two realized you had a lot of common interests. You had mentioned that you should probably go getting materials to start a base, Etho offered to help but you kept on saying no need. He kept on insisting and you gave up and let him join you. You guys continued to talk to each other while gathering materials, the more Etho talked with you the more he would fall for you. You were just so infatuating and you had an amazing personality, Etho could name a lot of things that he liked about you.
Once you finished getting everything you needed you noticed it was already night and you knew you wouldn't be able to build so much when there is a lot of mobs, Etho insisted on you staying with him for the night, you decided to accept this time.
A few weeks in hermitcraft you really got to know the hermits more! you even spent more time with Etho. You loved making so many builds with Grian, you also decided to do multiple pranks on the server. Grian and you became best friends, even Scar and Mumbo became your best friends too! Mumbo would usually teach you how to build some redstone contraptions, Scar would take you on fun outings.
One day, You were just in the middle of building when all of a sudden you feel that weird feeling that you're being watched. You looked around but saw nothing so you just shook it off. What you didn't know was that there was a certain white-haired ninja watching you.
The past few days you started to get creepy love letters and gifts, they would appear anywhere near you like when you were mining you had spotted a [Favorite Color] Teddy bear holding a heart and a note, you looked at the note and it had said: " To: My Beloved U/N, From: your admirer. :)". You were really creeped out by this, the next few weeks the love letters became more creepier and it had included some pictures of you doing things. You decided to go to Etho and tell him about what was happening, you had asked him if you could stay with him and he was overjoyed when you said that.
" Hey Etho? Could I possibly stay with you for a while?" You asked him after telling him what happened
" Of course U/N!" Etho's eyes sparkled with excitement, I mean his own crush who he has been stalking asked him to stay with him! In the same house!
" Thanks! I forgot to mention that you can just call me [Name] instead." You had said to him
" O-oh alright!" Etho knew already about your name he was just surprised that you decided to tell him. He accompanied you back to your house to get your stuff, what you didn't know was that Etho was just staring at you with a lovesick expression. Once you had collected all of the necessary, you two went back to Etho's house. You guys were talking the whole way there, Etho just became even more in love with you. Your laugh and your smile, the sparkle in your eyes when you were excited he just adored those things about you a lot.
Once you two arrived to his house, you and etho placed down your stuff. Etho then asked you if you wanted some food and you accepted, you were really hungry so you decided why not. Once Etho finished making food, you two started eating. After eating for a while you drank what seemed to be normal water, you started to get light-headed. The last thing you saw was Etho staring at you with a lovesick expression and you passed out.
When you woke up, you looked around and noticed you were tied up in a chair. You did notice too the pictures of you on the wall and things you lost, you saw a bed so you thought that you were in a bedroom. you heard the door open, you looked to see Etho standing at the doorway without his mask on.
" oh you're awake love." Etho had said to you while smiling, you tried to get out of the ropes you were tied in
" Why are you keeping me like this Etho?!" You had yelled at him while struggling to get out of the ropes, Etho shook his head and started walking near you. When he was infront of you, he lifted up your chin
" I'm doing this to keep you safe [Name]" He said
" Safe from what?! The mobs?! I can defend myself Etho!" You retorted at him, he frowned at that
" You'll understand soon sweetheart" He replied while leaning towards you, you tried to back away but you couldn't. He started to kiss you and you kept on trying to push him back, you successfully pushed him slightly away with your legs. He sighed and shook his head
" You'll love me soon [Name], after all I did so much things all for you..." He then went out the door and you could hear him locking the door
You were stuck. There was no escape, you had to be with him forever..
I apologize if this is not what you wanted! I can rewrite this if it's not what you wanted anon! <3
I also apologize if my grammar is kinda bad -
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sansxfuckyou · 6 months
what the FUCK is a stray kids frat boy au smutty x reader with untagged kinks doing in the etho x reader tag
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bloodgoddarlin · 1 year
Yes please! That would be awesome!
Ask and you shall receive, anon ❤
First, we a have Hades Bladesmith, The Knight of Dusk 🌙
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Hades new look is very different from his last one. He is still the dashing, harming knight we know him to be, but he's now got a little bit of sharpness to him. He is cloaked in night, his sword glinting in the moonlight.
Whenever he takes your heart or your life is entirely up to you 😊
Next we have our protag and sunshine boy, Titus Valerius! ☀
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Titus, like Hades, hasn't changed much in terms of personality. He's still a soft himbo lad-- but with a slightly sad edge to him. He's all bright colors and positivity, but also impossibly lonely. He goes through most of his days alone, barely speaking to anyone, even his father or his brother, even though they all live in the same home. Titus is the sun-- alone in the sky, shining on others and keeping them warm, but always somehow never able to shake off the chill of the loneliness of his life.
Next, we have Brutus Emperor, Imperial Prince of Ice ❄
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Brutus has evolved a LOT since you guys last saw him. He is, as he titles implies, an imperial prince. In public, he puts on the persona of nobility and poise, but behind closed doors, he's rather crass-- particularly when he's alone with Io or Lucius. Because of this, some people in the Emperor's Manor think they're both bad influences on him, not realizing that the opposite is actually the case.
(He also also been secretly admiring a certain sunshine boy from afar, but shh. That's a secret that he keeps to himself.)
Next we have the Rouge of Stars, Io Ethos🌠
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Io is a complicated soul-- he loves and cares for all the people in his life as hard as he possibly can, but gets flighty when people show care for him. He will do everything in his power to help and protect anyone, but errs to the side of caution when people try to defend or protect him. He is fire-- bright and warm and inviting, but dangerous to the touch.
And lastly, we have the Earthly Scholar, Lucius Flown 🌎
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Lucius is Brutus' right hand. He keeps him (and Io) out of trouble, and help him conduct his daily business as the imperial prince. He is constantly reading something, and is generally a huge nerd.
(He also may have a crush on a certain rouge but SHH. thats a SECRET.)
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