#Etta Lee
hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Etta Lee (The Toll of the Sea)— silent actress Etta Lee, born in Hawaii to a Chinese father and French mother, is another compelling figure who in her career was relegated to secondary roles, often maids or exoticized parts, who you can imagine doing so much more given opportunity
Mary Nolan (West of Zanzibar, Desert Nights)—mary nolan had star quality in spades but her career was sadly plagued by tragedy and scandal (though really a lot of what was characterized as "scandal" by the press was more like "men being physically abusive"). she reinvented her career multiple times, first becoming very popular as a ziegfeld girl in the early 1920s under the stage name imogene "bubbles" wilson (said a columnist of the time, "only two people in America would bring every reporter in New York to the docks to see them off. one is the President. the other is Imogene "Bubbles" Wilson.") but after some shit involving a shitty dude got her fired from the follies for negative media attention she went to europe and made films in germany under the name imogene robertson for a few years. in 1927 she accepted the offer of a contract from united artists and returned to the u.s., taking on the stage name mary nolan. she was received favorably in films like west of zanzibar as lon chaney's daughter, and desert nights opposite john gilbert, but she began having difficulty finding work in the early 30s, having at that point acquired a morphine addiction, and she made her final film appearance in 1933, intermittently working in vaudeville and nightclubs. uh well this propaganda ended up super sad but here's a short clip of her in action in a 1930 movie
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Etta Lee:
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Mary Nolan:
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Shockingly modern style of acting! She could pop up today and be a starlette all over again
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fibula-rasa · 1 year
(Mostly) Lost, but Not Forgotten: A Thief in Paradise (1925)
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Direction: George Fitzmaurice
Scenario: Frances Marion (learn more at the Women Film Pioneers Project)
Original Novel: Leonard Merrick’s “The Worldlings”
Camera: Arthur C. Miller
Set Design: Anton Grote
Studio: Goldwyn (production) & First National (distribution)
Performers: Doris Kenyon, Ronald Colman, Aileen Pringle, Claude Gillingwater, Alec B. Francis, John Patrick, Charles Youree, Etta Lee, Lon Poff
Polo Players: Nita Cavalier, Virginia Jolly, Martha Wing
Premiere: 25 January 1925 at the Strand, New York
Status: presumed lost, save for a trailer
Length: 7, 231-7,251 feet, or roughly 71 minutes. (8 reels)
Synopsis (synthesized from magazine summaries of the plot):
While pearl diving off the coast of a remote South Seas island, Philip Jardine (Youree) and Maurice Blake (Colman) have a vicious fight underwater over the possession of a valuable pearl. In the struggle, Jardine is cut and subsequently attacked by a shark and killed. Blake manages to escape to shore.
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Aileen Pringle & Ronald Colman in A Thief in Paradise from Exhibitors Trade Review, 10 January 1925
Rosa Carmino (Pringle), Jardine’s common-law wife, reveals to Blake that Jardine came from a wealthy family back in the United States. A letter and money has arrived to carry Jardine back home to San Francisco to reunite with his long-estranged father (Gillingwater). Carmino convinces Blake to assume Jardine’s identity. Blake Has doubts, but the promise of a fresh start leads him to accept the proposition. Blake and Carmino travel together to California.
The deception is successful and Blake begins running in high society where he meets Helen Saville (Kenyon). Saville is the daughter of a Bishop (Francis), who happens to be the elder Jardine’s best friend. The old men are keen on the relationship, but Blake is held back by guilt over his deception. Additionally, as part of the identity theft scheme, Blake is bankrolling Carmino’s luxurious bohemian lifestyle.
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Top: Bathing Beauties in A Thief in Paradise from Exhibitors Trade Review, 10 January 1925 | Bottom: Bathing Beauties in A Thief in Paradise from Screenland, February 1925
On the grounds of the Jardine estate, a bevy of bathing beauties decide to put on a polo match—blondes vs. brunettes. Saville is also spending the day riding, and her horse gets startled and bolts headlong toward a cliff. Blake springs into action and manages to save Saville at the last moment. Overwhelmed by the situation, Blake confesses his love for Saville. The exchange is overheard by Jardine and the Bishop.
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Alec Francis, Claude Gillingwater, Doris Kenyon, & Ronald Colman in A Thief in Paradise from Exhibitors Trade Review, 10 January 1925
Jardine throws an extravagant party where he announces the youngsters’ engagement. Unfortunately, Carmino is one of the entertainers hired for the party. Carmino performs a dramatic under-the-sea dance number that creatively retells the story of Blake and Jardine’s underwater battle. As it turns out, Carmino is in love with Blake and she is unpleasantly surprised with the engagement announcement. Carmino threatens to expose Blake. Blake attempts to pay her off.
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Under-the-water dance sequence in A Thief in Paradise from Exhibitors Trade Review, 10 January 1925
Blake and Saville are married and head off via airplane to Del Monte Beach for their honeymoon. Blake is overwhelmed with guilt and is working up the courage to make a full confession to Saville. Unbeknownst to Blake, Carmino has followed the couple. Carmino goes straight to Saville, but rather than revealing the deception, she claims that she is Blake’s mistress and that he has been keeping her. Carmino uses the pay-off check Blake gave her as evidence. Saville is heartbroken and immediately returns home.
Blake follows Saville back to San Francisco, where he confesses to both the elder Jardine and Saville. The old man’s heart is also broken as he has accepted Blake as his son and loved him as such. Blake is despondent and shoots himself.
Miraculously, Blake survives and Saville has chosen to stand by him and nurse him back to health. Jardine has accepted Blake as his true son, forgiving the deception. Carmino returns home.
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Miscellaneous stills from A Thief in Paradise from Motion Picture News, 26 December 1925 [L to R: John Patrick, Aileen Pringle, Ronald Colman, Pringle, Pringle, Etta Lee, Colman, Doris Kenyon, Kenyon, Colman, Pringle]
Additional sequences featured in the film (but I’m not sure where they fit in the continuity):
Another dance sequence by Pringle as Carmino staged in her studio apartment
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Aileen Pringle in A Thief in Paradise from Exhibitors Trade Review, 10 January 1925
The Bishop Saville and Jardine play chess and the Bishops cheats, is caught by Jardine
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Claude Gillingwater & Alec Francis in A Thief in Paradise from Motion Picture Magazine, March 1925
Four old men are left to care for a baby and are at a loss
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Four old men (Alec B. Francis & Claude Gillingwater to right) in A Thief in Paradise from Exhibitors Trade Review, 10 January 1925
A snafu regarding a taxicab losing its wheel, driver is upset
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Taxicab snafu in A Thief in Paradise from Exhibitors Trade Review, 10 January 1925
Points of Interest:
Contemporary blurb that describes the under-the-sea dance sequence in more detail:
“By a combination of photography and set design, gigantic fish swim about among the coral trees and huge sea shells. Even the human participants in the under-sea dance make their entrance as divers swimming down from the surface to the immense shell on the ocean’s floor which serves as the hiding place of the stellar feminine dancer who is clad in a symbolic costume of pearls.  “In order to enhance the brilliancy of the picture, the entire set, including coral, shells and floor of the sea, was finished in bright silver and the costumes of the dancers were made entirely of especially constructed luminous silver and gold cloth. Even the natural flicker of light and shadow which characterizes scenes actually filmed under water was reproduced by the technicians.  “The marine dance tableau constitutes a play within a play in “A Thief in Paradise.” It is the entertainment provided by the host at a lavish engagement party given in honor of two of the principals and also has an important dramatic value in developing one of the many dramatic moments of the story.” - Moving Picture World, 10 January 1925
Based on some of the stills, I think it’s possible that Aileen Pringle may have had a double for this dance sequence, but no other dancers are credited. There is also no credit I could find for a choreographer.
The amount of pure spectacle packed into a mere seventy-one minutes is astounding to me! Knowing how skilled Frances Marion was as a scenarist, I don’t doubt that A Thief in Paradise managed to deliver plot just as well as it (according to contemporary reviews) delivered the spectacle. Film historians have been working for years to restore Marion’s rightful place as a crucial figure in American film history, so examples of her work being lost sting just that much more. 
Despite the fact that A Thief in Paradise was a huge success and a top box-office draw of 1925, comparatively little digitized material exists online. Most notably absent are stills from the South Seas portion of the film.
This Ronald Colman fan website has some screenshots from the extant trailer as well as a digitized copy of a program from ATiP’s German release.
Hawaiian actress Etta Lee also appears in this film as Carmino’s maid. I ended up going down a bit of a rabbit hole reading about Lee and will probably end up doing a spin-off of this post about her career. You may recognize Lee from her roles in The Untameable (1923), The Toll of the Sea (1922), or The Thief of Baghdad (1924)
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eternalowl · 1 month
Fringe is not about the FBI or the parallel universes or theoretical sciences or bizarre scientific events, it’s about people going to great lengths for the people they love. It’s about people traveling across universes just for the chance to see their child again. It’s about people sacrificing universes for the people they love. It’s about people rewriting the very timeline just to ensure the people they love are safe. It’s about people endangering themselves for the sake of a better world that so many have given up on. It’s about people doing what was previously perceived as impossible just to save the people they love, even if it makes them the villain.
Fringe isn’t about science or investigation, it’s about love in all its forms and extremes.
Thank you for hearing my TED Talk.
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dailydccomics · 8 months
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Wonder Woman #750 artwork by Jim Lee
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fantom-flower · 14 days
fantom's album review #1
I decided I'd go through NPR's The 150 Greatest Albums Made By Women.
Doing all 150 seemed a little too daunting, so I'm just doing the top 50. I'm going in order from 50 to 1, listening to all the albums from start to finish, rating them and writing my opinion.
I'm just doing this for fun, to learn more about the history of popular music and also listen to genres that I'm less familiar with.
All my ratings are based on my own personal tastes, so the following list is HIGHLY subjective.
50. Hole - Live Through This (1994)
7/10  I’ve never been much for 90s grunge. I was a little too young for its heyday (I was <10 when this album came out, hardly the intended audience) and later when I got into 90s music, grunge never really appealed to me. Still, I enjoyed this album, and I think a few of the songs on it will make it into my regular rotation.
49. Ricki Lee Jones - Pirates (1981)
2/10  Wow. I fucking hated this album. Her voice is okay, sometimes annoyingly breathy, and not nearly interesting enough to carry the meandering talk-singing she engages in nearly every song. Best thing I can say about this album is that it ends.
48. Etta James - Rocks the House (1964)
7/10  I don’t like live albums. That being said, this one is actually pretty good. It has a fun energy, with some great call and response with the audience. NPR's review said she “howled her way through” her songs, and that is accurate. Not something I usually enjoy, but aside from the howling, she has a very powerful and lovely voice, and even the howling started to grow on me by the end of the album.
47. Celia Cruz - Son con Guaguanco (1966)
10/10  No notes. I fucking loved this album. Es La Humanidad is my favorite song off of it. Stunning voice, great instrumentals, so fun to listen to.
46. Emmylou Harris - Wrecking Ball (1995)
6/10  A lot of the songs were really hit or miss for me. Largely, I really preferred the accompaniment. Wrecking Ball in particular stood out with this great lonely, yearning sound. Deeper Well is the best song on the album, if the rest had been like that, could have been a 9/10 easily. Orphan Girl was awful.
45. Dusty Springfield - Dusty in Memphis (1969)
5/10 Boring. The Windmills of Your Mind was alright.
44. Heart - Dreamboat Annie (1976)
9/10  Glad to find that Magic Man and Crazy on You are representative of the album rather than exceptions from it. Soul of the Sea is probably my favorite track. Lots of fun to listen to.
43. M.I.A. - Kala (2007)
2/10  I think I like Paper Planes as much as the next guy, but not enough to listen to a whole album of it.  Absolutely chock full of the most annoying sound effects known to man.  This one took me a long time to get through. When it was time for me to listen to music I kept thinking, “I don't want to ruin the pleasant vibe I have going by making myself listen to this.”
42. Ella Fitzgerald - Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Johnny Mercer Song Book (1964)
9/10 Hard to go wrong with Ella Fitzgerald. Name a song of hers that’s not an instant classic. I was surprised to see that this album was from the 60s when I started listening to it. Not the decade I associate with big band. I deduct one point because for me, all slow, soulful, romantic big band songs all kind of sound the same. I like the sound, but I like having some variety. 
41. Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman (1988)
10/10  Came into the album only having heard of Fast Car. It lives up to the hype, and the rest of the album does not disappoint! Great sound, great lyrics, great social justice message. Talkin’ bout a Revolution is going to be the next song I listen to over and over again to wring every drop of serotonin I can get from it.
Final thoughts of albums 50-41
Favorite album from this group is Tracy Chapman's self titled album. 
As for my least favorite, it's really hard to choose between MIA and Ricki Lee Jones. They were both so deeply awful to listen to.
What I'm looking forward to in albums 40-31:
Kate Bush and my childhood favorite, Tina Turner
What I'm dreading in the next ten:
Björk. I've been doing my best to listen to all the albums from start to finish even if I don't like it. Björk might break the streak.
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marvelettes · 2 years
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ulrpart · 2 months
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Here are some other apartments in the hotel. Zoe's room and Jagged's. Also the cesaire's appartment.
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This is the first thing the girls did after moving in.
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tfc2211 · 2 years
Anthony Newley - Pop Goes The Weasel             The Marvelettes - Please Mr. Postman                               The Shirelles - Will You Love Me Tomorrow         Sam Cooke - Cupid   Ben E. King - Spanish Harlem         The Capris - There’s A Moon Out Tonight (1959) Etta James - At Last Mar-Keys - Last Night The Miracles - Shop Around           Lee Dorsey - Ya Ya   Chubby Checker - Lets Twist Again           Chris Kenner - I Like It Like That, Part 2 Del Shannon - Runaway     Ricky Nelson - Hello Mary Lou       Bobby Vee - Take Good Care Of My Baby The Marcels - Blue Moon     Ray Charles and His Orchestra - Hit The Road Jack Bobby Lewis - Tossin' And Turnin'   Dion - Runaround Sue The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight Helen Shapiro - Walkin' Back To Happiness                               The Shirelles - Dedicated To The One I Love (1958)               Edith Piaf - Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien The Dave Brubeck Quartet - Take Five (1959)
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marcmarcmomarc · 5 months
Wings Around the Globe Rally
Leg 7
(Gabriel speeds across the ocean surface alone past the Statue of Liberty and enters New York City’s harbor.)
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(Marinette looks down and spots him far below.)
MARINETTE: Okay. Time to eat my dust.
(She dives through the clouds after him.)
ZUKO (V.O.): With a win for Agreste seeming inevitable…
KATARA (V.O.): Wait. It’s Marinette Dupain-Cheng!
Destination: JFK Airport in Queens, New York
(The two rivals speed down the final stretch.)
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AANG (V.O.): Here they come, down the stretch! It’s gonna be close! It’s anyone’s race!
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(Gabriel slows down and turns to the cameras. While he’s distracted, Marinette quickly speeds up and performs a radial-G turn to overtake him.)
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(Marinette cuts through the ribbon.)
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SUKI (V.O.): She’s done it! It’s Marinette Dupain-Cheng for the win!
SOKKA (V.O.): I am speechless!
GABRIEL: Marinette! No!
(As Gabriel crashes into portable toilets, the entire world celebrates…)
TOPH (V.O.): From last to first, from obscurity to immortality, the racing world will never forget this day!
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AANG (V.O.): For the first time, a baker girl has won the Wings Around the Globe Rally!
(…as do Marinette’s family and friends.)
ALYA: You did it, Marinette! Whoo-hoo!
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Finishing positions:
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Gabriel Agreste
Alya Césaire
Nino Lahiffe
Chloé Bourgeois
Sabrina Raincomprix
Kim Chiến Lê-Ature
Max Kanté
Rose Lavillant
Ivan Bruel
Kagami Tsurugi
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Alix Kubdel
Marc Anciel
Mylène Haprèle
Juleka Couffaine
Nathalie Sancoeur
ALYA: Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
NINO: Congratulations, dudette!
CHLOÉ: Your first rally and you won!
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TOM: All right. Yeah! Now that’s how to pass!
SABINE: You did it!
MARINETTE: I couldn’t have done it without you, guys. Hey, Dad, great tip about Gabriel leaning to the cameras.
TOM: Hey, anything for my daughter.
LUKA: Nicely done, Marinette!
MARINETTE: Luka? What are you guys doing here?
LUKA: We came to watch you win the race. You’re an inspiration to all of us.
MARINETTE: “All of us”?
LUKA: Yeah. All of us who want to do more than just what we were built for.
(Marinette realizes that a huge crowd has formed.)
MARINETTE: Whoa! Thanks, guys!
MAN (O.S.): Who’s that guy?
(Everyone looks up as Su-Han flies over the airfield, the sun glinting off his plane. He smiles down at Marinette as he comes in to land. The crowd parts as Marinette moves forward to meet him. Cameras continue to flash as Su-Han’s plane powers down.)
MARINETTE: Thanks, Su-Han.
SU-HAN: Don’t thank me. I learned a lot more from you than you have ever learned from me.
(Marinette is surrounded by her family, friends, and well-wishers as they close in to congratulate her on her spectacular win.)
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Leg 7 - “Tailwinds like nothing you’ve ever flown.”
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innervoiceart · 2 years
John Lee Hooker, Carlos Santana and Etta James - Blues Boogie Jam (Offic...
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angelofviscera · 2 months
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train stations are like airports for trains
1 & 3 we are all made of stories, merton wu / 2 & 4 these foolish things, etta james / 5 hugging couple waiting on the L train, justin lee jamison / 6 & 8 true blue, boygenius / 7 & 9 couples on the platform (slide 5), justin lee jamison / 10 downbound train, bruce springsteen / 11 couples on the platform (slide 2), justin lee jamison / 12 pause for a moment, justin lee jamison / 13a & 13d a real thing, the beths / 13b 5.15 the angels have gone, david bowie / 13c untitled, justin lee jamison / 14 @martinkate / 15 a man and his paper, justin lee jamison / 16 & 18 buffalo replaced, mitski / 17 schoolgirls on the a train to far rockaway, new york, 1978, willy spiller / 19a & 19c flowers on the 6th ave platform, justin lee jamison / 19b happy, mitski / 20 born on a train, the magnetic fields / 21 downtown express 72nd st. station, subway, new york, 1977, willy spiller
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hotvintagepoll · 4 months
THE TOURNAMENT IS OVER! Eartha Kitt lounges in her deck chair in the sun, dipping her toes in the pool with Toshiro Mifune and sipping a brightly colored fruity something with an umbrella in it.
Far below in the shadow realm, however, the fallen hotties dance in the dark—let's take a minute to look back at them under the cut.
Claude Gensac, Silvia Pinal, Ewa Aulin, Rita Tushingham, Annette Funicello, Norma Bengell, Catherine Spaak, Brigitte Auber, Micheline Presle, Nanette Fabray, Libertad Lamarque, Vera Miles, Martha Raye, Catherine McLeod, Virginia Mayo, Elizabeth Allan, Belle Bennet, Virginia Cherill, Mary Brian, Ruth Chatterton, Agnes Ayres, Merna Kennedy, Marie Prevost, Corinne Griffith, May Allison, Virginia Brown Faire, Alice Brady, and Jetta Goudal
Angie Dickinson, Thelma Ritter, Geraldine Chaplin, Evelyn Preer, Vanessa Brown, Betty Blythe, Susan Hayward, Mae Clarke, Sally Ann Howes, Ossi Oswalda, Adrienne La Russa, Hermione Gingold, Barbara Bouchet, Melina Mercouri, Anna Karina, Edwige Fenech, Charmian Carr, Pina Pellicer, Marlène Jobert, Tsuru Aoki, Alice Roberts, Leila Hyams, Lady Tsen Mei, Geneviève Bujold, Dolores Hart, Anita Berber, Bonita Granville, Vonetta McGee, Claire Windsor, Zizi Jeanmaire, Tuesday Weld, Grace Darmond, Carol Channing, Deanna Durbin, Laraine Day, Mariette Hartey, Wendy Hiller, Candy Darling, Hermione Baddely, Valeria Creti, Ella Raines, Ann Miller, Dana Wynter, Dalida, Martine Beswick, Gale Storm, Simone Signoret, Cristina Gaioni, Mabel Normand, Stéphane Audran, Ruth Weyher, Anna Wiazemsky, Ann Sheridan, Sandhya Shantaram, Alice White, Anne Francis, Gena Rowlands, Lyda Borelli, May Whitty, Cathleen Nesbitt, Jessica Walter, Virna Lisi, Barbara Shelley, Iris Hall, Heather Angel, Anne Shirley, Joanna Pettet, Virginia O'Brien, Joan Collins, Greer Garson, Gracie Allen, Peggy Ryan, Frances Dee, Shirley Maclaine, Geraldine Farrar, Kathleen Byron, Margaret Hamilton, Eva Gabor, Francesca Bertini, Julie Adams, Olga Baclanova, Misa Uehara, Yvette Vickers, Milena Dravić, Jenny Jugo, Madeleine Carroll, Benita Hume, Olive Borden, Shirley Jones, Miyoshi Umeki, Dorothy Lamour, Gale Sondergaard, Mary Anderson, Charlotte Greenwood, Sybil Seely, Mona Barrie, Kathryn Grayson, Katharine Ross, Madge Bellamy, Rhonda Fleming, Sally Gray, Jana Brejchová, Debra Paget, Madame Sul-Te-Wan, Evelyn Brent, Zelma O'Neal, Marie Laforêt, Türkan Şoray, Beatriz Costa, Irene Zazians, Eleanor Powell, Susan Luckey, Patsy Kelly, Lil Dagover, Norma Talmadge, Dorothy Mackaill, Madge Evans, Virginia McKenna, Amália Rodrigues, Mamie Van Doren, Valerie Hobson, Isabel Jeans, Beata Tyszkiewicz, Claire Luce, Aleksandra Khokhlova, Nieves Navarro Garcia, Janet Leigh, Carmen Miranda, Jean Harlow, Aud Egedge-Nissen, Nina Foch, Jean Simmons, Piper Laurie, Katy Jurado, Jayne Mansfield, Anita Garvin, Frances Farmer, Lizabeth Scott, Joan Greenwood, Una Merkel, Arlene Francis, Ethel Merman, Doris Day, Suzanne Pleshette, Ruta Lee, Carolyn Jones, June Richmond, Eva Nil, Diana Dors, Anna Chang, Colleen Moore, Alexis Smith, Yvette Mimieux, Ruby Keeler, Viola Dana, Dolores Grey, Marie Windsor, Danielle Darieux, Jean Parker, Julie Christie, Acquanetta, Leatrice Joy, Ghita Nørby, Julie Newmar, Joanne Woodward, Sandra Dee, Eva Marie Saint, Simone Simon, Katherine Dunham, Birgitte Price, Lee Grant, Anita Page, Flora Robson, Martha Sleeper, Elsie Ames, Isabel "Coca" Sarli, Glenda Farrell, Kathleen Burke, Linden Travers, Diane Baker, Joan Davis, Joan Leslie, Sylvia Sidney, Marie Dressler, June Lockhart, Emmanuelle Riva, Libertad Leblanc, Susannah Foster, Susan Fleming, Dolores Costello, Ann Smyrner, Luise Rainer, Anna Massey, Evelyn Ankers, Ruth Gordon, Eva Dahlbeck, Ansa Ikonen, Diana Wynyard, Patricia Neal, Etta Lee, Gloria Stuart, Arletty, Dorothy McGuire, Mitzi Gaynor, Gwen Verdon, Maria Schell, Lili Damita, Ethel Moses, Gloria Holden, Kay Thompson, Jeanne Crain, Edna May Oliver, Lili Liliana, Ruth Chatterton, Giulietta Masina, Claire Bloom, Dinah Sheridan, Carroll Baker, Brenda de Banzie, Milú, Hertha Thiele, Hanka Ordonówna, Lillian Roth, Jane Powell, Carol Ohmart, Betty Garrett, Kalina Jędrusik, Edana Romney, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Kay Kendall, Ruth Hussey, Véra Clouzot, Jadwiga Smosarska, Marge Champion, Mary Astor, Ann Harding, María Casares, Maureen O'Sullivan, Mildred Natwick, Michèle Morgan, Romy Schneider, Elisabeth Bergner, Celeste Holm, Betty Hutton, Susan Peters, Mehtab, Leslie Caron, Anna Sten, Janet Munro, Nataša Gollová, Eve Arden, Ida Lupino, Regina Linnanheimo, Sonja Henie, and Terry (what a good girl)
Evelyn Nesbit, Thelma Todd, Tura Satana, Helen Gibson, Maureen O'Hara, Rocío Dúrcal, Mary Nolan, Lois Maxwell, Maggie Smith, Zulma Faiad, Ursula Andress, Musidora, Delphine Seyrig, Marian Marsh, Leatrice Joy, Sharon Tate, Pina Menichelli, Teresa Wright, Shelley Winters, Lee Remick, Jane Wyman, Martita Hunt, Barbara Bates, Susan Strasberg, Marie Bryant, Diana Rigg, Jane Birkin, Rosalind Russell, Vanessa Redgrave, Brigitte Helm, Gloria Grahame, Rosemary Clooney, Bebe Daniels, Constance Bennett, Lilian Bond, Ann Dvorak, Jeanette Macdonald, Pouri Banayi, Raquel Welch, Vilma Bánky, Dorothy Malone, Olive Thomas, Celia Johnson, Moira Shearer, Priscilla Lane, Dolores del Río, Ann Sothern, Françoise Rosay, June Allyson, Carole Lombard, Jeni Le Gon, Takako Irie, Barbara Steele, Claudette Colbert, Lalita Pawar, Asta Nielsen, Sandra Milo, Maria Montez, Mae West, Alma Rose Aguirre, Bibi Andersson, Joan Blondell, Anne Bancroft, Elsa Lanchester, Nita Naldi, Suchitra Sen, Dorothy Van Engle, Elisabeth Welch, Esther Williams, Loretta Young, Margueritte De La Motte, Ita Rina, Constance Talmadge, Margaret Lockwood, Barbara Bedford, Josette Day, Stefania Sandrelli, Jane Russell, Doris Dowling, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Donna Reed, Ruby Dee, Diana Sands, Billie Burke, Kyōko Kagawa, Françoise Dorléac, Hend Rostom, Monica Vitti, Lilian Harvey, Marjorie Main, Jeanne Moreau, Lola Flores, Ann Blyth, Janet Gaynor, Jennifer Jones, Margaret Sullavan, Sadhana, Ruby Myers, Lotus Long, Honor Blackman, Marsha Hunt, Debbie Reynolds, Michèle Mercier, Irene Dunne, Jean Arthur, Judy Holliday, Tippi Hedren, Susse Wold, Vera-Ellen, Carmelita González, Nargis Dutt, Purnima, Harriet Andersson, Yvonne De Carlo, Miroslava Stern, Sheila Guyse, Helen, Margaret Dumont, Betty Grable, Joan Bennett, Jane Greer, Judith Anderson, Liv Ullman, Vera Zorina, Joan Fontaine, Silvana Mangano, and Lee Ya-Ching
Jean Hagen, Sumiko Mizukubo, Mary Philbin, Ann-Margret, Margaret Rutherford, Claudia Cardinale, Eleanor Parker, Jessie Matthews, Theresa Harris, Brigitte Bardot, Alla Nazimova, Faye Dunaway, Marion Davies, Anna Magnani, Theda Bara, Myrna Loy, Kay Francis, Fay Wray, Barbra Streisand, Bette Davis, Hideko Takamine, France Nuyen, Claudine Auger, Miriam Hopkins, Maylia Fong, Samia Gamal, Maude Fealy, Machiko Kyō, Sharmila Tagore, Lucille Ball, Ginger Rogers, Juanita Moore, Anna Fougez, Waheeda Rehman, Ruan Lingyu, Nina Mae McKinney, Ethel Waters, Nadira, Olivia de Havilland, Abbey Lincoln, Louise Beavers, Agnes Moorehead, Lana Turner, Norma Shearer, Maria Falconetti, Reiko Sato, Marie Doro, Clara Bow, Margaret Lindsay, Catherine Denueve, Madhabi Mukherjee, Rosaura Revueltas, Hu Die, Mary Pickford, Fredi Washington, Louise Brooks, Leonor Maia, Merle Oberon, Paulette Goddard, Vivien Leigh, Francine Everett, Savitri, Tita Merello, and Meena Kumari
Judy Garland, Dorothy Dandridge, Yoshiko Yamaguchi, Marilyn Monroe, Irene Papas, Lupe Vélez, Pola Negri, Gene Tierney, Barbara Stanwyck, Gina Lollobrigida, Lena Horne, Nutan, Jean Seberg, Kim Novak, Gladys Cooper, Tallulah Bankhead, Linda Darnell, Julie Andrews, Carmen Sevilla, Gloria Swanson, Glynis Johns, Anne Baxter, Angela Lansbury, Anita Ekberg, Toshia Mori, Deborah Kerr, Hazel Scott, Chelo Alonso, Cyd Charisse, Nancy Kwan, Devika Rani, Shima Iwashita, and Anouk Aimée
Setsuko Hara, Pearl Bailey, Joan Crawford, Madhubala, Marpessa Dawn, Keiko Awaji, Rita Hayworth, Veronica Lake, Ava Gardner, Greta Garbo, Grace Kelly, Xia Meng, Suraiya, Natalie Wood, María Félix, and Mbissine Thérèse Diop
Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren, Vyjyanthimala, Jane Fonda, Katharine Hepburn, Josephine Baker, Elizabeth Taylor, and Ingrid Bergman
Audrey Hepburn, Marlene Dietrich, Anna May Wong, and Lauren Bacall
Rita Moreno, Diahann Carroll
Hedy Lamarr
Eartha Kitt
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Okay, folks, the mini-tourney is inching closer to the finals, so I'm going to give a list of the competitors in the Miss Billboard Tourney in order to give everyone a chance to submit more propaganda. The nominees are:
Lale Andersen
Marian Anderson
Signe Toly Anderson
Julie Andrews
LaVerne Andrews
Maxene Andrews
Patty Andrews
Joan Armatrading
Dorothy Ashby
Joan Baez
Pearl Bailey
Belle Baker
Josephine Baker
LaVern Baker
Florence Ballard
Brigitte Bardot
Eileen Barton
Fontella Bass
Shirley Bassey
Maggie Bell
Lola Beltran
Ivy Benson
Gladys Bentley
Jane Birkin
Cilla Black
Ronee Blakley
Teresa Brewer
Anne Briggs
Ruth Brown
Joyce Bryant
Vashti Bunyan
Kate Bush
Montserrat Caballe
Maria Callas
Blanche Calloway
Wendy Carlos
Cathy Carr
Raffaella Carra
Diahann Carroll
Karen Carpenter
June Carter Cash
Meg Christian
Gigliola Cinquetti
Petula Clark
Merry Clayton
Patsy Cline
Rosemary Clooney
Natalie Cole
Judy Collins
Alice Coltrane
Betty Comden
Barbara Cook
Rita Coolidge
Gal Costa
Ida Cox
Karen Dalton
Marie-Louise Damien
Betty Davis
Jinx Dawson
Doris Day
Blossom Dearie
Kiki Dee
Lucienne Delyle
Sandy Denny
Jackie DeShannon
Gwen Dickey
Marlene Dietrich
Marie-France Dufour
Julie Driscoll
Yvonne Elliman
Cass Elliot
Maureen Evans
Agnetha Faeltskog
Marianne Faithfull
Mimi Farina
Max Feldman
Gracie Fields
Ella Fitzgerald
Roberta Flack
Lita Ford
Connie Francis
Aretha Franklin
France Gall
Judy Garland
Crystal Gayle
Gloria Gaynor
Bobbie Gentry
Astrud Gilberto
Donna Jean Godchaux
Lesley Gore
Eydie Gorme
Margo Guryan
Sheila Guyse
Nina Hagen
Francoise Hardy
Emmylou Harris
Debbie Harry
Annie Haslam
Billie Holiday
Mary Hopkin
Lena Horne
Helen Humes
Betty Hutton
Janis Ian
Mahalia Jackson
Wanda Jackson
Etta James
Joan Jett
Bessie Jones
Etta Jones
Gloria Jones
Grace Jones
Shirley Jones
Tamiko Jones
Janis Joplin
Barbara Keith
Carole King
Eartha Kitt
Chaka Khan
Hildegard Knef
Gladys Knight
Sonja Kristina
Patti Labelle
Cleo Laine
Nicolette Larson
Daliah Lavi
Vicky Leandros
Peggy Lee
Rita Lee
Alis Lesley
Barbara Lewis
Abbey Lincoln
Melba Liston
Julie London
Darlene Love
Anni-Frid Lyngstad
Barbara Lynn
Loretta Lynn
Vera Lynn
Siw Malmkvist
Lata Mangeshkar
Linda McCartney
Kate McGarrigle
Christie McVie
Bette Midler
Jean Millington
June Millington
Liza Minnelli
Carmen Miranda
Joni Mitchell
Liz Mitchell
Marion Montgomery
Lee Morse
Nana Mouskouri
Anne Murray
Wenche Myhre
Holly Near
Olivia Newton-John
Stevie Nicks
Laura Nyro
Virginia O’Brien
Yoko Ono
Shirley Owens
Patti Page
Dolly Parton
Freda Payne
Michelle Phillips
Edith Piaf
Ruth Pointer
Leontyne Price
Suzi Quatro
Gertrude Rainey
Bonnie Raitt
Carline Ray
Helen Reddy
Della Reese
Martha Reeves
June Richmond
Jeannie C. Riley
Minnie Riperton
Jean Ritchie
Chita Rivera
Clara Rockmore
Linda Ronstadt
Marianne Rosenberg
Diana Ross
Anna Russell
Melanie Safka
Buffy Sainte-Marie
Samantha Sang
Pattie Santos
Hazel Scott
Doreen Shaffer
Jackie Shane
Marlena Shaw
Sandie Shaw
Dinah Shore
Judee Sill
Carly Simon
Nina Simone
Nancy Sinatra
Siouxsie Sioux
Grace Slick
Bessie Smith
Mamie Smith
Patti Smith
Ethel Smyth
Mercedes Sosa
Ronnie Spector
Dusty Springfield
Mavis Staples
Candi Staton
Barbra Streisand
Poly Styrene
Maxine Sullivan
Donna Summer
Pat Suzuki
Norma Tanega
Tammi Terrell
Sister Rosetta Tharpe
Big Mama Thornton
Mary Travers
Moe Tucker
Tina Turner
Bonnie Tyler
Sylvia Tyson
Sarah Vaughan
Sylvie Vartan
Mariska Veres
Akiko Wada
Claire Waldoff
Jennifer Warnes
Dee Dee Warwick
Dionne Warwick
Dinah Washington
Ethel Waters
Elisabeth Welch
Kitty Wells
Mary Wells
Juliane Werding
Tina Weymouth
Cris Williamson
Ann Wilson
Mary Wilson
Nancy Wilson
Anna Mae Winburn
Syreeta Wright
Tammy Wynette
Nan Wynn
Those in italics have five or more pieces of usable visual, written, or audio propaganda already. If you have any visuals like photos or videos, or if you have something to say in words, submit it to this blog before round one begins on June 25th!
If you don't see a name you submitted here, it's because most or all of their career was as a child/they were too young for the cutoff, their career was almost entirely after 1979, or music was something they only dabbled in and are hardly known for. There are quite a few ladies on the list whose primary career wasn't "recording artist" or "live musician," but released several albums or were in musical theater, so they've been accepted.
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in May 2024 🌈
🌈 Good morning, my bookish bats! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
[ Release dates may have changed. ]
❤️ Farzana's Spite - Felix Graves 🧡 Archangels of Funk - Andrea Hairston 💛 How It Works Out - Myriam Lacroix 💚 Queer History A to Z - Robin Stevenson, Vivian Rosas 💙 Queerceañera - Alex Crespo 💜 Second Night Stand - Karelia Stetz-Waters, Fay Stetz-Waters ❤️ You Can Call Me Cooper - Cali Kitsu 🧡 Gooseberry - Robin Gow 💛 Grand Slam Romance - Ollie Hicks, Emma Oosterhous 💙The Witches of Silverlake - Simon Curtis, Stephanie Son 💜 Drawn to the Enemy - Barbara Winkes 🌈 The Truth of Our Past - Heather Leighson
❤️ Infaust - T.D. Cloud, Ambi Sun 🧡 Garner for Gold - Catherine Labadie 💛 The Z Word - Lindsay King-Miller 💚 Snake Charming - Genevieve McCluer 💙 The 7-10 Split - Karmen Lee 💜 Loving Jemima - Sienna Waters ❤️ The Potion Gardener - Arden Powell 🧡 A Swift and Sudden Exit - Nico Vincenty 💛 The Worst Ronin - Maggie Tokuda-Hall, Faith Schaffer 💙 Murray Out of Water -Taylor Tracy 💜 The Guncle Abroad - Steven Rowley 🌈 The Weight of What Was - Pip Landers-Letts
❤️ The Amazing Alpha Tau Pledge Project - Lisa Henry, Sarah Honey 🧡 I Met Death & Sex Through My Friend, Tom Meuley - Thom Vernon 💛 Malicia - Steven dos Santos 💚 The Sins on Their Bones - Laura R. Samotin 💙 SLUTS: Anthology - Michelle Tea 💜 You Should Be So Lucky - Cat Sebastian ❤️ Death's Country - R.M. Romero 🧡 Cinema Love - Jiaming Tang 💛 The Brides of High Hill - Nghi Vo 💙 Emma - Jenna Kent 💜 Wish We Were There - Lionel Hart 🌈 A Troublemaker in Her Eyes - Genta Sebastian
❤️ I Make Envy on Your Disco - Eric Schnall 🧡 Lavash at First Sight - Taleen Voskuni 💛 Queer Power Couples - Hannah Murphy Winter, Billie Winter 💚 In Repair - A.L. Graziadei 💙 A Heart Divided - Angie Williams 💜 Long After We Are Gone - Terah Shelton Harris ❤️ The Queen of Steeplechase Park - David Ciminello 🧡 Lunar Boy - Jes Wibowo, Cin Wibowo 💛 Hot Boy Summer - Joe Jiménez 💙 Sunhead - Alex Assan 💜 The Summer Love Strategy - Ray Stoeve 🌈 Into the Mouth of the Wolf - Erin Gough
❤️ The Girl in Question - Tess Sharpe 🧡 The Lost Erwain - Mariah Stillbrook 💛 Starfire - Naomi Hughes 💚 Adrift - Sam Ledel 💙 Shanghai Murder - Jessie Chandler 💜 April May June July - Alison B. Hart ❤️ A Bone in His Teeth - Kellen Graves 🧡 Cabin Fever - Tagan Shepard 💛 Don't Be a Drag - Skye Quinlan 💙 The Ride of Her Life - Jennifer Dugan 💜 The Redemption of Daya Keane - Gia Gordon 🌈 Nearlywed - Nicolas DiDomizio
❤️ The Sunforge - Sascha Stronach 🧡 The End of Time - Trudie Skies 💛 Silent Ones - Melissa Polk 💚 Prime Time Travelers - Neil Laird 💙 My Darling Dreadful Thing - Johanna van Veen 💜 The Honey Witch - Sydney J. Shields ❤️ Spitting Gold - Carmella Lowkis 🧡 Last Chance - Claire Highton-Stevenson 💛 Road Home - Rex Ogle 💙 Only for Convenience - Shannon O'Connor 💜 Linus and Etta Could Use a Win - Caroline Huntoon 🌈 Finding Molly Parsons - Alyson Root
❤️ Breathe: Journeys to Healthy Binding - Maia Kobabe, Dr. Sarah Peitzmeier 🧡 See You Next Month - Jamey Moody 💛 Until You Say My Name - Tatum Schroeder 💚 Disembark - Jen Currin 💙 True Love and Other Impossible Odds - Christina Li 💜 Flyboy - Kasey LeBlanc ❤️ Thirsty - Jas Hammonds 🧡 Hands Off - N. Slater 💛 Flooded Secrets - Claudie Arseneault 💙 The Deer and the Dragon - Piper C.J. 💜 To Be Loved - Frank G. Anderson 🌈 Snowblooded - Emma Sterner-Radley
❤️ Blood Remains - Cathy Pegau 🧡 Blood on the Tide - Katee Robert 💛 We Were the Universe - Kimberly King Parsons 💚 Loyalty - E.J. Noyes 💙 Spirits and Sirens - Kelly Fireside 💜 Clean Kill - Anne Laughlin ❤️ The Worst Perfect Moment - Shivaun Plozza 🧡 Oye - Melissa Mogollon 💛 Here for the Wrong Reasons - Annabel Paulsen, Lydia Wang 💙 Exhibit - R.O. Kwon 💜 Experienced - Kate Young 🌈 Parenting with Pride - Heather Hester
❤️ Road to Ruin - Hana Lee 🧡 Meet Me in Berlin - Samantha L. Valentine 💛 The Advice Columnist - Cade Haddock Strong 💚 where lost & hopeless things go - Bryony Rosehurst 💙 Pit Stop - Ellis Mae 💜 The Switchboard - Christina K. Glover ❤️ In the Shallows - Tanya Byrne 🧡 Have You Seen This Girl - Nita Tyndall 💛 Another First Chance - Robbie Couch 💙 The Only Light Left Burning - Erik J. Brown 💜 Keepers of the Stones and Stars - Michael Barakiva 🌈 A Little Kissing Between Friends - Chencia C. Higgins
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helenacastles · 4 months
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challengers: a playlist
"I want you to be crazy cause you're boring, baby, when you're straight." (listen here)
cheap and cheerful by the kills // tennis court by lorde // good luck, babe! by chappell roan // new person, same old mistakes by tame impala // theatre by etta marcus // bite the hand by boygenius // fresh blood by eels // hot in herre by nelly // stroke by BANKS // 2007 by miya folick // cowboy like me by taylor swift // alma mater by bleachers // gift by hospital // closure by vancouver sleep clinic // sex money feelings die by lykke li // gemini feed by BANKS // cell division by dizzy // talk by hozier // six missed calls by elah hale // climbing up the walls by radiohead // XI (feat. lee hi) by CODE KUNST, leehi // close 2 u by raveena // ARE WE STILL FRIENDS? by tyler, the creator // everybody's gotta learn sometimes by beck
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mucillo · 7 months
John Lee Hooker, Carlos Santana and Etta James - Blues Boogie Jam (Offic...
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