#Euell Gibbons
loveboatinsanity · 2 months
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The highbush cranberries red above the snow, the sharpest, brightest flavor that I know, a hint of bitter harmonized with sour, and for this treat I beg you spare the flower that decorates the woods in spring. If you can learn to give each thing your loving reverence, you will be able to dine with me at mother nature's table. We'll laugh at all the winter winds that blow when highbush cranberries hang above the snow.
Stalking the Wild Cranberry by Euell Gibbons
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cdchyld · 1 month
Just added to Etsy!
~ "Stalking the Wild Asparagus: Field Guide Edition" by Euell Gibbons (1972)
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Remembering Euell Gibbons' Grape Nuts commercials When I was growing up, I remember my dad eating Grape Nuts almost every morning. I tried them on occasion and could never understand the appeal—I also found the name confusing, as they were neither grapes nor nuts. I do however think of them fondly, because they remind me of sitting at breakfast with my dad (I usually ate a slice of cheese toast, fresh from the toaster oven, every morning. — Read the rest https://boingboing.net/2023/03/29/remembering-euell-gibbons-grape-nuts-commercials.html
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It feels like you’re insinuating foragers have a toxic relationship with vegetables.
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weantuniverse · 6 months
euell gibbons spoof
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This... Is BGNN
Things you might want to know, for Mar 29, 2023:
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House of the Dragon Season 2 Will Be 2 Episodes Shorter Than Season 1 — Hm. In the context of cost-cutting and write-offs at Warner Brothers, this is kind of alarming. GoT was arguably drawn out more than it should have been, but HotD has rocketed through years of history already… I’m not sure anyone but the bean-counters benefit from an increased pace.
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This Uncensored Chatbot Shows What Happens When AI Is Programmed To Disregard Human Decency — I feel like we need to stop calling these things “chatbots”. This stuff is to human conversation what Google was to Yahoo’s search index… a bigger, faster, friendlier way to search the exact same content-swamp. The only new thing here is that unlike every other search tool ever built, these things don’t automatically cite their sources —something Bing is working on, to their credit— and make it clear that you’re simply looking at a smartly arranged regurgitation of the unbridled web.
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Stop Using Celebrities to Talk About Age Gap Relationships — This is actually one of the more useful pieces I’ve seen on the subject in some time. There is a world of difference between Bradley Cooper and your weird uncle who hits on your friends when you bring them home for Thanksgiving… the former exists in a permanent state of constrained supply and unlimited demand, while the latter is desperate for any young ass he sees and still has candied yam stains on his shirt.
Disney Lays Off Ike Perlmutter, Chairman of Marvel Entertainment — About fucking time. That Trump-loving cretin is directly responsible for the semi-failure of ABC’s Agents of SHIELD and Inhumans, not to mention the lack of growth and innovation at Ye Olde Marvel Comics over the last twenty years. (Turns out trying to engineer a corporate coup at Disney was the line he couldn’t cross.) Good goddamned riddance, Ike.
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Remembering Euell Gibbons' Grape Nuts commercials — Those spots are certainly memorable to those of us Of A Certain Age, but I’m pretty sure almost none of us ever consumed the food they were trying to sell. Grape Nuts were nasty.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Wild Foods Day
Wild Foods Day is celebrated every year on October 28. It is a holiday dedicated to wildflowers, fruits, and veggies. Humans have consumed plants and gathered food from the wild for thousands of years. However, these wild foods are now increasingly appearing on menus in gourmet restaurants and raw food restaurants due to them being trendy. In addition, wild foods are free of preservatives and pesticides, and consuming them contributes to an environmentally conscious lifestyle.
History of Wild Foods Day
Wild foods are believed to have been in existence for over 40 million years. Wild food, generally, can be any edible plant that grows naturally without human intervention or any animal taken from its native environment for human use. It is easy to observe that the Earth is brimming with wild foods. Animals such as deer, elk, goose, turkey, and others are considered wild in the United States. In addition, various fruits and vegetables grow wild in many parts of the nation. Berry bushes of many sorts offer tasty fruits, and mushrooms cover the woodland floor. According to experts, there are approximately 2,000 edible and medicinal mushroom types worldwide. Nuts, herbs, tree fruits, and cactus pads are among more foods that grow independently, even in cities.
In many cases, wild foods are more nutritious than their farmed counterparts. This is most likely due to their natural survival mechanisms. For example, some plants grow thorns or emit an unpleasant odor to prevent predators, while others produce bitter-tasting chemical compounds. These substances are known as phytochemicals, and research reveals that these can offer us health benefits if consumed regularly.
Wild Foods Day started being mentioned regularly in the print media around 1974. Euell Gibbons, a wild food enthusiast, who became a minor media celebrity, most likely inspired the popularity of this day. He is best known for his debut book, “Stalking the Wild Asparagus.” Wild Foods Day is a celebration of all things wild and delicious that the planet has to offer.
Wild Foods Day timeline
40 Million Years Ago Wild Foods Appear
Wild foods are discovered and found in nature.
10,000 Years Ago Farming Emerges
Humans start to farm and grow their food.
1962 “Stalking the Wild Asparagus”
Euell Gibbons publishes this famous book.
1974 Wild Foods Day
The day begins to appear in print media.
Wild Foods Day FAQs
Are wild raspberries healthy?
Yes, they are rich in vitamin C, minerals, and fiber.
Are blackberry and black raspberry the same?
Even though they look very similar, black raspberries and blackberries are two completely different fruits.
What are some wild foods humans can survive on?
Humans can survive on various wild foods, such as bird eggs, wild grapes, wild berries, wild roses, bamboo shoots, wild asparagus, etc.
Wild Foods Day Activities
Learn about wild foods
Find wild foods
Eat wild foods
There is a plethora of information out there on wild foods. The different types, safety guidelines, procurement methods, etc., are interesting to learn about and might come in handy on your next trekking trip.
Using all your newfound information about wild foods, see if you can find any of them in your direct surroundings and analyze whether or not they are safe to consume. This could also be a fun activity to do with friends.
Wild foods are super trendy right now and have health benefits as well. See if your local grocery store has wild berries and other treats for you to indulge in.
5 Fun Facts About Edible Flowers
They can be minty
They can do it all
They can be strong
They can be buttery
They can be soothing
Violets taste like mint and are often used to garnish food for this reason.
Geraniums are great for savory dishes such as omelets, wines, and liquor.
Citrus flowers need to be used sparingly, or they can overpower the entire dish.
A large number of chopped flowers can be used to make flower butter.
Jasmine makes exceptional tea with many health benefits.
Why We Love Wild Foods Day
It is a unique holiday
It expands our palettes
It protects us
Wild Foods Day is a day unlike any other. It draws attention to something so widely available around us and the uses of wild food.
We can often go into a monotonous spiral when it comes to everyday food. A day like this encourages us to step out of our comfort zone and try something new.
Not all that is found in nature is safe. Some of it can be dangerous and deadly too. Wild Foods Day allows us to learn about these do’s and don’ts and preps us for our next wilderness adventure.
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onehandtypingb1 · 7 months
Would This Be Cool, Or What? #1LinerWeds
Found this on Instagram… Linda runs One-Liner Wednesday. Now here’s Euell Gibbons for Post Grape-Nuts cereal. Tastes like wild hickory nuts!
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writer59january13 · 7 months
Half a dozen plus years ago the following became a near reality
Countdown to homelessness – mars this earthlinked sole Harris - son panhandler would would register
pyrrhic victory won.
Found me linkedin at the end of my wits mein kampf and hard times
playing on big screen at the Ritz vamoose oft times motivations quits for -- no money iz the pits without any rich Uncle (Sam) in my orbitz to ease worse case scenario than bing covered
head to toe with nits if...offered residence among...
hive feel stung as beelzebub doth buzzfeed,
after being espied,
targeted in the crosshairs
of excellent marksman -
credo, ethos, and holistic lifestyle - a mitts fa this contemplative, furtive,
and intuitive chap lits of luminous joie de vivre
will emanate like bland kits and biting the bullet no less tasty than true grits, the latter touted by Euell Gibbons of bias, discrimination, fuhgeddaboudit suddenly resplendent with blinding blitz
warp and whoop of bits.
Medium of spoken or written word
avast milieu this wordsmith doth assay, the aim of said missive constitutes
avoiding living in cardboard box or bidet house zing debacle looms approximately
soffit teen eaves from this day if scant success, this atypical, ideal
and zeal - lot might post himself on eBay or mebbe get swooped up
by 10,000 cannibals and turned into a fillet which mish mashed matted mush
will resemble fifty shades of gray. Words above and below
written June thirtieth,
two thousand seventeen indicates, when rental lease
will find our psyches fillet so this buster brown (actually Eastern European Semitic caucasian) hooped to stave then
turning fifty plus eighteen shades of gray weigh past time of life
to gather rose buds – boot hay touted as AARP candidate
my inner child doth inlay, I approach outer limits
per twilight zone of this blue jay youthful looking married male -
with doe eyed wife does not buck,
donnybrook and neigh against mortality reckons,
a safe and secure domicile
important basic needs
(codified by Abraham Maslow) – okay this LVIII year young chap
haint expect tin tubby be housed in courtly Highland manor,
yet anxiety sans poverty will play a cruel hoax ruse trick finding me
to jump off a bridge – with pier - sing quay King Crimson ready
to bring cessation of existence –
when nada stinging ray of salvation pleasantly doth sashay and bring relief before
unwelcome ominous killer fate inches closer incrementally from today this father of deux darling
then near grown daughters might fare better brexit - ting America
high tailing dreams to Uruguay.
Nary a snowball chance in hell
this alter kaker will nab employment since receiving social security
emotional disability for countless years (viz anxiety, dysthymia,
obsessive compulsive disorder, and prone to become emotionally panicky
and paralyzed in social situations) relies on medications,
which palliative doth alleviate, calm, and endow relief (from debilitating, harrowing,
and lacerating quality of being alive.
1. Clonazepam 0.5 MG Tablets; (generic - Klonopin); (1 tablet 3x daily).
2. Floxetine Hcl 40 MG CAPS; (Generic - Prozac). 3. Prazosin 1 MG capsule - 1 capsule nightly.
4. Quetiapine Fumarate; (generic - Seroquel) - 50 MG; (2 tablets 2x daily).
5. not a misprint – a higher dosage, this pop pops prior to bedtime. Quetiapine Fumarate; (Generic - Seroquel); 100 MG; (1 tablet at bedtime).
Sought an affordable place against the sands of time
thyself and spouse race already envisioning an outlook
that doth harken to trace living non social on bleak street -
forever reaching for salvation
like Samuel Coleridge Taylor,
his rime of the ancient mariner or John Keats lovers for’ ever glazed
asper ode on a Grecian (formula) vase.
Mine status begs turing
vibrant with near blinding light
could inform this bloke
if any long term living accommodations
ever available, or perhaps
if no can do versus tae kwon do might
be privy to share information about
any eco-friendly community
to forestall any unpleasant plight
specifically being pitched out
on the streets with thee spouse
onto the bleak cobblestone streets
of the urban jungle, where right
iz determined by spittle and spite
and valuables must be clutched tight.
I receive social security disability
for re: max him mum, long and fostered, during the latter half
of the Fox and Roach pelted per pesky pointedly nineteen hundred
and fifty nine
ever since my conception in utero - likened to a luke warm Caldwell,
and the entire century 21.
STATE: protracted, anxiety COUNTRY: United States
0 notes
justsayun · 11 months
Golden Age of Cereal
My grandsons never go grocery shopping. Since Covid, my daughter's done grocery pick-up. The boys never get the thrill of running thru the grocery store and especially the cereal aisle. We live in a world of lots of gentle parenting and no scolding in the store. You'll be looked at as a bad parent if you scream at your little one. Heck if you reach out and yank your child's hand back from grabbing that huge glass jar of Pasta Sauce you could be reported to the store manager. A guy like me with small children at the store has a 50/50 chance of being in jail by dusk. Since it was brought to my attention that my little grandsons have not really experienced the excitement of the cereal aisle especially. I called my daughter and asked if her boys ever went grocery shopping. She said "NO"! I said I would like to take them on a grocery shopping trip. Just the boys and I. Surprisingly she quickly said: "Have at it if you're that crazy." Since I was a small boy during the golden age of breakfast cereal, I thought this might be something I could share. It was not just the cereals, but prizes inside, fun reading stuff on the back. I can still picture some of the fantastic cereals of my youth. We had Quisp, Kaboom, Crazy Cow, Pink Panther Flakes, Sir Grape Fellow, Alpha-Bits & Honeycombs. Of course, we had some then that still live today like Lucky Charms, Sugar Smacks & Life. Yep, the one Mikey still likes. I remember we did have grape nuts when I was a kid but you never ate them if you were in a hurry. It took a while to down a bowl of that gravel. Thanks, Euell Gibbons for the blandest cereal of all time. I had a friend in 3rd grade who on the first day of summer vacation his mom told him he couldn't go outside til he finished his bowl of Grape Nuts. He didn't finish that bowl til after the 4th of July. I'll teach my grandsons how not just the cereal but the prize inside helped me decide which one to get. (Plus if their something super kooky on the back of the box.) There were so many great cereal prizes you could get in your cereal box. I once got a small rocket. Another time some monster stickers. Once got a small replica of Fred Flintstones' car. (That was cool.) I saw around the house recently an "Urkell for President Button" My one daughter got that years ago when she was little out of a cereal box. I think if Urkell decided to run again I might vote for him. I'm looking forward to my Breakfast Cereal Safari with the kiddos. My wife heard about this and wants to come along. I told her I need to think about her coming along first. That didn't go over really well. Hey, let's get serious. We're talking cereal.
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iamnaturalnana · 1 year
11 Best Wild Edible Plants Found In The USA
The edible wild plants movement started in the U.S. in the 1970s when a book titled “Stalking the Wild Asparagus” was published by Euell Gibbons, who was an outdoorsman and a proponent of natural diets. His classic book about foraged fare became a bible for the off-grid community. Gibbons played a huge role in turning more people on to this natural way of eating. Gibbons began foraging for local…
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I was a pretty sheltered child, but I was also the child of nerdy hippies, so sometimes I forget that many young American girls *don’t* go through a My Side of the Mountain/Euell Gibbons phase.
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macrolit · 3 years
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Literary history that happened on 8 September
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loveboatinsanity · 5 years
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the-ram-67 · 5 years
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Until the Good Life Got a Restraining Order Against Him
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