#Eva Original
jinruihokankeikaku · 1 year
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"All of the wires and plumbing converge upon a human-sized test tube here. At the top of it, the wiring takes on a form akin to that of a giant cerebrum. Before it stands Ikari. The test tube has been filled full of LCL solution. Immersed therein, naked as the day she was born, is Rei. Having noticed Ikari, perhaps, Rei softly opens her eyes. Her expression - like the archaic smile. The two of them are gazing at each other, wordlessly.
In the Eva Original script for Episode 15, Rei's expression in the LCL tube in Central Dogma is compared to the "archaic smile", a expression used in Archaic Greek sculptures - according to Wikipedia, most frequently in the 6th century BCE.
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This comparison is absent in the episode's afureko script, and the expression Rei shows in the cut as animated is rather more subtle than many of the examples of the archaic smile that I could find. Nonethless, it's an interesting and striking reference, and one which I'd not come upon in Eva-related documents before.
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The corresponding footnote in Eva Original makes this clear, though, explicitly confirming the reference to historical sculpture -
"Incidentally, 'archaic smile' refers to an expression with the lips tilted upward slightly at both ends to form a smile, seen in the sculpture of Ancient Greece."
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lesboobeis · 5 months
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neon-ufo · 5 months
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𝖊𝖒𝖔 𝖉𝖔𝖌
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showsandshowtunes · 7 months
what do you mean that at reeve's last show the principal obc was there and they gave orpheus and eurydice an alternate ending by having reeve and eva walk out of hadestown up the golden staircase?? what do you mean?????!!!!??
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autismsupersoldier · 3 months
please this is all i have
transcript under cut
eva: alright if you're a boy and you ever plan on being intimate with a girl--
daniil: no thanks. anyways guys i think i found my new favourite excel keyboard shortcut
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carrotkicks · 1 year
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hey, hey you thought the lab scenes in stormbringer were bad? dw, i've got terminal Evangelion brain, i can make it worse.
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cupcakegalaxia · 3 months
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More Wakfu doodles tho its just Yugo and Amalia lol.
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telltaletypist · 2 months
i think a lot of the animosity towards shinji in end of eva comes from people making the mistake of treating it like a movie about a group of heroes trying to save the world, and thus resenting shinji for failing to live up to that role. end of eva is a movie about finding a way to keep going at the end of the world
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enteringdullsville · 10 months
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But what is if Island was made today?
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The A. Plot Trio redesigned. Personalities largely the same, although (Le)Sha(u)na trades some of her trademark slang to make room for an even more snarky attitude.
Emphasis on “some”. Her calling Harry a tadpole will never not be funny.
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Heather’s a little less impulsive here. Where the canon one would read Gwen’s dialogue to the world, this one would hide it and use it as blackmail. Harold’s about the same, but even more of a theatre kid.
I like to think that the writing on his shirt will change every episode.
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Justin starts off as his Action self: not a complete jerk, but still very vain and petty. Katie and Sadie, however, get a complete overhaul, going the “odd friendship” route by playing up Katie’s energetic tendencies and Sadie’s relative intelligence.
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Now I kinda regret ditching the hat. Eh. Anyway, they’re about the same.
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Owen, Tyler, and DJ are mostly unchanged. Cody plays up his geeky traits and whatever flirting skills he had in canon are completely gone here, since Gwen doesn’t even realize he likes her throughout the season.
Also step aside, Beth. Cody’s the new shortest guy in the camp.
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Speaking of which, Beth’s artistic talents are a more active part of her characterization, hence the stickers and paint splatters. Ezekiel’s more of a basket case. Turns out his canon counterpart hates going outside. Of course I started to run with it and I made him a typical “quiet kid”. He’s slightly more socially aware, but he’s probably still going home first (not that he’s complaining).
Lindsay’s the same, but lookit her cool jacket!
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Courtney’s bossiness is gone almost entirely; she’s a pure teacher’s (read: host’s) pet. The only one she’s trying to push around is a canon compliant Duncan.
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Noah’s part of Heather’s alliance as her spy, just as the rumors say. Eva’s more social, generally more boisterous, but no less temperamental. I may have ripped off TD Reunion’s look for her.
Izzy is a universal constant. She changes for nobody.
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I could’ve added Sierra and Alejandro. But I didn’t, because where’s the fun in that?
BTW, these are very rough designs. TD’s art style, despite being the inspiration for my own, is deceptively hard to emulate.
Jeremy (Killer Bass) is a mischievous prankster who the rest of his team quickly deems an annoyance but keeps around for his unorthodox thinking. He almost immediately forms a kinship with Harold and Tyler as the team’s outcasts, meaning Courtney and Bridgette have to deal with two warring trios as whoever hasn’t been eliminated by this point watches in amusement.
Addison (Not Killer Bass) is a fast talking hustler who’s smuggled a ton of sweets into camp and barters them off to the other Gophers, mostly Owen, Izzy, and Cody, in exchange for assistance. She’s a member of Heather’s alliance, bringing their numbers up to five, but she’s clearly a wildcard who’ll flip on her if it’s convenient. Heather can’t trust so easily, but Addison’s ironically one of the few who doesn’t hate her.
I have a whole elimination order planned out, but I don’t have the time to write a full fanfic, so I’ll just keep it shelved for now. Maybe I’ll just make a broad outline.
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kenro199x · 7 months
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X-PLUS Godzilla vs. Evangelion Toho 30cm Series EVA Unit 01 G Awakening Mode JP and the X-Plus Godzilla vs. Evangelion Deforeal
I love all of these and wish there was media to accompany this lovely merch.
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mattodore · 7 months
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finally opening the sims so corn can make a friend—so long as he keeps his fangs to himself. she doesn't want her blood drained, corn 🫵 @squea
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jinruihokankeikaku · 8 months
In celebration of the 28th anniversary of Neon Genesis Evangelion's first episode, here's my translation of both pre- and post-storyboard versions of the Episode's script, complete with cut-by-cut notes from Ogawa B. and Oguro Yuuichirou's columns in Eva Fan Club, as well as translations of the footnotes from Eva Original - a total of 90 annotations, some never-before translated, linked in-line as endnotes in the PDF.
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I (unwisely) recently logged on to the website formerly known as Twitter, and was immediately greeted with more eva fandom misogynist apologia on the for you tab. Will this ever end?
Equating Shinji's misogynistic actions towards Asuka (and his more subtle misogyny towards Rei and Misato) to Asuka being rude and abrasive to Shinji is just absurd. Is Asuka rude? Yes. Does she have poor social skills? 100%. But Asuka is not a bully, period. Why? Bullying, like abuse, is about power structures. The only character more powerless than Asuka in this show is Rei. Asuka has no adults on her side. Misato favors Shinji because he reminds her of her father wound and neglects Asuka because she reminds her of the feminine parts of herself (read: her unhealthy interactions with men and boys, particularly Kaji and Shinji, which, ironically, stem from her father wound). Or have we forgotten about this scene? Similarly, once Kaji arrives in Japan, he also begins neglecting Asuka in favor of Shinji.
In addition to Shinji's mistreatment of her, Asuka's also experiencing culture shock (compounded by the fact that she's functionally illiterate in Japanese, since she canonically can't read kanji) and the fact that Kensuke was literally manufacturing and distributing csam material of her (and other girls!). Asuka also lacks the protective Eva Unit that Shinji benefits from at almost every turn. The only ally Asuka has is Hikari, who is an ordinary girl with no power over any of the things that are harming or have harmed Asuka.
The smoking gun here is the fact that Shinji is fantastically unfazed by Asuka (who, it must be said, makes several attempts to be kind to Shinji -- which he typically shuts down). Until eoe, the most emotion that he shows around her is when he's understandably upset that she moved into his room while he was at school, and even then he's not upset with Asuka, he's moreso upset at the situation. When he does finally get angry at her in eoe, it's because she was honest with him about how he hurts her and how she does not want to help him (to be clear: she's not obligated to).
Besides that, he nonchalantly tells her not to speak to him that way, or confesses to another character that he finds her bothersome or annoying. There is no real evidence that Asuka has any significant, negative impact on Shinji's psyche the way an actual bully would have on their victim; no, the characters who have the most negative impact on Shinji are Gendo, Yui, and Misato.
What empowers bullies of any age in real life is a power structure (be it at a school, workplace, or in the home) that is negligent towards the victim. There is a reason why school bullies tend to be star athletes, high academic achievers, or exceptionally well-liked (by students, staff, or both) students -- it's because these students often come from privileged backgrounds and/or are aligned with the power structure of the school. Power empowers, go figure.
Misato's treatment of Shinji is definitely not admirable (let's not forget that by the end of the series, Misato has assaulted Shinji); but it's not neglectful. She's very concerned with and involved with his inner life, albeit for selfish reasons. Conversely, Misato knows every ounce of Asuka's pain (rewatch the end of episode 10) and still neglects her! Keeping both Asuka and Shinji in the same household after episode 9 was a mistake on Misato's part. A good, competent caretaker would've discussed the issue (the nonconsensual kiss) with them both separately with the end result being one or both of them moving out into the dorm-like housing that NERV has.
Point being is that the power structure exclusively benefits Shinji relative to Asuka. Despite also suffering as a child soldier and a victim of trauma and abuse, he is privileged relative to Asuka due to how the adults who have power over him and Asuka favor him through their interactions.
Finally, eoe beats us over the head with how uncompassionate Shinji is towards Asuka, Rei, and Misato. Characters who just to happen to be...women and girls. Huh. How about that? It's almost like there's a message there. Although there are a few moments in the show where it's suggested that Shinji ought to empathize more with boys and men like Toji, Kaji, and Gendo (suggestions to empathize with Gendo tend to come from Rei in particular, which I'm not a huge fan of, for the record, but I also recognize that this is Rei imparting her own perspective regarding her own internal journey of questioning onto Shinji), the fact that in eoe, the piece that marks the end of the series, much of the narrative focuses on Shinji's treatment of the women and girls in his life is absolutely significant and sends a message about misogyny.
Does being a misogynist make Shinji a horrible, irredeemable character? Well, that's up to each viewer to decide. My take is that he can still break the cycle and improve. Any story about childhood trauma and abuse would be incomplete without at least one of the characters going down the road of turning into an abuser and/or their traumatizer -- Shinji fits this bill in eva, same with Misato and Ritsuko. Despite everything, I like Shinji. I find him endearing and even identify with him to a certain degree.
When you ignore these facts about Shinji's character, you are erasing a large, very interesting part of his character. Reducing him down to any flavor of sensitive, soft boy is as boring as it is cliche after the more than a quarter of a century since the first episode aired in 1995.
The softness, the sensitivity -- this is Shinji's exterior. Beneath it lies someone who is selfish, callous, bitter, rude, and self-flagellating. As is the case with every eva character, the interior is more interesting than the exterior.
The thing is that everything I've discussed in this post isn't just some throwaway line or a piece of blink and you'll miss it symbolism. It's present in this show basically from episode 1 onward. Seriously, rewatch episodes 1-7. Shinji clearly has some misogynistic ideas about how women should be and this rubs off on how he thinks of Misato (and Rei!), especially regarding how women should dress, keep house, and interact with their sexuality. He not uncommonly makes jabs at Misato for being a slob and having poor dating prospects. After Asuka arrives, much of this is transferred to her.
If anything I've written here sounds like vilification to you, I'd encourage you to examine why. For better or worse, this is the reality of eva and Shinji as a character. Will you face this reality, or just keep on dreaming?
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neon-ufo · 7 months
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here's my new gloomdog anthro character Eva! 🖤💕 I initially designed her as a one-off exercise at designing an ~authentic~ sparkledog but then i decided i liked her too much to stop there lmao
oh and greg is also there, you might remember him as an adopt i made a while ago
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rat-prophetess · 1 year
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my depression is incessant but my memes are effervescent and the remains of my soul are rotting and putrescent (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) ♫・:.。. .。.:・
Patho classic HD + text posts, part 4 [part 1/part 2/part 3/part 5] [Patho 2 version, part 1/part 2/part 3/part 4/part 5/part 6]
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alicenpai · 8 months
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It's spooky season 🩸🖼 my characters Trent, Eva, and Jack. the themes were a vampire AU + a loosely early Victorian era dress 🌹
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