#Eve as Prometheus
haggishlyhagging · 11 months
The story of the first people begins in Genesis 2, when God creates Adam, the first human being. The first Adam is a very simple and uncultured being, so simple that in the quest to find Adam a "suitable companion," God creates the animals. At this early point in Adam's development, God can entertain the notion that the animals might be fit companions for the lone Adam. God brings each animal to Adam, and Adam takes notice of each and gives it a name. "But for Adam he didn't find a suitable companion." God then creates woman.
The nature of humanity changes drastically after the creation of Eve. In response to the serpent's revelation that eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge would make her more godlike, she eats, and by doing so she acquires the knowledge of things—cultural knowledge. In this way, Eve wrests knowledge from the realm of the divine, takes the first step towards culture, and transforms human existence. The coming of knowledge is stated very simply: “the eyes of both of them were opened and they perceived that they were naked, and they sewed together fig leaves and made themselves loincloths.” Two things have happened: not only have Adam and Eve realized that they are naked, a category they had not perceived in their childlike innocence, but, in addition, they are now able to sew themselves loincloths out of the available fig leaves. Somehow, the knowledge of this skill of sewing, the beginnings of cultural knowledge, has come with the eating of the fruit of the knowledge of all things. The "natural" state of humankind's Edenic beginnings has disappeared: humans become creatures of culture, able to make creations of their own. They leave the garden and embark on their cultural existence.
The implications of Eve's act are enormous. In a bite, she has “stolen” cultural knowledge, taking it from the sacred realm and bringing it to humankind. Almost immediately, Adam and Eve have to leave the garden of Eden: human beings leave their liminal infancy and enter the world of human reality. God then ratifies this change in their existence, and formally recognizes that they have left the animal world by providing them clothes made out of animal skins.
This story has a long history of interpretation in post-biblical Western tradition, which concentrated on the sin of disobeying God. Early post-biblical literature does not focus on this story as an account of the origin of sin, which it derives from the story of the marriage of the angels to human women, a post-Biblical elaboration of Genesis 6:1-4. From the first century B.C.E. on, the exegetical tradition sees sin originating in the Paradise story, and by the first century C.E. on, Eve is blamed for this fall. Eve is seen as the first yielder to temptation, the one who brought sin and evil into the world.
Western writers since Origen have often associated Eve with the Greek myth of Pandora, the first woman, who unleashes misfortune on humankind when she opens the forbidden box. She is, however, better compared to Prometheus, who disobeyed the gods and brought culture (in the form of fire) to humanity. Like Prometheus, Eve acts on her own initiative; like Prometheus, she transforms human existence: and, like Prometheus, she suffers as the result of her gift to humanity. However—unlike Prometheus—Eve, the Bible's first culture bearer, is human. And she is female. This depiction of Eve as culture hero has an inner coherence and logic to it, for Eve's role in this primeval scene is the woman's role in the life of human beings, and that of the goddesses of the ancient Sumerian pantheon. The goddesses are figures of culture and wisdom just as women are the first teachers of cultured existence, the transformers of raw into edible, grass into baskets, fleece and flax into yarn and linen and then into clothes, and babies into social beings. They are the mediators of nature and culture in daily life, and Eve the first woman is the first transformer who begins the change from "natural" simple human beings into cultural humanity.
-Tikva Frymer-Kensky, In the Wake of the Goddesses: Women, Culture, and the Biblical Transformation of Pagan Myth
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sarafangirlart · 2 months
Ok so considering that Hesiod wrote Pandora in a misogynistic manner where she is evil bc she’s a woman and later writings conflated her with Eve and had her be a naive innocent soul I’d like to propose a middle ground. Y’know order 66 from Star Wars where all the clones became besties with their Jedi but were programmed to turn on them once they get the signal and there is nothing they can do to stop themselves from killing their friends? I imagine something similar with Pandora, where she was programmed by the gods to be Epimetheus’s perfect beautiful and cunning wife, help him take care of mankind after Prometheus returned fire to them, and for a while things go well, they have a daughter named Pyrrha.
One day Pandora receives a vision to carry out what she was created to do, she doesn’t want to doom her people, she doesn’t want to doom her daughter, she doesn’t want to betray her husband, but she does it, she opens the jar and all of humanity suffers for it.
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groundrunner100 · 5 months
Don’t forget to reblog your FAVORITE starship!
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What would Titus’s favorites movie genre? Does he have a favorite movie?
Music: Planet Supreme - They Spoke To Us
Growing up in the Orbital Colonies, Orion 13 Specifically, Titus's entertainment interests have always been War Games. Every year the games are held and hosted at the Crystal Palace. Powerful families like Atreides, Azimuth, and Volkov; to name a few. They bring their children and they connect into a deep dive simulation of Celestial Conquest. Simulating large scale battles with their most advanced tech. Battle Cruisers firing energy cannons and kinetic weapon systems blitzing through the vacuum of space.
If you've ever read Red Rising, a novel by Pierce Brown, the series has a depiction of galactic war much like this. It would also be a good comparison for reference.
So the question, what is his favorite movie genre? Movies about grand scale battles and the feats performed within. Particularly in space. Something along the lines of Mass Effect meets EVE Online.
The movies are essentially scrolled footage of previous War Games or dramatic recreations of them. These simulations include civilians. The players must choose how to deal with them, how to help or oppress them. Whatever tactics they choose to employ in order to achieve victory. While some families like Azimuth are known for their more altruistic approach, Atreides is known for oppression. Other families have other means of victory but Atreides has a history of conquest through dominance. It's these victories in the last 9 War Games that have secured their position as the most powerful family in the Orbital Colonies.
Titus has a fascination with conquest and heroic feats. The Atreides genetics at work. However; something that his family never noticed, aside from his sister, Artemis, is that he tends to sympathize with the commoners in these movies and games. Titus himself as won 4 out of the last 9 war games, his brother Pax having won the other most recent 5.
Titus won his through collaborative effort with the civilians aboard the enemy frigates and colonies, enacting similar tactics as Darrow in Morning Star, the second book of the Red Rising series. Link provided
I know that was a long winded answer but I don't get to elaborate on Titus's life much, so I apologize, I do not apologize.
As for his favorite movie, Prometheus.
A movie about many things, but I'll touch on the parts that make it special to him.
The subject of pre-human intelligent life, aliens, and inter-planetary travel. Architects of an advanced civilization leading early man into a new age.
Something to be said about this, is that after seeing this movie, Titus stopped thinking so much about winning War Games, and began to look even further away from Earth. Deeper into the stars, towards Jupiter's moon, Europa. Where Orbital Colonies Pisces 4 and Ursa 9 sent expeditions to establish moon colonies. He thinks about how he wants to be part of the first intelligent life on a planet. Earth isn't enough, its already there. He wants something new.
However; after our "Cosmic Angel" fell from grace, he has to worry more about how he'll handle this new hand in life. Will he return to the stars, or will he conquest assist Night City?
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esurialis · 1 year
eve is so explicitly afforded no agency throughout time. she's evil, but she didn't choose to be; it's a result of her disobedience. for thousands of years, it was utterly terrifying for theologians (who were overwhelmingly male) to think that eve chose to be "evil" of her own volition, chose to gain knowledge, to escape paradise, to evade blind obedience to a higher power. so no. no, instead, she is tempted. her lack of control over her own urges and desires (innately female features, we're repeatedly told throughout time) are what lead to her demise. her tempter becomes s/atan, who in turn becomes l/ucifer. l/ucifer, a male figure of deliberate resistance and rebellion; eve is presented as doing precisely that, but her sin is portrayed as something accidental. it's the fault of a silly little woman, not an angel fighting a perceived injustice. and we see this then reflected against women in history and in mythos alike––women commit disobedience by mistake, by foolishness, by clumsiness. like eve, like pandora. it is only men that can disobey heroically, intelligently, or with authentic and valid motivation and reasoning. like prometheus, like faust.
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chillychive · 2 years
Thought for The day: Can Religion and Science coexist? Can they both be believed in by the same person simultaneously?- @thoughtforthedaysolitaire
Definitely! I am pretty religious and believe firmly in science. I think you can absolutely believe in science and religion. Personally, I think the problem with their coexistence come in two places- the afterlife/life after death, and the beginning/origin of humanity or the universe. But the thing is, science gives us no answers on if our consciousness goes on after death. So religion, as convoluted as it can be sometimes, can give us those answers. And religion, in my opinion, is allowed lose interpretation. I have a hard time believing that the story of Adam and Eve was exactly how it happened, but I also believe that some things are beyond science. For example, I think it's probable that humans crawled out of the primordial soup and evolved in Africa. But I can't help but wonder if Adam and Eve could have happened in a looser sense, the idea of souls being given to humans, the promise of prosperity if they only resisted temptations. But they failed to, and instead became early humans. I could believe in something like that.
Science and Religion are not mutually exclusive. It's okay to go to work and work with particle physics and come home to say your prayers. It's fine to keep them separate, compartmentalized in your life. But I think balance comes in allowing each to take their place, looking to medicine for healing and looking to God for hope while ill. Looking to science for answers and allowing religion to fill the gaps. Looking to the science to know that the stars are giant balls of gas and plasma, but to religion to remember that they have inspired humans for centuries to seek morality to please the gods they saw in constellations.
They're allowed to coexist, and I think they can each have their place in a person's life, if they want it.
It's also important to note that Religion doesn't have to mean conforming to a religious text and believing it came from God. It can be whatever you want it to be when you need it. There's no wrong way to believe. Religious communities are not the same as religion. Believe what you need to believe, trust what you need to trust, take what you need to take, and you're allowed to leave whatever you don't need. At the end of the day, religion is between you and whatever you believe in. No other person has a right to tell you how to believe.
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theonevoice · 8 months
Don't mind me, just wondering if, back in ancient Greece, Aziraphale and Crowley would be casually listening to some aiodos telling the story of Prometheus, punished with eternal tortures for giving humanity the gift of fire/knowledge, and suddenly each of them would have the chilling realization that he had done the same: Aziraphale by giving Adam and Eve his flaming sword and Crowley by giving them the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.
Or even worse: each of them would realise that the the other one had done the same, and was risking horrific tortures should anyone ever find out.
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Salvator Rosa, Torture of Prometheus (1646-1648) - Galleria Corsini, Rome
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valtsv · 5 months
PLEASE elaborate on “davidelizabeth in alien covenant if i wrote it” they squandered her potential so bad !
okay so first all i have already talked about how i feel that covenant should have built on the sticky psychosexual gothic horror tension between david and shaw and developed it into a toxic codependent dynamic (that predictably ends poorly due to their fundamentally opposing ideological stances as well as one-sided obsession on david's side), so i'm going to attach that rather than rehash it.
but honestly if i'd written covenant i would have had elizabeth survive david long enough to establish herself on the engineer planet in hiding from him (following a "breakup" caused by his act of genocide), and have the arrival of the colonists in covenant be the catalyst that forces them to confront each other again and finish what they started. i'm not entirely certain of the specifics, but i think there's a lot you could do with the central themes of alien as a cosmic/existential horror (a story about horrifying revelations, terrible change and progress/evolution that is unrecognisable as anything but nightmarish to the human minds bearing witness), a body horror narrative focused on sexual assault, pregnancy and childbirth/parenthood, and an examination of extraterrestrial horror as this colonial mindset - the fear of being violently replaced by something that deems itself better than you and works ruthlessly to eradicate you from your places of safety which it has taken for its own - as well as the more prometheus-specific themes of parental trauma and religion (mostly christianity) by making the core conflict between david and his xenomorphs and elizabeth and humanity, like a sort of fucked up retelling of adam and eve in the garden of eden.
to tie up loose ends, since prometheus and covenant are meant to be prequels to the original alien films, i'd probably have elizabeth succeed in being the final girl (a parallel to ripley in the original franchise) but tragically go into self-imposed exile/die alone in an attempt to prevent the xenomorphs from being stumbled across by future explorers and becoming a threat again, as well as possibly out of some warped sense of guilt, both for having allowed herself to ever love david and believe him capable of change, and for failing to save him ("save" very much in the biblical sense, as in persuade him to share her point of view and abandon his descent down a dark path). needless to say, she doesn't succeed, making her "victory" all the more phyrric.
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adracat · 3 months
Law of Casuality Write-Up (Pt.1?)
Warning!!: the following contains self-indulgence to the likes you’ve never seen before
Law of Causality: The proposition that everything in the universe has a cause and is thus an effect of that cause
Happy Sulemio week! Since it’s Fantasy Day, I decided to finally get cracking on this freeform analysis of my G-Witch series— Law of Causality. I’ve mentioned before this may be my favorite thing I’ve ever written. I was in a manic ADHD-fixation trance while writing this series. If you want the literary version of a triple-layer myth cake, this may be for you. I was considering an essay-style dissection but that’s taking too long. So here are my loose insights into this series as a whole!
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Art by my friend Tay, or @TaruhtQarineXiV on Twitter
As Above, So Below: Where it all began. I’ve mentioned in the A/Ns that this was spawned from my deep looks into what the show was taking inspiration from (imo). It’s my little love letter to Sulemio and gwitch, which quickly grew into something more.
Queen in White/King in Red—Beyond the alchemy, I wanted titles that sounded fairytale-esque while also hinting toward another mythos. Hastur or the King in Yellow (Signalis and True Detective enjoyers know that name) The initial King in Yellow appears in Haïta the Shepherd as the benevolent god of shepherds; a domain Hastur shares with Mercury. The short story is about the impermanence of happiness and how it can only be found once you stop seeking it. It’s a theme I ran with for the entirety of LoC, particularly Elnora. The later incarnations of Hastur are malicious eldritch figures. Suletta vs Prospera 😊
On Faerytales: LoC is obsessed with cycles and the rhyming of history. To me, fairytales embody that perfectly. The oral traditions of them are never the exact same, flavored with variations throughout the years. It’s how we got mythology to local folklore to Brothers Grimm to Disney renditions. That’s why I used Eros and Psyche and Sleeping Beauty for Suletta and Miorine (I’m convinced the show does this too but ymmv)
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The latter is inspired by the former with Psyche placed under a sleeping torpor Eros breaks. In Sleeping Beauty, the offending curse is a spindle and she’s barricaded by a witch in the form of a dragon. The Hawthorn serves as Mio’s ‘spindle’ as she suffers depression and isolation in the wake of her mother’s vanishing. Prospera (coded as witch Satan) is the dragon. Notrette is the fairies bearing gifts. In a twist, Suletta wakes her with Love as Anteros in the place of Eros. Yes I layered this cake excessively. It’s probably still confusing; I’m sorry.
Tldr; I used Sleeping Beauty alongside Greek myth.
Chaos and Night: Paradise Lost twisted into a toxic witch romance. One of the most insane ideas I’ve had, but I adore it to bits. Both Prospera and Notrette are vested to the teeth with mythology and theology.
Notrette: Besides Thelema’s Nuit/Babalon and cuing her as ‘God’, as a being of creation, opposed to the Devil, I fit so much into her character. She’s Lilith, Pandora, Circe, Ceres, Virgin Mary, the Morrigan, Ariadne, a deconstruction of the Mother Goddess from neopaganism, and the capricious Queen of Elphame from folklore.
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Another figure I styled her after is White Boann, the Dagda’s mistress and wife to Nechtan (cognate with Nuada or the silver-hand) which is where you get the hazel tree link. Boann names her son Aengus because the Dagda was her ‘one desire’.
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Circling back to Paradise Lost, she also plays the willing Eve who falls to Satan’s temptation in place of Miorine. There’s likely things I’m forgetting; I was so normal plotting her character.
Elnora: What can I say about this glorious wreck that wasn’t in the text? Venus, The red dragon Satan, the Beast from revelation, pagan Horned God, Neptune to Ceres, Theseus and Bacchus to Ariadne, Prometheus to Pandora, every Phosphoros, etc I’d be here all day. She’s coded as Orion the hunter who’s undone by Gaia and also the Teumessian fox to Suletta’s Laelaps. I mentioned she’s the riders of the apocalypse at the end too. White Rider is Suletta but her mom fulfills the rest; ‘Riding’ Vim as War, Riding Belmeria as Famine while wielding the ‘scales’ (Notrette as Libra) Finally, she wears the visage of death to bring Pestilence to the kingdom. I squeezed in the other omens of revelation with symbolism such as the crown of wormwood (Revelation 8:11)
When it comes to her role as Prometheus, I coded both Delling and Mio as birds of Venus (swallow and dove respectfully.) It’s meant to symbolize the ‘eagle’ devouring her was primarily herself all along. She was the architect of her ruin, lampshaded by Notrette from the beginning.
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Remember Haïta the Shepherd? In the story, there is a maiden whom embodies the ephemeral nature of happiness. Notrette is Elnora’s transformative destruction into cathartic acceptance/happiness. In Paradise Lost, Satan succeeds at banishing Eve and Adam from the garden but similarly fails when he’s turned into a snake. She’s lucky I was more metaphorical.
I liberally used Revelation 12, the woman and the dragon, as well. Look at me shipping crackships from the Bible. This is mostly self-explanatory, ofc Christ is genderbent and a role shared by Sulemio. Mio’s allergy to iron doubles as a nod to this, since she doesn’t take her father’s kingdom in this universe.
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There is more, such as Dionysis/Bacchus being a many-faced god with younger and older versions paralleling the Horned God’s dual aspects and the Dagda’s relationship to Aengus which led to me pitting Suletta as a lighter mirror of Elnora. But I’ll leave it here for now.
Writing this all out has me questioning what I was on, and how I can reproduce it. If you got this far, thank you for humoring my unabahed love for this world. Happy Fantasy Day, Sulemios! ❤️
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txttletale · 1 year
It has been maybe 24 hours since I’ve been exposed to your philosophy that action is the abolition of negation, and I cannot stop thinking of it. It haunts my sleep. Prometheus abolished not having fire. Adam and Eve abolished not wearing clothes. My mind races at ten million miles per minute
the idea that a positive action cannot be constituted in 'abolition', that abolition is inherently destructive and that creation and invention can never constitute abolition or vice versa, is silly. did the vaccine not 'abolish' smallpox? would the building of housing for every person in the world not 'abolish' homelessness? did capitalism not 'abolish' feudalism? this is aufhebung--creation and destruction in dialectic, the supersession of an old structure by a new, simultaneously because something old has been destroyed by the introduction of the new and because the destruction of the old has left space for the creation of the new. yes, an absence of a structure is a structure! i repeat myself: go hoot like an ape!
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sigritandtheelves · 5 months
in light of recent events, here's a rundown (again) of all the ways txf has made wombs the source of horror, exploitation, medical rape, or (funny??) non-consensual impregnation. TW for these topics, obviously.
"Eve" - medical rape / impregnation with tampered embryos, and the completely tone-deaf scene with the mother ripping up the picture of a daughter she gave birth to because she was an abomination 🙃
"Ascension" / "One Breath" - GA's pregnancy used to set off the abduction/ infertility/ ova harvesting arc.
"Aubrey" - pregnancy makes BJ crazy and murderous, infected (via the womb?) with the spirit of someone who's still alive (???)
"Fearful Symmetry" - human wombs aren't the only ones being exploited! the aliens are coming after animal fetuses now too!
"Memento Mori" - stolen ova; Scully's infertility becomes a plot point; clones made from the product of medical rape.
"Small Potatoes" - goofy jokey rape episode, you know, for laughs. "If everyone is happy, and nobody got hurt, then hypothetically... where's the crime?" 😖
"The Post-Modern Prometheus" - more hilarious medical rape for laughs, now with Cher! "What's not to love?"
"Christmas Carol" / "Emily" - why are all the girl children disposable? Another child of medical rape who was (conveniently) "never meant to be."
Fight the Future - Scully is damseled once again and this time her whole body becomes a womb to host a monstrosity! Fun!
"Terms of Endearment" - so so so many dead babies in this episode 😭 Pregnant people can be victims OR monsters! That's feminism! 🙃
"Two Fathers" / "One Son" - this one might be a little bit of a stretch, but I'd like to point out again that Teena was 19 when she married Bill Mulder and any "affair" she had with CSM the following year was likely not terribly consensual, given what we see of their relationship later. She was 20 when Mulder was born.
"Signs and Wonders" - horrifying snake birth
"En Ami" - retroactively (2018) included yet another medical rape for Scully (though I 100% refuse to accept it); apparently, CSM is perpetually impregnating the Mulder men's partners 🤮
"Per Manum" - more medical rape by corrupt IVF doctors, and we learn that Scully's IVF attempt was probably tampered with, too. does any character deserve this much reproductive trauma?
"Essence" / "Existence" - yeah. we all know, and I'm not talking about it anymore.
Actually, the whole William arc. I'm just not gonna talk about it because it fills me with an unholy rage.
"My Struggle" - Sveta's medical rape / alien rape? idk, i won't watch these again.
"Founder's Mutation" - more of the same, yadda yadda, medical experimentation, monstrous births, etc.
"My Struggle IV" - we don't need to talk about it, but children and pregnancies are not disposable plot points, Christopher.
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luna-writes-stuff · 10 months
Run To The Water, Lucifer
Song link
Fanfic, gn! reader (more OC, but no specific appearances/names/pronouns are mentioned!)
Fluff, reunion, lore-heavy
Word count: 3826
Tw: mention of injuries, constant lower back pain (because I know I’m not the only one who struggles with this), some a la Prometheus eternal punishment thing. Mutual longing, God is an asshole. I think I swore maybe two times? Again - more OC than reader, but not entirely so idk. Not proofread.
Summary: Before mankind, there were angels and there was you. But unlike the angels, you weren’t created by God’s hands, and he loathed you for it. He used you as an inspiration for humans before trying to get rid of you. Now, years later, your favourite angel is running free again. And he comes to seek you out.
Buy me a coffee/force me to write more
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Oh, desert speak to my heart. Oh, woman of the earth. Maker of children who weep for love. Maker of this birth.”
In the beginning, before mankind and capitalism and whatnot, Earth was a simple run ground for god and his angels. They got to run haywire, create things, destroy things, whatever would ‘inspire’ God, as he had put it. He came to create light, life, death - everything. But through everything he had made and everything he had prided himself on, he had never created you. You came into existence long before the humans, from a source no one truly knew. He could have left you there to rot: something that wasn’t his. It was almost an insult. Yet something about you made him give in, caused him to offer you shelter where his angels would be safe.
And as much as he initially hated you, he saw something in him that his angels didn’t show him: inspiration for his greatest creation yet. He kept you close only leaving you around his four most trusted sons when he was away. It never felt like a prison to you.
It didn’t, until Adam and Eve were created.
As they set their first steps on Earth, you were approached by a group of angels, claiming they were there to ‘escort you out’. You had followed them, had it not been for Lucifer, and his distrust towards his siblings. God had seen your purpose fit - you had become his greatest inspiration, mankind; an improved version of you. Or that is what he had believed. You were not his creation, therefore did not deserve to set foot on his land. And after he had realised his greatest invention, it was time to get rid of ‘that which was left’.
“'Til your deepest secrets are known to me, I will not be moved. I will not be moved.”
Lucifer had helped you hide from his father and siblings, making sure you were safe as they scavenged the Earth. For years, this worked. Humans evolved - though slowly - and Lucifer’s temper had begun to grow significantly worse.
It was after only a handful of decades that you were finally found. In his act of cruelty, God made his favourite son execute his ‘dumbest decision’, still unaware of the fact that it had been Lucifer who had kept you hidden all these years. That is when he snapped. He belittled humans, claiming them to be a cheap copy of you - which had held truth in it - and needy. God forgot his first children just to be able to rule his new playthings.
It was that fateful day that had led to his downfall. He was cast down from Heaven, forced to live upon the place that housed the creatures he hated most. He tried to rule Hell for a while, making sure you had still been safe. Even after centuries of humans coming into existence, angels kept looking for you everywhere. And though the search had significantly faded over time, you knew that if you were to announce your presence, they’d try to get rid of you as quickly as they could.
Many had believed you had died in those years. Though not nearly ageing as quickly as humans, you surely couldn’t be immortal. The opposite was proven when the angels landed their attack on Lucifer. It was when you had finally been captured, that Lucifer’s strength slowly began to face, until he was banished to the cage.
Since then, he hadn’t known what had happened to you, nor where you had been. And in his eyes, that had been a worse punishment than being kept in a cage.
“Don't try to find the answer When there ain't no question here. Brother, let your heart be wounded And give no mercy to your fear.”
God couldn’t kill you - the weakling. Instead, he stripped you off all that made you divine, save for your ageing process. You were forced to stay on Earth and live out the rest of your eternal life without a branch of special on you. You were quick to find out God had kept angels in your street, keeping constant vigilance. If you were to even say the wrong thing, he’d know.
It took a long time for you to adjust to simply living on the streets as everyone did. You had to reinvent yourself a ton of times in order to keep up the facade of being a mortal woman. But after a while, you learned to maintain a normal job, pay bills (as God had so horribly intended), make new friends, watch them grow old and happy, then ‘die’ of a sudden cardiac arrest. And the cruellest of it all, was the fact you couldn’t die, even if you wanted to. God would find a way to bring you back.
An eternal punishment for simply existing.
“Adam and Eve live down the street from me. Babylon is every town. It's as crazy as it's ever been. Love's a stranger all around.”
It was late when you returned home from work. One of the cons of turning more mortal was the constant ache in your lower back, and your incapability to heal it. All you really wanted to do when you came home was fall into your bed and not get out for a long time.
The walk home was silent, but what caught you off-guard was the lack of eyes on you. For the first time in decades, you didn’t have the constant feeling of being watched. And it caused an unsettling shiver to run down your spine. Angels weren’t one to give up on their tasks - not without a significant threat. And if it had taken them out, you weren’t safe to begin with.
With a quicker pace, you walked onto your patio, your keys gripped tightly in your hands in case someone would try to sneak up on you. Unlocking the door, you walked in, immediately locking it behind you. A long sigh escaped you when you heard the satisfactory click.
Kicking your shoes off and hanging your coat over a chair, you waltzed towards the couch, falling down onto it with an obnoxious huff. You turned the tv on, staring at the screen blankly, the words not fully registering.
Somewhere, in the back of your mind, something told you you were not alone. And though that usually brought a terrifying chill, this seemed somewhat comfortable.
“In a moment we lost our minds here, And lay our spirit down. Today we lived a thousand years. All we have is now.”
You sat upright, now scanning the room more intently. From the corner of your eye, you could see something move in the kitchen, followed by a light amount of noise. Not turning the tv off, you carefully walked towards the source, turning your head around the corner first.
You didn’t recognise the man in the kitchen. You did, however, recognise the faint glow emanating from him. No human held that glow, not unless their body was being used by someone else.
The scrubbing on the jacket halted, and you now noticed the bloodstains on it. You frowned at the sight, then dropped your shoulders as you noticed the small pile of already red-stained towels. When the man turned around, you came face to face with him, and it suddenly began to click why the room had felt so comfortable.
“Run to the water And find me there. Burnt to the core but not broken.”
“You’re alive,” he breathed, before dropping the towel and walking up to you, pulling you into his figure. You hesitantly returned the embrace, still half in shock of what had just happened. For years, you believed God had killed his son, leaving you alive in terrible mockery, but the opposite was proven now. And in his eyes, he believed you had died as well. He went out on a gut feeling and found exactly what he had been looking for.
When his hands tightened on your back, you finally yielded, vehemently returning the embrace, burying your head in his chest. “You’re alive,” He repeated, one of his hands trailing to your hair, running his hand through it softly, as if frightened that notion would break you.
As you parted, his eyes remained on you, trailing over your figure as if to properly observe you. “You haven’t changed at all,” He muttered, before he took you into his embrace again. “I thought you died,” You managed to whisper, your eyes glued to his wings that had now become apparent.
“The feeling is mutual,” He sighed, keeping you at arm’s length when you heard a car pass by. His eyes trailed to the window, an instant glare building on his face. “We need to get out of here. Don’t worry about the angels,” He spoke in one breath, before looking at you again. “I took care of them.” “I figured,” You nodded, still at loss for words.
“We'll cut through the madness Of these streets below the moon. These streets below the moon.”
Outside, you heard car doors open, followed by heavy footsteps, walking towards your porch. “Lucifer,” A gruff voice cut through the tense silence. On the other side of your kitchen stood another person, one you easily recognised as angel. You furrowed your eyes at him in anger, all too familiar with angels and the way they perceived you. You didn’t miss the slight smile on Lucifer’s face as he looked at the angel.
“Too late, little brother.”
And with that, the two of you had left your home, now suddenly in the middle of a forest. You looked around quickly, your stomach churning as the brief travel ended. Your knees buckled underneath you, your hands extending to break your fall. Nausea settled in you as you tried to regain your breath, remaining hunched over. Lucifer observed you from a distance, his hands in his pockets.
“So,” He began, his voice slightly uncomfortable. “You mortal now?” You looked over your shoulder, sparing him a mocking smile: “Consider it your father’s greatest gift.”
His eyebrows raised the words, silently cursing his father for your punishment. “At least he didn’t kill you.” “Bastard couldn’t do it,” You muttered. “Claimed I reminded him too much of you.” “He’s always so sentimental.” Lucifer agreed.
“And I will never leave you, 'Til we can say, this world was just a dream. We were sleepin', now we are awake 'Til we can say.”
When you remained on the floor, your breathing unsteady, the fallen angel walked towards you. He frowned lightly at the sight of your discomfort. “You okay?” A groan came from you as you tried to sit upright, pain shooting through your lower back. “Just peachy.”
Lucifer’s lips formed in a thin line, observing your figure. “Right,” He spoke sarcastically. Then, he reached down, holding his hands on your shoulder. When he didn’t do anything else, you looked at him confused. The angel seemed conflicted, looking at you as if he was expecting you to say or do anything. When you didn’t say anything, he took a step back: “I can’t heal you.”
You sighed at that. Naturally, God decided to screw you over even more. “Curse that asshole,” You mumbled on your breath, before clumsily rising to your feet again. When you stumbled slightly, Lucifer’s hands found your waist quickly, keeping you in place.
“I’m fine.” You objected, even though your hands were now holding onto his lower arms. “Yeah, no.” He deadpanned, keeping you steady. “How the mighty have fallen.” You looked up through your lashes as he spoke those words.
“Don’t remind me.”
“In a moment we lost our minds here And dreamt the world was round. A million miles fall from grace. Thank God we missed the ground.”
He looked down at you for a short second before the scenery changed again. That same nauseating feeling entered your stomach as you fell down on something soft. You groaned in pain, curling up, almost as if trying to protect yourself. For a second, you forgot you were around Heaven’s most wanted, and simply laid down, taking a moment to regain your posture.
“No, this is amazing.” You objected as you sat up, now seeing you had landed in some kind of fancy five-star hotel room. It was then that you noticed you had fallen onto a huge bed, the blankets shifting underneath you. You looked at Lucifer with questioning eyes, not understanding why you were suddenly somewhere else.
“Humans need rest.” He just spoke, sitting on a chair next to the bed. “I’ll be fine.” You disagreed, preparing to get off the bed. Before you could set a foot on the floor, Lucifer shook his head, grabbing a book from seemingly nowhere.
“No, you won’t,” He sighed. “I’ll just wait here, I guess.”
“Run to the water And find me there. Burnt to the core, but not broken.”
You simply stared at him. Only minutes ago you were still convinced of his death, well-adjusted to a simple mortal life. And without preparation, he had appeared in your kitchen and whisked you away to who knows where.
You blinked twice at the realisation. You thought he was dead for years. And there he sat, directly in front of you. As if nothing had happened. Noting your eyes still on him, Lucifer looked at you from his seat: “What?” “They told me you died,” You breathed. “I thought I would be the only one left at the end of time.”
He lowered his book upon your words, an unsure expression on his face. You began to grow concerned you might have said the wrong thing. Who knew what he had been through all those years? It mustn't have been easy for him either. “Thought I’d be locked in a cage forever,” He ultimately spoke, halting your concerns. “Had to go through daily torment of mentioning my fall and your death to me.”
Though he spoke in a sarcastic tone, you knew his words were genuine. And as him, you did your best to lighten the situation. You could feel the conflict and pain radiating off of him, but you weren’t going to mention it to him. Not now. Instead, you spoke: “Guess our deaths were a little exaggerated.”
“We'll cut through the madness Of these streets below the moon. With a nuclear fire of love in our hearts.”
“Well, at least there’s still one good thing in this world.” He shrugged, and you couldn’t help but smile at his words, a heartfelt expression crossing your features. At your face, Lucifer slowly shook his, holding his hands up: “No. Forget I said anything,” Pointing towards your smiling figure, he gave you an accusing look. “That was a moment of weakness.”
You didn’t tease him about it. Perhaps later you would mention it again. For now, you just enjoyed his presence, his stupid remarks something you had missed for a very long time. When your smile finally faded, Lucifer just looked at you, his expression relatively neutral, even though you could feel the fondness in his gaze. Be that as it may, the words he spoke weren’t fond in any way. If anything, they had caught you off-guard.
“I’m gonna burn this place down. Restart the world in my image.” Ah yes, the infamous Apocalypse. Of course, you couldn’t forget about that. It was foretold. If anything, you had an idea the angels were planning something for a while now. They had begun to grow more secretive and silent over the last few months. You first thought they had started losing interest in you, but that had not been the case. They were simply preparing for a rematch with Lucifer.
You couldn’t help but understand his views, especially considering what the both of you had gone through in your history. Though your views hadn’t always been the same, you wanted to be at his side. It was the safest you had ever been, nor would ever be.
“Yeah, I can see it now, Lord Out beyond all the breakin' of waves And the tribulation.”
“What would that be?” You asked, to which Lucifer nonchalantly shrugged. “Less humans, more lightsabers.” Though he seemed fond of that idea, you didn’t laugh at it. “Maybe I’ll just wipe this world off the map. We could run to a remote planet.”
You couldn’t help but remain silent at his words, just staring at him, not sure what to do or say. And he had noticed, an oblivious ‘what’ coming out of his mouth. You blinked twice, forcing yourself back to reality. “I’ve spent lifetimes here now,” You answered, your voice much more gentle than you had intended. “I don’t know, there’s good things here too.”
He raised his eyebrows at your statement, testing your words. “Like what?” You shrugged. “I really like dogs.” “We can keep the dogs.” He quickly added, but so did you: “Music is pleasant.” “I’ll find a way.” He continued, to which you groaned in objection.
“Lucifer, humans aren’t evil.” “They’re a faulty copy of you!” He returned angrily. Not at you, but at his father. For daring to mock you in such a brutal way. For the way he wanted to get rid of you once he copied you to make his own creation. “A cheap replication.” He continued to rant. “I don’t want cheap replications when I can have the real thing.”
“It's a place and the home of ascended souls Who swam out there in love.”
“Thank you,” You whispered, unsure of what to answer, but you knew compliments were hard to come by from him. Even though that was true, you couldn’t help but already feel remorseful for losing the life you had known so well for the last few years. Sure, it had been torture for you, but all good moments came from humanity.
“I know the apocalypse is inevitable,” You tried to persuade, laying back down onto the bed. “But think it over.” With that, you turned around, facing your back to him.
“Think it over?” Lucifer repeated incredulously. “Humans are terrible! Have you not caught up with history of the last few years?” “I’ve lived it.” You called over your shoulder, not mad at him. In fact, you had grown kind of disappointed and sad upon the thought of humanity fading from existence. You knew Lucifer could actually do it if he really put the effort into it. “Humans aren’t inherently evil,” You went on. “If I remember correctly, it were the angels who wanted to kill everything.”
He was silent for a moment. Longer than you were used from him. You started to wonder if he might have left. Surely, he wouldn’t have done that.
“Run to the water And find me there. Burnt to the core, but not broken.”
“And that’s why they’ll go too.” He suddenly spoke, now laying next to you on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. You let out of quiet sigh of relief upon his figure, scooting closer to him, but not enough to touch him just yet.
“And live in a world with just the two of us?” You tested. “Wouldn’t that grow…tedious?” You trailed off slightly, knowing you could speak your mind in front of the devil without risking him smiting you. Yet, it felt as if you were cursing him whilst he was directly in front of you.
“Tedious?” He echoed, chuckling as his head turned to face yours, silently assuring you he wasn’t insulted at all. In fact, it had entertained him slightly. You returned his smile, a light feeling entering your stomach upon finally seeing his joy again.
You remained laying there for a second, bathing in the glee of simply having you with him. The feeling seemed mutual, as you watched one of his wings wrap around your figure, pulling you against his body whilst his wing remained draped over you. His arm pulled you into his side, his hand coming to a rest on your side.
His touch was cold, though welcomed. You figured hell must have done a number on him - he had never been cold to touch before.
“We'll cut through the madness Of these streets below the moon. With a nuclear fire of love in our hearts.”
“Well,” He started, thinking out loud. “I could take over Heaven. Rule the string puppets from up there.” You placed your hand on his chest in agreement, a smile crossing your features as you pictured the demise of the angels who have taunted you and haunted you for centuries: “I am all for taking Heaven over.”
The angel chuckled at your comment, rubbing your skin in repeating patterns. “I know you are.”
Then, a second silence struck the pair of you, this one more comfortable, void of any tension of disagreement. The breathing of his chest was a soothing notion for you, all nausea from earlier now finally fading away. The ache in your lower back seemed to calm down slightly on the soft mattress. You silently wondered if Lucifer had felt it when he tried to heal you and got you something that would help with it.
“I’ve missed you so much,” He sighed, slight melancholy in the tone of his voice. “No one else will pay attention to me.” “You egocentric bastard,” You joked, getting comfortable in his arms.
“I missed you too, Lucifer.”
“Rest easy baby, rest easy. And recognize it all as light and rainbows, Smashed to smithereens and be happy.”
Perhaps it had been due to the adrenaline wearing off, you finally being in his arms again, or the fact that you simply had a very tiring day, but your eyelids grew heavier with every breath you took. Falling asleep in your earlier surroundings had always been difficult for you: angels were watching your every move. It was hard to feel safe under the gaze of those who swore to kill you not too long ago.
However, for the first time in a very long time, you finally felt safe. The familiar feeling of his heavy wing draped around you and his looming presence seemed to bring some special sense of comfort that you had longed for for so long.
And thus, Lucifer would spend the rest of the night in his new vessel, staring up at the ceiling for hours on end, not moving, just for you to get a healthy amount of sleep. Talking could happen later, and he had all the time in the world. His siblings wouldn’t find him. Not if he didn’t want to be found. And now, he wanted nothing more than to simply be forgotten by them and remain there.
Right there at that exact moment, he felt peace - something that he hadn’t felt in a long time, and wouldn’t feel again not much later.
“Run to the water. Run to the water.”
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foxwmulder · 8 months
I just found my list of when I categorized every xf episode (mostly through s7) during quarantine lmao
Fresh Bones
The Calusari
Teso Dos Bichos
Hell Money
El Munda Gira
Prison or Military
Deep Throat
The List
The Walk
Miracle Man
All Souls
Signs and Wonders
Cult or Satanists
Gender Bender
Red Museum
Our Town
Die Hand Die Verletzt
Terms of Endearment
Nothing Lasts Forever
Lone Gunmen- or CSM-Centric
Musings of a CSM
Unusual Suspects
Three of a Kind
First Person Shooter
Zero Sum
SR 819
Brand X
Hollywood AD
Arthur Dales’s Tales
The Unnatural
Agua Mala
Scully Side Quest
Irresistible / Orison
Never Again
En Ami
all things
Home Again
Mulder, They Already Destroyed the Evidence!
Dod Kalm
F. Emasculata
The Pine Bluff Variant
Wait, It’s Actually Aliens?
Jose Chung
Control the Elements
Soft Light
The Rain King
Medical Anomalies
Young at Heart
Small Potatoes
Postmodern Prometheus
Founder’s Mutation
Guys Who Need to Eat Weird Stuff
Squeeze / Tooms
Pusher / Kitsunegari
Leonard Betts
Switch Lives or Linked Brains
Paper Hearts
Mind’s Eye
Dreamland I and II
Fight Club
Plus One
Time Travel or Warp
Lost Art of the Forehead Sweat
Ghosts or Past Lives
Born Again
Excelsis Dei
The Field Where I Died
How the Ghosts Stole Christmas
AI Is Out To Get Us
Ghost in the Machine
Kill Switch
Half Man, Half Monster
The Host
Jersey Devil
Bad Blood
Folie a Duex
Mulder and Scully Meet the Weremonster
All Monster, No Man
Darkness Falls
Fearful Symmetry
War of the Coprophages
Field Trip
Magic, Psychic, or Lucky
Beyond the Sea
Clyde Bruckman
The Amazing Maleeni
Je Souaite
The Goldberg Variation
They’re Closing The X-Files!
The Erlenmeyer Flask / Little Green Men
The End / The Beginning
Fight the Future
Colony / End Game
Talitha Cumi / Herrenvolk
Sein Und Zeit / Closure
I’m Literally On Board Already, Scully
Fallen Angel
Nisei / 731
Piper Maru / Apocrypha
Tempus Fugit / Max
Tunguska / Terma
Agent Mulder Is Dead! Or Is He?
Anasazi / The Blessing Way / Paper Clip
Redux I and II
This Is Not Happening / Dead Alive
Mulder…You Good?
Demons / Gethsemane
Biogenesis / The Sixth Extinction
The Syndicate Hates Scully
Duane Barry / Ascension / One Breath
Memento Mori
Christmas Carol / Emily
Patient X / The Red and the Black
Why Was This Made
I Want to Believe
Discarded Categories
Creepy White Guy Predator
This Is a Small Town, We Don’t Lock Our Doors
A Nice Trip to the Forest
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inbarfink · 2 years
I’ve seen some interpretations of the Rocky Horror Picture Show that compare Frank to the Christian Devil and/or the Serpent of Eden. And… it’s not like that doesn’t make sense. Frank is a tempter who stands against the restraint of the explicitly Christian morality of the mainstream culture our protagonists come from. The Criminologist even calls his temptation of Brad and Janet a “forbidden fruit”.  But… I just think that’s not the only angle one can take when looking at Frank. Frank is many things both as an in-universe person and a narrative character. But we are first and foremost introduced to him, before we even get a chance to see him, as a Frankenstein Pastiche.
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Is it any wonder that he does such a good job of playing God?
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Like any good Postmodern Prometheus, Frank creates new life, but this goes beyond just Rocky. It’s Brad and Janet who are kind of the Adam and Eve in this comparison, and while Frank didn’t literally create them with mad science - he did re-make them in his own image.
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(And after first turning them to stone - a form of earth - and then back to flesh)
Also, if we're looking at the Frankenstein's Place as a sort of twisted Garden of Eden -  a place where Brad and Janet lose their innocence, gain greater knowledge and understanding of themselves, commit a transgression by giving into temptation, and then get cast down to Earth unsure of what to do with what they have learned - then Frank as the Master of the castle, who first welcome Brad and Janet but eventually then targets them with furious punishment, fits much better playing the role of God than a random snake or even the Devil himself. 
Yes, it's a weird-reverse-sort-of-God whose creed is exactly the opposite of the Conservative Christian God in whose church Ralph and Betty got married - but this is already a weird-reverse-sort-of-Eden as well. Adam and Eve started off so 'innocent' in that they felt no shame about their nude bodies, and when they lost said innocence is also when they started feeling the need to cover up. Brad and Janet’s 'innocent' state has them dressed very modestly, and their 'corruption' is marked by them... well, they're never fully naked, but certainly gradually get more confortable walking around in their underwears or lingerie.
And following the narrative thread of this weird-reverse-Garden-of-Eden, the real Forbidden Fruit isn’t actually Frank’s dick, it’s Rocky. The Garden of Eden was this wonderland of earthly delights where Adam and Eve could pertake of any fruit they desired.... except for the Tree of Wisdom. That was the one pleasure they were forbidden from. And the Frankenstein’s Place is similarly a paradise of desires - just less of a fruitbowl and more of the Sex, Drugs and Rock n’ Roll variety - but the one thing you can’t do, the one person you’re not allowed to have sex with... is Rocky.
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And I think the interesting question here is ‘why is Rocky the one thing that’s off-limits in Frank’s Fantastic FuckCastle?’.  Because, well, if we look at it from an Eden Perspective, here’s what the Serpent had to say about the subject of the Fruit of Knowledge:
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Eating the Forbidden Fruit isn’t just about succumbing to mortal pleasures about godly morality or whatever, it’s about becoming kinda like God. And maybe that’s the real reason why Frank’s so upset about the idea that Rocky has slept with someone else. It’s less actual romantic jealousy and more... galling at the idea that someone else can tempt his Significant Other to cheat on him. That’s his thing!
And like, espacially since Janet has that line in “Touch-A-Touch-A-Touch-A-Touch Me”
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Which I always read as a kind of admission that she’s like... exploiting Rocky’s desire for an emotional connection for own sexual pleasures. She is maybe falling into this very Frank-Brand of hedonistic manipulativeness. Her newfound knowledge of her sexuality is making her more like ‘God’ in a way, and now this God is pissed about that idea.
And this also does places a ‘Serpent’ figure in our Garden of Eden and that’s Riff-Raff. It’s through his manipulation of events that Janet get offered that Forbidden Himbo in the first place. He probably wasn’t really counting on it directly, more like just causing random chaos in the hopes of distracting Frank long enough to prepre for the coup. But still, without Riff-Raff and Magenta’s tormenting of Rocky, he wouldn’t have fallen in Janet’s lap like this.
And I think, this is taking very directly from the Christian interpetation of the Garden of Eden myth, where the Serpent is retconned as Satan. Riff-Raff is, after all, a resentful servant planning to usurp his master out of jealousy and uses the humans as pawns in his scheme to do that. If Frank is playing God, than Riff-Raff is clearly playing Devil here!
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And, like the pitchfork is OBVIOUSLY a reference to the American Gothic motif but... there’s no reason why you couldn’t also connect it to a Satanic motif? Especially as, with Frank being a Reverse-God who preaches for sin and pleasure, Riff-Raff is a Devil of... well, I dunno if he necessarily believes in all of that sexual conservatism stuff - but he’s certainly willing to use it as an excuse for his personal beef with Frank! Either way the point remains, the pitchfork ties together the concepts of traditionalism and sexual shame, as symbolized by American Gothic, with the Devil.
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I've spent some time thinking over why God tolerated Aziraphale lying to her face and all of his later numerous defiances to her will. I think I've finally got it.
Aziraphale and Crowley are God's two favorite Game Pieces.
Crowley is an obstacle and Aziraphale is a wild card.
It all comes down to the fact that the Good Omens Gods is an all-powerful, presumably omniscient entity, playing an ineffable game.
And the thing is, when you're all powerful, presumably omniscient entity, holding all the cards, any game you play will be pretty damn boring.
And that is where Aziraphale and Crowley come in.
You can't just create a universe, run it for a few thousand years, and then stop.
Crowley does a lot of things. But his main role in God's game is to serve as an obstacle, an obstruction to the plans of both Heaven and Hell; her plans. From the beginning of the show, even when he's messing up the basic delivery of Antichrist, he's essentially performing this function. However, Crowley's obstruction is not random, he becomes an obstacle for specific and predictable reasons, as we've seen throughout the show. What's unpredictable is the outcomes that result from his interference in God's plans. He often takes upon himself to defy God.
Age does not wither, nor custom stale his infinite variety.
Translation from the words that inspired Shakespeare: He's unpredictable! (another reason he is forever compelling to Crowley)
Ever since Aziraphale "Prometheus"-ed away his flaming sword to Adam and Eve, God was probably satisfied to label him as a wild card and left him alone to do his thing. Narratively, he's served that function. He's tied and pulled in many directions, to the point where it was uncertain where he would fall in season 1. He lied to both Micheal then Crowley over where Adam was, he possessed a human like a demon, and yet his decision allowed both him and Crowley to be there in Tadfield to influence Adam when the time came. That's not touching on his mad choices/interferences in season 2. He often takes upon himself to correct God depending on how he interprets Heaven's commands.
Together, Aziraphale and Crowley make the game much more entertaining for God. Hell, she might even ship it. I'm positive the God's real game in the Job episode actually revolved around Aziraphale's and Crowley's actions, not her bet with Satan (if that even happened).
(The real question is if God has started a new game or is continuing her old one.
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fallencrow3 · 8 months
Why Aziraphale and Crowley are definitely normal Angel and demon
Delivered fire to the humans allowing them to survive and evolve (Prometheus)
Got the fire sword which is actually canon in the Bible, gifted to an Angel (in this case azzy) to protect the tree of life (though is a tad different from the Bible in many ways buuuut we ain’t gonn get into that)
Watched over the east gate (East gate is gate of mercy, the main most important gate of Eden)
Watched over the first humans
Oh on a side note
In the Bible the East does not mean the compass East. East In the Bible means front, eternal, forward. This also follows withe how when Cain left god’s side he went to “the land of nod, on the east of eden.”
And when looking from the front of eden, (from the east gate), you would overlook the lesser world (earth). Oh and nod means homeless basically
The east of Eden is the border between the physical realm and the spiritual realm (heaven and earth, or in this case the garden of Eden and the rest of earth)
The east border is the border azzy looked over, he was the protector of the tree of life (not to be mistaken as the tree of knowledge of good and evil aka APPLES). As well as the entrance to the garden of Eden. He was actually supposed to be the Angel to ward off Adam and Eve. At least In the Bible it says that to protect the tree of life from man and to make sure mankind does not enter the garden, god placed an Angel withe a flaming sword at the entrance of the east gate (the gate from which Adam and Eve were discarded from the garden)
He overlooked the lesser world (earth) which at that time was nothing but vastness. So ya
The east is where earth is, it is the "unholy" lands
This could show that he was destined to connect two realms maybe
Oh and the east gate is the only one mentioned in the Bible specifically
Oh and just casually saying that the flaming sword is canon in the Bible the most powerful weapon ever (and was broken into three pieces after lucifers rebuking but I don’t think that corresponds withe good omens) (I also think it’s hilarious that azzy was technically supposed to use the flaming sword against Adam and Eve but instead gave it to them it’s just so azzy)
OH AND GUESS WHAT in the Bible it's canon that humans will merge around 6,000 years after the fall
Which is basically the apocalypse
You know what else happened 6,000 years after the world began in good omens? THE ANTICHRIST aka THE APOCALYPSE (or almost)
Anyways so there’s all that BUT ANYWAYS back to azzy
He was chosen to watch over the first peeps
He was also chosen to watch over the antichrist
He was there at the beginning
So he’s one of the oldest angels one of the first ones
He is the only Angel other then the archangels that god talks to directly
The name Aziraphale when broken down is seraph (which means the burning one) and el (which means of god, of power)
(Seraph also means serpent so do what you want to do withe that information)
So he is not only the one to handle the flaming sword, but in itself actually IS the flaming sword
In the Bible the quote “So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way”
And he gave the sword to humanity, He gave himself to humanity. He has been withe humanity and protecting them since the beginning.
Ok now
So there’s the obvious thing of him being the famous serpent of temptation (deFiEnTlY just a small feat not as if it literally started everything insert eye roll)
(In many myths and religions there are many gods and symbols of the serpent so for this one the comparing is not only of the Bible. And even then most of the time snake is good, such as withe a snake being a sign to carry a message to John)
Ok so first let’s start withe the Bible
The Bible never actually states that the serpent is of satan, only that it is of temptation and sin. So there is no definite person or title I can compare crow to. (Well satan has been called serpent BUT NO WERE GETTING OFF SUBJECT THIS IS NOT A BIBLE STUDY)
(The only definite name the serpent was called other then words of titles was Nahash but that means serpent in Hebrew)
I do want to add that the serpent never actually lied to Eve or Adam it actually went on to say how “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” And that is what happened. They became aware and held wisdom aloft. (Crow is actually very proud of showing Adam and Eve the knowledge of good and evil because I bet he was reflecting himself on it thinking that he sure would’ve wanted to know some of that before he fell) I’m pretty sure there’s a quote from Neil gaiman about this.
Now serpents have never actually been seen as anything bad other than in the Bible. In most religions they are known to be symbols of life, death, and rebirth. As well as cleverness and slyness. In the Bible the serpent symbolizes evil powers, temptations, chaos, but also life, rebirth, and divination. (WE. ARE. NOT. GETTING. OFF. SUBJECT.)
So crow was the serpent, temptation, he could’ve also been a sort of Mestophillies (but I have nothing to back that up)
Honesty he kinda reminds me more of loki, chaotic but not in an evil sense. Sorta chaotic neutral.
Ok back to the list
Crow was famous serpent dude
Crow was also the watcher to the first humans (Adam and Eve)
He was chosen to not only watched the antichrist (death the everything, very high feat) but also deliver it.
He was there at the very beginning, and was one of the original fallen angels
Oh and I’m pretty sure he’s the only demon who can make holy miracles
So he’s one of the oldest (he even created nebulas for hells sake)
He himself was able to deter Lucifer himself by doing his stopping time in a different dimension thingy (I’m pretty sure this isn’t a normal power, it stopped satan for hells sake!)
He also was the dude who took Jesus on a road trip (in the Bible it was Jesus was tempted by satan for 40 days)
I've noticed that every other demon is rotting
But crow is as maculent as ever
He also seems to be the only one to have Angel wings, even if there black
He created original sin
Response for the whole corruption of gods creation
Honestly I can see why he is the serpent he’s very resourceful and clever (the switcheroo as one example you go azzy and crow)
While we are at this let’s talk about what type of Angel crow was when he fell.
We know that even though he has been corresponded to Lucifer due to the snake thingy, he isn't Lucifer
We know he is higher rank then Muriel
In season two they hinted he was a prince, saying only one other high ranked Angel fell (minus Lucifer)
AND crow had clearance to open the file folder even though Muriel specifically said only the highest ranked angels could open it
I think that crow was corresponded withe archangel Raphael maybe
The only archangel not mentioned in good omens is Raphael
Now let’s talk about Bible Raphael
So Raphael is the second in command of god
Or third
Ok wait so Lucifer used to be the first, then Michael, then Raphael
So we will say third
Raphael was the Angel of healing, but also the Angel of death and the protecter of the third heaven (third heaven is the heaven that god himself dwells in)
He was the closest archangel to humans
Also Gabriel and Raphael are the archangels who created the stars
Oh also Raphael is the one who conquered the demon asmodeus (and guesss what azzy thought Crowley changed his name to~)
Raephael is the "the Angel of spirits of men" and "heal the earth which the angels have defiled" so that could be why crow likes humans so much (as you can tell in the show I will not be elaborating)
Raphael symbol is a snake entwined withe a wooden staff
In other words Raphael is the guardian
Oh and Raphael is the one to call judgement day (the day of reckoning, dies Israel)
This corresponds to Raphael Islam name
in the islam raephal is also called Israfel which is the dude who trumpets the Qiyamah (did I spell that right I dunno) which is the day of judgement in Islam
So he tells the start of the apocalypse(ish)
His titles are
Angel of Song. The burning one. Herald of the dawning day.
And another connection that is a maybe this
So Azrael is the Angel of death
He is fallen Angel and is left shoulder Angel (left corresponds to evil)
(I wonder if crow is left handed??)
(Though Crowley from what I have seen has always been depicted on the left side)
Also in some depictions Raphael is the only Angel (other then I think ururial) that has black wings
So azrael is carrier of souls
He's also the Angel of passage
So yeah there’s that
Then there’s Gadriel
Wait imma need to add
So Gadriel and Azazel are from a group of fallen angels in the book of Enoch called the watchers. The watchers were angels who fell because they became involved withe women. The watchers fell before Lucifer (they fell willingly accourding to some accounts)
There are 200 watchers that fell (Gadriel was the third of five leaders)
Ok so Gadriel was the Angel who watched over the garden of Eden (in the book of Enoch)
The direct quote is “And the third was named Gâdreêl: he it is who showed the children of men all the blows of death, and he led astray Eve, and showed [the weapons of death to the sons of men] the shield and the coat of mail, and the sword for battle, and all the weapons of death to the children of men. And from his hand they have proceeded against those who dwell on the earth from that day and for evermore”
He was who taught mankind warfare, and was also the snake who tempted Eve, maybe. It’s hard to tell if he is the one to be the serpent or if he failed at keeping evil (Lucifer) out of Eden. Nevertheless it does add up withe Crowley being the snake but not being Lucifer.
Aaaand the last one is barachiel, who taught mankind astronomy and was the Angel of blessings before he fell (he is part of the watchers as well)
And then there’s this little fact
Aziraphale (in Hebrew depending on how it’s spelled) translates to either helper of the defiant one, heedless helper, helper of the fallen
In an interview it was said that azirahphale would be spelled like Aziraphael to keep withe the angels having el at the end (michael, Gabriel, Uriel, etc etc) and if that’s the case then it could translate to Raphael is my strength (because azir can be translate to helper)
Crowely name is קראו לי in Hebrew. Which means they called me, in past tense specifically. Crawley in Hebrew is קראלי (change in pronunciation and form). It means they call me, specifically present tense. His first name (maybe while he was still in denial of the fall) was crawley, which means call me. That is some real symbolism there…a tad sad
When he changed his name, he only added the letter ו (Vav). Adding this specific letter has a lot of significance to it. that ו is part of God’s Holy Name, which is י-ה-ו-ה (Yud, Hey, Vav, Hey). Adding a letter of god holy name is symbolic of a person’s essential connection to God. Each letter symbolizes a different thing. The ‘י’ in it’s shape is not grounded. It symbolizes not being grounded to earth, only heaven. The ה in its shape envelops a grounded marking. The grounded beings purpose is entirely, and solely, on Earth. What’s so special about the ו part is that it is a connector. It is the literal line connecting the top to the bottom. It channels earth to heaven and heaven to earth.
Crowley is a ו. By him being a fallen angel, he brought a piece of Heaven down to Earth. He is a channel of the two worlds. An example of this was when he and Aziraphale averted the Apocalypse.
He never knew where he belongs, doesn’t know what he was called for, he and azzy were made to connect the two worlds together. Hes not quite an Angel, but neither is he much of a Demon, and has the the imagination of a human. I guess he’s on his own side along withe azzy.
Oh and the fact that together they made a hugggeee miracle, and they were trying to be subtle. So imagine how huge and powerful one where they weren’t trying to be subtle would be.
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