#Event Summary
kurokenbigbang · 3 months
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To all our participants, thank you for making this event so special! We've loved seeing your wonderful creations -- you all did amazing! You can find the event summary here, which contains the links to all your work.
Much love,
KRKNBB23 Mod Team
(@queeniedoodles, @matsinko, @sapphireruby24, @shou-jpeg & @playerkenma)
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devilsgatewayhq · 2 months
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The first annual Tonopahella Music Festival very nearly went off without a hitch, but to true to the town’s running track record with events, something inevitably had to go awry. This time however, it was mother nature who had a message for Tonopah. Vastly different from the bullets and bombings that civilians are used to dodging, the massive sandstorm that rolled through the valley still packed a powerful punch, leaving many people injured and several homes and businesses damaged. With virtually no surface in town left untouched, the storm’s impact stretched for miles and miles.
First responders and construction crews are working around the clock while the entire town is in recovery mode, picking up the pieces and restoring damage left behind by the violent sandstorm. Tonopah Medical Center is at near capacity treating victims of inhalation injuries and broken bones alike. Slowly but surely, though, the town is banding together and getting back on its feet.
Though the early stages of the music festival offered a flicker of hope and perhaps even a trace of normalcy for Tonopah’s residents, unfortunately what people will remember most about Tonopahella is an action-packed sandstorm cameo performance that not even One Direction’s reunion can top. Despite the festival’s abrupt end, many are grateful that the town wasn’t the subject of gang violence this time, but are beginning to wonder if the town really is just cursed.
Thank you all for participating in our seventh event, Tonopahella!
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the12thnightproject · 2 years
The Brotherhood of the Travelling Warlords
Thank you everyone who helped send me armchair travelling around the world (and in some cases, into the past as well). It was a lot of fun to research these places and try to figure out what our warlords would want to check out while they were visiting.
Event summary...
Fifteen postcards written, as requested by fourteen people.
Warlords on the move: Mitsuhide (4), Nobunaga (2), Shingen (2), and Masamune (2) win the frequent flier honors, but Sasuke, Yukimura, Keiji, Mitsunari, and Kennyo also got to do some sightseeing as well.
Of all the places requested, I had been to three: Times Square, Washington DC, and Dublin Ireland. I've been to Chicago before, but not during the 1896 World's Fair.
Warlord who gave me travel-envy. I've always wanted to go to Hawaii, New Orleans and Prague, so I would have stowed away in Mitsuhide's suitcase without question.
Places I learned about that I now want to visit: Vigan City and Hoi An Ancient Town.
Place that was a nope... well, we sent Sasuke to an active volcano...
Request that gave me the most difficulty. Rome in 2020, only because I had to do some research to figure out what the COVID restrictions were at that time.
Favorite finished postcard design. I really liked the way Paris France, 1900 turned out. The artwork and graphic design of the era is so very much in my aesthetic sweet spot.
Easter eggs... all of Mitsuhide's postcards have a faint hidden graphic underneath the text of the postcard.
Favorite postcard text - I think I might go with Mitsunari on this one. I figured of all warlords, he'd be the one who started out writing his postcard too big, and be forced to make the lettering get smaller and smaller until he had to write up the side of the card (also he was writing the postcard while on a tour bus for part of the time, so it was a little messy for that reason too). Plus, I just enjoyed thinking of him trapped in Trinity College library and not worried at all about it. Him losing his shoes was a running joke in his longfic, so I stuck that in there too.
Mistakes... I think my biggest planning mistake was not figuring out in advance a couple of the world building issues. Would these warlords be going to a recipient who was currently living in Azuchi (or Kasugayama)? Since some of the requests were anon, or from posters I don't know very well, I made the assumption that the postcard recipient had indeed been previously wormholed into the Sengoku. Also, how would the warlords deal with a language barrier? With that one, I figured that for any warlord travelling to a timeline past (or just around) the 20th century - they could probably find someone who spoke their language (both Kennyo and Masamune went to World's Fairs where there was a Japanese installation). But when Shingen went to Ancient Greece and Mitsuhide went to the Golden Age of India, I figured they would just have to do their best with pointing and making up a sign language as they went along (they're both smart men, they can adapt!). Masamune had less difficulty in medieval Poland, not because he found someone to translate, but because he travelled into a siege situation and I figured he was well enough acquainted with battles that he'd do ok ... I er, quite possibly overthought these.
Along those lines... while I had fun picking out handwriting fonts for the warlords, I made a few mistakes early on... Mitsuhide's for example, took up too much space and I couldn't fit as much content on his cards (and so of course, he was the most requested warlord).
Curious about the handwriting I picked? I was pretty random about it... mostly it was a combination of what felt right to me, plus whether or not it would fit on the postcard. Shingen is more romantic, so his handwriting is flowy, whereas Nobunaga's takes up a lot of space - but I had to balance an authoritative font with being able to include a decent amount of text. I figured that Mitsuhide would think faster than he writes, so his is a little more careless looking, and Sasuke would print, because he's used to writing lab reports. And of course, once I picked a handwriting font for one postcard, I kept it through the rest of them.
Here is everyone in a row, for comparison:
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As for the postcards themselves... here they are gathered once more...
Masamune visits Malbork, Poland in 1460
Mitsuhide visits Maui, Hawaii
Keiji visits Times Square, New York, New York
Sasuke visits Koma-ga-take volcano in 1582
Shingen visits Ancient Greece
Yukimura visits Rome, Italy in 2020
Mitsunari visits Dublin, Ireland
Kennyo visits Paris, France, 1900
Mitsuhide visits Pataliputra, India, 300 to 600 CE
Mitsuhide visits New Orleans
Nobunaga visits Washington, DC
Nobunaga visits Vigan City, Philippines
Masamune visits the World's Fair, Chicago, 1893
Shingen visits Hoi An Ancient Town
Mitsuhide visits Prague, Czech Republic
Thank you again to everyone who requested a card. Maybe some day I'll bring this back!
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thatadhdmood · 2 years
@nutmegan17 on tiktoks eating tray hack
By keeping a tray full of no prepare necessary food, in the fridge it can be used to aid neurodivergent or fatigued people.
By putting food like, cheese and crackers, or whatever is a safe food for you personally on the tray, it can be taken easily to the couch or bed to be eaten from whenever you are hungry.
This prevents executive dysfunction or fatigue and any reason preventing you from eating. You need to care of yourself because everyone needs food to stay alive including you.
You deserve to eat even when on a bad brain day and are unable to prepare a meal for yourself.
If not having a full meal doesn't satisfy you, a snack may even give you the energy to make a full meal afterwards!
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nat-20s · 9 months
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vyorei · 7 months
Live coverage of the 11th of March 2024 is now closed.
Here is a recap of today's major events.
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It is 12am in Ireland now so I have to go to bed.
I'll be back to resume live updates on Wednesday as I have to work.
For continuous updates while I'm gone, click the link below:
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cor-lapis · 9 months
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"so you know how my actions ended up being done by some random guy? weirdly the only effect of me retconning the timeline was that his grandson was never born, and-"
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salemoleander · 8 months
Even if you don't watch every episode (which, unless you have to - my condolences to the HC Recap team - I assume most people won't) one way of narrowing things down that I HIGHLY suggest is picking at least one person from each of the mining teams to watch, because the vibes are wildly different and equally hilarious.
Team Blue Bin Bags - Spend the entire mining session roasting each other. Climactic moment involving a faux ad for project management software. Would sell each other to Satan for one cornchip.
Team Red Rashers - At one point Etho says, "I don't understand some things about social dynamics, I tell you," and that's this group's motto! Simultaneously the most competent and the most nervous team, like a bunch of racing greyhounds.
Team Mustard Milk Tots - They get a lot done, which I think is mostly because 90% of their dunking is targeted at Doc. Very 'parents out for drinks' vibes, despite constantly descending into childish bickering.
Team Purple Pickles - Lowest intra-group antagonism, made up for by their choice to run straight towards environmental dangers. The cave diving and sculk could make it a horror movie, but everyone is so unruffleable (excepting X, who is perpetually ruffled) that it wraps back to comedy.
Joe Hills
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pjsk-story-summaries · 7 months
Want to know everything that's ever happened in Project Sekai but don't have time to read all those stories? Guess what! For the low, low price of "it seems fun", I'll be summarizing every single event!
Feel free to request any summaries or card stories you'd like to see summarized. You may also submit your own summaries, if you'd like! Use the forms found in this post to do so :)
If you have a question about any of the stories as well, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer! (Or just come and say hi :3)
If you'd like to use any of these summaries as part of a project (i.e. video essay, character analysis, etc.), you are more than welcome to! Just please credit this blog when you do so, since I do put a lot of work into each.
I try my best to get 1-2 summaries out a week, but i’m a busy college student doing this in my spare time, so things might be slow!
Masterpost links below the cut. All summaries will be tagged by unit, character appearances, and special type, if applicable.
(Spreadsheet contains organized, filterable lists of all events and cards! I've tried making it as accessible as possible, but if you're unfamiliar with Google Sheets, just ask and I'll show you how to navigate it!)
Old Masterposts below! (Out of date, no longer maintained)
Key Stories
Wonderlands x Showtime
Nightcord at 25:00
Mixed Events
Year 1 (Run! Sports Festival Committee Rush! - Scramble Fan Festa)
Year 2 (Time to Hang Out - At this Festival Bathed in Twilight)
Year 3 (Screaming!? Welcome to the Forest of Wolves! - Hello • Good • Day)
Year 4 (The Best Picture Wrap! -Wedding Live ♡ With Everyone!)
Card Stories
Any event card stories will be linked next to their respective events, as well as within the summary itself. (Initial 3* cards are part of the Main Stories)
Initial 1*/2* (Including 3rd Anniversary)
Birthday Cards
Fes Cards / Bloom Cards
Collaboration Cards
Card stories for events yet to be summarized
April Fools
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I don’t always make Feng Xin suffer, but when I do? God do I make that man suffer. He’s just my little meow meow and I want to see him cry 🥸
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embroid-away · 2 years
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What If: Captain America Were Revived Today? #44 (April 1983) by Peter B. Gillis and Sal Buscema; Original Image by John Romita Sr.
In this What If? Marvel tale, Captain America is unfrozen in 1983 rather than the 1960s. Without the leadership of Steve Rogers, The Avengers disband. Meanwhile, a Captain America imposter, who calls himself a "real American," has decided to use his newfound influential media status to publicly support a National Identity Card to "deal with illegal aliens,” to suggest that members of civil rights groups "ought to think seriously as to whether or not their actions contribute to the strengthening of communist enemies," and declare that if those groups tear the country apart with protests, martial law is justified "for the peace to find a solution.”
Neighborhoods with large black populations (e.g., Harlem) are walled off and forced into poverty, and one character even mentions that Jewish people are being “put back into camps.” The right-wing politicians make sure that things like this aren’t shown on television, keeping the majority of the American public ignorant of the horrors committed with their indifferent support. The public are simultaneously told that with some sacrifices, America can be free once again. The fake Captain America confronts a group of peaceful protestors, and he is shot by a sniper (in what reads like an inside job), allowing the police to have “reason” to attack the protestors. The imposter does not die and instead uses the attack to provide more reason for the violent crackdown against protesting groups.
When the true Captain America is unfrozen, he is horrified to see what America has become, especially with his emblem stamped all over it. He immediately seeks out the resistance forces (who clearly represent the Black Panther Party) and joins their cause, stating that "the wrongs [he's] seen will take much more than one man to right -- but [he's] got a name to clear, a costume to unsoil-- and a country to die for!!"
By the time Steve joins them, the resistance only has one chance left to stop the American downfall: a political convention where the "America First" party will be able to secure its support to sweep the national elections and allow them "to return America to the pure and great nation [the] forefathers envisioned."
The resistance strikes just as the convention begins. The Captain America imposter is no match in a fight against the true Captain America -- especially against a Steve Rogers who's fucking pissed. ("Get up so I can knock you down!!")
With the imposter knocked unconscious, Captain America addresses the convention crowd, warning that an America that does not represent all its people does not deserve to exist at all; that liberty can be "as easily snuffed out [in America] as in Nazi Germany" and "as a people, we are no different from them."
The crowd realizes that the man speaking before them is the true Captain America and cheers. Captain America holds his hand up and silences them, stating that he will not allow them the chance to simply replace one idol with another. He alone can’t undo the horrible damage, and he pleads that there’s still a chance for the people to “find America once again.”
Fascism doesn’t change its tune, just its singers.
A 2021 Marvel Trumps Hate ( @marveltrumpshate ) commission, completed on 22-count aida cloth with embroidery floss and watercolors on a 9" diameter bamboo hoop.
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felassan · 2 months
this post is just some info on yesterday's DA:TV Fandom party at SDCC. :>
What was this party? [Here] is a post with the pre-event information that was made available. [Here] is a pre-event article that contains an interview with the organizer. And [this article] on the event contains some additional information, like on the versions of this party held in previous years, which helps for context. There was no new DA:TV information of note from the party
Links to Fandom (the company's) Twitter account, their Instagram. If you look at these (including on the Instagram Stories), you can see some pictures and stuff from the party. for those interested in watching a video version of some of these, Ghil Dirthalen posted a video recording that she made last night of Fandom the company's Instagram posts [here]. there are also more pictures and stuff from the party that you can see if you click through to [some of] the source links below here in the rest of this post.
As was previously reported the other week, Jason Derulo headlined the party (like as in a gig). Here's an image of him there [source] (the him singing DA stuff part was a joke tho btw hh). They considered having an orchestra because of DA's musical score but they got Jason Derulo
One of the party props was a big background of the DA:TV key art [source]. Here you can see the DA:TV logo on another backdrop. [source] This tweet contains both of these backdrops from a different angle
There was also an archway prop based on this DA:TV key art, and big screens which projected images from the game (including of Varric and this screenshot) [source]. It looks like these images were also projected to television screens? [source]
This tweet contains the questions and the answers to the DA-themed scavenger hunt (transcription of this at the end of this post), as well as a partial look at the map layout of the party
This is how photos taken in the DA themed photo booth look (this DA:TV screenshot was the backdrop) [source]
There was a VIP section at the party [source]. Gary McKay, the General Manager of BioWare, was there [source], as were John Epler and Zach Mendez (Lucanis) [source], Ali Hillis (Harding) [source], Nick Boraine (Emmrich) [source], Kari a BioWare Brand Director [source], Jessica Clark (Neve) [source] and Corinne Busche [source]. Erika Ishii (Rook) also visited but got kicked out of VIP hh [source]. Some cosplayers from the DA community were also personally invited by BioWare & PR at EA Games and attended! like Ladytoxie as Bellara ^^ [source, two], and some celebrities also, such as Doug Jones [source]
Ladytoxie mentioned that they will be posting a Vlog of their experience and coverage of the event, "probably next week" [source], having documented it at the time [source] (tysm!!)
Ladytoxie reported that it was a good, memorable experience and that everyone was lovely [source]
There was supposed to be some DA:TV-related pins and lanyards being handed out at the party, but these got stuck at customs, so there wasn't any goodies being handed out [source]
Links to some more images from the party: [one], [two], [three]
Scavenger hunt text (questions and answers) transcription:
"Clue 1: Step up to spot the flames where Fandom's 20-year tale burns bright, celeberate twenty years of worldbuilding where this terrifying Dragon Age wiki takes flight. Answer: Archdemon Clue 2: Follow the path and find the shining blue gem, discover the wiki of this Dragon Age elven hedge mage for your chance to win! Answer: Solas Clue 3: Search for the place where steel balls ricochet, where the flippers dance and the wizards gather to play. Find the wiki of a dwarf and son from the House of Tethras, known as a Dragon Age rogue with his crossbow, Bianca. Answer: Varric Clue 4: Venture to where 360 degree views are spun, where fans share your favorite #/fandom20 with props that are comically fun. Scan the QR code to reveal this order of warriors who defeat the Blight, and with the invasion of darkspawn, they put up a legendary fight. Answer: Grey Wardens Clue 5: Finish your scavenger hunt quest where Dragon Age lore comes alive, a photo booth adventure where fantasies thrive. Pose in a setting of this wiki's southern continent vast, two moons overhead, in a world built to last. Answer: Thedas"
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nocapesdahling · 3 months
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"Are you real?"
"If you can't tell, does it matter?"
Inspired by @hartwinorlose's upcoming Ghoulcy Westworld AU for the Ghoulcy Atomic Blast Event
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yume-fanfare · 10 months
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hidaka hokuto ⁉️
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fisheito · 4 months
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let him speak
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pixelcubito · 4 months
✨And that's what you missed on the ShelterMC ✨
A small recap of the server's first event back in April :D
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