#Excuse me she asked for pickles
@mcyt-yuri-week Day 4: Transgender & Genderbend!
Trans!Puffy x genderbent!Techno. Read on AO3 here
It was almost nearing funny, how when people learned that one of them was trans, they always assumed it was Technoblade. She was a towering pig hybrid, with heavy tusks and a square jaw, thick muscular arms and heavy hooves, and Puffy was half her height and width. So Puffy got where the mixup came from! Really she did. Just that it was funny.
Less funny was the occasional asshole who decided to make a remark, but Techno usually just killed those assholes for saying shit to her and then got really stuffy and blushy and stiff while she pretended not to hover around Puffy. It wasn’t even like Puffy got all that bothered! But it was nice to be fussed over, even when Techno had been the recipient of the comment.
This was particularly hilarious given the fact that Techno couldn’t even ask for her own pickles. It was always Puffy approaching the service workers, reminding them of details. She was pretty sure at this point that Techno would rather auto-cannibalize herself all the way to death than inconvenience a customer service employee even one (1) time.
“Excuse me!” Puffy called, flagging down a grocery store employee while her girlfriend pretended not to know her. “Did you guys move the hoof polish?” Normally it was in with the shampoos and soaps, but Puffy and Techno had crawled the bodywash aisle twice now to no avail.
“Oh, yeah, it got put, uh,” the faun in a blue polo fumbled, glancing around and trying to remember. “I think cosmetics?”
“Well that’s a dumb place to put that,” Puffy muttered, hands on her hips. Techno looked panicked at her rudeness. “Thanks! We’ll check there.”
Hoof polish acquired, they checked out their items and took to the streets of Essempi. It was a pleasant day out, not quite hot but only cool enough to justify maybe a shawl or light jacket. Techno had a beige and red dress made from a thick cotton weave, and a blood red shawl that lifted slightly in the light breeze. Really, if she had the stomach for it she could’ve been a model. Puffy did not even pretend she wasn’t ogling her.
She heard the two unruly teens just before she felt them, Tubbo rushing past her right before Tommy knocked into her. As far as pickpocketing techniques went, it was seamless. She had no idea what he’d grabbed and where he’d grabbed it from. Unfortunately for them, everyone and their cow knew that Tommy liked to nick things recreationally.
Techno was in front of them, glowering, all towering height and broad muscle and thick chest Puffy took frequent delight in, stanced to block the road and red eyes glaring.
“Hey-heyyyyyy, big woman,” Tommy greeted, nerves clear in his voice. Puffy huffed and stormed up, smacking him on the back of the head.
“Give it back!” she ordered.
“Give what back?” Tubbo asked, and it really was dangerous how completely innocent he managed to make himself look and sound.
“Whatever you two took, now give it,” Puffy demanded, holding out her hand.
Behind the pair, Techno snorted. A piggish rush of air that had most sensible people’s skin crawling.
“Fine, fine,” Tommy handed over the slab of beef wrapped up in its brown paper, and Puffy had no idea how he’d managed to snag that. It’d been near the bottom of its bag!
“Good,” Techno said darkly, “now get.”
The teens tore off, spirits hardly dampened. They weren’t a bad sort, just unruly, and Tommy liked the act of taking more than he’d ever cared for keeping, anyway. As far as anyone could tell, Tubbo just liked trouble.
“My gallant knight in shining armor,” Puffy teased, giggling as she tugged Techno’s hand out of her crossed arms so she could wrap her arms around Techno’s. She was so big and strong (a fact that Puffy made frequent and gleeful use of). “Chasing off the riffraff for me.”
“Cringe,” Techno snorted. “Last time I checked, you’re the biggest riffraff on this side of the ocean.”
“And the other!” Puffy tugged on Techno’s arm, but all it really did was leverage herself closer. She stumbled a little, then got her footing again. Man, Puffy’s hooves were half the size of her girlfriend’s. “May I remind you, I had a lucrative and mischievous career well before I sailed to these shores.”
“You’re not really provin’ me wrong here.”
Puffy snorted, loud and nasally, and knocked her horns against Techno’s bicep (stupid sexy towering giant. Puffy’d knock her head if she could reach it).
Puffy dragged her home with her and made Techno sit while she cooked them both dinner. Techno put up a token protest when Puffy requested that she tell her a story from one of the old myths she was so obsessed with, and Puffy fell happily into the rhythm of cooking while her girlfriend lovingly detailed the story of an archer with a stinky wound.
“I think I wound up cooking too much beef,” Puffy observed as she brought the food over to the table, Techno joining her with a swish of her skirts.
“Eh, pack it up and bring it with us to my place,” she said with a shrug. “Take it to the bedroom. We can have night meats later.”
Puffy dropped her fork before she’d even had her first bite. “Night meats?!”
Techno froze, in that way she did when she thought she’d said something weird and was now analyzing how to best play it off. But Puffy absolutely could not stand for that.
“I need to kiss you until you’re stupid,” Puffy followed, her heart suddenly squeezed far too full as she admired the utterly ridiculous woman across from her. And all but crawled across the table in order to plant herself directly in her lap, kissing around her short tusks with practiced familiarity.
“What, no, but I’m already so dumb!” Techno protested, her hands going up to Puffy’s hip and waist since she was resisting this soooooo hard.
“Then I’ve just got to make you stupider!!!”
“Heh?!? There won’t be anything left!”
Techno laughed as Puffy continued to kiss her, their dinners cooling on the table behind them as Puffy stuck her tongue down her girlfriend’s throat. She was so ridiculous. She was so ridiculous and silly and goofy and Puffy needed to marry her. She was so dense and strong, too, Puffy also needed to climb her like a tree and rock her whole ass world.
“I love you,” she gasped when they parted, stars still gleaming in her eyes and little hands tangled in long pink hair. “You’re so ridiculous. Night meats?! I love it, I love you, that’s inspired, why didn’t I ever think of that.”
“I think you’re blowin’ this a lil’ out of proportion,” Techno muttered, self-conscious and glancing askance. Puffy kissed her again about it.
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pettyoddity · 1 year
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she sings where monsters fear to tread
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princess-viola · 22 days
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dabruzzy · 5 months
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"Nobody, and I mean nobody, picks on this wandering weirdo but me!"
"Nobody picks on Peepers but me!"
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pixlokita · 1 year
I like to see them as brothers since gregory being a street kid and cassie a girl who has mommy isuses (don't ask why, Miami confirmed it for me) I feel that they are quite close (ejem I say you have to have a nice friendship to go to an abandoned pizzeria with missing persons reports) so long live the headcanon that gregory and cassie are like best friends/brothers
Oh yeah they’re def siblings in my heart :’v Cassie might have her family but Gregory is probably like an older brother to her … who also happens to be shorter than her 😭 lmao
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
I've heard of height differences in relationships, but I've never seen one where the difference is in miles!
love the two of them cuz they have Two different height difference situations and in both Sparrows is the shorter one
compared to Euros' puppet? he is 6 centimeters taller
compared to WHOLE Euros?
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One Damn Pixel. beeg huband
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citrine-elephant · 1 year
my favourite ada/leon semi-fandom-semi-canon-headcanon dynamic is "nervous dog + exhausted good samaritan"
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pcrfumebcttles · 8 months
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Daisy & Allison have the type of Princess & Knight dynamic where "If you even look at my knight sideways, I will beat you to death with my parasol."
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standbowed · 2 years
@caestusvulpes // starter call.
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"Oh...! It's my first time seeing you on the job like this..." Hachi would take the time later to feel embarrassed over how fixatedly she'd been wandering, trying to track down the source of that sweet, floral scent in the evening air (like a cartoon dog following the smell-lines of a pie cooling on the windowsill, or something--as someone whose name is already misremembered as that of an infamously loyal canine, the imagery there is a little too on the nose). For now though, she's simply transfixed by the artful way Hikari tends to the hedge between them, its small, fragrant blooms just beginning to open.
"...How do you know when to stop trimming it back? Or watering? I feel like I always overwater plants... Oh! Sorry, I shouldn't bother you while you're working, right?"
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the-skooma-den · 2 years
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also I forgot to post this last night but I love these 2 so much
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lovevalley45 · 1 year
What would you think of Astra x (or +) Mona? Tbh, I see a lot of confusion and slight dismay on Astra's part. For Mona, she's be in such awe of her, just having major heart eyes, ahhhh.
tbh i've never thought of them before but god it's so fun
like aesthetic wise first of all. very funny. secondly there's an interesting dynamic there in what they would bring out in each other, like i think astra would embrace mona's wolfie side n find it. kinda hot jfj while mona is. somewhat more rational in that like she is still a kaupe but she's also there to mellow out astra's frustration
anyways now i can't get the image out of my head of mona n astra havin lil reading dates where mona's reading like some romance with a brightly covered cover and astra's reading a grimoire of spells in latin
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klywrites · 2 years
trool version of that no pickles meme where its both remy and mira going on elly’s behalf
or alternatively mira going up to the counter while remy and elly stand behind her lol
Oh I wish I could draw this 😂
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meteorshcts · 4 months
i'm supposed to get a toy with this.
“A toy? For buying a kids' meal? I guess that makes sense,” Zack commented. Midgar did love to put tiny plastic toys in random things like cereal boxes, he had learned, so them putting toys into kids' meals made sense too. Wait, was that the reason she had gotten a kids' meal?
“Do you want me to go complain about it?” he asked slowly.
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teeto-peteto · 10 months
no cause everyone thinks Sarah Fortune is the 'uwu girl' and Illaoi is a mean lesbian. Roles are inverted. And they love each other. Sarah is plain black dress and Illaoi is strawberry dress. Fucking fight me.
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sinnabum45 · 2 months
Unexpected Babysitting
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Link to help Palestine and other resources! 🇵🇸
[Plain text: Links to help Palestine and other resources! (palestine flag). End plain text.]
[Image description] Digital comic of Ace Attorney characters: Miles Edgeworth, Cody Hackins, Maya Fey, and Pearl Fey.
Page one: Colorful, blurred image of Amusement park’s entrance. People are walking around. Text: “Amusement Park: Steel Samurai special event.” Miles is walking and is internally excited. There are people walking around behind him. Miles’ thoughts: “They’re giving out exclusive Steel Samurai merchandise today! Yippie! Yippie!” There is a small drawing of Miles in his thought excitedly moving his hands up and down. Text box: “Bought a pass one month in advance.”
Page two: Cody yells “Hey, Pops with the frilly thing!!” Miles is surprised and turns around to see an upset Cody standing behind him. Cody, point at Miles: What are you doing here?! Don’t tell me something bad happened again!” Miles frantically tries to explain, “Wha— Ergh! Nothing happened- I’m just…” Cody interrupts him, and stomps his foot. Cody: “Yeah right! Why are you here then?!” Miles: “Ghk!” Maya is off screen and calls out to Miles, “Ah! It’s Edgeworth! And Cody!” Miles and Cody turns towards her.
Page three: Maya and Pearl are walking up to them. Maya is smiling and Pearl is shyly holding Maya’s hand. Maya: “What are you doing here, Edgeworth?” Pearl: “Hello, Mr. Edgeworth.” Maya, snickering: “Maybe you’re here because a “certain someone” is in today’s stage play?” Miles is embarrassed, clenching his jaw and his eyes are closed. Behind him are texts: “Why does this happen every time? I just want to enjoy the show in peace, ALONE. I knew I should’ve worn the disguise today!” There is a little drawing of Miles with “said disguise”. He is fixing his sunglasses with his right hand and a black coat over his usual suit. The kids start approaching Miles. Maya with a mischievous smile: “Aww, don’t be embarrassed! I love Steel Samurai, too!” Pearl: “Me, too!” Cody with his hands raised to his chest: “What?! You like Steel Samurai, too, Pops?!” Miles is backing away, embarrassed and uncomfortable.
Page four: Two sketches of different scenes. Miles is paying for everyone’s food. Behind him, Maya has one arm raised over her head: “Yay~!! Thanks, Edgeworth!” Pearl is holding onto Maya’s arm: “Thank you, Mr. Edgeworth!” Cody has his hands raised to his chest again “You’re not so bad after all, Pops!” Second sketch: Miles is facing an off screen worker with a glare. “Excuse me. She asked for no pickles.” Pearl is behind him with tears in her eyes and she is holding her hands up to her chest. Maya and Cody are sitting at a table eating burgers. Maya is looking at Pearl with worry. End description.]
I wanted to have the Steel Samurai fans hang out 🥺🤲 They probably discuss a bunch of facts and share their interpretations about it together.
Miles does not know how to interact with kids, that’s for sure LOL Maya making fun of Miles for his crush on WP is now my favorite thing (There was supposed to be a whole scene with PowersWorth, but maybe another time)🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ I’m assuming Pearl got into Steel Samurai because Maya likes it!
Also, I really like how the anime emphasizes Cody’s impact on Miles. I feel like he was the catalyst for Miles to change. And the scenes of Miles struggling (and losing) against Cody in the games were very cute 🥹
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eddiesxangel · 11 months
Clueless | Eddie Munson x Reader
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Summary: Eddie’s an idiot and can’t pick up that you’ve been flirting with him for months…so you take things a step further.
Cw: SMUT, dom/mean!eddie, name calling (whore/ slut)
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4 months ago…
Tonight you sat at the bar, your usual Saturday night hanging with your friends from school. There was live music and you’d been eying the lead singer for about three weeks. They played here every Saturday and tonight you brought your roommates Nancy and Robin to join you so they could finally see the mystery man you’ve been going on and on about.
The three of you had been there for about twenty minutes before they took the stage.
“They should be on any minute,” you say as you hear some of the people in the college car cheer. Your eyes instantly find the stage and your heart flutters. There he is, in all his glory.
You hear Robin's gaps and you look at her immediately.
“What is it Bin?” You ask
“Nothing!” Nancy cut her off before she could talk. She gave Robin a subtle nudge and she caught on.”
“Nothing-nothing I-uh swallowed the wrong way” she pretended to cough. What the hell is going on?
You’d forgotten about how weird they were acting halfway through the set. You'd gotten up to dance and enjoy the music. You couldn’t keep your eyes off of him. As the three of you got closer and closer to the stage it seemed like he couldn’t stop starting in your direction. A bright smile spread across his face and you couldn’t help but blush. You’d hoped it was because of you. You’d made eye contact and almost turned into a puddle.
After the set finished the three of you found an empty booth and took a break from dancing.
“So what did you guys think?” You asked excitedly.
“They were great” Robin smirked.
“Yea usually not my kind of thing but I liked it” Nancy giggled.
“Ok, what is going on? You’re acting weird?” You winced.
“Should we tell her?” Nancy looked at Robin.
“Tell me what?” You asked.
They didn’t get a chance to answer.
“Buckley! Wheeler!” You all turn to see the man of your dreams appearing at your booth.
Your eyes go wide when it finally hits you. They know him. This is amazing! They can introduce you!
You thought the night went as well as it could have. Eddie was glued to your side, he was the biggest flirt, and he gave you compliments about your hair and how you smelled really nice. You were touching his arm and giving sublet hints that you also found him really attractive. On top of that, the conversation was cheeky and fun, you never had an awkward moment where you felt like you needed to fill the silence. the conversation was great, he was really easy to talk to. So when you went home alone, you were beyond bummed.
Eddie and you were always gravitating towards one another whenever he would come over to visit with Robin and Nancy or when your roomies asked you to come to the bar with them to meet some friends from high school. You had become attached to one another very quickly.
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One month ago…
“Eddie, can you help me with something? You called him over from in the kitchen.
“Sure thing sweetheart” he got up from the rest of the group and made his way to you. Your stomach flip-flopped any time he called you a cute pet name.
“How can I be of your assistance?” He clasped his hands behind his back.
“I can’t open it” you pout pointing the lid of the pickle jar towards him.
You were making a charcuterie board. Did you really need help? Absolutely not. The jar had already been opened but any excuse to get Eddie near you you took.
“You could have called any of the guys but you wanted me to help you with the pickles?” Eddie smirked. *pop* The jar opened with ease.
“Well yeah” you took a step closer so you see in his space. “You’re just so strong.” You graze your hand against his bare bicep before giving it a squeeze.
“You have Steve the jock to call over” he raised a brow. Is he being serious right now?
“well...yeah. But I’m sure all that strumming doesn’t hurt” You bit your lip as you tilted your head up at him.
“Eh,” he shrugged his shoulders. Passing you back the jar.
“Oh um, we’ll… thanks” You turn back to the wooden board feeling defeated as he went back to the rest of the group
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3 weeks ago…
* ring, ring, ring*
“Hey Eddie, it’s me” you smiled.
“Sweetness, how are you?” He asked
“I want to have a movie night next Friday.” You just came out and said it. No more beating around the bush.
“I’m down, what’s the genre we are thinking here?” He crossed his arms over his chest while the phone rested between his ear and shoulder.
“Hmmm, I don't know. Horror?” You chide.
“I didn’t think you liked them scary” he smirked.
“But I’ll have you to protect me” You throw him yet another bone.
“I’m sure you won’t need me with everyone there.” He shrugged.
“E-everyone?” You stutter.
“Yea, who else is going?” He questioned.
Shit. You rolled your eyes and stomped your foot like a child.
“Uh I’m, not sure on the final numbers yet.” You strutted.
“No worries Princess. Count me in” You could hear the smile in his voice.
“See you then Eddie” you hung up with a defeated sigh. UGH
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2 weeks ago…
Movie night. You had the living room all set up, ready with drinks, snacks, pillows and blankets for everyone. The lot of you piled up in your small apartment, Robin Nancy, Steve, Jonathan, Argyle, and of course Eddie.
Ten minutes into watching the original Halloween movie you ‘shivered.’ You were sat between Jonathan and Eddie.
“You cold?" Jonathan asked pointing beside him.
“I am but I’m sure Eddie won’t mind sharing with me?” He already had the blanket draped over his lap.
“Hmm?” Eddie hummed.
“Mind sharing some blanket I’m a bit chilly.” You scoot a little closer towards him.
“Oh uh yea sure” he draped the blanket over your lap while his eyes never left the screen. Fully immersed in the story.
“Thanks Eddie.” You placed a hand on his upper thigh.
Eddie didn’t bay an eye. He just continued to keep his eyes on the screen.
As the movie progressed you genuinely were getting scared. Micheal Myers had jump-scared you one too many times. It was about the fifth one by the time you grabbed onto Eddie’s arm. Eddie just smirked down at you as you covered your eyes into his shoulder.
However, Eddie sat there like a statue, unfazed by your advances. Eddie never seemed to be bothered by them, but he also wasn’t picking up what you were putting down.
Halfway through the third movie, you'd given up. He didn't put his arm around you, he didn't ask if you wanted to be protected. And He never reacted to your hand placed on his upper thigh. All of your moves were useless, and you hoped you didn't make a fool out of yourself in front of your new group of friends.
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1 week ago…
Nancy and Robin started to gush about how cute the two of you would be together and it was only making you grow more impatient that he wasn’t making a move.
“Am I just not pretty?” You bit your cuticle. You were sat with your two roommates in your shared living room having a relaxing evening in.
“What are you talking about?” Nancy quipped.
“Not true, trust me, babes, you’re a smoke show, trust me I'm a lesbian.” Robin pipped up making you laugh.
"What brought this on?"Nancy looked at you with concern in her eyes.
"I’ve been throwing myself at Eddie for months! And he hasn’t once tried to make a move?” You admitted.
“He’s so dumb” Nancy said under her breath.
"I'm sure Jonathan thinks I'm pathetic. He had to suffer through my attempts during our movie night, which by the way was supposed to be just Eddie and I but he had to ask about who else was coming and I panicked!" You burry your head in your hands.
"Want me to knock some sense into him?" Robin asked.
"God no! That's the last thing I need" You shook your head. "He probably is just trying to avoid hurting my feelings... maybe he doesn't know how to turn me down so he's pretending like it isn't happening." You thought out loud.
"Nu-uh I know for a fact tha-OW" Robin looked at Nancy after feeling her kick her under the table.
"What Robin is trying to say, is that you and Eddie are perfect for one another, trust us. He will eventually see. Sometimes you have to be literal with him.
What were they not telling you?
“I don’t know…has he ever said anything about me to you guys?." you fiddled with your cup.
You look up to see Robin and Nancy give a knowing look to one another. They weren’t telling you something. They were not being subtle.
"Believe me, you don't want to give up yet." Robin reassured.
"Ohhhh kay," you sighed and changed the subject.
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You were so nervous but excited. Eddie has finally asked you to hang out one-on-one. You'd thought maybe this was it, the line would be crossed, and the initial step over the hump would be taken. You were so hopeful and you repeated Robin's words over and over again in your head. You don't want to give up yet.
Before arriving you had prepared yourself. You did everything from shaving to picking out a matching bra and pantie set. You had spraying yourself with the same perfume he'd complimented you on the first night you officially met. You did your hair and makeup, and don't even get started on how long it took to choose the perfect outfit that was cute enough to look like you weren't trying too hard but looked amazing in non the less.
You knocked on the apartment door that read 416. You could hear the eager padding of Eddie making his way to the door. He opned it with a swoosh and his hair blew back like he was n a goddamn shampoo commercial.
"Hey Princess, come on in make yourself at home." He greeted you with a warm hug. As he let go he scanned you up and down. You didn’t miss the way his eyes lingered on your chest. You’d picked a v neck top that extenuated your tits, even if it was just a t shirt.
“So what did you wanna do?” He asked as you examined his place. It was exactly what you’d imagine. Very boy, a bit cluttered but not dirty. It smelled fresh like he just put in a load of laundry.
“Would you teach me some guitar? If you don’t mind, I’ve always wanted to learn.” You smirk.
“You sure you want me as a teacher?” He tilts his head.
“Well why not have the best?” You flirt.
“Come on my guitar is in my room” he took your hand a lead you down the hall. Bingo
You walked into Eddie’s room and he lead you to sit in the edge of his bed.
“Ok sweetheart, first thing you need to know are the chords” he picked up his acoustic and handed it to you.
He sat beside you and proceeded to instruct you on where to place your fingers. Your hands not use to the awkward positions they kept a slipping away.
He placed each of his thighs on the sides of yours so you were sat right between his lap. His broad chest was pressed up to you.
“Here like this” Eddie scooted closer so he could help you place your hands in the correct position. You could feel his body heat radiating off of him as he placed his hand on yours. You swore you felt a jolt go through your body when he touched your skin.
“That’s better.” He whispered and your body broke out in a shiver as his breath cascaded down the side your neck.
“I think I’m getting the hang of it?” You look back at Eddie. He was so close your noses almost brushed. You could see his cheeks flair up into the pretties shade of pink you’ve ever seen.
“Yea….” He was so close he just needed to close the gap! This was it, this was the moment. He just needs to lean in and….
“Here let’s try a few together now.” He moved your strumming arm to around the front of the guitar.
You were screaming at him him your head! The opportunity to kiss you was right there! Why didn’t he make a move?! Better yet why didn’t you? You cursed yourself for not being the one to lean in.
As you shake yourself out of your thoughts you feel his large hands move yours so you played a few notes in a row.
“Very good sunshine” he smirked. Those butterflies were back fluttering in your stomach.
You leaned back into Eddie’s chest with a hum. You felt his whole body on your back. His broad shoulders, his chest, his soft tummy and his hard crotch…
Your eyes blew wide open at the realization that Eddie was hard.
Eddie jerked back “I ugh, excuse me I just uh need to use the bathroom.” He mumbled before jumping off the bed like a bat out of hell.
You couldn’t believe it! So he was attracted to you…more than attracted at what you had felt. So why on earth did he run away?!
It has been a few minutes since Eddie left the bedroom and he still wasn’t back. Was he jerking off? It was he just waiting for it to go down?
You assumed it was the latter because in the middle of your internal monologue he walked back in.
“Sorry bout that, where were we?” He rounded the corner
“I think right about here” you hooked your thumbs under the hem of your shirt and swiftly pulled up your shirt, bra included and flashed your bare chest.
You didn’t think Eddie’s beautiful brown eyes couldn’t get any bugged but the sure did.
“Sweetheart, what uh-”
“Come on Eddie, don’t be shy” God he was so nervous it was adorable.
“Princess I-uh? you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure. You can touch them if you want.” You bite your lip.
Eddie doesn’t waist a second and rushed back towards the bed.
“Holy shit” he whispered to himself while cupping a breast in each hand. Eyes never leaving your chest.
You can only giggle at his reaction. He looked up to see the smile that broke on your face and couldn’t resist but to kiss you.
The moment his lips met yours it was like everything finally fell into place.
“Fuck you haven no idea what you do to me” Eddie gently pushed you down so you were on your back and inserted himself between your legs. he helped you take off your top and bra.
As his hand’s massaged your breasts you couldn’t help but moan into his mouth.
“Ya baby?” He ground his hips into your clothed centre.
“I want you Eddie.” You moaned
“Is that right?” Eddie asked cocking his head to look down at you.
You nod your head frivolously.
“You so desperate for this cock that you had to expose yourself to me like a little slut, is that it?” he growled in your ear.
This was not what you were expecting Eddie to be like in bed… well actually it was, before you’d met him. The rockstar version you’d seen on the bar stage 6 months ago. You’d expected him to be like this, but not your Eddie you know now. You imagined the Eddie you know now to be soft and gentle.
“Shit” you sigh as he bit down on the side of your neck.
“Mmmm you like that don’t you? You like being a whore for me?” Eddie slid down to latch his mouth on your nipple before flipping the two of you over.
“You want me so bad? Prove it.” he started unbuttoning his pants.
Your mouth watered at the sight of him when his cock was released from the confines of his underwear.
Eddie was big. You knew that when you felt his cock pressed against your lower back. But feeling it was much different than seeing it.
“Com’on babydoll” Eddie stroked your hair as you lowered your head to the tip of his cock. He let out a grunt when you gave it a chaste kiss.
“Don’t be a tease” he chuckled.
You engulfed him entirely running your lips to the base, the tip hitting the back of your throat. You dragged your head back up to the tip then fully down again.
“Fuck you’re taking me so well” he gripped your hair
You pop him out of your mouth and stroked his length with your hand.
“You like that Eddie? You like me being your dirty whore?” You say as you pump him in your hand.
“Fuck baby you’re filthy” he breaths.
You crawl up to kiss him as your hand still works him. His lips are so soft, and so gentle compared to the words that have been coming out of his mouth.
“Gotta fuck you.” He pulls away and pushes you back on your back and in one swift motion, Eddie pulls down your pants and underwear. “She’s already ready for me” he leaned down and licked you from your glistening hole to your clit in one agonizingly slow swipe.
“Mmmmph Eddie please” you ground your hips up for any sense of relief.
“Patients darlin’ ” he smirked before sucking on your clit.
“No, I’ve waited long enough, fuck me now.” You demanded.
“Yes ma’am” he didn’t even hesitate. His cock plunged into you. You let out a moan of pleasure as he stretched you out.
“Fuck you’re so big” you praise as he pulled almost all the way out
“You can take it” he slammed his hips back into you.
Eddie was relentless, he abused you cunt with no second thought to it.
“Fuckin should had this pussy weeks ago” he gritted through his teeth.
“You could have if you weren’t so-FUCK ME!”you cried.
Eddie didn’t let up, the way he was pounding your pussy was like heaven in earth. He slid his hand between your two bodies to massage your clit. It took him no time to find.
“Uuuuhhhhhnn” You called out in pleasure.
“What was that baby? I could have had you weeks ago? I bet I could have you little slut but I was waiting for the perfect moment” Eddie panted.
“Yes yes yes yes” you chanted. Yes to him and yes to the feeling of him hitting your g spot with each trust. Your orgasms was building and building.
“You gunna cum on this cock? Hmmm” he mocked.
“Fuck yes! Please I wanna cum so bad. Please. Fuck me Eddie, fuck me so good” you cried.
“Come for me baby girl” he cooed, still massaging your clit.
“Eddie!” You called as your orgasm took over your whole body. Waves of euphoria pluses through you.
“Good girl” Eddie praised and you shook below him. You cunt tightening around his cock was enough to throw him over the edge, cum spilling into you. Eddie rolled off you and layes down beside you.
A few moments of silence passed before you spoke up.
“So didn’t you know I was flirting with you this whole time or?” You looked over at him
“Pffft of course I did” he looked up at the ceiling.
You raised a brow at him. Even if he couldn’t see you Eddie could feel your eyes burning into him.
“Sure you did” you scoff with a laugh.
“Don’t make me come back over there” he threatened.
“Ooooo I’m so scared” you roll over and laugh into his cheek.
“Get over here” he pinned you down to the mattress.
Safe to say he definitely showed you two more times that night.
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