#brief mentions of tommy and tubbo
@mcyt-yuri-week Day 4: Transgender & Genderbend!
Trans!Puffy x genderbent!Techno. Read on AO3 here
It was almost nearing funny, how when people learned that one of them was trans, they always assumed it was Technoblade. She was a towering pig hybrid, with heavy tusks and a square jaw, thick muscular arms and heavy hooves, and Puffy was half her height and width. So Puffy got where the mixup came from! Really she did. Just that it was funny.
Less funny was the occasional asshole who decided to make a remark, but Techno usually just killed those assholes for saying shit to her and then got really stuffy and blushy and stiff while she pretended not to hover around Puffy. It wasn’t even like Puffy got all that bothered! But it was nice to be fussed over, even when Techno had been the recipient of the comment.
This was particularly hilarious given the fact that Techno couldn’t even ask for her own pickles. It was always Puffy approaching the service workers, reminding them of details. She was pretty sure at this point that Techno would rather auto-cannibalize herself all the way to death than inconvenience a customer service employee even one (1) time.
“Excuse me!” Puffy called, flagging down a grocery store employee while her girlfriend pretended not to know her. “Did you guys move the hoof polish?” Normally it was in with the shampoos and soaps, but Puffy and Techno had crawled the bodywash aisle twice now to no avail.
“Oh, yeah, it got put, uh,” the faun in a blue polo fumbled, glancing around and trying to remember. “I think cosmetics?”
“Well that’s a dumb place to put that,” Puffy muttered, hands on her hips. Techno looked panicked at her rudeness. “Thanks! We’ll check there.”
Hoof polish acquired, they checked out their items and took to the streets of Essempi. It was a pleasant day out, not quite hot but only cool enough to justify maybe a shawl or light jacket. Techno had a beige and red dress made from a thick cotton weave, and a blood red shawl that lifted slightly in the light breeze. Really, if she had the stomach for it she could’ve been a model. Puffy did not even pretend she wasn’t ogling her.
She heard the two unruly teens just before she felt them, Tubbo rushing past her right before Tommy knocked into her. As far as pickpocketing techniques went, it was seamless. She had no idea what he’d grabbed and where he’d grabbed it from. Unfortunately for them, everyone and their cow knew that Tommy liked to nick things recreationally.
Techno was in front of them, glowering, all towering height and broad muscle and thick chest Puffy took frequent delight in, stanced to block the road and red eyes glaring.
“Hey-heyyyyyy, big woman,” Tommy greeted, nerves clear in his voice. Puffy huffed and stormed up, smacking him on the back of the head.
“Give it back!” she ordered.
“Give what back?” Tubbo asked, and it really was dangerous how completely innocent he managed to make himself look and sound.
“Whatever you two took, now give it,” Puffy demanded, holding out her hand.
Behind the pair, Techno snorted. A piggish rush of air that had most sensible people’s skin crawling.
“Fine, fine,” Tommy handed over the slab of beef wrapped up in its brown paper, and Puffy had no idea how he’d managed to snag that. It’d been near the bottom of its bag!
“Good,” Techno said darkly, “now get.”
The teens tore off, spirits hardly dampened. They weren’t a bad sort, just unruly, and Tommy liked the act of taking more than he’d ever cared for keeping, anyway. As far as anyone could tell, Tubbo just liked trouble.
“My gallant knight in shining armor,” Puffy teased, giggling as she tugged Techno’s hand out of her crossed arms so she could wrap her arms around Techno’s. She was so big and strong (a fact that Puffy made frequent and gleeful use of). “Chasing off the riffraff for me.”
“Cringe,” Techno snorted. “Last time I checked, you’re the biggest riffraff on this side of the ocean.”
“And the other!” Puffy tugged on Techno’s arm, but all it really did was leverage herself closer. She stumbled a little, then got her footing again. Man, Puffy’s hooves were half the size of her girlfriend’s. “May I remind you, I had a lucrative and mischievous career well before I sailed to these shores.”
“You’re not really provin’ me wrong here.”
Puffy snorted, loud and nasally, and knocked her horns against Techno’s bicep (stupid sexy towering giant. Puffy’d knock her head if she could reach it).
Puffy dragged her home with her and made Techno sit while she cooked them both dinner. Techno put up a token protest when Puffy requested that she tell her a story from one of the old myths she was so obsessed with, and Puffy fell happily into the rhythm of cooking while her girlfriend lovingly detailed the story of an archer with a stinky wound.
“I think I wound up cooking too much beef,” Puffy observed as she brought the food over to the table, Techno joining her with a swish of her skirts.
“Eh, pack it up and bring it with us to my place,” she said with a shrug. “Take it to the bedroom. We can have night meats later.”
Puffy dropped her fork before she’d even had her first bite. “Night meats?!”
Techno froze, in that way she did when she thought she’d said something weird and was now analyzing how to best play it off. But Puffy absolutely could not stand for that.
“I need to kiss you until you’re stupid,” Puffy followed, her heart suddenly squeezed far too full as she admired the utterly ridiculous woman across from her. And all but crawled across the table in order to plant herself directly in her lap, kissing around her short tusks with practiced familiarity.
“What, no, but I’m already so dumb!” Techno protested, her hands going up to Puffy’s hip and waist since she was resisting this soooooo hard.
“Then I’ve just got to make you stupider!!!”
“Heh?!? There won’t be anything left!”
Techno laughed as Puffy continued to kiss her, their dinners cooling on the table behind them as Puffy stuck her tongue down her girlfriend’s throat. She was so ridiculous. She was so ridiculous and silly and goofy and Puffy needed to marry her. She was so dense and strong, too, Puffy also needed to climb her like a tree and rock her whole ass world.
“I love you,” she gasped when they parted, stars still gleaming in her eyes and little hands tangled in long pink hair. “You’re so ridiculous. Night meats?! I love it, I love you, that’s inspired, why didn’t I ever think of that.”
“I think you’re blowin’ this a lil’ out of proportion,” Techno muttered, self-conscious and glancing askance. Puffy kissed her again about it.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
i'm so sleepy but i decided to finish this <3 i've had insomnia the past couple of months, and while finally i'm slowly starting to feel a little better i got the idea for this in like may on probably the worst night of it. not very good, just some comfort noms 'cause who doesn't love those? :D
and though it's no improvement
wc: 1988
cw: vore (sfw, nsx), half-willing prey, swearing, mention of depression, mention/description of gore (very brief)
Nobody could sleep. 
Tommy wasn’t talking for Tubbo, or Ranboo, or Dream (Although with the imprisonment of the guy he couldn’t be positive on that one), or anyone else. 
He, Tommy, couldn’t sleep, and he wanted to make sure he felt like everyone was sharing his problem.
A consistent two nights of tossing and turning, throwing his blanket off of him when his skin pulsed uncomfortably with the warmth, and pulling it back on when the night grew too windy, and crying into his pillow with a dry-wet throat over the fact that his eyes felt so heavy but he couldn’t drift off. He counted the animals that passed by his window, stared at his ceiling, like maybe he’d wake up in a tent with a tedious headspace and a hyper ghost there to talk to him about his latest story with a particular blue sheep. But everything in his fantasy is gone. 
Logstedshire has been blown up, his tent has been abandoned, and Ghostbur has been sent back to Limbo. Everything good in his life always leaves him. It was only a matter of time before the days he called useless and the time he called torturesome were brought to and end, and it hurt him to think the last ounce of happiness from his was when he was with Technoblade, the traitor he thought to be a friend, or when he was running around with a Mexican and female edition of his mentor-slash-torturer that he was half convinced were hallucinations. Those were gone, Technoblade was thousands of blocks away, Ran-bitch is taking over his Tubbo, and even with Dream in prison, Tommy’s life was awful, and flavourless.
It’s been lately that he realised it’s because of him; had he not kept his secret stash, had he not pulled out his axe so eagerly, or had he kept a better eye on his only remaining remnant of Ghostbur, he’d still be clinging onto his happiness. 
Not like exile was a particularly reminiscent-worthy time.
Or, rather, was it? It had been the only time that he’d ever gotten the chance to feel productive, like he was doing something. He’d claimed he’d been lonely but he was surrounded by people—although in the moment he’d been shadowed by anger of being pitied that perhaps it felt lonely. He had been free, and had gotten a taste of letting himself choose, and had let himself bask in the piss-poor feeling of not being the crowd favourite any longer. For some reason, that felt pure now, a feeling that he had never experienced before that made him delusional, yet delusionally thrilled.. Dream wasn’t there to dictate him, he was just there to reset him, which got the cogs moving in Tommy’s brain if he was thinking about it, because how else was he to convince himself a secret stash was a good idea if not because someone kept resetting his progress?
Tommy tosses again, half of his blanket crumpled at his bed. He tosses onto his back and the blanket slides off. He sighs, then grumbles. The night is unusually cold, but it’s also unusually warm. It’s not right though. His head feels like it’s splitting. A million thoughts race through his train of thought, never condoning his slumber—no matter his pathetic desire for it.
Before he lets the lights behind his eyes grow any longer as his body goes numb but his thoughts keep busy, he opens his eyes and sits up. His hands grab anxiously over the side of his bed, grabbing the clay cup floating in an iron bucket of water. He drags it in the water and takes an eager sip of it, the room-temperature water sliding down his throat. As he swallows, it stings, but it feels better.
Carelessly, Tommy tosses the cup back into the bucket and shifts out of bed, shoving his blanket back onto his bed before walking around to the front door. He can barely call it that anymore, but he needs one for it to be home. Otherwise he wouldn’t be beating the raccoon allegations. 
He pulls the crooked and whiny thing open and steps out. The night air is like a slap to his face, but it felt nice. 
Tommy steps out and shuts the door behind him, then faces the quiet world. To his right, the bench is left untouched with the newest version of the jukebox set slightly off. He considered listening to one of them, but it didn’t feel right. There was no occasion for it, no conclusion to celebrate. Because Tommy liked happy endings, and Wilbur didn’t feel like one.
“Still can’t sleep, huh?” Tommy jumps, his skin crawling at the sound of the loud and gravelly voice. Speak of the devil. Abruptly, the nice air turned into a cloud of disappointment that reeked of cigarette smoke.
“What?” Tommy asks, turning around to source the giant—who he realised very quickly was sitting on the hill behind his home, legs crossed and looking down at him. His glasses give off an eerie red glare that makes him shiver. Tommy’s eyes widened. “What the fuck are you doing?!”
“Enjoying the fresh air! Do you know how long it’s been since I saw the night, Tommy?” 
Tommy scoffs. “Do you have to do it on top of my house, though? Rather disruptive, don’t you think?” he bargains, eyes narrowed. He slips his arms over his chest, trying to ignore the voice in the back of his mind telling him to run. 
“I don’t recall having a house, I think that blew up. Or—rather, have you seen much of Pogtopia?”
He tenses at the name. “It’s been abandoned since the last time we were there, I don’t fucking give a shit about that place, it messed you up.”
“Aw, Tommy, you think so?”
“I know so, man. You were n—” Tommy pauses. “Stop fucking talking to me! I’m not here to talk about your mental health. I just want to sleep. But I can’t because you’re fucking alive!” 
“Ouch,” Wilbur murmurs. “I thought you wanted me back?”
Tommy flinches at the words. “I didn’t want shit, don’t put words in my fucking mouth,” he spits out, looking off into the distance for a moment, before settling back on the revivee. 
Wilbur throws his hands up gently in defeat, a god-awful smile peeking through the torch-lit property.
Somewhere in the distance, through the silence grown taut, is the growl of a nearby zombie. Not as near as the one sitting on his fucking roof.
“That’s my house you’re sitting on,” he points out. 
Wilbur huffs, like it was a joke. “I thought so.”
Tommy wrinkles his face. What a fucking asshole to be here, unannounced, basically stalking him. Tommy sighs, ‘Prime’ coming out in a gravelly whine from his throat. He wants to say something, he really does, but Wilbur beats him to it before he can shuffle his thoughts into something appropriate for their situation.
“You’re having trouble sleeping, aren’t you?” Wilbur accuses. Tommy doesn’t have it in him to pick a fight, so tentatively, he nods.
“That’s kind of why I’m out here,” he mumbles.
Tommy can practically feel Wilbur’s urge to ask him The Question seeping off of his roof and pooling around his feet—so much that he shudders at it. Wilbur wouldn’t, he knows Tommy’s hesitance with him now. Things weren’t like L’manburg anymore, they haven’t been for a long while.
“Can I help with that?”
There it was.
“No.” Simple. Tommy’s hands are shaking. Wilbur stares at Tommy so intensely, so attentive to his little brother, if they could be considered that anymore. The giant’s hands twitch, Tommy notices through his peripheral vision.
“Not even as a brotherly welcome-back gift, Tommy?” Wilbur asks, almost pouting. Infuriating.
Tommy, though, does consider it. The feeling of being embraced by Wilbur all around. If he was lucky, such a cold soul would follow down to a cold gut. He smirks at the thought. Still, he persists with a decline: “No, Wilbur.”
The next moment goes by in a blur; he’s standing on the grass near his house, then a second later his vision is obscured and gravity shifts as something grabs him, gently but secure, and Tommy’s left squirming in what he recognized as Wilbur’s grasp. He kicks aimlessly at Wilbur’s domed fingers, grumbling at the entrapment. 
When torch-light comes back to view, he’s met with Wilbur’s face. He rolls his eyes at it, looking away. Or, the best he can when there’s a giant mouth and a willing predator who’s captured his prey.
“It’s been thirteen years, I’ve felt empty. So fucking empty, Tommy. Haven’t you just felt useless without my embrace?”
Tommy snickers. “No, Wil. I haven’t felt useless, I’ve been productive out from under your wing. I felt free for the first time in years.”
A low grumble comes from Wilbur’s throat, something of a purr, less graceful than it had in L’manburg, but still almost lulling. If not for the suffocating stench of smoke, he might’ve folded.
Tommy’s pulled a little further from Wilbur’s face, who stares at him, long and hard, long and sad. Tommy still feels free at this moment, like he can do what he wants to do.
And…he doesn’t want to sit in a stomach with the same humidity as out here, in arguably worse conditions considering the absence of a nightly breeze. But, Wilbur was back, and there was always some part of him that has vouched to never say no to Wilbur. So, he shrinks a little in defeat. “Fine, dickhead. I don’t say no to you, blah blah, fucking eat me if you have to.”
Wilbur seemed satisfied enough to whisper a small thank you before pulling Tommy back to his face, parting his lips and letting Tommy do his own thing. Pleased with the effort, Tommy stood up and placed a tentative lip to Wilbur’s blood-stained and scarred lips, climbing over them and his bottom row of teeth, almost tumbling over when he loses his balance. He stumbles, catching himself on Wilbur’s instinctual tongue, which flicks up slightly to offer its support. He stands on the edge of Wilbur’s gums before clambering onto his tongue, padding along the uneven surface before sitting in the middle with practised ease. 
Wilbur’s turn.
At Tommy’s still form, Wilbur tilts Tommy slowly to the side of his mouth. Tommy shifts carefully to sit on his molars as Wilbur licks at him, coating him in a generous layer of saliva for an easy trip. The feeling used to be so alien to him, then it was once normal, and now, he hates to say it was nostalgic. Part of him was waiting for Wilbur’s lips to part and for light to flood in from the morning, trees fluttering in the wind and the Camarvan somewhere in the distance as the two of them treated each other to a picnic for the early days of their Nation’s upbringing.
When Wilbur’s lips part, it’s dark. He can see the bench, vaguely, and the stupid fucking duck that sat in the middle of the server with trident pools decorating the rest. He pats at Wilbur’s frozen tongue, letting him know he’s okay. Satisfied, Wilbur’s maw becomes pitch black again and he goes off of muscle memory for the next chain of events.
He’s brought over to the edge of Wilbur’s mouth, half-dangling over throat, and suddenly, Wilbur swallows and he’s sent down a squeezing tight tunnel along with a pool of saliva. He travels down, the disruptive beating of Wilbr’s heart distracting him enough for him to barely register his final destination. 
Tommy lands with a squish, the surface under him having shifted from teeth to gut in a few half-predicted seconds. The blond sighs at the intense heat that follows in Wilbur’s gut. It was fine, he could suck it up for a few hours. 
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multi-fandom-agereg · 9 months
srry for all caps i got realllllly excited !!
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Regressor!CTOMMY 🍓
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🛸 a/n, Hello Tommie!! 👋 nice to say hi:D honestly, funfact! I was always planning to add mcyt to my ABC list but was nervous to^^" doesn't matter though bc we're here rn! So here you go! + Q!regressor Jaiden hcs as well (just getting into the QSMP, so bare with me jajs)
🍼 image credits : middle image is from ApolloSauce on pinterest — the other images are also from pinterest !
⚠️ : Bug mentioning (stuffie species + brief)
🍓 hc count : 13 + 5
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🍓 : Tommy is a bunch of.. something. Especially when regressed. And that isn't a bad thing! Hes such a mischievous fluffball that is always craving attention from either his friends, sibbies, caretakers or babysitters!
🍓 : oh he bites.. he bites and bites some more. He can either bite when he wants attention or he's fussy and wants something. If he bites lightly to where you cant feel it when he's doing it to get your attention. (Or to get on your nerves) if he bites to where you'll wince or anything— then better give your full attention to him>:(
🍓 : pouty, especially when tired. He barely listens to the rules and loves to get into stuff he can't get into, and that especially includes bedtime. Will throw fits, do tiny stomps and cries. Don't worry though, Tommy literally trained himself to cry when he needed to (mostly to get out of bedtime or wanting extra attention) but usually that backfires when he tires himself out then he goes down for the nap
🍓 : do not let the boy get ahold of enderpearls for the sake of anyone babysitting/watching over him— he doesn't usually get far but he got into a tree and refused to get out. Spent hours trying to lure and get Tommy out of the tree.. safe to say it wasn't gonna happen again anytime soon
🍓 : unsure about his little age but I think he'd be in-between a young kid regressor and toddler. Maybe around 4-9. When he's the most active he'll most likely be around 8-9! When he's In the slow energy and fussy days he's about 4-6
🍓 : do not separate him from his tubbo disc. He'll throw a fit and bite someone. When he has ahold of this disc he won't let it go. Takes it to his adventures and makes his sitters play it on repeat
🍓 : has a raccoon stuffie named Rexus and a beetle stuffie named stray. Like tubbo's disc, do not separate them. He won't stop crying until he got them back
🍓 : doesn't have a permanent cg per say, but he's babysat by a decent amount of people on the server (Tubbo, Wilbur, Phil and sometimes Bad) but I'd think he's mostly around Phil and them!
🍓 : he'd beg to play dress up with anyone he can get ahold of if they're not busy. If they agree he is the prince. No buts or whys! He's the prince afterall (he always plays the prince. If he doesn't he'll just fall to the ground and NOT move for hours until the other person decides he can be the prince)
🍓 : headcanon that tubbo and Wilbur reads books to him! Specially any fairytales that include prince and princesses or animals
🍓 : collects flowers and gives to everyone he can find,, I don't know I think its a cute hc 😭
🍓: speaking of flowers, he once made a small flower crown and tied it to the back of ranboo's tail. Safe to say that took hours of trying to get off by yourself. You can say tommy is skillful of tieing knots. How did he manage to tie stems without it snapping? Who knows!
🍓 : loves calling his caretakers Bubba. If puffy ends up being the babysitter he calls her mama!
Reg!Jaiden 🐣
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🐣 : I think she regresses a bit older! Maybe around 10-12. Around rare occasions she regresses younger (6-7)
🐣 : she's a sleepy regressor. She regresses only around nighttime or when she's tired. So when she regresses she prefers low energized actives
🐣 : owns only bird gear! Clothes, onsies, sippy, stuffies and wings she made herself! She loves anything bird related ^^
🐣 : she named her favorite stuffie after Ari! You can't separate them>:(
🐣 : best little to cuddle with. She likes physical touch (specially hugs, cuddles and being held) she would be like this for hours
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mellorphic · 1 year
In Defence of c!Niki - a Four Part Analysis of Every Arc
People who didn’t watch C!Niki see, in the fandom, a big sister type character with girlboss energy who wants to kill a child. Niki isn’t that. She has a well-written narrative which focusses a lot on her relationships with others. Here is me breaking it down!
PART ONE: c!Niki’s Early Days
PART TWO: c!Niki’s Rebellion
PART THREE: c!Niki’s Disillusionment (you are here)
PART FOUR: c!Niki’s Healing
TW FOR THIS SECTION: brief mention of sh, derealisation, a lot of discussion on grief and death. Let me know if I should add more tws
I don’t think c!Niki’s disillusionment arc started on Doomsday, randomly. I think it started on the day of the festival, when Niki watched her friend die, was chased out of her home, and saw how much her best friend had changed.
Despite her anger at Tubbo for his speech (which sounded very pro-Schlatt) she still told Schlatt to let him out once Schlatt and Quackity started to box him in. It still had not been revealed quite yet that Tubbo was a spy, yet Niki still stood up for Tubbo regardless of how she felt about him. That’s the thing about Niki. She is a good person with sound morals who will support people even if their views don’t align with hers, because she knows what’s right and what’s wrong and she won’t let ‘wrong’ happen to anyone.
Once Techno killed him, Schlatt literally fucking exiled her.
N: You killed him!
S: yeah, I did. I did fucking kill him, Niki.
N: you are so cruel- how could you do that? After everything he has done for you?!
S: he’s been a thorn in my side since-
S: he-
S: […] you can leave if you want
N: ….Where am I supposed to go?
Manberg may not be Niki’s home but L’Manberg is and it always will be. That’s why the thought of leaving for good hurt her so much. Wilbur comes out into the open after she says this, and he defends her.
S: you really crawled up here on the day of my festival, celebrating my country. That you are not a part of. And you started- you started crying.
W: You sounded like you were gonna murder another person.
S: no, I was only gonna murder Tubbo.
W: you sounded like you were gonna go for Niki.
S: he’s the only person- well I mean, Niki..
N: what?
S: I might murder Niki, actually. I might murder her.
Wilbur tells her to run. Fundy gives Schlatt arrows but he and Quackity tell Schlatt not to do it, all the while Niki’s getting chased out of the country she used to love. This solidifies for her the fact that she truly has lost everything. Ponk chased her down and he killed her - Ponk, who a few streams before, Niki had called a friend. Earlier Techno had also killed her, when he shot at the audience after killing Tubbo. According to the wiki neither of those are canon deaths but I think they should be. At the very least, being killed by Ponk should be.
She joined Pogtopia that day, and Niki already had heard about Wilbur’s plans from Tommy. He, her and Tubbo had all vowed to get L’Manberg back and at this point in time, Tommy was the person she trusted the most. Her relationship with Tubbo had been ruined because of her thinking she was on Schlatt’s side - and even now that she knew he hadn’t been, it didn’t change the fact that he did not stick up for her while she was there. Her relationship with Wilbur was still a close one but she was scared for him and worried for L’Manberg’s future. But Tommy hadn’t wronged her, and she knew she could trust him to help with Wilbur.
Her birthday party was where she really saw the extent of Wilbur’s mental decline first hand and was completely powerless in stopping it. The day had been going so well, and she’d been having fun, until Wilbur went to blow up Manberg. Niki had to beg him to stop playing the anthem and Quackity talked him down from blowing it up, but Niki was terrified.
This is when Niki began working on her Secret City - intended to be a safe space away from the conflict, or a last resort for refugees if the war went badly.
On November 16th, Niki was hopeful, especially after Techno revealed his armoury. That day, Niki also defended Eret when they were accused of being the traitor, saying she trusted them and that they helped her. Once again, proving her loyalty and the fact she was grateful for people who stuck by her side.
We all know what happened later. After they got L’Manberg back, and were cleaning up, Niki found the TNT Wilbur had placed under the podium. She made sure nobody else saw it and she hid it again. Because after everything, Niki still believed in Wilbur. She was still loyal to him. She still saw the good in him and trusted that he wouldn’t. But he did.
She’d kept her promise, she’d been loyal to him and L’Manberg, and it didn’t change anything. She didn’t manage to help anything. And Wilbur, the one person Niki believed would always be there for her, no matter what, betrayed her. And she couldn’t even ask him why. So after that she was left hopeless and never wanted to let anyone in again. But as much as Niki didn’t want to, that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
Tommy reminded the L’Manbergians that the L’Mantree was still there. And I think Niki found that comforting, at the very least. She asked Tubbo what they were going to do with Wilbur’s body and his only response was “let him rot”. She and Tommy were the only ones who didn’t laugh.
At this point Tommy became a constant, for Niki. He’d been there since she joined, he was the only one who understood that she still wanted Wilbur back, and in her eyes he was able to take on his role in the sense of inspiring them all.
So, of course it hit her hard when he tried to blame her for burning down George’s house. Then, he’s exiled and the next time she heads from him it’s because he blew up the community house - we know he didn’t, but Niki didn’t. She begins to see Tommy as someone who just causes problems on the SMP, nothing more. She thinks he’s arrogant and a nuisance and that he doesn’t care for anyone.
When it comes to Niki’s character it’s vital that we understand - she has been through so much pain that got overlooked by everyone around her. At this point, she was poor, grieving, and felt as if nobody in New L’Manberg listened to her. She was going through the lowest point in her life and nobody in that nation seemed to care.
And she couldn’t hate everyone for it so she needed someone to blame and that happened to be Tommy. He didn’t deserve it but he was an easy target. And it’s true that he wasn’t kind to her, but he wasn’t the only one, and he was obviously going through his own things. But Niki was angry and she needed somewhere to put her anger. Is that fair? Not at all. But it’s what happened.
N: L’Manberg has not been L’Manberg. For many weeks. Maybe even months, maybe even.. maybe even, I don’t know.. since the start? […] I want the people to realise L’Manberg is not what they think it is. I want them to open their eyes and stop being in this circle.. in this circle of fighting for it. Because that will not bring us anywhere.
Do I even need to say anything? She fought for it for so long, on her own, and lost everything and everyone anyway.
On Doomsday, she spoke to Ranboo.
N: Do you.. do you really think L’Manberg should be safe today? …Ranboo, I will- If you think that we should fight for L’Manberg today, I will fight with you. Because I believe in you. And I always believed in you.
R: I think we should. […] the thing is, if we don’t fight with them, then what are we showing them? We’re showing them that we never cared about them.
N: .. i care about them, I really do. But I got.. hurt by them… They always talk over me, Ranboo. You know how that feels.
R: yeah. But like you remember yesterday, sometimes you just have to get louder.
N: You’re right..
R: sometimes you just have to get louder until they have no choice but to hear you.
And good god, isn’t that exactly what she did? Something something, peaceful protest is ignored (striking at her bakery, not paying her taxes, verbally standing up to Schlatt). OSomething something, she got louder. (Burning down the L’Mantree, blowing up her bakery)
An underrated line from Doomsday though? Niki telling her chat that she needed to save Puffy. I think she was muted so you’d only hear the line if you were on her stream, but she tried to help Puffy after and seemed distressed that she couldn’t get to her. Puffychu crumbs.
She held it together until she saw Ghostbur, believing she was hallucinating and repeating to herself that Wilbur was gone and that he betrayed her. She doesn’t want to care, but she does. And the idea of Wilbur still existing terrifies her, because what does that say about her grief? And if her grief isn’t justified, then the things she’s done definitely aren’t. As long as Wilbur is dead, Niki feels like she has a reason for her anger.
During her meltdown Niki is rambling. ‘Wilbur is dead’ becomes ‘L’Manberg is dead’ which becomes ‘L’Manberg is gone’ which becomes ‘I am gone’ and ‘I am L’Manberg’. This reveals a lot about Niki, even if it may seem nonsensical at first glance.
I’ve made a post before about how for crime boys, L’Manberg is interchangeable with the other person (For Tommy, it’s Wilbur. For Wilbur, it’s Tommy.) And I think that this is the same thing for Niki. L’Manberg is Wilbur. Wilbur couldn’t live without L’Manberg, and L’Manberg isn’t the same without Wilbur.
Then, she is gone and she is L’Manberg. Niki isn’t the same person she used to be and she’s starting to think that she can’t live without L’Manberg either, not happily, anyway. But at the same time, she helps to destroy it because the memories are too much to bare, and all it does is remind her of all the times she’s been hurt there. She can’t see the good in it anymore.
Destroying her own bakery was somewhere between emotional self-harm and trying to separate herself from L’Manberg as much as possible. There could’ve also been a sense of survivors guilt? Everyone else’s homes and things were destroyed but Niki’s bakery was untouched, and she found that really unsettling.
She talks to Jack about why she burnt down the tree, saying it was because she’s lost everyone.
J: that’s not a very good way of going ‘hey, I wanna be friends again’, burning down their sacred tree.
N: i don’t want to be friends with any of them again! Have you seen them?
J: then why do you care?!
N: because it hurt me! […] we both have been ignored by all of them all the time. We walk behind them slowly and-and carefully because they will ignore us all the time but we wanna be part! We wanna be part- we’re like little puppies, aren’t we?! Like little puppies, just walking and walking. But they’re never going to see us. All we are for them is something to take something from. […] whats the difference between these people and us? When we lose something, we lost it. And we grieve it. And it will be a part of us. When they lose something? They move on and they find something new.
I feel like people who think c!Niki is badly written or don’t like her just watch this stream and think she is overreacting because they don’t know her lore. But none of this came out of nowhere.
The thing is, Niki was ignored throughout Manberg and New L’Manberg by Tubbo and Fundy and sometimes even Eret. Niki has had things taken from her by Schlatt and Tommy. She has seen everyone move on from Wilbur when she couldn’t.
I think the other characters did care about her - Wilbur definitely did and Tommy did too. Karl did, Eret did, Puffy did. But it’s so difficult for her to see that because the love is so quiet in comparison to everything else. She’s no longer an idealist, she can’t see it when it isn’t right in front of her. And that doesn’t mean she’s wrong. She’s not completely right, but she’s not wrong about being used and feeling unwanted. That did happen.
So why does this turn into hatred at Tommy? Like I said earlier - he was a constant. The only one she still had after Wilbur, but he didn’t seem like he cared about her. In Niki’s eyes he became just like the rest of them - he used her left, and then when he came back she thought he’d replaced Wilbur with Techno and was now replacing him with Tubbo.
(I’m not saying I think that’s what happened but it’s what Niki saw. This part of my analysis is also partly speculation and partly based on things Niki said after the fact, because I can’t find the vod where she and Jack decided to target Tommy specifically, I think there’s a missing one between Niki’s Doomsday vod and the one where Jack tells her about the nukes.)
She directs her anger at him also because it gives her an ally. Jack blames Tommy for most of what’s happened to him, because Tommy resulted in him losing his second life; if Niki agrees that it’s his fault then she has Jack. So unconsciously she starts directing her anger more towards him.
The thing about Tommy is that he’s loud. He’s annoying. He can be rude. He doesn’t take things seriously, especially when he’s being painted in the wrong, because he doesn’t know how to handle it so he just deflects.
That makes him a really easy target for anger. But the vast majority of what happened to Niki was never Tommy’s fault. She blames him for Doomsday, she’s angry that he used her, and she’s processing her grief of Wilbur through hating Tommy. That’s why she does what she does.
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metfell · 2 years
things to know about the bedrockverse blogs i run aka @tmmyrp and @latenightmining
has backstory of being grown in a lab, escaped, and lived with wilbur and schlatt before the smp.
is a shapeshifter. his hybrid features change based on whoever he is connected with most at the time.
he is much closer to ranboo in this than in canon. alliumduo are really funny and stupid. they have had the prison tnt conversation already.
tommy has suffered exile 2, and c!dream was killed by tubbo with the help of ranboo and emerald duo. dream is dead.
had a brief bout of being the server's therapist, since canonically puffy fucked off and made tommy the therapist. he has a therapy book which can be read through here
he has two pets. one is gertrude, a dreamon disguised as a chicken with mary-sue level powers. the chicken has canonically killed dream, and infected subtotechno with a disease that slowly killed him. gertrude can do whatever he wants as long as it's funny. he's also trans.
his other pet is tulip, an old tamed wolf therapy animal who is trained to sniff out mental illnesses, and regularly will run across the server to track down whoever is feeling mentally ill that day.
shroud isnt mentioned much at all because the mod has a fear of spiders.
tommy and tubbo have a small base out thousands of blocks away called Petalsbrough, which is a real- though uninhabited- spot on the smp's seed. a tour of petalsbrough can be found here
has died twice, once with the november 28th death, and once again after a deal with kristin ended on new years eve.
romantic c!beeduo.
they have a second child with tubbolul named mae, who is a baby enderman. she speaks in sign language.
enjoys metalworking and smithing. can be found in the mansion- that they live in- regularly repairing tubbo's things and crafting new small items out of netherite.
he has matching rings with tubbo saying "for the earth" and "for the moon", and a friendship ring with amethyst in it for tommy who's says "for the sun"
ranboo is mending their relationship with quackity, and is still good friends with wilbur as of right now. the canon timeline sadly uses the prison break timeline, and not the hitting on 16 timeline.
ill add more if i remember them but here's a bit of background info going in!
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re-d4cted · 11 months
you would be the one to ask 💀 I've been tormenting you for YEARS with this au
okay so since this is going to be a massive word vomit post ill put it under a cut after I give a quick summary of the basic premise
so there is a family of gods who are known to be cruel. who have a hatred for all mortals and will use them for their own entertainment as some sort of sick punishment for the wrongs of the past
philza, the God of death, and his sons techno, willow, grian (you can ask about this LATER), and tommy. who are the gods of blood, madness, tragedy, and chaos respectively
now to give a brief summary up to right before purgatory (I will be skipping over the grian stuff but if you want to know more about that I will explain) meaning I'm not going into full detail, because if I did this post would be a novel
*disclaimer!!!!!! I HATE dream but unfortunately he is a big villain in this au so he is gonna get mentioned just be aware that he will always be the most vile person in any au I make
SO it all starts when willow gets bored of her challenges (the 100 player challenges) and decides she wants to do something new. she takes tommy and they disguse themselves as mortals and go to the land of dsmp to spread their madness and chaos there
tommy pretended to befriend tubbo because he found him interesting and then the three of them created l'manburg. tubbo doing it for a place to be free and the two gods doing it to see how other residents would react
the revolution was exactly what they wanted, beautifully chaotic and allowed willow to let her madness infect everyone who opposed l'manburg
erets betrayal wasn't planned but it was wonderfully entertaining for the gods watching the revolutionaries get beaten over and over just to keep getting back up
in the end tommy makes the deal to trade his disc's for independence because he and willow had already planned an election
and the elections go exactly as planned with the betrayal of schlatt being planned since the beginning. you see schlatt was someone willow had previously turned mad and she knew exactly what would happen if she brought him in
in Pogtopia is where things start to go off track, because tommy starts to realize that maybe his friendship with tubbo isn't just pretend and he starts trying to convince willow that blowing up l'manburg won't be as entertaining and leaving it be (it doesn't work)
techno just makes things more complicated because he wants blood to spill, and to help his brothers with their little game
the red festival and tubbos execution creates a conflict between techno and tommy, and willow just thinks it's because tommy wanted to mess with tubbo more. to settle this argument they fight in the pit
November 16th is when everything goes ary. at first everything is according to plan, techno "betrays" them, willow blows up the country, phil is waiting in the wings to collect all the souls. but then something unexpected happens, tommy doesn't go through with his part of the plan and refuses to kill tubbo
the others have to improvise, because even though they could kill everyone there, tommy doesn't want to and they aren't going to go against family, they couldn't care less about the mortals but tommy is another story and if he wants to play nice they'll let him play nice (for now). willow and phil stay back to keep an eye on him while also playing the parts of father haunted by his dead daughter just for the fun of it
and tommy does well for a bit, keeping his chaos in check at least, and not seeing tubbo as just another mortal (he couldn't care less about the others), he does find the newcomer interesting though and doesn't immediately dismiss them
when his chaos reaches a point where he needs to let some out he takes the new guy (ranboo) and goes to rob the mushroom house, things get a bit outta hand and the house ends up burning
tommy takes the fall
he gets exiled by the same person he went against his family for
he is hurt
brought to logstedshire, he plays along with whatever, letting his chaos and willows madness infect dream, taking joy in watching it consume the man. when he finally gets bored he leaves and joins his brother at his cabin
not even a week later the butcher army come to try and execute techno, which doesn't end well at all. tommy stayed behind while techno humored the mortals letting them attempt their little execution than easily breaking free and killing quackity in the process. phil goes with him
doomsday is planned by the gods to get back at the mortals who hurt their youngest. tommy blows up the community house so he give the warning for what's to come
during actual doomsday they finally reveal what/who they are, so the residents of New l'manburg can see just how badly they fucked up
tommy is supposed to kill tubbo, before he can however tubbo asks him if it was all fake, and tommy is honest. tells him that in the beginning it was but at some point that changed, and he started caring and now he'd be lying to himself if he said he didn't. he can't even bring himself to kill tubbo
something shifts in tommy and he is no longer chaos, and instead becomes loyalty
phil, techno, and willow are blinded by rage towards the people who made tommy hurt and attempts to kill tubbo but something unexpected happens
for his accomplishment of doing the impossible, making a cruel God kind, tubbo is turned into a God. the God of forgiveness
the three leave once tommy runs up and hugs him, realizing Tommy's domain has shifted and that like it or not a pair of gods have just been born
ranboo ends up being taken to the cabin along with tubbo because he has no where else to go. it helps that the gods have all taken a liking to him
over the next few months tubbo along with ranboo start working with the gods to try and get them to see mortals as more than just tools for their entertainment (the two also get married and adopt micheal at this point)
everyone else on the smp believe beeduo got kidnapped by them and keep trying to "save them" and failing miserably every time
ranboo happily playing cards and winning with them, cut to quackity spying on them and thinking this must be some advanced torture technique
all is well until tommy and tubbo get attacked by dream using a god killing axe (he was angry that tubbo took his only chance to become a god and now wants to kill him). while protecting tubbo and fighting back (killing dream twice) sam and the others arrive and think it's tommy who snapped and attacked first (they still think he is chaos)
he gets captured and put into the prison that was built to keep the gods imprisoned. tubbo runs back to the cabin and tells the others what happened, and while he is breaking down tubbos domain shifts from forgiveness to destruction and becomes cruel
Niki joins them at this point and the syndicate is formed
over the next few months while tommy is trapped in the prison, tubbo pretends to be glad he is free and roams the server letting off radiation and slowly weakening and killing anyone he comes across. just biding his time until the syndicate is ready to break tommy out
when they are ready they strike at night, tubbo gets in by pretending he wants to settle things with tommy and "get peace", once he is on the moving bridge he reveals his true colours letting his radiation kill the warden
he finds tommy weak and in chains, tommy who even after months in prison, has not gone back to chaos. wasting no time tubbo destroys the chains and breaks down the "impenetrable" walls with his destruction. meeting up with the rest of the syndicate who were waiting on the outside
ranboo and Niki were told to stay behind at the cabin incase tubbo couldn't control his power, unfortunately that's what dream was expecting. so while the gods aren't there to protect them, dream attacks, they hold him back long enough for the others to get back but right as they get there ranboo is struck with the same axe dream used against tommy
niki takes tom so tubbo and willow can go to ran, while techno and phil fight off dream. willow plays a song to keep ranboo calm, while tubbo tries to stop the bleeding. in this moment they are not the cruel gods they are known as, and like tommy months earlier, their domains shift
madness becomes music, blood becomes protection, and death becomes family
dream is killed for good this time, ranboo is healed by phil who refuses to let his death take him, and they leave for good with the few people they care about. they can learn to be kind later for now they need to heal
between dsmp and qsmp
there is about a 1000 year gap between the two. and the first 400 of those years is spent happily traveling together and leaning to be kind with ranboo and micheal, who have been made functionally immortal by phil (he asked beforehand of course)
willow is the first to split off wanting to play his music for the world and distance herself from her past madness. then tommy leaves because he wants to explore the world, techno goes with him for protection
leaving phil to look after the _Beloved family who have made a little home for themselves. tubbo has to leave occasionally go preform whatever duties he has as a god, but he always comes back. and micheal goes on his own adventures for years, even decades at a time, he too always comes back
after 200 years of this little routine ranboo asks phil the question he's been dreading for 600 years. he waits until tubbo is out of the house and asks if he could take back the immortality. says that he's been thinking about it for a long time and now that he's lived such a long life he's ready. when phil asks if tubbo knows, ranboo can only say his expression would make him change his mind
after explaining that ranboo would still have to live out the rest of his natural lifespan and that ranboo has to promise to tell everyone sooner rather than later, it is done, and ranboo is mortal once again
the first ones told are micheal and tubbo, who comes home a year later, the tears are expected and there are a LOT of tears, it's almost like ranboo would drop dead any minute and not live nearly another 100 years. tommy, techno, and willow find out not long after and their reactions are similar, with lots of tears and hugs
they all promise to make as many memories in the next 100 years as possible
and once those 100 years are up, phil personally escorts ranboo to the afterlife to be taken care of by his wife, the goddess of death
ranboo would be joined by micheal not much later
qsmp is set long after the gods have learned to be kind (thanks to the efforts of ranboo and micheal) now the family is off doing their own things and trying to atone for their pasts. their old domains will always be a part of them and they still have power over them, but they don't abuse that power
willow and phil just so happened to end up on the same train to quesadilla island together. little did they know the descendants of people they once knew (and tormented) would also be on the island, along with foolish and slime who are the same people from the smp
they both end up finding foolish and slime and apologizing for what happened in he past. slime doesn't really care cause the gods never messed with him much, if anything he was one of they few people they were kind to, and foolish had no problems since what they did never really effected him 💀
of course neither of them reveal what they are to any of the other residents (that don't already know) and just go on with their lives on the island, well willow goes off island for a while so she can go off and spread her music and phil stays behind giving small blessings to the islanders
when the kids come it becomes increasingly clear why phil was drawn to this place, he is the God of family after all. and to his surprise all of the kids have been blessed by various gods given to the residents to be raised as new champions, and of course the one phil ends up with just so happens to be blessed by one of phils own sons, techno
when willow comes back she can feel the presence of the young champions, but there is a stronger presence that she couldn't explain, at least not until she meets tallulah
because unlike the other egg children, tallulah isn't blessed by a god, and she wasn't born from the dragon like the others (I WILL BE MAKING A SEPARATE POST ABOUT THIS BECAUSE I DO NOT WANT IT GETTING LOST IN THE MASSIVE SUMMARY POST)
while the other eggs are simply blessed by gods, tallulah is one, and she's not just any god, she's a god born from music itself, from willow
she's not sure about being her mother at first, she's too scared her lingering madness will infect and ruin her, but when she helps her paint her first sunrise she knows she will never be able to let her go
when she has to leave again she promises to send her the prettiest birdsongs every morning so she knows she will always be there for her. phil promises to protect her with his life while willow is away
the nightmare that happens isn't actually a nightmare, it really happened, and it's the first time phil uses his influence over death in centuries. he refuses to let his kids die like that, but if something like this were to happen again he wouldn't be able to bring them back. not without the other islanders finding him out
and no one does find out, at least not for a while, when the Brazilians came a few of them seemed to know something was up but couldn't quite place what it was.
when tallulah got attacked by the code phil got carried away and death slipped from his grasp causing tallulahs death
and everything goes back to normal, or as normal as things could be, until Bobby's death. and there's nothing phil can do, his domain may be death but even he has rules he must follow and he's already broken them once, he cannot do it again. the most he can do is bring Bobby's soul to the living world and allow his parents one final goodbye
he can't help but feel guilty for not being able to do more for the grieving parents of the island
when the codes disguse themselves as Phil's kids he is pissed, and he can't help it when death surrounds him. if he uses an excessive amount of power while fighting them, the only one to notice is etoiles who had only seen philza use this kind of power once before
finding tubbo had been a surprise, and phil hadn't expected the warm hug he got. not after he left 300 years ago, after the loss of his family. but as it turns out he missed phil greatly and was excited to see him again
introducing him to tallulah and chayanne was easy, and they took to him quickly. phil was quick to make him their godparent (pun intended)
one day after putting the kids to bed with him, phil could tell there was something on tubbos mind. he didn't have a chance to ask what was wrong before tubbo spoke, saying he hadn't put a child to bed like this since... he couldn't even finish his sentence. sometimes he would see micheal in the egg children and it was just too much for him
and once again things seem to be going back to normal until the eggs are taken away. phil knows they aren't dead, he would have known if the were, but still their absence drives him mad. he has half the mind to think willow is behind his madness but he knows his daughter would never
tubbo is a mess with them gone, he doesn't want to lose another family
the birdhouse is much like the prison tommy was once put in, and with the stress of losing the eggs, phil starts seeing things. and he really starts to wonder if some of willows old madness was re-emerging
willow comes back to the island as soon as she stops seeing tallulahs paintings in the sky, and when she finds out she's missing... that madness he's been running from sneaks back up on him. she leaves before it can infect anyone else, and when phil finds her later he doesn't mention it
when she finds the recording of her song with tallulahs turtles, all of the madness disappears. perhaps it's her music that will reach her
and that's all the notable lore bits up till purgatory (I am begging someone to send an ask about purgatory cause I have many thoughts)
^this is a lie, there is so much I left out, like the entire backstory of why they were cruel in the first place, or how any of the dsmp backstories play into this, and also Kristin's whole role in this, and I completely left out ALL of the Hermitcraft and life series stuff that has to do with grian
I just put the bare minimum and this is still monstrously long 😭😭😭😭
genuinely anyone who makes it to the bottom of this post good job, it took me days to write because it was all off memory 💀
anyways please send me more asks about it because writing it all down has made me brainrot over this au again
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
ask being weird again
wlwdwtys asked: (Potentially) Daily ask №7 Locations edition!
How well do you envision the locations when you write? How much do you think them through? Does every location has a geographical position?
What's your favourite location to write? Maybe it's pretty or has symbolical significance or you just like the idea?
Do you tend to make your charactes interact with the environment a lot? During fights as well, cause it can be quite an interesting thing to take into consideration while strategising?
What are the fault crew comfort places if they have any? Besides Wilbur, I know he's a damn immigrant to wherever he goes /j
Where do you tend to write? Like, in your bed/at work/a desk?
Bonus question not relating to the theme: You mentioned that Wilbur can speak all languages?? Including mole language somehow? How- why? Also it's just so funny to me for some reason cause I imagine cursing him out in russian, polish, french, Ukrainian and English at the same time and him just getting it. (I speak all those languages partially just wanted to show off. Still. Ты крутой, чел ♡)
Oh hoho ho. Boy do I! The Foundation site in modeling Fault off of is site 81, which is a subterranean location partially beneath a lake near Bloomsville, Indiana. Hence why the Ranboo incident takes place in the Marengo Caverns, because the only thing you can do in Indiana is a cave I guess. So the fact it was a hewwo Obama joke was not my fault! I’ve also come up with a general floor plan for the Foundation:
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For the upper floor where actual human stuff happens. Then below with a few flights to map out plot events. They get darker lower down.
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I also have a general idea where Rosalind’s house is in Bloomsville, and where her family is living near Chicago, which the guys head to eventually. Chicago was chosen bc at their pace it would take approximately a month to get there (time necessary for plot point) and I picked the area based on demographic distribution statistics. I plotted out their on foot route including partial driving time, diversions, getting loss, how frequently they need to steal supplies, following rivers, calculating hiking and resting speed, etc to the point where google maps stopped letting me plot more stops. All this for….uh. Occasionally referencing a town name and knowing how long the travel takes. Also useful for knowing what they can potentially forage tho!
Some places are far less pinpointed on a map, like Tubbos’ childhood home, though it’s also pretty vivid to me. Other places that are brief settings tend to have less detail unless it’s important tho.
2. I love describing literally anything in nature, which really shines through with Tommy’s obsession with the stars, Tubbos’ flower stuff/Hive tree, The Blade in WHiT Cliffs. Which sucks because I only realized how much I like writing nature stuff after like a year and a half of the entire setting being in grey halls and white rooms. But it becomes a really nice symbol of freedom from the Foundation, so I think it’s worth it.
3. In part 2, the environment very much comes into play. Not that it doesn’t have significance in the first part with things like Tommy’s door, or the corridors of the Foundation being a huge influence in the amnestic arc culmination, but there’s a lot more variety once they’re out. The outside offers them freedom, and certain types of protection, but it also offers its own threats and vulnerabilities. Like, surviving in the arcadia is a big part of part two, how to get food, how to avoid infections, how to hide. Plus fight scene stuff like you mentioned. If Wilbur has shade or not can shape his strategy, or like Philza having a harder time flying in trees than Tubbo does, if there’s a place to shelter Tommy and Tubbo in or not, etc. And The Blade’s powers are nearly tailor made for environmental based fighting. Random trees/ceilings falling and unfortunate lightning strikes in a storm are his bread and butter. Plus just yeeting trees at people. (…not full trees he’s not THAT strong but still)
4. Tubbos’ is the Hive tree hands down. That’s very much explored in chp 5/WHiT Croplands, but it’s like where all their hives were, massive oak tree, over flowering year round. Very warm and happy place for them. Tommy yearns for his room. To just flounce on his bed and sink in. I also imagine he really liked school since that’s where his friends were. The rest it’s more difficult because they’re all pretty nomadic. The Blade’s would be crashing at one of his college friends’ houses. Like make no mistake it’s a hovel, but it’s still comfortable to him to chill on a stained carpet and eat a slice of pizza with Averil while chatting about video games. It’s the closest thing to a real home he’s ever had. Wilbur…I don’t know. Everything feels temporary to it. He’s never considered a place his. And on the flip side, Philza’s had so many loved places over the years, and his favorite spot of all is right beside his Collected.
Funny how they all seem to be yearning for home.
5. In bed for the vast majority, though sometimes at work. Last summer the answer was literally anywhere since I had no phone access and would pour everything into a small notebook. Alas my current job is far more hands on.
6. There is no reason for the void to speak English, and due to the variety of creatures in there it made sense to me that they had an infinite number of usually evil languages, which Wilbur would need to know how to speak to communicate. So Wilbur can speak all languages especially the dark forbidden ones. Actually it’s its main source of education beyond Phil and eldritch secrets, since Wil instantly knows the definitions of all words…if not necessarily the context or how it’s applicable. Leads to some very strange conclusions. Also most void languages aren’t usually possible with a human tongue, so Wil’s biology actually can stretch to accommodate in some. Well unfortunate ways usually, but hey! Bonus language to talk to Tubbo and Philza with! If cursed out in all those impressively known languages…he wouldn’t register it as different from a normal tongue lashing. Wilbur doesn’t understand that humans experience language barriers because “what do you mean? Isn’t it just a different accent of Human?” This was not helped by the number of languages, many dead or severely out of date, that Phil speaks.
bonus: The Blade learned to speak English from the voices. Now why do they speak English? Uhhh well The Blood God picked California and was like ‘hey I’ll make it easier for my vessel by localizing the language of the voices.’ And then picked. A pig. Which are notorious for only speaking pig Latin.
I suppose I’ll sign off in the only other language I speak: y’all best take care now, yah hear!?
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colossal-red · 2 years
The Mark
Chapter One: Tomorrow
Ayup mates, little note here, this new AU is very inspired by a YouTuber by the name of Ian Boggs who I’d highly recommend to check out. If you’re curious about any aspects of this au I implore you to spam my ask box as much as you’d like, I’ll happily answer :)
Anyways enjoy the fic! The warning are below :D
Tw: slight vore mention(?), mysterious disappearances, and fear.
WC: 1140
Tubbo woke up with a stretch. He was so Fucking ready for tomorrow! He got up and quickly got ready for school, he was so happy that his Birthday was on a Friday, and he was excited to get his mark. Sure everyone got the Prey mark all the time, but it was still exciting! He exited the house, and waved goodbye to his mom as he started the walk to school, he looked around to see if he could spot his best friend, but he seemed to be nowhere around... suspicious. It didn't take long for him to enter the school, as soon as he did so though, Tommy jumped out in front of him from behind a corner, making a booing sound. "Gah-!" He flinched. "Don't fucking scare me like that man-" He swatted the laughing Tommy as they headed toward their first class of the day... this was gonna be a long day...
After a few classes, he sat down in his last class for the day, History. "Woooo, finally almost done-" He spoke, leaning back in his chair, to Tommy who sat behind him. "What do you think is gonna be on the shitty lesson plan for toda-?" He was cut off. "Language Mr. Schlatt." Came Mr. Halo's voice as he entered the room, his wings curled inward as he got to his desk. "Settle down all of you muffins, now, today's lesson is gonna be on the founding of Essempi..." Mr. Halo droned on and on about Essempi and seemingly everything that happened ever... until the last few minutes of class. "Now, before I dismiss all of you, we're gonna have a brief lesson on the Marks, as I believe we have two muf- I mean, students, who are turning Eighteen tomorrow, correct Mr. Schlatt and Mr. Minecraft?" Tubbo and Tommy both nodded, confirming his question. "Alright then, as you all know, in the entire history of the world, there have been two Marks-" "The Mark of The Prey and The Mark of the Pred, right D- I mean, sir?" Came Sapfucks voice from the back, dude got an unfair advantage honestly. "That is correct Mr. Sapnap, however, there hasn't been a Pred marked in many many years... people doubt they even exist now as everyone who's turned eighteen since then has always been Prey." He turned to face the class again, after having drawn the marks for Pred and Prey on the board.
The Prey Mark resembled bunny ears, while The Pred Mark was depicted as being a set of fox ears. "Even so, it's important that we all know how to defend ourselves properly in the off-chance that someone DOES get the Pred Mark-" He quickly added- "But of course, the chances of anybody getting the Pred Mark is very low of course. Who can tell me some abilities of Preds?" A few hands went up, not Tubbo's tho, he couldn't remember. "Yes Mr. Found?" Of course, the teacher would pick someone whose hand wasn't up. To be fair though, George was passed the fuck out. Tubbo suppressed a chuckle with Tommy. "Oh, er, what was the question again-?" Tommy snickered again as Mr. Halo sighed. "Could you tell me some things about the Preds' abilities Mr. Found? Then you can get back to your muffiny nap-" He said with a polite smile, eventually George would gather his thoughts and blab on a bit more about how they could 'size-shift' and 'smell emotions' and a few other random things that just weren't relevant anymore. Tubbo groaned as this ensued, lightly doodling on his desk before finally... the bell rang.
"Thank Prime..." He heard Tommy mutter as they gathered their things to leave. "Where too Boss Man-?" He asked Tom as they walked the halls of rapidly departing students. "Hmmm, ahhhhh, I just want it to be tomorrow already man!" he pouts a bit as they walk. “Don’t worry Tom, tomorrow isn’t that much farther away, everything will go just fine.” He reassured, they eventually just got some dinner and headed home so they could get started on some homework… and sleep a bit earlier to speed up the process. Tubbo yawned as he worked at his desk, the hours seem to go by so slowly yet so fast at the same time as he trudged through assignment after assignment. He was so glad when he could collapse onto his bed, and finally began to fall asleep…
Meanwhile, Tommy had sped-run his assignments… and was sneaking out of his Dad’s house again, which wasn’t exactly difficult. Ever since Techno had gone missing a few years ago, Phil hadn’t really been the same, which sucked a lot. Tommy wandered through the woods, knowing exactly where he was going. It didn’t take long before he reached his destination, a small box fort, a training dummy, and two wooden swords lay abandoned amongst the grass and twigs. He sighed as he reached down and picked up one that was marked with a big T, only glancing at the one with the lil T. “Miss you Techno…” He rubbed some of the dirt off and placed it back down where it was, before picking up the other sword and turning to the dummy.
After a Prime knows how long amount of time of slashing at the dummy, Tommy rested at the entrance to the box fort that vaguely resembled a castle, just looking about the space as he remembered the old times, he closed his eyes…
“C’mon Tommy I know you can do it-!” Came Techno’s voice from the tree above. “Techno! Just give it the fuck back!” Tommy shouted as he tried to climb up the tree, just barely missing the handhelds. “I will, if you can make it up here, how will you ever be able to escape a Pred if you can’t throw yourself up a tree like I can-?” He spoke, dangling the lil T sword above Tommy’s head from a branch. “You’ve just gotta find the proper foot and handholds.” He encouraged. Tommy took a step back, and inspected the tree again, before trying again. This time, he was able to get up. He grabbed at the handhelds that he could, and though he did stumble once or twice, he was able to get high enough to touch the tip of his sword… before promptly falling. But Techno’s hand caught him, and pulled him up and away from the fall. “Hey, you did pretty good Theseus.” He spoke with a smile as he handed Tommy his sword back. Tommy accepted it with a semi/embarrassed look at having to be rescued, but the two laughed it off and eventually headed home…
Tommy opened his eyes. Fuck, he’d fallen asleep… at least he had a good dream. He stood up and ran back home as fast as he could, going back through his window and looking at himself in his bedroom mirror… today was the day. It was his birthday which meant that… he pulled his sleeve back, and looked at his right arm. On the arm, clear as day, we’re two bunny ears. He smiled, Phew… he had to admit, despite the fact that he knew that it would not be fox ones, it still kinda spooked him. He stretched, and got ready for school quickly. He was excited to see Bee Boy so that they could laugh about how nervous he was…
Tubbo woke up groggy. Hm, something smelt sweet, he wondered if his mom had actually made something. He got up, and looked at himself in the bedroom mirror. He messed with his hair a little bit before leaving it the way it had been. Then, he suddenly remembered, The Mark! He excitedly held his arm up, and pulled back the sleeve. His face did a few different things as he looked at the reflection… it switched from Excitement, to Confusion, to Shock, and then finally, to a combination of Fear and Nervousness. He quickly grabbed a marker off his desk and held it to the Fox Ears that were on his arm, almost glinting in the sunlight as if to say: “Look at me!” He quickly scribbled over the mark a bit, making the Fox Ears look like the Bunny ones that signified Prey. T-this couldn’t be… he couldn’t be a Pred!
Suddenly, another scent came into the air, another sweet one… from outside. A knock came at the door, and he heard Tommy shout. “Open up Bee Boy, we’ve gotta get to school! Happy Birthday by the way!” Oh shit… he exited his room, and went to open the door…
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
🦾 c!tommy (any c!tommy)
🦾-disability headcanon.
I'm actually gonna do ads!Tommy for this one! He is first of all autistic(though undiagnosed due to living in a medieval fantasy world), and most notably deals with sensory issues related to smell and sound, and actually had a very brief overload when he first returned to his home village after spending two months in the relatively quiet, very nice earthy-flowery-musk smelling forest w ads!tubbo.
I'm unsure if eating disorders count as a disability in the typical sense, but I'll still mention here that ads!Tommy very much does have one, albeit a bit unspecified. He has a lot of issues with food due to extended periods of malnutrition that are courtesy of ads!phil being A Shitty Ass Fuck who spends all his family's money on beer(which is due to alcoholism fueled by depression, which fair, but when your kids have to go hungry as a result that's when it's A Big Fuck You type deal), and was briefly able to begin recovering from it thanks to Tubbo keeping him regularly fed while they were in the forest, but thanks to some unintentional "What the hell have you been eating" comments from wilbur and some very much intentional rude comments from ads!techno, he's started to relapse and has to be regularly coaxed into eating by tubbo and ranboo.
he's gone from being a very frail starving peasant boy to being just a bit above average weight by our modern standards, and is physically quite healthy.
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enneamage · 2 years
so, have you had time to follow the recent tommy semi-meltdown? he's been treating tubbo in particular like shit and his apology for recent his dream grooming joke was sub-par at best. it seems like the consensus is he's not doing very well mentally, but i'm curious what your take is.
I still haven’t made my way through the three hour vod, but I watched today’s stream to be sure I caught the details.  
I kept up with what people were saying this week and oh boy it really looks like something fragile was twisted beyond repair in terms of public trust on Twitter. The mechanics of social exclusion are really starting to kick in, people are being clear to each other that they do not want to associate with people who still openly support Tommy because he keeps doing the same things. I knew his fandom would shift over time, but I never anticipated how grim the actual tipping points would be.
I think this was the first event where Tommy tipped his hand too much and revealed to his regular Minecraft audience that he’s more or less on Dream’s ‘side.’ I’ve been thinking that he would stay in contact with Dream for a while now, but this locked it in for a lot of people who were holding out hope, so in a way this was an inevitable revelation.
A lot of people are saying that the apology rang hollow. Some people are interpreting “I didn’t connect the dots” as an outright lie because of a joke he made before on his Mario Odyssey stream that mentioned the ‘private snapchat’ concept. Being caught in a lie during an apology is generally a really bad look, but from what I can tell this particular joke was meant to be about generic Dream snapchat cringe (Still associated with Dream, still a terrible idea for optics even if he was on Dream’s side, like this was a real lose-lose situation). Considering the fact that he was melting down on the phone to his mom I believe that he genuinely regrets the moment, but there’s the joke itself and then there’s the information that he accidentally gave away by making it. People are finally accepting that “he knows” now, and are concluding that he doesn’t care.
To me he’s done worse and more dismissive apologies before, so this one looks good by comparison, but it’s still A Tommy Apology about one of the most sensitive situations this community has ever seen. He tends to want to be brief and move on as soon as possible because he doesn’t like the seriousness and vulnerability of public apologies, and is also terrified of getting them wrong. He also looked very “on" while he was doing it, which a lot of people are interpreting as fake because of the emotional disconnect, but he actually mentioned at the end of it that he seems that way because of his nerves. The real substance is going to be what he does after this.
I’m coming in at a different angle for the Tubbo situation, I watched Tommy’s POV for the stream and without the visual cues it sounded way more like Tubbo was the kind of joke-annoyed that Tommy is used to pushing at. Tommy does not seem to fully understand that disrupting the relationship that Tubbo has with his family through this bit may have a genuinely negative impact on Tubbo’s life, and that this is a different kind of anger he’s pushing at. “Tommy doesn’t get it” might not be a hot take, but as a viewer it was actually understandable to me that his protests didn’t land as severe. (Scott and Becky were also joking along so they thought it was safe territory too.) Overall worth having A Real Off-Camera Conversation about, because this felt like a miscommunication.
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freezethebeez · 2 years
c!tommy post-prison-revival drabble that doesn't actually have a proper ending it just kinda cuts off
i don't have a preview for this that'll make sense out of context but basically: tommy dies, gets revived, tubbo takes care of him for a bit, tommy hates himself, tommy also develops POTS because of the head trauma ^_^
-> just putting it out there now: i do not suffer from POTS or any disability similar to it. i did a bit of research about it before writing this, but if anything is inaccurate, that's on me. it's not a massive component of the story, but it is prevalent enough for me to issue this warning.
additional info: brief mention of nudity (nothing weird dw), c!clingy being clingy, angst i guess, a bit of fluff depending on how you look at it
drabble below the break :]
Nobody told Tommy that being revived was like being born again.
Nearly seventeen to just three months old again, all in an instant. A three month old is what he is— a three month old with head trauma, all the pent up emotion of a teenager, and a mouth that curses like a sailor—
A mouth that curses because that's all it knows how to do. Tommy's stuck in a body that doesn't know what to do— a body that's gone into fight-or-flight because it's trapped in an obsidian cell with the very thing that killed it and left it to rot for months surrounded by these voices and aggravating sounds in its head.
This fight-or-flight phase doesn't end, even when he's being assisted— no, dragged out of the prison by its warden, knees buckled, legs unable to hold the scarred skin and bag of broken bones placed on top of it.
It only ends when Tommy's eyes meet Tubbo's.
It's raining. It's foggy and it's raining and Tommy can hardly make out Tubbo's silhouette in the distance with his blurry eyes— still adjusting to the world— but somehow he knows. Somehow his brain remembers that this person is important and this one won't hurt you.
Somehow his brain is right.
His head aches.
Tommy's head really aches.
It doesn't stop aching— not in the next hour or the next day or the next week— it never stops aching. He feels dizzy and nauseous and his legs still don't fucking work as Tubbo guides him through the walls of Snowchester.
Snowchester is white— sky-blue and slate-grey and spruce-brown and snow-white— but suddenly it turns black and Tommy's gone again, body laid to rest in the snow where it should be— maybe buried beneath the dirt for good measure— but it doesn't stay there long. His eyes are open again and it's snowing. He feels cold. He can't really feel his hands anymore, much less any other parts of his corpse.
Thank Prime Tubbo's strong.
Tubbo carries him inside— into the warmth of his cottage. "Ranboo is out," he says, "he won't be back for a bit, I don't think. Man's too busy mining." Tubbo sets him down by the fireplace, draping a blanket over him and pulling up a chair, letting his head rest on the seat.
He gets him food. Tommy doesn't eat it. He's too tired and too sick and his head aches too much for him to eat it.
It's embarrassing being born again. It's embarrassing to be three months old with the mind of a seventeen year old. It's embarrassing to have to be taken care of like an infant— to watch a toddler run around with more independence than him.
It doesn't last long, thankfully.
It's only for a few days— nearly a week, but Tubbo takes good care of him.
Tommy doesn't think he'd have it any other way— doesn't think he could bear having anyone else be here for him.
He doesn't think he'd let anyone else bathe him. He doesn't think anyone else would keep a hand on the back of his neck while his head is lowered into the water, no one besides Tubbo.
He doesn't think he'd let anyone else towel him off and dress him. He doesn't think anyone else would dress him in their husband's clothing because their own doesn't fit— he doesn't think anyone else would wash the blood out of his clothes and leave them to dry in front of the furnaces in the basement, returning them while they're still warm, no one else besides Tubbo.
He doesn't think he'd let anyone else spoon-feed him homemade soup and hold his hair back when his body can't take anymore— he doesn't think anyone else would do that for him besides Tubbo.
Nights are long when you're three months old, because three-month-olds cry and cry and cry and they just don't shut up— and Tommy does the same. He feels awful about it, but the tears start and they don't stop and of course Tubbo takes it upon himself to dry them, wiping them away with cold hands that Tommy doesn't entirely mind because he seems to be so feverish all the time anyway.
Eventually, the nights get shorter and the headache goes away and it gets a bit easier to move and stomach food and things are kind of looking up.
Things are looking up until they're not, though. They're looking up until Tommy's finally confident enough to walk to the kitchen by himself and faints halfway.
Tubbo runs a few tests. He doesn't tell Tommy what the diagnosis is, just hands him a wooden cane and tells him that when the episodes stop, he can stop using it.
Tommy figures out what an "episode" is quite quickly.
Summer comes and Tommy moves back home. Home isn't a fantastic place to be in his opinion, especially because it's more of a glorified tomb now that a home. He prefers to go out for walks— revisit some nostalgic sites and relive the memories, walking through the actions of shooting a bow and arrow from the top of a tower, looking over at the crater that was L'Manberg— but these walks become less and less frequent under the summer sun because the sun hates him and his body hates him and everything and everyone hates him and wants him dead.
His body hates him, and he knows it does because every time the sun shines bright enough for the cicadas to play their song, it gives up. It just gives up. It gets dizzy and gets nauseous and it gets shaky and cold and clammy and it gives up. It sends him plummeting to the ground as if it's trying to bury itself— trying to go to where it should be— and then it reboots and carries on as if nothing happened and it makes Tommy hate it all the same.
So Tommy tries to move back to Snowchester— but the snow doesn't help, it just makes him feel colder, and he almost gets hypothermia once— gets frostbite twice cause he's just laying in the snow, which is such a bitch to take care of, honestly, but it's not his fault it's still snowing in the summertime.
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 9 months
Hold me once, and hold me twice, and hold me once again
by MossStoning
Tubbo is ten years old when he meets Tommy for the first time. It's with golden wings and words dripped in an alluring honey.
At 17, those honey words have his eyes rolling with a smile. His best friend smiling at him in turn.
Words: 1103, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 40 of Moss's Tommy fics
Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo, Wilbur Soot
Relationships: Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Toby Smith | Tubbo & Wilbur Soot, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: Mentioned Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Jschlatt is Toby Smith | Tubbo's Parent, Mentioned Jschlatt (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Fae TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Fae Wilbur Soot, Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Siblings, brief mention of abuse, like maybe a sentence, BAMF TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF)
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
You say you want prompts….
What if the giant who used to be quiet (maybe for not so good reasons) but came out of their shell with the help of their tiny has a short relapse where they completely don’t talk and the tiny is just there to help
Perhaps g!Ranboo with t!Tommy or t!Tubbo (or whoever I just want fluff—)
speedwriting on vacation? speedwriting on vacation.
i was gonna wait for you
wc: 1849
cw: swearing, panic, brief mutism (is that the right word? the internet gave me it), mention of (sfw) vore/mouthplay
Ranboo is going to murder him.
Tommy stumbles against the lapping wind, which pushes at his cheeks and makes them like ice. Rain patters onto him, each drop like a bucket being dropped on his head.
Shivering, he pulls his coat around him, trying to act like it wasn’t already drenched. He stumbles again, adjusting his footing right before toppling over. A blurry light shines in the distance, through an array of trees with branches that clash loudly with one another. With each of his steps, above the sounds of the wind and pouring rain, there’s a faint clicking noise. Prior to going out into the belly of the storm, Tommy had been occupied shoveling handfuls of rocks into his pocket to assure he wouldn’t get swept into the night by the gale.
The tiny made his way through the clearing, the light of the house growing nearer at an agitating pace, and by the time he finds footing on the pathway to his hole in the wall, the rain has seemed to disperse a little. He scrunches his hair up and water seeps from it, the same as he pinches the fabric of his coat. 
For the most part, the house seemed sleepy enough. Maybe he could get to bed before Ranboo confronts him. He treks the path, his soaked and muddy shoes sliding along the floor and nearly having him fall over enough times for him to discard them at their third murder attempt at him. 
The rest of the way was quick, until he finally reached his nook. The lights were out, just as he had left them. He squints in the darkness, feeling his way through the area before collapsing on a makeshift couch. He sighs, pulling his coat off and tossing it to the side with a squelch. He cringes at it, then decides he should probably do something about the wet mess he could call himself. 
He gets off the couch and flicks his lights on, which flicker for a moment before lighting the space up in warm lighting while projecting star-shaped shadows on the wall. He grabs his jacket from the floor and hangs it up, positioning a portion of a towel, (courtesy of Ranboo), underneath it to collect the fallen raindrops. 
Doing the same with his shirt, he then hovers over a basket of clean and dry clothes. 
Tommy is mid-way through struggling on a makeshift hoodie before a soft sob carries through into the walls. 
He—not before adjusting the shirt on him—pauses, interest piquing at the sound. Ranboo?, his mind supplies, thoughts of the human’s reaction to his disappearance already filtering through his thoughts. At another sob, Tommy promptly replaces his pants and hurries down the hall to the opening in the kitchen. 
Stepping out onto the counter, it wasn't hard to spot Ranboo, curled up on his couch, staring blankly out onto the floor, shuddering occasionally as the post-cry hiccups settled in. 
Tommy’s seen that gaze before. 
Guilt bubbles in his gut, the feeling in him as he remembers seeing Ranboo look like that, quiet and still after events regarding another borrower they had scared off. Tommy had gone to talk them out of the demeanor and in the process befriended them, and now months down the line they stare at the floor the same way they had back then. It didn't take much for Tommy to recognize that the trance he’d put the human in traced back to none other than himself. 
He sighs, arms crossing instinctually as he begins to adjust to a plan. Water drips inaudibly from his soaked hair, tracing down his face and dripping down his bare arms, a small puddle forming at his feet before he takes off again, along the length of the counter, (While clambering through stray things on its surface), until he reaches the edge of it, then steps off to an installed plank for him to walk along, the thing narrow and uneven although plentifully useful. 
Tommy passes through Ranboo’s excuse of a dining area and then into the living room, silent as he can as to not disturb Ranboo into panicking further. The human’s head rests on the couch with their hands folded solemnly over the edge of the couch. 
While sturdily inching his way down the pathway, Tommy debates on calling out to his friend, his mouth opening and closing with ‘Ranboo!’ stuck on the tip of his tongue. 
He sucks it up and stops in his tracks momentarily, cupping his water-wrinkled hands over his mouth and yelling out a fond: “Ranboo! My guy!” 
Ranboo’s still for a moment, Tommy narrowing his eyes at the scene before opening them up again as he human shuffles up from the couch and looks around for the borrower. He waves, attracting their attention towards Tommy. Ranboo’s eyes soften instantly, though they make no move for their little friend. 
Tommy, not knowing what to do with such a distance recognition as Ranboo’s, fills the silence.
“Oh, man, Ranboo, that storm out there,” Tommy starts, groaning for emphasis while continuing down the path to the, (still half-frozen), human, “I fucking went across the clearing for acorns, they're in season and I figured …. uh, well, I didn't really have s plan, but then it became fucking dark as shit and only at sundown, so I filled my pockets with rocks so I wouldn't blow away, I—”
“Were you leaving me?” Ranboo says, cutting Tommy off purely in relief. His voice is quiet, nearly cracking had he spent any more time crying. 
“What?” Tommy asks, dumbfounded at the question. By now, he’s halfway across the floor of Ranboo’s floor; halfway to the couch. 
“You left, and I have to ask if it was because of me,” Ranboo repeats, more emphasis and his voice a little louder, though Tommy doubts any lift in Ranboo’s demeanor. 
Tommy shakes his head, knowing well Ranboo couldn't see it but perhaps as a reassurance to himself. 
“No, no! Dickhead do you really think I’d do that? Ranboo, I wouldn't have came back if I was leaving you,” Tommy says, scoffing half-heartedly before adding a swift: “which I wasn't.”
Ranboo hums, still making no move to welcome home the borrower, who stands below his outstretched hands awaiting any kind of movement. 
“Jack was a one time thing, he just got scared, like the ass he is,” Tommy continued on. He stands, folding his arms over his torso impatiently despite knowing he shouldn't be worried about the status of his stance. 
At the most, Tommy can barely reach the tip of Ranboo’s finger no matter how much he extends his height.
Falling back down onto his heels, Tommy huffs. “One time, I walked in on Jack borrowing food and he thought I was a human. Scared the shit out of him for sure, like a human could come from the other side of the cabinet.”
Ranboo stays quiet. 
“...can you let me up?” Tommy asks, finally. Much to his dismay, he’s met with an immediate response that almost seems mindless. Ranboo’s hand inches down barely, though enough for Tommy to cling onto him. Secure, Ranboo says nothing as he brings the borrower up to the couch, resting on the unoccupied side of the pillow that he had been resting on. 
Tommy then adjusts to the uneven surface and looks up at Ranboo, who's face is covered, the strap of their seeming mask the only thing he can make out. They put the mask back on. 
(Regarding the incident of Jack, Ranboo had sulked around the house in a mask. He never understood why and never cared to question it after he took it off, and now he doesn't have the gut to ask now.)
“I'm back, aren't I? I still touched your abnormally long fingers,” Tommy points out, partially because he wanted out of his thoughts. Ranboo doesn't crack a smile at his thrown-together humor. Or, at least he assumes they don't as the mask obscures the one prominent indicator. 
Tommy pulls his lips to the side in thought, eyes narrow at the quiet human. “If I took the mask off and climbed inside your mouth would you move enough to spit me out?” 
Ranboo’s brows crease through strands of their hair. Tommy considers this progress. 
“Ranboo,” Tommy starts, something of a distant phrase stuck in his throat. His voice runs dry and his pride pulls at him to Shut The Fuck Up, but his heart doesn't care.“I'm sorry,” he says, a weight lifted from him even though he knows he shouldn't be the one being relieved, “I knew you were awake, or whatever you were doing, and I left during a storm and even then I hadn't came back and I guess it was shitty on my end. Sorry.”
There's a pause, and a longer pause, and …. it doesn't take long for Tommy to realize the pause was simply Ranboo ignoring the borrower. 
He doesn't know why, although that silence hit him graver than any other. Like months of tangling has been undone by a simple stroke. An apology from him has been left to disperse into only a fine memory of Tommy’s that leaves him remembering how kind he had been and how passive Ranboo had been. (Even so, he still has the emotions to amplify that he was more than hurt at the absence of a response.)
“Fine. Dick.” It's back to wit. “I'm going to jump off the couch since you don't want to fucking talk to me,” Tommy murmurs, turning on his heel and making less than a grand exit than he would've liked. (Not as if Ranboo's attention was on him.)
He slides off of the pillow, then close to the cliff that was the edge of the couch. Staring down at it, he considers the fall. Couldn't result in death, therefore leading him further and further until he decides to quip out a curious: “Oh, goodbye ole’ Ranboo, he-who-won't-talk-to-me.”
At his last syllable he steps from the couch, praying to Prime as the ground comes closer that he comes out of this with no less than an injury. Before he could hit the ground, just as he had presumed, he’s caught as lengthy cold fingers trap him and he’s stopped from the fall. Ranboo’s grip on him tightens ever-so-gently and he can make out his return to the couch. 
Ranboo hums, the smallest of noises he’s heard all evening. 
Instead of being let out, Tommy body pulses with warmth all around him as he’s engulfed in a darkness, a beating heart just moments away from him. He groans at their grip, yet makes no move away from the crease in his friend's neck, which radiates warmth and vibrates softly, almost silent had he not been pressed against their throat. 
“Thank you, for not leaving me,” Ranboo whispers. It echoes from where he sat against their throat. 
Through his urge of wit and of sarcasm, Tommy only has the mind to respond, loud and clear and in full honesty, with: “I wouldn't do that.”
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CW : Brief mention of transphobia
Dear L'manburg Founders & OGS!
I'd just like to say thank you. For openly accepting who I was, and for letting me wear my label with pride. For helping me through my transitioning despite in a feud with an entire damn country...
Nikki, you were willing to sew an entire new uniform for me. You stayed up so late in the night, just because I didn't like the way the other one handled my figure. I will always consider you a mom for that, and a way better one than Sally.
I still remember having to describe it to Tubbo and Tommy, and in a way myself. Hah, I love looking back on that one analogy you both made, about how bee's didn't really have genders, it just mattered what they did in their life. And somehow that made more sense than any of dad's stupid ramblings.
Speaking of which, dad... it's hard for me to put in words how much I loved you, and how much I still love you. You were the first person I felt comfortable enough to come out to, and you were the one who helped me come out to everyone else. You accepted me, and just immediately asked if I had any new names you should call me. You were straight on it, wanting to make it easier for me... You were there when Sally kicked me out when I came out to her, and you ran off to some nowhere island just to get away from that bitch (at least, that's what you told me-).
And Eret, you were like, the best role model ever. And probably one of the few people on that entire server who understood what I was going through. You helped me transition in that camp. You made me some rag tag binder out of some scraps lying around, and it worked perfectly. You gave me confidence through that whole time, and I'm so grateful for it...
To everyone, thank you so, so much. You all helped me life such a happier life than it might've been for me, and I wish I could repay that to you all.
Sincerely, Fundy Soot, resident transman furry fox
{ KIN , 🍎🌟}
[Letter Sent!]
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trenchcoatsbi · 11 months
ELLOOO sorry for not being active at all yesterday I was seeing qsmp lore stuff and GOD it did happened A LOT and when I say a lot its a lot I was going insane yesterday shdgadjad for a probably not so short summary PA' WILBUR CAME BACK AFTER BEING GONE FOR LIKE 4-5 MONTHS DUE TO TOURINGGGG!!!!!! he was so fucking CONFUSED of everything and just wanted to see tallulah, he was so sad when he realized she went missing and tried to play a song that he wrote when on the very first day he found her and lost her for her to come back it was so angstyyy he also saw my papa for a brief moment but was left very confused due to the fact my papa was like ''oh! nice to meet you :DD'' because my papa memory is fucked and doesn't remember him tubbo also was snapping and decided to break every single block my papa put with his bare hand and not do anything to just see him hurt and he didn't care if he got hurt as well tbh I dont think I'll be watching tubbo stream for lore at all because of this and it makes me go ''aidhgadhahdjdk'' in a neg way since the man tubbo wants to get revenge of is quackity my father for the fred thing and :(( I hate when these kind of situation happen to him it makes me feel so overwhelmed with feelings that I cant comprehend and I hate but aside from that my papa went to an stealth mission because fred had like a meeting and he wanted to know what was it about so fred gave him like an a head accessory that it basically looked like him so my papa could disguise himself as him, I was so tense the entire thing but the workers were so silly and fun! they genuinely care for eachother and I want to explode the federation because literally ANY humanity they have gets punished and its so upsetting ://// oh and there are these things called mini-me's that are just mini versions of the players that can help to create a mini army of yourself lol it happened a LOT yesterday but it was fun for the most part although I went so crazy because cc!quackity announcements and accounts was making allusions towards me tilin saying stuff like ''its time to get my son back'' and the poster basically having my ribbon its sad because I think I only got some mentions on the book when my papa showed the guard a picture of me but I am not sure because I could not fully pay attention sorry for rambling so much lore is just kicking us all like expected aaaaaaaa I hope you are doing alright grandpha phil and tio tommy! take care of yourselves!!!
-(cannon divergent llulah anon) tilin/pomme qsmp⭑
Hi Llulah! Yeah dont sweat it at all I saw all the shit going on the qsmp yesterday and figured if folks were quiet it was cause all that stuff was going down. dw bout rambling its nice having you come over with summaries after qsmp lore. it's like reading the newspaper to me (<- /pos). anyway I hope you're alright too!! hope today is more chill for you!
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tuesday-teyz · 3 years
Masterlist of Butterfly Reign characters
All characters in the universe of BR, their current statuses, alignments and occupations. Not of all of them have an important plot role; some of them are/will be only mentioned, make a brief appearance or exist just as a part of major character's backstory.
Antforst - alive, Badlands, duke
Bad - alive, Badlands, duke
Beau - alive, Antarctic Empire, marchioness
Callahan - alive, Esempi, former cartographer in Puffy's crew
Captain Sparklez - alive, Antarctic Empire, Captain of Imperial guards
Clara - deceased, Antarctic Empire, duchess
Dream - alive, Esempi, crown prince
Drista - alive, Esempi, princess
Eret - deceased, Esempi, count
Eryn - alive, Empire, ???
Foolish - alive, Esempi, king
Fundy - alive, Antarctic Empire, prince
George - alive, Kinoko kingdom, duke
Hannah - deceased, Antarctic Empire, princess
Hbomb - alive, Esempi, former boatswain in Puffy's crew
Jack Manifold - alive, Drywaters, count
Karl - alive, Kinoko Kingdom, king
Kristin - deceased, Antarctic Empire, empress
Michael - alive, Antarctic Empire, student
Niki - alive, Drywaters, queen
Phil - alive, Antarctic Empire, emperor
Puffy - deceased, Esempi, queen
Punz - deceased, ???, assasin
Purpled - alive, ???, ???
Ponk - alive, Esempi, Royal physician/doctor
Quackity - alive, Antarctic Empire, baron
Ranboo - alive, Antarctic Empire, the Emperor's honorary guest and brother of a baron (?)
Sally - alive, Antarctic Empire, musician
Sam - alive, Badlands, duke
Sapnap - alive, Esempi, Dream’s personal guard and knight
Schlatt - deceased, Esempi, king
Sneeg - alive, Antarctic Empire, minister in Phil's cabinet
Techno - alive, Antarctic Empire, prince and head general of the army
Tommy - alive, Antarctic Empire, crown prince
Tubbo - alive, Antarctic Empire, Ranboo’s servant
Wilbur - alive, Antarctic Empire, prince
Wisp - alive, Antarctic Empire, head of Tommy's personal security
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