#Exit Strategy is about how if you want to get shit done you gotta send a squad of competent aros
specialagentartemis · 2 years
however I have determined that I have accidentally and independently hc’ed all three of the Exit Strategy Trio aro-spectrum and it’s very funny to me but it’s also true
Ratthi’s orientation is aromantic pansexual
Gurathin’s orientation is aromantic asexual
Pin-Lee’s orientation is [that gesture where you tilt your hand back and forth while making an “ehhhh??” face]. Gray. Just gray. Having a partner could be nice she guesses but isn’t really worth the effort of dating to seek one out. With a side of the immortal words of Whoopi Goldberg, I Don’t Want Somebody In My House
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It wasn’t Nikki’s job to clean puke off the dashboard of the car. Especially if it wasn’t his own, regardless of whether or not it was his best friends. Because you’re supposed to have boundaries, and he was calling this one right here and he was sticking to it. He could do that if he wanted.
It wasn’t like he didn’t feel bad for Tommy, if it was a night where it was bad enough to send his body on the path of expelling the alcohol as opposed to sucking it up and hammering through it like most nights, he could only imagine what Tommy must be feeling. Or how many shots he'd done to get him there. Then again, Tommy probably wasn’t feeling anything besides vaguely nauseous and dizzy at this point. That didn’t mean he felt bad enough to clean up his mess just yet.
Tommy’s shoulders tense for the second time that night, and Nikki’s brain is sent into a flurry of figuring out how to open the passenger door from the driver's side seat and then how to get the seatbelt off of the man in the seat before shoving him out of the car. He curses under his breath and resigns himself to letting it happen. The damage had already been done for the most part.
“Nikki-” the tone reminds him of the sound that the old calico cat he'd had when he was little had made before it threw up. Except at least with a cat there was usually time to scoop it up and deposit it solidly outside and skip over a mess on the carpet much like the mess that had spread to the floor of the car now.
He’s sure that the last of Tommy’s dignity had gone with it when he sits back in the seat with a heavy sigh and a blank look on his face. Taking his hand off of where it had been gripping the wheel, even though the car had been parked outside the apartment complex for the past fifteen minutes, Nikki stares intently at the street light in front of them. It’s late, pushing two in the morning and he’s wide awake and he knows that if he went home right now, clean car or not, he wouldn’t be falling back asleep.
“Sorry ‘bout your car,” Tommy says, or at least that’s what he hears. It’s hard to tell right now. This is why he’d never liked being the designated driver, too much to worry about when you’re the only sober one and suddenly you have to deal with someone else's drunk bullshit instead of dishing it out and enjoying yourself. But he’d sucked it up for Tommy and picked up the phone when he’d called still half sober to invite Nikki to the bar he was currently at (or perhaps listening to Vince whine the entire night since he was still moping around from a bad cold and sore throat that he hadn’t managed to give Nikki; had seemed even less appealing).
‘Invite’ was the nice way of putting it, it had been a declaration followed up by a stream of bitching until Nikki felt his hackles rise and he’d hung up and ignored the next dozen text messages and two missed calls. He’d picked up on the third call, tired and slightly guilty after listening to his phone buzz incessantly on the coffee table while he tried to tune it out with even louder music.
And of course, it wasn’t a fun Friday night out, it was shaping up to be more of a hard binge with no regard to how he’d feel once he woke up. Which seemed odd, Tommy usually drank and forgot things as a byproduct, rarely would he drink with the intent of forgetting. Not that it was worrying Nikki, because if he worries about it he’s going to be obligated to have to acknowledge someone's feelings. And drunk or not he did not need to dig into Tommy’s. In fact, he’d do his best to avoid that when Tommy was sober too. That sort of relationship had worked well like that for as long as he cared to remember, you blew off steam fighting with strangers and then bottled up the rest, no need to bother each other with the details.
As if reading his thoughts and deciding to make him more miserable, Tommy breaks the silence, “She doesn’t- Nikki she doesn’t,” he pauses like he’s searching slowly through his own mixed-up thoughts for the word, “Like me. She doesn’t like me anymore.”
Nikki doesn’t let his focus deviate from the street light, praying for the first time since he’d gotten thrown out on his ass for the first time by his own mother, that there’s some higher power listening. And if that higher power can’t stop Tommy Lee from talking may it at least have the mercy to just kill Nikki Sixx in some freak accident of nature before he does get going.
So it’s going to be about Heather. It’s about a girlfriend and it’s going to end up being his problem. What a wonderful end to the week.
He debates ‘I’m sorry’ or ‘That really sucks man’ or maybe the old reliable ‘There’s plenty of fish in the sea’ but he can’t decide which leads to a quicker end in the conversation before Tommy keeps going, “An’ that makes me, it’s not fair. Makes me upset.”
Nikki decides nodding here would be appropriate. He’s not sure the severity of this, Heather had seemed nice enough the few times he’d met her in the past few months, but that mixed with Tommy’s dreamy notions of true love and a wedding had been enough to keep him from getting to know her. True love was something he didn’t have the time for and Tommy took up enough of that on his own.
“Do y'know why?” Tommy asks, and he does his best to turn towards Nikki but the seatbelt confuses him slightly and he stops to pull at it like he can’t remember putting it on. He hadn’t put it on, Nikki had, but that was beside the point and Tommy had been trying to hug him at the same time.
Nikki decides the exit strategy is now or never so he opens the car door and steps out. In the time it takes him to walk in front of the car and to the other side, he still can’t come up with what to stay to save this conversation for when one of them isn’t drunk off his ass. Or the best-case scenario, never. His boot scuffs against the asphalt when he stops beside the door.
Tommy is struggling with the seat belt latch when he finally gets to his door, and he waits until he gets the button clicked before opening it. He just needs to get him to his apartment, into his bed and maybe without his puke-covered shoes. And if he’s feeling nice, to get him to drink a glass of water so he doesn’t feel like a complete asshole before he gets to go home himself. It should be simple enough, he’s done this before and tonight doesn’t have to be special. He’d try to tell himself that the entire ride home but any reassurance had begun to wane the more Tommy talked.
The door flies the rest of the way open and he doges it before it can hit him and Tommy springs out with the most coordination he’s seen in him all night. It’s short-lived, because he leans in too close to Nikki, absolutly reeking of booze that it hits Nikki like a train. Jesus, is this how people see him when he gets drunk? Maybe cutting back couldn’t hurt, Tommy smells like he drank the entire bar.
“She broke up with me,” Tommy points at himself for emphasis and Nikki grabs his arm to steer him towards the doors. “Nope, dude, you gotta listen to me.” Nikki makes the executive decision that he does not, in fact, need to listen to him and continues dragging him towards the building again. He wonders what the neighbors must think of this whenever Tommy gets home in various stages of a few beers to wasted every other night of the week.
“Come on, T-Bone, let's just get you inside,” he says, and the lightbulb must go off inside Tommy’s head (because all of his genius ideas seem to come after the vodka) because his face lights up. He sits- or rather half falls once he gets to the point where he should have folded his legs, onto the ground.
“Oh, you motherfucker,” Nikki groans, because Tommy is looking up at him from the cracked sidewalk like a kid in the grocery store who’s throwing a tantrum much to everyone's annoyance and slight entertainment.
“She said,” Tommy swats Nikki’s hand away when he tries to pull him back up, determined to finish his story, “That she didn’t wanna stay with me because I love someone else.” Nikki nods because he’s tired and getting cold and maybe, just maybe, if Tommy wraps up the sap story they can both return to their respective beds for the night.
“Do y’wanna know who?" he waits, maybe expecting a response that's not coming,  M’ gonna tell you anyway.” Tommy stares at his boots noticing the vomit for the first time but only succeeding in putting off the end to his big statement. He glares at it like he could blame it for this whole situation instead of himself and Nikki starts to think that he’s going to pass out. Which would be considerably better to get him to shut up, but worse to get him into his apartment. He sways a little, and even sitting Nikki worries he’ll still manage to crack his head open.
“Man, you gotta get up,” Nikki’s sharp exhale doesn’t do much to catch Tommy’s attention back. It’s too quiet for some reason, the lack of complaining and loud laughter that Tommy usually keeps up makes everything feel empty for the first time all night.  
“Tommy,” Nikki says, doing his best to put authority behind it and hoping that Tommy takes a hint and drags his sorry ass inside before he passes out for real. Tommy, on the other hand, doesn’t give a shit about what should or shouldn’t be happening. And why should he really, Nikki thinks, it’s not like he’s the one with a redecorated interior to his car and a wasted best friend on the ground.
“It was you,” Tommy finishes.
Nikki waits for a second, hoping his earlier prayer gets cashed in and the ground can swallow him up. It doesn’t. He waits for Tommy to add in something else that makes it sound better than what he’s hearing, but for once he doesn’t say anything. His heart seems louder than normal, he can feel the beat in his chest like it’s getting tighter each time.
If he wasn’t so sure that Tommy wouldn’t remember most of this in the morning, he would keep his mouth shut. He really would, but he does have the benefit of no repercussions to his questions tonight, “Was she right?”
Tommy glares at him, “Not gonna say it.”
Of course, he won’t. The one time in their lives when he needs him to say something, and he's going to play stupid. Part of him knows how irrational it is to get angry now, but he is.
“Just get up,” he snaps, “and quit fucking around.” It’s probably too harsh, as Tommy stretches his legs out and then begins the process of navigating the cracked sidewalk while still on his ass, neglecting to actually try to stand up. He would gladly walk away at this point, cut his loses and forget any hint of awkwardness that Tommy might have just created, he did his time tonight and at least got him most of the way home. He's already in for a night of no sleeping because he'll be thinking about this.
Instead, he grabs Tommy the best he can and hauls him back up to his feet. He’s heavier than Nikki expects, and the extra height makes it even more of a struggle to maneuver him. For a brief moment, he sees the light at the end of the tunnel when Tommy manages to stand on his own, but it leaves just as quickly when Tommy’s arms end up around him,
“Nikki,” Tommy whispers into his shoulder, and the hand fisted in the back of Nikki’s t-shirt doesn’t loosen its grip, “I don’ think I was supposed to- I wasn’t gonna tell you.”
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manicr · 5 years
Season’s Greetings
...and a merry fuckmas to you too, asshole
Summary: It’s the season and Bullseye has a job, everybody just keeps getting in the way and into each others pants.
...Taskmaster already regrets hiring Bullseye.
Rating: T for mentioned violence, profanity
Parings: implied Outlaw/Domino, Taskmaster/Outlaw
Chapter 1: Queens
The first snow had long since fallen, earlier this year than usual, and as expected, it came with the annual issues of subway cancellations, unplowed roads, and slip ‘n falls in the City. Even the caped crusaders of New York were less likely to be seen on the streets and skies as it continued to pour down to the tune of Let it Snow. It was a time made for people like him to slip under the radar and get shit done.
As he stood with his spiked hot chocolate, Taskmaster wasn’t surprised to see Spider-Man, now in a knitted red and blue scarf and snug cap, swing past not far from his Queens apartment, clocking him as he did on his phone. At least twice a day, usually on a pretty even schedule. It wouldn’t be hard to avoid the Webslinger. Spider-Man didn’t really look into anything unless civilians complained or got hurt.
Taskmaster made a big point of being the nicest neighbour possible for this very reason, he helped old ladies with their bags and put up christmas lights even despite Bullseye’s efforts to tear them down.
He could certainly have chosen another place, but each borough had it’s heroes and it was at times useful to have one under clear surveillance. Queens just had the least violent one and the one who wasn’t tapped into what was happening in the criminal underground. Happily enough, he knew that the Black Cat was again in one of her off seasons with the Spider, so he’d be getting no intel from that front. And other heroes seldom interfered in the Spider’s turf in Queens even if he shared Midtown with a few. All he needed to do was to keep his dirty business indoors and elsewhere. 
He had argued extensively with Bullseye about this, there was no way he’d setup shop in the City, especially the Kitchen, and he wouldn't tolerate any killing anywhere near him. Taskmaster wasn’t going to court the attention of Punisher or Daredevil; those two were dangerous to get involved with especially when he was doing the hit with Bullseye. He knew about the middling beef with Spider-Man, but it wasn’t anything as psychotically obsessive as Bullseye’s thing for the aforementioned vigilantes. 
Now it was just to keep the assassin on track and focused without picking fights with any superheroes or vigilantes. It had gone fine the first week with the extensive surveillance and planning needed, but now well into December it was starting to get more difficult.
An unexpected, though in hindsight predictable, issue had been the utter loathing Bullseye had for Christmas and the season in general. It wasn’t the more common version of just outright ignoring the festivities, which Taskmaster himself mostly did, but the virulent and expressive hatred of an obsessive nutjob. 
It wasn’t just murdering Santas with christmas decorations and vandalising christmas displays, it was Bullseye whining about it constantly. If it wasn’t the holidays, it was the cold and the snow. Bullseye was always too cold and bored by everything when he wasn’t allowed to just murder everyone who annoyed him. Bullseye was making Shocker seem like a stoic and Boomerang mature by comparison.  It was frankly making Taskmaster want to kick Bullseye off the job. If only the plan didn’t hinge on him. 
Sighing, Taskmaster texted Black Ant on a secure VPN bounced line for a progress report. He couldn’t wait for this job to be over.
SpcUpUrLif: status
BBA69: got full access to Access. Got myself a free prime account on the bosses credit and a waterbed }XD 
SpcUpUrLif: exit strategy in place?
BBA69: nearly. Tho why bother? I coudda killed the target like last week. I’m tired of living of Karen’s lunch. iÍt’s KALE and vegan. She thinks its Mark in accounting :PPP
SpcUpUrLif: i’m not arguing about this again. just do it. client wants it like this.
SpcUpUrLif: besides money. can’t hide all that cash in your prime account.
BBA69: truth bro. Gimme a few days then, gotta go slow to hide the trail
BBA69: hows the resident Grinch psycho? Still making darts outta glass for Santa?
SpcUpUrLif: out doing his part, talking to everyone how he’s gonna do the hit of the century. best scapegoat ever.
BBA69: Small blessings. GTG Nancy Tightpants is clocking in and she’s having an affair with Mark and it’s a real porno up in here
SpcUpUrLif: you’re disgusting
BBA69: gotta get my kicks somehow ;)
Taskmaster pocketed his phone and sipped more of his chocolate, mind churning on getting everything right since shit would go really bad if it didn’t, pissing off both the client and Bullseye. He didn’t know who scared him more, but he was determined to make this job run without a hitch. He’d just have to manage until then. 
Maybe he’d call Outlaw, have a boozy night and good fucking. She was out with Domino, and she deserved that, but hey, maybe they were into a threesome. He snorted to himself, thinking it unlikely, but Christmas miracles. Later perhaps, give them some nice presents, with all the money he’d make, and have a quiet evening, which would be an improvement on his current situation. 
Speaking of the devil, Bullseye stomped in through the door, bundled up into anonymity in more garments than an adult man should ever need.  A gloved hand tugged down the scarf and revealed a grinning mouth, and a bright red snotty nose. 
“Guess what? I hit Spidey with a snowball!”
Of course he did. “I swear, if you blow our cover--”
“Pfft. No chance, even if he saw me he’s too much of a weeb to hurt anyone over a snowball,” Bullseye said as he shed all his outer clothes on the floor in a wet pile, making Taskmaster bite his tongue to avoid yelling at him to pick his damn stuff up.
“Why are you here?” he asked instead. “We didn’t schedule anything for today, and I told you I’d contact you when your part started.”
“I’m bored and I talked to a few people at the Bar --- guess what they told me?” Bullseye grinned, and Taskmaster honestly couldn’t tell if Bullseye meant talking as in actual conversations or torture induced confessions. He somehow doubted that Bullseye made much distinction between those two. It also begged the question of who would willingly talk to Bullseye? Never mind, he was already the idiot doing that.
“That you have beautiful eyes and can absolutely take their seat?” he remarked dryly, knowing to thread the fine line of joking with Bullseye and taking him seriously. 
“That too.” Another grin and a chuckle. “There’s gonna be a big charity gala and all the bigwigs will be there. We don’t need to wait around anymore, just kill him there, job done. And we can even make it look like he wasn’t the target since there will be so many rich assholes there! Shooting fish in a barrel and tons of guards for me to play with.”
Oh God, Bullseye thought he was being clever. Taskmaster could already feel a headache coming up, he set his cup on the table and tried not to raise his voice.
“No. We have a job. We do the job according to specifications. If you want to do another job while you wait, be my guest, as long as you don’t get caught.”
“Spoilsport,” Bullseye huffed, took and drank his chocolate before Taskmaster could snatch his cup back. “Can’t do anything fun with you and I hate just sitting around.”
Deep breath and resist the urge to punch the daylights out of Bullseye.
He needed to give Bullseye something to do before everything blew in their face. “On the other hand, it might be good for you to go. Check out the target and his guards, do a little gentle poking to see their reactions, but nothing that’d make them beef their security up further. It’d need a delicate touch as well. I think I know exactly who to send with you to make that work and to finance it all.”
He was certain that he had Black Cat’s number and she owed him. She couldn’t afford to end up on his naughty list. Maybe get Domino on it too, she had a better hand on Bullseye’s brand of crazy. God knows the man needed a babysitter.   
Taskmaster told Bullseye the outline of a simple smash and grab with an added assassination of a few ‘bigwigs’ he knew had active bounties on them. The assassin ate it up like his marshmallows and hot chocolate. It would at least give him some time away from Bullseye; it wasn’t worth the headache to get a close eye on the marksman’s uncanny skills.
As Bullseye finally left, Taskmaster could see and hear a pile of snow land on him, out of nowhere, and an insincere ‘sorry’ call out from above as Bullseye burst into a litany of curses.
He wrote down the time on his phone, smiling.
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finn-got-tall · 7 years
prompts // suggestions
send requests to my inbox, [x] no more than four prompts per suggestion, please!
Don’t be afraid to suggest your own prompt! it does not have to be from this list!!!!
i do most any ship. please include ship or parring when you ask.
ALSO if you want to include a plot pleasssee do.
lots of credit to this wonderful person for helping me and giving me ideas and prompts for this list.
“What the fuck, man? Get off of me!”
“I swear to god, I’ll rip your skin off if you touch him/her/them again.”
“Where do you think you’re going?” “Who are you, my mom?”
“Don’t walk away from this!” “From what?” “THIS”
“I never stood a chance, did I.” “You did. Once.”
“You’re one insult away from starting a war.”
“Want to see what kind of trouble we can get into?”
“Oh god, we’re gonna die aren’t we?”
“You think I’m cute when I’m angry? Well, bitch, I’m about to be motherfUCKING GORGEOUS!”
“Make me feel something. Anything.”
“No, listen to me.”
“I don’t know if I can keep going like this.”
“Do you ever stop talking?”
“Everyone has a breaking point.”
“I’m not a fucking brick. I have emotions.”
“Stay here, I’m gonna go get help.”
“Holy shit, that’s a lot of blood.”
“It happened again. It keeps happening again.”
“So what you bitter piece of fuck? I’m nasty, lewd, I swear every third fucking word, and I’m a better person than you. Oh, that burns doesn’t it? That a piece of shit like me is more moral and good and pure than you can ever be?”
“I’m giving you/him/her/them everything I have and It’s not enough. That’s fucking bullshit.”
“Your stretchmarks are fucking awesome. They look like lightning bolts on your ass.”
“Sorry.” “Stop apologizing so much.” “Sorry- fuck!”
“I’ve got you. You’re okay. It’s okay. I’ve got you.”
“Shut up!” “Make me!”
“It was over when you said goodbye.”
“Wanna make out?”
“God, I hate everything about this place.”
“Isn’t it so painfully obvious that I’m in love with you?”
“Words just aren’t working right now.”
“Don’t die.”
“No. I’m not letting you tattoo me.” “But you lost!" 
"Did you steal that?” “Maybe” “Jesus Christ”
“So wait, you did what to me?”
“Too bad you didn’t listen to me when I warned you”
“You don’t know me” “But I want to know you and you won’t let me!" 
"You should’ve loved me when you had the chance”
“Fucking read my lips, I don’t love you so stop talking to me.”
“You’re the whole package, except without THE package.”
“Maybe people would like you more if you didn’t fuck everything up”
“Stop wearing your heart on your sleeve, you look like a desperate slut.”
“I love you” - “Yes, I love me too.”
“You hate rumors, but you’re spreading them? That doesn’t make any sense to me.”
“Do you ever stop feeling sorry for yourself?”
“Okay, stop, you’re beautiful, telling yourself you aren’t is ugly.”
“why are you wearing a dress?” “Because fuck you that's why.”
“Are you okay?” “Not really, but I'm fine.”
“All that blood looks good on you. It really brings out your eyes.”
“Literally everything about this is illegal.”
“I love when someone insults me. It gives me permission to be a dick.”
“Right now I don’t know if I should kiss you or push you off a bridge.” “Can I pick?”
“You’re a psychopath.” “I prefer creative.”
“I’d tell you to be yourself, but that almost got us killed last time.”
“Good morning, I see the assassins have failed.”
“On a scale of one to ten, how bad do you think it would be if-” “at least a twenty.”
“Tell me I’m going to die. Tell me the sun is going to explode. Tell me the world is ending and there’s nothing I can do about it. Because if I hear it’s going to be okay one more time I will scream.”
“You made your choice, I made mine. Just because you cant live with yours does not mean you should shame me for living with mine.”
“I heard that!” “You were supposed to!”
“Oh my God, you’d struggle to pour water out of a boot with the instructions on the heel.”
“Don’t you have to be a dick somewhere else?” “Not until four.”
“This isn’t a guilt trip; I just want to know if I’m a bother or not.”
“I’m not a thief, I’m just really good at acquiring things that aren’t mine.”
“I didn’t do it.” “Then why are you laughing?” “Because whoever did do it is a fucking genius.”
“I have a plan.” “Is it a good one?” “I have a plan.”
“I’m way too sober for this.”
“Why are your hands purple?” “That’s a very good question.”
“It’s okay, you don’t have to love me.”
“No one can see you cry in the rain.”
“You’re not scared?” “I’ve had worse nightmares about failing AP Chem.”
“You gotta stop doing that.” “What?” “Saying things that make me want to kiss you.”
“What’s our exit strategy?” “Our what?” “Oh God, we’re all gonna die.”
“Children shouldn’t play with guns.” “Who said I was playing?”
“I’ve come to kill you.” “Well, then we’ve got a problem. I didn’t come to die.”
“We can’t be together. Get over me.” “How can I get over someone who’s my whole world.”
“I had a really weird sex dream about you and I don’t know how to feel about it.”
“Do you think they’ll notice we left?”
“On a scale from 1-10, how hard do you want me to hit you?”
“You see the problem is, if I kissed you, I don’t know if I’d be able to stop.”
“I wish I was sorry, but I don’t regret any of it.”
“Hold up- just stop- just- what are you actually doing? It’s 2 AM.”
“Why don’t you care that everyone hates you?” “None of them hate me more than I do.”
“You/He/She/They took everything from me, and now I’ve got nothing to lose. So, yeah, I’d be fucking scared.”
“When was the last time you got a full night of sleep.”
“How did you talk me into this?”
“Trust me, I wish I could stop thinking.”
“I’d kick his ass, but I’d only have mine handed to me.”
“Fuck me gently with a chainsaw, do I look like Mother Teresa”
“Don’t touch me.”
“Are you wearing makeup?”
“You’re a freak.”
“What the hell is that?”
“I’m good, how are you?” “That’s probably the biggest lie I’ve ever heard.”
“What are you afraid of?” “Literally all of this!”
“Wait, why are you crying?”
“I’m gonna cut your dick off and show it to you.”
“I can’t sneak out! Have you met my parents/mother/father?”
“Why are we doing this at 3AM?”
“You frequently appear in my nightmares.”
“I never really understood you.”
“This has got to be the most bullshit thing I have ever done.”
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tedthetalk · 5 years
I wasn’t gonna go into it cuz it’s like 4am but now I’m thinking about Eiras final exam and I gotta get this down before I lose inspiration ok.
So firstly, the Deku/Bakugou/All Might fight was a MESS. Terrible. Horrible. All Mights lack of self control vs bakudeku’s lack of teamwork?? A recipe for disaster. Secondly, Eira replaces Sato in her canon. Thirdly, Eira is very Saitama in that she doesn’t use any more power than she sees as strictly necessary, which is why she loses to Todoroki in the sports festival.
So, the only natural way for their finals to go is Bakugou and Kirishima against Cementoss (helps Bakugou to learn how to work with other people and kirishima to learn when to fall back and strategize) and Deku and Eira against All Might (sets Deku up against his mentor/helps him learn to manage his self sacrificing tendencies and gives Eira someone to let loose against).
Because Eiras not an arrogant shithead her and Deku actually work together to figure out a strategy beforehand and it pretty much works out to this: Eira distracts AM while staying out of a real fight while Deku books it to the exit. Also, right before the match starts Eira gives Deku the instructions of whatever happens, whatever you hear or see, you do not come back for me. do not try to help me. you will get yourself badly hurt. just run to the exit. He tries to object but then AM shows up and Eira shoves him into an alleyway.
So the match starts like this: huge empty street, AM at one end doing his villain monologue and Eira at the other just kinda standing there. AM throws the first punch but whoops! that’s a decoy and now Eiras somehow sitting on his shoulders sending 2 million volts through the back of his neck. It doesn’t put him down obviously but it’s a hell of a first attack and Eira knows it. She may be the hero here but she’s cranked the taunts to the maximum for this fight. AM swings again and again but he just can’t seem to make contact, all the while Eiras sending more shocks through him or setting off explosions by his ears or getting acid in his eyes, laughing when he stumbles. That damn laugh. He doesn’t understand why it sets him off so much. It grates him so badly that when he finally does make contact, just a graze to the side of her torso but more than enough to send her reeling back, a sick rush of satisfaction comes with it.
It only last a moment though. Only a moment before he sees her getting back to her feet, rubbing her side, a faintly amused expression on her face. Only a moment before she looks up at him and goes huh. I guess you really aren’t holding back. Too bad that hit didn’t even give me a bruise. Didn’t even give her a bruise? It seemed impossible. It was just a graze but it was still definitely enough to break a rib or two. And yet here she was. Smiling up at him, not a trace of pain on her face. That sets him off more than he‘d like to admit and he lunges again and oh she didn’t expect that because what he hits in the stomach this time is definitely not a decoy.
Eira goes flying over the cement and into a building, the brick cracking a little as she hits it. She falls to the ground in a heap, hands around her head, seemingly defeated but AM isn’t a fool. He’s seen her pull fake injuries on her classmates before and while this definitely isn’t anything fake it’s lucky he doesn’t take his eyes off her this time. Lucky because it means he gets to see her back fix itself, the splinters of her vertebrae sealing themselves back together until she can crawl up onto her knees. He gets to see her look down at the arm she had thrown up to protect her head, most certainly broken in several places and watch the wrist twist back into place until she can move it again. He gets to see her get to her feet, look up, catch him watching the sickening display, grin at him and go what? come on All Might you must’ve known it’d take more than that to put me down while a scrape on her forehead rapidly returns itself to smooth unmarked skin.
And that’s what drives it home. All for One. That smile, that mocking laugh. It reminds him if All for One. Which means he can’t fight this girl anymore. Because as much as he knows she could withstand much more than most, if this went on for too long he’d end up putting his full power into a hit and killing her. The thought of it made him want to vomit. So he turns his back on her and speeds off. And oh she hadn’t been expecting that either because as soon as he did there was a vicious cry of NO and suddenly there was a concrete wall in front of him. Cementosses quirk, very powerful in this environment. Why hadn’t she used that before? It didn’t matter, he had to get away from her and find Midoriya.
But he‘s slower than usual. Much slower. Those shocks must have done more than he realized because suddenly he’s hyper aware of the weights pressing down on him and the dull ache in his side from his wound. Going crashing through 6 inches of cement didn’t exactly help either. And now there’s more cement crawling up his ankles, trying to trap him in place and stop him from going after Midoriya. Eiras talking again now and despite her cocky words from before he can tell she’s getting tired too. You really think I’m gonna let you run off and ruin everything now? Sorry Mister Number One but I’m planning on passing. The cement is up to his knees by now but its still easy to break out of, her words only spurring to remind him that he needs to find a different target. She doesn’t try to stop him this time, having realized that no amount of concrete is going to do anything, moving to chase him instead.
He doesn’t bother trying to find Midoriya, he knows that the kid will be opting for stealth and in a city this big there’s no way he’d be able to find him in time. Instead he runs straight for the exit, hoping to catch him there. He’s in luck, because he’s not a 100 meters from the exit when he sees Mydoria come sprinting from the cover of a sidestreet, not even noticing AM bearing down on him. Or, not noticing until Eira, transformed into Iida to keep up with him, shouts again and AM is crashing through another wall of cement, rubble flying everywhere. Rubble that, in her growing tiredness, trips Eira, sending her face first into the ground.  
I’m tired now and don’t know how to properly write out the next part but what happens is basically: in a last ditch effort to stop AM from catching Midoriya, Eira uses her moms quirk to turn into the USJ nomu. As the nomu, she grabs AM’s ankle, pins him to the ground and roars in his face (this is later revealed to be her fighting the nomus instincts to rip his head off), giving Midoriya time to run through the exit of the arena and have him and Eira successfully pass. AM deflates and they go see recovery girl (as a formality, the most any of them have are bruises). Then Eira and Midoriya meet up with the rest of the class, who are collectively still processing their “holy shit I could have died” moments. They question Eira on her transformation and she reveals that it was Midoriya's idea and she had no idea if it would work. (it works because her moms quirk lets her transform into the people she’s made skin/skin contact with and, because it’s DNA is completely human; albeit warped, the nomu counts as a person)
0 notes
survivekohsai · 7 years
Episode 2 - I Can’t Wait To Idol You Out One Day ~ Akito
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I almost peed. I almost fucking peed. As soon as I saw the three people who's names were the only names that got thrown out use their idols. My fucking asscheeks were clenched so hard they could of broke a femur.
I'm super conflicted with what Logan said about Jackson because I don't really know my tribe mates well enough to know what their game strategy is. I'm super happy Tyler is still here though, he's really cool and nice.
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Fuck men - Madison 2k17 (VL) 
I hate this flash game. But if I win I'm sending Tyler back to exile if I can because I'm bitter :).
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Oops i was accidently an icon. I accidently slipped and told Issac and Linus to play their idols then got issac to vote for Logan with me. I single handedly got out Logan. It was spicy and juicy :D 
I kinda want to lowkey throw the reward challenge so that i can go back to exile, mutiny and they hopefully would win immunity with the advantage. Im keen as 
So i created a fun alliance chat with everyone who was voted for last round or played their idol, being, Linus, Issac, Kelsey and myself. I was being careful yesterday because no one wants to be the first person to create an alliance chat but hey! #Yolo and im sure there are others by now. I really dont want to have to use my other idol yet so ive gotta keep safe as long as possible. Im also really close to Mo, he's such a gem. all is getting better in Tylerville
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2,800 on the challenge is too shabby if I do say so myself. I hope that everyone else can pull it together like this so we win another reward. I, for sure, do not want to go to exile because, well, you saw what happened to Tyler when he went to exile. I hope someone volunteers themselves while we send Tyler to exile again :P. However, my true feelings on who I want to send to exile is up in the air. Obviously, someone voted for Kelsey, someone voted for Tyler, and someone voted for Issac. So they have some sort of target on their back. One of those three should go to exile. Point. Blank. 
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This is so ridiculous can the tribe pick someone else for exile? This is giving me a good reason because they want us to target tyler so hardcore. You know what keep picking Tyler give him all the advantages because he will screw the Yala tribe hard and I will make sure that Tyler screws Yala members so hard.
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Me: I can't do the immunity I don't have time Me: *is free basically all week* Me: *sees a mutiny and runs to the other mat* 
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I literally clicked to Jesus
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Kisses Tyler
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I have 0 strategy bye
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Mutinying was definitely better for me. I'll miss Ryan teddy but I hope he can be cute and mutiny his ass over here too.
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I think its really sad but kinda funny logan was first boot, I had no idea he was getting votes and wanted to work with him in this game but at least it wasn't me! Hopefully it won't be me next either! I'm banking on me jackson or mo winning this whole thing!
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Anyways, either everyone is against me or they are joking because those comments were not cute. Like I'm sorry that I decided to make the person who sat out in the first challenge sit out again. Suddenly, that's a crime against humanity. Well, I guess if we go to tribal, I'm using my idol because they will want to target me. Plus, it's like we had to decide within the hour sooooo. Whatever. Hopefully, we won't have to go to tribal for me to waste my idol this early in the game.
RTP is either really bitter or joking. Plus, now I feel like I have a target on my back. Greattttttt 
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Jordan F'ing Means........ I can't wait to idol you out one day just in revenge for voting me off for no reason at all when I was a useful asset.
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Hiiiiii so, aha, funny story, I'm back in tribal council. I'm personally disgusted. GOD, I am not a LOSER so I don't want to obviously be here. With all these new idols in play, there's a lot of flexibility for who can go home. I barely dodged elimination and I only had one vote against me. So it really goes to show, sweaty, it could be ANYONE. Especially with Jordan joining us? Things are as open as they could be. I have heard Jordan's name for elimination. I have heard Tyler's name for elimination. I've heard Jackson's name for elimination. It's really just an insane amount of possibilities here. Not to mention, Tyler and Jackson both have their idols in their pocket. I'm extremely nervous and it's kind of hard to keep my nerve but...I've had my eye on Miss Jackson for a bit now. I trust Jordan thoroughly and, as for Tyler, he's shady but he's trustworthy *enough* for me at this point in the competition. Voting out Jackson would be divine, but he is indeed someone who's leading the pack and wants me as a pack member. I don't know if my safety would be as guaranteed if he was eliminated. And even so, it could very well be me again! Aye-yi, I don't know wether I should hold on to my idol or not...I don't want to be leaving so soon, I'd love to continue riding through. I just have to hold on tight to the handlebars, put my rose colored glasses on and hope to survive this fallout! I'm too pretty to be eliminated, right? ;) And THAT'S all there is to it! Idols Shmidols. Where's Teen Idle? -Kelsey V Mikaelson
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Thank god I mutinied now I just gotta hope the new tribe accepts me. We need to win these challenges or else imma whoop asses.
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So my tribe sat me out of immunity so I've been sitting here like a useless pile of crap. And Jordan left!! Wtf! I didn't leave because he was here and then he left me...hmmmm
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Love us winning immunity again! Theres was some tension? about the sitting out method but I hope its a joke.
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Well I literally have no hope! No one will talk to me, well a few do but they're not convincing me enough! Im going to have to play my second idol!! :( I've convinced a few to vote for Jackson however so I really hope that works, that kids was the reason I was voted for yesturday
I heard that all the kids with idols are gunning for the people without idols. Im working my ass off to flip this onto Jackson
I've sent my juicy ass plea to our tribe chat... I’m one of the more active members of this tribe and am actually putting so much effort into these challenges (well the reward ones), y’all are losing those immunity challenges and you actually need to WIN one and I know I can help you with that! I’ve been informed by BOTH people that I went to exile island with that I was picked by their tribe because they DIDNT like me…. Think about this…. You’re going to vote a kid without an idol? Who received the most votes last tribal? And is hated by the other tribe? If I was you i’d defiantly scoop me up and use me for these votes because I’m not any kinda threat to any of you in the slightest... They'd honestly be dumb to vote me out. I've also recruited Jordan to back me up saying that the other tribe HATES me, when in fact I don't even know that and neither does he... lets see how this goes
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I like Tyler and I think he's super nice but I'm kinda stressed because everyone's super set on voting for him.
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I love everyone being salty about RTP sitting out, but then we still managed to win. :)
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Obligatory confessional
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So I'm back home. That's... cool. Did I get to sit out or go to exile for any of the fucking challenges? No. Am I missing out on any of the alliances in this game? Yes probably all of them Did Regan not even submit the first fucking challenge? NO All I've done is complain in this game which is fun cause for the first round I get an idol so Imma be an annoying bitch until I can swap or mutiny. I've only talked to Rafael who's nice (but literally not enough for him to want to keep me in this game probably) and Chelsea and RTP (who I loved and I think like me but we'll see) and Regan who the first thing I said was "hey wanna f2" because she knows damn well I don't but I wanna fuck w/ her. But honestly I hate this tribe. ty for the idol
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hi im busy i have no thoughts besides dana is bad host
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Hi I'm Jackson and this is my second confessional. Shit got crazy after I finished writing last time. Logan got idoled out, which I was actually pretty shocked and sad about... Until he name dropped me before getting removed from the chat, accusing me of being the person who threw Tyler and Isaac's names out (which I did, but I wasn't the only one, and anyway, what did he stand to gain from putting me on blast?) And I didn't even vote for him! Anyway yeah he's bitter and cancelled so bye! Akito kept her promise to me and threw a vote at Kelsey, which means I trust Akito even more now, but I also worry that Kelsey is uneasy. She hasn't asked me who voted for her, which either means she doesn't care to know (possible considering how not invested she seems in this) or that she knows it was someone on my side of the game, which is not great. I want to play with her - I'm just hoping she still does too. So we lost both reward and immunity again (shocking, considering I'm on a tribe of people who literally don't care). The actual surprise came when Tyler returned from exile again (I fully expected him to mutiny) with a friend! Jordan! There's good and bad with this. The bad is that Jordan is not someone I want to work with, and I see us being on opposite sides of the game. The good thing is that Yala lost a number, and the tribes will be even at 8-8 after we vote someone out. Okay so the vote. Tyler knows me and Quillynn voted for him last time, but still he's trying to work with us because he knows he's in trouble. He no longer has an idol and because of the way this twist works, nobody else can play an idol for him, so his only hope is to try to get us to switch to someone else. In the process he threw under the bus one of my allies (Mo) and then imploded in the group chat, so yeah, he's definitely going home tonight barring some insane disaster. The one thing besides Tyler's exit that I'd like to see at this tribal would be Jordan playing his idol, though. I know it's unlikely, but it'd be a huge help to my game to have him get paranoid and play the idol now so he can't in the future. Hopefully he's been kept far enough out of the loop to feel safe. In conclusion I kind of hate this tribe but I also kind of love how much influence me and Quillynn have had on the vote. Let's hope that holds together for tribal tonight.
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http://68.media.tumblr.com/508f937c0838025bb74535f1d654b54d/tumblr_ovq6ppnr581vzwwmeo4_250.gif we won and i still havent spoken to anyone and jordan mutinied and then went to tribal with a new tribe dumbass and im lowkey annoyed that we're down a number now and thats all i have to say
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There are some ugly motherfuckers in this game. I survived last round thanks to daddy Tyler and this round I have Jordan Means. I think I might get voted out but ehh. Hopefully Mo will go just because he doesn't know when to stop talking but ehhh.
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I hope Tyler goes tonight, I really like him but its best for my game right now for him to go, he knows I voted for him last time and although he says he can trust me I can't trust him. Tyler and Jordan have to be the next two out imo
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Why did Jordan leave why does he hates us what is life
Voting Confessionals
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Vote: Mo - Word to the wise when someone makes you mad it's best to keep your mouth shut :~)
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I'm voting Mo https://media.tenor.com/images/a2bebe6a101fecc271962ad8ff093b02/tenor.gif
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I vote tyler I guess 
Mo voted out (5) Tyler - 3 Mo - 1 Linus
Tyler played his Australian Super Idol
Jackson, Quillynn, Linus, Akito, Mo voted Tyler
Jordan, Isaac, Tyler voted Mo
Kelsey voted Linus
0 notes
D-1 Devon
Devon was pleased with the partner choices. She was with her favorite ship: Sope. Although she was a bit confused about why BryAnna wouldn’t choose Suga to be on her own team. Wouldn’t it be better use of the game to put everyone with their Bias?
Jin seemed to agree with the teams. Apparently it was good strategy. Devon watched, amused. BryAnna was obviously getting frustrated with Jin.
Devon thought this was a pretty good start to the game. Just sit back, relax, and explore the map. Maybe even discover some other cool stuff you could do in game. She listened halfheartedly to the strategy talk, but made a mental note of what part of the map they were in charge of. South East. Their part of the map swung back the way they came a bit and then looped north, to take care of the whole Mid Eastern part of the map before landing them right at the checkpoint room. 2 hours was plenty of time to do that. Well…. 1 hour and 40 minutes.
Devon tried to think back about who in BTS was good at games. That should reflect how they act during the missions right? She knew that Jin was pretty good. Jungkook plays. Suga maybe?  
They left the group right when they exited the room, going back towards where the girls had started.
“Sooooo which one of your friends dragged you into the game?” Suga asked, once they were out of earshot of the other groups.
“Huh?” Devon looked at him.
“Yoongi-hyung…….” Jhope’s voice was full of embarrassment. What a way to introduce yourself to your partner.
“Yeah..well No...it’s true, BryAnna wanted to play. I don’t play games. So sorry in advance if you do all the work.” Devon thought it might be best to just put it out there. This game did a really good job portraying these characters, though. Their movements and speaking habits were on point.
Devon tried to ignore the nervousness. It was almost like talking to real people. She reminded herself that these boys were a part of a program and to talk naturally to them.
“Tasks like these are always the most annoying. Couldn’t we have gotten it out of the way during the tutorial?” J-hope teased, when it was obvious that no one was going to say anything to each other.
“I don’t mind. It’s kind of nice to just walk around and check things out.” Devon replied. She stole a glance at him. Man he really did just radiate good vibes. Even though he was clearly upset about something when they were trapped in the sound room, all of that tension seemed to have disappeared. She smiled a little.
They walked for a while, filling in the map with no problems at all. Devon was content just listening to the boys banter back and forth. It was obvious that they were close, and she was grateful that Hoseok was there to include her in the conversation every once in a while. In fact he had to make an effort to include Suga in the conversation too. The poor kid had to ask direct questions to get his hyung to say anything to him at all.
“Man, sorry Suga is in such a bad mood. He’s a little cranky from being stuck in here.” J-hope apologised. Devon just shrugged. She’d get upset if she was stuck in that tiny room with a bunch of rowdy boys for who knows how long too.
A message popped up from BryAnna.
BryAnna created the chat.
Devon joined the chat.
BryAnna: Yo ur NPCs acting funny?
The question seemed a little weird. Devon responded quickly.
Devon: Idk what the difference is, sooo.
BryAnna: Did they mention being real people?
Devon started to type a reply. Of course they acted real, because the program was that top notch, but they never exactly said that they were real people. Before she could hit send, she was distracted by J-hope.
“Hey, what’s that?” he asked, pointing ahead. There was a crate in the middle of the hall. Devon minimized the chat, forgetting that she was in the middle of a conversation. It looked exactly like the ones from before.
Devon walked up to it and tapped it with her foot. “Should we open it?”
“Of course we should open it!” Hoseok sounded pretty excited that we finally found something. He reached down and tapped the top. The lid popped open. Immediately, he scrambled back and let out a shrill scream. Devon fell back onto her butt, shocked. Like a jack in the box, a giant clown head swung back and forth on spring. It’s smiling face had sharp teeth and it let out a terrifying cackle. Not only that, but it kept growing. When it first came out, it was the size of a toy. But in a matter of seconds it was almost large enough to block the path.
Devon couldn’t even see Suga any more on the other side. But she could hear his scared cursing. The clown head thing swung back and forth and then slammed down, narrowly missing Devon’s leg. She scooted back and got to her feet.
Parts of the wall slid back to reveal massive speakers. The speakers started to play music. Boss Battle Music. “What the hell?” she helped J-hope up. He was trying to put on brave face, but it was obvious he probably wasn’t going to be much help at all.  A health bar appeared on top of the monster. It was starting to spawn arms.
“We gotta kill it!” Suga called from the other side of the monster. It seemed that it didn’t want anything to do with him. It swung back and forth and used it’s momentum to fall forward. It used it’s growing arms to pull itself forward towards Devon and Hoseok.
“Do you have any weapons?” Devon asked Jhope without looking at him. She equipped her scythe, and hoped that it would work out.
“No. Just the stealth plug in.”
“Okay just stay behind me.” she stepped in front of him. Man she wished that the music would shut off. How to gamers concentrate with that noise in the background? All it did was make her feel uneasy and nervous.
Here’s to in - game combat muscle memory. When the thing got within range, she sidestepped and swung. The scythe’s blade made solid contact and slid right through it’s arm. It flopped off, making the whole thing unbalanced. It fell face first and Devon took the opportunity. She singled to J-hope to go over to the otherside by Suga now that there was room. Even though the hit was solid, she noticed that the HP bar barely went down.
While she was distracted by the health, the monster’s limb regenerated and swung at her. She put up her scythe to block the attack’s damage, but she still lost her footing. It easily tossed her to the side and she landed on her back. The wind was knocked out of her lungs, but she forced herself to get up as quickly as she could. That hit brought down her health by 30%. Her defense was shit.
Suddenly Suga was standing next to her. “What are you doing?” she asked, breathless from the hit. The monster swung at them again, but this time they saw it coming and moved out of the way. The monster was slow, if you payed attention.
“I have a defense plugin. If I get hit, I’ll take half damage.” Suga explained, keeping close by Devon’s side. That makes sense, but it felt totally wrong to hide behind someone who can’t even defend themselves.
While dodging the attacks and trying to get a hit in, Devon looked for a point of weakness. She thanked her concentration thing for that. It took a lot of focus to look at each part of the monster as it was moving around like a possessed doll. Finally, she saw it. The back of it’s head. But no way was she going to be able to climb up there to reach that spot. The monster’s health was down just below 50%. If she could get a good hit in there, it’ll be done for.
Devon screenshotted her vision. The image showed the monster, along with the green area of weakness on its back. She attached it to a message to Jhope along with the text :Just get here!: Seriously it was so worth clicking around the menus earlier.
She sent it, but during that moment of distraction, the monster took aim for another hit. Suga jumped in front of it and he was slammed into the nearby wall. His body slumped down to the ground. Devon felt a moment of panic but it subsided when he moved to get up, holding his head.
Devon swung around, looking for J-hope. She could see him hanging on to the clown’s red hair for dear life. Devon locked her vision onto her teammate and threw her scythe at him, praying he wouldn’t duck. Everything moved in slow motion while the weapon was airborne. A notification popped up, letting her know that her scythe was now equipped.
Just like in a cool action cutscene, J-hope slow motion caught the weapon perfectly and then everything moved so fast as if to catch up with real time. He swung it down, hitting the exact spot and then dragging it through its body as he jumped down. The monster disappeared once it’s HP reached zero.
Jhope was so excited, it was cute. “Did you see that? That was so cool! I can’t believe i did that!!” he was so happy. Devon didn’t say anything, but transferred a healing pack to Suga. She restored the HP she lost and then accepted her Scythe back from Jhope.
“Yeah that was pretty awesome...but our time limit..” Suga said.
Devon took a look. Wow. Okay. They spent a lot of time on this stupid monster. They were down to only 50 minutes. At least most of their part of the map was done. There was just a little bit more to go.
“What’s this?” Devon looked down and pointed at the shiny object. It looked like one of her bouncy balls, but it was shining a blue color. She picked it up.
“It’s an item drop.” Suga responded.
“It says it’s a fire mod. I have to equip it to a weapon.” Devon read the info about the item drop.
Suga nodded. “Feel free to equip it. Your the only one with something to put it on right now.” Devon hesitated for a moment. Mostly because she’s not sure how to do it. She looked at her scythe in one hand and the mod in the other. Then she slowly put them together, feeling a bit dumb. All she could think of was that stupid Pineapple Pen song as she did it. It worked though.
Equip Mod?
After she altered the weapon, Devon didn’t bother putting it back into her inventory. It would just make her feel better it was in her hand just in case there were any more surprise attacks.
Not gonna lie though, as much as it hurt to get knocked around, it felt pretty epic to defeat a monster.
“We should hurry up a bit. Taehyung just messaged me. Their team followed an unmarked path and now they’re cut off from their part of the map. I agreed that we’d cover for them since it’s on our way to the check point anyway.”  Suga was blinking at something on his monitor.
Devon’s team moved quickly after that. Even cautiously splitting up a few times to cover more ground. The time limit made things a little more exciting, almost like a race. Still buzzing on the adrenaline from the earlier fight, Devon was really enjoying this kind of game. It was like completing a maze.
As they were finishing up the last section of Liz’s team’s map, Devon got a message notification.
BryAnna: Everyone. Logout now.
That’s weird. Why would she need everyone to log out? It’s not like there was anything going on. She replied:
Devon: ????
Liz: busy right now
Brianna: it won’t let me.
“Hold on guys, I need to log out for a sec.” Devon commented. Suga and Jhope stopped and looked at her before looking at each other. They frowned. “Logout.” Devon said, and the logout screen popped up.
Devon glanced at their time. 10 minutes left. “It won’t let you log out….” Jhope whispered, sounding a little sorry that he didn’t say anything sooner.
“We’ve tried a hundred times. It won’t let us out of the game. We have to win in order to leave.” Suga’s voice was matter - of- fact.
Was this part of the game’s plot? She didn’t seem to recall this part in the game description. It DID say that they had to survive a hostage situation. But Devon assumed that there would be a person keeping them hostage. Not a computer program.
“Okay…..” Devon decided to play along until they made it to the checkpoint. She was sure that BryAnna would know more about it. Maybe they couldn’t log out until they complete the mission or something.
They made up a plan to get into the room. The guard was moving in the same path every time it passed the door. It didn’t give them a lot of time.
“How do you feel about doing a gamble. There’s a 50% chance that J-hope won’t be noticed by the guard if he doesn’t move while in his line of vision. Let’s have Hoseok sneak past, crack the code, and then we can follow when the guard’s back is turned.” Suga laid out a solid plan. Hoseok didn’t even look nervous about it.
When the guard passed, Jhope hurried across the hall and crouched down in front of the door. He woke up the keypad and started to do the thing that Liz does. Devon thought that maybe she should try unlocking a door sometime just to see what it looks like. When the guard turned around and started to come back, Jhope froze. Devon didn’t think she ever saw him sit so still for so long. The guard paused, but continued without even a nod in Jhope’s direction. The idol finished unlocking the door. It swung open to reveal a dark room. Jhope went inside and Devon followed Suga across the hall and into whatever came next.
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