#Experiential Knowing
turiyatitta · 8 months
Yinnergy and the Wellspring of Creativity
A Journey into the Essence of Creative Energy In the boundless realm of spiritual exploration, there are moments that not only illuminate our understanding but also become catalysts for creation and expression. During my conversation with Steve James on Guru Viking, I shared insights into the creation of my Yinnergy audio meditation program, a project deeply intertwined with my spiritual…
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clotpolesonly · 3 months
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Blue Lily, Lily Blue ch 31 // Mister Impossible ch 19
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nojaloart · 7 months
art school is so crazy. i spend two years going okay i’m just going to get the degree and go straight into the workforce and then one day i wake up and go okay but what if i did a masters.
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aeide-thea · 9 months
saw a post with a quote that basically tidily summed up the rebuttal i'd half-started drafting to someone's post about how homosociality in tolkien ~queers amatonormativity~ [spoiler: on the contrary, male homosociality has been engaged in a three-way handshake with both misogynist heterosexuality and amatonormativity for literal millennia, and far from undermining them, more typically serves as essential reinforcement], so i was like, great, now i don't have to actually write that essay, i can just reblog this instead and tag it #tolkien! :)
but then, like a conscientious idiot, i went and dutifully looked up the book it was from, because i think it's irresponsible to cite excerpts whose context you aren't familiar with; and very predictably it turned out to be by a r*dfem and to make all sorts of claims abt so-called 'phallocratic culture' that i dislike, both as a trans person and ally myself and also as a logical thinker who can tell perfectly well from, you know, lived experience of our society that having a penis doesn't in fact confer ready social acceptance, never mind dominance, on people who don't otherwise look or act the part of a Proper Man, because ultimately what we reflexively defer to is a particular vibe, produced by a combination of physique and affect and other things besides, which may imply the presence of a penis but neither actually reveals nor necessitates one…
so like. ugh. probably i'm gonna have to write my own essay after all. :/
#i don't know much about marilyn frye and it doesn't look from a quick google as though she's on par with some of the really nasty t*rfs#but like. you don't have to be vitriolic to still be fundamentally approaching the world in a cissexist way#that gives too much credence to ideas abt Men and Women even as it resents them#like in this essay she comes out with shit like#'women generally have good experiential reason to associate negative values and feelings with penises'#and like. i don't identify as a woman but presumably a r*dfem would class me as a ''''female person'''' so like.#speaking from that classification—can't relate!!#(i mean‚ dgmw‚ i don't want to be dismissive of experiences that were forced‚ or coercive‚ or consensual but painful‚ or or or)#(and it's not that i haven't myself had experiences where people were bad about consent with me)#(but personally i would say i associate negative values and feelings with those *people* and their *behavior‚* not with Penises per se.)#and maybe it's just like. that i'm speaking after literally 50 years of gender progress#like frye does in fact concede that a reframed relationship to penises would be an improvement#(''if penises were enjoyed a good deal more and worshipped a great deal less‚ everyone's understanding of… power and of love would change#beyond recognition and much for the better'')#so maybe it's just like. hi that's me! i'm there! enjoying them! :)#but i just feel like. i don't need to be drawing from a well that takes cisheteronormative constructs this much for granted#and thinks the way to escape them is separatism#as if the knife that cuts Women away from Men weren't cutting some of us in half‚ not 2 mention being itself a cisheteronormative construct#but like. the decontextualized quote really was tempting… :/#anyway. some people vent about normal things; i vent about shit like this‚ i guess!
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wtiom · 11 days
infodumped about autism to a non-autistic person and was asked if i think pierre (war and peace) is autistic and i said yes so loudly
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wyvernne · 2 months
This is me doing my check up on you to make sure you’re still alive and well 😭
AKSJSKHDSJ thank you 😭
I’m alive (barely). Sorry I’ve been MIA, finals are in a week and I’ve been busy applying to fellowships and all that jazz 🥲
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paradife-loft · 4 months
"I guess maybe some people just have a weird relationship with fear," says Gerard Keay.
......*delicate cough* :')
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wetbananapeel · 9 months
Eheeeoooo wine and Trader Joe's tequila and edibles and flower from the dispensary after 10 hours of studying and existing today a lovely cocktail for my brain and body
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arthur-r · 2 years
my heart rate at work right now confirming my greatest fear that i will actually never be able to safely bind!! literally there will be no relief until top surgery!! i want to cry!!!!
#i still don’t know if i’ll literally ever be able to get top surgery also!!!!#because it’s not possible for me to completely cut off from my parents that’s just not going to happen#and i don’t know if there will ever be a world where i can get top surgery and they won’t forcibly shut me out#of their lives. because what i mean to say when i say i can’t cut them off#is that i can’t cut them off without losing my baby sister. and that’s not a trade off i can make#so yeah i’m sure they would happily cut me off themselves if i came out fully as trans but if that happened i would lose one of the most#important people of my life#i guess i could wait until she grows up? but that is a scarily long time from now we’re nine years apart#anyway getting back to the point of this is just. i have heart problems. that might get better when i get older#but they also might not. which has made me nervous about the prospects of binding just because it’s so much in that area of the body#and i had decided that it wouldn’t matter and i would be okay. and that they wouldn’t affect each other#but here i am in a sports bra that’s slightly too small for me. and my standing heart rate is 120!!#which isn’t abnormal when i just stood up but i’ve been standing for an hour and a half this is something different#and yeah im feeling tight in my chest and like i’m going to burst so!! seems like binding will never be an option#i can hope and pray that it’s about how long i’ve been wearing it but i’m scared that’s not what’s going on#hi from 50 minutes later when i’m finally getting around to posting this. it has not gotten better. i can’t wait to get home#this is just. terrifying. though. because not binding is something i do because of my parents and i’m supposed to be able to when i leave#for college. but it looks like that’s not going to happen!! so. good luck to me#this has been a concern of mine for a long time but there’s never been experiential proof#so it’s time to start being upset i guess. sorry for kinda venting about this stuff but just. yeah#vent cw#delete later#me. my post. mine.#ask to tag
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agreenroad · 4 months
Spirituality, Spiritual But Not Religious, Supernatural Realms, Personal Growth
The meaning of spirituality has developed and expanded over time, and various meanings can be found alongside each other.[1][2][3][note 1] Traditionally, spirituality referred to a religious process of re-formation which “aims to recover the original shape of man”,[note 2] oriented at “the image of God“[4][5] as exemplified by the founders and sacred texts of the religions of the world. The term…
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homophyte · 5 months
man i havent seen like anybody talking about it--probably because i do my level best to block every transphobe i can find and purposefully avoid twitter as much as possible--or else i wouldnt say anything but the sophie from mars situation seriously has been breaking my brain. i dont wanna be the exact guy i would criticize in this situation and shift focus from the victims but i truly thought she was one of the most incisive political commentators on youtube, i actively looked forward to her perspectives & shared them with so many people around me. its hard on some level to not feel shocked and blindsided particularly because she was someone who consistently and articulately spoke about abuse and exploitation.
#myposts#not to make this about myself <- guy living inside a single experiential perspective#its just on some level ive been thinking about notions of justice for lack of a better term#so its like . okay im in the process of divesting myself psychically from what justice looks like that is retributive and carceral etc#and the thing im coming up against here is like. not that? its not an instinctive 'heres what should be Done with her'#its a complete absence of that. its a what can i do. i feel like i have an obligation of some sort but i dont know what it is#and i know thats a holdover of like the mob justice aspect of this. i need to be fuming and malding and destroying her career#and make her never come back raaaargh. i dont think that. i cant even really bring myself to i have such respect for her#its literally just like. this completely sucks? and i want it to be made right on some level but i dont know how to do that#and even if i did i wouldnt be the person to do it. so i kinda have to sit on top of my hands and not think about it??#and also like not think too hard about how thats kinda...a consequence of the fact its happening in a public forum#like the reason you do that is so people see it. not even necessarily to get them that mad but just like you are going to#so its....the only reason i have this feeling is because i have been dragged into this on some level?#and then it is kinda the natural question of why i suppose. but i dont have answers to any of that#i know enough to know that despite the fuming ive seen from people this is how abuse happens or at least how it can happen#and that the solution really cant be just divesting from abusers because thats how it happens#and ironically thats something i feel she really helped me grasp#i dont want to make it an exercise in politics but its really making me think about the politics.
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strewbi · 7 months
“North of Ford Lane a heron stood knee-deep in snow. The Gale did not rock him; His long gray feathers were unruffled, regal, and frozen and dead. he stood to the wind in his thin sarcophagus of ice. Already he seemed to be dynasties away from me. I have outlived him, as a gibbering ape outlived the dinosaur.” 
J.A. Barker The Peregrine
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solidandsound · 10 months
I just finished Tears of the Kingdom and found the ending to be disappointing, but in exactly the way I expected it to be.
Playing through the game, I was actually quite impressed by the writing quality. It fumbled in some specific moments (the sages' quests, mostly), but what stuck with me was the strong thematic consistency. The thrust of the main plot, from the regional quests to the memories, is an attempt to find out what happened to Zelda. Meanwhile, side quests often hinge on Zelda as well, be it the Yiga clan impersonating Zelda or various citizens' memories of her. This is perhaps the first Zelda title to really feel like 'the legend of Zelda'.
But in the way the game sort of reminisces about her and what she's like, combined with finding out about her great sacrifice, I began to feel like Tears of the Kingdom was also a memorial to Zelda. The game is grieving her. This is a game about a girl who loved her kingdom and her knight so much that she sacrificed her very self to protect them. We are told that becoming a dragon is something you cannot come back from, that the Zelda we knew, the girl everyone loves and can't stop talking about, is gone forever. The brave choice, then, is to let the player steep in that feeling. The brave choice is to let her be gone.
I knew Nintendo would not be that brave, however. As I watched Zelda inexplicably return to human form, I could only sigh. The event is (weakly) explained afterwards, but that does not stop one from thinking in the moment, 'We were told this would be impossible. That hurdle has not been meaningfully surpassed. This does not feel earned.' What this ending does, what saving Zelda does, is undermine part of what made the game up to that point special. Nintendo instead chose a tidy, lukewarm happily ever after, and the game is worse off for it.
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biblebloodhound · 11 months
Known by God (Psalm 139:13-18)
We don’t really know God, as much as we are known by God.
You are the onewho put me together    inside my mother’s body,and I praise you because ofthe wonderful way    you created me.Everything you do is marvelous!    Of this I have no doubt. Nothing about me    is hidden from you!I was secretly woven together    out of human sight,but with your own eyes you saw    my body being formed.Even before I was born,you had written in your book    everything…
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juliaridulaina · 1 year
Analitzant «saviesa»//Analyzing «wisdom»//Analizando la «sabiduría»
La saviesa que pot merèixer aquest nom és la que s’estén més enllà dels canons establerts per les ciències. Altrament només es tracta d’especialitzacions concretes, encara que molt profundes, però que no ho abracen tot. En paraules hindús: Raazyukt qui coneix tots els secrets Yogyukt qui és precís en el ioga Yuktiyukt qui els seus actes son precisos i elevats constantment La humanitat avança…
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shiftinglea · 3 months
You are God.
If you're in the LOA community, you've probably heard this saying all the time: "There is nothing impossible to you. You are God."
While some part of me agreed with it, I still didn’t feel like a powerful God who can create whatever he/she desires.
So I started questioning, “Am I truly God?”
My curious and doubtful mind led me to finding the answers that made everything clear to me. I finally understood what I am, where I came from, and what my purpose is here.
So, am I God? Are you God? The answer is yes, of course, you are. Here's how it works:
Once upon a time, there was The God, the original creator of everything, including you and me.
God is everything seen and unseen. It’s the great Divine that is the source of everything.
God existed in the space of nothing and everything, the void you might call it. God knew that it was the Great Divine, the Creator.
This God not only wanted to know itself as a Creator but also to experience it. How can you experience something if you exist in the space of nothing and everything? You just are.
So, The God created this Universe to experience itself as a creator.
The Universe was created, and then God divided itself into infinite parts so that he/she could experience itself experientially as humans and any other species that exist.
These parts are what we call souls. You. Me. All of us. We are all parts of God. We are God. There is no separation between God and you. God is experiencing itself through you.
Since we are all part of God, we also have the same abilities as God. We were truly created in the image and likeness of God, not physically, but our essence, our powers are the same because we are the same. We are made of the same stuff
And we can create whatever we choose. We can recreate ourselves anew at any given point. In fact, you are already doing it. Every moment of your existence, you are choosing who you are. Your state, thoughts, feelings, and actions show it.
You are God. Remember that. We all forget it before coming to this physical world. It’s all part of the plan. But now it’s time for you to remember that. If it weren’t the time, then you wouldn’t have discovered LOA, manifestation, etc.
It’s impossible to not be God. But it’s possible to not know that you are. So now you know.
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