#loved by god
sincerelykent · 28 days
Satan always does his very best to challenge our identity. If he can destroy our identity, especially in Christ, then he has an upper hand. He never plays fair and always uses the same trick that he used on Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden: “Did God really say that?” (Genesis 3:1). This is why it’s very important to read the Word of God for yourself and also get to know God for yourself. Open up your heart to know who He really is. Satan challenged Jesus concerning His identity. The devil slithered his way up to Jesus and said, “If you are the Son of God...” (Matthew 4:3) What I love about this is that Jesus KNEW who He was and didn’t have to prove it to anyone, especially the devil, because the devil already knew who Jesus was. Why do you think the devil was trying to get Jesus to question himself, “If you are the Son of God?” Jesus replied back to the devil with “it is written." (Matthew 4:4) He hit him with what the Word said, and we have to train ourselves to do the same. If you hear Satan telling a lie to you, you tell him “it is written." Give him the Word and watch that lying devil slide back.
Matthew 3:16–17 is mostly known as The baptism scripture for Jesus, but this holds value in identity, especially from the Father.
“As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” (NIV)
The voice from heaven is the Father speaking to Jesus and also John saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” The Father was letting all those around know this is MY SON, confirming Jesus’ identity as the Son of God. The wonderful thing about this is, again, Jesus didn’t have to prove who He was. He didn’t have to do a bunch of things to make people believe who He said He was. It was made very clear who He was and who He belonged to. The Father sealed it, and when we allow God, our Heavenly Father, to seal our identity in Him, there is NOTHING or NO ONE that can take it away from us, only if we allow them.
The Message Bible records it like this “The moment Jesus came up out of the baptismal waters, the skies opened up and he saw God’s Spirit—it looked like a dove—descending and landing on him. And along with the Spirit, a voice: “This is my Son, chosen and marked by my love, delight of my life.”
Jesus was chosen and marked by love and delighted by The Father. Jesus was loved, and He didn’t have to demonstrate it because the Father confirmed it. Jesus’ identity was in The divine one (God). To know that we are marked and delighted by The Father is enough for me to SHOUT but just like Adam and Eve, we believe a lie over the promise. We were created to be the delight of God’s life. Our whole purpose of living is to glorify God. Everything He gives us is meant to glorify Him. I don’t know about you, but this does something to me. It’s difficult to do anything in this world if you don’t know who you are and who you believe in, because in this fallen world you will fall for anything.
Let me tell you this: our enemy hates us. He hates us with a passion and does not want to see us win in any way, but he is A LIE and in the end WE WIN because we serve a good God. Please do not give in to the blatant lies that the devil and his spillers spew.
Let God confirm your identity!
Don’t give an ear to the devil and all of his lies. See, the devil holds before us all the material prizes of identity. Look this way, you gotta be this, gotta make this much money, gotta have this car and this house, and have to be in a relationship/married to be loved. But all God wants is our hearts; he wants our hearts to do work in them. This is why we accept Christ in our hearts, believe that Jesus is the Son of God, our Savior, and confess that we are sinners that need a Savior to save us. Don’t get things twisted, PLEASE.
Having our identity in God definitely requires a clean life. To give ear to satan and ear to God at the same time is downright dangerous. You cannot serve two masters; it has to be one or the other. You are either going to believe God or the devil. You are either going to serve God or the devil.
1 John 2:16 talks about not loving the ways of the world. We are living in the world but we do not adapt to the way they do things.
“For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.” (NIV)
Lust of the flesh= Craving to do something contrary to Gods will.
Lust of the eyes= Craving to possess something contrary to Gods will.
Pride of life= Craving to be something contrary to Gods will.
Those desires listed above do NOT come from God. Many of us think, “Oh, God blessed me with this relationship,” but the truth is this relationship has steered you away from your relationship with God, has given you more heartache, broken promises, and challenged your purity. God is not saying to not enjoy your life; He’s saying don’t get caught up in those things that will destroy you and lead you away from Him.
The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life will always get us in trouble because they are the backwards way of living.
God has given each of us something to do. We must do our part in the body of Christ. Don’t be worried or concerned with what another person is doing; keep your eyes on your own paper.
God holds true and authentic love because he wants the heart. He doesn’t want somebody who has all of the beauty on the outside but is mean as hell on the inside. No no no. God is about change.
It is vitally important for all of us to read, study, and speak the Word of God. That’s where we get all the answers to life.
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Just as God took His time and care with this single flower bud, so he takes the time to care about you, to see you and to grow you from a seed in the ground to the blossoming flower that He intended for you to be...
God is able to do miracles in and through your life just like He did with Abraham, who moved forward in faith believing “that what he[God] has promised he is able also to do.”
In context:
Romans 4:19-21: “Without weakening in his faith, he[Abraham] faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah’s womb was also dead. 20 Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21 being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.”
*Emphasis mine*
You are worth more than gold, dear one, just thought you should know,
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Good Morning☀️
Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life. Isaiah 43:4 KJV
Throughout the book of Isaiah we see both the warning of coming judgement for Israel's sin and assurance of restoration after the judgement. God makes it clear that it is because of his love for Israel that he is sending punishment, not a removal of it. God let them know that even in the midst of trials and punishments he would be with them:
When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. Isaiah 43:2
Like Israel was, you may be in the midst of hard times, in need of encouragement. Rest assured God's love for you has not changed, you are still precious in his sight. He will bring you through!
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kochei0 · 7 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Expertise can't help you here.
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medusas-daughter · 13 days
Chappell Roan not playing about her boundaries and personal safety and putting her foot down and yelling "shut the fuck up" at rude paparazzi during the VMAs red carpet is healing something in me truly. That is a lesbian woman refusing to act all grateful and bashful at being allowed space, she is owning the space for which she has worked over a decade and assertively setting her boundaries and giving zero fucks about whose ego she bruises on the way because only people who take advantage of you take offense when you set boundaries and I am enjoying every second of it
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dysfunctionalnerd · 5 months
he found a poster for a phineas and ferb theme party and just. decided to go. oh my god 😭
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churroach · 4 months
Full of Desires
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slavicafire · 9 months
sobbing into my plate after overhearing a conversation between a mom and her tiny daughter in this shopping centre food court
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k-mraz · 6 months
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shhh dont disturb them they're sharing mana after a tough day
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dendrochronologies · 8 months
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maya angelou saying the funniest thing anyone has ever said about editing, which i can never let myself forget EVER AGAIN [x]
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everwalldigan · 1 month
To anyone who thinks Bruce has a clear and consistent favourite child I raise you this: it is infinitely funnier for Bruce to have a complicated and elaborate “ranking” system of his kids that only he’s privy to.
Picture this: Batman, dosed with truth serum, gets asked as a gag from one of the goons holding him captive who his favourite bat-vigilante is and instead of giving a straight answer, he launches into this whole explanation about the ranking system and who’s in the current lead, who’s hanging behind, etc. At some point (this is a mystery to everyone involved) a whiteboard appears and he starts explaining his system like he’s a football coach before an important match. Out of nowhere he starts pulling out little cardboard cutouts of his kids and pins them to the board. At some point the red string comes out.
Jason hasn’t killed someone in a week? Automatically promoted to favourite. Tim hasn’t caused an international incident in the past month? Puts him a few points ahead that keep decreasing the longer he refuses real sleep (20 minute power naps don’t count Tim! Says powernap inventor Bruce Wayne). Cass gave him a hug this morning and wished him a good day? Favourite until he gets a call from dick telling him (without shouting!!!!) that he’ll be there for this week’s Sunday dinner. Duke accidentally scratches the Batmobile? Demoted to the “in trouble” zone (which, honestly, that’s where his kids spend most of the time in😭). Damian did not attempt to free all the animals in the zoo they visited? Favourite. Until Bruce found out he was just trying to conceal the cat hidden in his room that Bruce explicitly forbade him from keeping.
Dick arrives at the family dinner with a busted shoulder and a bruise the size of Texas on his face? Gets demoted so far down that even azraeil scores higher than him. He’s in the “in trouble” zone for a constant month after that. Oh one of them survived an almost death? Favourite for at least the next week. At least. Multiple people survive an almost death? EVERYONES the favourite. The least favourite is the growing grey hairs on his head.
The end of day results are decided by who bothers to wish him goodnight and if all of them have fucked up in some way the past week then Jon (Kent) becomes the automatic favourite until someone cracks a joke that Bruce actually finds funny.
The favourite child changes daily, hourly even, and his kids are aware this system exists and keep trying to crack the code but he always Knows and just smirks smugly.
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Just to make a point, every time I finished a panel of this I would export it as a PNG on the perceptual setting and use it as a color reference for the next panel
EDIT: If you're still having problems, it might help to switch from "Save/Save as" to "Export (as a) Single Layer". Just. Make SURE the box labeled "Expression Color" is set to RGB. I've been messing with this all day, and it looks like this combination of settings will allow exported PNGs to maintain their colors perfectly. To you. So far both Discord and Toyhouse still only display desaturated images and I cannot for the life of me figure out why
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noelledeltarune · 1 year
EVERY SINGLE DAY there are MILLIONS of characters in their late 20s who get falsely accused of being father figures to teenagers when in reality the description of "weird older cousin" or "step-sibling that moved out before you were born" is 1000000x more apt
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silvermoon424 · 1 year
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Omg this is SUCH a grandma thing. She’s totally okay with them being queer, she’s just upset that she can’t feed them her world-famous ham.
“Honey, you’re so thin! Are you eating enough at home? I really don’t agree with this whole ‘vegetarian’ thing, I’m worried about my grandbaby not getting enough protein!!!”
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daincrediblegg · 10 months
You will navigate to the page on disney plus (and it has to be here. Unless someone has actually uploaded the REAL movie anywhere else you cannot get it elsewhere)
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You will scroll down HERE. To EXTRAS instead. You MUST GO HERE. This is non -negotiable
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And you will watch it. And you will thank me for having been so blind and led astray by that stupid fucking mouse. You’re welcome.
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