#Exploratory Laparotomy
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maryjocs · 7 months
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citronaut69 · 2 years
I think my career as an RN in the middle of the worst of C19 on a med/surg unit plus now working a vascular/thoracic PCU/ICU has desensitized me to so much weird and traumatizing shit
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crippled-peeper · 3 months
I don’t think having to have an exploratory laparotomy because your intestines are destroying themselves is the behavior of an abled person trying to infiltrate your rare disease club
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
What's the longest surgery HC Time has ever performed?? And what was it for?
Also, if he ever gets the illusive "5 minutes to himself" whole at work, where does he go?does he have a favorite spot in the hospital?
An exploratory laparotomy he had to do for a trauma patient in the war. Pulling shrapnel individually out of someone’s small intestines is time consuming and messy.
If he has the time, he hides in the stairway. Barely anyone takes the stairs. He’ll climb all the way to the top floor, sit down and just exist. But he rarely has time for that, so a quick break in the bathroom to just sit still and breathe and not have to worry about anything will do. 👍🏻
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yaoisaint · 11 months
Yesterday I was circulating a exploratory laparotomy, and the surgeons had like their hands elbow deep into the patient and my only thoughts where like “wow thats so hot, I wanna do that to my partner” 🥴 💀
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lollybliz · 5 months
oh dear
thank you @aromanticannibal for the tag, you gremlin
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your wips folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and tag as many people as you have wips.
so. most of what i consider to be my wips are not much more than brainstorming sessions in a friend's dms at this point. but i do have a few. and uh. well. couple notes. a few of them are not much more than bullet points, atm, and i havent touched Any of them since november. and uhm. well many of them are vore. like. very. so. beware, there be monsters in this map, yada yada, ask at your own peril
that being said, in no particular order, have at it
We're Swallowing Light 'Til We're Fixed From the Inside
There are a number of medically recommended ways to warm up a hypothermic patient. This is not one of them.
Wriolette ideas (this is more a collection of concepts and significantly less than bullet points lol)
Involuntary Exploratory Laparotomy (a bullet point wip)
notes and outline for i dont think this counts as cuddle therapy actually (this is technically for we're swallowing light, i have like. 5 different versions of that wip floating around this folder because im an indecisive bastard and the plot holes keep fucking me)
bits and pieces of Fi
Excuses to feed venti's gnosis to Aether
spelunking (NSFW NSFW NSFW i forgot about this one, shit. this was a babbling in dms that escaped containment and has a doc to compile said babbling)
felt feelings about this youkai man (part of a drabble i didnt finish)
anything else is either abandoned or so nothing that it doesnt seem worth sharing. there's a few of these im v reluctant to include as-is, am Embarrassed:tm: fasdhklfhasjldfhajlsfhjlasfl
i will be tagging...... who do i want to inflict this on. hm. @phoenixislost @roryka @no-one-told-you-life-was-gay ... who else of you do i know have wips in your pockets... @teatops @pufftheminidragon go forth and spread shenanigans!
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killed-by-choice · 1 month
“Nikki Roe” (USA 2009-2019)
A retrospective study was conducted using data from Rush University Medical Center, Northwestern Memorial Hospital and other Northwestern-affiliated hospitals. The study collected data on patients who received care at those hospitals for complications of second trimester abortions or surgical intervention for fetal demise. “Nikki” was one of many who suffered complications from an abortion late in pregnancy, and the hospital she went to was unable to save her life.
Nikki was at least 23 weeks pregnant when she underwent a eugenic abortion at an unspecified facility because her child had been diagnosed with anomalies. (The study does not specify what the diagnosis was or what testing was done to confirm, but many prenatal diagnostic tests have a high rate of false positives.) She had a history of one previous C-section but had no recorded health problems.
Nikki’s baby was subjected to a lethal injection of potassium chloride. Misoprostol was then administered. The FDA has warned that no company has actually sent them scientific proof that the drug is safe and effective for this use, and that it can cause serious side effects. According to the FDA’s warnings on misoprostol, these potentially lethal side effects are more likely if the patient has had a previous C-section and is farther than 8 weeks pregnant.
Nikki delivered her dead child, but began to show symptoms of profound DIC while the placenta was still inside of her. She underwent an emergency D&C, exploratory laparotomy and finally a hysterectomy in an attempt to save her life, but went into cardiac arrest. CPR was attempted, but she couldn’t be revived.
Nikki had apparently suffered an amniotic fluid embolism. This was a foreseeable consequence because the FDA had warned that the off-label use of misoprostol in this way had been known to result in AFE, DIC and maternal death (among other problems).
Many parents report being pressured to abort if their child was diagnosed with any kind of anomaly in utero. A few other women and girls killed by abortion for known or suspected fetal anomalies include Jennifer Morbelli, Alerte Desanges, Linda Boom, Gabriella Cipolletta, Michelle Madden, “Beverly Roe” and “Mandy Roe.” Marla Anne Cardamone and Allegra Roseberry also died after being coerced into eugenic abortions, only for their loved ones to later discover that there had never been any fetal anomalies after all.
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lastlycoris · 1 year
Rant start. Had to interact with a gem of a patient this morning. I operated on her two days ago. Did my surgical rounds, and patient immediately started threatening to sue me for ruining her bikini body because I did open surgery (exploratory laparotomy) when I could've done laparoscopy instead.
Exploratory laparotomy is the standard of care in unstable abdominal trauma. It essentially involves cutting a vertical line through the abdomen to expose the organs and get the lay of the land quickly.
Laparoscopy on the other hand involves poking three relatively small holes in the abdomen using trochars (pointy hollow tubes), maybe the diameter of the bellybutton each. And you then inflate the stomach with CO2 to get maximum distention- and then you place the instruments and camera through the holes / trochars and operate that way. Laparoscopy is considered minimally-invasive surgery.
First of all, ma'am, you drove drunk at 100 mph and crashed straight into the divider at 1 a.m. You're lucky to be alive. And that's before the mess in your abdomen that I had to deal with. The Emergency Department barely started processing you before you started crashing.
You got taken to the OR where I was waiting because the paramedics already suspected you had internal bleeding, and I had 6 bags of type O blood waiting for you. And I immediately ordered more blood when I opened you up and blood started gushing out like a bad martial arts anime.
As it was, you shattered your spleen, which was why you were bleeding to death. You also lacerated your pancreas and kidney, but given that the bleeding was minimal from those organs and your pancreatic duct was miraculously intact, I defered these issues in favor of the problem actively killing you. I had to take out your spleen and ligate the associated artery. I transfused a little more than 10 U of blood - I practically transfered your entire body's worth of blood.
Dealing with that using laparoscopy - three trocars / viewport with a severely limited field of view? I would've immediately had to convert to open surgery cause your organs were swimming in blood and I wouldn't have been able to see a thing. You probably would've died from that delay.
You're lucky I still value being professional. Otherwise, my explanation would've been a lot more mockery. I don't have to be polite. I'm not getting reimbursed by Medicare or actually getting paid propeely for my work- thus I am not at the whims of Patient Satisfaction Surveys.
As it was, she then yelled at the nurse to get the "real doctor" in here. And I think nurse Abbey who knows the conditions of my employment here is giving me imploring looks as if asking "Please don't commit violence on the patient."
I just stated that I am her surgeon - and tried to do a physical exam and got rebuffed. Took that as my cue to leave. Except then she started yelling that I can't leave and tells me how I'm going to make up for this or else she'll sue.
Back to square one apparently.
I finally did what I should've done a conversation back - and told her that because she brought up litigation that I am no longer allowed to speak to her - and she can speak to Risk Management instead. And then I left with the nurse amidst her yells. I am literally not getting paid enough to deal with this.
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autobot2001 · 5 months
Internal bleeding
Author: Autobot2001 Genre: Fanfiction Fandom: Transformers Rating: T Warning: None Pairing: None Description: Ratchet discovers Jamie has internal bleeding. The three medics do surgery to find the source and fix the issue. Continued from day 1.
@medwhumpmay day 10; emergency surgery
The second Ratchet places his hand on Jamie’s abdomen to make the first cut, he knows what this means. “She has internal bleeding,” he tells the other two medics.  The three worry about her vitals. Uncertain if tests to find the source is wise. They agree an exploratory laparotomy is best. They know this will turn into emergency surgery to repair the damage. Ratchet uses a stab wound as the point to cut rather than the normal cut with exploratory laparotomies. In minutes, the three see what needs to be repaired. Relieved to avoid organ removal. The concern is Jamie’s vitals are still declining. Saying nothing, Jasmine rushes to start a blood transfusion. Jolt and Ratchet work on repairing the origins. Trying to rush but also be careful.
The four hours until surgery finishes are challenging. Jamie is improving. She’s moved to an ICU room. The medics prepare infusions to help her blood pressure and administer one last blood transfusion. “They won’t like seeing this, but let them come here,” Jolt suggests. Ratchet nods, and texts Sunstreaker. Despite Jamie not being in a coma, the three worry about Crosshairs and Drift’s reaction because of past trauma.
Continued with day 6.
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foxymoxynoona · 1 year
Omg. You had a surgery? Please be rested and take care of yourself. What surgery did you have btw? Is it too painful now?
Fun fact: this surgery for this type of rare tumor I guess has never been done before and my surgeon joked he's going to name it after me 😂😁 I'll put more info below the cut for those who don't want medical stuff on their TL.
I had a VERY large tumor in my small intestines --now confirmed to be totally benign, but no one understands how it got that big or why because it just doesn't happen. My surgeon couldn't believe I hadn't already had an emergency blockage, it was so big. It's also been taking all my blood and nutrients for a while, so my nutrition is, as they put it, "shitty." Mainly I just was aware I've had really really bad anemia for the past few years, and I was hospitalized in May with a hemoglobin of 5 (which you basically die under, that's so critically low.) They weren't sure what would be necessary to remove the tumor, so I had an open exploratory laparotomy where they basically just go in and figure it out, but we had expected I would need a whipple procedure which is a VERY risky precedure where they remove a bunch of your digestive organs and re-route what's left. (I can explain more why if anyone is curious, I learned a lot about it haha.) FORTUNATELY once they got in there, I didn't need the whipple! They were able to remove the tumor and only my gallbladder and a couple bile ducts along the way.
Even this was still a major surgery though with lots of risks and I've had a few complications that wound up lengthening my hospital stay. 2 days after surgery, I developed a leak which can be a fatal complication or need an emergency surgery to fix, so that was scary, but my body managed to maintain and fix it all on its own after some scary days and only minor assistive procedures! I kept having random white blood cell increases they feared were infections but then I'd fight them off. They also put me on IV nutrition through a PICC line to try and repair my malnourishment as best they could, but also because I can't eat a normal amount of calories yet, so my blood and nutrition levels are still not back to normal ranges but improving!
I finally got to come home after 13 days. It's still early recovery days and I'm still on soft food diet and strict rest and have follow up appointments and all that, but I'm doing a little better each day! It's been a really scary journey getting here, but hopefully things can continue to improve from here. The pain is pretty bad and I have a gnarly midline scar now but I'm coping and it's getting better and and someday soon I may feel better than I've felt in years so that would be really great! And hopefully no more scary life-threatening hospital stays or anemia!
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snowandstarlight · 2 years
i’m watching an episode of elementary where there’s a killer in a hospital and it’s giving me flashbacks to being on trauma 
patient was stabbed in the abdomen
my chief: part of his small intestine was injured, so we had to remove it
police officer *nodding*: ok... so was it deep?
we both stare at him for a minute
my chief: ...yes
police officer: and how many stitches did he get?
my chief: *looks back at patient* he had an ex-lap
(an ex-lap, or exploratory laparotomy, is the standard operation for someone with abdominal trauma that requires surgery, and involves an incision from the bottom of the sternum to the top of the pelvis. it’s not really something we measure in “number of stitches”, not least because we usually close fascia with a running stitch. i guess we could count the staples?)
(they always ask about number of stitches. is there some sort of assault grading system that depends on the number of stitches you need? doesn’t losing part of an organ bump you up to the maximum anyway?)
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blueyedgrass · 9 days
Me when I think about exploratory laparotomy
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meddcohealthcare61 · 5 months
Exploratory Laparotomy package cost in Mumbai-meddco
Compare the best price for Exploratory Laparotomy in Mumbai. Exploratory Laparotomy procedure with affordable ranges and packages in Mumbai. For more detail please visit our websites meddco.com
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medvantagesolution · 11 months
The Significance of Online Fellowship Programs in Enhancing Patient Survival Rate in Emergency Situations
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A Multi focal Medical Perspective by MedVantage In the realm of healthcare, the ability to provide timely and efficient critical care in trauma and emergency situations is paramount. These situations often arise suddenly and require swift, expert intervention to maximize the chances of patient survival rate and recovery.
1.Expedited Medical Evaluation: The first step in providing critical care in trauma and emergency situations is a rapid and accurate assessment of the patient's condition. Healthcare providers must quickly identify life-threatening injuries or illnesses and prioritize interventions accordingly. The primary survey (ABCs: Airway, Breathing, Circulation) is essential to ensure that the patient's vital functions are stable.
2.Hemodynamic Control and Maintenance: Once the initial assessment is complete, the focus shifts to stabilizing the patient's condition. This may involve interventions such as securing the airway, providing oxygen or mechanical ventilation, controlling bleeding, and administering medications to support blood pressure and heart function.
3.Medical Team Coordination: Effective teamwork is crucial in trauma and emergency care. A multidisciplinary team, including physicians, nurses, paramedics, and other healthcare professionals, must work together seamlessly to provide the best possible care. Clear communication and well-defined roles are essential.
4.Medical Imaging for Diagnosis and Evaluation: Diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays, CT scans, and ultrasounds, plays a vital role in assessing and diagnosing trauma patients. These tools help identify injuries, fractures, and internal damage, enabling healthcare providers to make informed decisions regarding treatment.
5.Medical Hemostasis and Bleeding Management: Hemorrhage is a leading cause of death in trauma cases. The prompt control of bleeding is essential to prevent further deterioration of the patient's condition. Techniques like direct pressure, tourniquets, and hemostatic agents are used to manage hemorrhage.
6.Pain Control and Analgesia: Trauma and emergency patients often experience significant pain and discomfort. Effective pain management is essential to reduce suffering and improve patient cooperation during procedures and treatments.
7.Fluid Resuscitation: Intravenous fluids are administered to maintain blood pressure and ensure adequate perfusion of vital organs. The choice of fluids and their administration rates must be carefully tailored to the patient's condition.
8.Surgical Intervention: In some trauma cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to repair internal injuries or fractures. Surgeons may need to perform life-saving procedures, such as exploratory laparotomy, to assess and treat intra-abdominal injuries.
9.Critical Care Units: For patients with severe trauma or those who require ongoing intensive care, transfer to a specialized critical care unit, such as an ICU or a trauma center, may be necessary. These units are equipped with advanced monitoring and life-support equipment.
10.Rehabilitation and Long-Term Care: Once a patient's condition stabilizes, the focus shifts to rehabilitation and long-term care. This may involve physical therapy, occupational therapy, and psychological support to help the patient regain function and quality of life.
In conclusion, providing Fellowship in Critical Care, helps in trauma and emergency situations is a complex and multifocal endeavor. Swift assessment, efficient stabilization, and a coordinated approach are essential to improve patient outcomes. Healthcare professionals in these settings must be well-prepared, trained, and equipped to deliver life-saving interventions to enhance our ability to save lives in these high-stress situations.
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clamshell-writes · 1 year
SO TUMBLR HAS CHARACTER LIMIT??? so here is the small fic I wrote with Sechenov and Stockhausen, but it will have unintentional parts, splitting in places where I didn't want to. Please read this as a whole. So here is the thing, pt. 1: There has been an incident. A simple one. You would expect a scientist to end up in some explosion, a work accident, getting eaten alive by a plant, a mad cow, a smelly goo they called polymer, anything of the sort. But Dmitry Sergeevich was simply hit by a car. It happened late at night when they all called the day quits. Dmitry, Larisa and Michael exited the building. They were all tired, but Sechenov kept his posture and headed to the car, while Stockhausen just lit a cigarette, chatting with Larisa by the exit. His curls were messy, and he did not even react when the car was incomming, from behind the building where Sechenov was taking the cross, it was Larisa that yelped, but it was too late. The  UAZ minibus hit him full force front, sending Sechenov flying and rolling down the concrete. The driver drove off, a simple hit and run. The two ran to the uncoscious man, who landed face first in a flower bed. They could see already his shoulder was dislocated, but his head was bleeding from the impact, and once Larisa unbuttoned his vest and shirt, the bruising was pretty massive especially on the stomach. She could tell there was a broken rib too. There was no one in their close vicinity, so Michael just took Sechenov on his back and they rushed him back in the labs, they had all that was needed. The xrays showed no fracture on the skull, but they had to put back his shoulder joint while he was still uncoscious, sewing the wound on his head. It was the stomach that became hard, a sign of internal bleeding. In the end they decided for exploratory laparotomy which, although leaving a massive scar down the middle of the man’s stomach, showed to be the most usefull because there was multiple injuries, the worst turned out to be unstable spleen, torn oesophagus and torn liver, which all turned into the main source of the bleeding, and possible cause for blood poissoning unless they would get it in controll. It was 3 am when they finished. Larisa felt like she could just fall asleep on the spot. “I will take care of him, you go home. I will manage. If anything, I will call you” Stockhausen said. Although he was not Larisa’s favourite, she thanked him from the heart and called him a savior and sweetheart. Stockhausen was still in the surgical gown, exhausted, now in the room with Dmitry fresh out of the surgery, who was still asleep. He watched him, and the tiredness and hunger got the worst of him. He realised how much he has done, and never got even a simple thank, how much Sechenov just expected him to do what he wanted without a sign of gratitude. His pulse quickened, when Dmitry twitched softly, a sign of the sedatives wearing off. Michael quickly left the room. Dmitry sergeevich woke up with his stomach burning from the incision, everything was still so fresh, he was having a massive headache. The monitor showed quickened heartbeat, he stared at the bloodbag above his head, realising this was not good at all. Then Stockhausen entered the room again. The light was dim, only illuminated by the machines and light of the moon that was bright that night.  pt.2: https://www.tumblr.com/clamshell-writes/722766857560522752/michael-sechenov-whispered-weakened?source=share
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