il-predestinato · 1 year
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Max Verstappen & Charles Leclerc | post-qualifying | 2023 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 🎥: F1TV
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lestappenforever · 2 months
My ask is maybe a bit silly, and would probably go in 'sanity check' category. It is about Max, and how he is perceived. If I understand correctly, it is said he is mad max, bad guy, aggressive… and similar. Now, I know teenagers are sometimes a bit crazy, and from what I read he was actually very badly treated by freaking adults, fellow drivers, when he first joined F1, so maybe then he was a bit aggressive, and it would be even understandable… but still it is difficult to even imagine that. Because Max I see (I am only following racing since last year) is nice, soft, funny, polite guy, still more looking like an innocent kid than an adult, even appearing naïve (unlike the sweet, adorable devil that is Charles!), and obviously so nice towards rookies (Oliver and Liam-who himself said it). So am I delusional and see what is not there or for some reason he is so vilified (I guess most coming probably from jealousy and Netflix crap…). Oh and one additional observation, he always looks so much softer and somehow cuddlier and cuter on photos from his streaming at home… What do you think? One final observation, then I will shut up  Sometimes it seems to me that all the Lestappen moments and specila connection maybe come from the fact that when Charles came to F1 Max finally had kinda his person there. Because he went form father abuse to fellow drivers abuse, but when Charles came to F1, he had someone he could have a real relationship with, even if they fought and were a bit sulky almost teenagers still in the beginning, they got over it as they grow up. But Charles is his genuinely healthy, good, fun, friendly relationship. Having spent time as kids growing up of course also deepens the bond and friendship, but also mutual respect and understanding each other’s qualities. I don’t know if explained it well enough… P.S. I LOVE your fics!!!!
Hi anon, and thank you so much for this ask! I don't think it's a silly ask at all.
All these "Mad Max", being too aggressive, being mean claims etc. stem from two things:
1. When Max made it into F1 almost 10(!) years ago, he was 17(!!) years old. He was a kid — a literal child. And he was a cocky, arrogant little shit at that, as any kid would be making their debut in such a prestigious sport at such a young age.
2. Max haters who will hate him forever, no matter what, no matter why. They don't even need a reason; they're just determined to hate him and will do so forever.
But the thing is, and his haters especially seem to love to ignore this fact, Max was seventeen years old when he made his F1 debut. He was, for all intents and purposes, a child. I watched Max make his F1 debut, and I watched and read the way he was viewed and the reception he received from his fellow drivers, the media, and fans alike. And I watched these grown-ass men already on the grid when Max joined welcome him by treating him like shit. These adults were so threatened by this kid who came into the sport without having to go through the same ranks almost every other F1 driver has to go through to get there, such as several years in F3 and F2 (Max only spent a year in F3 and skipped F2 altogether), that they did virtually nothing to make him feel welcome. Quite the opposite, in fact. It was so fucking sad and infuriating, and I lost a lot of respect for many drivers because of it. And if I'm being honest, anon, that's what made me decide Max would be my favorite driver. I can be incredibly spiteful when I want to be, and watching Max get slammed and slandered from so many directions from the very beginning made me want to be very spiteful. That's what made me decide that I was going to support that kid like hell. And I haven’t looked back or regretted it since.
I cannot stress this enough, and I know I've said it so many times before already, but: Max Verstappen was a child when he made it into the world of F1. But he's not a child anymore, which a concerning amount of people seem to be blissfully and willfully ignorant to. Max has grown and matured so much in the years he's been in F1. And, like most other people, Max Verstappen the adult is not the same person as Max Verstappen the teenager, or Max Verstappen the child. And he hasn’t been anything like his 17-year old self in a long, long time. But this, of course, is something his haters will never accept or acknowledge.
I truly believe, from the very bottom of my heart, that Max is always so nice and welcoming towards rookies, always willing to lend a hand or giving them advice, always going out of his way to praise and support them, because practically no one ever did that for him when he was a rookie. And that speaks volumes about his character and the kind of man he has grown into since making his debut.
You're not delusional at all, anon, and having only followed F1 since last year means it's not surprising that you don't see the very outdated and frankly incredibly incorrect persona the people who dislike Max will always keep trying to convince themselves and others is still him. Because it isn’t — not even close. Practically every single person who has worked with or been around Max in the past few years all say the same thing: that he's funny, easy-going, and one of the genuinely kindest people on the grid. And that means a hell of a lot more than the opinions of people who have never and will never know him, and have made it their personal, sad mission to hate him. So you keep holding on to the impression you have of him, anon, because that is a far more accurate representation than the image some people are so hellbent of painting of him. (He’s definitely not naïve, though, not even close.)
And I absolutely agree: he looks even softer and cuddlier when he's streaming at home! I love streamer!Max so much.
"When Charles came to F1 Max finally had kinda his person there". <- You are spot on with this, anon! I've talked about the special bond I think these two share in the past, like in this post, and so have many others. (@tsarinablogs @valyrfia @thearchercore to name a few - highly recommend checking out their blogs if you haven’t already!) It truly seems like they have never, and will never, see any other driver as a big a rival as the other, and the numerous accounts of their karting days from people who got to watch them battle first-hand from such a young age definitely backs up that claim. And I think that's so beautiful, and it's one of the many, many reasons why these two are so dear to me, and why other F1 ships will never be able to come close.
P.S. That makes me so happy to hear, anon, thank you so, so much. 🥹❤️
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loveyougoodbi · 1 month
Miami unserious race overview
Hello and welcome back. We have another interesting race behind us. My thought on each team and driver under the cut as always.
1. Red Bull
I cant believe I'm saying this but Max lost on lack of pace. This is both good news and bad news to me. Good news because the Red Bull is within reach to the rest of the grid and we might get a possible lestappen fight in the future and bad news because my Maxie lost 😭. But it's OK he's gonna win the next one (if Charles let's him he he)
And it looks like red bull got the setup wrong for this race (they applied for a change that was not approved under Parc Ferme) so I'm not too scared. And by the looks of it neither was Max.
At one point Perez had such a bad pace I was like WHAT is wrong with the Red Bull??? It's insane. I'm starting to like Checo again so I don't want him to flop too hard. But alas.. it's Checo. But please please for the love of good be good enough to keep Daniel in the midfield. 🙏
2. Ferrari
Charles was amazing once again all weekend. That's my perfect driver. He did everything right except for that spin but he controlled amazing there too. I just love him so much ok? OK. And he didn't seem too dissapointed with his pace compared to McLaren either maybe because they could keep up with them on similar tyre life's without upgrades. So those coking upgrades must be good if he is this nonchalant to losing to Lando. Like I said, both Charles and Max seemed pretty unaffected but maybe that was just them in the moment being happy for their friend. No way to tell.
Anti Carlos rant and thoughts on the rest of the grid below the cut
Carlos was horrible. Honestly just all in all a really bad performance from him. Please let us start acknowledging this. First he could not pass Daniel in the sprint, then in the race the first thing he does again is attack Charles instead of defend against Perez. Which lead to Perez barging in and almost taking both of them out. He was extremely lucky that didnt happen. Then he kept whining on the radio about how he is faster (he was 0.029 faster for god's sake). And one point when he lost the DRS he wanted a switch which was exactly when he saw he was losing pace and he needed something to happen for him to be in front. Then I don't even want to talk about the fight with Piastri. That was just embarrassing, both from a on track battle perspective and a horrible whiny human being perspective. No skill no personality nothing. I honestly don't remember him being in a battle with someone and not making contact in recent races. And then this same person goes and blames everyone but himself. And not only that, he's saying he had the win???? Honey, Lando would have passed you in half a lap if you hadn't pitted, what are you on about? What win? I wish to be this delusional one day.
Carlos rant over moving on to the man of the hour:
3. McLaren
Lando finally got the win! Yay. Kinda a lot of mixed feelings about this one. I don't want Lando to do good but I am happy that a man who has worked his entire life and has faced disappointment after disappointment is getting to have this moment. And I believe in good karma and positive attitude so I will not be a bitter hater on this one. Congrats Lando and Lando fans. And I am counting this as a win, the safety car helped him but he is not the first nor last to be helped this way, however he drove beautifully after that and deserved the place. Max and Charles fell behind on pace significantly and very fast (albeit Charles was on significantly older tyres).
I am so sorry for Oscar. He used the situation at the start then was really fast and kept both ferraris at bay for too long. All that without the full upgrade package. Really really good performance. He was my driver of the day. Not to mention he had the hardest job yesterday - having to deal with Carlos. Imagine if ferrari didn't decide to pit him first.. I cant even think about it honestly I might go crazy. Can't wait to see what he can do with all the upgrades in Imola.
4. Mercedes
They were fighting Haas all weekend. Toto should stop yapping about Max and resign once and for all.
5. RB
I think RB only have one working car but are not telling anyone. One race Daniel suddenly remembers how to drive the next one its Yuki. They switch the one working car they have each race and no k e can convince me otherwise. (Real talk tho Daniel being p20 3 hours after he got p4 in the sprint is extremely hilarious)
6. Aston Martin
They were racing? The only time I saw Strolls name was when he drove into Lando in the sprint (not his fault this time). I honestly have nothing else to say..
7. Haas
MY NEW FAVORITE TEAM!!!! They are so funny but they are gaining points from it. They provide entertainment on and off track AND they are climbing up the standings. How fucking amazing. Kevin Magnussen you beast. You my man represent what f1 should be about - unhinged chaos. He came he collected 1 minute worth of penalties he finished last. But did we have fun? We sure did. Did Lando win? He fucking won. Did Logan DNF? Unfortunately there has to be a victim here. And he has 2 penalty points left to spare before Ollie makes a comeback and with this track record I think we are about to see Ollie in Monaco. Kevin the fairy godmother of f1. Giving everyone what they want in the most entertaining way possible. Did I mentioned how much I love him? Yeah I do!
8. Alpine
Alpine got a point!!!! Another sentence I didn't think I'd be writing this soon. Good for them. I don't know if it is still only Esteban with the upgrades but it seems like it. Either way this is promising and I'm happy for them. They did that for Travis btw. If you even care.
9. Williams
I feel so sorry for Logan. I feel like I say that way too often but it's the truth this season. Poor guy. The latest victim of the Magnussen tornado. Who Will it get next week? My guess is Perez.
10. Sauber
Idk if anyone noticed but Zhou made it an insane amount if laps on a soft tyre. The last time j checked was 5 6 laps to the end and he was on lap 23 on softs. That's impressive. He probably didn't want to risk losing 50 seconds In the pits again poor guy. Other than that they need to do better. Good job to Zhou tho.
This was my lo gest overview to date I think but im happy with this race and how everything went.
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f1-giuki · 2 months
angst, nothing new by taylor swift and phoebe bridgers, lestappen?
(i imagine it being one of them feeling like they’ve outgrown each other in a sense :( or like. idk. you have creative freedom and i feel angsty today love u muah)
CARO OH MY GOD MY DARLING SWEETHEART!!!!!!!!!! YOU POISONED MY MIND WITH THIS I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! here's your 655 words lestappen angst!!! hope you like it💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
song recommended!! prompt post!!
Charles is lying on the chaise longue in his hotel room. It’s a strangely nice hotel room for a Formula 2 driver. He’s not sure if he’s allowed to have it. Should he think about the money Ferrari is spending on him? A newly nineteen-year-old rookie, a hot shot. He’s always smug but polite about his plans for the future, Formula 1, Ferrari, the red car, a championship with them, my dream, my peers’ dream, but tonight he would like to kick his ribs and hiss to shut up at his stupid face.
He’s nothing, he feels like nothing. An empty promise made of empty trophies who feel like he knows everything at eighteen.
The question is if the blue circles under his bags will be cute and haunted for long. He doesn’t feel like shit tonight, a smear of lipstick on the side of one’s mouth. A failed attempt. The trace of something that will never be.
He’s not sure if it’s the amount of vodka and red bull he had at the club, or his heavy crying eyes speaking for himself, but he sees someone sitting on his bed.
“Max?” He croaks out, intoxicated.
“You’re so stupid.” The man says, and his voice is so stupidly familiar.
“I don’t understand…” Charles slurs.
“I’m you, you idiot… You should stop with vodka Red Bulls, it’s bad for the brand and your body. Andrea will kick your ass if he finds out…” His older self mumbles. He looks older, but just slightly, he’s bulkier, less Victorianesque, with a faint stubble on his face. He looks healed but not so much.
“How old are you?” Charles asks, nearly slipping and falling off his chair.
“Twenty-two.” Older-Charles answers.
“Does it get better? Do I get him?” Charles asks, trying to pull himself together.
Older Charles knows exactly what he means by that. Does he still think I’m just this shiny new thing everyone raves about? Have I lost my sparkle to his eyes? Are we okay finally?
“He’ll push you out of the track and he’ll steal your first win with Ferrari.” Older Charles states simply.
“So he’ll be back at loving me?” Charles asks, hopeful, his mouth open.
“He won’t. He meant it, tonight. But he’s not mean… It’s- complicated. But you should forget him. He won’t touch your skin anymore. It’s fire to his fingertips and it will burn him down. Forget him and grow up…” He says, flattening his lips on a tight line.
“Why are you so mean to me?” Charles asks, feeling tears flowing out of his eyes again, voice wobbly and broken.
“You need to grow up, Charles, we don’t know anything, we look exactly like we’ve been through it. Patch yourself up together. That should be your end goal, you need to do something I couldn’t do. Stop feeling like you’re nothing. We have to stop ourselves from crying ourselves to sleep, and stop drinking…” Older Charles tells him.
Charles sighs and nods, cleaning the snot and the tears on his face with the cuff of his ruined shirt. He sits back on the chaise longue and sniffles a bit. He closes his eyes, trying to make the voice in his head stop. He should stop trying to boycott himself by drinking until he can’t feel a thing and use energy drinks to be aware and feel all the pain nonetheless. He should stop torturing himself.
“Goodnight, Charles…” Older Charles mumbles as Charles tries to fall asleep.
He feels a kiss on his forehead, before drifting off in a dreamless sleep.
“It will get better, just hold on…” Another Charles whispers. He’s older than the other, his stubble is more present, like the lines under his eyes.
“You still won’t know anything by the time you’re twenty-six, but it will be better…” He mumbles, before sitting on the bed and lying down too, dreaming of blue eyes and soft lips.
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stvrmhondss · 4 days
Can we get a tiny snippet of anything lerquez for one month anniversary (shoutout @gaslightgirlsummer for the reminder)? Something that didn’t make the cut in the story, or a snippet from the (*hopeful fingers crossed*) sequel or just random pieces of lore you have that wouldn’t otherwise make it to the story but you would like to share?
don’t be fooled by june she’s trying to recruit you for her evil schemes*
*making me write more lerquez
(i feel like i have a moral obligation to tell you and everyone else for that matter that while yes. lerquez will be a (fwb) Thing in the sequel. but also This particular fic series is gonna end in lestappen.
However. i am absolutely writing more lerquez-only material.)
now. a Piece of Lore™.
charles meets roser for the first time during the summer. he already knows julià of course, their anxiety bond is sacred. but roser happens to not be at any of the races charles comes to before summer break, so when they finally get a break marc drags him to catalunya for 1. dirt bikes and 2. his mom.
meanwhile roser tries to interrogate both alex and julià about charles with questionable success. neither of them can actually tell her if her son is dating that princeling.
“what do you mean you don’t know? are they friends, are they dating?? has this not come up at all over the past few months?? did you not ask???”
julià genuinely doesn’t know. all he knows is that charles is a polite young man who makes his son laugh and smile a lot and that’s all that matters.
as we know alex was the first one to find out about their freak show fwb arrangement but he refuses to explain that to his mother. so. he tells her “idk i think they’re taking it slow, haven’t really put a name to it”
roser is exasperated. if she’d met charles at one of the races she would’ve found out within 20 minutes just how quickly that boy is falling for her son.
now imagine alex’s face when marc and charles finally come back from the dirt track and marc introduces charles to roser as his boyfriend charles with the biggest smile. the poor guy almost falls over.
(turns out charles and marc had a bit of a heart to heart at the dirt track and admitted that neither of them can do casual)
roser shares julià’s reservations about charles at first because beloved sports figure in italy and she Remembers. but julià said he’s polite and charming and makes marc smile so she’s willing to give him a chance. A chance. a singular one and if he fucks up he’s done for.
(charles passes with flying colours when he gives her flowers and offers to help her with dinner and setting the table and then cleaning up afterwards and he keeps holding marc’s hand and looking at him like he’s the sun—)
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xiaoluclair · 1 year
Lestappen for ship ask meme?
dawg u did NOT. okay okay, how Thought are we talking here bc. Yeah .
but… thing Is i've done a million quadrabajilion rambles on this site already.... how much more can i do i hear exactly 0.012 people ask. answer:
A Lot.
firstly, the tropes. the dynamics. the Classics u know the ones. ROLL CALL, we got: enemies to tentative acquaintances to friends to lovers, idiots in hate to idiots in love we got red and blue we got 2 sides of the same coin, he fell first i fell harder, slow burn slug burn sloth burn, the opposite of love is not hate it is indifference, he is more myself than i am, whatever our soles are made of his and mine are the same, we have fucking GOT.
secondly, the fukin. the pure Development??? of their relationship like im screaming into my hands rn no lie i fucking Love their development. the amount of Respect that exists between them, breathes like a living thing bc are you surprised by the pace of charles today? uh.. not really (internally: bitch??? why tf wd i be- ) he's a naturally skilled driver. that's always something you can admire. who do you think will win the wdc this year? i think max. i know how strong he is. (😃🔫)
thirdly, the History. they could fill libraries with their shared past, thoughts about each other (prbly more sharl about max, that boy deffo knows a Hate Boner), races, inchidents (WHICH btw max and charles both saying 'we've had moments' - as in plural???? hello????? HELLO-- ) and they talk about it to, they say in the end, we have been doing this for so long and i want to beat him as much as he wants to beat me. that's the way it is and the way it has always been. which also btW fits nicely into pt2 of Respect and that's on part four-
FOURTHLY, yknow when u try to hold convo with some1 n they just. Lack. like, ur tryna have a Good Time but its like chucking micropipettes of water at the goddamn sahara. yeah that = Sucks. Then we have maxnsharl: This Post. 'we were once in the round of free practice. the drivers were rolling the engines. but charles and max found themselves close together, began to push and almost focused, risking throwing each other out-' . and my tags: #the thought of them always pushing each other#always meeting one another move for move mind for mind#they Wanted competition they Found it in each other#and here it’s that Fire that Spark that Flame that PeePoo Racer Brain#they fanned that in each other…
fifthly, the Spec. the goddamn Spec. spectrum, if you will. how they go from ruthless on track, not an inch given bc they don't Do that, they're not Like that. and then they go from That to licheral heart eyes soft looks tender touch. softwiltedcabbage dot img as i Love to say bc it's True.
and sixthly, finally, climactically before eye fill an entire library: the SEX. dawg.. have you Seen. have u Ascended. bc i have . illegal.
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seventhly i hate them theyre actually the worst ship on the grid. gross disgusting misaligned. votes for taken out back and shot: 1 (tumblr user xiaoluclair).
[yeets myself before i live the rest of my life answering this ask]
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devilishlydumb · 3 months
help me choose which fic i finish, i'm begging
hello, everyone! sooooo a couple months back i said that i was gonna start posting fics on here and ao3... it never happened because i procrastinate like a professional.
i've finally gotten a hold of myself and currently have three advanced wips. HOWEVER, i wanted to know which one would you be more interested in reading?
here's a summary, i guess.
option 1: landoscar harry potter au but make hogwarts a magical university because i cannot be bother to write teenagers. oscar pov which is turning out to be really fun to write. logan's there being adopted by half the school. dennis and arthur too. background lestappen because i can't not make them pine for each other. sue me.
option 2: agents of shield au that i cannot even begin to explain because that one is just weird and it has, like, stuff. lando as daisy johnson, tho, which is cool. again, landoscar and lestappen because why not. life's too short not to enjoy it.
option 3: see, this one is the most advanced one. and like. the strangest. SO BEAR WITH ME. it's lando x arthur. as in. arthur leclerc. and it wasn't even my idea. but. a friend threw it at me. i found it endearing. i now have +10 pages written of arthur pining and lando freaking out because he cannot have a crush on his friend's baby brother??? in the middle of his WEDDING WEEKEND in maldives. which. yes, you guessed it, it's lestappen's wedding. again. sue me. there's a lot of college times references and a little side fic about a trip to croatia years before the wedding written in arthur's pov (main fic is lando's pov) and everyone being done with them. it's really cute if i do say so myself. just a weird pairing.
so... yeah, just, tell me which one seems more compelling and i'll finish it soon. maybe not soon, actually. but i will finish it 'cause if not i'll feel bad. so. this is more of a way to give myself a purpose to keep writing.
if you would like to see a little snippet of any of them, just tell me and i'll randomly select a scene.
and that's it.
this has turned into the bible.
okay, bye.
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charlescoded · 1 year
I'm trying to decide on what I'll be writing next for lestappen, but in the meantime, here are some snippets from stuff that will probably never see the light of ao3:
1.) love potion
“Please tell me you didn’t just drink that.” There’s a desperation in Charles’ voice that he’s has never heard before, and a worried look on his face that sets Max on edge.
“Yeah? I did..?” He shifts uncomfortably, looking at his empty glass.
“Oh my god,” Charles mutters, his hands grabbing hold of Max’s face without warning. He looks him over like he’s trying to find something. It fills Max with a sense of anxiety. “How do you feel— Do you feel anything strange?” He demands.
Max lets out a confused noise. “No? Charles, what the fuck?”
Charles frowns. “Nothing at all?” He presses. “That does not make sense.” His hand comes to rest on Max’s forehead, like he’s checking for a fever.
He grabs hold of Charles’ wrists, taking his hands off his face. “What doesn’t make sense..?”
Charles’ frown deepens, but he doesn’t try to get out of Max’s grip. “The potion… you drank it, there should be an effect…”
“What potion?”
He doesn’t reply.
“Charles… what potion?” He asks alarmed.
“A love potion.” He admits reluctantly.
2.) soul manifestation
“Did you see Oscar’s koala trip up Logan?”
Max doesn’t look up from his phone, but he still smiles. “Yeah, so I know it was by accident.”
Lando sighs. “You’re no fun.” He mutters, sagging down next to Max onto the couch. Logan tripping was by far not the only accident that had happened the last few hours. Pierre’s wolf had broken one of the chairs, and Zhou’s rabbit had gotten stuck on a shelf without a way down.
It doesn’t take long for Lando to get bored again, before he asks another question. “Have you seen Charles? I haven’t seen him for like an hour.”
Max purses his lips and doesn’t answer.
There’s a pause before Lando turns his body completely towards Max. “You do know where he is.” He accuses.
“I might, yes.” He shrugs, keeping his eyes on his phone.
“…Max, where are Charles and his mouse?”
He sighs and finally looks up, slipping his phone into his pocket. “They’re asleep.” He says flatly.
“What do you mean ‘asleep’?” Lando asks alarmed.
“Like I said it.”
For a moment, Max debates keeping Lando guessing for a while, before pointing at his own animal: a lion. If anything, Lando looks even more alarmed.
“Please tell me your lion didn’t eat the mouse!”
“What? No, of course not.” Max rolls his eyes. “I told you, they’re both asleep.”
“I don’t know what that means!”
Max snorts. “Exactly that: They’re asleep.”
“But where!?”
He stands up and grabs Lando’s wrist, dragging him to the sleeping lion. Max puts his hand into the lion’s fur and brushes it aside, revealing a small, sleeping mouse.
“Oh!” Lando exclaims before covering his mouth to silence himself. “But what about Charles?” He whispers.
Max bites his lip and points behind the lion.
Lando takes a step closer, before his head snaps back to look at Max, his eyes wide. Why, he mouths. They walk away slightly before Lando repeats the question. “Why is Charles there? Under your lion?”
“Got stuck.”
“…Got stuck?”
“Yeah,” Max shrugs. “His mouse was sleeping already and he tried to grab it. My lion didn’t like his sleep getting disturbed, so he made Charles stop moving.”
Lando’s eyes go even wider. “And you didn’t help him?”
Max gave him an incredulous look. “And get stuck too? Mate, I think that mouse is in on it. No way am I challenging them.”
3.) I wish (you didn’t forget me) scene concept for an au where charles, in a moment of anger, makes a wish that comes true, changing reality (but at this point, it got reversed)
“Wait, you remember!?” Charles’ eyes go wide as Max rips his wrist out of his grasp. His jaw sets, tense and obviously upset. Charles is hurt too, that Max didn’t say anything, that he didn’t do anything, but then he remembers why Max left in the first place and he understands. Still, it hurts.
“Yes,” Max says tersely, glancing around them. There’s people looking at them. There’s nothing private about this, but Charles doesn’t care. Max can’t just disappear here, he will have to interact with Charles, he has to. “It would be better if neither of us did.”
That, too, hurts to hear. Charles has to remind him that this is a Max who thinks that Charles doesn’t want him, that he thinks Charles doesn’t want to remember, but he does. He still so desperately wants Max, and seeing him like this, the insecurity, the dismissal of his own feelings, it feels like too much.
“No, it would not be.” He argues, voice hushed. “I want to remember.”
Max’s eyes harden. “Well, you wished for this, so deal with it.”
He turns around and walks away. Shit. Charles scrambles to follow him. Max can’t disappear from his life, he can disappear into some Red Bull building Charles isn’t allowed into. “Wait! Fuck— Max, wait!”
There’s no reply and Charles once again curses to himself.
This is harder than he ever imagined it would be. He knows he can clear this up, but Max doesn’t seem to want to hear it. He hopes that by the time he knows, this will get better. He wishes that it did.
Charles catches up to Max and grabs his shoulder. Max comes to a halt, turns around, and glares at Charles. They’re around the same height, but something in Max’s gaze makes him feel smaller, like he’s being towered over. “What?” He hisses.
“I love you,” He blurts out, because he can, because it’s the truth. Because he isn’t sure what else he can say to make Max stay and listen to him. “I love you, Max, in our memories, but also in this life. I did not stop loving you.”
Max’s throat bobs, but the ice remains in his gaze. “Sometimes… Sometimes, love isn’t enough. You made that clear.”
He flinches, but he knows he deserves every bit of venom Max throws at him. “I didn’t mean it,” He steps forward when Max looks like he wants to protest. Charles presses his hand against Max’s chest, his own gaze pleading. He looks conflicted about pushing Charles away. “I wanted to return with you. We didn’t… We did not belong there, Max, and I knew it was eating at you. Not racing. I wanted to go back and race against you again—“
“Stop.” Max grabs Charles’ wrist, light and gentle, but his voice is made of glass. Sharp, ragged. Broken. “I don’t need to hear how much you wanted to race me again, Charles, I don’t need that right now…”
Charles falters. Does Max not want to race again? No, that makes no sense. Since they returned, Max has been driving like his life depends on finishing first. Charles hasn’t managed to finish a single race in front of Max since they returned a month ago, but the racing has felt the same. There’s no sudden aggression, or pettiness. It’s just fair racing. So this doesn’t make sense, unless…
Unless it’s not Max who doesn’t want to race against him, but exactly what he said. He doesn’t want Charles to want it.
“Let me finish, please.” He whispers. Max’s hand feels warm against his skin, and suddenly, Charles feels terrified that he’ll leave again. That he’s just made this worse, but then Max nods, a dejected look in his eyes. Somehow, that’s worse than his ice. “I wanted you to race again, Max, I wanted the life back where you were happy, and confident, and full of life.” His throat feels tight. “Not racing, it was… it was hurting you so much, and it made things worse between us. So much worse, and that’s why I wished for our old lives back… But, I still wanted you here, too.”
Max’s expression shows his conflict. His grasp on Charles’ hand goes from lax to firm to lax again. They stay silent as the air between them settles. Charles hopes, prays, that this is enough to make him understand, to give him the security he needs.
He just wants his Max back.
The tension disappears from Max’s shoulders, his fingers glide over Charles’ own. He holds his breath, feels the anticipation building, but Max’s smile isn’t happy, it’s sad instead. “What we had there, it’s not going to work here, Charles, even if our feelings haven’t changed.”
Disappointment crashes down on him. Reality feels suffocating all of a sudden, and desperation returns. But, if nothing else, Charles can be incredibly stubborn. “Why not?” He’s ready to disagree, ready to fight Max for this, for them.
“Because we’re both drivers.” Max squeezes his hand, Charles feels it in his heart. “You could come out because you were a champion without me, but you’re not one with me.”
“Why does that matter?” He argues.
“You think I don’t remember how people looked at us there? What they said? It would be worse here, Charles, when you’re not secure with Ferrari.”
Charles bristles. “And what about you? You are secure, you are free, are you not? Do you not love me? Do you not want me?” 
Max inhales sharply. “Of course I love you, of course I want you. That’s not—,” He pauses, struggles with his words, before continuing. “I can come out, Red Bull would be fine, but you’re not—“
“Would you take the leap for me?” He rushes out. His determination rises.
“For you? Yes, of course, but you shouldn’t take it for me—“ That’s good enough.
“I decide that.” Charles closes the last distance between them and kisses Max. His hand rests against Max’s jaw, warm and present. Max doesn’t move at first, but Charles feels the moment he relaxes, the moment he realises the decision Charles made. He made the leap. Max returns the favour with another kiss, a smile blooming slow and hesitant, before settling on relieved.
The media can fuck off. Charles can kiss his boyfriend again.
4.) things you said after you kissed me (it's a bit toxic, innit)
“Kissing me won’t fix things, Charles,” Max whispers, the brush of his lips light and fleeting. “What we have? It’s not enough.”
“Why not?” It’s a challenge. Charles’ eyes are bright, fire burning hot like a forest fire. And Max wants to burn. “Do you not want me?”
It’s a ridiculous question. Of course Max wants him. He’s always wanted him. But he knows that what he wants, he’ll never have. “We’re not meant to be together. You know this. You’re already with someone else.”
Charles twists his hand into the fabric of Max’s shirt, holding him close. It feels almost possessive, like he can’t let go. Of this. Of them.“ I do not care, I want you.”
It’s not. It’s not right. Max knows this, even as he feels Charles’ lips brush over the stubble of his chin, down to the slope of his neck. It feels divine, his skin alight, Charles’ touch making him crave more. “I can’t share you.” He murmurs. His protests sound weak to his own ears.
Charles knows, too.
Laughter reverberates against his skin. “You can. You will.” The confidence is all-consuming. Max’s bones feel heavy, the weight of them the only thing keeping him from tumbling down to the ground.
“Please stop.” He whispers.
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theemporium · 7 months
I saw your previous post about a Lestappen Hunger Games au so now I can’t stop thinking about Mentor!Lestappen x Tribute!Reader.
1. When her name gets called in the reaping they are panicking. They got to go through the games together (like Katniss and Peeta) but she will be all alone with no one to keep her safe.
2. They do everything they can to get her ready for the games. I imagine Max focusing on her training, figuring out weapons, etc. Meanwhile Charles is helping her through the interview, trying to get sponsors, and helping her find allies.
3. The final night together before the games. It starts out fast and rough. But then becomes slow, passionate, and emotional as it hits all of them that it could be their last night together. They end the night with Max and Charles clinging to reader as hard as the can not wanting to let her go.
4. Once the games start Max and Charles are doing everything they can to help her. I picture Charles is the one who puts on the charm to get her sponsors while Max plans out what to send and to try to get a message to her to try to help her win. Both Max and Charles refuse to sleep for fear of something happening to her when they are asleep. The games go on long enough that they have to sleep in shifts, with someone keeping an eye on her at all times.
5. Reader gets injured during the games. Not fatal, but enough to really slow her down (like Peeta’s leg in book 1). Max and Charles are in agony watching her in pain when they can’t get to her. They are trying to get her medicine but it’s so expensive so they are frustrated and desperate.
6. She finally wins the games and Lestappen doesn’t let her out of their sight for weeks. They cuddle with her while she recovers from her injuries in the games. At least one of them is following her around in the capitol and back home in the districts, scared that if they can’t see her, something will happen. And when she has nightmares about the games they hold her close as she cries and promises they won’t leave her again
(P.S. sorry for such a long ask I just had to get all these ideas out of my head)
OKAY BUT obviously not under the same circumstances as peeta, but reader having a hard time remembering what’s real or fake after she comes out the games because it fucked with her head bad
and the boys just always being so patient with her, answering her questions, telling her stories, holding her when the nightmares are so bad that she can’t even speak🥹it’s just so !!!!
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bohnsky · 1 year
Okay my dear people of the internet. I have thoughts. A lot of them, so prepare for a long ramble post.
First of all I feel like I didn't make it clear that I'm not including Sebastian Vettel in these because the others wouldn't stand a chance. I just love him too much. That being said, welcome to my favorite drivers after seven weeks of liking f1:
1. Alex Albon
My love. I am embarrassed to admit that Lewis almost pushed Alex from 1st . There were a few days in the last two weeks when I honestly thought about putting Lewis on 1 and then I watched the never have I ever and remembered why I love Alex so much.
The sprint race made me sad. I believe that if he hadn’t changed to slicks he might’ve stayed in the points. And for the race today (also very embarrassed to admit that) I almost forgot to be stressed about Alex’ position because I was so busy stressing over the Ferraris and Lando being in the Red Bull sandwich.
2. Charles Leclerc
I thought a lot about putting Lewis on 2nd as well but then I remembered how much I love Charles lol. You cannot imagine how happy I was to see both Ferraris starting top three and seeing Charles taking P2 today. Obviously, I wanted to see him win but Max is just unstoppable.
3. Lewis Hamilton
Now finally Lewis. I spent most of my free time the last two weeks reading Sewis fanfiction and that kind of influenced me a little bit. Lewis is such a sweety and my heart can’t handle him. Him having a bad weekend made me sad. And my brother saying that he wants the older drivers, like Lewis and Fernando, to retire so that younger drivers get a chance made me sad as well. I understand why he said that, but I don’t agree. F1 wouldn’t be the same without them.
Honorable mentions:
(I have so many thoughts on that never have I ever video, so this is going to be about that a lot lol)
Checo. I really don’t know what it is about him. I’ve been annoying everyone about how I want Checo to be able to prove himself again and now he did. I’ve been manifesting it and now I don’t know if I’m happy or not because him being good means that someone else is one place further back. Alex for example. If Checo didn’t drive as well as he did today then Alex might’ve gotten a point. But either way, Checo deserves it and I’m happy he found his form again.
Also the never have I ever. Checo was literally the cutest in that damned video. I melted when he admitted that he practiced a celebration before. And his accent drives me crazy. Now thinking about it, it feels weird that I have so much to say about Checo and for Lewis nothing but ‘I just love him’ lol.
Lando. I love Lando. He’s been on my mind a lot lately. He’s funny and so genuine. And I’ve been kind of obsessed with Carlando somehow. They’re just the most realistic ship in my opinion. And, I know I’m probably the only one but Lando interacting with Carlos Sr makes me really happy. But then again, I’ve been a fan of Carlos Sr way before getting into F1.
Carlos. Yes, Carlando. Especially Carlando on 2nd row for the race made me happy (not as much as Lestappen in front row but still 😀). And the race.. Ferrari fucked him over so bad and I was so mad. He deserved to be on the podium. And again, Checo being good makes me happy but I wanted to see Carlos on P3.
Mick. Reading so many Sewis fics did that to me.
Lance. I just think I like him now and I feel like I have to mention it because last time I wasn’t sure about that.
Nico. Again, I’m German and I like to see a German driver doing good but honestly what he achieves in that Haas is crazy. Damn I had no idea he is that good.
Max. I’ve been thinking a lot about Max lately and if I like him or not because there’s always that little voice in the back of my head saying that he can be really rude but he’s proved that voice wrong so many times. And most of the time when I see him the first thought that comes to my mind is that he is 1) gorgeous and 2) so freaking cute and 3) really nice. Also I’ve been obsessing over his hair. Somehow it drives me crazy.
Also (I hate myself for thinking that way but) I don’t like that no one has even the slightest chance against him but then again, he is just that good and he deserves it. There are so many awful and unfair thoughts in my brain and I have to force myself to see how sweet Max really is but I think I’m finally getting there.
Speed round:
Nyck somehow being very sympathetic, idk don’t ask.
Esteban's accent, I don’t know why his accent in particular but I love it.
Pierre, laughs in Pierre.
Everyone who confidently said that they cried during a movie.
That wasn’t as much as I thought it would be but I’m tired so I’m going to leave it here lol
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lestappenforever · 11 months
It’s time to appreciate you a little bit and let you know how much we love your cute little stories of our babies and what you share with us. Getting a notification that you posted something always makes me happy inside 🥰 especially if it’s during work and I can distract myself with cute lestappen. The prompt list is so cute and nice I couldn’t pick the best one 😩😂 but I’ve been having these idea of them being around others and being a pda mess a little and others reacting to them being in a cute bubble. How about 2 and 37? 🥰
This is such a lovely message to start my day with reading, thank you so incredibly much. 🥹
When I started this blog not long ago, I could have never imagined that it would bring people the kind of happiness you're refering to, and I feel so incredibly honored to know that it does. I'm so glad you're enjoying my blog and my writing. Seriously, you have no idea how much your ask means to me, and how much your words have warmed my heart. 💖
I already did 2. "Please?" "Those eyes won't work on me this time." here, and my brain literally will not let me reuse a prompt because as soon as I've written something using that particular prompt, it simply won't let me come up with anything else tied to that sentence for a while.
But, you did ask for two so you're getting two! Throwing in a little 1. "You're cold." "Am not." to make up for not using 2. Lestappen being a PDA mess coming right up! I also saw my chance to write this as a sequel to this and I took it.
1."You're cold." "Am not." and 3. "Just... hold my hand?"
Max doesn't know whose brilliant idea it was to gather on the roof of the Alpine motor home the night before the British Grand Prix — who is he kidding, it was probably Pierre's. Or Esteban's — but yet, here they were.
It wasn't as if it was freezing cold in the night air — the last time Max had checked it was around 14°C —but this was England. England with its stupid biting winds.
He'd told Charles to wear a thicker sweater, but the Monégasque had insisted he didn't need it. Hell, Max had even offered to let him borrow his favorite black hoodie, but Charles had been stubborn and refused.
And now the idiot was sitting next to Max, trying and failing to pretend that he wasn't shivering. Trying to hide how pale his hands had gotten due to the cold under the too-thin fabric of the arms of his sweater.
Pierre is telling a story from his karting days back in France, and the whole group is laughing, except Max.
Because Charles is cold next to him, and this whole thing could have been prevented if the Ferrari driver had just listened to him.
"You're cold," Max says to Charles, narrowing his eyes.
Charles turns his head to look at him, cheeks pink from the wind. "Am not."
"You are," Max huffs, rolling his eyes.
"I'm fine, Max."
"You're shivering, Charles."
Look, was Lando relieved that Max and Charles had finally done something about the years of unresolved sexual tension between them a couple of months ago? Yes.
Was he happy to see that two of his best friends on the grid had also realized that their feelings for each other went deeper than the physical attraction, and were now officially dating? Absolutely.
Because Max and Charles were still bickering. Not only that, they were bickering cutely. In front of everyone.
But the thing was, Lando had thought — hoped, fucking prayed — that resolving the tension between them would stop them from bickering all the time. Over nothing.
That, apparently, was too much to ask.
And honestly, as adorable as it was to watch, it was still exhausting. Because it was still constant.
Had he known his little scheme to get them to work out their issues would lead to the two of them becoming even more insufferable, Lando would have reconsidered the whole thing.
"Your face is shivering," Charles says to Max, and Lando rolls his eyes.
"That doesn't even make any sense!" Max shoots back, and Lando audibly groans.
The attention of their little group has turned to the pair of them, and everyone aside from Lando are apparently finding the whole thing amusing. Which makes sense, seeing most of them don't also have to deal with it outside of race weekends, when they're all gaming.
"Take my hand," Max demands, holding out his hand for Charles.
Charles glares at it as if it's a dangerous weapon specifically designed to kill him.
"I'm not cold, Max!" Charles insists, like a fucking child.
Lando wonders if throwing himself off of the building would kill him. Wonders if he truly cares if it would.
"Charles," The Red Bull driver says, pinching the bridge of his nose with the hand he isn't still holding out. He says it like Charles is the single cause of every ounce of frustration he as ever felt in his life.
Which, Lando figuers, isn't far from being the truth.
Charles glares at him, but there's no real heat behind it.
"Just... Hold my hand?"
It's a request now, and it's soft and pleading, and Max is looking at Charles with an adorable look on his face. Charles' entire façade crumbles.
"Fine, I'll hold your hand," The Monégasque says with an overly dramatic sigh, as he takes Max's hand and interlocks their fingers. "But I won't be happy about it!"
Max snorts, but doesn't argue. He probably knows that Charles is lying, just like Lando knows that Charles is lying. Just like every single person up here knows he's lying.
Can see it all over Charles' face the second their hands touch.
"You two are ridiculous," Lando announces, throwing his head back. There's fondness in his tone, though, and his words draw a collective laugh from the group.
Next to him, Carlos pats his knee.
"Just be glad you haven't shared a cool-down room with them yet," the Spaniard mumbles.
There mere thought of that makes Lando whine.
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lattesqueeze · 8 months
I’d love to hear anything about your favorite WIP, or you can answer some of these prompts:
1. What’s the main ship and/or dynamic?
2. What inspired you? Convo with a mutual, music, etc.
3. How long have you been working on this project?
4. What’s your favorite line you’ve written/planned so far?
5. What concept came to you first, the plot or the characters?
6. What are you finding challenging about this WIP?
My current favourite wip is very little more than a concept at the moment, which is a Lestappen fic (no surprises lol) that I think was inspired by a tweet or a tumblr post. The secondary inspiration that solidified the concept/plot was the recent press conference when our Charlie was high out of his mind on painkillers and kept giggling and chatting with Max.
It stems from them being much younger and still karting, and one thing leads to another and they kiss. And promptly never speak of it again. Buuuut they both think of it all the time. As they grow up, they encounter some deja vu and find themselves kissing again and, shock!, it’s just as good as they remembered and more.
(Answering about this actually helped me formulate a lot of the background plot so thank you!!)
HOWEVER I also want an excuse to post this excerpt from a separate Landoscar wip, just bc I like it :’) I’ll put it under a cut so it doesn’t clog anyone’s dash!
Shit. Lando shoved his way out of the kitchen he had found himself in, scanning every face for the soft cheekbones or warm brown eyes he had come to recognise.
A girl Lando had definitely hooked up with before caught his arm, and tried to pull him in another direction, but he brushed her off.
Eight! Seven! Six!
Lando set his half-finished drink down and rubbed at his eyes. He was determined not to let Oscar go into 2023 alone among strangers. He just had to find him first.
Oscar wasn’t in the bathroom, or the one bedroom Lando hazarded a peek into.
One job, Lando. One job. Keep Oscar safe while showing him a good time. And, somehow, he had managed to lose him at the most crucial time of the party.
Lando burst out of the apartment and onto the balcony, where only a few partygoers were stood. The night was cool, but not unbearable, though Lando shivered a little as he stepped outside.
There he was. Thank God. Lando spied the sandy blond wave of hair and crisp white shirt, stood right by the railing, gazing out over the city. He rushed over to Oscar, and put his hand on his arm, making Oscar jump.
The crowd around them erupted into cheers, popping open champagne and kissing their other halves. Without thinking twice, Lando grabbed Oscar by the back of the neck and kissed him, hard. He felt Oscar tense up for just a moment - just long enough for him to panic and regret the risky manoeuvre. But, milliseconds later, Oscar’s hands found their way to Lando’s waist, and he was kissing him back. The fireworks exploding across the city around them echoed the fireworks in Lando’s mind. When they finally broke apart to breathe, Lando grinned dopily at Oscar.
“Happy New Year, new teamie.” Lando said, almost into Oscar’s mouth, before kissing him again.
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thearistocraticotaku · 2 months
Take me back to the final races of the 2023 season, I miss 1-2 lestappen finish
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lecstappen · 2 years
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We are so blessed… again! They are adorable. Lestappen just keeps giving 🥰
(And I really hope curved cap Max is gonna be a thing from now on, cause it looks so good on him!!!)
Stina!!! This season is finally serving us again (and I hope I don’t jinx it) so here’s to a Lestappen 1-2 in tomorrow’s race too!
Just love the way Max leans in towards Charles. There’s definitely some sort of subconscious pull there. And the pat on the back was so cute aaaa it had me in my feels 🥺
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And I agree!!! Honestly I would think Max looks good in anything and nothing but manifesting capless Max, backward cap Max and curved cap Max all the way ♥️🫶🏼 one day I want to see his cap fall off and Charles casually pick it up and put it on ksjajsjz
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ferrariapologist · 2 years
i have once again shit to say.
1. first of all, charles leclerc. oh charles leclerc. you indeed are a champion. there's no other way to put it. he showed such a great response coming from such an end of a season. i haven't forgotten - i don't think any charles fan has - the way he was so unnecessary criticised (and i know. i've already said enough on the topic. but i'm still bitter.) from the media, from f1 fans, even his own, to a season opener and showing what he's made of. i mean i don't want to say anything yet but. yep. i better shut up.
2. he's matured and grown so much. i think he's finally fully developed as a driver. and you can see it in so many ways. i mean just look at his reactions, when he found out he was on pole, pretty much everyone was expecting great reactions from him, and to everyones surprise he was actually very composed. i guess luck hasn't been on his side for so long he can't bring himself to get his hopes up for nothing. i mean of course he was happy but you could tell he was already focused on the race.
3. and then, sunday came. after a great start, he was able to hold max back sooo well - and btw, the lestappen rivalry is going to make us shit our pants for the whole season, i just know it -. he raced so smartly and well, like a champ indeed.
4. ferrari deserves this. mattia deserves this. they've been working so hard, trying to improve even the tiniest elements. working mentally as well. and even when no one believed in him, in his ways of thinking and working. and i'm just glad after so much work it's finally starting to pay off. everything is finally coming into place.
5. it's impossible not to think about it now. obviously super cautiously, we still have 22 races left. but with such a good season opener and good signals, i think it's fair. and we know charles thinks about it too. with redbulls issues, merc just not being there (yet), the mclaren flop, the chances are real.
6. as mattia said, they finally gave charles the good car he deserves, now lets see what he does with it.
7. and last, but not least, i just want to take a moment and laugh at everyone who thought ferrari was staying in the midfield
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theemporium · 3 months
1. seeing ur loser ur mind over all the hockey trades makes me giggle. like imagine if trades and like draft pick happened like that in f1, silly season would be in shambles
2. also @ anon who sent in that werewolf lestappen ask, ily. that ask literally blew me out of the water. and cece that part about it being her favorite hoodie???? i have been tearing myself apart working on my research paper for my final and like the thought of sad sappy werewolf lestappen broke me. like just the two of them so sad about being away from reader and missing her so much. Them trying to position her hoodie, her favorite one that they know they're gonna get lip for bc they stole it, so it fits in between them just like she would if she was in bed with them 🥺🥺🥺 i could cry
don't even, i would genuinely not be able to handle silly season if it was as chaotic as these fucking trades🤠
but even just imagining the reader finding out that they do this🥲like she never clocks on until they are home and she is the one leaving. she comes back early to surprise them and sees the hoodie she swore she packed on the pillow squished between them and her heart just melts🥹
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