wetslug · 6 months
tortured cuz i think my hair really IS even but since each side curls at different lengths each day it looks like im a dumbass who cant cut hair 😔😔😔
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invinciblerodent · 5 months
getting a little bit obsessed with my "cottagecore throuple" here, because the more I think about it, the more disgustingly perfect and idyllic the whole thing is to me.
like... post-game, I like to imagine Shadowheart absolutely thriving. She's a city girl with a deep love for animals, and spotty- to nil memories, most of which are of the worst things to have ever happened in a dank torture-basement: of course a sweet, picturesque forest cottage (so far I like to think that Petyr would call it "The Hovel", even though it's by all means a cozy, nice hunter's lodge) would have her downright giddy, and she deserves every ounce of that happiness ever.
As I imagine it, when not enthusiastically learning all there is to learn about the quasi-self-sustaining life (that she had dropped herself into by shacking up with a literal forest ranger), she spends as much time outside as possible: walks barefoot in the tall grass, stops to smell every flower (and even plants quite a few, just by the vegetables), and lays in the soft underbrush for hours at a time- enjoying the sunlight caressing her face, enjoying a nice novel (and/or a cuddle with Scratch, the cub, or her boyfriend once he sits down for a moment), or just gazing up at the moon and stars in silent worship. She makes friends with every animal that crosses her path, too: SO many potions of animal speaking are consumed, it's absurd. (She's best friends with the chickens. Petyr has to start farming acorn truffles in the basement for her, and that even proves actually very lucrative- in town, that shit sells for like 10-20 gold a pop.)
She'd of course bring home everything that'll let her. Little wildflower bouquets and stuff at first, but also every critter: from juvenile racoons just weaned from their mothers (they look almost like kittens! how cute!), to elderly foxes that just want to curl up in front of the fire and warm their bones somewhere safe for a moment. She's having the time of her goddamn life, she's learning a shitton of life skills she was never taught (finally learning things not meant to make her better at hurting people!), and generally enjoying a life that, while still plagued by remnants of the past (night terrors, perpetrator trauma, loss, grief, pains both suffered and inflicted, all that great stuff), has her feeling actually content with her lot in it.
And with all this, Petyr is... very business as usual, or at least he's trying to pretend that he is. Having someone in what was his space for like 20 years is strange initially, but if there's one thing he's used to, it's adapting. Making things work. (Plus, he's like, happy, or whatever. In love. You know, that sort of rot.)
Then again, he's also used to only having to feed himself with the very little he has, not another (especially another who is inexperienced at this type of thing, and a second another who just... drops by sometimes, always unannounced and unexpected, but never unwelcome), which deep down does have him a bit (a lot) more antsy about not just being the self-appointed guardian of her happiness, but also just... their general survival.
He's keenly aware that winters in the wild are never especially easy, not when you're so far removed from the safety of a community- especially not the way he's used to being alone, without even magic to keep you warm and safe. Usually, he spends most of the year primarily occupied by preparing for winter, and even like that, there have been lean years: years when he got snowed in for tendays, when he did something stupid and all the careful prep went down the shitter, years he had to go hungry and learn to make do with next to nothing.
So he compensates for- (and distracts himself from-) that anxiety by making extra sure that the pantry is stocked to bursting with all the goods there can be, and they often head out into the woods to hunt and forage together- although he's not a great (or even a good) teacher, Shadowheart (usually Shadow, often Heart, lately Jen or Jenny in affection) does make what he used to do out of sheer need, into something also done for fun.
Hunting and foraging are fun now, and soon, the cabinets are overflowing with jars and jars of dry mushrooms, so much homemade deer jerky, jams and jellies and pickles galore... there's mead fermenting, and homemade soap curing before it can be used, firewood stacked to the height of a person... herb bundles, garlic braids, grain corn, and drying peppers are strung up on the rafters like fragrant fairy lights.
Meanwhile, I imagine that Halsin comes and goes as he pleases- not entirely unlike a beloved stray cat. He just shows up one evening as if he had left not tendays, but only a few hours ago, kicks the duff or mud or snow off his boots, and leans his staff into its habitual nook by the door. He sets whatever it is that he brought this time in its appropriate place (be it otherwise unobtainable goods from town, or just a little gift, a treat to enjoy together), and he sinks into the worn-out armchair by the fireplace that was declared his the first time he stayed.
One of the others almost always then strolls by to settle wordlessly on his lap (if not both of them- that poor chair can barely take the combined weight), and just relax as his big, warm fingers slowly work through the knots and ties keeping their hair out of their faces, and, voice rumbling deep in his chest, he tells them all that has happened in Reithwin the past while.
The many smells of dinner and the comforting scent of pipe tobacco mingle with the fragrant herbs and the crackling fire then, and creates something that can only be described as the scent of home.
.............. and then all three just fuck absolute NASTY every day, in every configuration, and on every surface available for the next, oh, month or so.
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savior-of-humanity · 1 month
Heads up, this is a long post - it's under the readmore!
Also BIG content warning for graphic descriptions of violence/death happening to a child + descriptions of gore + mentions of animal death. (it's only in the first half of the drabble, and since it's short you should be able to easily scroll past it - look for the ". . ." symbols marking the start/end of that section if you want to skip it!!)
AND SPECIAL THANKS TO @kcnhub FOR HELPING ME W/ IDEAS AND DIALOGUE + GIVING ME PERMISSION TO FEATURE AN OC OF HIS!! (For additional clarification; they don't really give a fuck about gender so they go by Halla and/or Hallkel in this.)
also tagging @hymns-across-the-stars and @maykrisms >:3c
Cassius awoke from the longest nightmare of his life.
The first instinct that gripped the 6 year-old's mind was to gasp for air, yet his irritated throat instead pulled the boy into a ragged coughing fit. His eyes had yet to adjust to the harsh light, but of what little he could see, he couldn't recognize it anyways. As he slowly sat up, he came to a sudden and frightening realization; he couldn't really remember... anything.
...No, there were some things he could remember; his name was Cassius, he had a pet bunny named Daisy, he lived on Earth with his parents, and... that was it. He couldn't remember where he lived, or who his parents were, or even what they looked like. That, understandably, scared him even further. But Cassius, with what little bravery he still had, pushed aside the fear and tried his hardest to recall anyway.
. . .
. . .
. . .
He remembers it, as clear as day.
They pounce on him faster than he can blink. It was almost just like the night terrors he had for a while, after he stayed up past his bedtime once and caught a glimpse of an old horror movie. But, unlike those nightmares, the dream didn't end right when they were about to get him, because it wasn't a dream at all.
They look him in his terrified eyes, full of unspeakable malice and hunger - and he knows, instantly, that they're going to hurt him, and that there is no running from what is about to happen.
Razor-sharp talons rake across his skin, pulling the flesh back like butcher's hooks until it finally gives and splits open like an over-ripe fruit. They don't hesitate to tear at the exposed fat and muscle, pull him apart piece by piece, blood and guts spilling over tongues and claws.
The smell of gore is strong in the air, so thick that he could almost taste it - but he is barely aware of it. He can't see them unravel him by his entrails. He can't hear them rip his mother asunder somewhere behind him. He doesn't know where Daisy is; he hopes that she's okay.
The only thing he can feel, the only thing he knows in his final moments, is their teeth scraping against his bones as he is torn apart and eaten alive.
. . .
. . .
. . .
A touch on his shoulder pulled the child from the horrific memory, the events forgotten for now. He looked up at the source, eyes wide and brimming with tears, and almost choked on his own breath at what he saw.
Cassius was surrounded by what he could only describe as monsters.
They were creatures reminiscent of angels, dressed in white-gold-red and adorned with big metal halos. Perhaps he could've mistaken them as such, were it not for their inhuman appearances, sharp pointed teeth, and the strange words they spoke that made his head hurt when he tried to understand. All he knew about them was that they reminded him of the nightmares of his dreamless sleep.
Aching for a home he couldn't remember, surrounded by strangers and yet so painstakingly alone, the only thing Cassius could think to do was begin to cry.
Cassius Unna Endride wasn't exactly sure what Hallkel was thinking when he suggested that he spar with the Great Slayer.
Hallkel was someone he looked up to, both as a parental figure and as an inspiration; he was the one who had offered to adopt Cassius personally when the Maykrs brought him to live among the Argenta. Since then, he had been raised with a loving and steady hand; as Hallkel was a Night Sentinel, it was also expected of him to raise his son to become a warrior like himself. So far, Cassius had proved to be a promising apprentice.
The day, up until the point of time that was his current predicament, had so far been like any other for the 16 year-old boy; he woke up, cooked and ate with his guardian, cleaned up, and then headed off for the nearby training arena for daily exercise routines. It wasn't uncommon for spectators to watch the trainees and practicing warriors from the sidelines; most were off-duty Sentinels like Hallkel, or the occasional loved one. Sometimes there were Maykrs present - he never liked it when they would watch him spar, for reasons he couldn't really explain.
Cassius was completely surprised to see that the Great Slayer, of all people, stood among the spectators today.
The Slayer, to put it simply, was nothing short of an ancient hero of legend in the flesh; from the stories Hallkel had told Cassius when he was younger, the Great Slayer had once been a mere outsider, a captive taken from the feral wilds. They had expected him to die in battle like any other thrall, but to their surprise he displayed such fearsome yet pinpointed brutality and strength against the demonic hordes, that King Novik accepted him among the ranks of the Night Sentinels. Since then, his fame and renown only grew, eventually earning him the prestige and honor that came with the role of leading armies into battle. Some even considered him to be the greatest among the living War Generals, second only to the King himself.
Even in the training arena, bystander and trainee alike gave the Slayer a wide berth out of respectful fear. Cassius had to admit, he felt rather intimidated by his presence, especially given that the hooded Maykr he only knew as Samur was accompanying the Slayer today. The two looked to be in idle conversation.
So imagine his complete and utter shock as he watched Hallkel, with the total casualness and ease of someone that knew the Great Slayer like they were childhood best friends, walk up to the two and suggest that he spar with Cassius.
The Slayer looked at Samur, looked at him, and then back to Hallkel. To Cassius' ever-growing dismay, the Slayer nodded, and he knew that his fate was sealed.
His despair didn't just come from the fact that he had to prove his skill to the Great Slayer. The Slayer was seldom seen ever in the training arena, let alone sparring with anyone - which naturally meant that the gaze of nearly every person present was locked on him and the boy. As the other man grabbed a pole-arm and tossed another over to Cassius, he glanced over to where Hallkel stood by Samur; his guardian flashed him a grin and a thumbs up.
Initially, the spar started off slow; an intentional act on the Great Slayer's part, to allow Cassius to get used to the pace and to his personal fighting style. As they continued, he would gradually increase the pressure; swinging faster, striking harder, forcing his partner to put more effort into defending himself.
Cassius, to his own surprise, found that keeping up with the Great Slayer wasn't as daunting of a feat as he'd imagined it to be, though it was by no means easy. Many times he was forced to block an incoming blow with his own weapon, and actually landing a hit on the Slayer was incredibly difficult given how consistently and readily he blocked or parried incoming strikes.
Then the Slayer suddenly pushed forward - sparring wasn't just about showing off your skill with a weapon, after all - and Cassius shoved back with all his might. Even with the fact that the Slayer was still holding back somewhat for the sake of a fair fight, the trainee's feet skidded through the sand before they found purchase and allowed Cassius to properly stand his ground. Finally, they had come to a stalemate.
For a moment, they just stood there; pole-arms locked against each other, gazes focused on one another. Cassius found himself oddly entranced by the Slayer's eyes - they were a rich shade green, with flecks of gold that seemed to shift in and out of the light, accompanied by a strange glowing red halo around his pupils. Something about the Slayer's gaze was hauntingly familiar - and he could've sworn he saw a flicker of... some kind of emotion cross the Slayer's face for a brief second.
Cassius wasn't sure how the spar was going to end, exactly, only that he'd gone in assuming that his ass was going to get handed to him one way or another. But to see the Slayer suddenly step back, drop his weapon, and submit to him utterly shocked him beyond words. So much so that he barely acknowledged those watching breaking out into cheers and applause, only snapping back to reality when a firm and celebratory slap to the back from Hallkel pulled him out of his shock.
"I KNEW YOU HAD IT IN YOU, MY BOY! Even the Great Slayer knows of your might! Come here--" and before he could protest, Hallkel had wrapped him up in a bear hug and was spinning him around in joyous laughter. Cassius, naturally, was quick to complain. "Dad, please, there's people watching you're embarrassing meeeeee..." He'd whine, and his guardian would finally oblige and set him back on his feet - but not before immediately tussling his hair.
"Ahahahaaa, let them watch! They know I have good reason to celebrate having such an amazing son!" Hallkel boasted, and Cassius couldn't help but smile. He'd glance back at the Slayer; he seemed to be watching the interaction intently, a fond smirk of his own ghosting his lips, though he couldn't help but notice there was a strange and distant look in the Great Slayer's eyes.
Cassius' focus was quickly averted when he noticed something that made his skin crawl, however. Samur hadn't been the only Maykr present - there were actually quite a few among the spectators, much greater in number than any other time they and Cassius happened to be present.
And every single one of them was looking at him.
"My father... is the Great Slayer?"
Cassius Unna Endride Oliwa-Blazkowicz couldn't believe the words that came out of his own mouth. Halla simply nodded, her expression gentle yet solemn.
"Yes, my boy. He told me of what he could remember about you," she explained. "For a long time, he couldn't remember what you looked like, or what your name was, because of how long he has spent in Hell. It was only one day that he seemed to suddenly remember and told me the name he gave you."
It was just so much for him to take in. To think, that he was the child of perhaps the most legendary warrior in Argenta history - and he had never even known. But why?
"What happened to him that caused him to forget me?" Cassius asked. There was a low, rumbling whine of sorts off to his side, and a familiar scaly muzzle nudged into the man's side. He ran a comforting hand over the golden-scaled snout of his companion; an Argenta war-dragon, once the personal steed of the Great Slayer. He didn't know how she'd been separated, but he was glad to have found her - the strength of her flames had saved his life countless times.
"Long ago, you had a previous life," Halla began. "His home was invaded by demons, and you.. died. He was struck with so much fury and grief that he declared war on Hell itself to avenge his family and people. The Maykrs were the ones who brought you back to life - from what I know of the matter, they bargained with Hell in exchange for your soul. I do not know why they did so."
He couldn't help but wonder what price they would've paid, just for him. Or, perhaps, who they sacrificed for him. How many people were slaughtered to sate the endless hunger of the dark realm, as a trade for one measly little soul? A part of him hoped that those questions would remain answered.
"Is he still alive, my father?" He questioned, quickly realizing how stupid the question was after it left his lips - of course his father was alive, he was the Great Slayer! Halla seemed to share the same sentiment, as she nodded, suddenly becoming much more cheerful than before.
"Truthfully? I do not have an answer. But I have faith he lives nonetheless, and I imagine you must feel the same way." She gave him a smile; Cassius always found it remarkable, how she could find the good and light in just about any terrible situation.
"I want to find my father. But... I don't know if I'm ready for it." Given that they were currently trapped in Hell on account of the betrayal of the Deag priests, it was a miracle that he - or anyone, really - had managed to survive for this long against the demons. "I was sure I was going to die until I found Dandelion, and even then- I just.. I'm not ready to face this place like my father can."
Cassius hung his head in shame; he was of the Slayer's blood. He was the son of the greatest demon slayer in Argenta history, and yet he lacked the strength and conviction to follow the same path his father did. He felt weak, both in body and spirit - but he didn't linger on those darker thoughts for very long. His guardian suddenly cupped his face with her hands, gently turning his head up so that he'd look her right in the eyes.
"My boy... there is no shame in admitting weakness. It is alright if you are not ready; in the end, you are still a Night Sentinel and always will be one, through and through. And beyond that? You are our son. I will not let you face this world alone until you feel like you are ready to take that step."
He couldn't stop the tears that began to well up in his crimson eyes, or the trembling smile that crossed his face.
Halla pulled him into an embrace, and for the first time in a long time, Cassius began to cry.
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furby-organist · 6 months
> "Greetings! You know what time it is -- three days until taxes are due! Stay tuned for our seasonal Coke Wh#re Anthems To Do Your Taxes To playlist, right here on KLXT, while I do coke and my taxes!"
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vonlipvig · 2 years
more monte cristo posting and baby ANOTHER ONE DOWN LET'S GOOOOO
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tariah23 · 2 years
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thirstyandbeautiful · 11 months
I don’t know what this is referring to cause hello sweet forgotten inbox BUT I appreciate you anon ❤️
If this is for ODS, Sad Slut Szn or Mafia Au then you’re in luck for the next month cause we have quite the launch schedule ahead
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jrueships · 2 years
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happy birthday gup *sends you to super hell*
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sulsulvi · 3 months
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my (not so berry) rose gen heir, dana berrie, and her soon to be husband, rocky greene.
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it's the last day of winter.
rocky came over early for new year's eve. dana's daughter, connie, just left to party w/ her friends for a bit. she'll be coming back just in time to celebrate the new year's w/ her mom, rocky, rocky's son ridge, and her "friend" diana ;).. her cute lil family.
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athena-theunicorn · 9 months
I saw a post abt this the other day but it's been eating me up inside so I gotta get it in writing. Plus it was in meme format when I saw it so I wanna make sure the gravity of this particular thing is out there somewhere bc I said so.
Annabeth was under the impression for most of her life that she had to earn love and respect from those around her. First from her father after he remarried, and she had to earn his attention back from his wife and kids. Then once she got to camp, she had to earn the admiration of the other campers, her siblings, Chiron and Mr. D, and basically everyone but Luke (because she earned his and Thalia's respect by simply surviving so long after running away). AND THEN she had to earn Athena's respect. That was the ultimate reward in her opinion, because that's kinda what I imagine they teach at camp: "You have to earn the respect of the gods to get them to look at you, let alone respect or, heaven forbid, love you." It's fucked up but its true. It's one of the first things Luke tells Percy upon his arrival. It's how you get claimed, earn a quest, and get all these things that Camp deems so important.
And then Annabeth meets Percy.
Percy, who, despite having his own traumas and tough road to hoe, still knows the feeling of an unconditionally loving home and person. He never had to earn Sally's love. She loved him despite him getting kicked out of school every year, despite him being stubborn and kinda an ass sometimes. She loved him despite his own view of himself. She shoved all that aside and loved her son because THATS HOW PARENTING WORKS.
And then you shove these two little kids together who've had wildly different backgrounds and I bet you'd get some interesting conversations (although they aren't shown a lot in the book or the show). Like Annabeth having to explain all the shit she's done to get her mother's attention and Percy being like "well damn."
And then he starts to notice that she applies this to other relationships too. She starts doing certain things that Percy notices as trying to gain his respect and it gets worse as they get closer and he finally has to be like "hey, you know I like you, right? like you don't have to prove yourself to me" and Annabeth has whiplash because she's never not had to earn love.
It just makes their relationship so much better to me.
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 5 months
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Baby’s Gotta Gun (Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: You’ve been in a situationship with Rafe for over a year and when you show up to his party that he invited you to and there’s another girl all over him, you’ve finally had it. WK: 1.3k
Warnings: Gun play, unprotected sex, jealousy, possessiveness, reader is a lil unhinged, switch!Rafe, switch!reader, a lil fluff dashed in. Porn/no plot. 18+MNDI!
This is for me and @babygorewhore’s Writing Prompt Game, feel free to click the link and come play!!🤍
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“Tell me, tell me who owns this fucking cock.” You run the tip of his pistol over his plush split slick lips while you bounce on his cock like your life depends on it. The sound of your wet cunt and hips slapping together echoing through the room.
“You - fuckin’ shit - you do baby, you own my cock.” Rafe’s eyes roll back when you start to rotate your hips, his large hands grip onto the fat of your ass while you ride him like a fucking succubus.
“Didn’t I tell you to fucking look at me while I take what’s mine, huh?” You move the gun to his head, shoving it against his temple as your free hand grips onto his jaw, squeezing his cheeks together until he opens his eyes. “You look those other girls in the eyes while you fuck them or do you just get it in and move on? Because when you fuck me you take your time, tell me how beautiful I am and how much I mean to you but then you’re buried in the next hoe you see.”
“Baby, I’m sorry. You know - oh fuuuck - you know you’re my girl.” Rafe feels like he’s about to fucking bust any second. Your pace doesn’t falter for a moment, fucking yourself on his cock like you’re trying to drain him of every drop of cum in his body. Driven by pure jealousy and rage.
“Yeah? You’re always fucking saying that, Cameron. But then shit like this happens. I show up to your party, that you invited me to and there’s some bitch on your lap with her tongue down your throat the minute I get here?” You run the barrel of the gun down the side of his face as you chuckle darkly, using your grip on his jaw to shake his head side to side. “If you don’t want anything serious why are you always buying me shit? Scaring off every dude that talks to me? Telling everyone I belong to you while you’re out fucking around?”
“It’s just… baby, shit, if you keep fucking me like that I’m gonna fucking blow my load any second.” Rafe hates to admit that your possessive jealousy is only turning him on more. The crazy look in your eyes, the way you’re fucking him like you own him, while you hold his gun. It’s really fucking doing it for him.
“Don’t you dare fucking cum, Rafe. I’m not done with you. Answer my god damn question.” You slow your pace a bit as you take his face in both of your hands, the grip you still have on the pistol causing it to press against the side of his head.
“I’m sorry, I’m all yours from now on, alright? I fuckin’ mean it. I was just scared, baby. You’re too perfect for me. Knew if I made you mine for real I’d have to marry you someday.” He’s not even sure why he said that, it’s not like he hasn’t subconsciously thought about it before. You were perfect in every way before but this possessive display just makes him want you even more.
“HA! Thirty minutes ago you were dry humping some girl you’ve never talked to and now you’re talking marriage? Be so fucking for real, Rafe.” You bring the gun to his temple again, leaning in so your lips are brushing the shell of his ear. “If you were a real man you would’ve made it official a fucking year ago.”
That was the final straw for him. If you didn’t wanna believe him he would fucking show you how serious he was. He grips onto the gun, easily ripping it from your hand while his other arm wraps around your waist, using his hold on you to flip you on your back. He hovers over you, turning the tables on you by pressing the gun against the side of your head.
“Will you just shut the fuck up for a second. You’re my girl, aight? My girl.”
“I’ve heard that like a million times, pretty boy, doesn’t mean shit to me. You really think I’m gonna just-“ your words are cut short when he slips the gun between your lips.
“I said stop talking, I fucking mean it every time I say it. And you’re right. I was being a pussy bitch. But now I’m gonna show you who you belong to, who I belong too.” He pulls the barrel out of your mouth slightly before slipping it back between your lips. “Suck.”
You roll your eyes, leaving your lips open. He grips onto his cock, slamming it into your wet pussy in one swift motion, starting up at the brutal pace. “I” Thrust. “Said” Thrust. “Fucking suck.”
Your eyes roll back, this time in pleasure, as your wrap your lips around the cool metal, swirling your tongue.
“Hey” His large hand slaps your cheek lightly. “Fucking look at me while I take what’s mine.”
Your eyes fly open and you're met with his intense ocean blue stare as he fucks you hard and deep, his balls slapping against your ass with every thrust of his hips. “Yeah, there’s my fucking girl.”
He pulls the gun from your mouth, pushing himself up on his knees, his thrusts never faltering. He smirks down at you before bringing the spit slick barrel to your clit, circling it in time with his cock pounding into you.
“Ohmyfuckinggod!” You cry out as you cum, your walls pulsing around him.
“Yeah that’s it, fuckin’ cum for me, that’s my girl. Say it, say you’re my girl.”
“I’m your girl, daddy, I’m your girl.” You babble and Rafe smirks, knowing he has you right where he wants you now that you’re back to calling him his rightful title.
“And I’m yours baby, got it? Always been yours. Always thought about you. Always felt shitty and just wanted to see you after I fucked around with anyone else.” He feels his high start to build, tossing the gun to the side before he leans down, covering your body with his. He laces his fingers with yours and captures your lips in a surprisingly tender kiss, that completely contradicted the way he was fucking you.
“Yeah, you’re fucking mine. I’ll kill any bitch that tries to touch you.” You practically growl, burying your face into his neck so you can suck on his skin, marking him as yours.
“That’s so fucking hot - shiiiit, baby girl, I’m gonna cum. Gonna fill my pretty little pussy up.” You bite down onto his shoulder as your long manicured nails scratch down his back, marking him up even further and it sends him over the edge. His hips still against yours as his cock twitches inside you, painting your walls with his cum. “Yeah, that’s a fuckin’ good girl, take my fuckin’ cum.”
Rafe rolls off of you, panting as he falls to his side. He pulls you into him and you lay your head on his chest, placing a soft kiss on his peck.
“Did you mean all of that?” You ask nervously, afraid to look at him.
“Babe, look at me.” He cradles your face in his hand urging you to look up at him. When your eyes meet his, he smiles softly. “You’re my girl, okay? And I’m yours. No more games. No more bitches. Just you and me, aight?”
“Yeah, alright. That sounds nice, daddy.” He leans down, kissing you passionately as he weaves his fingers through your hair.
“Plus, I’ll kill any guy that even breathes your air.”
“Yeah? Well I’ll kill any bitch that even thinks about you.” He chuckles, placing another gentle kiss on your lips. After this? He kinda believes you. But he doesn’t mind, because he would kill for you anyday.
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wonysugar · 10 months
fuck you stupid | ning yizhuo
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synopsis : you thought you’d seen it all with her, but no, she somehow managed to surprise you even further.
pairing : bimbo!ningning x fem!reader
genre : bffs to... fwb?? idk they just fuck,, so obviously smut too! xx
tags : yall got lost help, fingering, degradation, belittling, dumbification, car sex, she's so stupid but she fucks you good so it's okay, very slight cunnilingus, she slaps you like once so impact play!
warnings : none!
word count : 1.6k
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you, y/n l/n, weren’t exactly smart, but you also weren’t exactly stupid. like yeah, you weren’t a genius per se, but it’s not like you were brain dead either. average was the term you always used to describe your intelligence.
you unfortunately couldn’t say the same about ning yizhuo, your best friend. 
you loved her, like that’s your bitch, of course you love her! however, you’d be lying if you said that she was intellectually capable, because she just wasn’t. god, she was just so, so painfully stupid?? clumsy??? careless???? all of the above applied when it came to this woman. not even to be mean or anything of the sorts, just, yknow… natural selection at its finest.
she was aware of that, though, and even thrived in being the self proclaimed bimbo everyone knew and loved. (to which you wholeheartedly agree with, by the way) and honestly? you just couldn’t stop teasing her about it whenever you two hung out. things similar to “stupid hoe” and “dumbass” always escaping your mouth as you two laughed, probably moments after she bumped onto something on the sidewalk whilst spilling all the tea to you. 
in summary, she’s done stupid shit before, but nothing, nothing could ever top what she had done that day.
the day she got the both of you lost in some random parking lot at like, 2 am.
“ning, we’re fucking lost.” you told her, eyebrows furrowed in frustration as you watched her giggle nervously.
she grabbed her cellphone and hovered her finger over the power button, “oh come on y/n don’t be like that, i can just go on google maps and we’ll be out of here in no ti-“
a black screen.
she cleared her throat hesitantly, sighed, then pressed the button again.
she kept doing that, giving longer presses to the side of her phone in hopes of a miracle . your patience was running thin and you were quite frankly not far from panicking.
after the 27th-ish try, you finally snapped at her.
“fucking hell ning do you not charge your damn phone??” 
“sorry that i forgot to?” 
oh she had to be joking. 
“girl oh my god what the fuck?? we’ll stay stuck here for only god knows how long and it’s all gonna be because ‘ning yizhuo forgot to charge her phone beforehand’ for fuck’s sake.” you closed your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose in exasperation. trying to calm down, you ignored ning’s gaze.
her stupid annoying yapping wasn’t helping at all. like, at all.
“oh so we’re once again blaming me, got it. y/n you didn’t even bring your own phone, how do you have the audacity to put the blame on me.” she said back, her eyebrow raised up as she threw her phone down on her skirt, sighing exasperatedly. 
“because someone told me it was her turn to get the aux.”
“where in that sentence did i ever tell you not to bring your phone??”
“god, ning just- just stay quiet. okay? just- please shut up, i’m trying to think. we can’t rely on you for anything.” you told her, exasperated.
in response, she scoffed, “no?? no i won’t, actually. you’re always putting the blame on me and it’s seriously starting to piss me the fuck off. yeah i’m a bimbo, whatever, but does that mean that you have to talk to me like i only have two barely functioning brain cells??” 
“oh please, saying you have two functioning brain cells would be wayy too generous. you’re always doing the stupidest shit out of the two of us. i mean fuck, you literally drove us here, in the middle of nowhere. you’re not a bimbo, you’re just fucking dumb, ning.”
when you looked back at her, she seemed hurt. like, 
a wave of guilt quickly washed over you upon seeing her pained, pained expression. she looked into your eyes, frustration and sadness clearly showing into her own. yeah, she looked pissed. you wanted to apologize almost immediately, and you were going to, 
if she didn’t suddenly press her lips onto yours before you could even get a word out. 
how do best friends make up after a fight?
usually, they talk it out, they go out, hug it out then get milkshakes or whatever, hell, sometimes they just go a day or two without talking then eventually forget about it.
this? this was none of that.
since she planted a kiss on your lips, you, instead of doing anything stated above, were fucking.
like, yeahh you were still lost, but at least you were getting your pussy ravaged. the situation could be handled later; when you weren’t drenched.
throwing your head back as you moaned out ning’s name, you were straddling her in the backseat of her car, feeling her two fingers deep inside you and stretching you out. she looked up at you with lustfully hooded eyes as she kissed and left very visible marks all over your neck, all the way down to your collarbone, her free hand fondling your tits, lazily playing with the nipple. 
“f-fuck ning keep going i’m sososo close- fuckfuckfuck..” feeling yourself getting pushed closer to the edge by the friction you felt, you bucked your hips faster onto her digits. the knot tying in your stomach felt like it would’ve snapped any second now, that is,
until she stopped moving her fingers altogether.
frustrated, you whined loudly, “ninggg please let me cum pleaseplease-” 
“oh yeah? so now you wanna rely on me for something, and it’s to make you cum?” she laughed. “fucking slut. i’ll make you cum whenever i want to, got it, bitch?” she added, pressing her thumb on your swollen throbbing clit, smirking condescendingly and watching how pretty you looked when pleasure contorted your face.
you unintentionally clenched at her words, nodding shamefully. it was embarrassing enough having your best friend knuckles deep inside of you, having her call you names and whatnot, but the real embarrassing part? 
enjoying it thoroughly.
she knew this, she knew she had you wrapped around her finger at that moment and oh was it such a power trip for her. seeing you be so needy for her touch, you almost started riding her fingers yourself, too. she was always the one being treated like a dumb bitch, it was nice being on the other side of things, for a change. 
she kept twisting and pulling on your nipple with her free hand as she slowly started to slide her fingers up and down your walls again, giggling and paying close attention to how your body shook and twitched at each and every one of her slow movements. what a sight to see. 
“you like being fucked stupid hm?”
and that’s what she did,
what felt likes hours,
you were sloppily bouncing and grinding on her fingers, speed ranging from a painful slowness to an overwhelming rapidity. 
you gripped her arms tightly, as if you would fall into some sort of void if you didn’t hold onto her for dear life. resting your head on her shoulder, you whined, losing yourself onto her. her fingers were still pumping in and out of you at that moment, faster than they were before, by the way, so it took you all of your body strength to not just cum right then and there, but you managed to hold back. for her, you held back and took all of it. every minute passing, every single motion feeling like it was threatening to make you go insane. 
“ning pleaseplease let me cum i wanna cum so badly fuck- pleasepleasepleasepleaseee-” you begged, looking down at her with pleading teary eyes.
“fuck, look at you. calling me a dumb bitch all the time, yet here you are, acting oh so stupid for my fingers. such a brainless needy little whore for me, hm? does my idiotic, pretty girl wanna cum?” 
you nodded eagerly as you whined, tears actively running down both of your cheeks, so desperate for release that you quite honestly didn’t care for how ridiculous you looked to her at that moment. you just wanted to cum, so, so, so badly, and you were ready to give up your dignity for it.
the sound of her hand slapping your cheek resonated in the car.
“say it. you know damn well i don’t accept pathetic sounds for an answer.”
“fuck— your idiotic pretty girl wants to cum pleaseee let her–”
she hummed, smirking at your response. incredibly amused by your behavior, she took her fingers out of you, picked you up by placing her hands on your thighs, then gently put you on the empty seat that was next to the one she occupied. upon seeing you sat comfortably, she proceeded to kneel down on the empty space between the front seats and the backseats. y’know,
the ones a grown woman couldn’t possibly fit in?
it’s okay though, like, yeah she would most definitely complain about back pain later, but right now?
she needed to feel you cum all over her tongue.
and that’s exactly what she worked towards, her tongue driven by the scent of your arousal to roam all over your folds and clit, kissing and sucking on every inch of your core as she attentively listened to all the sweet noises that came out of you. it really did not take long before your moans reached octaves you didn’t even know you could achieve before, an overwhelming wave of relief hitting you like a truck. you were 100% sure you would pass out afterwards.
at the end of the day, yeah, you both were still stranded in the middle of some unknown parking lot, but at least, the stress of it all evaporated in the air.
while you were trying to catch your breath, you made a mental note;
never underestimate ning’s intelligence when she was in a bad mood! or, do. depending on if you wanna get fucked stupid that day or not.
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echobx · 6 months
no bc now you got me thinking about having sex with rafe for the first time 👀
best praise you could ever give me for my very horny thoughts.... <3
Rafe x virgin!reader
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◆ when you first start dating you're so outspoken and basically acting like the biggest hoe, which makes Rafe just want to drag your bratty ass away and fuck the attitude out of you
◆ but then you start dating and suddenly you're rather shy when it comes to the more adult side of your relationship
◆ one night you're both on his couch watching some movie that Rafe really doesn't Pay any attention to bc he's focused on sucking hickeys onto your neck and cleavage
◆ he starts playing with your tits and the more he does, the less room there is in his pants
◆ you can't even control the sounds that come out of you. soft mewls and choked moans, because you are scared that his dad or sisters might walk in on the two of you
◆ "wanna make you feel so good, baby" he groans into your ear and if you hadn't been soaked yet, you'd definitely be it now
◆ he knows you're a virgin, he's known for a while and it's made his mind go haywire
◆ but waiting for this long (because he doesn't want to pressure you) has made his balls go blue and he can't wait any longer. he needs to finally have her
◆ and it doesn't take much convincing either until you are sprawled out on his bed
◆ what you didn't expect was him eating you out as if his life depended on it. not only was it his way of saying thank you for what was to happen later, but it was also him making sure that you'd be extra wet for him
◆ and when he starts pushing inside you it takes quite some time for you to be able to take all of him, because he's just too huge
◆ and then he bottoms out and you both groan so loud, completely forgetting that you wanted to stay as quiet as you could to not wake up the whole house
◆ "you're so tight and warm and soft. never wanna leave this pussy ever again"
◆ but his first very soft and loving words, quickly turn into the most vile dirty talk you could imagine
◆ "won't be able to walk for days once I'm done with you" "if you keep crying I'll fuck you from behind" "taking my cock like a born slut"
◆ but you can't help it, because it's just too much and you're completely overstimulated, having cum at least three times before he pulls out and cums on your tits
◆ "look at these perfect tits. might just cum on them again"
◆ and if you hadn't been so completely exhausted you would've dared him to
◆ but he knows you're a little worn out, literally, so he carries you into the bathroom and gives you a bath
◆ and that's how you found yourself completely fucked out, mind a haze and body without proper mobility still, in a hot bath while he cleaned the bed
◆ and once you're back in bed, he holds onto you and tells you how much he loves you
◆ but in his mind he's already counting the days until you feel well enough for him to rail you again. and he hopes that your recovery time will decrease faster the more he'll fuck you in the future
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
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teamatsumu · 11 months
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kinktober 2023 -> day 30
overstimulation - sugawara koushi x reader
word count: 662
warnings: smut, swearing, nsfw, dom!suga
kinktober masterlist
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Sugawara Koushi could be cruel.
Your friends would be appalled by this statement. So would anyone who had met him even once. Koushi? Cruel? What a ridiculous thing to say. Koushi was kind and nurturing. He was a great mentor, and helpful senpai, a loyal friend. He didn’t have a single cruel bone in his body.
Oh, the misconceptions people have.
“Come on, baby.” He cooed, voice like honey in your ear, sounding as soothing as he always did. But it didn’t settle you at all. It couldn’t. Not with how tightly wound up you were. Not when your muscles were fatigued and stretched taut, every limb constricting and twisting until it almost hurt. You let out a broken sob, shaking your head with any ounce of strength you still had in you.
“Can’t.” You heaved out. “Can’t, Koushi. Can’t, can’t, can’t, can’t.”
“Yes, you can.” He encouraged, breath hitting the shell of your ear. “Which one will this be? Fifth? Sixth? Come on, sweetie. You’ve done more before. Don’t disappoint me.”
And you weeped, because it was true, you didn’t want to disappoint him. Despite the tingles that ran over your swollen, angry cunt, and despite how it burned when Koushi’s cock slid over your walls, you wanted to cum for him. You wanted to see the way his pupils dilated and how his pink tongue slid over his bottom lip when he watched you fall apart on him. While he loved watching you cum, you loved how he looked at you while you came.
You felt numb from the waist down, like the very soul had been sapped out of you. Koushi moved in deep, languid strokes that ended with him digging into the spongy little spot inside you. Stars burst in your vision with every brush of his cock on it, and despite how far you had been pushed, little tendrils of pleasure still zipped up your stomach at the feeling. Koushi’s fingers, skilled and meticulous, ran over your clit in ghostly touches, and even that little brush of them had you jerking and twitching. You felt empty, spent, and your boyfriend still showed no signs of stopping. He had been saying ‘one more’ for the last two hours, and here you were, cumming on him over and over until you were dizzy and blood was roaring in your ears.
You gasped when Koushi sped up, dread running through you. Speeding up meant he was ready to see you cum again, but you were sure you couldn’t give him more. You couldn’t. You felt like there was nothing left to give.
“Koushi. Please.” You didn’t know what you were begging him for. To stop, and finally let your body rest? Or to keep going, unable to yet give up on the buzzing happening under your skin?
He hummed to let you know he had heard, giving you a soft smile entirely contradictory to his cruel behavior. His hair fell to the side, windswept and effortlessly gorgeous. His eyes were warm brown as always, staring at you kindly like he wasn’t buried balls deep in you. His thumb and forefinger pinched your clit, making you yelp, before he immediately started rubbing on it hard.
“Fuck-” There was no stopping it, your breath completely ceasing in your lungs as your back arched impossibly high, another mind-numbing orgasm shaking through your very bones. Your teary eyes never left Koushi’s warm ones, watching as he bit his lower lip, gaze running hungrily over your sweaty, trembling body.
You gasped and nearly choked your way through it, going limp and hugging Koushi’s waist with your weak legs. He placed a soft kiss on your temple, running a hand up your side to ground you, whispering sweet praises into your skin and stilling inside you to give you a little reprieve. His lips brushed your ear, laying a tiny kiss behind it before speaking the two words you had been dreading the most.
“One more.”
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@bxbyyyjocelyn @thisbicc @lazuliquartz @dreamayy @kuroosluthoe @true-form-hoe @akumakitsune21 @cham0mil3-and-h0n3y @samisfunky @universal-s1ut @msbyomimi @dohwaesu @leothesquishy @n0tmykays @tsukiran @reyofsunshinelol @bleach-your-panties @galaneiaeris @leyra-giovanni @erenspersonalwh0re @peachesncats @soapsoftheworld @iwannabecamiloshovel @vintagevict0ria @smithieandy @moonlit-mizukage @snazzyturtles @argwein
A/N: For those whose tags arent working, im sorry! I tried and for some reason, your names wont show up in the mentions :( another way of being notified is to turn on my blog notifs for @teamatsumufics . I only reblog my fics there so it serves almost like being in a taglist!
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f4irycafe · 3 months
long time no see freak hoes 😏
rn im thinking about eren and black reader who are this tik tok i saw. if ur friend has a man (cough like sasha and niko) he’ll be friendly but he’s really only here for you and the drinks. because when yall get home 😼 he knows that after a tense car ride in the uber and walk up to his apartment that his mouth will be on yours immediately, kissing you just as you were about to speak. the words obviously caught in your throat as you kiss him back. he learns forward for more, you watch his lips chase yours as you pull your head back and open your eyes.
“not yet” you say with a giggle, skipping backwards further into his apartment towards his bedroom as he stalks towards you.
“c’mere,” eren grunts out as he shoots out an arm to attempt to grab you. he fails, instead watching as you scamper into the bedroom. he slowly follows after you, taking his time to close the door.
if you wanted to be tease, he’d gladly go the extra mile just to show you how petty he was willing to be for this little delay.
it was your turn to be needy, your french tip manicured nails reaching for the back of his neck before being stopped by his much larger hands.
“not yet,” he said, repeating your earlier statement you. fawkkkkkkkkk. yeah im done, you thought as you watched him take his time traveling down your body, pulling away whenever your breathe hitched at his touch.
by the time he was finished with his little show, he was kneeling infront of the bed, your legs hoisted and locked around his shoulders, his long arms holding your hips against his face.
“look at me.” he whispered against you, the cold air causing your pussy to clench. eren laughed. you hid your face in the pillow, but your man was having none of it. he gently smacked your thigh, repeating his words until you finally looked at him.
he spent ten minutes down there just going the fuck at it. like that’s the only way i can describe it yall he ate 🙌🏾 by the time he was finished his nose down was covered in your juices. the way he slurped up the last of what he could before wiping your cum from his face with the back of your hand was enough to make you squirt a little just from the sight. he smiled and quickly rubbed your pussy, watching as you squeezed and squirted for him simple by looking at him.
“such a good fucking girl. cums just by looking at me hmm?” he says just as much.
“y-you’re so fucking hot” you say as you grab at his hands. his moves you up the bed before swiftly taking off his pants and climbing on top of you. the reason he stays down there so long, aside from his own pleasure, is so that he can do this.
he’s already hard you see as you watch him wet his dick on your soaking pussy before slowly sliding in in one stroke. you both moan and it feels so good as you hold eachother close, moaning in his ear as he slowly rocks into you.
his hands move from the back of your neck and shoulders to the top of your head and you know what’s about to happen, and all you can do is brace yourself. you dig your face into the crevice where his neck meets his shoulder, his soft brown hair covering your face as he begins to literally fuck you into the bed.
at the same time y’all are drunk and he’s made u cum thrice already so baby finished quick and then yall go to bed ok BYE !
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elle’s thoughts: is this a loose retelling of how my one ex fwb used to fuck me .. no 🫠🤥. he was 6’5 … im much much smaller than that. also i just started writing and ofc because im a whore if turned into smut 😭 feel free to blow up my requests w lil asks for blurbs and what not, it’s summer and when im not working im bored 🥱 ⭐️ LOVE U ALL HUGS A DN KISSES MWAH 😘 also not proofread we die like men
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prettygiri222 · 1 year
Handle Me, Who Gon Handle Me?
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Summary: you wanted to be fuck nigga free but Ony had different plans...
Ony x Black Fem Reader SMUT
“girl go talk to him.” your girlfriend said as she nudged your shoulder. you don’t even need to turn around to know who she’s talking about. the second you entered the party, a harsh gaze was glued to you, undressing you. it didn’t help that you barely had any clothes on but you were starting to shiver.
“i’m good, i don’t want to deal with any niggas tonight,” you said as you made up your face. no matter how fine the 6’4 darkskin with the taper fade, gold chain that matched his grills, and the pearly white tee and sweatpants combo where his dick pri- no! tonight was a nigga free night.
“let’s get some drinks. i’m tryna get fucked up!” you tried to switch the subject. you had just gotten out of a 4 year relationship after you found out your highschool sweetheart had been cheating on you. so you just wanted to go out and have some fun with ur bestie. something you haven't done in a while.
after a couple of drink you and your gf finally hit the floor. “shake that ass hoe!” she screamed out as you bent over. Sexxy Red was blaring on the speakers so you know you had to act out. 
your ex would’ve been throwing a fit if he saw you right now. he always preached about how women should be respectable and how you were one of the only “good ones.” you should’ve noticed the red flags before you caught him dicking down the girl he promised was like a sister to him.
your ass was gonna be all over snap in the morning with the way you were throwing it. girls and guys behind you were tryna catch it before a stubborn grip found it’s way behind you.
“damn ma” a deep voice said behind you. you looked up at your friend and she was giving you the thumbs up, that told you all you need to know before ur hands hit the floor.
“YES BITCH!” the music was loud but ur friend was louder and one thing she was gonna do was hype you up.
“damn, hold on ma” the tight grip on ur hips seized. you took it as your chance to get up and turn around. turns out you’ve been dancing on the fine darkskin from before.
“what? can’t handle this?” you sassed. you wouldn’t have had the nerve to say this sober much less act out like this, but liquor was your liquid courage. 
you didn’t miss the chance to check him out, eyeing him up and down before reaching to his eyes. they were red asf, and if that wasn’t your sign, he was high it was the way the smell of weed mixed with his cologne, creating a delicious scent that made you weak in the knees.
he checked you out with no concern in the world, eye fucking you in the middle of the party. “nah, i’m tryna get us out of here.” he spoke in that husky voice of his.
“i'm good” you said with fake nonchalance, his lowered gaze made you feel as if he could see right through you. “you wouldn’t be able to hand me anyways.” you quickly added looking away.
“w-wait!” you choked out. you reached backwards hopping it’ll slow him but he just slapped your hand away.
“don’t run away. you said i couldn’t handle you right?” after your sly little comment the man you learned as Onyankopon wasted no time having you spread out in the back of his blacked out hellcat.
“was lying.” it was like he wasn’t even listening to you. the second you got to the car, he had you ass up face down. you didn’t even have time to take off ur skirt he just pushed it up past your ass and pulled your thong to side. your tits falling out of your shirt cause you went braless.
“mhm.” he groans out deeply. he was drilling your shit hard, you don’t even remember how many times you came but he didn’t show signs of slowing.
“m sorry” you were crying at this point. he was wayyy bigger than ur ex, you've never been stretched you out like this. “Ony?” you whimpered as his thrusts begun to slow down before he removed it completely. he flipped you over on your back inserting himself back in one thrust.
“look at me when i’m fucking you ma’ or imma stop foreal.” he grabbed your jaw with one hand forcing you to look at him. your jaw was slacked as breathless moans left your mouth, your eyes were too hazed out to focus on him.
“look at me ma” he said softly as he lightly slapped your cheeks. you felt your orgasm building up more intensely than the last. you looked up at him, and the sight was enough to almost make you come again. Ony was above you shirtless, his chain dangling inches above your face, his sweat made him glisten in the dimlight.
“Onyyy s-slow down” you were pushing his stomach trying to squirm away from the onslaught of thrusts. he gripped your wrists and held them above your head with one hand and the other forced ur leg up beside your head.
“fuck that running shit ma’, you’re going to take. this. dick.” Ony was hammering into you at this point, you couldn’t even breath. your vision was going black as your orgasm approached.
“I know ma’ give me a sec” Ony was chasing his release and felt himself come undone as you squeezed him, hard. “f-fuck ma’ come with me, please.” he begged.
he didn’t have to tell you twice, you both came together, bodies shaking as you reached climaxed. he rested his forehead on yours as you both came down from your high.
“think I did more than handle you ma” he said as he looked down, noticing the soaking mess you made on his red seats. “think you gon have to pay for it.” he said, smirking down at you.
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