piosplayhouse · 1 year
I know it's wrong, for someone like me to want someone as good as you. But for these few moments, please at least let me dream.
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thewhizzyhead · 8 months
So like one common theme when discussing bullying is the tendency for bullies to project their insecurities on their victims right? like them taking their own shit out on the people they bully?
so i know that may not be exaaaactly the case with Max Jagerman in Nerdy Prudes Must Die like the dude even in the afterlife just really fuckin likes terrorising the shit out of people due to his god complex BUUUUT what I found very interesting was when in the Nerdy Prudes Must Die sequence, he was telling Richie to repeat after him: "Who will pray for me when my body's gone or until another Richie comes along?" And mind you, this song comes directly after another musical sequence about all the teens in that high school being so fucking happy that Max was gone. And like, well yea you can't blame the kids for being happy that Top Terrorizer #1 is gone and that they don't have to abide by his social strata anymore - but then again, having nobody pray or give a fuck about Max after him being mysteriously missing for 2 weeks is,,kinda fucked up for Max no matter the kind of person he is. So, to see someone he victimised get the attention and appreciation I would assume Max would've wanted from his team especially after being missing for so long - it really does seem to me that he was projecting onto Richie when he was about to kill him and making him feel how little he will matter to other people when he dies - like what he could've felt after literally everyone considered the high school "objectively better" now that Max was gone.
Which makes things a whole lot more interesting when Max snaps out of his WHO WILL PRAY FOR YOU solo when Richie belts out I'M NOT A LOSER - henceforth defying the idea of worthlessness Max was projecting onto Richie. So damn.
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dreamdancerdotfile · 7 months
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The Mad Stone is singing
Can you say the same?
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mindsmade · 4 months
── people i'd like to get to know better!
alias / name: luca
birthday:  april 19th
zodiac sign: aries???
height: 169 cm
hobbies: gaming's hands down on the #1 spot, but given my utter lacking of a gaming pc for the foreseeable future, ik i'm gonna fall back hard on rping, reading and dnd ✨
favorite color: nothing in particular tbh – i am generally drawn to muted colours and nothing too flashy
favorite book: always the lotr trilogy. those books just have such a special place in my heart
last song: coração - diogo piçarra
last film / show: netflix's adaptation of atla if we're talking most recent new shows / films; otherwise schitt's creek ( it's one of my comfort shows jsidfjs )
recent reads: literally nothing bc i have not had the damned time and energy 😩
inspiration: most often plot holes or smth of the sort in existing media, and things that pop up in dreams or daydreams
story behind url: the 'minds' in it refers to the characters and their personalities, minds, etc. on this account; 'made' to the fact that these characters were made by actual humans – simply put
fun fact about me: i once spent 2 - 3 months for free in a student house in toronto while staying with my then gf. everyone entering the building had to just sorta flash their student card at the guy standing by the door as they passed. so she gave me an old student card of hers and only on the exact last day did we get caught cheating the system – and we managed to bullshit our way out of it by saying i'd only been there for a week and we didn't know about the guest pass rules and limits ( smth like 'guests need a guest pass and can only stay for 3 days at most' or smth ). LMAOOO
tagged by: @enypneon ( thank you sm!! 🫶🏼 ) tagging: @afraidofchange ( i HAD to tag you the 'fun fact' thing literally spans the time in which we met up ) / @sherez / @vulpesse / @venustrape / i feel like i'm late to this party so i'm tagging literally anyone who hasn't done it yet but wants to!!!
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coffeeworldsasaki · 3 months
Oh I should do a minotaur plushie
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rucow · 20 days
the "Ah Yes. Me. My Girlfriend. And Her 500 Dollar Four Foot Tall Mareep" meme, but its my future partner, me, and my corey taylor fangirlism
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feathereddelight · 1 month
HIII!!! HAII!! HELLLO!!!! (^v^)/
I'm Arthur!! I also go by Arianna on fem days! My nicknames are Art, Ari, and G at times (Due to like. Being a Grian/Arianna Griande mixtive)! I'm a social alter!!! Hii!!
I'll be posting stuff like Source, Violence/Gore, Suggestive/NSFT things! Aesthetics! Fanarts! Shiny things! Stims! All the stuff I like basically! If I post anything it's probably going to be like liveblogs or about my partners!! (Polyamory♡)
Dms and asks are always open and I love making new friends! Especially other systems!!
My interests!! Enstars, Theatre, Singing/Popstars, Drag, Makeup, Fashion, Windowshopping, Aesthetics, Moodboards, Source, Weapons, Alice in Wonderland, Minecraft and Source!! True crime and makeup is one of my favs!
Please don't interact if you are a minor! ♡
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knoxham · 6 months
When I was about thirteen I made a summer bucket list of things I wanted to do with friends. it was full of things like make smores, take a day trip to the lake, have a picnic with those fancy cucumber sandwiches that probably aren’t even all that good anyway. I suppose it didn’t really matter what was on the list, I just wanted to be able to look back and remember how much fun we had. how warm and bright and happy I felt
The only thing was, I didn’t really have any friends. sure I had people I would talk to at school and others I would sit with at lunch, but I didn’t have anyone I could eat smores with while we avoided the smoke of the campfire. I didn’t accomplish a whole lot on my list, though I did get a few
That same summer I visited my grandma for a couple weeks, something I did a lot when school was out. I showed her my bucket list. she said to me we could make neon bubbles and and paint a big chalk mural outside. I told her it wouldn’t count because it wouldn’t be with my friends, and that just defeats the purpose doesn’t it?
Now whenever I look back to that summer with my bucket list, I don’t think about the fun I had and how bright I felt. I remember how awfully lonely I felt and I think about the disappointed expression on my grandma’s face when I refused to paint a mural with her. funny how things like that work out
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kitkatcadillac · 4 months
did you know theres so much great food (bread) out there in the world. a whole world and there is so much bread
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lyriumsings · 7 months
imma fill out this oc ship meme i found bc it asks some really good questions that i should know the answers to lmaoo
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hope you feel better, eclair <3
Tsunagu is drunk. He’s not drunk drunk, beer’s a little bit too light for that. He’d call himself tipsy at best. Everything feels warm, and fuzzy, and his body is loose and relaxed. He hasn’t felt like this for years, with… everything going on. He’s sitting up high, in the crow’s nest, sipping on beer, enjoying the wind and how the moon lights the clouds up, staining them silver. Tsunagu sighs, leaning backwards, back against body-warmed wood and legs crossed. 
He props his head on a hand and looks at the stars. Up there was the six-headed serpent of the seas, Nilau- they were a ferocious beast, the wrath of the ocean incarnate. Storms, lighting, and tragedy followed in their bath. Nilau’s longest head, curved fangs of stars dripping nebulae, pointed towards their rival. Ichimi.
Ichimi’s myth was slightly older than Nilau’s, if only because the latter was linked to the ocean, but Ichimi was linked to the winds. She is the fortune-favoured, the remmanents of a long-dead ship, blessed and cursed by the world as a whole. Ichimi had once had a captain, crew, and they sailed her all around the world. 
Then Nilau stuck. Death. Tragedy. Two new fated rivals, each with a burning hatred for one another- and in the sky, the center of their constellations pointed in two different directions, fundamental opposites. Ichimi’s was true north, the homecoming star, and with her story that was a tragedy in motion. What was a ship without her crew? Where was the crew without their ship? 
Nilau was the ever-shifting star, forever moving across the sky. The star crowning their belly was erratic, dimming one night then flaring up the other. It was said that whenever their star flared, a storm happened. 
It had been bright, brighter than Ichimi’s star, the past week or two. The curse was affecting the ocean. 
Tsunagu takes another sip of the beer. If the star did predict storms, and it might, then the entire ocean was fucked. He supposed that it was, but, well, the sky didn’t need to call all of them out for this. 
He stands up. The beer is finished, and if he gets any more drunk, Tsunagu might legitimately need to stay up here for a few hours. The ropes of the ship are as sturdy as ever, and his hands are steady as he attaches himself to the zipline someone had rigged up. Tsunagu checks the knots, pulls once, and jumps. 
Wind rushes through his hair, and Tsunagu can’t help but let out a ringing, resounding, laugh. His momentum carries him until the end, which is when the rope stops, and oh shit he’s forgotten how to- 
Water catches him. 
“Really, Tsunagu?” It places him gently onto the deck of the ship, untying knots. 
“Look me in the eyes and tell me you haven’t done the same.” Tsunagu puts the rope down. “...Thanks.” 
“Mhm,” Shinya says, nursing a bottle of- 
“Is that- wind-wine?” Holy shit, a bottle was worth double its weight in gold. What the fuck, Shinya. Then again. This was the Cursed Captain. Tsunagu really should stop being surprised at the levels of 'how the fuck' he generates. 
“Yep.” Shinya takes another sip. He’s sitting on top of a wooden crate, legs dangling and with two more bottles at his side. He tips the mouth of the bottle towards Tsunagu. “Want some?” 
Oh, they’re both so fucking drunk. Tsunagu giggles at the sight of Shinya trying to put his hat down… or it could be the other way around. He’s not sure. “No, wait, captain- cappy-tan?” Tsunagu pauses, enthralled by this line of thought. “Capya?” He wonders out loud? 
“What?” Shinya squints at him. Over the course of the thirty minutes they’ve been drinking, he has downed more cups than Tsunagu. To be honest, if Shinya could walk in a straight line, he’d be very impressed. Wind-wine was strong. Very strong. “Who?” 
“You, silly.” Tsunagu tries to poke him in the side, fails, and almost falls of the crate, and wow was that not fun. “Ow…” His face falls. 
“Clumsy,” Shinya says. “But also cute. You’re kinda like a, like-“ He waves his hand though the air, searching for words. Then he turns and claps his hands down on either side of Tsunagu, straddling him in the process. “Deer. That’s the thing. A little clumsy baby deer.” 
Tsunagu cocks his head. “W-huh?” His voice goes high-pitched at the end there, but how was he supposed to respond to that?” Shinya hums. 
“Mhm. An infuriating little shit. But a very cute one… you’re warm.” He slumps closer to Tsunagu. 
“You know what?” Tsunagu reaches for the bottle. “I think we both need more alcohol.” 
“Yep,” Shinya sleepily says. “It’s good. Makes everything a little less sharp…”
“You are making- making my exis- exists- life so weird! It’s hard!” Shinya flings his arms up, pacing on the deck, back and forth. “I keep looking at you and it’s like, oh hey Tsunagu’s looking good today. And no! You do not look good! You are maddening!” 
Tsunagu pouts. “You’re not even alive alive, why are you complaining? If anything, you’re the one haunt- ghosting? Ghosting me! Don’t blame me, blame yourself and Midnight! She choked me out! I was literally kidnapped!” 
“Oh, and who was the one that got cursed again?” Shinya whirls around and stabs a finger in his direction. 
“You, from the last time I checked-“ Shinya pulls at the ocean to tug him down. “W- I- hey!” He straddles Tsunagu, sitting on his stomach. 
“You,” Shinya snaps out, jabbing a finger to his face. Tsunagu can’t help but notice the way the moonlight reflects off of him, turning pretty in to perfect. Shinya looks like he’s carved from marble, and the only thing stopping him from being a statue- cold, unfeeling, uncaring of all troubles, is the scowl on his face. Tsunagu wants to touch it. Make him mad. “And your stupid, pretty, fucking- fucking green eyes! I want to strangle you.” 
The first thought that comes to Tsunagu’s mind is Shinya’s hot when he’s mad and how the fuck and huh??. But this is what he says “Like you’re tall enough to reach, captain.” A grin slides onto his face, taunting, mocking, menacing.
Shinya makes a noise humans usually wouldn’t be able to. A mix between a snarl and a growl, and he bares his teeth. “You’ve sunk low enough for me to reach, rich boy," He snaps out. "I could just-"
Their faces are so close together. If a strong wind blew they would be kissing. Tsunagu can smell the sugar put into the wind-wine from here. "Could just what?"
Shinya responds by throwing water into his face.
the BANTER... i love writing these two, wish i could expand more on this scene, but alas. real life (derogatory) they have a water fight and another almost-confession and they check each other out with wet clothes (jeanist wears white, right) and then they get semi-sick in the morning, cant remember almost all of it, and then they Regret™
-story anon
Thank you- this definitely made me feel 100 times better!!!
They love each other but don’t tell them that- they “hate” one another-
The MYTHS <3333
God I love them sm-
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clydesdonovan · 1 year
Also wait can we talk about how much Cartman cares about Stan???? How many times does he prioritize Stan
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kalijhomentethi · 1 year
ok i’m passing out yall FJSKS have a great day ahead everyone <3
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wolfhookthorn · 2 years
I made this for the "klee's escape plan" event but tumblr gets it too
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coffeeworldsasaki · 7 months
I'm at 72 hours at baldur's gate 3 and I've just reached the city (literally, I closed the game after seeing the city from the bridge after escaping from prison) and the incredible thing is that I haven't been bored for a second when playing. It always happens in huge games to get maybe a boring npc or an insufferable quest or a terrible area that makes you dread replaying the game but not with bg3? I actually look forward to replaying everything!
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bitbrumal · 2 years
OOC  since i could not sleep last night, i’m hitting the hay early. there’s still smth in the queue but i think it’ll post tomorrow. see ya.
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