#FMAB winry
rizatouchesthewalls · 2 months
enemies: who are you? what are you? a homunculous?
edward e. rockbell: worse… A HOUSEHUSBAND!!!
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vicsshithole · 7 months
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Ed and Winry think they’re so slick but everyone just acts like they don’t notice in front of them. Coincidentally, this is the same thing that happened to Roy and Riza when they started dating.
Roy and riza are parents (involuntarily), and they act as such. No one can convince me otherwise
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starpixiie · 8 months
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Started watching my favorite show again <3
Edit: It did not occur to me for two whole hours that I posted this on Oct 3. Some fma fan I am lol
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Happy promise day :')
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graphx · 3 months
love their parallels
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(disclaimer I have only watched FMAB and someone more knowledgeable has probably already said this better) both well-written characters that devote themselves to the thing they once hated/were hurt by the most
Winry devotes herself to helping ed and al who were part of the military that was somewhat responsible for taking away her parents (and how she hates soldiers when she first meets riza)
Riza helping an alchemist and deeming him the only one deserving of her loyalty despite her father using her own body for the secrets of his research and still trusting roy enough to give him that research and destroy it so no one else can use it
god i wish they interacted more
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mksbigg3stfan · 2 months
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Taylor Swift posting these photos the day before her tour starts:
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My gay ass:
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It's literally such a Winry outfit though, like look at this
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criminallyunconscious · 3 months
I think about t4t Edwin literally every single day and what am i supposed to do about it????
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pseudomorphing · 1 year
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demonicdeviation · 1 year
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Summer Vibes🌺
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I had a feeling that Ed would totally dedicate the song "MIA" by Bad Bunny to Winry because they are perfect for eachothers!!!!The ones who watched FMAB will totally agree with me🥰🥰💛💛🌌💫🦾💕🦋🤌🏻🙈🥺🥺😍😍
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rizatouchesthewalls · 3 months
This MIGHT be Winry Rockbell?!
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fairy-writes · 2 years
Hello! I want to request something for the 600 followers thingy. The characters I would like to be matched with are Yuji Itadori, Noé Archiviste, and Winry Rockbell.
I have shoulder-length black hair with bluish highlights, but I wanna get it cut shorter. I’m 5 foot 1, and I have brown eyes. I enjoy wearing casual stuff (esp. anime t-shirts)
I really like science, especially astronomy and biology. I also like stories in all kinds of formats. My dream career is to be an author of some sort, whether it’s a graphic novelist, scriptwriter, or just traditional author. I would like to publish a fantasy story. I enjoy drawing also, but I don’t really have the motivation to finish a lot of drawings.
I dislike responsibilities and homework. I also don’t particularly like the taste of mayonnaise and the smell of mulch. I really dislike people who lie or don’t keep their promises. I also don’t really like drama-filled romance stories.
I think I’m a pretty forgetful person. I sometimes have trouble letting go of the past, and I enjoy acting childish. I don’t like serious discussions, and I prefer to keep things lighthearted. I enjoy rambling on about stuff, but I always try to pay attention to other people to make sure they’re happy as well.
My favorite color is either bluish-purple or teal. My favorite food is sushi. My favorite sport is skiing. My favorite time of day is the afternoon/midnight, and my favorite genre is action/adventure.
I’m kinda in between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, I use all pronouns, and I’m demiromantic and ace. I do not want kids, and my favorite emoji is the sparkle emoji.
I hope I got everything. Thanks!
Hello lovely! I hope you like your request!  
Itadori Yuji Request: 
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Compatibility: 94%!!
How Did You Meet?: Itadori saves you from a cursed spirit! So you enroll in Jujutsu High after that and become fast friends that become something more after a few years of mutual pining and second-hand embarrassment. 
How the Relationship Will Work From Day to Day: In the early stages of your relationship (which starts in your third year of Jujutsu), Itadori is the first one to come to wake you up and greet you in the morning with kisses! Then the two of you attend classes, go on missions—sometimes together, sometimes not—and meet again in the evening. He walks you to your dorm every night and gives you a goodnight kiss :)
Marriage?: Hell yeah! Everyone from Jujutsu attends (Gojo promises to be on his best behavior) :)
Kids?: Itadori respects your decision not to want kids, but the two of you get some pets together!
What Does the Future Hold?: You two are happily married with no thoughts of divorce long into your golden years and long after Sukuna is no longer a threat! You live happily on a large plot of land with a house the two of you built yourselves with your animals!
Noé Archiviste Request: 
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Compatibility: 91%!
How Did You Meet?: Noé saved you from some vampires who had lost their true names. While Vanitas dealt with them, Noé ensured you were alright before joining the fight. 
How the Relationship Will Work From Day to Day: You travel with Noé, Murr, and Vanitas! Vanitas always groans when you two share affection, but in reality, he’s just happy his friend is happy. Noé keeps you out of the fights unless you can hold your own, but really, you help with deciding where to go next on your adventures. Noé supports your dream of becoming an author wholeheartedly! He can’t give much advice, but he loves to read your writing!
Marriage?: Absolutely! Vanitas begrudgingly attends as best man but is happy for you two nonetheless. 
Kids?: You have his cat Murr. Does that count?
What Does the Future Hold?: You two stay together until you both pass away in your sleep, holding hands in your old age.
Winry Rockbell Request: 
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Compatibility: 83%
How Did You Meet?: You were a client that she fitted for automail. After your recovery (which took a couple of years, so you two became close friends), you kept coming around her shop, and the two of you ended up dating.
How the Relationship Will Work From Day to Day: You actually picked up on a lot while getting your automail, so Winry lets you help out around her shop! The only thing she doesn’t let you do is the actual operation of attaching the automail to the stump. But she does let you do just about everything else. She tries to pay you for your time but whether or not you accept the money is up to you. 
Marriage?: Yes!
Kids?: You two have puppies from Den, who has a couple of litters, but no kids.
What Does the Future Hold?: You two run your own automail shop until you both decide to happily retire and live together for the rest of your lives :)
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marycrispies · 5 months
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It's a date! 🍔✨
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wickedcriminal · 8 months
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hyolks · 4 months
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apple pie is absolutely his favorite food ever
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