steveyockey · 3 years
*sees a take* oh wow that is objectively bad
*sees my mutual agrees with that take* actually it’s uhhh it’s a complex issue. there’s room for— there’s nuance
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ybcpatrick · 2 years
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ghostlyheart · 2 years
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I know Blackbonnet is getting the spotlight right now but can we take a second to appreciate Olu and Jim :')
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foulserpent · 2 years
cant stand ppl going ‘eww you use youtube to mp3 the audio quality is so bad’ like ok maybe youve grown accustomed to listening to music in your 10000$ noise cancelling headphones while being draped in fine silks and drinking 200 year old aged white wine while your scantly clad manservants feed you grapes, so maybe it matters to YOU. i have 3 pairs of 5$ gas station earbuds and all of them only work in one ear . Ok?
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house-of-mirrors · 2 years
I started reading Dracula last week and this whole time I've been making fun of Jonathan for not heeding the obvious warnings of the townspeople but I had the moment of realization of like. If a large group of Christians told me not to go somewhere and couldn't give a definite reason except something vague about going to hell I would assume Dracula's castle was a gay club
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sibelin · 2 years
to music mutuals and record collectors, i'm wondering what's the number one album/vinyl/record you really want but don't have the mean to have rn (either too expensive or too rare etc) ??
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forgetful-river · 2 years
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if I have to go to art school so does Nepeta
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floppydisk7000 · 2 years
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ichiruki antics from when they started dating (based on this kataang panel) 
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abba-enthusiast · 3 years
Your honour i love her
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no-oneknowsmyname · 3 years
For anyone who missed this golden interaction. I miss them, your honor.
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persnickety-doodles · 2 years
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STEM students are wild af
Asami is warming up with an… integral exercise 🫠 before another study session. At this point they’ve started dating and just spend time studying together.
Korra here is still working on her International Relations degree since she wants to be a diplomat or a small bakery owner idk. I haven’t thought too much about it.
More college AU
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meicheesecake · 2 years
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amandaherzman · 2 years
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Two years of my patreon monthly plants combined - from September 2019 to August 2021. Looking at these together is an amazing reminder of all the wonderful support and enthusiasm my patreon supporters give me. So, anyone who’s ever supported me on patreon (or my shop!) - you helped me get here. Thank you so much for being apart of this plant filled journey, I’m extremely thankful and couldn't have done it without you!
instagram / twitter / patreon
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toadalchaos · 2 years
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pulled out a roach to take some nice pictures of it and it ran up on my (very warm) laptop to molt instead. i got a timelapse!
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zu-is-here · 2 years
What are Nightmare and Killer doing during with all their free time now it’s just them?
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different things
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essektheylyss · 2 years
One thing I love about the unedited actual play format (and specific to Critical Role, since that's the primary example I have) is that you get to see how characters end conversations.
There's common writing advice which is particularly prevalent for screenwriting, and extends to prose circles as well, which is, "Get in late, and get out early." With scripts, you have limited (and usually pretty regimented) lengths of time to tell a story, so you can't linger in a scene unless it's doing something for the story.
Not only do these time constraints not exist in this show, but the scenes also must be played out to their end. There is no cut until the break or the end of the episode, and those cuts are never going to come in until the players say, yeah, we're done. If a player starts a conversation, a scene, they have to finish it, and I think how they do that can say a lot about a character, and it can also have an impact on relationships as well.
The example I was thinking of is how awkwardly a lot of conversations between Beau and Caleb end—and it's very characteristic of them! They're both characters who want the last word, but neither of them are that good at taking it.
(Contrast that with Fjord, who, when he wants the last word, he has it, because his communication skills are miles above either of theirs. But he doesn't always take it—and he's also much better at leaving conversations gracefully and quietly when he chooses to.)
So you get some really iconic moments that actually do a lot to cement Beau and Caleb's relationship; several awkward hugs come to mind, as well as Caleb storming off and Beau yelling after him. That particular scene lasted much longer in game than it would if it was a scripted medium, and it's a very funny scene ending.
These are things that are still cited as very fundamental examples of how their relationship has evolved! And I'm other mediums, you probably wouldn't get that, and it's a very fun change of pace from the current media landscape, in which quippy, snappy one-liners have gotten increasingly prevalent as scene endings.
I think it's a great example of how storytellers can use a format to their advantage, and just one small detail demonstrating how much the differences in format can alter how a story is conveyed.
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