#FROZEN in a state FROZEN i tell you. running away to join the circus would have helped if i had the choice.
bbqhooligan · 8 months
qm i always gonna be out of the loop wih the rest of the human population. cuz of the. cuz of the years spent in a frozen state inside my mind
0 notes
anonthenullifier · 4 years
An Awakening
Vision learns the truth of his life prior to Westview which leads to an honest conversation with Wanda.
Ao3 link
There is nothingness and then there is a calliope, it’s jaunty little ditty shocking his mind enough that Vision’s eyes snap open. Blades of grass tickle his cheek and an aura of flashing lights draws him up, palms pressed firmly onto the ground as he hoists himself up into a seated position. His body aches, a faint echo in his mind of being violently torn apart, but it is a feeling that fades the faster he thinks about it. Since it seems important, he tries to move his mind away, hoping that if he doesn’t explicitly focus on it that it will not be forgotten.
Vision nods, goes to stand up, but finds his legs not responding fully, knees buckling under the weight of a fleeting memory of immense pain. A hand loops under his right bicep, the woman’s other hand coming to rest on his back as she helps him up with an aggrieved, “Why can men never admit when they’re hurt?” The snark behind the comment feels forced, the same underlying terror on her face as all the other residents here.
That’s when he remembers, most of it at least. He was on his own reconnaissance patrol, inching ever more methodically toward the edge of town to see how far Wanda’s influence reached. The horror of his findings, their frozen, crying faces, almost knocks him back to the ground, but luckily the woman’s hands are still there to steady him. “Thank you.”
“Did you go in the funhouse?” It’s not really a question the way her voice falls, more of a statement with a rhetorical uptick at the end. “Heard it’s really disorienting with all the clowns.”
Vision doesn’t recall such an attraction anywhere in Westview but then he looks up, following the still present music in the air, and finds an entire carnival before him. Red and white striped tents tower out of the ground, stalls for food send plumes of greasy smoke into the air, and numerous game stalls are lined up where stuffed animals and blowup hammers hang joyfully from the walls. This is new. What is also new is that there are houses and roads beyond Ellis Avenue, which seems right, as if it was always like that, but there is a niggle of unease that tells him this isn’t true, if only he could access the information that makes him feel that way.
“Oh, um , thank you.” His costume is, at least by his understanding of how Billy and Tommy reacted, not sick by any means. Regardless, he finds his hand moving on its own accord to grip the cape, wanting to feel the object of her jealousy. It feels different, slicker and more aerodynamic than the one Wanda left in the closet. He yanks it a bit farther forward and notes that it is also a much more subdued gold with flecks of crimson in parts. A glance down also confirms that his green and yellow ensemble is gone, replaced by teals and reds, no athletic shorts covering the skin tight ensemble.
This is all wrong.
Vision knows the town never had a circus, nor the rows of houses beyond Ellis, he knows that he was not in this outfit and that everything feels just a bit off.
“Do you want some coffee or a ride back home?” The concern in her voice goes deeper than one would expect, even though she did find him injured on the ground, something more wavers in her words. Vision decides that he needs more answers than questions and, even though he hates taking away people’s autonomy, he reaches towards her temple. “Woah,” the woman swats his hands away, “I have pepper spray.”
“I will not harm you.” Oddly her face softens and she drops the threat, allowing him to send a pulse of golden energy into her head.
The change is instantaneous, the woman’s face becoming far more animated, “Vision?! Oh my God, you’re okay!” This is now the second awakened person to recognize him, to be excited at the prospect that he is there to help. “Oh what the hell!” Vision watches the woman’s hand run along her gaudy canary and ruby diner uniform, one that is common in little run down diners on the highway, a thought that he doesn’t quite know how to substantiate since he doesn’t seem to have a memory of such a stop and yet the knowledge is there. As she inspects her clothes, grunting in disbelief and irritation built into every movement, she confuses him further, “I’m an astrophysicist and this is what I get? So disrespectful.”
Neither Norm nor Agnes responded in such a...laid back way to be awakened, both in immeasurable pain that this woman seems to show no signs of. “Miss, are you okay?”
“Doctor, not Miss.”
“My apologies.”
She turns a bright, closed lip smile towards him, reaching out her hand as she says, “I’m Darcy.”
He takes the proffered hand and gives it a polite shake. Even though it is clearly unnecessary he adds, “And I’m Vision.” What he says next is a bit of a surprise to him, mainly because he doesn’t feel like he has a basis for the assumption that she will know the answer, but for some reason he has full faith she can help him, that she wants to help him. “Who am I? What,” he surveys the carnival around him, “what is happening here?”
“Straight to the big questions.” It is not derisively or caustically stated, in fact there is far more affection than one would expect from a stranger. Darcy glances around, nervous for the first time, “I’ll try to be quick, I’m sure your wife’ll be here soon.” This fear is not new, sadly, the same insinuation made by Norm about Wanda’s involvement. “Let’s see, you’re Vision, obviously,” a small, self conscious chuckle goes along with the statement. “You’re an Avenger,” luckily, she senses his desire for more, quickly adding, “group of super powered people, well, not all of them have super powers, some just have really amazing tech, but anyway you’re a team that fights bad guys and saves the universe.”
“Wanda and myself, we were-“
“Yep, joined at the same time and then fell in love, really cute.”
This confirms what Agnes said, which suggests that perhaps her other words were true as well. “Am I...dead?” All joy leeches from Darcy’s face, a deflated nod going along with the tightening of her lips. “How?”
Darcy looks around again and Vision can’t help but join her in the action, can’t help but feel a little bit nervous about who doesn’t want him to know this. “Shortened version - big purple angry grape named Thanos was collecting all the infinity stones, this includes the Mindstone,” Vision’s fingers rise up to brush the gem. “Wanda had to kill you to try and stop him.”
“She killed me?”
Quickly context is added, “Only because you,” she levels a finger at his chest to emphasize his role and take blame off his wife, “insisted she do it.”
None of what she says makes sense. “Why would I do that?”
The next statement is said in a way that typically is coupled with a playful fist against the shoulder that leads into a jovial shove. “Being all self-sacrificial’s kinda your thing. Which is super noble, don’t get me wrong, but a bit rough on the people around you, like asking them to kill you for the greater good.”
Which is a fair point and one he will need to cogitate on at a later time, “Why did Wanda, specifically, have to kill me?”
“Oh because she was the only one strong enough to destroy the Mindstone.”
A logical assessment that he can easily believe his former self to have made. “Was she successful?”
Darcy’s voice quiets somewhat, a slight tremble in her words, “She was. But then Thanos reversed time, brought you back, and murdered you right in front of her.”
Suddenly his worldview shifts, new meaning and understanding emerging as to some of Wanda’s actions and her strong reaction to his accusations the other night. Despite this dawning of understanding, there is still a major question he feels hasn’t been answered. “But then how are we here? How am I,” he falters on the next word, as early as this evening not thinking it was something that could be false, “alive?”
“That’s the million dollar question. No one knows.” A high pitched whizzing vibrates in the air, punctuated by calls of Vision! “I gotta go,” she begins to walk away, but turns back with an anger not yet present in her words, “Quick FYI, if you meet a guy named Hayward, don’t trust him, he’s a dick.”
“I um, will not, thank you.”
She starts to leave again and then stops, “Also, we don’t have proof it’s all Wanda. Food for thought.”
Vision appreciates the comment, “Thank you.” It is when she actually walks away that he is the one that has a realization of not re-invoking whatever trance the people of the town are in. “Darcy!” She turns expectedly towards him as he approaches with his hands out and ready to take the pain from her, except she swats his hands away, yet again.
“Stop it, I’m a better ally awake.”
Based on the prior two people he has spoken to in their awakened state, this seems a poor choice for her. “Does it not hurt?”
“I mean, yeah, feels like I went on a tequila bender last night and haven’t had water in weeks.” How she remains so lighthearted is beyond him, but he admires it immensely, “but I can’t help you if I’ve forgotten.”
Though he isn’t sure it is in her best interest to remain in such a state, the idea of a confidant is appealing. “Very well.”
Seconds after she walks away, blue streaks materialize around Vision, both his sons and his wife appearing suddenly in front of him. This is unusual but he doesn’t get a chance to inquire about their speedy entrance, Billy rushing towards him first with a relieved, “Dad!” Vision catches him, using the momentum of his son’s leap to lift him and hold him close, Billy’s arm wrapping protectively around Vision’s neck. Tommy follows shortly after, his run far more powerful as he slams into Vision’s torso with a tight hug.
It is Wanda who hesitates, her eyes faintly glowing red, a deep, concerned frown on her lips. “Vizh,” her voice cracks and his heart breaks at the pain she tries so valiantly to mask. Vision manages to get one of his hands free enough to motion Wanda closer. She accepts the offer, one arm winding around his waist and the other laying on Tommy’s shoulders.
They have only been home for three hours and yet this is the tenth Wanda has found herself standing in the doorway, hand propped along the wooden frame. In the room Vision lies in bed, eyes closed and resting, Billy is wrapped around him, his arm thrown across his father’s chest and head buried just under the vibranium dot of Vision’s chin, and Tommy is curled snuggly into Vision’s other side. The boys are still in their costumes, Billy’s cape sprawled behind him on their mattress and Tommy’s now flat hair looking a bit crusty from the spray dye. It’s an idyllic scene and yet Wanda fights back tears, shoving the drops away from her eyes as if they are an enemy that needs to be thwarted.
She almost lost Vision...again. The boys almost lost their father at ten years old, an age for which grief is overwhelming and confusing, can shape a life forever, or so she intimately knows.
Reluctantly her body pulls away from the door, arms crossing over her chest as she walks back downstairs, not once considering peeking in on her brother in the guest room. That is a problem she is still trying to figure out, the man a stranger, an antagonist, but with her brother’s name. There are too many inconsistencies in his behavior, too many contradictions in his words, half of them true to her brother and the other far too knowing of events that occurred after his death. Unsurprisingly he and Vision clash, a thought that briefly makes her mouth perk up, always having a belief that if her brother lived he would have begrudgingly accepted her relationship while also making it his personal duty to make jabs at Vision, who Wanda always knew would take it with a silent dignity that was then removed late at night when he’d insist on lengthy conversations with her to figure out the insults. That’s what life was supposed to be. What life is now, technically.
The gurgle of water washes away these thoughts, her focus now solely on filling the kettle and getting it on a burner to boil. Except the distraction is short lived as she sits down at the kitchen table to wait, fingers interwoven and glowing faintly of the residual scarlet energy she had to use tonight. Wanda fixates on her fingers, bending and straightening them, unsure how she knew what to do or even had the power to expand the town. But that’s not the most troubling incident of the night. No, what pesters at her resolve is a simple thought: Why did Vision want to leave? They have everything here - a house, Billy and Tommy, each other, and the time they always tried so hard to find.
Wanda startles at the creak of the kitchen cabinet, heart still racing as she takes in the curve of Vision’s shoulders and the vibranium band along the back of his head. Silently he makes her a cup of tea, hands moving calmly through the ritual he created, the cup always the same distance from the kettle, bag placed at the bottom with the string hanging out precisely two inches, both hands holding the kettle (one on the handle and one at the base) as a perfect arc of water fills the cup, and finally one and a third spoonfuls of sugar. The sequence completed, Vision walks the cup to the table, placing it gently down with barely a clink from the porcelain. She expects him to sit down across from her, to silently stare for a minute or so before bringing up the town again, reopening the wounds of their last fight because they never actually resolved anything other than to try and act normal around the boys. But he doesn’t, instead he takes her hand, tugging it until she stands, and then he hugs her, engulfing her entire being in his presence. The firmness of his chest and the tinny waft of vibranium are just as soothing as the kisses he peppers along the top of her head, each one more doting than the last. “Vizh,” Wanda reluctantly pulls back a few inches, hand squeezing between their bodies until she can cup his face, “are you…”
“I know,” he kisses her properly now, not like the emotionless peck earlier in the day, this one imbued with all of his love and all of his concern. “I know enough.”
A chill moves through her body, limbs growing rigid and heart almost coming to a complete stop. “What do you mean?”
Vision’s fingers move up to trace lines through her hair, palm coming to rest on her cheek. The surety of his prior statement lessens, mouth sinking lower until it’s a shallow frown. “I know that I am,” it is unlike him to pause like this, to seem to want to avoid a conversation he himself brought up, “that I was dead.”
Her denial is immediate and viscera, “What are you talking about, why would you…” but then his doleful gaze meets hers, the ridges of his synthetic skin bunched together in a show of deep, aching pain, though it is clear from the way he holds her, the way he places a far too gentle kiss to her forehead, as if the action itself might knock her over, that he is more concerned for her than himself, which is the epitome of who he was...who he is. If there is anything she can offer that matches this unerring compassion, it has to be honesty because clearly hiding the truth from him will not stop his incessant march towards the truth. But that is easier to think about than it is to actually commit to doing. Wanda swallows down a sob and fights to keep her voice calm. “You were.” The confirmation is too much, her chest heaving as all the memories rush to the forefront of her mind--her hands erupting in red at the feel of the Mindstone fracturing, at the almost silent I love you , and then having to watch him come back only to die in a far more brutal way.
Strong arms that shouldn’t exist continue to encase her, draw her deeper into the comfort of his embrace, the feel of his fingers running through her hair with the same gentle “Wanda” he always said when soothing her. Deep down she knows it is all a lie, this life, this man, this blissful existence. Because as a Maximoff there is only one constant in life and it is sorrow, biting, empty, unavoidable sorrow. Which begs the question of how, exactly he found out. A question that infuriates her and invokes the well know feeling of being caged in by the inevitability of her life.
Wanda steps out of his arms, trying her best not to show how much pain that simple movement creates, her body screaming to remain against his forever, but selfishly she needs answers more than anything, needs information to help her regain some level of control over her emotions, has to know why he put his family through so much just to find out this awful truth. “Why aren’t you happy here?”
A denial forms quickly, his body taut at the accusation, “I am happy Wanda, how could I not be?”
“Because you left, you...you abandoned us today,” Wanda knows she shouldn’t use the next part in anger or for gain, but she needs her husband to understand the severity of it all. “Did you know Billy can sense you?”
Vision’s “He can?” is hard to read, both concerned and in awe, with something else she can’t quite pinpoint.
“Yes, and his first experience of that was feeling you try to die because we apparently aren’t important enough to stay alive for.” The comment hits as intended, Vision stepping back, horror forming in the spasming muscles of his face as he looks up towards the ceiling, towards where he left their sons. “What are you trying to find out there?”
Vision’s simple, “The truth,” is aggravatingly vague, thankfully, or not depending on how this goes, he clarifies, “There is something wrong in Westview, Wanda. The people are in agony.”
A fed up laugh comes out with her “Aren’t we all?” Only Vision can’t find the humor, the gears in his eyes twisting clockwise and counterclockwise while he stares at her, face ladened with a suffocating sympathy.
He takes a step towards her and she steps back, not missing the way her reaction hurts him. “Wanda, it is not like you to inflict pain on innocent people.”
Since they started this new life, her memories have been hazy, coming in and out of consciousness, enough clarity to understand that whatever is happening in Westview is preferable to outside of it. After tonight, after Pietro’s comment about her dead husband, it’s all there and she realizes that she’s never gotten to say out loud what she did, what Thanos forced her to do, the Avengers too scattered with all that needed to be attended to after his defeat to focus on anyone but themselves. So she squares her shoulders, lifts her head and puts all of her self loathing into her next comment, “If that’s true, then why did I kill you?”
This time when Vision steps towards her she lets him grip her arms, let’s him guide her until her face is pressed into his chest, allowing her to hear the beating of his synthetic heart. “You were only doing what I had asked.”
“Well it wasn’t worth it,” her voice is muffled by the teal sweater he’s wearing, “and I can’t, I can’t forgive myself.”
His arms tighten around her, one hand gripping the fabric of her sweatshirt and the other holding her head to his sternum. “You did nothing wrong. If anyone is to blame-”
It doesn't take a telepath to know what empty words he is about to mutter. Wanda forces herself from his embrace and stares hard into his eyes, “Don’t, Vision, just don’t. It won’t change what happened.”
Reluctantly he accepts it, moving cautiously back to the original topic of their discord, “Is this,” he gestures vaguely around them, “the result of,” it is still hard for him to say, which she appreciates because she can’t say it easily either, “my death?”
“I don’t know,,” this time he seems to accept her ignorance, which allows her a chance to actually consider it more. All she can really recall is the crushing loneliness and the suffocating despair of losing the last person she loved in the world. It’s not a stretch to assume that had something to do with now. “Maybe?” If he knows about his death, she reasons that she might as well tell him the other nightmare she discovered upon her own rebirth, something she’s tried to block out as best she can. “It could also be from finding out some shady government organization was experimenting on your corpse.”
Shock is too gentle a word, hatred a tiny bit too strong for the tone of his voice, “That does not seem like an activity I would condone.”
“It’s the exact opposite of what you requested.” Wanda thinks back to that day, and unlike Vision, pure, unabashed hatred flowed through her veins when she received an anonymous tip. Hatred at S.W.O.R.D, at the scientists going against Vision’s will, hatred at the world for being so awful, and hatred at her teammates who let it happen, who didn’t seem to consider that agencies like that lie, that they would never want the body only for “safe-keeping.” All Vision wanted was a burial and she was determined to provide him that, to allow herself the closure she needed. So she broke in, sickened at the way they’d disassembled him and had separate monitors attached to his limbs and head. “I broke in,” Vision holds his breath as she talks, “I took you from them and all I remember is flying away. I was going to bury you in the forest, like you wanted.” That’s where her memory stops and where Westview begins. “And then we were driving to our house after getting married.” Finally he releases his breath with a shuddering gasp. “That’s all I remember, you have to believe me that I have no idea what’s going on.” Unlike the other night, he wordlessly accepts her ignorance, mind likely still reeling from the revelations she shared. It is this lack of judgment that emboldens her to say what’s been swirling through her mind whenever the knowledge of reality sets in, a thought that should carry with it guilt but she can’t muster up guilt when she finally has what she has been denied over and over again. “But I’d be lying if I tried to convince you that I don’t prefer what we have in Westview.”
With a hand on her back, he leads her to the table, pulling out the chair in front of the barely steaming tea, and then he sits directly next to her, tenderly taking her left hand in his own, thumb rubbing absentmindedly along her wedding ring. “I cannot fault you in any way for that feeling. If not for being complicit in the pain of so many, I would wholly embrace this life we have now.”
His tacit disapproval is only slightly less painful than his yelling, but she has to begrudgingly accept that he may not be completely wrong. Whatever pain he has sensed in others was enough to make him tear through the barrier and risk losing his own family. “But what if,” still she fights against figuring it out, unsure she can handle what it might lead to, “what if fixing this means I lose you again,” which is already incomprehensible, but is made even more harrowing by the next possibility, “what if it means losing Billy and Tommy too?”
Tears lick at the corners of his eyes, a war waging on his lips of how to proceed. “It will be horrifying and it will be immensely difficult but you,” he grabs her other hand, his fingers forming a vice around her own and she isn’t sure if he is trying to convince her or himself more, “are so remarkably resilient.”
Sometimes she wishes his density manipulation applied beyond just his body. “Clearly not, Vizh. Look around us.”
Vision doesn’t, instead he looks down at their enjoined hands, a shaky breath recentering his thoughts. “I think we may be, as they say, putting the cart before the horse.” The verbal shift is so utterly ridiculous that she chuckles, an action that causes him to smile nervously. “Did I use it wrong?”
“No, it just, you always say it so academically.”
“I see.” Finally real, genuine amusement flits across his face. “Well, regardless, we don’t know what is happening, unless there is something you aren’t telling me.” It is not an accusation in the slightest, in fact it is said as an aside, almost hopeful that she’s waiting to surprise him with the solution.
There is a lot she hasn’t said, but none of it seems vital other than perhaps one observation. “I definitely have control here,” this itself is painful to admit. Where he is merely complicit if he remains here, she is actively continuing it, “but, I don’t, I don’t know how to explain it, but I don’t know how I’m doing this.” Vision takes in the admission, brow furrowing as he no doubts files it away in his future mysteries to solve mental folder. “Like tonight,” she thinks back to when Billy told her about the soldiers, to the moment she realized what Vision had done, “All I knew is that I needed to save you because I couldn’t lose you again. I didn’t have any idea of how or what to do, but I felt like if I just put all of my powers into it, that something would happen.”
It’s amazing how easily he transitions into his cool and clinical investigator voice, “Is this the first time you’ve felt that?”
“No. I mean sometimes I have an idea of what I’d like,” such as when she saw the beekeeper come out of the sewer and then vanquished it, “but other times I just have a hope it will be fixed.”
“That is a start.”
Wanda waits for more and when it doesn’t arrive,she pushes for it, “What does that mean?”
He releases her hands and pats his legs, an odd energy reinvigorating in him. “We must figure out the source of these alterations. Clearly it is not just you.” A fact she can’t say for certain but doesn’t have the heart to correct him on, enjoying how it feels like they’re a team again instead of bitter foes. “I met someone tonight who has knowledge of our prior lives.”
This is unexpected and terrifying. Perhaps the only good thing is that she knows it is not Pietro, because she is not willing to trust him, but to be fair, she isn’t sure she can trust whomever Vision found. “Who is it?”
“Her name is Darcy, she says she is an astrophysicist and has a seemingly strong grasp on what happens outside of Westview.”
Vision is not a very strong judge of character all the time, quick to trust and slow to lose hope in a person, as evidenced by his continued trust in her, yet she asks him anyway. “Are you sure we can trust her?”
“I believe so.”
“Okay.” For now she lets him hold on to that belief, knowing that she will be able to assess this person when they meet. Which also means she knows, deep down, that if this person ends up like Monica, one of S.W.O.R.D.'s cronies, that she’ll be forced to take control again.
The sincerity of his “Thank you,” and the tenderness with which he grabs her hand again, bringing it to his lips with a bit too much romantic melodrama, brings about a fluttering warmth in her chest she has so dearly missed, one that chases away all the disparaging thoughts of what is to come, “truly, for your honesty.” Wanda simply smiles in return, not entirely certain her honesty is worth much at the moment.
It is a relief when Vision maneuvers the conversation to a happier topic. “You said Billy could sense me tonight?”
Pride spreads her lips into a toothy grin, “He’s a natural telepath.”
Vision shares her feelings, sitting back with a satisfied smirk. “We shall have to see if he has your telekinesis as well.”
“We will. Also, Tommy has superspeed.”
Vision’s paternal delight perks up his entire body. “Remarkable.”
“They’re pretty impressive.” Wanda finally picks up the tea and takes a sip, not caring it no longer holds any warmth, far too enamored and distracted by Vision launching into a suggestion of a training regime for their sons, the Maximoff family seeming to be front and center in his mind. If there is any kindness in the world, they deserve at least one night to care about themselves and no one else.
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slashersrus · 6 years
Jeremiah Valeska x Reader - Harley Quinn Part 1
Requested on Wattpad
Reader is Bruce's sister and has been training with him and meets Jeremiah when he is normal. They like each other and when he goes through the transformation he becomes obsessed with her, turning her into a Harley Quinn-esque girl.
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Good and Evil. I wish things were that simple, everything is always good or bad or right or wrong. Except Gotham. Gotham is in a constant state of murky grey. Good and evil aren't a concept that exist in Gotham, everything is cloudy. This was made abundantly clear as the tv screen portrayed the events currenlty taking place. Jerome was holding Gotham elites, including the mayor, hostage with bomb collars around their necks. Jerome was the definition of unclear, he was neither good nor evil, he just was. His nefarious actons had always been spurred on by his mothers abuse, so was he really evil? Or was he just wronged?
Shaking my head, pulling away from my confusing thoughts, I sat up and stared intently at the tv screen with my brother, Bruce, by my side. I couldn't reminisce on my past. On Jerome. I had to move on, it was the best choice I could make in such a strained position. I had to be the good in Gotham.
"Y/N Wayne!" Hearing my name, my eyes focused on the screen, coming out of the haze I was in to fully understand what was happening.
"Y/N." Bruce gasped, looking at me with horror filled eyes, my confusion growing as to why he was scared until I realised that it had been Jerome who called my name. He wanted me.
"You can't!" He shot up out of his seat before I could fully comprehend his actions, pulling me into a tight hug and muttering how he couldn't lose me.
It made sense, why Jerome would want me. I was the only person to ever, ever show him any kindness or sympathy. I had met him at the cirus, I had took pity on him and thanks to my too large heart, I had befriended him. Then he butchered his mother. I could never be with a monster, it was wrong. Gotham may be coated in corruption, but I would not let myself be. I had trained for weeks with Bruce, training and training, fighting harder and harder to be the good that Gotham needs. Since Jerome had come back to life, my life has been a whirlwind: he kidnapped me, professed his eternal love, tried to get me to join him and finally, my brother caught him therefore sentencing him to Arkham.
A loud, sickening explosion sounded drawing my attention back to the screen as Jerome detonated one of the bombs. I flinched, my body rigid as I took in the sight of the dead, decapitated body.
"Bring me my brother, bring me Wayne. Bring them now." He spoke calm, humor in his voice before he broke off laughing hysterically.
"I have no choice Bruce." I spoke, my voice breaking slightly as I hugged him back, knowing that I had no choice in this. I would not let more innocent people die.
"I watch the news, I know why you're here Mr Gordon and you must be out of your mind if you think I'm going to be led like a lamb to the slaughter." Jeremiah, Jerome's twin, spoke as he poured himself a glass of whiskey. The resemblance unnerved me slightly, but I remained where I stood, I couldn't be afraid.
Jim Gordon, Mr Fox and I had come to enlist Jeremiah to help us take Jerome down. They had built a device to block the signal to the bombs. I didn't want Jerome to die, but I couldn't let anyone else die because of his obsession with me, something had to be done.
"I understand your concern, but your brother doesn't bluff. If we ignore his demands, there's no telling what he might do." Gordon spoke in a persuasive way, trying to get Jeremiah to agree to risk his life.
"We can block his remote signal with this." Fox reassured as he showed the device he had built.
"If you and Y/N can get within a few feet of him," Gordon began, taking a sterner tone as Jeremiah scoffed as took a gulp of his whiskey," It will disable his remote, he will be a sitting duck, our snipers can take it from there."
"For gods sake Gordon, you have to know what he wants! To murder us both on live television." Jeremiah cried, frustrated at the situation.
Taking a deep breathe, I took a step towards him before speaking, "Mr Valeska, I'm Y/N Wayne. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Reminding myself to be polite, I outstretched my hand in greeting, smiling gleefully as he took my hand and shook it with his surprisingly soft one.
"Likewise. I wish the circumstances were better." My confidence returned as I saw how polite he was to me, how kind unlike his brother.
"May I ask what you've been working on?" I questioned, genuinely curious.
"Um...yeah. It's a compact electrical engine. It generates power." He clarified, staring intensely at me causing me to blush and try to hid my face with my hair.
"How much power?" I asked, coughing to get rid of the annoying blush. I had never blushed in front of anyone before, I don't know why I did in front of him.
"Just two collide of every building south west of the bridge." His words shocked me, that was a lot of buildings, a lot of power.
"You have a brilliant mind. I know why you don't want to come, I'm scared too. I don't want to let him win, I can't. There are good people left in Gotham and I won't let anyone die because of me. I understand if you decide not to come, but you would be letting him win. We need to be stronger. We are stronger." I stepped closer to him, looking up at him with nothing but hope in my eyes, watching him debate my words.
"Well said." He smiled at me, about to speak again before Gordon's phone rang, interrupting us.
"Harvey?" Gordon spoke into the phone, turning away to concentrate on the phone call. My face light up with a smile as Jeremiah shrugged his suit jacket on, proving that he would come.
"The Penguin told me about a new scarecrow toxin. Head over to the lab, we're on our way to the square. They've got a weapon: poison gas." He spoke with dread after a minute of silence as he listened to Harvey on the other end, horror engulfing his features as he turned to inform us of the new information.
"Okay, let's go." Jeremiah spoke, gulping nervously before leading the way out of his maze. I swallowed hard, clenching my fists before following after him.
"WHY ARE WE WAITING?! WAITING, WAITING, WAITING, SOMEONE'S GONNA DIE-!"Jerome shouted into the microphone, playing the guitar, coming to a sudden stop as he saw me approach with Jeremiah and Gordon.
"Well, look who decided to show up. We were starting to get nervous. Especially the mayor here." Jerome snickered, pointing over his shoulder at the trembling mayor.
"My guests of honour. Please, take your seats on stage. Come on, don't be shy." He gestured to the two seats in the middle, grinning wickedly at our reluctance.
Moving forwards slowly, I noticed Jeremiah frozen in place. I turned, nodding in reassurance as I had the hidden device in my pocket. We would be okay.
"Hi brother." Jerome snarled, smirking as his twin stepped closer to the stage, the crowd backing away from him.
Loud gunshots caused me to freeze as the crowd crouched down in fear of getting shot, I frantically looked up to see Gordon's snipers dead. We had no backup.
"I had my guys take up the best advantage spots last night. So, they've been watching your little swat team all day. Now Y/n, brother dear, get up on stage. It's time to get this party really started huh?" Jerome laughed, watching as we resumed our walking, fast approaching the stage.
I frowned when I reached the stage first, slowly ascending the steps. Just as I made it to the top, Jerome grabbed my arm, pulling me into him and whispering in my ear.
"Hiya Y/N. Long time no see. I missed you. I have a surprise for you." I tried to pull away from him but he simply laughed, shoving me to one of his followers as Jeremiah stepped onto the stage, a strange look burning in his eyes as he watched us. I didn't have time to dwell on the look however, as the follower who had a hold of me shoved me into one of the chairs, strapping a bomb collar around my neck, Jeremiah following after.
"No parent will admit it, but everyone's got their favourites. Right, brother?" Jerome demanded, glaring at Jeremiah as he took a seat between us, the crowd silent.
"The one who cleans their room. Does their homework. Doesn't try and kill everybody. Little mister perfect here. Yeah, he was that guy. He got adopted by rich folks, went to the top schools, the top college. Meanwhile, I got dragged through the circus by my depressed alcoholic mother. Forced to clean up elephant dung everyday." He growled when someone in the audience shouted 'who cares'.
"Do you know how big those things are folks?" He turned to look at me before looking back at the terrified crowd. His story made the pit in my stomach grow, he was not born bad, he was made bad.
"But I knew something mommy and daddy never knew. You're as crazy as I am. It's in your DNA." Jerome spoke calmly, standing up and taking out a switch blade, advancing on Jeremiah as he struggled in his restraints. All I could do was watch as my hands were bound.
"You see, we have the same blood running through us. We are practically identical. You are a killer. It's in your nature." Jerome pointed the knife in Jeremiah's face before he cut the ropes restraining his wrists.
"Stop trying to fight it." Jerome placed the knife in Jeremiah's hand, stepping back and spreading his arms in a surrender motion. Daring Jeremiah to attack him.
"Don't." I muttered, the word only loud enough for the twins to hear. Jerome smirked at my attempt whilst Jeremiah gave a battle cry and ran at him only to be knocked to the ground by Jerome punching him.
"Stop!" I cried, trying to escape my restraints as Jerome laughed and continued to relentlessly kick his brother. Gunshots made him finally stop, looking up only to get shot in the shoulder by Gordon causing him to fall backwards. Firefly stepped out and shot fire at Gordon as I finally managed to break the zip ties like Alfred had showed me in our training.
Running at her, I shoved her with all my strength, wincing as she fell down the stairs roughly.
"Sorry!" I called out before running to Jeremiah as the crowd scattered and Gordon chased after an injured Jerome.
"Are you okay?!" I pleaded for him to be okay, lifting him gently by his shoulders as he clutched his ribs where Jerome had viciously kicked him.
"I-I'm okay. Thank you." He whispered, standing up and adjusting his glasses. The way he looked at me caused my blush to return.
"I-I should go home. Bruce will be worried about me." I cleared my throat and stepped back from him, going to walk off stage to ask a police officer to take me home.
"Wait!" He gently grabbed my arm, pulling me back to him, blushing himself as he pulled me into his chest, "I'll walk you home. Jerome could have people after us."
"Thank you." I smiled, casting my nervous gaze to the ground as we made our way off the stage together.
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alleiradayne · 6 years
Bang Your Head (Cullen x F!Trevelyan Modern AU) Part 97
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Catch up on the previous part - part 96 | ao3 Start from the beginning - part 1 | ao3
The final day of the trial.
The minutes ticked by as Amodisia stared at the same spot on the floor of the courtroom, a darkened knot in the wood that mimicked the blooming petals of a rose. Alistair had never joined them at breakfast, choosing instead to continue working in the quiet solitude of Cullen’s empty office. But Amodisia never imagined him missing the final day of proceedings. And with each passing minute, her nerves crawled along her spine and buried in the base of her skull where a dull ache blossomed. Between her worry and discomfort, Amodisia heard little and less of the proceedings, caring not for the outcome of the trial at that point. And though Anaphorah dismantled every witness that Rendon called to the stand, she dared not let her hopes return.
A shame, she thought, that the defense had not called Loghain himself to the stand. Given Rendon's apparent hubris, Amodisia assumed he would call the defendant. Not his first witness, to be sure. But at some point during the trial, she had imagined Loghain sitting in the interviewing chair. And yet, Rendon had not called him. To their benefit, Anaphorah Hawke would have torn him to shreds without him ever knowing. Rendon, as she had witnessed in this trial, had proved smarter than that. While he may have lost two clients their livelihoods in the Redcliffe police department, his true client had always been Loghain.
From her left, a soft chime sounded from Cullen’s pocket, drawing Amodisia’s gaze. She stared at it, wondering, worrying.
“No more questions, your honor,” Anaphorah finished with a defeated sigh.
His pocket chimed again as Judge De Fer turned to Rendon. “Do you have anything else, Mr. Howe?”
Rendon stood, buttoning his jacket, then folded his hands. “I do not, ma’am. Defense rests.”
A third chime. On Cullen’s left, Amallia hissed as she prodded him in the thigh with a pointed finger. But Cullen paid her no mind, enraptured by the trial. Exasperated, Amallia conceded and returned her attention to the proceedings.
Judge De Fer nodded with a flat purse of her lips. “And you, Serah Hawke?”
A fourth chime.
Anaphorah stood, rising with a slow straightening of her back. Her partner followed, a reassuring smile finding her lush lips, but her eyes remained cold as stone.
As Anaphorah opened her mouth to speak, the door to the courtroom burst open and time stopped, gripped by the hand of fate. Every head whipped to the door, eager to find the source of the disruption. Every head but Amodisia’s. The last to look, she turned with a lazy loll over her shoulder, not an ounce of interest remaining in her body.
Until she saw him.
There, tall and snarling like a Mabari about to strike, stood Alistair. She shivered at the sight, a rare, infuriated glare contorting his face. And then, in the blink of an eye, he towered over her, shoulders and massive arms wrapping her in a tight hug, the visage of his anger vanished. With a quick kiss on her cheek, the last of her apathy washed away into what would become a long-forgotten memory.
“Sorry I’m so late,” he muttered. “Something came up.”
Amodisia hummed a short laugh through her nose. “You’re here, now,” she whispered. “That's all that matters.”
Anaphorah cleared her throat with an expectant sound as she leaned over the railing. “Please tell me you’ve got something, so I don’t have to explain you kicking the door in.”
It was then that Amodisia noticed Alistair clutched a thick packet envelope. He regarded it with such reverence, Amodisia failed to fathom its contents. After a second’s hesitation, Alistair handed it to Anaphorah and she snatched it out of his hand.
“Serah Hawke, I will not delay this trial any longer,” Judge De Fer interrupted.
As if she had not heard Judge De Fer's words, Anaphorah flipped open the envelope and withdrew the document. “Your Honor, I just need one minute…” she stated as she scanned the page.
“No,” Judge De Fer snapped as she gripped her gavel. “I have had enough of the both of you running this trial like a damned circus. I should have you both held in contempt for…”
Her words trailed away, unheard. Amodisia gaped as she watched the grey-green of Anaphorah’s eyes scan page after page of tiny text, the pulse at her throat quickening as her mouth fell open in shock.
“… and I should have you disbarred for your abhorrent—”
“Your Honor!” Anaphorah interrupted and Judge De Fer’s berating cut off with a sharp click of her teeth. Eyes wide and lips pursed to naught but a thin line, she glared at Anaphorah as though she might freeze her in a solid block of ice.
“This had better be worth it, Serah Hawke.”
In that interstitial space between thoughts, every nerve, every concern, every subconscious worry Amodisia clutched with desperate need evaporated in a plume of smoke as if they had never existed. And where absolute failure shadowed her faith before, a glimmer of hope, faint and fragile, wavered in the darkness.
And then Anaphorah spoke.
“The state of Ferelden drops all charges against Loghain Mac Tir.”
The courtroom spun, pitching and rolling in sickening confusion as Amodisia struggled to comprehend Anaphorah’s statement. She gripped the banister before her, breath shallow and ragged as Alistair wrapped a supportive arm about her shoulders.
That same confusion swallowed the courtroom, and those not already on their feet stood to voice their anger. For a moment, Judge De Fer blinked, frozen in her chair. Then she stood on her dais, gaveling the room into a fragile silence, though trepid whispers seeped through the cracks. With her attention returned to Anaphorah, the corner of one eye twitched as she leaned over the edge of her dais. “Andraste help me, Serah Hawke, you had better have a good explanation for this.”
With trembling hands, Anaphorah set the stack of paper on the table before her, steadying herself on the sturdy wood. A deep breath expanded her chest as her spine straightened, and she stood tall, proud, jaw set and shoulders square. At his table, Amodisia spotted Loghain, his wide, terrified eyes flicking between the judge, his lawyer, then coming to rest on Anaphorah. Behind Loghain, Anora teetered, a hand covering her mouth, the other gripping the banister and appearing as though she might faint.
When Rendon opened his mouth to speak, Anaphorah bowled right over him.
“Loghain Mac Tir, you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Amodisia Theirin.”
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clown-bait · 7 years
29 Neibolt ST (Monster Roommate AU) Chapter 3
Alright friends things are heating up. Pennyboi learns how to deal with feelings and Leech gets a job. Some weird stuff with meat happens. Leatherface is a pure beautiful soul and must be protected. Next chapter will contain SMUT.
Warnings: Mild Nsfw, Blood, Swearing, Drug Use, Alcohol, Fluff. 
The young vampire to be had been there a full month now and she hated to admit it but she had never been happier. This was truly a new start for her. People even stopped calling her by her original name preferring to use the one Pennywise had given her when they first met. It was meant as an insult but it fit her so well she kept it. She was a bloodsucker now after all. Lucy was gone Leech was who she was now. She had a new job lined up, new friends, a great mentor and she was even given a wig by Leatherface as a housewarming gift when her hair began to fall out. Aside from the impending death and losing humanity thing….and that damn clown…. this was nice. This could work.
Movie night at the Neibolt house was a big event. Everyone joined in even Pennywise who usually kept to himself but when Dracula insisted he join in to make a certain proto-vampire happy the clown reluctantly agreed. He hated that the elder vampire knew about his affliction.
When Dracula found out about it he had been confronting the clown over his disheveled state. “You seem less cruel to my young apprentice and you look like you have stopped feeding. You are infatuated.”
“Infat- What?! No! Leech is, she’s, well we’re just………I mean….I……..…..what do I do.” He was weak and defeated. Pennywise had never had a positive feeling like this before and Dracula was the only one other than Chucky that knew how to deal with this sort of thing.
“You must pursue her it'll be healthy for the both of you! My poor apprentice has been worried sick about her transition for weeks now! Yes! ROMANCE HER WOO HER GIVE HER YOUR LOVE.” The elder vampire was a complete hopeless romantic.
“I was just going to go back to eating my feelings till this goes away?”
“One, I'm way older than you. Two no.”
“What part of older than you do you- never mind lets pretend this never happened.”
Pennywise hated how that he was right about that. He tried eating more and began to look healthy again until Leech walked by in the kitchen two days later and gave him a damn compliment. Who does she think she is telling him he looked extra scary today. The nerve!
“At least theres popcorn” he grumbled plopping down onto one of the couches. Having two giant monsters in the house plus a very territorial cat required multiple couches and chairs so everyone could fit around the old antique tv.
“Whats on the menu tonight boys” Freddy says opening a beer taking up a whole lazy boy to himself.
“Something we can do a drinking game with please?” came Leech’s request from the kitchen she was busy making drinks for her new friends after she bragged she could make them killer cocktails that would knock their socks off. It also to try to persuade Leatherface to put in a good word for her when applied for the position of bartender at the newly remodeled Sawyer’s.  Dracula was assisting her while carefully watching her glances and shy smiles whenever she heard Penny’s bells. The elder vampire had never had a protege before and he had to admit her fiery personality was growing on him, shed make a fine creature of the night eventually he just had to get her past her unwillingness to change. Leech found it annoying that he was constantly nagging her about her transition. Tonight it was all about how vampires cant hold their liquor. But she liked her mentor, he was like the father she never had and she would often find herself coming to him with questions not only about her condition but also life in general.
“Atta girl Leech you're a woman after my own dead heart” Freddy shouted back the two had been bonding more smoking on the porch talking shit about people who got on their nerves that day. They did have quite a few things in common one was tequila and the other was epic amounts of sass. Pennywise did feel a twinge of jealousy over it but knew if he said something Freddy would tell everyone the eldritch embodiment of fear had a big stupid crush on someone he normally considered food.
“All right guys heres my official audition for bartender at Sawyer’s. Tip jar is on the counter for when all you assholes are blown away by how great I am.” she boasted passing out the drinks.
“Big talk for someone who's tolerance is sinking faster than the Titanic” said Chucky
“Shut up and drink doll. I’ll let my talent do all the ass kicking for me.”
“What the hell is this?” Freddy asked poking the puffy pice of spun sugar
“Cotton candy martinis bitch!”
Pennywise choked on his popcorn.
She begun finishing handing them out and as Penny picked his up his giant hand touched hers. They blinked at each other for a second. “Something wrong Pen? Did I uh offend you with the circus flavors?”
“Oh um no no just something on your um something on your face!” Dracula rolled his eyes at him dramatically from the kitchen.
“Oh where.” Leech frowned.
“Its um… no stop stop! Don't touch it. Just let me do it..” The clown quickly pretended to wipe something off her nose. “nailed it.” He thought.
Chucky's eyes grew wide when he saw the exchange. “No fucking way” he whispered.
Leatherface was delighted at the sweet drink. He even giggled when his friend put the cotton candy in the liquor and it dissolved. “So you think I got the job big guy?” he grunted happily in approval “Aw shucks Bubba you're the best!” she hugged the lovable giant murderer. Leech smiled wide with cockiness “nailed it.” She said to herself.
“Wait you only have a waitress job??? But I thought I was applying to be a bartender!?” she complained at the giant the next day. She wasn't mad at him though it was the rest of his family’s fault probably. They Sawyer clan were a bunch of boys they needed a cute girl in the restruant to be the bait for their…. meat source. Finally the young vampire sighed “Fine I’ll take it, anything at this point. Just let me know when I start.” Desperate times call for desperate measures. “Do I at least get a nice uniform?” she asked.
Leatherface nodded enthusiastically, he brought out a bag from behind his back and handed it to her. Freddy was now watching with glee from around the corner. He had been planning this for the past week.
“Oh you've got to be kidding me.” she growled from the bathroom and Freddy laughed.
“Whats so funny?” Pennywise asked sipping a hot cocoa with way too many marshmallows
“I helped the big guy pick the new uniform for the waitresses wait till you see it.”
Leech creaked the door open her face bright red. As she stepped out Pennywise spit his drink and nearly choked on a marshmallow. She was in a tied flannel top and daisy dukes. “Who told you this was a good idea Leatherface?” the giant happily pointed at Freddy’s hiding spot who was on the floor cackling now. Chucky walked by and his jaw nearly fell on the floor before running to get Tiff. Pennywise was 100% broken. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. “Can I at least wear an actual shirt instead?”
Leatherface looked sad she didn't like the uniform. “Oh no” she thought “He's proud of it.”
“Hey hey big guy! I didn't mean it the uniforms great don't be sad see I’m going to put it away for tomorrow ok!”
Pennywise left the room quickly unable to remain there for much longer without….feeeeeeling.
Chucky walked over to him giving his leg a sharp jab with his elbow.
“What do you want doll.” he snarled
“You're a mess Jingles. Why don't you do something about it?”
“I don't know what you're talking about.”
“Your lame school boy crush on the baby bloodsucker.”
“I dont-“
“Don't even man you were practically having a heart attack back there, plus you were staring at her the entire movie night. Tiff thinks its cute.”
“Does everyone know now?”
“Pretty much.”
The clown fell on the floor against the fridge. “Then I need your…………help.” The last word was a struggle for him.
Leech marched into the old house carrying the an entire butcher shop in grocery bags. Drops of cold animal blood dripped down from her purchases and Church had come out of hiding to follow her to the kitchen where she began to pack the fridge and freezer full of raw meat.
“Ok clown your girl’s home go talk to her.” Chucky whispered from behind Pennywise who was hiding on the stairway to the basement.
“Compliment her ears she's been very self conscious about them lately” Dracula suggested to him.
As Pennywise attempted to step forward he paused when he saw the young vampire. She looked to be in a trance as she put meat away finally stopping at a package of bratwursts and taking a deep inhale of the bloody sausage. She let out a small whimper and as a drop of drool fell from her lips the clown felt his breath hitch. “What are you waiting fo- woah!!!” Chucky paused when he saw that Leech has taken one of the sausages out of the package and was brining it to her hungry open mouth. Her tongue had rolled out and she swallowed the meat whole like a snake. “Holy fuck Jingles thats uh… thats some girl you got there…” Chucky’s jaw dropped. Pennywise was completely frozen unable to speak. “Well ah.. nosferatu fledglings do have a…ahem insatiable appetite” Dracula dabbed his brow.
“We’re uh….we’re gonna go….good luck Jingles…” Chucky and Drac both bolted out of the room as Leech finished the tray of sausages completely unaware and going into a slight frenzy.
She ripped open a roast now and began violently tearing the meat with her dull human teeth. She started sucking the blood through the flesh while making obscene gasping sounds as she fed. Drool poured out of Pennywise’s mouth in record amounts as he watched the vampire. She tore off her beanie revealing her bald head and large bat like ears which began to fold straight up against the side of her head. Leech’s eyes flashed forward as she finished Penny marveled at how they looked like little reflections of the full moon against her dark eye circles she was becoming a truly terrifying monster. The clown had never seen something so beautiful or smelled something so sweet. The nosferatu came down from her high panting and gasping looking at the animal blood on her hands and the drool on the floor. “What the hell just happened?” she said to herself. She heard a soft jingle and her face lit up, she quickly put on her beanie to hide her baldness and wiped her face. “Penny?!” she said asked excitedly a small blush creeped onto her cheeks. Her face fell when no one answered. “Must have been my imagination…” she mumbled starting to clean up her mess.
Pennywise had retreated to his lair leaning back in his nest panting with need. He looked down at the tall tent in his pantaloons and shut his eyes. This was bad. He never really felt feelings like desire or lust, not like this. There were maybe a handful of occasions where he was in heat and took a lover for the night disguised as a human but he saw them as more tools than mates. Pennywise couldn't even remember some of their names, he was pretty sure he ate a few after he was done with them too. But this oh this, this was completely different. This new feeling was not something he could just relieve and get on with his hunting. This was a burning need for someone he saw as an equal, someone like him. A fellow predator, a potential mate. He didn't want anyone else he wanted her. And he hated it.
As promised the next chapter will get STEAMY. So stay tuned for that. 
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jacewilliams1 · 5 years
Nine things I know about flying in Wisconsin
A beautiful state up north with a serious aviation addiction
Wisconsin is my adopted summer home state and the place where I do most of my fun flying. No, I’m not crazy; I head to Florida when snow, cold temps and ice fishing become the norm. Returning just before Memorial Day allows me the advantage of enjoying the best of both worlds. I like to say that I live in paradise… but in two widely disparate states. Flying makes the commute easy.
1. Wisconsin is more than cows, deer, corn…
Beyond wintry weather, most folks unfamiliar with Wisconsin likely think it’s filled with cows, deer, corn, cheese, a lot of beer, and possessed Green Bay Packers fans. Those descriptions all apply, but there is so much more Wisconsin has to offer. Its economy, ecology, geographical diversity and Midwestern values are largely underappreciated if not misunderstood. Aside from the larger cities of Milwaukee, Madison and Green Bay, Wisconsin is largely a rural state. Almost 95% of its airports are uncontrolled and only the three cities mentioned have Class C airspace over them.
2. You can divide Wisconsin into three areas
Geographically, the state can be divided into three different areas: the lowlands, the bluffs and the Lake Superior uplands. The lowlands start at the capital of Madison and extend eastward above the Illinois line to Lake Michigan and north up the shoreline to Green Bay and the stunning area of Door County. It includes the cities surrounding Lake Winnebago where Oshkosh is. The bluffs extend west from Madison and up the Mississippi River. The uplands – known locally as the Northwoods (locals say ‘nortwoods’ with a nasal twang) – is the sparsely populated recreational areas in the north. Wisconsin has 15,000 lakes and many of them are located in the northland.
3. Wisconsin takes great care of its airports
Wisconsin has many well-maintained, friendly airports for GA pilots.
Because winters can be severe, Wisconsinites have every reason to celebrate the warm months of the year in a wide variety of ways. As a result, aviators have a plethora of places to visit and opportunities to enjoy the state by air. Whatever your desires, activities abound and there’s usually an airport nearby that can service your needs. The Wisconsin DOT Bureau of Aeronautics takes its 132 airport network seriously and it shows. I know first-hand… I inhabit one. I hang out at the Wautoma airport (Y50) 35 miles due west of Oshkosh when I’m around. I like to say that if there was an airport in heaven, it would look like Wautoma. Because of its proximity to Ripon, many eastbound AirVenture airplanes stop there en route or when Oshkosh closes for any reason.
Recently talking with a main subcontractor to the State Bureau of Aeronautics, I learned that Wisconsin is one of 10 states which receive and manage block grants from the FAA Airport Improvement Program fund. As such, the federal government provides 90% of funding for new projects directly to the state, which then prioritizes needs, adds 5% while local entities provides the final 5%. I can tell you that they do a great job of helping all the airports in the state. Come see for yourself.
4. Most airports in Wisconsin are uncontrolled
Looking at a State Aeronautical chart, you have to work to find the 12 airports colored blue. Eight of those have commercial service while only three have Class C airspace above them. All of the rest are red. Owing to its rural nature, every airport has something of interest nearby, depending upon your interests.
5. Wisconsin is home of EAA
It would be heretical to not start the discussion with AirVenture. What can you say about an event that drew in 640,000 people to an airport in a town of 64,000 in 2019? While AirVenture is the pinnacle event that gets a lot of press, there’s a second side to the EAA the other 51 weeks of the year. With the crowds gone, EAA visitors can take their time in the EAA Museum. Programs abound weekly. Just this week, I attended an Aviation Adventure program with a group of F-117 Nighthawk pilots. The Poberezny estate guided tour shouldn’t be missed. EAA and FAA meet each winter in what I view as the most important give-and-take discussions involving GA. (Did you know that Harry Houdini considered nearby Appleton his home? There’s a museum at the Castle which has an exhibit dedicated to him.) 2019 was my 38th year in attendance at AirVenture and the primary reason I built my hangar nearby.
By the way, the nearby town of Iola hosts an automotive equivalent of AirVenture each summer in early July. 2019 was its 47th year – almost as long-running as AirVenture. The 300-acre Old Car Show grounds hosts about 2,500 show cars, 4,200 swap spaces, 1,000 car corral spaces and 1,600 RV campsites. If you’re a car person, you need to visit the Iola Old Car show. Get to the Iola airport four miles east and the CCF pilots will ensure you get to the show with a shuttle.
6. Wisconsin boasts the best $100 hamburger that $9 will buy at Central County Airport (68C)
Lunch at 68C is not to be missed.
Located 38nm NW of Oshkosh, this former potato field turned airport holds a Friday fly in lunch almost year around. The Central County Flyers (CCF) have a wonderful hangar filled with picnic tables and a real wood-burning fireplace where they provide lunch to “members only” (you can join for life for $10.) People fly in from hundreds of miles away to enjoy the aviation camaraderie, good food and airplane watching every week. A few years ago, it was renamed Paul Johns Field to honor a local resident/pilot who flew Boeing 314 Clippers on 221 crossings of the Pacific during WWII. This airport is a joy to behold; this is how GA ought to be everywhere. Its Friday fly in lunch menu is always announced in advance online. Sadly, Paul Johns passed away at 104 in 2018, but a showcase filled with his mementos is in the hangar. I got to know him quite well; he started flying in 1929. I’ve seen as many as 80 airplanes on the ground on a nice weather holiday weekend. EAA folks often fly in for lunch, as well. You won’t regret putting 68C on your itinerary if you’re nearby on Friday.
7. Wisconsin is for seaplanes
As I said, Wisconsin has 15,000 lakes. There are six public seaplane bases and seven private locations where prior permission is required. There are a few restrictions on the many other lakes but most are open to use… just check the WisDOT site first. I actually have a friend who fishes from his Lake Amphibian. The lakes are where many of Wisconsin’s resorts are located.
8. Not convinced yet? Here are more of my favorite places
Baraboo-Dells airport (KDLL)
Located along a scenic section of the Wisconsin River in an area of sandstone etched gorge formations, the Wisconsin Dells is a popular resort and water park destination for mid-westerners. Enjoy old tractors … especially steam tractors? Don’t miss the Badger Steam & Gas show held in early August just after Oshkosh. Want to do some gambling? Try the Ho-Chunk Gaming casino located adjacent to the airport … they’ll come pick you up. Did you know that there’s a circus museum dedicated to preserving the sights and story of railroad based circuses in Baraboo? Their Ringlingville displays show the historic winter headquarters of that circus.
Ashland airport (KASX) and Madeline Island airport (4R5)
If you enjoy fall foliage colors or want to see the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, autumn is the time of year to visit this area. The trip up over the Northwoods can be spectacular. Consisting of 21 islands accessible only by boat, taking the tour from Bayfield is the best way to see the islands and the six lighthouses that inhabit them. Madeline Island is not a part of the Lakeshore and is accessible via ferry or ice road once Lake Superior freezes over. In winter, you can visit the ice caves when it is determined that transiting by vehicle over the frozen lake is safe.
The Door County Peninsula above Green Bay (KSUE, 3D2 and 2P2)
Door County is a famous for its fall colors.
Door County is a peninsula jutting out of NE Wisconsin into Lake Michigan. It’s mostly a tourist/resort area and is serviced by three airports in addition to Green Bay (KGRB). In fall, this area is also a beautiful place to visit or spend a weekend. The Washington Island airport (2P2) is an especially interesting place. Just a flight around the area is breathtaking in fall. The National Railroad Museum is located in Green Bay, as is Lambeau Field near to the airport.
The Brodhead airport (C37) and EAA “Cheesehead” Chapter 431
Just before AirVenture, the EAA Chapter hosts the Hatz/Pietenpol fly in. Folks headed to Oshkosh often stop in en route. In September, they hold the Midwest Antique Airplane Club event, however, that event is open to members only. Great grass runway here.
Golfing at Wisconsin Rapids (KISW)
In the last couple of years, a new world class golf resort called Sand Valley has been built near Wisconsin Rapids. With two regulation courses, Sand Valley (named best new course in 2017) and Mammoth Dunes (named best new course in 2018) plus a 17 hole par three course named The Sand Box – the airport has been inundated with high-end jet traffic bringing serious golfers to the area. The airport manager told me this morning that last year they saw nearly 800 jets coming in. The airport has had a major runways overhaul and a new 15,000 ft sq hangar capable of hangaring G550s is under construction. If golf is your game, Wisconsin Rapids is your place. There are about 10 other courses nearby. Wisconsin Rapids is also in an area heavily covered with cranberry farming, as well.
Three Lakes Airport (40D)
If you like grass runways, a floatplane dock or a great restaurant right on the water, this is the place. The Sunset Grill is open June through Labor Day and seasonally otherwise. The restaurant is right across the street from the airport. Call ahead to make sure they’re open.
The large MOAs and restricted areas associated with Volk ANGB and Fort McCoy
Due west of Oshkosh, the Combat Readiness Training Center at Volk Field (ANG) and the nearby Fort McCoy Total Force Training Center (USA) are very active military bases often hosting major military exercises. The USAF occasionally holds safety meetings at Volk ANGB and allows civilians to fly in with prior permission (PPR). They have great static displays of airplanes. The 115th Fighter Wing flying F-16s (they’re transitioning to F-35s) from Madison’s Truax Field often uses the very large MOA and restricted airspace, as well. It’s not a good idea to transit the airspace under VFR without talking to the RAPCON on 135.25. The restricted area is a live fire area. If you have authority to enter, Fort McCoy has an absolutely wonderful Commemorative Display area of buildings and more.
9. Winters are fierce
Finally, a brief talk about pre-heating airplane engines. Owing to its extremely low winter temperatures, most airplanes based in Wisconsin spend their winters in hangars. And in those hangars, you will see every hand-built pre-heating contraption on the planet. Those that don’t have external pre-heating usually have permanently installed heaters on their engines. Include this in your planning. The EAA holds a winter ski plane fly in for a reason… extrapolate.
The post Nine things I know about flying in Wisconsin appeared first on Air Facts Journal.
from Engineering Blog https://airfactsjournal.com/2019/10/nine-things-i-know-about-flying-in-wisconsin/
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