#FUCK webp files
bregee13 2 years
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Thought I'd try something a lil different for the Baki prompt for TRTwocember!
X X X / X 馃寣 X / X X X
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katapotato55 1 year
"WebP is more efficient than pngs though!" yeah and I am sure ancient space rocks are more valuable than USD, but that ain't gonna mean SHIT if i can't use the damn things anywhere or sell them. when programs start to recognize webp files (and google lets me consent to downloading the fuckers instead of forcing it on me), THEN I will start to take them seriously.
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pyr0peyt 7 months
Violently mauling whoever invented the webp file format btw
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cybercoolzone 1 year
every time I download something from here and it's a .webp file the knife gets sharpened a little more
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revon-aurora-borealis 6 months
reblog this with at least a word and ill post some random file i have on my phone in response
dunno if this is boring or whatever cuz reddit has shit ton of posts like this but i wanna try this cuz i think itd be funny cuz i can send videos here
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rominasaintofthebud 1 year
the 'p' in 'webp' stands for 'piece of shit'
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leopardsealz 1 year
thought i might try & make a stimboard for fun but tumblr hates me
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ekkonus 1 year
To whomever invented the .webp image type:
Pray our paths don't cross.
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fandom wiki makes it take like twenty steps to save a .png image but by fucking god i am determined to get there
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silicacid 2 years
of FUCKIN COURSE google invented webp they always like "is anyone gonna be annoying" and not wait for an answer
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raven6229 1 year
god i hope the person who invented webp files can go step on a lego
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webp doesn't even feel like a file format. it feels like im just saving the link to an image and that fucking sucks. innovative doesn't mean good
Did you even read the tags?
"feels like"
Okay and why does it feel like that? Because when you send it to someone over discord it posts as a link/download instead of an embed? Because Discord doesn't offer native webp support?
Which is THE EXACT THING I MENTIONED that you are now complaining about?
I never said it was good but also its JUST ANOTHER FILE FORMAT. You don't actually give a shit about the file format. You just care how its used by the programs you want to repost your images to. Everyone who complains about webp DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT about it as a format, they just care that it isn't supported, and you all are misplacing your rage and making fools of yourself when doing so.
The fight against webp is LITERALLY a reactionary movement (as in the response, not the pseudonym for the alt right) because something new isn't 100% supported everywhere you want it simultaneously.
Is it frustrating when you download a webp to share it with someone only to find that the service you are sharing it over doesn't support webp? Yes. Absolutely. Does webp have technically problems that can make it frustrating to use for developers in some cases? Yes. Absolutely.
But when you hop on a hate bandwagon because you went "Oh yeah I have experienced a minor inconvenience from that thing, it IS bad" with no idea what the fuck you are talking about, the ONLY thing you are accomplishing is proving your own lack of critical thinking about your own actions.
In short:
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kihaku-gato 2 years
working on making an inspiration/reference folder to help me work on giving Sango her actual design-
and two of the three images have to be gd webps
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dykefish 2 years
i am still suffering the after effects of being too excited ab science and also a cup of coffee
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torisaysyeet 2 years
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original by @eventually--darling
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kawaoneechan 6 months
My last reblog reminded me of a related thing.
Converting GIF to MP4.
I mentioned that sometimes turning an image into a WebP file actually makes it larger, right? And that it turned crisp pixel art into jpeg vomit?
GIF to MP4 is perhaps even worse.
For video clips, you can make a point, sure. I won't argue, it works great on those. Different compression systems for different inputs, y'know? Right tool for the right job?
But then you drop some nice pixel animation on Twitter or whatnot. The gif was of manageable size to begin with and crisp as hell. And Twitter converts it to mp4, you get weird quirks involving the final frame's duration which is why Aseprite has a checkbox in the gif exporter to compensate, your crisp pixels fucking melt, and if you're particularly unlucky the mp4 version will be bigger than the original, completely subverting the bandwidth argument.
But wait there's more!
They say gif files are always auto-play. That's technically true, there's no such thing as a play button on a gif... or is there? Discord for example extracts the first frame to a PNG and so long as the gif isn't fully scrolled into view it actually shows that static image instead, switching between two files as you scroll it in and out of view. So why not extract a static image, have a little play button, and when you click it the gif is swapped in? You can't pause it, but you can prevent auto-playing!
Argument two, related to the auto-play thing: shocking trap clips. First frame or two is fine, then suddenly blam you get to see something horrific instead. Well. Guess what?
It doesn't matter if it's auto-playing or not, if it's a gif or an mp4. Shocking trap clips are shocking traps. They're just one or two levels above trying to download a 640x480 picture of Anna Kournikova on a 56k dial-up connection only to find from the neck down they replaced her with a horrifying monster. And that is a single image.
I'm done here.
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