#Failed Escape
linecrosser · 11 months
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Whumptober 2023 - Day 24 - Failed Escape
(he was not fast enough)
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holidayinhell · 2 months
CWs: blood, captivity Whump, failed escape Whump.
“You ran.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I didn’t ask if you were fucking sorry.”
He grabbed Whumpee’s face.
“You. Ran.”
He smacked Whumpee across the cheek. Hard.
The man crashed backwards onto the concrete from the blow. Grime cut into the exposed flesh of his torso as he awkwardly shuffled along the bottom of the cement wall, he desperately inched deeper down the hallway in a useless attempt to flee from his deranged captor.
Whumpee's eyes flashed between the man skulking towards him and the stairway at the end of the narrow passage. It was fifteen, maybe ten feet away. Freedom was so close, he only needed to make it up the steps! But Whumpee could barely keep his head up, much less walk, not to mention the ropes binding his wrists together. There was no way he’d get out.
A shadow fell over Whumpee's form.
“Stopstop stop. I did-didn’t--”
Whumper dropped to his haunches, locking his penetrating gaze to the shattered man’s wide eyes. Whumper had bloodshed on the mind. The killer’s gaze fixated on Whumpee with a cold fascination of a predator rearing to devour its prey.
A powerful surge of adrenaline coursed through Whumpee’s veins, urging him to find the strength to flee. But he couldn’t. With nowhere to run, the cocktail of epinephrine and all-encompassing terror made him freeze in place, he began hyperventilating so quickly he thought he might pass out. The broken man’s eyes squeezed shut.
 “Please. Y—you’re scaring me.”
“Then you’re about to be fuckin’ terrified.”
Whumpee squirmed against the ropes behind him. His busy fingers traced the lines, desperately praying he could burrow into a weak spot to unfurl. But, as always, ropes around his wrists were knotted with expert precision.
“Why’d you do it?” He snarled, grasping a fistful of hair and pulling Whumpee’s eyes directly into his terrifying, animalistic gaze. “Why did you fucking do it, Whumpee?” His wicked eyes demanded an explanation.
“I didn’t think.” He responded weakly. “I wasn’t thinking, I--.”
Whumper wound his arm back and delivered another bone-shattering smack across Whumpee’s cheek.
“Maybe I'll just cut out your tongue.”
“N-no. Please!! I was starving," the thin man pled frantically. "I thought you’d forgotten about me so I—ah, AHHH!”
The metallic smell of blood filled the air as a stream of blood trickled the length of Whumpee’s arm. Fuck, fuck.
“PLEASE!” Whumpee wailed.
Lightly chuckling, Whumper pulled the box cutter from the wound he'd buried in Whumpee’s shoulder.
“Try again, Whumpee. Why'd you run?" the killer demanded.
Whumpee tucked his legs into his chest protectively. “It was a mistake. I'm scared, I don’t know! You’re k-killing more people.” Salty tears cut clean tracks through the grime on his round, filthy cheeks. "Th-those girls from last week. And Caretaker-hic- you killed him too, I, I--!"
Whumpee's head raced uncontrollably as he fought to steady his breath, struggling to calm his mind from this waking nightmare.
“You stopped feeding me. It's been, I think five days, or, no, a week. I don’t know how long it’s been.” He fought the sob aching in the back of his throat. “I don’t know how long it’s been, I'm so hungry, I just...”
The small man let out a heartbreaking yowl when the knife slashed into his shin.
"Don't do this!" Whumpee shrieked.
Whumper offered no words of comfort. He loved seeing Whumpee like this, raw and trembling and begging for mercy.
Stripping away the man's pride had been a painstaking process, it had taken months for Whumpee to understand his rightful place. And now, finally, Whumpee’s soul was laid bare for the killer to devour. Nothing brought him more pleasure than watching Whumpee unravel.
“I-I know my...my r-ransom date. Is coming. And I know my parents are gonna pay up soon.”
“I wouldn’t worry about that.” The killer said quickly.
Whumpee’s eyes peaked over his bleeding legs, heavy tears rolling down his cheeks. He was so fragile and pathetic it was almost heartbreaking.
Whumper smirked, shaking his head in mock sympathy.
“Oh Whumpee. Life’s just a living hell for you, ain’t it? Ya can't wave your money around and get what you want like you used to.”
“Please. I’m sorry.”
An uneasy silence settled between them as Whumper's gaze raked over Whumpee. A bizarre, cruel grin twisted on his lips.
Whumper let out a nightmarish cackle.
“I can’t blame ya for trying.” He smirked. God Whumpee was fun.
“I’m sorry.” Whumpee repeated earnestly, sniffling. He exhaled. “I won’t be a problem for you ever again.”
The promise hung heavy in the air.
“I know that.” Whumper responded, nodded somberly, his eyes darkening. He rocked back on his heels and stood, his looming figure cast a shadow over the broken man.
 “Cuz I'm gonna have to kill ya.”
The blood drained from Whumpee’s face. 
“What a waste, too.” Whumper sighed. “You ruined something that was goin’ well for ya. I trusted you, I thought you were one of the good ones.”
“No-no, I’m good. I’m still good, I’ll be good! I’ll do anything yo—.”
Whumper drove his heel into the side of Whumpee’s face, sending his head crashing into the unforgiving basement floor. Pain exploded through Whumpee’s body, the unforgiving surface scraping his skin raw.
He lay still for a moment, breathless and stunned. The cold, hard cement pressed uncomfortably against his cheek.
"Don't. Don't."
“I need you to understand something: you lost your privilege to live the second you opened that fucking door.”
Barely above a whisper, Whumpee pleaded again. “Don’t hurt me. Please.”
Whumper flicked the boxcutter open.
“I’m gonna do a hell of a lot more than just hurt you.”
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whumblr · 5 months
Find them!
Good whump words in all variants. So have some prompts you can hear :) from calm and collected to most desperate.
- Whumpee hiding in a darkened room. They hear the door open, hear multiple sets of footsteps enter, getting closer, walking past. Then a calm "Find them".
- Whumper bending over, picking up the remnants of cut rope. He straightens back up, looks around. A click of the tongue. This is an inconvenience.
- A blood trail leading to the woods (Whumper: calm, with a smile. Caretaker: a little less calm)
- The captives have escaped, but the building is sealed anyway.
- The (snow) storm is getting more extreme and Whumpee hasn’t come back yet. "We have to find them!"
- Whumper has been signalled nearby and Whumpee (oblivious) is out.
- Caretaker realising in the midst of chaos that Whumpee isn't among them anymore.
- Whumper who has just been shot (bonus if sniper) or punched to the ground screaming in rage, "Find them!"
- Caretaker crying, pleading with the rescue team.
- Whumper slamming the door to their office open. Surprise :) the precious thingamajig / important documents / hostages are missing.
- Whumper finding the cell empty. And the bigger badder Whumper is waiting for them.
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“As far as escape attempts go, that was one of your weakest.”
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defire · 2 months
Smart whumpee stuff (EQ and IQ)
(sadistic whumper ideas included)
They can tell when they're going to break.
Knowing their own pressure points, they make up fake ones that the whumper can then enjoy "breaking", and whumpee plays along
Whumpee pretending to be defiant so that whumper is more satisfied by their submissive act
Finding ways to restore their own spirit like mantras or plans
Watching and testing whumper for weak points that they can exploit as a distraction later
Knowing or quickly learning how to tend their own wounds
When they DO break, they spill everything they've been doing. With maniacal laughter, watching whumper's shock.
An autistic that knows the layout of the compound they're trapped in just from walking through it once.
An ADHDer that's so good at thinking on their feet that they can choose a moment of chaos to disappear.
IQ whumpee knows HOW to escape but also that it's logistically impossible
EQ whumpee doesn't care if it's impossible, they know if they don't try, they'll go insane from helplessness
Or EQ whumpee that knows that the constant failure will eat at them. So they resolve to try something they might succeed at, like convincing whumper to feed them
IQ whumpee blaming their lack of proper planning for a failed escape attempt
EQ whumpee wondering why their usual make-friends thing isn't working on whumper, perhaps blaming themselves
IQ whumpee trying to convince whumper of the impracticality of continued abuse
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whumpsday · 3 months
I Deserved It
Whump Oneshot - Writing masterlist here
content: time loop, pet whump, failed escape attempt, guns, major character death, whumper turned caretaker, suicide
Whumpmas in July Day 3: "___ deserved it."
i wrote this all in one sitting and when i looked up it was 4am. starting WIJ off with a bang!!
Day 1
Devran didn’t know it was day one of anything at the time, though he certainly learned fast.
The little shit had tried to escape. It had never done that before, and he certainly wasn’t a fan of it. He’d thought his training was getting him somewhere, Emereo seemed almost completely obedient. But somehow, it had all gotten away from him.
Not enough for the pet to actually succeed, of course.
His captive was weeping in a crumpled heap on the floor by the time Devran was done with it. Devran was careful to never go further than what he could fix on his own–it wasn’t like he could take the damn thing to a hospital without getting arrested. Still, the bruised, broken figure kneeling at his feet seemed thoroughly cowed, and the fresh, smoking brand on its shoulder blade ensured that it would never forget its place again.
He grabbed it by the collar, the pet’s eyes flashing with terror as it was brought up again.
“Master–” Emereo gasped, “Master, please, I’m sorry! No more, I won’t run again! I’ve learned my lesson!” It winced away from him as much as it could without pulling back.
Devran scoffed. “Clearly, you’ve learned nothing. Begging for the punishment you’ve duly earned to stop?”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” it cried. It opened its mouth, then closed it again, no doubt biting back more pleas for it to end.
“You deserved it.” He shook the helpless thing a bit, watching it choke on the collar for a moment before moving with it. “Say it!”
“I–I deserved it, sir,” Emereo sobbed.
Devran dropped it, then kicked it one last time for good measure. Emereo whimpered and curled in on itself, every muscle in its body tensed and waiting.
Exactly how he wanted it.
He dragged it back over to the wall, clipping its collar to the chain there. “No food today or tomorrow. You’re dismissed.”
Emereo slumped over. “Th-thank you, Master.”
Devran left it there, locking the basement up as he went upstairs. Two days nursing its injuries in the dark with no food should give it the time it needed to reflect on its actions.
He went on with his day, not paying any more mind to the crying mess in his basement aside from when he cleaned the branding iron.
Later, he would swear that somehow, when he went to bed that night, he could feel that something wasn’t right.
Day 2
“I–I deserved it, sir,” Emereo sobbed.
Devran blinked.
He was back in the basement, his fist coiled around his pet’s collar, just like yesterday. Emereo’s brand was even still smoldering, he noted.
He dropped the wretched thing, taking a moment to collect himself while Emereo shook on the ground. He must have been dreaming, right? The last thing he remembered was falling asleep.
“Sir?” Emereo squeaked.
“Stupid,” he muttered, turning away and back up the stairs. Though he didn’t bother closing the door, the Emereo of his dreams had learned its lesson just as well as the real one and stayed put.
Devran straight up to bed, and though it was still light out, managed to get himself to drift off into a nap.
Day 3
“I–I deserved it, sir,” Emereo sobbed.
Devran was not the slow sort.
He only gripped the pet’s collar tighter, drawing it up with a yank. “What’s going on?” he barked.
“I deserved it!” Emereo repeated, pupils dilated. Its hands raised slightly, then lowered as it snuffed out the instinct to loosen the pressure around its neck. “I’m so sorry, Master! Please!”
“Forget about the stupid escape!” Devran threw the pet to the floor, hard. Its skull cracked audibly against the concrete, though it did not lose consciousness. “You don’t remember, do you?”
Emereo’s breaths came quick as it wracked its mind, desperate to placate its master. “R-remember what, sir? I remember my lessons! I won’t forget again!”
“Great. Just great.” Devran stormed upstairs and locked the door behind him. If he was going to figure this out, it certainly wouldn’t be aided by a stupid pet who had no idea what was even happening.
Internet searches returned only science fiction. Obviously, this was out of the realm of the ordinary. He was on his own, but Devran was nothing if not adaptable.
And clearly, he had all the time in the world to figure it out.
After a day of fruitless research, he checked himself into a hotel for the night. Perhaps it was the bed.
Day 4
“I–I deserved it, sir,” Emereo sobbed.
It was not the bed.
Devran sighed, dropped the pet, and headed back upstairs without another word. He started writing ideas in his journal, but scrapped that–it would all be erased anyway. He would simply have to remember everything.
He brewed a pot of coffee in pursuit of his next endeavor. Every time he slept, he reset. So he simply would not sleep. Obviously unsustainable, but maybe if he crossed some sort of threshold, time would go forward as it was meant to again. It wasn’t like he’d never pulled an all-nighter before. He would aim to pull two, at least.
On the bleary 40th hour of his endeavor, Devran was pulled from his countless shaky-handed cup of coffee by a soft knocking.
“Master?” came a small voice.
At least it was something to distract from the sleeplessness. Devran opened the door. “What?”
Emereo backed up, almost tripping over itself as it fled to the bottom of the stairs. “C-could I have some water, please? My bowl’s been empty… I’m sorry to bother you. It’s just…”
It was very, very clearly sorry. It was apparent that it would rather be doing anything else at the moment.
Devran rolled his eyes. “Stay.”
The pet obeyed as Devran filled a cup with water, brought it back, and tossed it down the stairs, spilling it all over the floor. It could lick it off the ground if it wanted it so badly. He was too tired to give a shit. “There’s your water.”
“Thank you, sir!” Emereo called as he slammed the door back.
Devran returned to his pacing until he was simply too exhausted, only daring to sit down for just a moment.
Day 5
“I–I deserved it, sir,” Emereo sobbed.
“Damn it!” Devran shouted, throwing his pet to the floor. It shrieked, covering its face as it cowered away.
Back to the drawing board.
He stared curiously at the pet curled on the ground. He’d been focusing on himself and his behaviors to stop the loop, but why did he always wake up here? Was it simply random chance, or could Emereo be connected to this, somehow? Even if it couldn’t remember?
Devran lowered Emereo, then released its collar. “Have you ever seen Groundhog Day?”
“W-what?” it asked, completely tense as it looked up at him.
“The movie, the one about the man trapped in a time loop. Keep up.” Devran snapped his fingers.
Emereo immediately positioned itself into a kneeling position. “Yes, sir! I’ve seen Groundhog day. M-my siblings and I used to watch it on the actual holiday.” It covered its mouth suddenly, like it had said something it shouldn’t have.
“I’m stuck in a time loop. Like in Groundhog Day. Do you understand?” Devran asked.
It was immediately clear that the pet thought he was losing his mind. It looked up at him questioningly, trying and failing to hide its obvious disbelief. “...Yes, sir. And… should I be, um, doing something?”
“You should be glad your punishment’s interrupted. I keep resetting right then, why is that?” he muttered.
“I don’t know, sir. I’m sorry.” Emereo’s voice was quiet, trying hard not to trip on unsteady ground.
“Useless.” Devran left it down there and headed upstairs, then out the door.
His friends were even more useless than the internet had been.
Day 6
“I–I deserved it, sir,” Emereo sobbed.
Devran dropped it, heading upstairs without another word. It had been a while since he’d opened this drawer for anything other than cleaning, and, well, he’d always wanted to try this. Either it would break the loop and he’d be free, or it wouldn’t and there would be no consequences.
The pet’s eyes grew wide as it looked up the stairs when he returned, straight up the barrel.
“Sir?” it breathed, not daring to move a muscle.
“Good night, pet.”
With that, his basement was painted red. Devran didn’t bother cleaning it up.
Day 7
“I–I deserved it, sir,” Emereo sobbed.
It was strange, seeing his pet so full of life after blasting its brains all over the walls. Devran released it to the floor, taking a step back.
“You used to watch Groundhog Day every Groundhog Day with your siblings,” he said simply.
Despite its aching body and cracked ribs, Emereo moved swiftly to prostrate itself, bending until it was the utter picture of submission.
“Please don’t hurt them,” it choked out, “I’ll do anything, Master, anything, I promise I’ll never try to run again, just please. I’ll be such a good pet for you, I swear! You’ll never need to discipline me again! Please don’t, oh God, please–”
“I’m not going to kidnap your fucking family. Get a grip.” Devran snapped, and Emereo in turn snapped up to an upright kneeling position. It cried out as the sudden movement jostled its injuries, but did not complain.
In all their time together, he had never seen it quite this distressed. Devran pocketed the idea to ensure future obedience, once he’d dealt with this damn loop.
“You told me this. I’m trapped in a time loop,” he explained. “Do you believe me now?”
“Yes, sir!” The pet was unreadable this time, its mind clearly elsewhere.
“Listen.” Devran snapped again, and Emereo flinched. “Every day for the past week, I’ve woken up to you crying here, and nothing I’ve tried has worked. I’m half-convinced you’re somehow involved with this.”
“I didn’t!” Emereo insisted, fresh tears brimming. “I s-swear, sir, I didn’t, I’m sorry I tried to escape, but I didn’t–”
“Not like that. In the more… catalytic sense,” he corrected.
Emereo pursed its lips.
“What?” Devran demanded. “Spit it out. I only have all day.”
“H-have…” It cut itself off. “I’m afraid I’ll be… punished again, sir. I don’t want to disrespect you.”
“You’re disrespecting me more by disobeying my direct order to spit it out.”
“Have you ever seen Groundhog Day, sir?” Emereo asked. It put its arm up to guard its face, as if that would do anything.
Ah. Of course that would be the first thing the stupid pet thought of. He hadn’t seen the movie itself, but it had wormed its way into popular culture enough for him to get the gist: a man is trapped in a time loop until he betters himself as a person.
“Very fucking funny. That’s a movie, this is real life.” Devran turned to leave it once more, then stopped.
Why not? He might as well try everything.
“You know what?” He turned back toward the pet.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Emereo wailed. “Please, I didn’t want to say it, you ordered me to!”
“Go.” Devran stepped aside, gesturing up the stairs.
Emereo shook its head, frantic. “I’ve learned, sir. I promise. I’ll never run again, never, never.”
“I said to fucking go.” Devran grabbed it by the collar and dragged it upstairs, throwing it out the door. “Don’t come back.”
He shut the door in its bewildered face.
It wasn’t even an hour later that police showed up to arrest him.
Devran didn’t particularly mind. If it stuck, he would still be imprisoned for less time here than he would be if it didn’t.
Day 8
“I–I deserved it, sir,” Emereo sobbed.
Devran abandoned the pet once more to work on his own. While Emereo’s idea was juvenile at best, there was a kernel of worth in it: perhaps there was some use in looking to time loop narratives. If someone else had ever escaped his predicament, perhaps they’d write a book or script about it. It wasn’t like he was lacking time.
He threw some food and water down for the pet so he wouldn’t be disturbed, then set to work.
After Groundhog Day, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, and Happy Death Day, he fell asleep halfway through 1408.
Day 9
“I–I deserved it, sir,” Emereo sobbed.
It had only been just over a week, but the spot Devran had left off in his old life was slowly starting to lose its meaning. He couldn’t find any energy to be angry about the escape attempt anymore.
“Up,” Devran ordered, releasing its collar.
Emereo struggled to its feet. “Yes, sir.”
Devran led it upstairs. “Go sit on the couch.”
“Yes, sir.” Emereo collapsed there, whimpering as it tried to find some semblance of comfort with its injuries.
“Your punishment is over. I’m going to be watching some movies and TV shows. If you’re good, you can stay and join me for lunch and dinner,” Devran offered. Perhaps the recent watch of Groundhog Day had made him soft after all.
The pet wiped its eyes. “Thank you, Master. I’ll be good.”
He put on 1408 again, fast-forwarding until he got to the point he’d fallen asleep at. The pet watched with rapt attention, not seeming to mind having missed the beginning of the movie. It did not speak at all during its run, only looking away to try and fail to spot the brand now taking residence behind its shoulder.
After a horrific torment at the hands of a cursed hotel room, the protagonist ended up setting it ablaze and escaping. Devran had already successfully fallen asleep outside his house, so that didn’t help at all.
“This wasn’t the original ending,” Emereo piped up suddenly. “They changed it because test screeners thought the director’s vision was too much of a downer. There’s actually four endings, ‘cause they made a bunch trying to find a good one for theaters, they included them all in the DVD release. He dies in the fire in the original one.”
Devran turned to look at it.
Emereo shied away. “I-I used to watch a lot of horror movies. Master.”
“Hm.” Well, that was equally as useless. If dying was the only way to escape the loop, he’d be dead after he escaped, and it would be pointless. “Lunch time, I think.”
It turned out that getting through all the movies and staying awake was easier with Emereo’s commentary. It slowly opened up as Devran encouraged it. It even gave recommendations.
Day 10
“I–I deserved it, sir,” Emereo sobbed.
Devran lowered his hold slowly, then released it. That brand really did look nasty. All that bright-eyed babbling from yesterday was gone, now.
“Punishment’s over. Come on.” Devran helped it up, his hold firm even as Emereo flinched from his touch. “No more hurting for now.”
Emereo was able to get up the stairs much faster with help. Devran even applied some burn cream to its brand and gave it some ibuprofen for the pain.
“Thank you, Master,” it said after it downed the pills. “You’re… more merciful than I’d expected. Thank you. I really won’t try to run again. I’ve learned.”
It was a pathetically low bar, but it was also the most kindness Devran had ever allowed it at once. This was how he’d imagined it in the beginning, when he’d pictured training a human pet: a loyal, devoted companion, after the pesky conditioning was out of the way. He’d seen others in his circles accomplish the same. He’d thought for a while that they’d simply chosen better victims, and he was stuck with this one now that he couldn’t let it go without the police on his tail. Maybe it just required a gentler hand.
“Good. Maybe I’ve been too harsh with you, and that’s why you felt the need to run,” Devran conceded. “We can both learn from this. A better pet and a better owner.”
He chanced a soft pat on the head. Emereo only flinched a little.
“I’d like that, sir,” Emereo agreed. There was no doubt in Devran’s mind that it wanted to be free more, but its words were sincere nonetheless.
Devran fell into a routine.
At the start of each day, he took care of Emereo, learning more and more what words were most effective in calming him down–a he now, eventually–as he treated the injuries he’d inflicted. He made lunch for the two of them, then did something related to the loop. Research or an attempt to break it. As the days went by, he grew lazier and lazier with that, sometimes skipping it altogether as he grew more sure there was no way out after all.
He spent the rest of the day relaxing with his beloved pet, falling into a kind of peace. Emereo never reacted well when he tried to free him or take him outside, only causing more distress after the punishment he’d just taken. So he stayed.
Day 259
“I–I deserved it, sir,” Emereo sobbed.
“Good, there you go. It’s over now, I promise. You’re going to be alright.” Devran unclipped the collar from Emereo’s neck and tossed it aside. “You did such a good job. I’m not going to hurt you again. Let’s treat those injuries, okay? Let me help you up the stairs.”
Emereo’s face was the picture of relief. Devran had seen it hundreds of times. “Thank you, Master.”
It bothered Devran that this was the reset point. If only it could have been an hour earlier, before he’d caused so much pain. He’d even prayed for it, during his brief stint turning toward the church for an answer to his loop. But he always woke in the same spot.
After Emereo was all treated, Devran wrapped him in a blanket, brought him to the couch, and served him his favorite food: grilled cheese. It was about the most content someone recently-tortured could look, but through it all, there was always that undercurrent of pain and fear.
It was cruel, really. Devran had made his peace with the loop, but Emereo was the one that truly suffered for it, even if he couldn’t remember.
By this point, there was only one thing he hadn’t tried. He had mulled it over for quite a while, and he’d finally made up his mind. It was a bit drastic, but if it was the only way to free Emereo from his daily torment, he had to at least try, didn’t he?
He took his journal and wrote the names of everyone else he could think of, then tore out the page, folding it in half.
“Emereo? There’s something I need you to do,” he said as he joined him back downstairs.
“Yes, Master?” he asked, suddenly just a little more tense. Devran hated that. He wondered if Emereo would ever lose that fear, if he spent some years away from here. Away from him.
He handed Emereo the paper. “You don’t need to read this, it won’t make sense to you anyway. These are my… friends. If you ever get out of here, give this to the police, okay?”
Emereo looked lost, but that was alright. He didn’t need to understand just yet. “Um, yes, sir.”
“Good. You’re free to do as you please. Use the phone, take a walk outside, whatever you like. You won’t be punished.” Devran left him there and locked himself in his bedroom. He didn’t want Emereo to be the one to find him, even if it reset and he wouldn’t remember.
“Well, here goes nothing.” Devran clicked the safety off and shot himself in the head.
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whump-queen · 3 months
glasses whump cuz jinkies bitch I can’t see without my glasses
whumpee flinching too early or too late.
whumper making a big show of crushing their glasses underfoot
whumpee feeling a hand on their shoulder and jumping because they can just barely see the dark shape behind them but can’t make out their shadowed features.
a whumpee losing their glasses privileges early-on in capture. maybe they go years unable to clearly see their captor’s face.
a whumpee who hasn’t been able to read anything in years. anything short of a big headline is just jumbled black shapes. maybe they can’t even read a phone screen. could they call for help even if they had the chance? the feeling of uselessness at finally getting access to a laptop or a phone, only to find they can barely even see the icons on the screen. they get caught before they can even type in the password.
whumper trying to console them, promising whumpee they don’t have to worry about their vision any longer. there is nothing worth seeing apart from whumper.
glasses-less whumpee finally escaping into the big outside world. unable to read steeet signs, bumping into strangers, wandering into the street and getting nearly hit by cars. drawing so so much attention. panicking because they didn’t realize just how blind they really are, out here. just how unprepared. how useless. almost like they’re better off back with whumper. where things were painful, but at least predictable.
if they get a recovery arc, give me that moment where they finally put on a new pair again, and remember what it’s like to see, to feel like themselves. to be out of the dark and the fog, to finally feel like a person again.
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chaotic-orphan · 5 months
Hello! I’m sorry I have been absent, but the next two weeks are my exam times and I most likely won’t be active, but good news is that my exams finish on the 17th! Which means a whole summer of more writing!! Thank you for being patient and here’s a lil whump drabble to scratch that itch
Caretaker was dragged through the camp struggling like a worm on a hook. Two of Whumper’s men stood on either side of them, marching Caretaker by their arms to Whumper. Caretaker’s hands were zip-tied awkwardly behind their back, and no matter which way they moved their wrists the plastic cut into them sharply.
Caretaker saw Whumper before they reached their tent. Slightly larger than most, big enough to hold a cot and a space for tactics. Whumper’s war room. Whumper’s hair shone like a star in the darkest night’s sky, the moonlight reflecting off of the silvery strands. It always looked a little off, a little too unreal. A little too beautiful.
Whumper smiled when they saw Caretaker being dragged towards them, dismissing the people they were talking with to greet Caretaker with open arms. Literally.
“Caretaker,” they said, voice happy and light. “I know it’s only been a few hours, but I must say I missed you.”
“Yeah, well,” Caretaker replied, their voice coming out weaker than they would’ve liked. “You’re like a rash I can’t get rid of.”
Whumper’s eyes widened slightly as they glanced over Caretaker’s head to see if there would be another in zip-ties like Caretaker. Looking for Whumpee. Then they fell to one of the guards holding Caretaker. Without a command, the two guards threw Caretaker to the ground. Their hands shot out to catch themselves but caught on the zip-ties, and the best Caretaker could do to not eat a face full of dirt was to let their shoulder take the brunt of the impact.
“Caretaker, Caretaker, Caretaker,” Whumper said with a long sigh. Caretaker watched Whumper’s shiny boots draw closer to them. Then swing back out of sight swiftly. Caretaker barely had enough time to catch their breath before it was forced out of them, let alone try and turn away as a gleaming boot came down in a flash. It hit their ribs and Caretaker gasped, curling into a ball but it didn’t stop the next kick, or the next, or the next.
Whumper’s boots stopped in front of Caretaker’s eyes. Whumper sighed above them, and crouched down. Leather creaked as Whumper ran their fingers through Caretaker’s hair and made a fist before yanking. Caretaker cried out as Whumper craned Caretaker’s head back until they were looking into Whumper’s cold, impassive face.
Whumper tilted their head to the side. “Where’s my favourite pet, hmm? Where did you leave them?”
“I don’t know where they are,” Caretaker spat. “I just know they’re far away from you.”
Whumper’s smile could freeze hell, and seeing it sent shivers down Caretaker’s spine. Whumper released Caretaker’s hair and pushed them onto their back, leaning a knee down on Caretaker’s chest.
“That’s not the answer I want to hear, Caretaker.”
“Fuck you!” Caretaker ground out, then let out a sharp cry after Whumper punched them in the face. Their head smacked back off the dirt ground of the camp and Caretaker felt a headache creep into their skull.
For a long moment, Whumper just stared down at Caretaker, the same cold smile on his lips. Then Whumper got to his feet and waved his hand at Caretaker. Caretaker didn’t have to wait long to know what that gesture meant before the guards were taking his arms again and yanking him up.
Caretaker kicked out at them, catching one of them on their hip and turning to twist out of the other’s grip. The other yanked Caretaker towards them, throwing them off balance. Before they managed to correct it the guard they kicked had their hands on Caretaker’s elbow again and between them they managed to subdue a feral, cursing Caretaker.
Caretaker stopped struggling when their eyes were enthralled by Whumper’s, as if they were caught in a snare. It made their blood run cold. Not Whumper’s eyes or cold smile, but his current bare index finger and thumb that was removing their remaining glove from their hand.
“Caretaker…” Whumper said with a sigh. “I really hate to do this, especially to you. You’re my— you were my closest friend. You and I were like family.”
Caretaker fought to urge to try and back up in the guards hold. Everything in their body screamed at them to flee. To run, but they forced themselves to remain in place.
“We were friends before you needed goons to do your dirty work for you.”
Whumper’s eyes flashed with amusement as they advanced on Caretaker, reaching forward and ignoring Caretaker’s flinch, stroked the back of their knuckle along Caretaker’s jaw. Something so familiar about it broke Caretaker’s heart, but only now did they see the manic possession Whumper mistook for love in their eyes.
“That’s right, we were. Back when you were the one to do my dirty work for me, right?”
Caretaker swallowed the lump in their throat, or tried to, because it was still lodged there.
“Then you had to go and get noble, Caretaker. All for a pathetic nobody who wouldn’t return the favour.”
“I’d do it again.” It was a confession.
Whumper had the gall to look a little sad as they said softly: “I know. And you know what I must do now.”
Caretaker tried not to cry. They wanted to greet their maker with dignity. “I do.”
Whumper steeled their expression, jaw clenching, moulding their face as far to impassive as they could.
“For what it’s worth,” Caretaker said softly, their voice scratchy as if they had just swallowed sand. “You were my fiercest friend too. I don’t regret what I did, but I’m sorry I had to betray you.”
Whumper’s stoic expression cracked a little. In their left eye, Caretaker saw the telltale twitch and they smiled. They knew if they were alone Whumper would have expressed their doubts too, but Caretaker knew it had to end this way when they broke Whumpee free. Whumper knew it when they found Whumpee’s cage empty.
Caretaker nodded. Then closed their eyes and waited for the final blow.
It didn’t come.
Instead, Caretaker heard the most devastating sound they would ever hear.
Caretaker’s eyes shot open meeting Whumper’s smirking face. Caretaker lurched forward, renewing every struggling effort to get free of the guards’ hold but Caretaker didn’t get very far.
“Whumper, wait! Whumper! Don’t,” Caretaker cried, trying to squirm out of the guards’ hold but every time they got a bit of leeway the guards would change their position and keep Caretaker firmly between them. “Whumpee! RUN!”
“Oh, it’s too late for that, Caretaker,” Whumper said with a smile. “My men already have them. They’re bringing Whumpee up now.”
Whumper turned their attention back to Caretaker, a cruel glint in their eye that scared Caretaker. “Looks like you betrayed me for nothing,” Whumper told them and Caretaker’s seemed to disintegrate in their chest.
It wasn’t gentle, more like a shrapnel bomb going off inside them, pieces of sharp metal lodging in everything. It was difficult to breathe as if Whumper had his goons submerge Caretaker in a barrel of water and was waiting for them to drown.
When Whumpee’s eyes caught Caretaker’s they wanted to scream.
Why didn’t you run?
I told you to run!
This wasn’t apart of the plan!
I risked everything for you.
Whumpee’s expression was entirely apologetic, and it broke something else inside Caretaker. “I’m sorry… I couldn’t let you die.”
Whumper let out a little laugh at that. Caretaker stared at Whumpee, certain every emotion was crossing their face. Until Whumper stepped between them and Caretaker’s gaze strayed to his face instead.
Whumper reached a hand out and settled it under Caretaker’s chin, tilting their head up to face Whumper. They wanted to cry, to scream, to spit. All they did was stare.
“See what heroics gets you?” Whumper said gently. Caretaker couldn’t speak, emotion clogging their throat and not letting air or words through.
Without breaking eye contact with Caretaker, Whumper said: “bring Whumpee back to their cage, and make sure you double the guards around their tent.”
All adrenaline left Caretaker’s body in a quick flush leaving them drained and defeated. “You’re coming with me to my tent, Caretaker,” Whumper promised, something dangerously soft colouring their voice. “We have much to discuss.”
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whumporama · 7 days
Badass Whumpee who has planned their escape for a while, and finally executes it. They break their chains, take down their guard and flee, hiding and fighting, making their way to freedom. They're bruised and wounded, but keep going, biting through the pain with a force that takes their captors completely off guard.
Do they make it out, finally tasting freedom after so long in captivity? Or do they get recaptured, dragged back to the leader and forced on their knees, defiant look in their eyes as their head is pulled up by their hair? A silent promise in their gaze, I'll get out, maybe not today, but I will. I'll never stop trying?
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whumpwordsoftheday · 3 days
“I want you to remember this, next time you try to run away. Remember that you will always end up here again, bleeding, crying, begging”
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 9 months
Love love love fake-outs in whump because there's just so many angst potentials ranging from "oh no :(" to "oh my fucking god"
Whumpee finally managing to escape, running as fast as their legs will carry them right into the arms of Caretaker who tearfully tells them they'll never lose them again...only to wake up and realize it had been a delirious dream from blood loss
Someone coming across Whumpee who begs them for help, pleading for rescue, and this poor stranger is so startled and hurriedly assures Whumpee that everything will be okay, they won't let anything happen to them, they'll call the police and...haha, sorry, couldn't keep a straight face any longer. Whumper, did you get all that? Send me a picture of that face, it's too priceless.
Caretaker has finally found Whumpee after so long and are working on getting the shackles off, whispering soft praises and promises that everything is all over now, there's nothing to be afraid of because Whumper is...well, they thought Whumper was dead, but apparently they had just enough strength to come up behind Caretaker and slit their throat
Whumpee has been rescued from their hell, picked up by a kind stranger who's none to happy to hear about Whumper's antics, but don't worry, Whumpee will never have to experience that kind of torment again...because what their new captor has in store for them is much, much worse than the child's play that had been described
Whumpee is dragged away kicking and screaming from their beloved Caretaker, begging for Whumper to show them mercy and that they don't deserve such cruel treatment, promising to be good if they only let Caretaker go...but Whumpee, what are you talking about? Caretaker is the real Whumper, don't you remember? When they kidnapped you so long ago? What did they do to your mind?
Caretaker is just so relieved to have Whumpee back by their side again, their wounds carefully treated and cuddled up close, refusing to part from Caretaker ever again after being rescued...everything went according to Caretaker's plan, now that Whumpee's had a taste of what life would be like if they tried to leave, they'll never want to let Whumper go. I mean, Caretaker.
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unforgivenn · 4 months
Failed escape/rescue attempts
Y'know, there's just something about failed rescue attempts or escape plans gone horribly wrong that just gets to me. It's not just the adrenaline rush of the chase or the thrill of the near miss, although those are definitely part of it. Being someone who's definitely more into psychological and trauma whump, It's the raw emotions, the sheer horror etched on the face of whumpee, when they realize that everything they hoped for is crumbling right before their eyes.
Picture this: you've got this poor soul, trapped in the clutches of their tormentor, clinging to the faint hope that someone out there cares enough to save them. Maybe they've been planning their escape for weeks, maybe even months or years mapping out every detail, every possible scenario. They've decided how to deal with the worst-case scenario and if they do get caught. They've played it out in their mind a thousand times, imagining the moment when they finally break free, when they taste sweet freedom once again. They keep dreaming about it, about how they'll greet and probably cry when they see their family. They think about what all things they'll do when they're free. They haven't been to a karaoke for a very long time.
But then, just when it seems like everything's falling into place, when they're on the verge of breaking out, it all goes to hell in a handbasket. Maybe the rescuers get ambushed, taken out brutally and mercilessly right in front of them. You can see the horror in whumpee's eyes when they see blood gushing out and covering their loved ones who decided to rescue them.
Whumpee screaming and shouting out their rescuer's names trying to get them up. Anything for them not to close their eyes. Whumpee's crying, their sobbing as whumper holds them back by their arms, not letting them run to their loved ones. They don't fucking care about what'll whumper do to them for showing this attitude. Right now, their world was just revolving around the near dead bodies on the ground. Maybe they even faint from the shock.
You can practically see the hope draining from their eyes, replaced by a bone-deep despair as they realize that their chance at freedom has slipped through their fingers. They feel so guilty. It's all their fault. All of it just like whumper said. If they weren't alive then the others would've still been alive. It's all their fucking fault. They feel guilty for even thinking of freedom because there's no way they deserve even a minute of it. The moment from the night keeps playing over in their mind making them break down more than just once.
Or maybe it's even worse. Maybe they're just seconds away from freedom, fingertips brushing against the promise of a new life, when it's all snatched away from them in an instant. It's like a gut punch, that moment when they realize that their fate is sealed, that they'll never escape the clutches of their tormentor.
And then there's the aftermath. The punishment for daring to dream of a life beyond their suffering. Maybe the whumper takes out their frustrations on the one they were trying to save, doling out punishment with a cruel and merciless hand. Maybe they're told, in no uncertain terms, that no one is coming for them, that they are utterly and completely alone in their misery.
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worldboywhump · 5 months
Hudutsuz Sevda- Ep: 13
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whumblr · 11 months
"Why don't you get on your knees and tell me how sorry you are."
Whumpee bristled, the large intake of breath raising them up to full height, fists clenched at their side. The air shuddered back out of them, their resistance following along right with it; their body untensed, they closed their eyes, their jaw unlocked. And so did their knees.
They cast a final furious glance up, but did as they were told, settling down on their knees. Fingers curled into the fabric of their pants leg, holding on tight to the last bit of control they had.
"Right." They took a deep breath, glared up and looked directly into Whumper's eyes.
"I am so, so not sorry for trying to get out of this stinking prison you call a house. Also really not sorry I almost kicked your teeth in. Actually, wait, I'm just sorry that I missed. Really, my most sincere apologies for that. Just, yeah, I'm incredibly unrepentant. And it will happen again. That's how sorry I am."
Not even halfway through that speech Whumper'd already started rolling up his sleeves. The 'actually, wait' made him stop and glance at Whumpee, but the continued spewed vitriol just made him shake his head as he folded his cuff down.
"Yeah," he said, stepping closer, curling a fist in Whumpee's hair and pulling them up. "Let's do something about that."
General whump tags cause I always forget with small posts: @firewheeesky @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @whumpawink @painsandconfusion @whumpifi
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whumpshaped · 7 months
can I get uhhhh….squints at menu…a tranquilizer whump where caretaker is lugging an unconscious whumpee along with them through a forest as they escape, but caretaker had been shot with a tranq mid escape and it’s getting hard to keep moving.
content: failed escape, recapture, noncon drugging, needles, fainting, dehumanisation
Caretaker was panting with exhaustion as they walked through the forest, their unconscious friend thrown over their shoulder. They tried to hurry, but their arms were cramping from how tightly they were holding onto Whumpee, and their legs were starting to buckle underneath them.
And that was before they felt the prick of the tranquiliser dart hitting their arm.
"Fuck," they muttered, determined to keep on going. "If you think that's gonna stop me, you're a fucking idiot!"
Despite their claim, their body was quickly becoming heavier and heavier. Every step was a struggle, every breath a chore, and it didn't take long before they tripped on the uneven forest floor.
They could barely keep their eyes open as Whumper emerged from the shadows, easily grabbing both Whumpee and them by the waist, lifting them into the air. Caretaker didn't have the energy to struggle.
"Don't worry," Whumper said with a smile in their voice. "I'll take excellent care of my pet's little friend."
this is one of my last drabbles here, please feel free to follow me on my new blog @sowhumpshaped
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i want Whumpee to almost escape, get to the door to freedom, have their hand already on the doorknob, when out of nowhere a strong arm wraps around their waist, pulling them back into a one-armed bear hug, back flush against Whumper's chest
thank you
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