#Fantasy Airlines
capdesuro · 4 months
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Airfare: 1,000 gil
- Yes. ✨1,000 gil lost.
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sawlamander · 6 months
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Now Boarding for flight ETR-7! Thank you for choosing Mythical Airlines! Please Follow, Like, and Reblog!
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h0rnygirl77 · 2 years
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Fly, ever forward, starry-eyed To an open sky
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Afi is Not having a good time
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ladyoftheseaandflame · 4 months
Current WIP: gay leprechaun fantasy quest romance
While planning this, I wrote the phrase "cursed objects aren't allowed on commercial airlines" and I already feel like this book is going to be complete chaos - not to mention how much of a hot mess the language I'm making is. It's still coming together nicely though. The book will have a non-binary protagonist and is set in a small, very cold foresty country on the southern hemisphere of its planet. Still worldbuilding right now and creating the culture but I can't wait to get started.
Also, this is my first post, I used to have a Simblr but I haven't been on Tumblr in quite a while and I thought starting afresh could be fun.
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gentle-giant-swag · 2 years
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CAPTAINS WORDS: these two were picked by The Captain because they’re really similar on paper. Both have a weapon instead of a right arm and will make you cry like a little baby if you even lay a finger on their kids!
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jorirocks · 2 years
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Oops been too long since I posted art My Curse of Strahd group did a one-shot for Halloween (that ended up lasting 11 hours but that’s neither here nor there) I finally got a chance to play a gnoll bardbarian who is an aspiring comedian.  Everyone had to deal with my awful jokes the entire session, as well as the occasional raging when the jokes didn’t land.  
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westerners talking about southeast asians are so stupid sometimes i'm sorry like "how did [people living in the village] maintain their essence 😌🙏🏻 with the temptations of profit 🤑 and the ever-increasing role of tourism 😒😱..." as if people who participate in the tourism industry are somehow less "authentic" southeast asians? as if people who earn their meal that way don't have other factors behind that other than being tempted by profit like some fucking christian beset by temptations LHGSHGH give me a break...
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trevlad-sounds · 9 months
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Wednesday 20 December Mixtape 406 “Unknown Magic”
Ambient, Electroacoustic, Electronic, Drone, Trevlad Sounds Wednesdays & Sundays. Support the artists and labels. Please subscribe so future shows can bloom. https://linktr.ee/trevlad
Trevlad Sounds-Welcome in you wonderful listener 00:00
Wojciech Golczewski-Superunknown 00:31
Dr Atmo & Ramin-Fight The Judgement 03:48
Innerst Inne-Skogen 10:08
Drapizdat, Сам Себе Па-Тер Ве 15:43
Badge Époque Ensemble-Air, Light & Harmony 20:12
Jaakko Eino Kalevi-Chaos Magic 24:37
Tiger Tigre & Taurelle-Sport Mécanique 28:55
Virusmoto-ᛊᚾᚨᚲᛖ-ᚹᛁᛏᚲᚺ ᛊᛏᛟᚾᛖ 33:14
Imrryr-2nd 37:37
Alessandro Alessandroni-Luci Rosa (From 'L'Adolescente') 41:27
Duolant-Chasms Unknown 44:48
Joseph Shabason-Ed Templeton 48:03
Les Imprimés-Falling Away (Instrumental) 50:37
Pabellón Sintético-Crepitar 53:40
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cinnamonnangel · 1 year
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(The Seventh House is ruled by Libra and Venus.)
House of marriage, personality and character of our partner, partner’s job
Civil partnership, bilateral relations, long and committed relationship, close friends, closely associated with, opposite side, associations, union, consultancy
Terms of relationship and behavior
Joint ventures, hostilities, adversary, rivals, competition
Traits we feel lacking in ourselves, the parts of us that are in us but have not been revealed and that we have difficulty in accepting
Lower back, skin, external sexual organs, bladder, ovaries, blood
International relations, military or civil wars, treatises, arbitrators, illegal criminals, marriage and divorce rates, foreign trade, public relations
(The Eighth House is ruled by Scorpio, Mars and Pluto.)
House of death - natural or unnatural, accident, suicide, fire, drowning, diseases, corruption, crises, surgery
Sex, sexuality, erotism, desire, fantasies, fetishes, sexual life
Alteration and transformations, sharing
Heritage, money that comes to us beyond of our control, money that comes to us from others, inheritance from husband
Tax, alimony, debt, heritage, loan, lottery, gambling
Robbery, fighting, theft, slaughter, butchers, coroners, harassment, rape
The fears, privacy, feel rage towards, abomination
Psychology, occultism, parapsychology, subconscious, spiritual psychology
Genitals, groin area, colon, sex organs, gall bladder, rectum, urogenital system
International debts, international financial agreements, charges, stock certificates, interest rates, foreign exchanges, credits, fuses, mortgages, pension funds, legacies, mortality, life-critical, suicide
Surgery, morgue, surgeons, laboratories, nuclear forces, sewage, organized crimes, terrorists, detective, demimonde, arms, underground sources, cabalistic subjects
(The Ninth House is ruled by Sagittarius and Jupiter.)
House of wisdom, mastership, higher education, academic trainings
Cults and thoughts, abstract reasoning, moral evidence, philosophizing, religious cult, reflection, abstract thoughts
The house where we deepen the information we get from the 3rd house
Distant relatives
Society's mindset, social law rules, social and moral rules, harmony with society
Expedition, long trips, distant travels, foreign countries, foreigners, exterior, crew, communication instruments, media, broadcast
Hips, thighs, sciatic nerves, lower spine, liver, autonomic nervous system
Foreign relations and trade, courts, laws, judges, minorities, companies, advertising portfolios, religion and clergy, the country's philosophical and religious tendencies, migrations, long-distance communications, fast-moving news, broadcasting, popular culture, foreigners
Universities, airlines and transport, maritime transport, ministry of foreign affairs, flight attendants
(The Tenth House is ruled by Capricorn and Saturn.)
House of profession, honor, social status, public esteem, dignity, business, character, reputation and career
Glory, name, fame, recognition, way of life, purpose and power
Social roles, status in society, the part of society that sees us, social identity, prestige and title
Marital status, our partner's family, parents, father, authoritarian leaders
Skin, hair, knees, teeth, bones, joints, skeletal system, reputation
Government, the state's reputation by foreign countries, heads of state, powers, executives, leaders, celebrities, notable personages, public figures, uplands
(The Eleventh House is ruled by Aquarius, Saturn and Uranus.)
House of friends, groups, associations, endowments, a circle of friends, people around us, hives, social environments and organizations
Goals, future plans, hopes, goals of life, wishes, happy news, wealth, fortune, expectations from life and dreams
Income from career, colleagues, international friendships, audiences we offer ideas, incoming wealth, gains, profits, writings
Social media, mass media and virtual communities
Endowments associations, politics, parties, establishment, the masses
Lower leg, calves, ankles, electrical impulsive of the nerves, circulatory system, elimination
Allied countries, social institutions and administrations, legislative changes, national mobilizations, revolts, revolutions, organizations, erosions
(The Twelfth House is ruled by Pisces, Jupiter and Neptune.)
House of tribulations, secret matters, troubles, subconscious, covert and covered topics, privacy, loneliness, ermitage, place of isolation
Thoughts, anxieties, and fears underlying repressed consciousness, spiritual life
The things we hide from others and are afraid to tell, our shadow sides, psychological problems
Karmic transmissions, burdens and problems we brought from the past
Secret enemy, backfriend
What kind of pregnancy our mother had, our condition in the mother’s womb and the emotions transferred to us in the mother’s womb
Fantasies and fetishes
Feet, all bodily fluids, the lymphatic system
Secret enemies, secret organizations, private affairs, spies, psychics, fortune-tellers, wizards, deep and secret affairs, criminals, thefts, assassinations, drugs, addicts, dark business people, unemployment and strikes
Hospitals, prisons, rehabilitation centers, mental hospitals, faith houses, orphanages, clinics, charities, overseas
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okay i have SO many thoughts on the blorbo cullen but my biggest ones are that i wish inquisition showed him In Withdrawal more. like this is terrible but pls make him shaky and unable to eat and like,,, coping with being the leader of the military but physically unable to fight. does this make sense?? 😭
it ENTIRELY makes sense. have you seen his concept art? the bags under his eyes are so big, if he tried to fly on an airline, they'd charge him for each one. he's super gaunt looking. he looks awful. its fantastic.
and then in game he's just pretty boy.
(this got way long, putting the rest under a cut)
and honestly, inquisition did not do a very good job of making the military an actual military? it's very hand-waved, running off the vague pop culture ideas of fantasy militaries, but like. irl, you do not have the #1 boss out on the field. that's not a thing that happens.
and cullen is the equivalent of like. the american joint chiefs of staff. he is in charge of everything. his decisions are going to be bigger than punishing individual soldiers, handling any one units requisitions, etc. he should also definitely have an actual staff. like a small herd of people who can advise and inform and gatekeep anyone who comes to him with questions.
and running the inquisition military alone SHOULD be overwhelming and awful and the sort of stress that ages you by 10 years each week. but nah, he just. is fine. signs some papers. swings a sword around. like, i want to know what your rations look like. what about your supply lines. how are you feeding/outfitting/housing/paying an entire army?
AND THEN they just hand-wave lyrium symptoms, so YEAH, i want to know more. chronic pain, temper, joint issues-- i feel like we can sort of somewhat see those in-game in. you know. the single cutscene we get where he gets into why he's doing this and how its affecting him.
and then he's fine in every other cutscene. and he acts like he's fit to fight and he'll go out into the field, in arbor wilds and shrine of dumat. so whats up, baby girl? whats going on?
so its like this mess of them not reading even a single wikipedia page on militaries (or trebuchets. they have a max effective range of around 350 meters. haven cutscene, i just want to talk.), and then giving us no clear answer on what lyrium does to those trying to get off it, but then since the player might tell him to get back on, permanently or temporarily, the player might not even talk to him, or the player will tell him to stay off it, like, you might have to write four different sets of dialogue afterwards, thinking about how the battles are going?
he's so inconsistent. and some of that is just DAI being a video game, which inherently limits what you can do. but some of it is just like. can we get one or two other people on this story?
and i think his writer was given an impossible task, which ive spoken some with @fenrisisms about: how the hell do you handle emotional fallout from torture, participation in an oppressive system that is encouraged and glorified by the main dominant cultural force in thedas AND was the system that oppressed those that also tortured him, drug addiction and withdrawals, and leading a military that he's 100% not qualified to lead (which i have so many thoughts on) in half a dozen cutscenes? and then add a romance? someone say a prayer for his writer.
and so we get this dude who we're told is suffering from withdrawal because he's trying to quit a substance that has killed or driven mad everyone else that's tried to get off, and he's... fine? outside the one cutscene? while also taking on a monstrously difficult task he's not qualified for (and then succeeds at)?
DAI my beloved, you could have been even more.
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bambamramfan · 8 months
Scott Alexander just de-paywalled this piece, and I agreed enough with its perspectives and understanding of fantasy narratives that I wanted to make sure other people saw it.
But I disagreed enough that I wanted to spend a lot of time describing what it misses.
First off, he says "Each part of the fantasy universe has a load-bearing psychological function." Psychological, as a word, goes too far and is misleading here. Scott is entirely correct to look at these elements in functional terms: what do elves, and magic swords, and ancient civilizations DO to the narrative? And we find more enjoyable and memetic stories benefit from these functions, so we end up seeing them over and over again. But it's not a psychological need. It's not about the inner-workings of our mind, it's about the structure of stories that lets them flow well. It would be like saying that the fact that airlines list too-low ticket prices and recover it with hidden fees has a psychological basis, when it's more proximately caused by a broken market system.
For instance, one common fantasy trope Scott didn't mention, but is completely obvious, is the "disposable, unredeemable race or nation." Many fantasy stories have a large army that is either evil-in-essence, or immediately threatening, such that we have no moral qualm about seeing the heroes kill as many of them as possible. Why? Because it makes it a fun "tactical" game of how many soldiers can the "good guys" kill. That's a fun story! It's not because psychologically we want to dehumanize our enemies. It's because Gimli and Legolas's race for who can kill more orcs is a simple and narratively entertaining device.
Scott talked about Unsong in relation to this essay, and I really wonder if his reaction to that was "why Unsong doesn't do these things" or "Unsong leaned into these." Because well, Unsong has many of these tropes. The laptop with a talmudic AI on it is a macguffin. The angels are an ancient civilization. Etc.
Scott undersells just how rich the function of the ancient civilization is. He's correct that the ancients are a way to imbue the magic sword/whatever with non-reproducible power, but it's deeper than that. Many stories and ideologies are "prelapsarian" which means they describe an Edenic time "before the Fall" where everything was right and harmonious. Somehow they got corrupted and we now live in a fallen world where evil runs free. Our heroes, at least in part, want to return to that purity (even if in some aspects it is impossible.) That's what the ancient civilization is really: Eden.
I am stymied by the race question: why do fantasy stories keep going back to elves and dwarves, and sometimes halflings or goblins or dragons, but with extremely little diversity in the type of being we could share a world with. What necessary function do these specific races serve? There are several HALF descriptions that explain a little of this, but don't go the full way: 1. The most thoughtful fantasy authors see these humanoid races as standins for groups in human society, and think you should just write human-only fantasy to wrestle with those questions properly. 2. The people who are most interested in writing genuinely alien intelligences, just write science fiction. 3. Elves and Dwarves DO serve specific functions. Even though every different story has a twist on their elves and dwarves, they do all share some sort of class-identity. In short, Elves are french aristocrats, and Dwarves are semetic scottish. Elves are the groups higher on the class ladder, who are more beautiful, longer-lived, quieter, taller, and more tranquil and quieter (also more tragic.) Dwarves are the groups lower on the class ladder, who are rougher and more practical, more scientific or at least technologically-focused, and whose lives are more easily spent by the narrative. Most fantasy societies are gonna have a "higher class" and a "lower class" standin, and they might as well be Elves and Dwarves anyway. 4. Tolkien did not invent Elves, or Dwarves, or Halflings, or Dragons. But all of these are very old in mythology, and fantasy is much more interested in telling twists on 1000-year old stories, than it is about adding wholly new elements (if only because of what sells.)
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the-ace-with-spades · 6 months
Trying to make myself write like a monkey pilot and so random bits from worldbuilding of this fic that are only mention or not even included (this is trans Bradley fic, for people who have not read it, but some bits are universal - I'm sorry for the rambling)
Merlin has a flight school in Nevada - this is where Bradley gets his commercial pilot licence, not long after he starts medical transition. Merlin runs it with his second wife, Nandini, who was the original owner and main flight instructor. They met through Slider, who got his commercial through her school, and they got two kids and their daughter had a crush on Bradley everyone in their family holds against her any time they meet for family gatherings.
Slider, by the way, retired from the Navy the same year as Mav started on the path to become a test pilot, and got a commercial and then airline pilot licence. Mav makes fun of it constantly.
Jake and Bradley (then pre-transition) talked extensively about their future life together and in Jake's mind, it was a given they would get married and have kids eventually, they'd just wait for the right timing or until they were at certain ranks/positions. Bradley did want all of it, he just never thought/imagined how it'd actually look with him as wife/mother, only vaguely with Jake as a dad and his own image completely avoided (kinda hard to explain but it's like a very blurry picture where his own figure would be even blurrier).
Bradley still wants to get married and have kids. Once the whole wife/mom bit became husband/dad thing, he's no longer uncomfortable about the topic. He knows being pregnant would be difficult because society sucks but he's pretty sure he's at the stage of confidence when he can pull it off.
Jake's mom is the nightmare mother-in-law people joke about. For real. She is terrible to all of her kids' partners, but she is especially terrible to Bradley (pre and after transition) because Jake is her little miracle baby.
Coyote joined Jake's squadron just as Bradley left the Navy, which means he met Jake in the middle of a heartbreak and well, that's basically why he's not the biggest fan of Bradley (even if sometimes it shows in ugly ways).
Bradley and Jake also had very different mindsets about their relationship during the break-up period of six years. Bradley had been a bit in denial and tried to force himself to move quickly, thinking that ever being with Jake was impossible (or you know, a fantasy only possible in his head...). Jake up until he sees Bradley, now after transition, at the Hard Deck, thought they were like magically destinated to be together and they'd meet again at some point. He dated some girls, mostly on Coyote's insistence, but he never hit it off with any woman, liked to say he was 'ruined for life' for Bradley and never stopped believing they'd find each other again despite the years apart piling on.
Mav and Ice renewed their vows and had a second wedding after Ice went into remission. Bradley was the officiant, mostly because Ice and Mav had a massive fight about whose witness he should be.
This is implied ?? but Ice's cancer went in remission because I imagine Bradley being there and Mav being there more often because of Bradley meant Ice'd go to the doctor earlier than in canon and had better chances given it was at an earlier stage when it was found. You know, a butterfly effect and all that.
Bradley and Ice spent weeks after Bradley's top surgery playing DCS, most often in the F-14 sim with Bradley in the RIO seat, sometimes with Slider providing commentary. As stated in the fic, Slider is the one to pop the idea and install the whole thing. Ice and Mav often play while goes through his oncology treatment and Ice often uses his puppy eyes to make Mav play as the RIO (rather than have two planes and Jester AIs)
Jake has a strange view on gender, which isn't necessarily bad, but it can be disheartening to Bradley, especially at the beginning. It's almost as if he doesn't see people's gender but who the people are (kinda like similar to not seeing skin colours??) which can be great when you don't want to be perceived/treated by just gender (like Bradley pre-transition) but can be ignorant if you do (like Bradley after transition). He is also terrible with labels and doesn't really believe or use them.
(A bit nsfw/tmi ??) Bradley chose his preferred type of top surgery based on the desire to keep the sensation of his nipples (buttonhole has a higher probability of keeping the feeling), mostly because it was a really sensitive part of his body, but ended up not keeping the full sensation on one side, which is always a possible outcome with any top surgeries, and after a few more months on T realized that his chest isn't really that sensitive anymore anyway. It's probably one of the very few things he misses.
I'm absolutely ecstatic because readers picked up on it, but Jake's been so jealous of Mav the whole time the fic's been going on and it'll continue until he realizes who Mav is to Bradley actually. You can only imagine how horrified he is when he realizes how terrible of a first impression he made on Mav.
While Mav is not a fan of Jake, Ice is trying to be very neutral. Objectively, he's not the biggest fan of Jake either, mostly because he's never going to be a fan of any of his baby boy's partners, but he thinks Bradley is an adult and should be able to make his own decisions. He also knows that a lot of people would have told him Mav is no good for him and it's not true at all so he's trying to trust Bradley's judgment.
someone please make me write, i just stare at the open document and change words in already written dialogues
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gentle-giant-swag · 2 years
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valleydoll · 2 months
I haven’t had anything to post from Goodwill lately so I’m excited to post my newest find. I don’t know much about these dolls and would welcome any information you all might have.
These dolls still need to be cleaned but I wanted to post pre-cleaning pics because I usually don’t. Anyway, I know these are Mimi dolls from South Korea and I’ve been able to find info on a couple of them.
First, Asiana Airlines stewardess Mimi:
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Next, I don’t know what this one is called but I found info that she is from 2003 and has a pop star theme:
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This next one was in a wedding dress (which was tagged Mimi} and based on the jewelry I’m guessing this was her original outfit:
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This one was wearing this checked country girl style dress, but her fantasy color hair makes me think it isn’t her original outfit (although it is tagged Mimi):
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This next one is a boy doll that is marked with the Mimi World trademark and was wearing this tuxedo outfit. - but it seems a little big and had no tags:
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My next post will be of the last doll from this lot, who isn’t a Mimi doll and is a complete mystery to me.
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seemoreandmore · 6 months
Fantasy is silver and scarlet, indigo and azure, obsidian veined with gold and lapis lazuli. Reality is plywood and plastic, done up in mud brown and olive drab. Fantasy tastes of habaneros and honey, cinnamon and cloves, rare red meat and wines as sweet as summer. Reality is beans and tofu, and ashes at the end. Reality is the strip malls of Burbank, the smokestacks of Cleveland, a parking garage in Newark. Fantasy is the towers of Minas Tirith, the ancient stones of Gormenghast, the halls of Camelot. Fantasy flies on the wings of Icarus, reality on Southwest Airlines. Why do our dreams become so much smaller when they finally come true?
We read fantasy to find the colors again, I think. To taste strong spices and hear the songs the sirens sang. There is something old and true in fantasy that speaks to something deep within us, to the child who dreamt that one day he would hunt the forests of the night, and feast beneath the hollow hills, and find a love to last forever somewhere south of Oz and north of Shangri-La.
-George R.R. Martin
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