#Fantasy High (spoiler free)
who00osh · 6 months
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Riz “the ball” Gukgak, my beloved
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twinstxrs · 7 months
fabian’s insistence on calling someone to tell them about lucy & yolanda because he thought people just deserved to know, out of respect. both deeply sweet & incredibly gutting. (bill seacaster move over that’s MY darling boy)
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brennan-lee-mother · 8 months
Between "Hey girlie", "What are you, four dogs?" and slowly pirouetting in the middle of a conversation with her parents, Kristen has truly reached critical levels of unhinged this season. And it's only the third episode.
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halcyon-autumn · 6 months
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How about that last episode gang
(Template via @Titoro_ on twitter)
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firedancewithme · 5 months
i honestly think that Gorgug bullying Mary Ann is a good thing for the fandom bc i see so many of you guys being like "oh he's so sweet he would never hurt a fly", still treating him like he had no evolution since the first day of freshman year and the tinfoil flower... wrong. Gorgug is as capable of being a shithead as any of the others. he's a tall strong teenager who could very well turn into a bully if he wanted to, just like any of us, and who keeps getting pushed into it by his teacher and even his friends. Gorgug's road to self-affirmation cannot be brought forward without casualties, otherwise his narrative arc wouldn't have any weight ; this is a character who grew up being taught that you have to make yourself smaller, to always be kind and nice and arranging to others, while the general public kept seeing him as this big threatening monster !! of course he's going to take up some bad behaviors on the way of breaking free out of that. i hope he keeps having outbursts until the bad kids are forced to realize that it's not so fun anymore and to actually intervene.
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vampirehayfever · 7 months
i love whenever the intrepid heroes all start doing something to cover for someone else at the same time. like the i turn myself into him and now this beatiful kristen web incident
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1stuffedtiger · 2 months
-Fabian Seacaster (son of BILL Seacaster) when Palestine is free
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I'd love to draw d20 fanart (or from any other fandom) for you, just dm me proof of donation of $5 or more to Hala's campaign!
Reposted in color!
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jarvesque · 5 months
There has been a lot of discourse surrounding the rat grinders and it's (mostly) been really cool and interesting
But while I love their complexity, and I think that it is important to remember that they are teenager who may have died in a very traumatic way before coming back, I also think that some people in the fandom are a bit too forgiving torwards them
There's a point where "They're teens,don't be so hard on them" doesn't cut it anymore.
They spent 2 years killing small animals in the woods before going to their spring break Adventure
(which sure,is kinda normal for Aguefort. But they kept doing it even when they were higher level instead of going on actual adventures because it was easy)
Kipperlily complained about fairness and how the Bad Kids had an unfair advantage but then her and her party only ever picked easy adventures that would not challenge them or teach them anything
And also,while it can be understandable to want to feel unique and I agree that Kipperlily's anger issues are a sign of deeper problems;
we can all agree that a fairly wealthy girl with living parents being envious of a lower class boy whose mother can barely pay for food because she is jealous that his dad died horribly when he was little IS absolutely fucked up right?
Like, it's such a deeply entitled attitude; and it doesn't make her a monster, but her not being a monster doesn't make her an innocent little angel who never did anything wrong; a middle ground exists
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thistlehalo · 4 months
hi guys! just a reminder that we ended this episode with gorgug making death saves while porter carries his unconscious body!
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jackklinemybeloved · 5 months
if I had a nickel for every time a teenager in fantasy high tried to perform surgery, failed, and then was assisted by another teenager who rolled a critical success, I’d have two nickels. which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice
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who00osh · 6 months
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He will always be her baby, her sweet little boy.
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sapphicmuppet · 4 months
unresolved things still in my brain post fhjy finale
okay hihi this is not me trying to nitpick I just have a lot of unresolved thoughts!! okay here we go
Buckys arc:
I don’t have a ton of stuff to say just generally his arc being unresolved, being counted as a follower of Cassandra but that never being formally gone over, him still living with Mac and Donna, him skipping class, the drama with his adventuring party etc.
Bobby Dawn:
another self explanatory one, Sandra Lynn never finding out he was teaching at school, him escaping scot free, the drama in the sol pantheon, him never finding buddy etc. Just a lot of unanswered questions
Mazey Graduating:
for having a finale that has a lot of emphasis on the Fabian/Mazey relationship I wish they went over that Mazey IS a senior and graduated at the end of the year and is presumably going to college in the fall, and just the logistics of her being a college student still dating someone in highschool, just interesting having them get together when they’re already going in separate paths. I wish they went over it!! because now in my brain I have to justify it as a summer thing because they’re actively going to be doing other stuff the next school year.
Kipperlilly (and Jace):
okay so. Kipperlily was never rage starred or she willing took on the ragestar whatever I NEED TO KNOW MORE. Ik the point is that the ratgrinders suck and are inexperienced heroes but the realization that she essentially took all of The Ratgrinders down with her and gave them up to Porter, wasn’t being controlled by him in the way the rest of them were, had an even more direct hand in Lucy’s death, but also was still being manipulated by Porter for years?? I need it to get gone over. Also Kipperlily staying dead? to be clear it shouldn’t be The Bad Kids’ jobs to have to deal with the moral question on if the ratgrinders deserve being revived but there’s so much unsaid about Kipperlily and so much she didn’t get to do ugh. And in her final moments her absolute hatred towards Riz just being justified? In her eyes. Idk. Lots of thoughts. AND JACE!! Porter ADMITS to killing Jace himself and shatterstarring him and says he will do it again, but also Jace is clearly under Porter’s control to a degree and wasn’t revived too. I wish we knew more about him because as of what we know right now it seems crazy to keep him dead without questioning him and with him being Porters partner in this whole thing he could fully reveal everything Porter and The Ratgrinders had been doing the past three years.
idk just minor stuff with Bakur. He never regained his elf status which was interesting? We never saw the resolution of his fight with Lydia etc
Okay the acknowledgment in the finale that Kalina seems to genuinely have her own free will and moral compass outside of Cassandra is making me crazy because I just assumed she was tied to Cassandra so when she was good Kalina was too by default but there’s so much not cleared up about her. She DID lure Cassandra to the synod where she was weak and fostered the rage in Cassandra about Kristen’s treatment of her. She killed herself and was trying to communicate to Riz about Porter. Ankarna has NEVER trusted her. She had the spies tongue with Porter. She’s escaping with Buddy at the end. WHATS HAPPENING WHAT IS SHE DOING AGGHHHHH
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neverdancewithforks · 5 months
I hope now that the Bad Kids have totally aced their junior year, they still show up to school everyday anyway and just fuck around, solve mysteries, and be constantly seen by the people who tried to get rid of them.
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thisisnotthenerd · 6 months
thinking about riz gukgak and how he feels so alone and yet how his words, his works, are the first thought for his friends when they don’t know what to do
thinking about how love is work, how love is the act of giving and giving and giving until you have nothing left and yet he cannot ever prioritize himself
thinking about how he takes every nickname, every gift, every moment of care with an eagerness that far outstrips the gift in its giving
thinking about how his every stress comes from a moment of devotion and care for his friends, from unraveling the mysteries that permeate their lives
thinking about how he could call them to action with a single warning because they trust in him so much
thinking about how he justifies what he gives to his friends even as his mother asks him to consider himself for once
thinking about riz ‘the ball’ gukgak
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heartswellz · 7 months
POV: you enter the vulture dimension
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flamingfoxninja · 5 months
This makes so much sense why Kipperlilly was asking about how Kristen made Yes! And specifically Where she made Yes! at.
Kristen made a whole new Deity through Arthur Augfort's office and school. As a powerful cleric she reached into the Astral Plane and made life out of her questioning and worship. She temporarily had access to the realm of dead gods to make something from nothing. This was all set in the making from day one.
Jace was working with Kalina and Arianwen to revive The Nightmare King and The Rage Goddess. That's what Ragh saw in front of the office after Prompocolypse. They used Kalvaxis wanting to regain his power as a bigger play to bring back their corrupted and dead deities. A chess piece in a series of steps.
While Kalina was going to bring back The Nightmare King, Jace would work on bringing back The Rage Goddess through Elmville. Kristen already proved that Augefort Academy has access to the Astral Plane. He found and targeted students susceptible to rage, took them to the Mountains of Chaos where the Divine Wedding took place and force the students to make a choice: live for Rage or stay dead.
The Rat Grinders made that choice except for Lucy. Which is a problem because the Need a Cleric. The people the Rat Grinders killed from the school have been Clerics, because with Kristen's method you need a powerful connection to a Deity and Worship to bring life to one.
Lucy worshiped a Giant Goddess, she would have been perfect but she refused.
Yolanda gave up any affiliation to a specific deity, neutral but powerful in worship. She would be a worthy vessel but she refused.
Buddy was brought to always be killed. A follower of Helio, the son of Sol who had corrupted the Goddesses in the first place. He is the grandson of a powerful Cleric, and has that same connection and power within himself. Kipperlilly didn't kill Buddy in panic, that was the plan all along: bypass Obliviti Mori by killing a cleric to meet the Rage Goddess in the Astral Plane, then revive them to spread the word and start the ritual. Buddy was just the first one to accept.
Like in Sylvaire, they are seeding Rage to make their own version of the Nightmare Forest to bring back The Rage Goddess. It's going to bloom and spread, rake over Elmville and the Augefort Academy where the Astral Connection is.
These plans have been started since Freshman Year, and have been defeated all because on goblin was just trying to find his babysitter and another halfling just couldn't handle that.
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