#Fazbear Frights incorrect quotes
Hazel: I know what Alec’s problem is; he’s got ASD.
Meg: No he doesn’t, sweetie.
Alec: No I don’t… what is that?
Hazel: I’d tell you but you’d wander off before I got to the (Alec wonders off) 'S'.
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 4 months
Oswald’s Father: Card got declined at Jeff’s and they kept my kid. Sorry, Oswald, that rabbit is your father now.
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fnafverse-quotes · 4 months
“If I saw a portal, I would jump into it. No questions asked.”
- Oswald, about to go… Into The Pit
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tiny-tinker-gacha101 · 3 months
Millie: Happy Scorpio season. If you have to burn a bridge, do it safely!
Funtime Freddy: With NAPALM.
Funtime Freddy: :)
Millie: >:(
Funtime Freddy: Turn that frown upside down!
Millie: ):<
Funtime Freddy: Not sure what I was expecting...
*Millie and Funtime Freddy are in a car teetering on the edge of a cliff.*
Millie: Oh my god, Funtime Freddy, backwards!
Funtime Freddy: Really, Millie? I thought I might go forwards into the river, I thought that would be a fun thing to do.
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fazfrightsquotes · 1 year
Millie: Sometimes I like to place my hands on someone’s cheeks, look into their eyes...
Millie: ...And violently jerk their head until it snaps.
Greg: ...That took an unexpected turn.
Colton: So did their neck.
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Millie’s grandpa: MY OLD HIGH SCHOOL GOT CANCELLED?!!???!
Brooke: Oh my god, did it say a slur?
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incorrectfivenights · 2 years
Funtime Freddy: We have fun, don’t we, Millie?
Millie: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life.
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sweethoneyrose83 · 29 days
Funtime Freddy: Why do you always wear black?
Millie: Because it’s a color of sophistication and control.
Funtime Freddy: It’s 97 degrees outside, and you’re dying.
Millie: panting Sophistication... and control...
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anenderstar · 1 year
Tumblr media
Incorrect quotes with Alrah / Sarec !! (Alecxsarah)
(also yes, it's lazy, like srsly im tired rn so srry if its bad lmao 😴)
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officermaddie23 · 1 year
Why is your report card on the celling
Funtime Freddy: Why is your report card on the celling
Millie Fitzsimmons: You said bring up my grades
Funtime Freddy: I did say that let me see them
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Basically what happened in The New Kid
Mick: Why would you think any of this was a good idea??!
Devon: Probably because I have severe anger problems and a questionable moral compass.
Mick: Oh…
Devon: I don’t understand how you keep forgetting that.
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 6 months
Funtime Freddy: Completely sober in the workshop googling worst medieval executions.
Millie: Get me out of here.
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fnafverse-quotes · 2 months
Springtrap: Come, Michael! You’ll like being dead!
Michael: That’s what they said about being alive.
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zombieplaguedoc · 11 months
Iceland: Hey big brother?
Norway: *smiling a bit cause Iceland called him big brother* Yes little brother?
Iceland: Would you mind if me and Ali burned down a church when we get married?
Norway: *complete visible shock*
Iceland: -_- It'll be fake, you moron. Me and her want to try for a black metal wedding without burning down a real church.
Norway: *lets out a sigh of relief* Oh thank heavens you didn't mean a real one. I-I'll see what I can do.
Me: So, how did asking Finland and Norway go?
Iceland: *sighs* Finland said no, right after he lectured me and threatened to send me to an asylum, and I think Norway almost has a heart attack. What about you? How did it go over with Sweden and Denmark?
Me: Same as you except I'm pretty sure Sweden had an actual heart attack and Denmark's scared of me now.
Iceland: So now what?
Me: We can disguise Fazbear Frights as a church and burn that.
Iceland: Won't William be mad?
Me: Michael won't.
Iceland: How will we pull it off?
Me: Buy our own pews online and get rid of the plushies and animatronics?
Iceland: Or we could sell them to buy props and gasoline and pay for a band.
Me: That works too.
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fazfrightsquotes · 1 year
Sarah: Why isn’t the animatronic smirking at me?
Millie: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re
all just imagining it.
Oscar: Three people saw it, Millie. How do you
explain that?
Millie: *points at Greg* Sleep deprivation. *points at Colton* Paranoia. *points at Devon* Delusional personality disorder.
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Millie: If you kill me, you’ll bring down the Wraith of my crew
Random Afton Robotics worker: …don’t you mean wrath?
Millie’s grandpa, CTW Funtime Freddy, and the Stitchwraith: *dropping down from the ceiling*
Millie’s grandpa drawing back a baseball bat: No she does not
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