#Feel free to specify a timeframe too
cariantha · 7 months
Originally intended as a "get-to-know the blogger" ask game, but I think they would be fun to answer for MCs and LIs.
So, ask away!
Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
You talked to an ex today, correct?
Have you taken someone's virginity?
Is trust a big issue for you?
Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
What are you excited for?
What happened tonight?
Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
Is confidence cute?
What is the last beverage you had?
How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
What are you gonna do Saturday night?
What are you going to spend money on next?
Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
The last time you felt broken?
Have you had sex today?
Are you starting to realize anything?
Are you in a good mood?
Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
What do you want right this second?
What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
What was the last thing that made you laugh?
Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
Does everyone deserve a second chance?
Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
Listening to?
Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Who did you last call?
Who was the last person you danced with?
Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
Do you tan in the nude?
If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
Who was the last person to call you?
Do you sing in the shower?
Do you dance in the car?
Ever used a bow and arrow?
Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Is Christmas stressful?
Ever eat a pierogi?
Favorite type of fruit pie?
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Do you believe in ghosts?
Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
Take a vitamin daily?
Wear slippers?
Wear a bath robe?
What do you wear to bed?
First concert?
Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
Nike or Adidas?
Cheetos Or Fritos?
Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Favorite Taylor Swift song?
Ever take dance lessons?
Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
Can you curl your tongue?
Ever won a spelling bee?
Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
What is your favorite book?
Do you study better with or without music?
Regularly burn incense?
Ever been in love?
Who would you like to see in concert?
What was the last concert you saw?
Hot tea or cold tea?
Tea or coffee?
Favorite type of cookie?
Can you swim well?
Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
Are you patient?
DJ or band, at a wedding?
Ever won a contest?
Ever have plastic surgery?
Which are better black or green olives?
Opinions on sex before marriage?
Best room for a fireplace?
Do you want to get married?
Feel free reblog for your characters too!
Source: @lost-head-adventure-deactivated
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masterhandss · 8 days
Why did you draw Anzu wearing the Kimisaki 3rd year uniform when she transferred to Yumenosaki as a second year?
I'm not the best source for EnGirls facts so I might be missing any important info or statements, but I do have a short and long answer for that actually :DD
Short answer is, well that's because Anzu is supposed to be wearing a green uniform!
In Paradise, the event that takes place during Anzu and the rest of the Troublemakers' first year, before she transfers, they are all wearing the green uniform:
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The long answer is, just like Yumenosaki, Kimisaki does do the red=1st year blue=second year green=third year color distinction too, but it's notable that the arrangement might have been discarded/ignored eventually for convenience once the stories start showing events from past and future, and the distinction specified applies to the specific time period of the game. I forgot where this was stated, like if it was an art book or a question answered by the EG account since I was just told this at one point, but apparently Kimisaki's uniform doesn't circle between the three colors when you study there, but you're gonna be using the same color as a batch until you graduate because it's less costly that way (which makes sense, changing your entire top every year seems more inconvenient than changing a tie).
I've wondered the same thing as you at one point, but realized without knowing that, it can also be observed in some of the events that happen in the past and future; where the girls still wear the same color they do then as they do in the main timeline of the game's story
Paradise and Grimoire are an examples of events from the past, where third year students, who need to be shown as their first year selves prior to the start of the game, wore their green uniform you would see them in during the events of the main story.
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In the final main story event, which takes place during the now president transfer student's third year in highschool, everyone is still wearing their colors from the previous year/main story timeframe (Natsumi wears blue, Ruka and Shizuku wears read, etc.) (It's def not because everyone is supposed to be roleplaying as their selves from a year ago for the big reunion that's unrelated TwT)
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In Full Voice, where Suzu visits and joins the radio program as a guest Alumni, everyone is wearing their usual uniform colors too.
So it can be observed that yes, the colors of the kimisaki uniform doesn't rotate and that they only wear whatever color they came in with. Hope that helps :DD If I missed any important details or fun facts, feel free to give me a heads up! I love learning more about engirls :))
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Rules (closed)
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• Requests are only for JoJo
• I won't do OC/Character or Character/Character oneshots but feel free to ask for specific traits or characteristics
• I can write for all kinds of pairings; F/M, M/M, F/F, but I try to stick to a gender neutral point of view if gender isn't specified
• Be specific about any plot/kinks/AUs you want me to write about, and most importantly if you want it SFW of NSFW
• Requests take time, I can never give a specific timeframe, should I be taking too long on it don't be afraid to ask about it! I'm either busy with work or Tumblr ate your ask
• As always, please be polite while requesting :)
Absolute No's
• I don't write anything "Dead Dove" related
• Noncon or anything forced on to a character or the reader
• Heavy angst; NTR/cheating, drug abuse, major death or suicide
• Incest/Pedophilia
• Hard violence or body horror, or the fetish that sexualizes it
• Any kinks involving bodily fluids (including blood play)
• I can write for any character from Phantom Blood to JoJolands! No one's too underrated here <3
• I have not read any of the spin-offs, like Dead Man's Questions or Purple Haze Feedback
• Underage characters are immediately aged up for nsfw scenarios. This is something I tend to shy away from, but I have done it and I will again if someone requests it. I understand this makes people uncomfortable so here's your warning
• Characters like Hayato, Emporio, Lucy Steel, Tsurugi are strictly platonic
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castielsparkle · 1 year
deeply in love with you you seem so silly. i would interact with you but i am too shy and do not know if you are alright with that so i suppose this is me asking if that is alright
AHH HI!!!! thank u so much omg i am honored 😭 ilyt anon!!! :3 i do try my best to keep rather silly!!💙🫶🌟 and YES pls interact w me hii!!! i lovelovelove to message and make besties (<- twilight sparkle princess of friendship mlp kin ehehehe!!) pls shoot me a msg anytime!!!<3 if we r mutuals i can give my discord and . if my dms arent open for some reason lmk ahdjgka also feel free to send asks i can answer privately if u specify!!!<3 i do wanna warn u i am. So so very bad at responding in normal timeframes 🫠 notoriously kinda suck at that so its not personal ehehe but!! i am trying to get better and i cant think of what would be more helpful than having more friends to msg!! :}
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flowswept · 7 months
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01. Interactions. As long as we are mutuals, please don’t ever hesitate to reach out if you want to write with me. You can message me directly to plot/brainstorm, or, alternately, you are invited to browse my meme tag (linked in my pinned as “mail”) and send me anything from there. You are also more than welcome to turn ask prompts to threads, especially if it’s our first time interacting. However, please do not send me romance prompts unless we've already discussed it/are writing it with our muses--everything else goes, though.
02. Mature Content & Themes. This blog contains mature and potentially triggering content. Any minors who follow will be blocked. That being said, graphic language makes me extremely uncomfortable, so I’m mostly going to keep my writing sfw/non-graphic. I will not write any level of spice even if it’s vague/implied. Fade to black will be my go-to should our characters’ relationship develop that far. Do not try to force smut on me, or you will be hard-blocked.
I don’t tag triggers unless my mutuals specify in their rules what they want tagged, or if someone reaches out directly to ask me to tag something. So, if you have anything you want tagged, you’re welcome to reach out. I have no triggers, but I do ask that you tag your suggestive/nsfw content, implied or otherwise. If you don’t, I will reach out and ask. If you refuse or repeatedly do not tag your nsfw/suggestive content, I will most likely end up soft-/hard-blocking.
03. Activity & Response Rate. My activity will vary, but mostly it will be from medium to low, as long as I’m not busy with work. I will never pressure anyone for replies, and I expect the same treatment from anyone I interact with. The only times I'll message about a reply is to confirm that you have received mine (in case you haven't responded within our usual timeframe, or tumblr messes up, which happens all too often), but never to pressure you for one. Ever. For busy times, mains and shipping partners will take priority.
04. Following & Mutuals. This blog is mutuals-only. I will only interact with those I follow and who follow me back. Please state your age or age-range somewhere easily accessible on your blog, and have something resembling a rules page, even if it’s just one sentence. I will not be following or interacting with anyone under 20.
If I follow first, it means I have read your rules and checked out your blog and am interested in interacting. I’ll usually wait a reasonable amount of time for a follow-back (a week or two of activity) before I decide to unfollow.
If you follow first, please allow me some time to take a look at your blog and read your rules first. A week or two is usually good. If I don’t follow back, it means I have checked out your blog and didn’t feel we’d be a good fit. You’re more than welcome to unfollow.
Unfortunately, I cannot follow back everyone, as I don't want to overwhelm myself beyond my abilities. If you followed me before and I didn’t follow back, please do not follow me again unless you’re doing so from a different blog/writing a different muse that could be more compatible.
If you’re a personal/non-roleplay blog, you are welcome to follow but do note that I don’t follow personals. I also ask that you do not interact with any threads that I have, and definitely do not reblog them, although you are free to read them. You’re also welcome to send asks, either for me or for Annie.
05. Portrayal. My portrayal of Annie will be a mix between the manga and anime, as well as some of my own headcanons for her. I have read most of the manga but never had the chance to finish it. I did, however, watch all of the anime. I do NOT follow popular fandom headcanons for characters, so please do not assume them onto my portrayal of Annie.
06. Style Preferences. My writing style tends to be very minimalistic and accessible. When it comes to length, sometimes I like short and sweet, sometimes I like long, detailed novel-style RPs. It really depends on the mood and the vibe, but either is fine with me. In any case, I’m just here to have fun writing with other people, so I won’t go overboard with formatting and stylization.
07. OCs & Crossovers. If your OC is an Snk/AOT character, I’m more than happy to interact. However, pre-established relationships must be discussed beforehand. Otherwise, I would prefer for our characters to meet for the first time and get to know each other as the thread progresses. I will only consider crossovers if you have an SnK/AOT verse for your character.
08. Shipping. This blog will be multi-ship–meaning I’m going to explore different ships with Annie, and each one will be independent from the other/set in its own verse, so unless plotted beforehand, there will be no crossing over.
While I do have my own preferences when it comes to shipping with Annie, chemistry is an absolute must here. I prefer building up relationships first instead of jumping straight to romance. Do not try to insta-ship with me, and definitely do not try to force-ship. Aside from romance, I'm more than happy to develop other kinds of relationships with all characters! Friends, rivals, enemies, you name it!
09. No Godmodding. Unfortunately, this has to be said. But please, don't make decisions on my character's behalf, don't do things to my character before she gets a chance to agree/decline/react. Don't assume my character's answer to questions she's being asked. Don't write my character for me. Just don't. MINOR godmodding is okay in the case of ask prompts that I may send your way, because most prompts do require a little bit of godmodding for the interactions to work, but outside of that, just don't do it. The only other time I will allow godmodding is if it's concerning something that we have discussed/plotted and it's for the sake of thread progression.
And just to repeat my point from the previous bit, please, please, please do not insta-ship with me or force any ships on me. I will not hesitate to confront you if you do any of these things.
10. Last but not least, it’s always good to take a step back and remember that this is just fiction, it’s not real, and there are more important things in the world to get worked up over, so let’s just enjoy the fandom in peace! If you ever disrespect my boundaries or make my hobby feel like a chore, I will distance myself and ultimately cut all contact if necessary.
0 notes
soulfx · 10 months
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(  ¯ ` ★ ´ ¯  )      𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎     #𝙎𝙊𝙐𝙇ᶠˣ ; this blog is dedicated to posting affordable resources for the independent roleplaying community run by nix. unless it is specified otherwise, all resources you find on this blog belongs to yours truly.
long ex. ⋆ simple ex. ⋆ ko-fi
if  you  have  any  questions  or  concerns,  feel  free  to  message  me !  
my inbox and ims are always open, but if you haven't heard from me in 24 hours, you're welcome to send me an off-anon ask
commissions: open 0/3 slots. requests: open. carrd currently under construction, please be patient with me at this time.
temporary rules & prices located below
i  do  not  do  waitlists as they can get way too cluttered.
i will  always  try  to  get  the  work  done  within  a  reasonable  timeframe,  although  i  am a full time parent and struggle with mental health issues,  so  please  excuse  any  small  delays.  you  will  be  informed  of  these.
i  only  do  commissions  for  icon  borders and base icons.
your commission  will  be  sent  after  you’ve  approved  it.
i offer payments through ko-fi, paypal, and cashapp only.
prices (based on complexity)
7$ per 100 base icons
5-8$ long blockquotes
3$ simple blockquotes
4-7$ pinned posts
10-20$ carrd + graphics
25$ full blog makeover
if you are interested in bundles, don't beafraid to ask and then it will be discounted. examples of bundles are ;
100+100 base icons
100 base icons + long blockquote
long blockquote + pinned post
please note that a full blog makeover is considered a bundle.
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Starter call!!
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Like this if you want a random, unprompted ask from any of the muses! Though feel free to specify a muse if you have a certain one you wanna interact with!
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perihel1on · 5 years
Aaaand they've changed the search algorithm on this website without warning. Lovely.
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𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓶𝔂 𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓰
This is a master list of all my stories!
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Requests: open
the anime/characters I list does not mean I won't write for other anime/characters.
Fandoms I write for will increase
Also feel free to ask for character x character and character pairings stories too, those are accepted ✨
You can request multiple times. I really don't care.
ask and you shall receive
Only send requests through the ask box...
YOU CAN'T REQUEST SMUT IF YOU ASK ANONYMOUSLY, no minors will slip through the cracks
You can request anything at any time, however I reserve the right to refuse or delete the request.
There is no set timeframe for completing requests. My goal is to have them done within 2-3 days.
Requests are written from a nb!reader perspective (non binary) If you want a different gender perspective, include that with your request.
Both SFW and Not SFW requests are allowed.
Requests will be SFW by default. If you want Not SFW, specify that.
If you request Not SFW, you MUST be over 18. Blank/ageless blogs will be respectfully told no.
You may submit up to three (3) characters for headcanons. Please be clear about what you’re asking for each character.
Please be as detailed with your requests as possible.
I don't do anonymous requests
Write multiple requests in separate asks, don't put two or three in one ask, I will ignore it completely.
Things I won't do:
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Regular omegaverse [none stories]
Omegaverse biology
Omegaverse Sounds
ABO Scent List
Nesting Alphas 💕
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Black Clover:
Henry Legolant
Family Life
Little fawns
White Stag
Sweet passions
Henry Smut Shot
Everything is ok: Chapter 1
Everything is ok: Chapter 2
Everything is ok: Chapter 3
Nesting Head canons
Mereoleona Vermillion
I love her but...
Fuegoleon Vermillion
Courting headcanons
Heat Headcanons
Pregnancy headcanons
Leopold Vermillion
Courting headcanons
Come on boy, move that body
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Meeting him
Growls, Purrs, Chirps, Whines
Our own little baby
Just this once
Nesting head canons
Courting head canons
Silent Night
Courting head canons
He's here
An Omega's hatred
Courting: day one, Monday
Courting: day two, Tuesday
My Kagura
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Rock Lee
Metal Lee
We're gonna be...
Lovely Snake Eyes
Nesting head canons
Growls, Purrs, Chirps, Whines
Christmas Present
Midnight cravings
Pain and Hope
It'll be ok, baby
Father headcanons
Things take time..
Baby crazy
Nesting head canons
Late night snacks
Nesting head canons
New Addition
Courting head canons
Killer Bee
Purrs, Growls, Chirps, Whines
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Mini Me
Give me a chance
Courting head canons
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Tokyo Revengers:
I accept you
Kawata Twins
Nahoya (smiley) + Souya (Angry): Blue raspberry pups
Nahoya Kawata: 2nd one
Souya Kawata: Cuddles please
Souya Kawata: Nesting and heat head canons
Hot chocolate
I'm always here
Nesting head canons
Miracle Baby
The scent of home
Courting headcanons
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Todoroki Shoto
Couch snuggles
Bakugo Katsuki
Warm cinnamon
Tamaki Amajiki
Panic attack
Feeding Time
Please Say Yes
Izuku Midoriya
Not so bad
Extra Attention
You're safe with me
Pick Me
Family Planning
Pregnant! Omega! Midoriya x Alpha! Reader
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Demon Slayer
Heat headcanons
My human...
You want me...?
Tiny movements
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Shikamaru x Choji
My little potato chip
Chojuro x Garra
Let's keep trying, ok?
Little surprise
Mini miracle
Too loud
Todoroki x Izuku
Comfort in fire and ice
Henry x Gordon
Perfect Peace
Articles of Clothing
Kaneki x Hide
Ghoulish Love
Aki Hayakawa x Denji
Autumn Kisses
Mikey x Draken
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─────────ೋღ 🌺 ღೋ─────────
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wataeichis · 2 years
@the-detectiveprince @shumaicore hope you don’t mind the tags! here is an attempted guide at all the various mechanics and details of a tour event, i hope this makes sense/doesn’t complicate it more/isn’t too hard to read (i know it’s a lot of words sorry 😭) but if you/anyone else needs anything clarified further feel free to ask!!
okay so there’s 30 “days” in a tour that you can complete over the 8 day event period, the days are just sets of 4 songs each in which you’re required to play on 3 bp minimum for each song (so minimum 12 bp per set of songs), you access the tour event route/days from the event page (where on a song event you’d find the ribbon shop and the points menu)
- throughout the 4 songs, you’ll have 3 missions to complete to give you 1 star each, at various checkpoints you’ll need certain amounts to pass further, so at points you may need to replay some days for additional stars
- if you don’t have enough stars, you can’t unlock certain days such as day 10 (10 stars needed), day 20 (30 stars needed), and day 29 (77 stars needed, in which you can only miss 7 total stars by that point) you don’t need to collect stars from day 29/30 unless you want the rewards from completing the day/completing the missions as once you’re past day 28 you can easily obtain the chosen 5* or mem coins without completing any missions
- tour missions differ for each day, but the most “difficult” ones can be fc (amount varies), pfc x1-x2, end your score in _ (can most easily be accomplished by playing on easy and stopping hitting notes near the end so you don’t lose enough voltage, but it still may take a few tries) there are also a lot more than this, so you’ll have to pay attention to the missions for each day, these are just what i find the most difficult ; you don’t need all 90 stars, just enough to unlock day 29, so if you miss some it’s okay!
-> your first mission per day will be about your team (ie, a certain attribute, event card, or character used as the centre in your song so make sure your spp is set on them), the second about something you need to do while playing (such as the ones above, and some not listed), and the third mission will be about obtaining x minimum score total for that day (gets higher the later you get in the tour, if you don’t obtain it within all 4 songs you can replay some songs in the day to add to your cumulative total before exiting out)
- tour days run on a fever gauge which can allow for more points to be obtained than in a song event. you build your fever gauge by playing songs 1-3 with the most accuracy possible and with the highest score you can, and then despite using 3bp only the last day will give you some percentage more than the amount of points you’d normally get which is why if you’re going for more points rewards than just the tour route itself it’s smart to use more bp on the last song
-> don’t push yourself to play on expert if you can’t, the rewards aren’t any different, play on the level you can do with the most success for the highest possible rewards from a) not failing b) accuracy for the fever gauge or fc/pfc missions
- it may not be ideal and if you can’t don’t push yourself, but sleeping in 5 hour intervals for bp reset is a decent tactic to get the most out of your tour event without having to spend dia with the possible occurrence that you have to replay some days or miss resets within the day to ensure that you can get the 5* within the specified timeframe, ive found i usually don’t have to spend dia if im able to be there for as many bp resets as possible
- if you’re not yet sure about rewards, tours are very generous about them. they tend to give more dia from a mixture of points reward and 3x dia for completing all the missions of each day. on day 20 and day 30, your choice is between mem coins and 2 cards (day 20 options: 2 mem coins and choice from two 4⭐️) (day 30 options: 10 mem coins and choice from two 5⭐️) tour event cards do not have an mv outfit, only a 2d room outfit. the 3D outfit becomes available with paid dia about a year later, so don’t choose a card based off what their outfit may look like in the mv, because you’ll end up disappointed
-> again, you can only miss 7 total missions before you can get to the day 30 reward, so you don’t need to push yourself to get every star! my recommended ones for accepting as a loss if you can’t obtain them are “end your score in x” and pfc missions
- if you are planning on going for a 5* from points rewards, it will still be a little easier than a normal song event. you’re steadily playing on 3bp for a quicker rank up as well as getting a points bonus from the fever gauge, in which it’s smartest to play on the highest bp for the fourth song for more points
- if youre familiar with the ss finale tour but no other tour, know that that was not what a normal tour is like! that had around ~42 days total and song event aspects with the passes, meanwhile a normal tour has 30 days and no song/ribbons attached. you can easily obtain a reward of choice from day 30 with just normal bp resets, but if you do choose to go for points rewards as well you will definitely have to spend dia
hope this helps at all!!
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buytheticket · 2 years
here are the steps i’ve taken so far to get a metoidioplatsy:
1. make the decision that i want bottom surgery i’ve thought about bottom surgery for awhile but never seriously considered it until last year. i never had very strong bottom dysphoria or discomfort with my current genitalia, especially after starting t. i also didn’t realize that i can really specify what i want: i think i had the assumption that you needed the full monty, sack to head.
i also had to like get over my own prejudices with bottom surgery and change the way i think about it. for me, it was helpful to think of my genitaila as it’s own thing- it’ll never be cis by it’s very nature which makes me feel good. it’s an example of the physical diversity of humans and it’s pretty cool to be someone with a variation like this.
i think being relatively comfortable with my present genitalia really helped me come to this conclusion as well as exploring my sexuality more thoughtfully and think about what feels good and what i want to do in bed. which gets us to step 2.
2. consider my options: so you basically got the meta and the phallo and those branch off with their own set of options. i looked at a lot of other people’s pics which was very helpful. i think both offer really great results and it’s really just a matter of personal needs from the procedure. Meta makes the most sense for me since i really like my bottom growth and feel like meta will free it up more.
I’m also going to get a mons removal to help further. I’m also going for a simple release with no pee tube lengthening, no vag removal and no scrote (too lazy to look up how to spell the medical term). I have no desire to stand to piss , i like using my vagina for sex, and i also don’t want balls since i like how things are currently set up down there. i could also do all of this with phallo which is cool, even keep my clit or get one post-meta, but i don’t feel a need for a meatier member and the trade off of a longer process, more surgeries and the possibility of scaring are also some of the reasons i don’t want a phallo.
 i guess the main takeaway here is that you can really keep what you want with either surgery, it’s more deciding how you want the penis part to look. (i have read that doing a meta with UL and no vag removal can lead to more severe complications during healing and that many surgeons will not do bottom surgery if you want the UL without removing the hole so if UL and keeping your hole are very important i would look into other’s experience getting this done and things to ask when doing surgical consultations).
3. i started looking at my options for surgeons. i live close enough to NYC and can access the hospitals that offer bottom surgery (there’s several options in the city) so that’s where i looked. right now i’m working with Dr. Purohit at mount sinai. their website has a lot of useful info and details the steps you need to take to get started. i reached out to Dr. Purohit’s directly via email and asked him if he’d be able to do a simple meta with hysto at the same time ( he can) and if someone can help with insurance. he got me in touch with one of his staff members, Sam, to work on that. So far, my emails have been responded to in a reasonable timeframe. I set up my consultation with Sam and she forwarded my info to the insurance team. I saw a recent post on a trans subreddit from someone who went with Dr Purohit and he mentioned that scheduling can be a hassle and that Sam was all over the place. I spoke with her once so far but she was easy to talk to and nice. From what i gathered, it just sounds like she is very busy and hospital systems are another bureaucratic nightmare so i think it’s less the people and more the system. i’ll make updates once i get further along in the process
I also looked at my insurance policy. since i live in new york state, all insurance companies based in the state must provide gender affirming care. i checked to see if any surgeon who offered bottom surgery was in my network and there was not. i reached out to my insurance company for what they’d need from me and the dr’s office to get it covered and they need a prior authorization request from Dr Purohit’s office submitted. the insurance will review and approve it. if the dr was in network, i wouldn’t need to do this step (i went with the damn hmo plan at work, this is what you get for being cheap!)
The hospital requires that you don’t smoke like 6 months prior to the surgery and they will test for nicotine. they said the nicotine can hinder recovery. they also require you to have a bmi that’s 30 or under and, at this time, they’re following covid precautions and are requiring testing a few days before your surgery date and i believe they want to to be vaccinated if you’re able to be
I also need a letter from a therapist or social worker who’s worked with me and a letter from a mental health practitioner i’ve never worked with that say i’m a True Transsexual (ha). I’ve been seeing my therapist for about a year and she said she can do my letter np and refer me to another practitioner for the other letter so i’m covered. I did something similar for top surgery to get that covered so i know what to expect. If you know you want surgery at some point, its a good idea to start working with a therapist as soon as you can so you can if your insurance has a similar requirement
i’m really happy and fortunate that my insurance company will cover the procedure but the requirements are the most frustrating part to me. it’s important for insurance to cover trans health care but these diagnostic and approval criteria need to go and trans health needs should be cared for like any other health care need. like my insurance didn’t need a freakin letter from my psych to prove i really needed my wisdom teeth removed and my dr didn’t need to see anything from my therapist to prescribe me zoloft. it just makes it that much harder for trans people to get what they need. having a trans inclusive single-payer health care system would save so many people a lot of pain, time and money. i really hope we can get there
4. and the first waiting game begins. my consult isn’t til june 22 and the surgery date would be 6-8 months from now. i think the insurance stuff will be taken care of pretty quick and without too much hassle and i think it’s good to get it taken care of asap. the hospital also needs me to meet with a social worker who will help prep me for what i need leading up to and after the surgery and i’ll need a psychical and a gyno exam.
other than that i’ve started a light exercise regimen to gain some strength in preparation for the surgery. i’ve also made some minor alterations to my diet, mainly just watching stuff with added sugar. i’d like to be a bit more fit before the procedure and since i’ve got a while to go i figure this is a good way to feel like something is happening while i’m waiting. i wish i had done more exercise before top surgery to help with recovery
i’m also saving for transportation, food, hotels and any items i might need for recovery. having insurance cover the surgery cost helps a ton and means i don’t have to save as much to cover these extra costs. i’ll share what i spent to give a better idea of the overall cost
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chrisbbaegopayo · 5 years
Hold Your Breath (Stray Kids: Stalker AU) ➻ Chapter 3 (part 1)
Genre: Thriller, Angst, Gore, Mystery, Suspense Characters: All of Stray Kids, reader, OCs. Word Count: 1.2k Warning: This story will contain elements of gore, on- and off-screen abuse, torture, mental illness, and stalking. It will feature themes that are not suitable for all ages, readers discretion is advised. Each chapter will have its own specific warning.
Sorry for the short post. I’ve managed to hit a very bad case of writer’s block, as well as other things, more on that below. (updates will now be once every two weeks)
Chapters: Premise | 01 Prologue | 02 Chapter one | 03 Chapter two | Chapter three (part 1) | Chapter three (part 2)
She and Hyunjin ended up getting along really well in class, as they introduced themselves in the timeframe that the professor had given them. She learned that he had been here to earn himself a bachelor’s degree in literature, much like his parents wanted. He had been a pretty hardworking student and liked to participate in extra-curricular activities, although he didn’t really elaborate on which clubs he had joined since attending the university.
It had come to a surprise, then, that he knew who she was. It was kind of strange for her to introduce herself to someone who had already know of her—he did say that he knew of her and knew who she was, but never made an attempt to say anything to her, which, to her, was understandable. University could be somewhat of an intimidating place. And Hyunjin, who kept to himself during classes unless he was asked to participate in group work or class discussions, was naturally relatively inside his head. 
He had a small circle of friends, she learned, of which he had dropped after coming to this university. He told her that he stayed in touch with most of them through social media and that he had missed them. 
They didn’t manage to get too deep into their conversation, although he did tell her that he was in a few of her classes back in first and second year, and much of the reason of keeping to himself most of the time didn’t say anything to her, as they were practically strangers.
Professor Lee stopped the discussion then and then began his first lecture. Much of it had to do with what goals to set at the beginning of the semester, what they would be covering throughout the semester, as well as the many assignments they were expected to do and their due dates that accompanied these assignments. Much to her displeasure, every week, there would be a test that summarized the terms they learned the week before, just to keep them on their toes, apparently. This was probably the most for her, as her memorization skills weren’t the best…
…this would also mean that she would have to do a lot of reading. And note-taking. As much as she enjoyed reading, the mind-numbing technical terms might just defeat her.
However, the silver lining was that there would be some hands-on case studies and there might be field trips planned in the course, although the professor did not specifically say if they were definitely included. As for these field trips, they were still in the process of negotiating some plan, of which professor Lee did not specify.
They also had to write two essays throughout the semester. Great.
As the professor started lecturing, he covered what the meaning of crime was, what each term meant, and how it integrated into society on a very base level. As for the rest of the two-hour lecture, Professor Lee merely just taught through most of the time with interesting examples and various experiences that he had encountered. He made things interesting, and the majority of the class was completely engrossed. The mid-lecture break had gone by and soon, had buzzed by without much of a fuss. 
“All right, remember, class, make sure to read up on chapter 2, pages 60 through to 90! You will be expected to go through it with your teaching assistant in your tutorial later,” Professor Lee said. “Feel free to visit during my office hours should you have any questions or problems regarding class! See you next week!”
She placed her notebook in her bag and looked over at Hyunjin, who looked rather pleased with the class. “Tutorial, huh?”
He nodded and leaned back against his chair. “Yeah, it should be exciting. At least the professor was interesting, hopefully, the teacher assistant will be just as interesting. When do you have yours?”
She pulled up her schedule, and scanned it, trying to figure out which day she had her tutorial. Turned out that she had her tutorial at 11:30 a.m. in two days with a person named F. Lee. And upon showing it to Hyunjin, she was surprised to learn that he also shared the same tutorial. It seemed like a pretty pleasant surprise, she thought. To be in the same class and tutorial—it was as though something was being conveyed to her through this strange arrangement. Or not. It just seemed like a pretty interesting coincidence. 
But life didn’t have coincidences, did they? 
Regardless, the two left the lecture room and went their separate ways after swapping numbers. 
She had never been so glad to be home. After that stalker fiasco earlier on in the day, she was ready to retire to bed. However, she cracked open the textbook she was required to read for the class and sat at her desk, trying to make some from sense from the lectures. She got a few paragraphs into the reading when her phone buzzed with a text message.
>> Hey I’ve got food Open up OMG bless thank you <<
Jisung seemed to know exactly when was hungry because her stomach grumbled a bit. She went downstairs, and as soon as she got to the door, the doorbell rang, and she opened the door, letting her best friend in.
“You always come at the best time, ever,” she said, ushering him into the house. “I don’t know what I’d do without you. Seriously.”
He laughed. “That’s why I’m your best friend, right?”
The two of them ate and chatted about their day and by the time they finished their food, Jisung had gotten up to toss the containers into the recycling bin. 
She stared at her phone for the time being and sighed. She should go back to reading, but she really didn’t want to do any reading that night. It seemed like a great time to just lay back and chill for a little longer until it was time for her to go to bed.
It was still relatively early in the evening—or late afternoon, and perhaps she could just put her feet up and catch up later on.
But then her mind wandered off to the letter she got—it was unsettling.
He made a noise of acknowledgment, while still staring at his phone. 
“I got another letter.”
His fingers that were once tapping away, seemingly mid-text stopped. He placed his phone down and faced her. “What did it say?”
“It was...something like ‘a new semester will start new things’ or something...and then something about more gifts to come,” she recalled.
Something about Jisung’s expression worried her. 
“Did you file the complaint to the school like I said?” He asked.
She shook her head, but then upon seeing his concerned expression deepen, she held up her hands and reassured him that she was going to file it in the upcoming days.
“I haven’t exactly had time, you know, I promise I will—I’ll even let you know! I promise!” 
He sighed, and with a heavy tone, he said, “fine, as long as you know.”
She was about to say something when he leaned over and put his hand atop her head, almost in a maternal gesture.
“I’m just really worried about you, you know? These are just some precautions that you have to take, okay?” 
She nodded. “Yeah, thank you, Jisung, you’re always looking out for me...”
He chuckled, “that’s what I’m here for, remember?”
Sorry about the lack of updates lately. I’ve managed to land myself in a really deep ditch called writer’s block, and it’s honestly really draining to write when my motivation is zero most of the time. Sorry, it’s been pretty hard most of the time, especially balancing both work and creative writing at the same time. I do writing for my day job too, and every day I’ve pretty much felt like I’ve exhausted most of my writing into work, and the creative juices are NOT flowing into what should belong to creative writing. Hashtag excuses lol.
However, I did find a good way to keep my motivation up—the story is planned out, I know what’s going to happen in the bigger picture, but the details aren’t exactly set. Sometimes if I see an opportunity to implement new ideas, I will, such as relationships between certain characters and their history and such. I do have several pages of notes of the character’s relationships and backstories.
I will be publishing their backstories starting with Hyunjin, and I think it will make for interesting future plot segments. 
As well, I will be changing the updates to every two weeks until I can get out of this really bad writer’s block. 
Whether or not people like to read it or not, I’ll just keep on writing anyway because I genuinely do love creative writing. As well, I have been planning this story for wayyyy too long and even though my execution of the story might be slow and not what my mind wants me to write, I think I want to continue regardless. I’m just really grateful for the readers that I do have, and appreciate the time you invest in my story. Please feel free to poke me/talk to me about the story and let me know what you think of it. I know I haven’t advanced enough into the story for people have a true understanding or grasp of it, but I will be publishing the character’s relationships with each other and how they’re all connected. Because they are.
If I have any jumping tense problem—I’m sorry, I do try my best to catch them while writing, and I will improve and do my best not to disappoint too much.
Thank you! c:
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What is a Life Coach, What Does It Do, And What is Coaching All About?
Hello everyone, Dave Fernandez here. I'm the founder of The Coach Your Way School and the author of The #1 Factor That Determines Your Success In Business, which you can get for free once you join our Facebook group - I'll add a link to the description so you can do so a little later. Welcome, and in today's video I'm going to talk about a question that I see being asked a lot online, which is, what is a Life Coach? What does a Life Coach do and what is coaching all about? In order to do that, we're going to have to start by defining what a coach is.
A coach is a combination of a mentor, a psychologist, and an accountability partner.
A mentor because usually, the coach has experienced success in the area that the coachee is trying to get into, and has taken the time to break down the success into steps that they can teach others, so that they can also achieve the same success. Or the coach has a set of skills that can turn any goal into a defined plan that can be broken into tasks and things that can be scheduled, and take anyone through that path and get them to achieve that goal. That's why the coach is kind of a mentor to the coachee.
A psychologist because: once they start working together and have defined a plan for them to work towards, there's a number of things that the coachee is going to have to start doing, that are completely new to them and force them to start expanding their comfort zone. And usually, those leaps into the unknown, is something that will require a lot of inner, deep, psychological work.
An accountability partner because: once the plan is done and all the tasks are scheduled, the job of the coach is to get the person to start taking action on the plan and the tasks that they committed to doing in the timeframe specified. It's a matter of keeping them on track and measuring their progress, helping them along the way by providing resources or solutions to some of the problems that they'll encounter.
Now that we have defined what a coach is, let's talk about what a coach does. It can be summarized in the following four steps:
Define Goals
Create Plans to Achieve Goals
Execution Phase
Define Goals
The first step is helping clients define their goals. This is pretty standard, usually happening on the first or second session with a new client. A very simple way of doing this is simply asking your client where they see themselves in six months to a year, and then starting the conversation from there. Usually, that's going to lead to a lot of different things, but specifically, if the client is not very clear as to what their goals are (and that's why they're hiring the coach). If that's the case, the coach utilizes some techniques in order to start gathering more information about what the client is looking to achieve, or they create some type of system.
In my case, I have a five-step system that is made up of a number of templates that I give my clients to fill out, and we start the conversation there. Usually, what happens is that at the end of the five steps they'll have a very clear plan as to how to accomplish this goal within a year. Another way about it, especially if the client is a bit more clear about the goals that they want to achieve (they may have a number of goals that they're looking to achieve in the next six months to a year), is to ask what would be the one goal of all these goals, that, if achieved, would be a game changer? It would change your life - it would transform the life of your family and it would make all other goals super achievable. Because you achieved this one goal, which one of those goals would actually have that effect in your life? That is a pretty powerful question.
Create Plans to Achieve Goals
Number two; helping the client create a plan to achieve this goal. Once you have taken the time to define the goals, having either picked the one that is going to be the life-changer goal, or the number of goals that they want to achieve, you help create a plan around this goal. You start with the end in mind. What is the end goal, what does it look like? Let’s make it as specific as possible, so we know when we're there and can avoid guessing, so as not to back track. It could be a simple brainstorming session. So, this is the goal, we made it very specific, now what would I have to do in order to achieve this goal? You ask that question, and then you both get to work on brainstorming all the tasks that will have to be done or completed in order to get there. Once you have completed the list, you can go ahead and start scheduling this task. Prioritizing every single one of these tasks; you start asking the question, which one task could I complete this week that will move my business forward the most? And usually, that does the trick. Things start jumping out of this list and you can see where their priorities are. You can then chronologically plan. A lot of things are going to come up along the way that need to be added, and things will become irrelevant after a while. Once you start getting the ball rolling, a lot of these tasks will become unnecessary.
Execution Phase
Step number three is helping the client through the execution phase. Once you have the goal defined in step number one, then you have the plan laid out with a list of tasks and everything's been scheduled in your calendar. Hopefully you're sharing a calendar with your client so you both can keep track of things together. Now, it's a matter of helping the client perform the task in a timely manner. Some of these tasks are going to be new to the client and a bit outside their comfort zone, so they're going to need some moral support. It's more like psychological support where you're going to have to stop and talk about it, and see what feelings are coming up to start seeing where the resistance is coming from. It can be a matter of skills that they lack or psychological issues they have resulting in this resistance to completing tasks. Throughout the execution process, a lot of things will come up. That's where the coach will help, instead of the client working by themselves and procrastinating tasks. Now they are being held accountable; they have somebody that is watching over them and helping them through this task - expecting them to succeed. This execution phase can be a little challenging - we're talking about things that the client has never done. The planning and other steps are vital, but primarily, it's the execution - the lack of ability to execute, stay on track, and achieve your goals in a timely manner - that needs to be addressed.
Number four - one of the most important roles that the coach has - is being an accountability partner for the clients. During the execution phase, there's a lot of back and forth, as the client is getting used to having a new schedule and starting a number of activities that they may not be too comfortable doing. That's where the accountability role comes in, where you're checking with your coach and communicating if you're experiencing hurdles. Occasionally, clients can be sensitive to feedback as things are not happening and expectations are not being met. Sometimes hard conversations have to happen, and that's what an accountability partner has to do. Another thing to keep in mind is that 80% of a coach’s job involves removing internal blocks that the client may experience as they start executing their plan. The funny thing is that a lot of times, there's no way to really see any of this until clients start taking action and hitting roadblocks. You start doing deeper work, the psychology part of the job, in order to uncover what's going on and what's getting in their way of performing. Once you start removing some of these things, the growth becomes exponential; a lot of these blocks are no longer there or at the very least, the client has learned ways to deal with them effectively, so they can help themselves as they're going through the process. It's very important to keep that in mind.
To recap, the job of the coach can be summarized in four steps. Number one; they help define goals at the beginning of the journey. Number two, they help you create a plan by breaking down all the tasks that need to be accomplished in order to reach the goal, schedule things, and attain a clear view as to what has to happen in order to achieve the goal. Number three is the execution phase, where you help the client through the whole process- help them overcome hurdles, help them develop skills necessary for them to perform. And number four is the accountability part, where every week there's a check-in session where progress is measured, and we see where everything stands and what needs to be done, or changed, or talked about, in order to keep moving forward towards the goal.
If you're looking to become a coach yourself, or you're in the process of becoming one currently, and have an inner voice causing you to doubt whether you have what it takes to pull this off, that is called imposter syndrome. I have made a video on how to overcome imposter syndrome with a four-step formula. Make sure you watch it once you're done here. 
I hope you enjoyed this video and that it helped you better understand what seems to be some of the most asked questions about this topic; what is a coach, what does a coach do, and what is coaching all about. If you haven't yet, please subscribe to my channel, and hit the notification bell so you're the first one to know next time there's a new video available. 
Until next time, I wish you the best. Let's get out there and start changing lives, one session at a time.
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prezaki · 6 years
A Thousand Second Chances - The life story of Eddie Brock
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from Venom (2018) Issue # 2
I just spent a week speed-reading through every single comic appearance Eddie Brock has made in the 30 years since his creation and I fell in love with his character hard and fast. In order to process all that I’ve learned myself, I feel like I need to write down his life story with thoughts and important moments. Figured I might as well make this public since it might help out other new fans who don’t have the time and madness to dig through 30 years of comic history. Any older fans reading, feel free to correct me if I’m getting my Marvel lore wrong, I am VERY new to this and hopelessly overwhelmed.
This fully ignores ‘Venom: Dark Origin’ because it frankly just contradicts every other mention of backstory. It also thus ignores Mary Brock, the sister who was invented to justify the Nova crossover issues and who doesn’t appear outside of these two things, because she frankly doesn’t fit the rest of the lore either.
Content warning for suicide applies everywhere here, it’s a topic that comes up time and time again in Eddie’s life.
This got... long.
Eddie is born as the son of Carl and Jamie Brock. Unfortunately, Jamie passed away during Eddie’s birth, leaving his father emotionally cold towards him. The family is wealthy so Eddie is always well-provided for, but he never receives any affection. In order to win praise, Eddie studies hard (top grades) and gets into sports (beginning his lifelong passion towards muscle training), but nothing is successful. His dad did apparently make some worrisome statements though. (from: Lethal Protector, except for the panel which is from the Maximum Carnage arc)
At some point in his childhood Eddie gets into a car accident that cost Carl a lot of his fortune. Nothing is specified about this as of yet, but it looks like the current arc might go into detail. (from: Venom 2018)
Eddie gets into college and when the Watergate scandal happens, he is inspired to change his career to journalism. This places his birth year around 1950, I suppose? (from: Lethal Protector)
After college, Eddie gets a job at the Daily Globe, where he works as a successful investigative journalist.
At some point here, he meets Anne Weying and they begin a relationship. She describes him as ‘smart, witty and boyish’ (though he’d never show it in front of his father). He used to love taking her to fairs and amusement parks. The two get married. (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
During his work for the daily globe he encounters a creature named Krooba. This is some weird bonus story and I only mention it because this panel is honestly hilarious. (from: Marvel Flashback series)
Then the Sin-Eater murders shake New York and Eddie interviews a source who claims to be the culprit - but just as Eddie reveals their identity, Spider-Man catches the real Sin-Eater. Eddie is disgraced as a journalist because he fell for a compulsive confessor. He loses his job with the Globe due to this incident. (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
This also fully destroys his relationship with his father whom he now doesn’t have contact to anymore. Anne says he lost his boy-ish charm here and started seeming a little mad. Their marriage falls apart. (from: Lethal Protector)
To make a living, Eddie now has to write made-up stories for gossip magazines. He describes these as ‘venomous’ and that descriptor is the reason for his later pseudonym ‘Venom’. (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
He starts body-building excessively during this time in hopes to relieve the tension. (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
Through all this he blames Spider-Man for his downfall - this is not logical, but hey, blaming others makes things easier. Eddie is a person with an astounding one-track-mind and a tendency for splitting.
Eddie can’t handle the misery of his current life and grows strongly suicidal. However, he is also a practicing catholic and struggles with the fact that suicide is considered a sin. Thus he goes to the Our Lady of Saints church to pray for forgiveness before ending his life. (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
In front of the church he hesitates and is encouraged to go inside by Deadpool, who is totally oblivious to Eddie’s actual intentions. Yes, really. (from: Deadpool: Back in Black)
In the church, Eddie encounters the symbiote that Spider-Man brought back to earth as his suit and which he then subsequently rejected after finding out it is a living creature. Both Eddie and the symbiote hate Spider-Man, so they take this as basis to bond together.
Important here is that it is literally canon that Spider-Man inadvertendly taught the symbiote how to love (from: Web of Spider-Man) and that the symbiote wants to try and make their relationship with Eddie more mutual than the one with Spider-Man (from: First Kill). So take THAT as you want.
In the first day of being together with the symbiote, Eddie takes down some criminals who murdered his neighbour and establishes his vigilante killing style through it. (from: First Kill)
Eddie makes first attempts to kill Spider-Man (whose civilian identity he knows thanks to the symbiote’s memories) by pushing him in front of a train and trying to throw him off a roof. (from: Web of Spider-Man)
There’s some weird special story set in this timeframe about how he gets the advice of some veteran he interviewed on the job once to do this. (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
Then he attacks Spidey directly and they fight in the church.... and well, Eddie dons a priest costume for a while, just... because aesthetic. He does have a flair for the dramatic.
This is probably the appropriate time to mention that from here on Eddie is always naked. Every time you see Eddie Brock wearing clothes, it is the symbiote assuming the shape of clothes. Eddie wears underwear at best and even that is often not present.
Eddie loses this battle with Spidey and is sent to The Vault, a super high security prison. Escaping from there, he kills a guard who happens to be an influential person’s son and well, it bites him in the ass later. Important here is also that Eddie absolutely always laments it when he ‘has’ to kill innocents. (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
In trying to get to Peter after this, Eddie visits Aunt May a few times pretending to be Peter’s friend. It is hilarious. (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
The next attempt at besting Spider-Man is ended by Spidey pretending to accept the symbiote back, which the symbiote is actually excited about, much to Eddie’s dismay. However, the bond with Eddie is too strong for the symbiote to simply sever it and both symbiote and Eddie pass out from the strain of trying. (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
This is a good time to mention that in the 2003 Spectacular Spider-Man run it is revealed that actually Eddie had terminal cancer All Along and knew he’d die without the symbiote, so part of him wanting to kill Spider-Man is a wish to eliminate host body competition and thus survive. I personally absolutely think this is an asspull that undermines a lot of the first 20 years of characterization,  but eh.
Eddie goes back to The Vault and has not one but two run-ins with the Avengers when attempting to break out. Neither attempt is successful and in the end he uses the symbiote’s abilities to fake his own death in order to successfully escape.
A huge battle over who gets to kill Spider-Man happens and Styx touches Venom... the symbiote takes the brunt of this attack to protect Eddie -  and thus they seemingly die for him. And this is like written in 1990. Eddie literally cries about it. (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
Now a normal human, Eddie is sent to the normal human prison Ryker’s Island where he is cellmates with the serial killer Cletus Kasady. Eddie works out a lot in the cell and it drives Cletus crazy - he brings that up again more than once. Big mad about the muscle gains. (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
Though Eddie also just plain beats Cletus up during this time because Eddie hates people who kill innocents. This might have contributed to Cletus hating his muscles. (from: Carnage 2016)
The symbiote isn’t dead and returns for Eddie! They break out! Also the symbiote literally gives birth during this process, no biggie. (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
Venom and Spider-Man fight again. Venom actually gets Spidey unconscious in this battle but instead of killing him then, he... kidnaps Spidey to an abandoned island to have another fight. Eddie just gotta be that extra. During this fight Spidey fakes his death and escapes. (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
Eddie decides to live happily ever after with the symbiote and just stay on the island. They’re very happy together. (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
Sometime here, Darkhawk gets stranded on the island, fights Venom, gets spared by Venom. Life’s like that. (from: Darkhawk)
Then he meets Wolverine inside of Wolverine’s nightmare because sometimes Marvel is ???? like that ??? (from: Marvel Presents)
Eddie’d probably have happily stayed on this island forever, had the child the symbiote gave birth to not bonded to Cletus Kasady, creating Carnage. Spider-Man realizes that Eddie, knowing symbiotes, is probably a big help in fighting a symbiote-bonded killer so he reveals himself to Eddie again and gets him off the island to fight Carnage. (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
Once Carnage is defeated, Eddie just gets sent back to The Vault.
There is some weird episode here where Matt Murdock is his attorney and he tries to get free by pleading insanity and pretending the symbiote died. That fails of course. (from: Trial of Venom)
Then an even weirder episode happens where Venom encounters a bunch of villains and then just ends back up in jail anyway.
Which he then breaks out of and hears Spider-Man’s parents are still alive. This really gets to Eddie because in his mindset (which the symbiote only enhances - they influence each other mutually for the worse at this point) Spidey is a corrupting force and thus he needs to protect... his parents from him.... so he kidnaps the Parkers..... (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
Spidey had ENOUGH of Venom at this point and tries to think of new ways to get him to stop already. Thus he contacts Anne and gets Anne to talk to Eddie. Eddie still very much loves Anne. It still takes Spidey saving Anne from falling debris and Anne’s subsequent explanation that Spidey IS saving innocents to make Eddie back off. But hey, he backs off!
And moves back to his birth city, San Francisco. Here a lot of things start happening very rapidly. Eddie encounters an underground city of social outcasts. A family member of the guard he murdered put together The Jury to kill him in retaliation. Life Foundation wants his symbiote. Spider-Man is there. Lethal Protector is a ride and I truly recommend it.
Life Foundation extracts symbiotes from Eddie’s symbiote to try and weaponize them, Spidey and Venom battle them together.
In the end, Eddie also saves the underground city from Life Foundation and moves in there as their protector, much to the joy of local resident Elizabeth who wanted him down there all along.
Then Eddie temporarily goes back to New York because Carnage is back. After getting badly beat up, Eddie comes to Spidey for help and... just goes to sleep on his couch. He changes into pajamas and all.
To stop Carnage, Spidey, Venom and the Black Cat form an alliance but Spidey remains strongly opposed to Venom’s muuuch more pragmatic view on life and death. He isn’t called lethal protector for nothing. Much moral debate is had. Maximum Carnage is a fun arc.
Then Eddie goes back home to his underground city and demonstrates his one-track mind in his solo series Funeral Pyre, where he tries very hard to help an undercover journalist trapped in a gang and still fails, creating Pyre in the process....
During some Daredevil issues, Eddie tries to steal a serum to erase Venom’s weaknesses but in the end doesn’t get it.
During some Silver Sable issues he... exists and helps her gang, I guess.
Then he appears in some Darkhawk issues where they rematch.
Back to solo-series; in The Madness, Eddie gets infected with a sentient virus, making it three people in his body. The virus is pretty crazy and assaults and frightens Eddie’s almost-girlfriend Beck, who is overall already convinced that the symbiote makes Eddie more mad. She states she can’t date him due to this and the two remain simply friends. Eddie gets rid of the virus in the end and returns it to where it came from.
The Enemy Within comes next and it’s just... goblins in San Fransico. Eddie teams up with Morbius against those goblins. Many goblins.
Then Venom fights Hulk because why not. (from: Venom vs Hulk)
Soon after, Venom appears in a few Iron Man issues because he believes Tony Stark’s business practices to be corrupt and tries to kill him for it.
In The Mace, conflict arises in the underground city and causes Mace and Venom to fight one another. Namely, people from the underground city attack others, who attack in retaliation - once Eddie learns that some of his people started this mess, he kills the offending underground city residents (and keeps it secret from Beck who asked him to spare them).
Venom then teams up with Nightwatch for a short appearance in the Nightwatch series.
During Nights of Vengeance both Elizabeth and Beck get kidnapped, inviting other characters to speculate on Eddie’s love life. Eddie states he won’t date either woman as he is too dangerous to date anyone. There’s also aliens who take over minds in this comic. That’s the actual main plot of these issues.
Now it’s time for Eddie’s next return to New York! Carlton Drake and his Life Foundation are working on something called The Arachnis Project (which is also the name of this arc) to create spider humans - hearing of this, Eddie travels to New York to get revenge against Life Foundation for the events of Lethal Protector.
The Jury has started working for Life Foundation in the meantime, though the events of these comics cause that connection to sever. However, they’re still in the same facility, so they do run into Venom there. Jury and Venom try to kill each other while Spider-Man desperately tries to stop any death on either end from happening.
Also Life Foundation gets defeated, obviously. Eddie returns to San Francisco.
Only to come back to NY shortly after due to news about the prison Carnage is held in.
Here, Eddie runs into Peter’s clone, the Scarlet Spider. In battle with him, Eddie gets separated from his symbiote and both of them get taken into custody to be studied, setting up the events of the Separation Anxiety mini-series.
Separation Anxiety marks the first time the reader ever gets to hear the symbiote’s thoughts and the majority of these thoughts are “Eddie” as the symbiote is desperate to return to him.
During this period of extended separation from the symbiote and with nobody to talk to, Eddie begins to reflect on his actions as Venom and starts second-guessing all the murders they committed. For the first time, Eddie is plagued by feelings of guilt.
Eddie gets broken out of this facility by the surviving symbiote-host-combos created by Life Foundation who seek Eddie’s help on how to communicate with their symbiotes. All of them are struggling to not get overtaken, making Eddie’s mutual relationship with the symbiote seem extraordinary.
Meanwhile the symbiote also breaks out and rushes to find Eddie, bond with him again and, in their worlds, ‘become whole, become Venom’. The symbiote does find Eddie in time to save him from Scream, one of their symbiote ‘daughters’.
But after being reuinited, Eddie tells the symbiote that he needs some time to think on his own to really figure out what of their actions was his choice and what was the symbiote’s. (the cap is from Planet of the Symbiotes which picks this back up.)
Before this storyline goes to its conclusion, Carnage briefly returns and travels over the internet, an ability which the Venom symbiote learns as well in the fight against Carnage. He returns back from San Fran to New York again for this. During this arc Eddie also makes a big mistake and almost kills an innocent man named Clive because he mistook him for being a malicious junkie. (from: Carnage Unleashed)
Then in Planet of the Symbiotes we then return to the break-up story. Eddie’s doubts about his own choices continue on strongly and get reinforced by Spider-Man to a point where Eddie rejects the symbiote. The symbiote, in emotional pain after this temporary break-up begins wailing. This wailing can be heard so far in the galaxy that it actually alerts the other symbiotes to the existence of earth, causing them to begin an invasion.
During this invasion, Eddie’s symbiote returns to him and reveals that for their species, they are considered abnormal because they seek to have a relationship with a host rather than dominate them.
The solution to the invasion is to let out an even more powerful mental scream to overwhelm the symbiotes with despair - Eddie and his symbiote fully bond again to achieve this and thus save earth. This is the arc that the movie presumably took Venom betraying his species for Eddie from.
Then during Sinner Takes All, we meet Anne again! There is a new Sin Eater around and she is being targeted - obviously, Eddie can’t let that happen and sets out to protect her. To heal her injuries, he lets the symbiote bond with her but doing so unleashes violent urges in Anne. She temporarily turns into She-Venom and murders a group of men who were attacking her. Once returning to her senses, Anne is horrified and gets away from Eddie - only to be taken hostage by an assassin who came to take revenge on Eddie for Clive, the person he almost killed during Carnage Unleashed. In the end, Clive himself calls off the manhunt on him, claiming vengeance wouldn’t make him feel any better.
Here continuity gets a little confusing because the next comic, Along Came A Spider, takes place soon after Planet of the Symbiotes and makes reference to Eddie not having talked to Anne since. This is why most continuities place Sinner Takes All before Planet of the Symbiotes, but that doesn’t quite make sense either due to the progression of Eddie’s and the symbiote’s relationship. Ah well, it is a mystery.
Anne is now under police protective custody, but the police also want her help to capture Venom. When Eddie calls, the symbiote travels over the phone-line and partially merges with Anne, which ends up also merging Eddie’s and Anne’s minds. Eddie immediately sets out to find her and retrieve her from the police.
On the way out, Venom gets into a fight with Spider-Man, which gives the police time to arrive and arrest Anne. When Anne calls Eddie from custody, she begs him not to come and bust her out, which he agrees to... but sends the symbiote through the phonelines instead, turning Anne into She-Venom once more.
Once the symbiote is back to Eddie (after some more fighting), Anne announces she wants nothing to do with him anymore because she never wants to get close to the symbiote again. She tells Eddie that only if he resists the symbiote and stops his vengeance quest, she’ll talk to him again.
Then Anne gets tangled up again anyway, as Rune frames Venom for murder and Venom has to save her once more. (from: Rune vs Venom)
Next there is a serial killer on the loose in New York! The police strongly suspect Venom to be the culprit, but it turns out to be Xenophage, eating everyone who has a symbiote inside them. (from: The Hunted)
While running from the police, Eddie temporarily assumes the identity of a skater and joins a group of skater kids under the name Rad Eddie. (from: The Hunted)
Eddie defeats the Xenophage. (still from: The Hunted)
Then comes The Hunger, one of the gayest comics from the 90s for sure. It starts out with Eddie and the symbiote holding hands at the movies. But Eddie once again has reason to suspect that the symbiote is making him more violent.
When Venom winds up actually eating someone’s brain instead of just using this threat as a catchphrase, Eddie is horrified. Seeing that Eddie will refuse any further brain-eating, the symbiote leaves Eddie. Eddie gets captured by Dr. Paine and experimented on.
Eddie finds out that the symbiote needs a chemical that is in brains but can also be supplied in other ways. Before he and the symbiote can fully bond again, Dr. Paine kidnaps the symbiote to also experiment on.
Of course, Eddie saves the symbiote and also finds out that chocolate nourishes his symbiote just as well, so he buys them heartshaped chocolate. (all from: The Hunger)
Then Venom gets pulled into some other dimension along with Wolverine, Scream and the skater kids from before. (from: Tooth and Claw!)
Next, Eddie gets finally captured by the police after all and put on trial. Matt Murdock takes over his defense again. When the prosecution calls Carnage for a witness, Carnage breaks loose and Venom, Daredevil and Spidey have to subdue him. In the end, no verdict ever comes as Eddie is secretly recruited by the Overreach Committee. (from: Venom on Trial)
Eddie is pretty delighted with his new James Bond gig. In License to Kill, we get to see him on a mission in great detail. Important here is that the Committee planted a bomb in Eddie’s chest as an emergency insurance to keep him in check.
Venom’s next mission is to protect a formerly corrupt government leader at a speech in a church. For this, Eddie goes undercover as a nun but instead of using the symbiote’s full shapeshifting abilities, he just takes his normal looks, puts on a nun costume and calls himself Sister Edwina. Iconic. (from: Sign of the Boss)
The next mission is... a pretty big misunderstanding. Eddie’s superiors use convoluted language to tell Eddie to scare Jonah J Jameson a little but Eddie thinks he is meant to kill him. In the subsequent clash with Spidey, Eddie hits his head hard and forgets Spiderman’s civilian identity and also the exact reasons for hating him. (from: The Venom Agenda)
The committee now decides that Eddie is way too much of a loose cannon for their taste and they want to get rid of him. While everyone takes too long to decide who should press the killing button, Eddie escapes the committee, but in the subsequent fighting the symbiote is seemingly killed. (from: The Finale)
Eddie without the symbiote is absolutely miserable and once more pretty suicidal. This is the beginning of an era, however, which makes the symbiote out to largely abuse Eddie. So when the symbiote returns, Eddie initially tries to get away from them to avoid more pain, only to be forcibly united with them again anyway. Venom then goes to visit Carnage and... eats his symbiote. Yeah. (from: Peter Parker: Spider-Man)
Venom then joins and subsequently turns on the Sinister Six. (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
Eddie finds himself missing Anne and wants to start over with her again. When he visits Anne, she is a paranoid wreck. As Spidey, now in a black Venom-esque costume again, swings by her window, she falls into panic. Eddie misinterprets that Spidey is what scares Anne and goes to fight him, but while he does that, Anne commits suicide. (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
As Eddie grieves at Anne’s grave, Senator Ward shows up and steals his symbiote. Eddie gets arrested and sent to prison. (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
Now we’re entering territory of Venom (2003), the worst Venom comic. I don’t know what the hell is going on here, but the majority of it is about another symbiote anyway. At some point during this Eddie gets his symbiote back and fights the other symbiote.
Proving further that 2003 is the worst Venom year, we go on with a comic where the symbiote eats the adrenaline off people (not even what they ate before) and also with the reveal that Eddie has cancer and his cancer made his adrenaline amounts more appealing to the symbiote. To save Eddie’s life, Peter makes him rebond to the symbiote against either of their will. (from: Spectacular Spider-Man)
Then Carnage has another child which he wants to kill while Venom has other plans for it. (from: Venom/Carnage)
The symbiote gets stolen again during Spider-Man/Red Sonja, but it’s overall not that consequential.
What IS consequential is that Eddie is now back to having moral qualms with the symbiote... so he... decides to auction the symbiote off to super-villains and give the money gained to charity. Without the symbiote, his cancer will advance and he’ll die. (from: Marvel Knights: Spider-Man)
Finding out that the person he sold the suit to kills innocents indiscriminately, Eddie attempts suicide once more. He is taken to the hospital and narrowly survives cutting his wrists open. After that, he is kept in the hospital due to his cancer. (from: Marvel Knights: Spider-Man)
In the hospital, Eddie has reoccuring visions of the symbiote urging him to kill. When he finds out May Parker is in the same hospital, the symbiote tells him to kill her. Eddie does comply with killing  a nurse, but stops himself before killing May. He tries to commit suicide once more, only to be saved by Spider-Man. (from: Sensational Spider-Man)
Eddie starts working Martin Li’s homeless shelter, where May Parker also works. A touch by Martin Li, who is actually Mr Negative, heals Eddie’s cancer completely. This also turns Eddie into Anti-Venom - the literal opposite of Venom, a hero who’s touch cures and is harmful to the Venom symbiote. Though Eddie tries to kill his old symbiote, now bonded to Gargan, the symbiote refuses to kill Eddie when Gargan wants it to. Love is a word that is used again. (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
Eddie now starts over as a hero as Anti-Venom, healing people and busting drug cartels. (from: Anti-Venom: New Ways to Live)
Eddie is the first one to find out Martin Li is Mr Negative and tries to fight him. He is also the one to reveal Mr Negative’s civilian identity to Spider-Man, temporarily teaming up with him and Wraith to take the crime lord down. (from: Amazing Spider-Man)
At some point here, Eddie offers miracle healings with the Our Lady of Saints church as his headquarters.
When everyone in New York starts developing Spider powers, Eddie heals people from them. In the end, his Anti-Venom powers are all used up in order to large-scale cure the crisis. (from: Spider Island)
Meanwhile the symbiote is bonded to Flash Thompson and the two work as government agents.
Having had enough of symbiotes alltogether, Eddie sets out to kill symbiotes and hosts that are still around. (from: Venom 2011)
Against his will, Eddie is forced to fuse with the Toxin symbiote. (from: Venom 2011)
The FBI recruits Eddie to help them against Carnage. This is the comic that I like to summarize as ‘Let’s Go Lesbians Let’s Go’. In it, Eddie, two latinx lesbians, two black women and some other dude stop Carnage and an elder God. It’s a really good run.
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For the first time, a comic makes Eddie accept culpability for his actions as Venom!! Also during this story, he loses the Toxin symbiote. (from: Carnage 2016)
When Flash Thompson and the Venom symbiote are separated, Eddie helps contain the symbiote (which had been going around with a criminal named Lee Price) and then breaks into containment to re-unite with it. Here is where he starts calling the symbiote ‘love’ and ‘darling’ all the time. Sadly there is no real explanation for his change-of-mind on the symbiote. (from: Venom 2016)
The symbiote and Eddie now actively negotiate trust and such in their relationship, it’s very good. When Eddie finds a dinosaur in the sewers, he brings it back to Alchemax which created it. In exchange for bringing the rest of the dinosaurs back, Alchemax chairwoman Liz Allan agrees to study the symbiote to see what is wrong with it, since it appears sick.
During this dinosaur quest Eddie meets and bonds with Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur!
Meanwhile at Alchemax, medicine for the symbiote is created. It turns out that remnants of Anti-Venom in Eddie’s body are making the symbiote sick. (from: Venom 2016)
Theeeeeen Eddie gets pulled into a parallel universe to battle an alien species called Poisons which kills hosts and permanently bonds with symbiotes. (from: Venomverse)
Back on earth, Flash comes to collect the symbiote, which struggles to choose between Flash and Eddie. In the resulting struggle, Flash turns into Anti-Venom instead. Venom, Anti-Venom and Spider-Man team up against Lee Price, who broke out of jail. (from: Venom Inc.)
Then the Poisons return and Eddie has to join the X-Men on a space journey to fight them. (from: Venomized)
At some point in between here, Eddie gets a job at The Facts Channel under the name ‘Mr. Sym’. Later Jonah J Jameson calls him out on how dumb that alias is.
The symbiote is about to spawn again and the FBI wants to interfere with it. Through trickery by Alchemax, Eddie and the symbiote manage to keep their baby. (from: Venom 2016)
The symbiote’s first host returns to earth and wants the symbiote back, who refuses and wants to stay with Eddie. By threatening their child, the first host manages to take the symbiote away anyway. Eddie bonds with the child symbiote, Sleeper, to go get his symbiote back. In the end, Sleeper lobotomizes the first host and uses his body to travel the universe. (from: First Host)
Due to causing way too much trouble, Eddie is now refused entrance to Alechemax. (from: First Host)
Jonah J. Jameson calls Eddie to protect Mary-Jane while Spider-Man faces a crisis with another arch nemesis. To defeat this nemesis, Eddie even lends the symbiote to Spidey. Flash dies in this big fight and Eddie afterwards attends his funeral. (from: Amazing Spider-Man #800)
The symbiote once more acts overtly violent and the resulting struggle in life results in Eddie losing his job at the Facts Channel. (from: Venom 2018)
Eddie Brock kills a god. (from: Venom 2018)
I don’t want to sum that run up any better than that, it is heartbreaking and should simply be read and personally experienced.
If you need issue numbers, this guide is your friend.
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How to Set Financial Goals for 2020
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Well, lahat naman tayo nagseset ng goals every new year but here is the thing, only few gets to achieve their goal. Why? The answer is simple. Wag ka ng tumingin sa iba o sa kung ano ano. We are the only reason why we fail to achieve our financial goals and it all boils down to our lack of discipline and decisiveness to win.
Now, before we talk about anything else, the main goal of this post is to help you set smarter goals. Meaning, these goals are realistic to who you are and what you can do. Goals that we can achieve before 2020 ends.
I used the SMART Goal format and related it setting financial goals. I believe that in setting financial goals, we have to systematic. Kadalasan kasi bara barang pagseset lang ng goals kaya ayan tuloy, 2020 na wala ka pading progress.
We are not here to judge, lahat naman tayo may mga issues when it comes to achieving our goals and handling our finances. Acknowledging them is a good start and today is the day to do something about them.
SMART Financial Goals
The main goal of this SFG or Smart Financial Goals is simple, and that is for you to achieve the goals you will set. But how? Let us start breaking down what makes SFG.
Specific – You need to have specific goals. Being financially well is not a specific goal. We need to see the numbers.
Are you saving up for an emergency fund? Paying off debt? Regardless of what that is, we need to see how much. An SFG needs to have a clear price tag or else, it will just be another vague goal that you failed to achieve.
Guide Question:
What are my goals?
How much is my goal? State whether if the amount indicated is the full amount or partial amount only.
Emergency Fund: Php100,000
Car Fund: Php100,000 – 50% of the goal
Measurable – You need to know how much money you will dedicate to your goal every month or every time you receive your salary. Unless you have a specific measurable commitment, you will not be able to accomplish it.
For example, you will dedicate Php1,000 to your savings. That way, you will know if you are able to fulfill your commitment and you will be able to make up for it when given the chance if in case you failed to meet your declared commitment.
Guide Question
How much money should you set aside per payday?
How long will you keep that commitment before achieving your goal?
Achievable – It is important that you set big goals, still, you need to set goals that you know you can achieve. Sometimes, setting too high goals and failing can cause discouragement. At the same time, it robs the joy away from little wins. Life is not just about getting your goals; it is about being in the moment and being happy for the things you have and motivated for the things you do not have yet.
Guide Question
Are you able to set aside your stated amount of commitment on a monthly or per paycheck basis?
Is it going to compromise your budget for your needs and other goals?
Relevant – The goal should be realistic. You cannot set a goal that is not in line with your reality. For example, you cannot and should not set a travel goal abroad if you are drowning in debt. You should not commit to buying a car when you do not even have the budget to pay for it monthly and to afford gas and maintenance.
Guide Question
Do I need this goal?
Is this in line with my purpose and priorities?
Will it honor God?
Does my spouse agree to this goal (for married people)
Timely – You need to set a timeframe for your goals. If you will not set a timeframe, you will not be able to achieve it. You will just keep on procrastinating and you will be surprised, a year has passed already and you haven’t achieved or made significant progress with your goal.
Guide Question
Given the budget I have, will I be able to achieve my goal on or before December 31, 2020?
If yes, State the month and the date when you believe you can achieve your goal.
If not, specify what you can achieve before December 31, 2019 and make sure you meet that.
This is just a basic life skill that you need to have but can make important changes in your life. If you set the wrong goals, it will prevent you from growing towards the right path.
I do not know who you are or where you are in life, but I care for everyone deeply and I do not want you to put so much effort in making a progress in your life only to find out you did not make any progress.
We all need help, and if you want to talk to someone or to get help in planning your goals for 2020, feel free to reach out on my Facebook page by clicking the link below:
Or by sending me an email to [email protected].
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hufovexu-blog · 5 years
Things You Won't Like About Zambia Visa and Things You Will
If it's a passport of a country whose nationals need a visa, you'll also want a visa even in case you have another nationality for which no visa is necessary.  Interestingly enough, you don't require a Visa to go to the nation.  If you're looking for an Australian visa then you'll also will need to speak to the Embassy in Zimbabwe.
The lodges in the center of nowhere are stunning, and you'll feel isolated.  You should submit an application for a visa at a mission belonging to the Schengen country that's the major destination of your trip.  With over 600 islands, there's hardly a thing you aren't going to see here.
Though there are several Commonwealth countries that let you to stop by their countries with no visa, yes, without applying or obtaining a visa, in addition, there are many others that permit you to also visit without needing one.  You should acquire a Zambia visa as a way to travel there for tourism, company and official purposes.  Finding a visa is a tedious procedure, especially if you intend on going to a country where the visa requirements are continuously changing.
If your travel dates change, you've got to acquire another e-Visa and are unable to amend your present visa.  The country in which you're residing is irrelevant to whether you need a visa, though you have to be residing legally in the nation in which you submit your application.  It's possible to have a visa on arrival or you're able to apply before departure.
Also, please be sure that the travel dates are mentioned according to the ticket provided.  Don't be afraid to ask us if you'd like assistance with booking the remainder of your Zambian holiday, we can happily arrange your full domestic itinerary.  Make sure that you get the most suitable visa for your travel that's valid for the purpose and length of your stay.
| What Does Zambia Visa Mean? Yellow fever vaccinations are required as a way to enter Zambia.  Most tourists are going to have stopover in South Africa.  Additionally, your passport will have to be in order prior to your visit to Zambia.
Nonetheless, so long as you're cautious, you must have a wonderful expertise in Zambia. If this is the case, you are going to have to find the Zambia Employment Permit.  Zambia has been dominated by the West for 100 decades and we're seeing poverty all around the continent, he explained.
The Start of Zambia Visa Whenever you enter the Schengen Area, the days in the length of stay box begin to count down.  Once immigration approves your visa, you can remain in Canada for as much as two years at a moment, with an extra extension of a year available so long as you apply within a particular timeframe.  No experience is needed!
Facts, Fiction and Zambia Visa You won't be permitted to make an application for a visa over three months before your intended departure.  You ought to be informed that visa on arrival isn't visa-free.  A visa and passport have to to be able to stop by Zambia.
If it's a passport of a country whose nationals need a visa, you'll also want a visa even in case you have another nationality for which no visa is necessary.  Interestingly enough, you don't require a Visa to go to the nation.  The visa is valid for 30 days provided that the holder doesn't leave the 2 nations.
Lodges, on the flip side, serve food, but don't expect too much.  There are many different links to different airports in Africa.  Leaving the animal kingdom aside, you might be asking yourself if it's safe to visit Zambia.
Business visas could be obtained by presenting a letter of invitation from the organization that's sponsoring the traveler that specifies the essence of the intended company.  Drivers will frequently be fined for minor indiscretions in order for those officers to raise some capital for beer so they can delight in the weekend festivities.  On-line forums are also great, and you may join many social networking groups of different families who've completed the procedure successfully.
The Zambia Visa Stories Applicants applying on the grounds of spouse should submit registered marriage certificate.  It's far better stick to an outline of somebody else's letter that has been successful in applying.  Urgent visa applications If you will need to go to the Netherlands urgently (for example, to attend a family funeral or go to a family member dealing with a terminal illness), you may apply for an emergency visa.
Zambia Visa - the Story Booking the entire trip together is almost sure to help you save money. You shall have to turn in an application for a transit visa if you're transiting through Zambian borders using land transport.  Make sure that you get the most suitable visa for your travel that's valid for the purpose and length of your stay.
The Little-Known Secrets to Zambia Visa Multiple entry visas are unavailable on arrival.  If you would like to acquire your passport via post after the visa processing is finished, then incorporate a pre-paid self-addressed special shipping or recorded envelope.  U.S. citizens are denied entry for not having obtained the appropriate kind of visa ahead of time.
If your travel dates change, you've got to acquire another e-Visa and are unable to amend your present visa.  If you wish to travel in more than 1 country in the Schengen region, you must submit an application for a Schengen visa at the mission of the Schengen country where you would like to stay longest.  At times, a six-month tourist visa just isn't sufficient to feel near your loved ones.
| Details of Zambia Visa Multiple entry visas are unavailable on arrival.  If you would like to acquire your passport via post after the visa processing is finished, then incorporate a pre-paid self-addressed special shipping or recorded envelope.  If you've got more than 1 nationality, whether you take a visa is dependent upon which travel document you want to travel on.
If your travel dates change, you've got to acquire another e-Visa and are unable to amend your present visa.  If you wish to travel in more than 1 country in the Schengen region, you must submit an application for a Schengen visa at the mission of the Schengen country where you would like to stay longest.  At times, a six-month tourist visa just isn't sufficient to feel near your loved ones.
Top Zambia Visa Choices Folks die when they don't do what they're told on a safari.  Drivers will frequently be fined for minor indiscretions in order for those officers to raise some capital for beer so they can delight in the weekend festivities.  On-line forums are also great, and you may join many social networking groups of different families who've completed the procedure successfully.
Here's What I Know About Zambia Visa Applicants applying on the grounds of spouse should submit registered marriage certificate.  The sort of visa and validity you are able to apply for will be based on the objective of your trip and length of the stay.  Urgent visa applications If you will need to go to the Netherlands urgently (for example, to attend a family funeral or go to a family member dealing with a terminal illness), you may apply for an emergency visa.
Yellow fever vaccinations are required as a way to enter Zambia.  Most tourists are going to have stopover in South Africa.  Visitors with tourist visas aren't permitted to participate in any employment (such as voluntary work) while in Mozambique.
Communication in Zambia shouldn't be an issue.  There are nationalities that need a visa to go to Zambia.  Zambia also has a nightlife that you are able to enjoy.
You won't be permitted to make an application for a visa over three months before your intended departure.  You ought to be informed that visa on arrival isn't visa-free.  A visa and passport have to to be able to stop by Zambia.
If it's a passport of a country whose nationals need a visa, you'll also want a visa even in case you have another nationality for which no visa is necessary.  Interestingly enough, you don't require a Visa to go to the nation.  If you're looking for an Australian visa then you'll also will need to speak to the Embassy in Zimbabwe.
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