#Ethan? Sawyer? Or both?
cariantha · 8 months
Originally intended as a "get-to-know the blogger" ask game, but I think they would be fun to answer for MCs and LIs.
So, ask away!
Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
You talked to an ex today, correct?
Have you taken someone's virginity?
Is trust a big issue for you?
Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
What are you excited for?
What happened tonight?
Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
Is confidence cute?
What is the last beverage you had?
How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
What are you gonna do Saturday night?
What are you going to spend money on next?
Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
The last time you felt broken?
Have you had sex today?
Are you starting to realize anything?
Are you in a good mood?
Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
What do you want right this second?
What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
What was the last thing that made you laugh?
Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
Does everyone deserve a second chance?
Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
Listening to?
Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Who did you last call?
Who was the last person you danced with?
Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
Do you tan in the nude?
If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
Who was the last person to call you?
Do you sing in the shower?
Do you dance in the car?
Ever used a bow and arrow?
Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Is Christmas stressful?
Ever eat a pierogi?
Favorite type of fruit pie?
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Do you believe in ghosts?
Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
Take a vitamin daily?
Wear slippers?
Wear a bath robe?
What do you wear to bed?
First concert?
Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
Nike or Adidas?
Cheetos Or Fritos?
Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Favorite Taylor Swift song?
Ever take dance lessons?
Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
Can you curl your tongue?
Ever won a spelling bee?
Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
What is your favorite book?
Do you study better with or without music?
Regularly burn incense?
Ever been in love?
Who would you like to see in concert?
What was the last concert you saw?
Hot tea or cold tea?
Tea or coffee?
Favorite type of cookie?
Can you swim well?
Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
Are you patient?
DJ or band, at a wedding?
Ever won a contest?
Ever have plastic surgery?
Which are better black or green olives?
Opinions on sex before marriage?
Best room for a fireplace?
Do you want to get married?
Feel free reblog for your characters too!
Source: @lost-head-adventure-deactivated
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darlingshane · 1 year
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Pairing: Ethan Sawyer x GN!Reader
Summary: Your whole world crumbles after your brother's death. You push everyone away, including your boyfriend Ethan. He gives you all the space you need, but today he's not having it, and he arrests you in an attempt to make you listen to reason and find a way to get through to you.
Content/Warnings: Language, Heavy Angst, Depression, Grief, Feels, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Tough Love, Established Relationship. + Hopeful ending.
Word Count: 2,4k
A/N: This is an adapted scene from the film that was suggested by the lovely @tazbethxavier98. Hope you like my take on it 💛
— Read below or at AO3.
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His gut was right.
And he hated it.
The moment he saw you hanging with the guys, Ethan knew that you were going to try to do something stupid. Potentially dangerous even. Because every single time you get together with your old crew, you can’t help but fall into old habits.
It’s been a while since you’ve gotten together with them, and it’s worth celebrating by doing something memorable that you could look back to, but your definition of doing something memorable goes hand in hand with being reckless; like that time you all BASE jumped from a crane.
Ethan was baffled when he found out later. The fact that you didn’t disclose that right away and had to hear it from someone else was something that caused one of the biggest fights you ever had when you were still a couple.
Eventually, he forgave you after you promised that you'd never do anything as dangerous as that ever again. But since your relationship with him is on pause, there's absolutely nothing stopping you from breaking that promise as well.
Your fierceness is unparalleled, nothing ever fazes you, and Ethan has always admired and feared that equally. Right now, it only scares the shit out of him.
It's been only a few months since you decided to take some time off from him. You didn't call it a breakup back then, cause you just needed some space after your brother's death. Everything went downhill after that, and you're not sure if there's anything else left to pick up.
He did everything in his hand to help you deal with that loss, but the more he tried, the more you pushed him and everyone away.
No matter how much time it passes or how much you ignore him, Ethan Sawyer still cares a great deal about you. No, that’s selling it short. He loves you. He fucking loves you and hates seeing how much you're hurting.
All he ever wanted to do is find a way to get back to you, and what you two had. Despite your differences, being with you was the best thing that's ever happened to him, and he thought it went both ways. Three years, and five months, is how long it lasted. You shared a house, adopted two dogs, and a cat, and almost added a python to the family, if he had let you. With time, he'd given in with some more convincing.
For the past few months, you've stayed at your father's cabin, and split pet duties with him. You go by the house every other day to care for your babies while he's at work, and that's pretty much it.
When you stopped listening to reason, he took the hint and decided to give you that space you needed. He stopped calling, texting, or trying to figure out a better way to reach you. But today he's not willing to not take the back seat and watch you hurt yourself for the sake of proving a point or going against his warning.
Admittedly, he might have contributed to feeding the fire with fuel when he said, “And please do not jump off of shit with parachutes, okay?”
It was aimed at the group, but his stare was fixed only on you. And knowing how much you hate being patronized like that, in hindsight, he should have kept his mouth shut, cause the way your jaw clenched as you looked away with disdain was absolutely frightening.
His words went in one ear and came out of the other.
As he feared, when you leave the bar, you slip into a harness with a chute on your back and hop onto the bed of Jay's truck without thinking twice.
The truck starts rolling and the rest of the guys follow in another car.
Ethan tails right on cue and witnesses your body being launched up into the air by the chute after pulling the ripcord in the middle of the road. You land on your ass in a ditch by the roadside, and as your audience applauds your act, Ethan pulls up on the other side of the road.
Your butt hurts like a bitch, but the rush of adrenaline is worth it, which lessens that blow a little.
You let out another laugh watching Ethan strutting like a motherfucker towards your direction, with that hard-ass stare you don’t see often, sending daggers from behind his aviators.
He has nothing to lose, and since you’re not heeding reason, he's going to lay down the law and some tough love. It's the only card he has left to make you see you can’t keep marching on the self-destructive path of your own making. He's done treating you with kid's gloves, too. It never worked, he’s come to realize.
“What are you gonna do, arrest me?” you grin without an ounce of guilt.
“You’re goddamn right I am,” he barks and then orders your crew to help you get out of the ditch.
Once you back up on the pavement, after slipping out of the harness, Ethan shoves your front against the SUV without warning. He handcuffs your wrists and ushers you to the backseat of the police car.
“Christ, these are sawing my wrists,” you complain behind the partition as he drives away. “Did you have to close ’em all the way down?”
“Oh, does it hurt?”
“Yeah, it fucking hurts, asshole!”
“Good. Maybe you'll learn something,” he counters, unbending.
Ethan catches you rolling your eyes through the rearview mirror and keeps scolding you.
“Hey, eyes on me. Quit your sulking, all right? You got yourself here. This shit is on you.” There's a pause as the car slows down. “Fucking earned it.” He says last before pulling up in front of your dad’s cabin, where you’ve been staying for months.
As he climbs out and goes around the car to release you, he lets out an exhalation and brings you out, manhandling your body without releasing your hands. Not yet. There’s a lot he’s got to say, and he presses your back against the side of the SUV and takes off his sheriff cap to throw it on top of the roof of the car.
“Here's the thing. We both know that had nothing to do with fun, and it sure as shit wasn't an accident, all right? I know what you're trying to do. Maybe those other assholes don't see it, but I certainly do. And I’m not gonna sit and watch you throw your life away cause what? Cause you feel guilty that your brother gave his life to save your sorry ass?”
“Shut up. Shut the fuck up,” you mutter, wrangling in your cuffs.
“Did I touch a nerve, big shot? Stay still, I’m not done,” he presses a hand to your shoulder for a beat, so you stop moving.
“You’ve got no idea what you're talking about,” your eyes well up against your will.
“I was with you, sweetheart. I know better than anybody. Your brother’s death is not on you. He went into that building cause it was his job, whether you were in there or not, he died doing what he was trained to do. And he must be turning in his grave knowing you're risking your life doing bullshit like that again. I get that he was your hero. And that you’re still grieving. But what you’re doing… you’re going to get yourself killed or worse. You think he’d like that?”
Your head bows, looking at the ground as tears start slipping down your cheeks. You agree internally, your brother definitely wouldn’t like that, but you don’t respond to his preaching.
“You think I’d like that?” he rephrases that last question and adds another, “do you think that I don’t care for you or love you?”
“You don’t love me. You just have a fucking savior complex, and it kills you that can’t save me.”
“Don’t love you?” he huffs, irritated; and inhales sharply before turning you around, so he can unlock your hands. “You’re everything to me, sweetheart. And it breaks my heart seeing you like this. I’m not trying to save you… but I can't watch you going down this path. Is that how you wanna honor him?”
“You have no idea how it feels… What else can I do, huh?” you wince, soothing one of your wrists with your opposite hand.
“That's why I'm here. You talk to me about it instead of pushing me away. You're so smart and strong, but so fucking stubborn. And yeah, grief is a bitch, but you can't let it cripple you forever. And if you can't talk to me, at least find someone you trust… There's no shame in asking for help.”
“It's not that easy.”
“Nobody said it'd be a cakewalk. Is that why you failed your evaluation, or you just didn't give a shit anymore?”
“You got me, Ethan. I'm broken. Neither you nor the best therapist in the world can fix me.”
In less than a beat, you set yourself straight and walk past him in the direction of the cabin.
“I… I don't think you should come by the house anymore. If this is over, just call it. I'm not gonna wait around forever for you to realize that I only love you.”
You come to a halt mid-walk. “What about the dogs and the cat?”
“I'll take care of them.”
“But they're mine, too.”
“Well, I got full custody now.”
“Go to hell, Sawyer.”
“Wanna see them? Come back home. That's the only way. There's still time. It doesn't have to end like this.”
Emotionally spent, you exhale and push your feet to move, leaving him without an answer. It does feel like the end to you, at least right now. The void in your chest grows larger every day, and you can't really go back to him before fixing that.
As you reach the porch of your father's cabin, you notice Ethan's stride catching up with you, and you turn your head as he starts speaking.
“Hey, for what it's worth, I don't think you're broken,” his tone is softer than before. “I'm sorry if I was hard on you and that I made this about me… but I needed you to see that you don't have to do this alone. Whatever you're afraid of… we can face it together.”
“I'm afraid of me,” you finally confess. “All I want is to stop hurting. And jumping out of that truck was the only thing that made me feel anything other than endless dread. As fucked up as it is. And maybe it was a good thing that I failed my psych eval, cause I don't… I don't think I can do that anymore. Not without him. And without that, I don't know what I'm supposed to do or who to be anymore.”
“I…” his voice dies down in that syllable, processing your fears for a long pause. “There's no quit fix. That's something you'll figure out with time, sweetheart. It's all still very raw. Your whole world turned upside down, I get it. And for a while that's how you're going to see everything. No one's going to blame you for taking some time or quitting altogether. But putting yourself in danger to stop feeling is not the answer. You can't give up on the things that you love. Those are what makes you— you. And I’d hate to see that part of you fade away.”
Ethan has always been insightful. It's not something you've just realized, but maybe you've forgotten. Alas, he's right. You desperately wanna back to some sort of normalcy and find some peace in it, but it’s hard to pull yourself out of that deep hole of pain and sadness that has swallowed half of your being like quicksand. And perhaps that’s the reason you pushed him away, cause you couldn’t bear the thought of him sinking with you.
“I want you to be happy, Ethan. I’m not sure that I can be that for you anymore.”
“I only want you, no matter what. Happy or sad. For sickness and health, and all that shit. I want it all. Even if we’re not married. Just… sleep on it. Don’t make any rash decisions right now. Promise me.”
He deserves at least that.
“Okay,” you say low with a shy nod.
After parting ways, you bury yourself in your bed, in the solitude of the cabin as the sun goes down.
As promised, you sleep on it one night and another, and a third one, as it gets so much clearer that you’ve been an asshole to him all this time. He was harsh, rightfully, the other day, but you’ve been nothing but neglecting the most beautiful relationship you’ve ever had. It wasn’t on purpose, but still that’s another weight to add to your back.
Four days later, you wake up unusually early. It’s still dark when you take a shower and set the coffee machine on. You find a thermos in your dad’s cabinets and fill it with black coffee after pouring yourself a mug.
You’ve come to the decision that you can’t stay here forever. As much as you want to, it’s time to try something different, and going back to Ethan and your babies is the right thing to do.
So, as the sun rises, you take that thermos and drive up to your house. Ethan is still asleep, you’re sure, even before opening that familiar door and being greeted happily by one of your dogs, Sadie, who licks half your face as you bend down to hug her, and kiss her head. Murphy is soundly asleep, and snoring, in his bed below one of the windows of the living room and doesn’t even wake up when Sadie whines after you stop petting her.
You find Rogue, your cat, curled at Ethan’s feet, who’s barely covered by the sheets.
Toeing off your sneakers, you place down the thermos in the night stand and slip into your side of the bed, facing Ethan. You push his hair away from his forehead, and trace the shape of his ear with your finger. It makes his nose scrunch before tiredly opening his eyes, that close in a beat, and open quickly again, wider, surprised by your presence.
“Hey, baby,” he utters hoarsely, as his lips curve up.
“I brought you coffee.”
“Are you back?”
“Do you want me back?”
Wrapping an arm around you, pulling you closer, he huffs, “of course, I do.”
“Just checking.”
“How are you, baby?”
“I don’t know… I’m here.”
“That’s okay. We’ll figure it out. One day at a time.” He kisses your temple as you curl against his warm chest, basking in his much-missed embrace.
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npt: @anna-hawk, @lucy-sky, @munsonownsmyass
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MC of the Month: Sawyer Brooks
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Please welcome our third MC of the month! Each month, we will highlight one MC or OC that is currently on our Meet my MC / OC List. The MC / OC is selected randomly on the Wheel of Names, and eligibility requirements can be found here. We accept MC / OC profiles on an ongoing basis. Please feel free to send yours in!
This month's MC of the month is...
@cariantha ' s Sawyer Brooks
Learn more about Sawyer and her creator, Cari, below.
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In your words, tell us what you like most about your MC. 
Not only is Sawyer beautiful and talented, but she’s incredibly smart and ambitious. And she really could care less about bragging rights, fame, or glory. 
Sawyer has never been the best at anything right out of the gate. She has had to work hard for everything she’s ever accomplished or achieved. She only ever wants to prove to herself that she can do anything she sets her mind to. It started when she was in grade school. She wasn’t the best test-taker back then and often placed into lower level classes, but within weeks advanced herself into gifted courses. When it came to athletics she had natural talent, but she didn’t have the advantage of other student athletes who could afford to play club sports year round. She worked hard each season, showing up and giving her all in every practice, which led to her earning a scholarship to play collegiate volleyball. And as we know, it took her a few weeks to find her way but she eventually climbed the ranks and took the top spot in the Edenbrook intern competition. 
What’s her proudest personal accomplishment you might ask? You might think it was something huge like diagnosing Naveen, but it was actually discovering and claiming Dr. Ethan Ramsey’s heart.❤️ She jokes that after he dies, she will donate it to a museum. 
Do you feel your MC is like you at all? How are you alike or different?
Of all my Choices MCs, Sawyer is definitely the most like me. We share similar backgrounds, upbringings, interests, and personalities. 
We are most alike in the sense that we make friends easily and enjoy the associations of many, but tend to keep our circle of trust pretty small. And we both hate conflict. If mad, we avoid or bottle things up rather than confront. I know, I know, it’s not exactly healthy. We’re both working on it. 
As far as differences, Sawyer is more forward. More willing to take risks. She’s more playful and affectionate. And she’s much more comfortable in her own skin - she knows she looks good naked.🏃🏼‍♀️ Sawyer could be on the cover of a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.😉 Hence all the bikini thirst traps on her Pictagram.
What is most important to your MC? What is their motivation in life? 
Being true to herself. It wasn’t until she started applying for residency programs that she realized she needed to start making choices based on what she wanted, not what others expected of her. Being the oldest child in her family, and the most successful academically, she felt a lot of pressure to set an example and make her parents proud. When she finally started making decisions based on her own happiness and not the expectations of others, she felt so free and content.   
Happiness is Sawyer’s motivation. She knows the pursuit of happiness is not always easy, but if the end goal is something that will bring her joy or make her feel good about herself, then she’s going to give it her all and push through. 
What are their biggest pet peeves/dislikes? 
Sawyer’s a compulsive neat freak. When she’s stressed, she can’t rest until everything is tidy and in order. She has a lot of pet peeves related to things that might disturb that order. One of the most irritating ones is dirty dishes left in the sink when there is a perfectly good dishwasher nearby. Even if the dishwasher is full, she thinks you should at least rinse the grime off the dishes. Also, clothes that hang over the side of the laundry basket. She thinks it’s just lazy to not push them all the way in. Oh, and whiskers all over the sink. Luckily, Ethan shaves in the shower. And the fact that he has a housekeeper come regularly to help maintain order keeps her from going off the deep end when she’s had a rough day. 
She was never more irritated than intern year when she was stressed to the max and living with four roommates. She was so relieved on the nights she could go hang out at Ethan’s and work on Naveen’s case.  
If your MC could change one thing - anything - what would it be? 
Other than all the wrongs in the world, Sawyer would change her voice. She wishes she could sing. She loves and finds so much comfort in music. She’ll sing in the shower and in the car when she’s alone. It’s not awful, but it’s not exactly great. Singing karaoke with her friends gives her a lot of anxiety. 
What is your MC’s favorite quote or song? 
Sawyer’s favorite song is Here Tonight by Brett Young. She discovers it shortly after Miami and has it on repeat for weeks afterward. The lyrics describe exactly how she felt on the balcony that night with Ethan, the night when everything changed for them. Fast forward to Year 3 and they talk about what they would choose for “their song.” Sawyer plays it for Ethan, and he immediately agrees it’s the one. 
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your MC:
Sawyer is my daily dose of medicine. When I first joined the fandom, I seriously thought I would just create some fun edits about her journey through residency. Getting lost in the details of editing, believe it or not, was a major stress reliever. Channeling Ethan Ramsey here...I was able to control what I could control. But I quickly caught the writing bug. It felt amazing to try something new, and it felt even better when it was positively received by OH fans. I probably have a very unhealthy addiction to Tumblr now, but this fandom brings me so much joy. Writing for Sawyer and Ethan gives me something to always look forward to. 
Thank you for sharing Sawyer with us, Cari! You can learn more about Sawyer Brooks here!
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bigmantatas · 2 years
!!Read before Interacting!!
This blog is ONLY for male/trans (ftm) or GN/Non-Binary people. Fem readers DNI. You will be blocked. 
This post will be used as a sort of “masterlist” of characters/fandoms I write for at the moment so let’s get right to it :) (make sure you stay up-to-date with this if you want to request frequently)
^ for that, make sure to specify a scenario you want because I’m uncreative 
Fandoms I write for/more specifically the characters:
Resident Evil:
Leon S. Kennedy
Jill Valentine
Albert Wesker
Chris Redfield
Ethan Winters
Karl Heisenberg
Alcina Dimitrescu
Donna Beneviento
Rebecca Chambers
Carlos Oliveira
Lucas Baker
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974, 1986, 2003 & 2006):
Bubba Sawyer (both TCM 1974 and 1986)
Thomas Hewitt (both 2003 and 2006) 
Chop Top
Friday the 13th (2009, Jason Lives & Jason Takes Manhattan): 
Jason Voorhees
Silent Hill:
James Sunderland
Pyramid Head
Dead by Daylight:
Danny Johnson (Ghostface)
Caleb Quinn (Deathslinger)
Max Thompson Jr. (Hillbilly)
Frank, Joey, Susie (The Legion)
Anna (The Huntress)
Herman Carter (The Doctor)
Evan MacMillan (The Trapper)
Philip Ojomo (The Wraith)
Kazan Yamaoka (The Oni)
Dwight Fairfield 
Meg Thomas
Jake Park
Nea Karlsson 
David King
Yui Kimura
Kate Denson
Feng Min
Halloween (1978):
Michael Myers
Laurie Strode
Scream (1996):
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Sidney Prescott
Tatum Riley
My Bloody Valentine (1981)
Harry Warden
IT (2017)
Patrick Hockstetter
Henry Bowers
Red Dead Redemption (1 and 2)
Arthur Morgan
John Marston
Javier Escuella
Charles Smith
Sean MacGuire
Josiah Trelawny 
Stardew Valley:
A Plague Tale: Innocence:
Sir Nicholas
Team Fortress 2:
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zorlok-if · 2 years
Coding Tip: Books & Libraries
Was just looking at this post and thought of some new advice for learning to code. Check out books from your local library.
This may seem a little counter-intuitive or strange for learning about computers, but it's extremely helpful. As someone who has ADHD and would get overwhelmed trying to find the correct/exact answer I was looking for when I knew very little about coding terminology, books are fantastic. There are so many different options that explain (in plain language) how to code for beginners in addition to easily-readable compendiums that have all the essential information you need about a programming language (so there's no frantic searching online). Here's some that I've been using recently: ( * = my favorites)
CSS, The Definitive Guide: Visual Presentation for the Web (4th Edition) by Eric A. Meyer & Estele Weyl
CSS: The Missing Manual (4th Edition) by David Sawyer McFarland *
Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours (7th Edition) by Phil Ballard *
Learning JavaScript: Add Sparkle and Life to your Web Pages (3rd Edition) by Ethan Brown
An Artist's Guide to Programming: A Graphical Introduction by Jim Parker (this one is part of a series of "no-nonsense books" from No Starch Press with books aimed at teaching code visually for visual artists, I know the series has several books for learning Python—what Ren'Py uses—too)
Speaking from my experience with American public libraries, you can go online to your library's digital catalog, see what's available, and reserve books (or whatever else) to pick up. In addition to picking materials up in person, libraries may also have books lockers, drive-up windows, or curbside options if you want to minimize exposure or just avoid interacting with humans (in general I recommend looking into what your library offers for accessibility services too, both on and off-site).
In the library, if they use the Dewey Decimal System, then the coding books will be in the early 000s (around 005-006). If not or if you want help, librarians will happily show you where to look, what's available, and (if necessary) can use inter-library loans to order in books from other libraries so you can pick them up and check out from there.
Note I: This is also helpful for writing books (like how to craft intriguing plots, how to stay motivated, prompt books, improving creative writing/thinking, etc.). Creative writing and screenwriting books will be shelved around 808 in the DDS. Game writing/design is around 794 (and try checking the children's section if you don't find any in the main one).
Note II: This is helpful for learning widely-used languages like JavaScript, CSS, Python, etc., not for coding with Twine specifically (I don't think there are any books that have been written about Twine). For Twine, it's best to stick to online tutorials/templates. You can find a list of the resources I've used to learn Twine by running this template and clicking the link in the menu called "Credits + Resources". I'll also be streaming a tutorial on Twitch this Friday (July 29th) about beginning Twine and plan on uploading that/future video tutorials to this Youtube channel.
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kennys-friend · 1 year
• If Marielle is sick, she's gonna need Boyd's blood in order to survive. Martin gave Boyd's his blood and now his parkinson's is gone. The blood is both a blessing and a curse. Or she's an addict and her and Kristi will have a fight about it and face it together. Or Mari will end up going "too far" and they break things off or she dies.
• What's Randall carving at the end??? A talisman maybe? He's got a nice view from atop the bus! (He's giving major Sawyer vibes). Also, Randall seems to be "monster repellent 😆 They all just walked away from him as he was yelling that them not to. Ethan's quote about facing the scary things to take away their power works for him! I think Randall is gonna try to catch a monster next episode.
• I'm guessing the monsters feed on fear. Since Randall doesn't fear them, they have no interest in him.
• I was so sad for Kenny and mama Liu this episode, ugh. They're in so much pain. 😥
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stanathanxoox · 3 months
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Planning a picnic and making them food even if you’re an amateur cook, in hopes you’ll impress them more🫶🏽 - Dr Ethan Ramsay x reader
You had loaded up your car with a basket full of different meals that you were hoping would impress your boyfriend, after finally accepting fate and deciding to give in to the feelings that you both harboured for one another you and Ethan had been in a relationship for the last six weeks. This was your first official date and you were nervous mainly because this would be the first time he would truly be getting a chance to taste your cooking and baking. You both had the day off, a bit of sneaky rostering on Ethan’s part so when you arrived outside his apartment, dressed in a spring dress with a cardigan over top he smiled at your appearance
“You look gorgeous Y/N” he says as he looks you up and down, as you do the same. He’s wearing casual clothes, but even then he still looks ruggedly handsome. You then reach out for his hand and he chuckles
“Hang on Y/N, I’ve got to get Jenner ready if that’s alright with you?” and you beam, excited that his dog was coming along on your date as well.
“Of course” you say and he smiles back at you, placing a quick kiss on your lips before retreating to get Jenner and his leash from the living room. When the two return you can’t help but wonder who is more excited for this outing, your boyfriend or his pooch and you giggle at the thought.
“What is it my dear?” he asks as he comes and stands at your side, locking the door as the three of you exit the apartment.
“Just thinking about which one of you two is more excited for our date, Jenner or yourself” you tease and he chuckles
“Oh I am definitely excited for our date, spending time with the two best things in my life” he says and you blush.
“Stop” you say trying to hide your face and he chuckles again
“I’m serious, now I remember you saying something about some home cooked meals and a picnic?” he asks and you smile
“Yes, and I have the perfect spot as well” you and he nods
“Alright, then let’s away”.
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi​, @jimmybpride​, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy​, @nikkiwierden​, @samchelforever007​, @kirkspockbones​, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox​, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love​, @haliannej​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @wxlfgirlx​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​, @loverofoneshots​, @aelin-thefirebreathingbitchqueen​​
Tag List for Pixelberry fics: @cordoniaqueensworld​, @aworldoffandoms​, @desiree—1986​
Tag List for Open Heart: @melissagoodwill​, @lady-kato​, @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​, @cxld-play
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chellestrash · 5 months
I mean... sure, we can make that into a game if you want! Soo...
Frank Castle or Ethan Sawyer?
Carmy Berzatto or Matt Rayburn?
Hamish Linklater or Mads Mikkelsen?
I tried to make it difficult, you're welcome <3 sorry
oh my god yaaaay a game! PFFF i’m literally in bed mentally preparing for work tomorrow and this made me so excited!! KSKSKS okay okay GOOOD just so you know you made it EXTREMELY difficult
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LIKE WHAT?! jesuuuuuuuus UMMMM…yeah i don’t…i don’t know i like frank is frank you know but ethan?! the history i have with that character in my head is ridiculous PFFFFF oh my god no i need to think about it more
i caaaant! i think frank?? but then like ethan just…buy frank?? BUT AAAAAAAAAA
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okay okay okay okay both of them are so boyfriend you know? and i think if this was like a couple months ago closer to season 2 release right? i’d have more trouble but rn i gotta pick Matty, i can’t, he is LITERALLY my boyfriend (let me be delusional in peace thank you)
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COME OOOOOOOON this one is just CRUEL KSKKS okay okay okay sooooooo i can not explain how strong my obsession with hamish is like i can neither explain nor deny it but…mads is mads i can’t, i can’t pick somone over mads it just won’t happen
my brain is fried
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daniartist19 · 2 years
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A Happy Halloween to everyone.
So i have do to this, these cosplay characters were going originally for my Costober, but since my first baby was very important to my family and myself so i made a choice of put the costober cosplays my friends and i talked about and put it in 3 part of these to make it a Daniverse halloween thing.
Got awesome cosplays, thanks for the suggestions.
Twilight Sparkle and Adora as Raya and Sisu (Raya and the Last Dragon) the outfit designs by Serpanade Toons
Cassandra and Carmen as Maya and Zatz (Maya and the Three)
Kipo as Michiru (BNA Brand New Animal) Luz and Amity as Vi and Caitlyn (Arcane) Varian and Anne as Jim and Claire (Trollhunters Tales of Acardia) K.O as MK (Monkie Kid) Kid as Ben 10 Steven and Connie as Miles and Gwen (Spider-Man Into the SpiderVerse)
Gwen and Trent as Octavia (Helluva Boss) and Douxie (Wizards Tales of Acardia) (An excuse to draw Trent in Douxie wizard outfit) Duncan and Courtney as Hunter (The Owl House) and Sasha (Amphibia) Heahter and Alejandro as Mr Wolf and Diane (The Bad Guys) (Heather looks kinda great in the Crimson Paw outfit) Cody and Elena as Aladdin and Jasmine  EB and Looka as Mune and Glim (Mune Guardian of the Moon) Catra as Jinx/Powder (Arcane) (They're both got tthe same similarities)
Mirabel and Vivo as Bee and PuppyCat  Ethan and Elian as Luz and Amity (The Owl House) Yakko and Lenna as Danny and Sawyer (Cats Don't Dance) Sasha and Hunter as Kat and Patrick (10 Things i Hate about You) Ian and Willow as Orpheus and Eurydice (Hadestown) Tylor and Loona as Andrew and Allison (The Breakfast Club)
Which cosplays do you like the most.
Every character belongs to their creators.
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cariantha · 6 months
Talk is Cheap (2/2)
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: General Warning: Mentions of pregnancy Category: AU; Angst (with a happy ending) Word count: 2.7K Prompt: What would have been the outcome if Sawyer had discovered that she was pregnant whilst Ethan was in the Amazon? A/N: The theme song for this fic is “Go Get Her” by Restless Road.
Part One
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It took Sawyer two days and ten chewed up fingernails to work up the courage to call. And it took three unanswered calls to realize that her heart wasn’t done breaking. 
“Ethan, it’s Sawyer. Please call me as soon as you get this message. I really need to talk to you.”
Ethan listened to the message several times. There were only two possible reasons for her call: something was wrong, or she wanted to talk about them. The only clue he had, her shaky and hesitant voice, was not enough to go on. Worried that weeks of strategic silence and self-inflicted loneliness would be for nothing, he determined that the safest course of action was to call his mentor. Speaking to Naveen would rule out several of the “something wrong” scenarios that were racing through his anxious mind. 
Ring, ring. “Hello, Ethan. It has been a while,” Naveen answered. The two hadn’t spoken since the video call that ended with Sawyer darting away from his office in tears.
“Naveen. How are you? How have you been feeling?”
“I’m fine, son.” 
“Did you have your check-up with Baz this month?”
“I did. My labs were normal.”
“Good… that’s good… uh, how’s the team?”
“They are managing quite well, and June is taking full advantage of her time at the helm,” Naveen chuckled.
“I don’t doubt it. And the interns? Have they killed anyone while I’ve been away?”
“The interns?” Ethan’s attempt at small talk was already suspicious, but asking about the interns was a dead giveaway. “Or one in particular?” Naveen pressed. 
Giving up his pretense, Ethan confessed, “She left me a vague message. I was concerned that something had happened. That one of you might be sick or hurt.”
“I think it’s safe to say she’s hurt, Ethan,” Naveen challenged. 
“You know that’s not what I meant. Is she okay? Has there been any more backlash from the trial? Has Nash been harassing her?”
An exasperated Naveen sighed, “I don’t know the reason for her call, Ethan. And even if I did, I would tell you to speak with her yourself. Tell me, how are you planning to work together if you’re not on speaking terms?”
“Our relationship will return to that of a strictly professional one. Working together on your case, sharing that secret… the lines got blurred and I let things go too far. It was the result of heightened stress and frequent exposure to-”
“Bullshit,” Naveen interjected.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. We both know if that’s all it was, you wouldn’t have bothered to call me. You wouldn’t care this much. Now, swallow your pride like that over-priced whiskey you drink and call her.”
The following day, Sawyer stood outside of Naveen’s office. “Hi Danielle, any chance the chief has some free time in the next day or two?”
“Let me check his schedule, Dr. Brooks,” the assistant answered, clicking her computer mouse.
“Sawyer? Is that you out there?” Naveen called from inside his office. “Come on in.”
Sawyer offered a thankful smile to Danielle and then stepped into Naveen’s office, closing the door behind her. “Thanks for giving me a few minutes.”
“I can always spare a few for my grand-mentee.” He gestured to one of the seats in front of his desk. “What’s on your mind, dear?”
Sawyer took a grounding breath, then proceeded. “A lot actually. I, uh…” She paused, nervously biting her bottom lip. Then as if ripping off a Band-Aid, she came right out with it. “What is the policy for taking a leave of absence? And if I did, how would that impact my fellowship?”
Naveen pursed his lips, mentally diagnosing the situation. “Well, that depends on the type of leave being requested.”
Sawyer hung her head for a moment, and when she looked up, her eyes were glassy. “Maternity leave.” 
He followed her eyes when they shifted to a picture displayed on the hutch behind him, confirming his suspicion. Naveen hoped that Ethan had taken his advice last night. With a sympathetic air, he leaned forward and folded his hands. "Does he know?"
She shook her head and bit her lips, trying to prevent the spill of tears. “He hasn’t returned my calls," she finally managed.
“I’m so sorry, dear. Is there anything you need? Anything I can do for you?”
Sawyer reached for a tissue. “I just need to know what my options are.”
He nodded.
“And if it comes to it… the process for transferring my residency.”
He couldn’t help the frown on his face. “Of course.” A short while later, with a hug and another offer of support, Naveen said goodbye to Sawyer. 
"Danielle, would you mind letting Dr. Cyrus know that I am running a few minutes behind?" Closing his door for privacy, he retrieved his phone from the pocket of his white lab coat.
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Later that night, in his tiny studio apartment in Atalaya, Peru, Ethan sat on the edge of the bed and scrolled through his phone contacts. He stared at Sawyer’s profile picture for a long while, gathering the strength to stay firm in his resolve, while also preparing for the worst. If she was sick, he would call in every favor he was owed. If she was moving on with someone new, he would hate it, but wouldn’t interfere with her happiness. If she was quitting… leaving… he would break. 
With his thumb hovering over the call button, he was startled when the phone pinged. Tapping on the notification, he read the incoming lines of text and quickly realized that he had not anticipated this scenario.
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In her bedroom in her Boston apartment, Sawyer paced back and forth. The word “Read” appeared after the last line of her text message and she anxiously chewed on her thumbnail waiting for any kind of response. Preferably a call, but she would settle for three bouncing dots and a few lines of text. A half hour later, accepting the silence as his response, she powered off her phone and tossed it aside. Curling up in her bed, she cried herself to sleep.
In those same thirty minutes, Ethan stared at the sonogram picture and choked back tears. His knee bounced up and down nervously, carefully considering what to say and do to make things right. When he finally pushed the green call button, he immediately heard her voice on the other end of the line. “Hi there, you’ve reached Sawyer. Leave me a message.” He redialed several more times, but each time it went straight to voicemail. “Dammit!”
Ethan stood and raked his fingers through his hair in frustration. He spun around taking in his humble surroundings, considering his current obligations. “To hell with it.” After calling for a ride, he tossed his phone on the bed and began shoving his belongings into his open suitcase.
An hour later, from the backseat of a taxi, Ethan made another call. “Dr. Stehl, it’s Ethan Ramsey. I’m sorry to do this, but something has come up back home in Boston. A family emergency. I’m on my way to the airport now…”
After twenty-four hours of cramped bus rides and connecting flights, and a quick stop at home to freshen up, Ethan stood outside of Sawyer’s apartment door. Taking a deep, calming breath first, he knocked.
Elijah greeted him a half minute later. “Dr. Ramsey? I didn’t know you were back.”
“Yes, just. Is Sawyer here?”
Elijah moved backward and gestured for him to enter, assuming that Sawyer was already expecting him. It wouldn’t have been the first time she entertained Dr. Ramsey in their apartment, after all. It would also explain why she passed on going to Donahue’s with the other roommates for “Ladies Night” half-priced drinks. “She’s in her room. You remember which one, right?”
Ethan nodded. “Thank you.”
“By the way, I like the beard,” Elijah remarked, closing the door. “Maybe I should try to grow one so my patients won’t think I’m fifteen anymore.” 
“Hmph,” Ethan huffed in amusement as he moved deeper into the quiet apartment. 
He inhaled and exhaled slowly before gently knocking on the last door at the end of the hall, the door to Sawyer’s room. Though light emanated from underneath the door, there was no answer. He knocked again, and when she still didn’t answer, he carefully turned the doorknob and peeked inside. 
Sawyer was fast asleep, hugging a pillow close to her body.
Quietly shutting the door behind him, he softly padded to the side of her bed and carefully sat on the edge. Her laptop lay open behind her. On the screen, an application for residency at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona, which made Ethan’s stomach sink.
Odds were she hated him at this point. Despite the risk, he reached out to touch her. Tenderly skimming his fingers along her hairline, he brushed a few loose strands out of the way. “Sawyer,” he quietly said her name. When he repeated it, she finally began to stir and then opened her eyes.
Shocked, she bolted upright and backed away, nearly knocking her laptop to the floor. “W-what are you doing here?” she asked, trying to get her bearings. 
“I came to talk. To apologize. To try to make things right.”
“Ethan, I–”
Sensing her distrust, “Please, give me a chance,” he implored. “I know I don’t deserve it, but will you please hear me out?” When she didn’t protest, he continued.
“I have been so selfish, Sawyer. When Naveen appointed you to the diagnostics team, I feared a scandal if people discovered we were together, especially with the ethics trial still fresh in people’s minds. I could never, in good conscience, put you in a position like that. You worked so hard and earned this fellowship. It’s a rare opportunity that I don’t want to get in the way of.” His eyes begged for understanding. “Please believe me when I say this… I want to be with you. So much so that I considered stepping down as team leader. Hell, I even considered resigning from the team altogether.” He ran his hand through his hair and took a deep breath. “As much as I care for you, Sawyer, I couldn’t give it up. I have spent my entire career preparing to one day fill Naveen’s shoes. It’s all I’ve ever wanted, until you. But everything between us happened so fast. It was still so new-”
“Ethan, I would never expect you to make that kind of sacrifice. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you did,” Sawyer firmly cut in.
“I know, Rookie, and that’s why I told myself the only way forward was as colleagues, and nothing more.” He made a point of looking her in the eye. “But the problem is we’ve never just been colleagues, have we. There’s always been something more between us. I took advantage of the distance, hoping that if we cut ties for a while, the connection would fade and make it easier to leave what we had in the past.” 
Sawyer shook her head in frustration. 
“You don’t have to say it. I can probably guess what you’re thinking,” Ethan acknowledged.
“That you’re an idiot?” she quipped.
“Yes, and you’d be right to think so. I had convinced myself it was a solid plan. As long as we still worked together, I would still get to see and talk to my best friend without the constant worry of holding you back or jeopardizing your career.” Sawyer followed when he tipped his head to the laptop screen behind her. “Knowing how badly you wanted to be at Edenbrook, and how hard you fought for the fellowship, I hadn’t considered the possibility that you would leave. When you said you might move back to Arizona, I realized my plan backfired.” 
Ethan gave her a moment to process.
“Why didn’t you call or write me back after I told you about the baby?” she demanded an answer.
"I know this will be hard to believe, but I swear I was just about to call you when I got your text. You can blame me for a lot, but you can’t blame me for the sudden shock of learning that I was going to be a father. It took me a while to catch my breath and find my words. When I finally got my shit together, I tried calling. Several times. But I kept getting your voicemail.” Ethan absent-mindedly stretched his hand toward her. “Sawyer, we both know words without action are meaningless. You mean so much to me and-”
“You have a real shitty way of showing it,” she interjected.
"And I'm here now because I want to change that. You deserve better than a phone call, and certainly more than a text message. You, Rookie, have the unnerving ability to read me like an open book. I want you to be able to look into my eyes and see the truth in my words when I tell you how I feel."
Protectively clutching her pillow to her chest, she braced herself. “And how do you feel?”
“About you?” he paused, his eyes darting between hers. “I am hopelessly in love with you, Sawyer Brooks.” 
She swallowed, nervously anticipating his next words. 
“How do I feel about this baby?” He sighed softly. “I’ll be honest, I never pictured myself settling down or having a family. I’ve spent the last twenty-four hours on buses and planes alone with my thoughts, and they were consumed with the idea of becoming a father. For the first time in my life, Sawyer, I could picture it… a family of my own... but only because you were with me in that dream. And I’m worried that I’ve fucked it all up.”
Overcome with emotion, Sawyer hid her face with her hands and sobbed.
“Arrrrrgh,” she growled into her hands before lowering them. “I’m still furious with you… I’m not sure where we go from here… how to trust that you won’t walk away again.” She wiped her tears away. “But I guess we have a lot to figure out…” she said, her voice cracking, “because despite myself, I’m still in love with you, too.”
A wave of relief washed over Ethan. There was hope, even if the space between them made it feel like they were still on different continents.       
“How are you feeling?” he asked, looking her over.
“I’ve had a little morning sickness, but mostly I'm exhausted.” She opened her mouth to say more but stopped herself. 
“What is it?” 
Her bottom lip quivered when she continued. “I’m scared to death.” 
Ethan gently removed the pillow barrier and drew her near. “Come here.” He pressed a kiss to her temple and murmured, "It will be okay."
“You’ve said that before,” she mumbled into his chest.
He pulled back to look her in the eyes. “I’m sorry for letting you down before. I know that it will take time to earn back your trust. But I promise you, Sawyer, I’m here for you… for both of you. You can count on me,” he assured, his fingers twining with hers. “I will be the man... the partner… that you need me to be.”
They held onto each other in comforting silence for several minutes.
“I missed you, Asshole,” she whispered, then lifted her head to really look at him. 
Ethan smiled. “I missed you, too, Rookie. Every minute of every day that I was away.”
Sawyer ran her hand over his scruffy beard, then over the soft leather of his jacket. “We’ve got ourselves a brand new Ethan Ramsey,” she assessed.
“This jacket’s been through a lot with me.” 
“It suits you.”
Scratching his cheek, “And the beard?”
She studied him for a moment, then with the playful smile that he had missed so terribly, she teased, “You look like a dad.” 
Seven months later…
Ethan stared in awe at the carefully wrapped bundle his wife held in her arms. The newborn’s tiny hand wrapped around the tip of his finger. Without letting go, he carefully nestled next to his wife on the hospital bed. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he leaned in and pressed an appreciative kiss to her temple. When he pulled back, she turned to him with a smile, soliciting another kiss but this time on her lips.  
“I love you. How are you feeling?” he asked.
Before she could respond, there was a gentle knock on the door. Two older men bearing flowers, balloons, and teddy bears quietly entered. While the silver-haired man exchanged cheek kisses with Sawyer, the dark-haired man in the sweater vest moved to the other side of the bed and placed a hand on Ethan’s shoulder.
“Dad. Naveen. Let me introduce you to your grandson,” Ethan announced. “Brooks Winter Ramsey.”
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shadowqueen402 · 9 months
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Here is the third paternal aunt of Aria. Meet Heather Montgomery. She is referred to as "Aunty Heather" by her nieces and nephews and is referred to as "Mum" by her daughter.
Finn Campbell (father)
Evelyn Campbell (mother)
Thomas Campbell (oldest brother)
Owen Campbell (oldest brother)
Roy Montgomery (née Campbell) (older brother)
Isla Montgomery (née Campbell) (older sister)
Yvette Campbell (twin sister)
Spouse: James Montgomery (husband)
Children: Freya Montgomery (daughter)
Other relatives:
Richard Montgomery (father-in-law)
Hazel Montgomery (mother-in-law)
Katherine Campbell (nèe Montgomery) (sister-in-law)
Scarlett Campbell (née Montgomery) (sister-in-law)
Esme Montgomery (sister-in-law)
Gordon Montgomery (brother-in-law)
Oliver Campbell (née Montgomery) (brother-in-law)
Ethan Campbell (nephew)
George Campbell (nephew)
Aria Montgomery (niece)
Irvin Montgomery (nephew)
Josephine Campbell (niece)
Mia Campbell (niece)
Logan Campbell (nephew)
Jonas Montgomery (née Olson) (nephew-in-law, deceased)
Interesting facts about Heather:
Heather's name is of British origin, meaning "evergreen flowering plant". What's interesting is that her baby blue turtleneckle shirt and butterfly hair clip oddly makes her slightly similar to the character Veronica Sawyer from the movie Heathers (both characters wore blue).
She has a small heart-shaped birthmark on her right arm. However, she's rather embarrassed about it…despite never being picked on for it. So she keeps her birthmark hidden.
Heather has two cats; one is a grey Scottish Fold while the other is a Persian. Their names are Coco and Millie. She and her family adore those two cats.
She is the CEO of a popular cosmetics company. Heather's products include, but are not limited to, eyeshadows that are in the right shades for every eye color, foundation that helps with acne, and lipsticks that are best suited for every skin tone. Her company even sells customizable perfume and cologne.
Despite being twins, Heather differs from Yvette. She is more on the quiet and softspoken side, while Yvette is really extroverted. But the two sisters look out for each other regardless.
Heather wants nothing to do with Prim. She never forgave that terrible woman for what she did to Roy and Esme. Heather views Prim as "a nuisance who can't take no for an answer".
Below are what Heather's two cats look like (Coco is on the left, Millie is on the right):
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jerzwriter · 1 year
March 2023
✍🏼 Fanfic 🎨 Artwork 📷 Edit 📱 Text Fic Ⓜ️ 18+ Content 🔥NSFW 🛸AU
A monthly summary of my fanfics, art commissions, and some of my favorite content from other fandom creators.
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Categories are in alpha order of character names. Fics underneath are in order of date posted.
Eli Sipes x Zoe - Wake the Dead
A Cappy Ending ✍🏼 (feat. Troy Hassan) Eli, Zoe & Troy set off for an afternoon of hunting and make a most unusual discovery. As the day continues, Troy reveals he’s made some discoveries of his own.
Ethan Ramsey x Kaycee - Open Heart
Mamma Mia ✍🏼 Kaycee’s parents are moving out of their home, and while she’s there helping pack up, she makes an unsettling discovery.
Insecure (AU) ✍🏼🔥In this AU, Ethan recently published a successful book that has launched him to celebrity status. Kaycee couldn’t be prouder of him, but it's left her a bit insecure in their secret relationship. Fortunately, Ethan knows how to reassure her.
More Below...
No Cure ✍🏼 Ethan leaves work early one day and runs into Kaycee at an unexpected place. He's impressed with a project she's undertaken, but when he walks away, he realizes there is no cure.
Almost Home ✍🏼 Kaycee is away at a conference, while back in Boston, Ethan realizes just how much life has changed.
Highways & Byways Part 1 ✍🏼Ⓜ️ Kaycee sees a Do not touch your partner’s private part while he/she is driving! sign and found them inspiring. 😉
Tobias Carrick (in E/K World) - Open Heart
Sorry, Tobias ✍🏼Tobias wants Kaycee to introduce him to her gorgeous friend, but when he won’t take no for an answer, Kaycee has to set him straight. (No pun intended 😂)
Tobias Carrick x Casey - Open Heart
What's Forever For (AU) Part 2: Things Unsaid ✍🏼 Having a hard time handling her upcoming divorce, Casey spends the day with Sienna, and the women share an enlightening heart-to-heart. Part 3: Things Unsaid ✍🏼Tobias is heading to Casey’s parent’s house to pick up their son. Both of them have so much they want to say, but insecurity, fear, and other factors stand in their way. Can they overcome the obstacles? Or will this be the end?
A Little Surprise (feat. Bryce Lahela x @storyofmychoices Olivia Hadley) ✍🏼 Tobias & Casey’s wedding is this Saturday! And their officiant, Bryce, has been so excited about wooing the single guests all along, until now.
Special Delivery 📱A silly, saucy text exchange between Tobias and Casey. Set early on in their relationship.
Just Fine ✍🏼  Tobias stumbles upon a shaken Bryce… who tries to warn him about what he’s in for. But Tobias has things under control… or does he?
The Missing Piece ✍🏼Casey’s heading out for a night with friends, and Tobias is on Dad duty. The night goes well overall, but it’s not complete until Casey returns home.
Highways & Byways Part 2 ✍🏼 Casey sees a Do not touch your partner’s private part while he/she is driving! sign and takes it as a challenge… 😉
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The Last of Us
Commentary Episode 8
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Some of my favorite things from other creators during the month of March!
Dinner for Mommy 🎨OH - Ethan Ramsey x Lilac - @jamespotterthefirst's commission from @/artbyainna
Drake Walker Fanart 🎨TRR - Drake Walker x Riley @angelasscribbles's commission from @rosefuckinggenius
Guinevere Fanart 🎨 King Arthur x Guinevere @ao719 's commission created by @pilitella
Happy Birthday, Olivia ✍🏼🎨TRR - Bryce x Olivia - @storyofmychoices (art: @/artbyainna)
I Mustache You to Be Mine 🎨 WTD - Troy Hassan x F!MC (Astraea) Commission by @/artbyainna
Mrs. & Mrs. Hunt 🎨RCD - Thomas Hunt & Alex @theartoflovingthomashunt's commission by @/irdeinfierno
The In-Betweeners ✍🏼 OH - F!MC, Landry -@inlocusmads
War & Peace ✍🏼 OH - Ethan Ramsey x Sawyer
What I'm Becoming ✍🏼 OH - Bryce Lahela x M!MC - @mydemonsdrivealimo
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callmemana · 1 year
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet Spencer ‘Spence’ Henderson
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Spencer Gregory Henderson is the only surviving child and family member of Earl and Pamela Henderson. He was in college when this terrible accident happened, the Dean even let him take some time off to grieve and to get his affairs in order. Spence was never the same, the accident changed his in little ways. Daisy was a big help in getting him out of his depression.
Spencer couldn’t afford to continue going to school, but he stood by proudly and encouraged Daisy to continue her education when she offered to quit too. He would spend his days working at the Wolfe Ranch while Daisy went to school to become a Veterinarian. He was happy to get to see his girl everyday.
After he proposed, he spent more time on the ranch to save up for the wedding and honeymoon, which Daisy would always joke that ‘your cheating on me to be with cows? Just kidding, I would too.’ When the wedding day, everything was perfect. He loved everything that Daisy and himself picked out.
It wasn’t very long after they had been married that Daisy had become pregnant. As soon as the test was confirmed at the doctor’s office, they told the family and close family friends. When Leo came home, Spencer laughed at his reaction to being an Uncle.
He hadn’t really officially met Daisy’s brother but briefly at the wedding due to him needing to be back at Base soon afterwards, but from the stories with wife and in-laws told, he knew that Leo wasn’t always playing with a full deck of cards.
Spencer and Leo got along greatly, as did he with Rick too. The men stayed together, the genders finally being even when it came to dinner opinions and other super important things. Spence was very thankful for the help around the ranch, usually it’s everyone running around most days trying to get as much done before the sun went down.
Like everyone else, it surprised Spencer when the news came out. He hadn’t known Beau and Katherine long, but they seemed like good peoples. Always sending over ranch hands when the land had too much for only five people to do, and coming over with a casserole dishes filled with Katherine’s delicious cooking (it’s not as good as Ruth’s, but still fantastic).
A couple of months later, after all of the Ross and Rachel situation had faded, Daisy gave birth to their first born, Sawyer Wyatt Henderson. He looked just like his father, bringing tears to his eyes as he looked upon the small human.
Leo and Cricket and Rick and Duckie visited home to meet their first nephew. It was a couple of months afterwards when they could finally come home and it was a funny encounter when Daisy handed Cricket the baby it was a few minutes later that he started getting fussy and handed Sawyer back to Daisy.
Two years later, another Henderson was brought into the world, Harper Elizabeth Henderson. By the time she had been born, she had a few cousins from Leo and Cricket and Rick and Duckie. So, the visit didn’t happen until she was a year and a half because her cousins weren’t big enough to be without their moms just yet.
Another four years went by before kids number three and four, both two years apart too, were born. Sage Margaret and Ethan Chase Henderson. Life was busy on the Wolfe and Pruitt farms with the families and Rick now merged together.
Every holiday, even if their husbands can’t make it home, Duckie and Cricket bring their little hellions to the Pruitt’s ranch and all of the cousins raise hell for all of their parents. Most of the time the visit is filled with laughter, stories, ranch work, and booze.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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blackcatkita · 2 years
Get to know each other Choices Ask Game Time!! What are your TOP 10 Choices books? What are your TOP 10 Choices LIs?
I don't know when you sent this... but it's ok! Better maybe late than never, I say!
These are in no particular order because we'd be here all day while I contemplated my choices. I am a Libra and an indecisive over-thinker by nature. It's not my fault.
Top 10 Choices Books-
1- The Royal Romance, obviously. This does not include The Royal Heir, which was trash. It's like the final season of Game of Thrones, never should have happened, and isn't fit to line a birdcage.
2- Bloodbound. I'm a whore for vampires and it never disappointed me. Well, maybe when either Lily or Jax dies but I can't even be mad about it because it was brilliant.
3- The Crown and The Flame. Diavolos. That is all. Wait, that's not all. It's crap he doesn't enter the scene until book 3. We were robbed.
4- Distant Shores. Speaking of robbed... Perfect setup for another book but nope.
5- Ride or Die. Continuing with the being robbed point. At least this one didn't end on a cliffhanger but I will never forgive PB for promising it, then giving us a big fuck you instead.
6- It Lives. I feel like there's a theme going with this list... Anywho, I liked Beneath more than In the Woods but both were good.
7- Witness. HAHA! Just kidding!
7- LoveHacks. It's hilarious and I will never understand why it doesn't get the love it deserves.
8- A Courtesan of Rome. Also deserved another book but also think they would have ruined it. We all know what happens when PB continues only based on fan demand with no actual plan. (Ahem, The Royal Heir)
9- The Elementalists. Since I never got my Hogwarts letter (probably because I'm an American) this was the next best thing. Sort of. Not really.
10- Open Heart. Even though for most of the series it was the Ethan Ramsey show, it gave us Bryce who is so, so, very pretty.
Top Ten Choices Love Interests-
I don't feel these need any explanation. We all know them.
1- Liam (TRR)
2- Adrian (BB)
3- Bryce (OH)
4- Diavolos (TC&TF)
5- Edward (DS)
6- Sawyer (BSC)
7- Matt (RCD)
8- Damien (PM)
9- Nik (NB)
10- Logan (RoD)
Thanks for the ask, Anitah! This was fun!
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
think fast whats your favorite slasher and why🤨
Ok if we're talking like actual slashers Billy Lenz or Nubbins Sawyer. I like the way they look and I'm weird like them so having a conversation with them wouldn't be weird. Both are pretty fun characters and I enjoy their movies.
But if we're using the term liberaly here Thomas Hewitt or The Grabber I'm ngl. I mean It's Ethan Hawke and he actually cares about me? I'm down. And Thomas seems like a sweet boy who just needs a push in the right direction. And that happens to be my direction.
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openheartfanfics · 2 years
Newly Added Fics
July 23 - 29, 2022  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
A Cure for Homesickness - @choicesfanaf  ☁
Ethan makes a delicious meal for Arundhati. [Cooks]
A Picture to Burn - @genevievemd  🎭
While secretly staying at Ethan’s apartment after the attack, she discovers something she shouldn’t. [Hurt/Comfort]
All Mine - @potionsprefect  ☁
Ethan can’t stop staring at Luke and Lily. [Domestic; Family]
As It Was - @jamespotterthefirst 📚
[mini:wip] All the times Ethan meets her exes throughout the years.
Part 4: The Surgeon
Ballet Memories - @liaromancewriter  📷 ☁
Cassie shares three memories about ballet over the course of her life. [Domestic; Family]
Both - @lsvdw-blog  📱
Post Mass Kenmore Heist in Book 2, Chapter 9, Ethan is feeling sentimental. [2.9]
Everything Has Changed - @genevievemd  ☁
Now that her second year is over, Ethan realizes its time to make their relationship official, AKA Ethan finally asks Gen on a real date. [Office]
Fairy and the Captain - @potionsprefect  📷 ☁
A new outfit, means a pictagram post.
Handful - @liaromancewriter  ☁
Ethan’s on baby duty and the twins have a surprise for him. [Domestic; Family]
Intern Year - @cariantha  📚 📷
[extended: wip] Follow Sawyer Brooks through her first year of residency at Edenbrook.  
The Closet Under the Stairs | Riding the T | Am I Dreaming?
First Impressions
Jealousy, Jealousy - @bex-la-get  🎭
Nat wasn’t the type to get jealous. But when she meets her, things begin to change. [Hurt/Comfort; Jealous]
Late Night Talking - @danijimenezv  🦚
Jill opens up about her background to Ethan. [1.10; Miami]
Little Helpers - @potionsprefect ☁
Victoria has a genius idea. [Domestic; Family]
Looking in the Mirror - @potionsprefect  ☁
For a second, Ethan thought he had stepped back in time. [Domestic; Family]
No Shame - @potionsprefect  ☁
They’re on this journey together. [Pregnancy]
Photobombed - @txemrn  ☁ Ⓜ
While searching for tax documents for Ethan's father, Tatum stumbles across a stash of nude photos. Of Ethan's exes. Tatum's reaction will be one that Ethan will never forget.
Right Up My Alley - @storyofmychoices  ☁
Ellie makes an unexpected discovery about Ethan's past. Feat. Bryce Lahela, Alex Spencer (Hollywood U)
Rose-Tinted Glasses - @inlocusmads  ☁
Jane's dress-up-as-a-superhero plans are thwarted after a wardrobe mishap. Nevertheless, she improvises which greatly amuses Ethan. [3.3]
Runny Nose - @a-crepusculo  ☁
She caught a cold at the most inconvenient time. [Illness/Injury]
The Miami Redux - @coffeeheartaddict2  ☁ Ⓜ
Ethan surprises Casey with a trip to Miami to celebrate their first year of marriage. TW: mentions of miscarriage [Miami]
What Doesn't Kill You - @inlocusmads  🎭
Upon Jane's return from Canada, she finds it impossible to settle down- especially when Edenbrook no longer feels like a second home.
102 Days of Smiles - @genevievemd  📚 📷
[extended: wip] One post a day, for 102 days, with something that made our new bride smile.
Behind Closed Doors - @ofmischiefandmedicine  ☁
To anyone else, they are Dr. Ramsey and Dr. Emery. Behind closed doors, things might look different.
A Unique Blend - @jerzwriter  ☁
Tobias insists he's found a coffee that tops Derry's, but Ethan isn't buying it.
Delaying the Inevitable - @jerzwriter  📚
[extended: complete] Ethan/Casey/Tobias love triangle.
The Final Chapter
The Perfect Gift: For Your Eyes Only - @jerzwriter  ☁ Ⓜ
Tobias is always spoiling the love of his life, and she desperately wants to do something in return for him. But the man has everything. What can she possibly give him? Suddenly, she has a perfect idea! And it’s a gift that keeps on giving.
50 Days of Love - @openheartfanfiction  📚 📷
[extended: wip] Just 50 Days of Adelaide showing love to many different things.
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