#Feeling Good Again
forestwhisper3 · 2 years
I decided to catch up on Pokemon to hopefully cheer myself up after hearing about Kevin Conroy...
*spoilers for the latest episode below*
...and it freaking worked!
He won! Ash won the World Championships!
Oh my goodness was that an intense and emotional final battle. I know I’ve had my complaints and disappointments in previous league tournaments, but the writers really went all out to make this an amazing victory. And hoo, boy did they make sure to punch you right in the feels too. I was tearing up and laughing in joy by the end of it. I honestly felt like I’d won alongside him. 
I’m not even mad at the Kalos loss anymore, it was so good. So maybe I can finally let go and bring myself to watch the rest of that season along with the whole Alola adventure that he had.
I still don’t like Alain, though.
Anyway, I know some people are saying that this is a sign that Ash’s journey is finally coming to an end, but I sincerely hope not. I want to see what they can do with Ash in the next season. Don’t replace him with someone new just as we finally get to the top. I want to know what comes next for our favorite (and now pretty much official) Pokemon Master.
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That’s about all I have to say on this for now. Goodnight, all!
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savemeimgay · 2 years
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the t*ts have never been bigger
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kittenwivfangs · 3 years
ha ha ha i am bleeding :)
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gryphye · 4 years
Heard this song for the first time this past week.  And it makes me cry.  I hope this is what we’ll all feel like after Covid is over and we’re back on stable ground.  Yep, calling this my post-pandemic anthem.
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olympusatnoon · 4 years
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First time, in a long time, I feel good about the body I live in
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mewnikitty · 5 years
I am literally so cute I cannot stand it. Someone come love this (but I'll love myself if u dont it's ok dude)
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I wished I had some money with which to buy a round I wished I'd cashed my paycheck before I came to town But I reached into my pocket found 3 twenties and a ten Feels so good, feeling good again
Robert Earl Keen Jr.
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fluidnet · 6 years
People keep telling me that I’m getting better.
And I always saw what they saw, it’s just that something in my brain kept saying “not good enough, though”. Like I could only accept the compliment if I also rebutted with something negative.
Sometimes, hell, most of the time, I wouldn’t even really believe them. I’d just brush off the compliment, say a quick thank you, and not even really look at the progress I was making.
But recently, I’ve noticed that my “thank you”s are more genuine. My progress is becoming more visible to me. What everyone else saw the whole time, I’m seeing now.
It doesn’t matter how far I still have left to go. I’ll get there eventually, maybe sooner than I think. What really matters is how far I’ve come, and that I’m going to continue moving forward. Because when you’re focusing on your feet, focusing on nothing but one step at a time, you don’t realize how many steps you’ve taken, until you look back at the seemingly endless stretch of footprints.
I guess this is a self love post, me acknowledging “out loud” (speaking out loud seems weird to me when no one else is here) how far I’ve come, but it’s also a post to help people in my situation.
Remember to look up every now and again. Remember to recognize that you’re doing great, and that you’re making progress.
I love you and believe in you
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thoughtsthatstray · 7 years
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The first song this morning was a live version of Robert Earl Keen’s “Feeling Good Again”. 
It reminds me of my hometown, even though there wasn’t really a place to go for live music.
Favorite line:
I wanted you to see 'em all I wished that you were there I looked across the room And saw you standin' on the stair And when I caught your eye I saw you break into a grin It feels so good feelin' good again
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enviousmechanic · 7 years
me: roy is so composed, no one can crack him royal when beau breathes around him: omg bitch really, cash me outside
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magnificent-em-blog · 7 years
back on tumblr again, mentally & physically healthy again 🌹
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ezralien666 · 8 years
going in for my first day on the job was exactly what I needed to feel so much better than I did last night, about everything I was upset about I needed this job more than I realized
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rahbtro · 8 years
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After all of the bullshit I've gone trough trying to get over a shitty past relationship and find myself again, the person I was before and really am, I think I've actually done it. I think I found myself again and even if that means I go out and black out every weekend, spend all my money at bars and hook up with random women, I'm still glad to say I found myself. I would have never come this far if it weren't for my best friends. I'd still be miserable sulking around without all of them (not all of them shown), but damn man it feels good to be back. If anyone wants to get shitfaced in Boston this weekend let me know.
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blogwritersroom · 9 years
body positive blogs r my life rn
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Thank you for making me feel alive again. 
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