#Fell Star Harbinger of Calamity
anxietytwist · 2 years
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The Harbinger: But, my "job" is literally safeguarding the future...
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harbingersecho · 5 months
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jpriest85-blog · 9 months
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Some more crossover ship art of the Harbinger and Accursed Crack ship featuring Aris and my Harbinger Thuban from @justpked Beyond the Spider Lilies and Fell Star.
As much as I love the potential romance of two terrifying single parents falling in love and combining their families, their courtship would be awkward as hell. PK has confirmed that Aris doesn't know how to flirt and has zero dating experience despite the fact that he has two potential suitors in the game, Prince Intira and Canna. Likewise, Thuban may be charming and has probably had her share of lovers during her long lifetime, I headcanon she had a very on and off again relationship with Death and their is definitely some romantic history with Meidh. She hasn't dated anyone in over a couple of thousand years, so lbr Thuban would be very out of touch with the dating scene as well.
Can you just imagine the both of them trying to ask for dating advice? The best suggestions are probably coming from the kids. I could easily see Shian and my MC, Seleni, becoming the best of friends and would definitely want to become siblings for real when they notice their parents start "like liking" each other.
Tbh Aris, the most successful dates with Thuban are just taking evening walks together in the garden after the kids are asleep. Both of them just enjoy each other's company sharing conversation and a bottle of wine. Just the casual intimate moments where they can forget they're royalty or the an omen of the void, and genuinely joke, share stories, and gradually grow closer emotionally. Possibly some physical gestures of affection like hand holding, kissing, and affectionate biting...what Thuban is still a Beast in her true Abyssal form a bit of playful nipping is a common form of affection for many animals. Besides, Thuban needs to tease Aris back for biting her during their first encounter. Granted, they thought that the other was a potential threat at first, and Thuban did disarm him, tbh she wasn't even that mad she was impressed Aris had the audacity to try biting the Harbinger of Calamity with his blunt human teeth while fighting for his life.
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theunchainedmelody · 2 years
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Fanart for Fell Star. Can you tell I ship my Harbinger with Asol? 
Picture 1: Is MC’s Harbinger form in the prologue. I gave her a scythe because... I guess it looks cool? XD
Picture 2: Her human form on the left. And her death at the hands of Asol, dripping with sexual tension
Picture 3: Handsome Asol thinking about Harbinger. Meanwhile human-ish Harbinger swoons over him while petting her homunculus child. 
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justpked · 1 year
Hey, so a friend linked me to Fell Star and I loved it. Made me crave more of your writing. Said friend linked me to here and I now see you have other projects. However last ak confused by what projects are what since you keep using acronyms and I don't know what the actual titles are. Please help me understand.
Er, Welcome to this mess of a blog. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed Fell Star ^^ As for the acronyms, yeah, there's a lot. I'll be sure to list them;
FS: Fell Star - A Sci-fi, Fantasy game about the Harbinger of Calamity whose heart is stuck inside a Homunculus child.
BtSL: Beyond the Spider Lilies - A Fantasy game about a Tyrant rasing a child to kill him.
WtSB: When the Scabiosa Blooms - A Supernatural, Mystery Ren'Py game about being a monsterfucker, oh and solving mysteries.
StSS: Seek the Setting Sun - A Wuxia Ren'Py game about questioning morals, and wondering if the path chosen is the correct one.
And a bunch of other games that have yet to surface in the WiP like the four above.
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interact-if · 2 years
Hi! Do you know any ifs where you are the god of Death or something like that?
Hi Anon,
We do know of IFs where you are the God of Death (or something similar). You can find them below:
Fell Star by @fell-star-if (Harbinger of Calamity)
The Abyssal by @theabyssal
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honeylemonbutte · 2 years
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I made a new Harbinger of Calamity. I'm usually a "one MC for all runs" type of player, but I needed a new character to romance my bro Cassiar.
I spent a lot of time thinking about this so meet my characters.
Sisseline Facts
Lived, died, brought back for mysterious reasons? Does not care. Here for a good time, not a long time. One brain cell. Loves showing off the scar she got from the former Knight Commander. Loves fashion.
Romancing: Iina (Asol on a different run)
Abyssal: Mist form, elemental powers
Shian: wine aunt/terrible older sister, mixture of spoiling them and absently teaching them
Yolen Facts
Prideful and curious. Proud of the accomplishments of humans, feels it is his duty as Harbinger of Calamity to continually challenge humanity. Deeply curious about why he is back and all the changes that have happened while he was gone. Has curly fur in his abyssal form so gets cold easily.
Romancing: Cassiar (and Freida and Divyan, I mean why not)
Abyssal: humanoid giant, blood powers
Shian: father figure, full stop. Thanks for the free kid, weird scientists!
My MCs from Fell Star @fell-star-if
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ot-hoe-me · 1 year
OCs as Planets
I was tagged by @stephschoices​ and @dakotawritesif​ to do this uquiz for any OCs of my choice. The free online banner maker I used is here.
I tag anyone who wants to do it!
Now, one OC for every planet, in order of creation:
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Valencia Talward is my MC for @shepherds-of-haven​
optimistic. hopeful. generous and compassionate. you are the guardian angel. you are 4:44 am and a sense of being watched over. you enrich the lives of others just by existing and caring for them. you give as many blessings as you receive and there is always more to go around. be careful not to become too over-confident in these abilities. what makes you jupiter is your belief that ego has no part in caring and love. you are softness and the smell of almond coffee.
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Dorothea Fairchild is my MC for Perfumare: Avulsion by @pdrrook​
innovative. unpredictable. resourceful. imaginative. creativity in science and disruption. oh, uranus. you were dealt the cards that don't have much to offer, but luckily you can always make them work. you are acrylic paint that has been plastered over the same canvas so many times that it is starting to have those little grooves of texture. you are ever-changing and suddenly it stops. and starts again. keep moving. nothing is wrong with not wanting to sit still.
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Ella Wiseman is my MC for Mind Blind by @mindblindbard​
clever. intelligent and witty. wisdom, sharpness, anxiety and indecisiveness. you are the comedian. the "make someone laugh if they are crying" kind of lover. you don’t want to think too much about anything because that stops you from just having fun, but your brain doesn't ever shut off. you are curious and never ending. forecast and shadows. the smell of clean sheets.
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Evie Amell is my MC for The Fernweh Saga by @lacunafiction​
nurturing, generous and caring. introverted, tolerant, honest and trustworthy. you are "my phone is always on, call me any time." you are "i feel like i'm everyone's therapist." you are impressive with your stability and peacefulness. you are wallpapers of cows and fields of ever-growing seeds. you are the best friend. mother nature. ice cold water and the smell of rain.
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Cynuise aka The Harbinger of Calamity is my MC for Fell Star by @justpked​
patient. stable. reliable. persevering and diligent. your capacity to hold focus on something you choose to is unmatched by all other planets. you were made for hard work that you love and that you know is rewarding. you are the shoulder that everyone wants to cry on, so remember you can lean on yourself when it seems there is no one else. there is nothing wrong with being self sufficient. you are justice and evenly balanced scales.
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Asteria Violette Gaudare is my MC for Beyond the Spider Lilies by @justpked​
passionate. romantic. loving to be loved. courtship. adoration and taste. you are your own personal aesthetic. you are hand written love letters in copper ink. you are "let me show you just how much i can love you." you are royalty and class. love has no bounds with you. your heart is wrapped in chocolate tin foil. you attract what you manifest so keep believing in love. it is you and you, it.
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Evandra Vailia is my MC for @reapersbayif​
passion. energy. drive. determination. you are in tune with yourself and your body and if you don't already feel it, please try to tune into it because it is so powerful. you are at war with yourself and life and it doesn't always have to be so hard. anger is not a useless emotion but do not let it control you. love is more powerful than hatred will ever be. you are the smell of fresh cut grass and the satisfaction of a job well done.
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Fallon Rose is my MC for Underfell IF and Mafiafell IF by @darkpetal16​
mercy. kindness. sweet. forgiving and compassionate. you are second chances and sometimes third. you are "its ok because everyone makes mistakes." you are "i forgive you as long as you are learning." you are not held down by the demands of your ego. you believe in right and fair. open mindedness and friendship. you are mystical and magical, observant and the smell of warm bread in the morning.  
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Harbinger and MC at a kid clothing store part1:
Harbinger: MC,I shall request for your help this time to navigate this labyrinth full of strange clothes.
MC who has no experience with this stuff either but gets cocky wants to appear good (?) in front of his rival: So the ancient,all-powerful and all-knowing eldritch-like Harbinger of Calamity has a weakness too huh? Okay,since you are begging so much,I will provide you with the help you need😏
Harbinger: MC,would you like a repetition of last time when you ended up in a hospital☺? And I did not beg for help.I merely requested for it from you who are more accostumed to this modern world.
MC who doesn't try to play with fire anymore but still thinks of a way to screw the Harbinger over: Ok,I accept defeat this time.I will help you.Let's start our trip around this clothing store.
…. to be continued on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z ahem sorry I meant Fallen Elites (Fell star × Cheers to the elites get it? No? We got a tough crowd our here folks😂)
Bruh MC out here dipping their toes into the acid pool and expect themself to come out alive in the end 😭😭
Like, honey, no you're just setting yourself up for another ass whooping again—
Fallen Elites tho could be a nice sequel title for CTtE if it gets one 👀
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xasha777 · 3 months
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In the year 3074, humanity had long exhausted Earth's resources and had expanded its reach into the cosmos. Ancient mythologies were a source of inspiration for many, guiding the aesthetics and ethics of this new age. Amongst the stars, a figure stood out, revered and admired by all: Ares, the Defender of Mars.
This warrior, who bore the legendary name of the ancient god of war, was not born but engineered. He was a product of historical reverence and biological mastery, a blend of the old world's mythology and the new era's technology. His visage, sculpted by genetic artisans, was that of a classical hero, and his strength was enhanced by the very substance of Mars itself—a mineral known as Areanite, capable of giving humans godlike power.
Ares was garbed in armor that resonated with the ancient Spartans, yet it was crafted from flexible bio-fibers and enhanced with a network of neural-reactive nanites. His helmet, a homage to the ancients, bore an advanced heads-up display, projecting data directly onto his retinas. In his hand, he held not just a spear but a weapon that could morph into any form he required—a staff, a sword, or a tool for healing.
The story of Ares began when Mars faced a threat beyond human comprehension. An alien force, known as the Void Specters, had descended upon the Martian colonies, engulfing them in darkness and chaos. Their technology was a dark mirror to human innovation, turning the very laws of physics into a nightmare.
As colonies fell, Ares was dispatched. His mission: to hold the line against an enemy that seemed invincible. With every swing of his weapon, he dispatched the Specters, but they were endless, a shadowy tide against the lone beacon of hope.
The war waged on, and Ares fought valiantly, but it was in a moment of quiet contemplation amidst the crimson dunes that he had an epiphany. He realized that the Specters were not just invaders but refugees of time and space, fleeing from a cosmic calamity.
With newfound resolve, Ares sought not just to defend but to understand. He used his advanced communication array to reach out to the Specters, projecting emotions and thoughts of peace. The battle ceased, and as the first rays of dawn touched the Martian horizon, an astonishing event unfolded. The Specters responded, their forms becoming less erratic, their actions less hostile.
A truce was formed. Ares, with his warrior's heart and open mind, had bridged the gap between two species. The Void Specters aided in the restoration of Mars, sharing their advanced understanding of the cosmos. In return, humanity offered them sanctuary.
Ares became a symbol of the new age, a beacon of hope and unity. His story was not just of war but of diplomacy and understanding. He was not just the Defender of Mars; he was the harbinger of a new era for all life in the galaxy, proving that even in the vast, uncharted expanses of space, there is room for peace and cooperation.
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marzely · 1 year
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So I’ve been thinking about how I could flesh out my MC’s and I thought this would be a fun way for me to do that. I wanted to zoom in on items or aspects of my MC’s that they love or hold meaning to.
The first drawing is of jewelry Solie has found in her room gifted by Chase. It’s something she treasures because it was the start of their friendship/relationship.
The second drawing holds artwork Solie has painted, Chase’s letter, and the envelope holds the letter from the Autarch. With how busy Solie becomes she likes to wind down this either painting or drawing. Solie kept the letter she received from the Autarch because it gave her a different view of her. It’s a reminder to be open minded of others.
The middle drawing is a an aspect of herself that she loves. Solie loves the white streak in her hair because it links her to her parents. It’s the one thing she has left of them. Solie also believes she has pretty eyes and finds the beauty mark below her left eye charming.
The bottom drawing is Solie’s bow and arrows. She painted the design of the bow herself. She tends to touch it up after some wear. Her parents taught her how to use a bow so its her weapon of choice. When she has to retire her bow she like to keep them and hang them up for display.
The Soile quote say’s:
“What do you think those who sing praise about the Hero of Haven would say if they found out I was just winging it?”
If you don’t know know this is my MC Solie Reigan from the IF @shepherds-of-haven please check it out if you haven’t already!
48 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
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53 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
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64 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
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Okay I’ve been reading the demo for @fell-star-if and I just had the urge to draw my Harbinger. It’s so different from things I’ve draw before and I’m so happy with how she came out!
This is Nyx the Harbinger of Calamity
In her abyssal state she can summon more then the two arms she has connected to her body. She’s has six eyes but use only two of them. The only time she opened all six and used more than two arms was during her fight with the Knight Commander Asol. Her mouth is in her torso but she doesn’t need it to speak. Her main magic is blood magic
73 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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85 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
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anxietytwist · 2 years
Ae-ri: "So … are the rumours true, the ones about you & the former Knight-Commander, being lovers?"
The Harbinger:
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harbingersecho · 1 year
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“Although you're not a Divine, you're something far worse than Death itself. You are a Harbinger. A warning to those who dare attempt to break the balance.”
vesper, the soulweaving harbinger of calamity
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jpriest85-blog · 2 years
Still having @fell-star-if and @spider-lilies-if Aris x Harbinger feels. This time I've doodled little comics of Shian and Seleni's first impression of their future step parents.
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Shian's first impression of Aris
(Shian and Thuban observing an unconscious Aris)
Shian: Is he dead?
Thuban: No but not to lack of trying. He's a strange one probably either blessed or cursed by a "Divine". Maybe even both? He fights like a madman. He even bit me hard enough to draw blood after I disarmed him (Thuban looks at the still bleeding bite marks on her arm in concern)...really hope he didn't swallow any of it.
Shian: Eww! (Looks up at Thuban) So why didn't you finish him off?
Thuban: I was about to rip his throat out, when he surprised me by saying I was beautiful.
Shian: well that's not surprising you're very beautiful.
Thuban: Aaawww, you're so sweet, Shian.
Shian: if he dies can I get his stuff?
Thuban: let's see if he survives the night first...he did lose an awful lot of blood though...
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Seleni's first impression of Thuban
(3 year old Seleni opens the door to a guest room early in the morning surprised to see Thuban)
Thuban: (thinking to herself) A child? This must be Aris daughter. Crap, I thought I'd have time to conceal my form! She's so young I should be careful not to frighten her. (Attempts a friendly smile and wave)
Oh hello little one. You must be Sece. You're father has told me so much about you.
Seleni: (thinking to herself while staring in curiosity)Who's this lady? She's got a lot of jewelry but she doesn't look like one of the noble women Papa talks to. She's even got a tail, and horns! Her wings are so pretty too (putting the evidence together and makes an assumption using 3 years old logic) ...did Papa bring home a fairy? (Gets excited and starts rapidly asking questions)
Miss are you a fairy? Can you do magic? You're wings are so pretty! Do you have a pet unicorn?! Did my Papa rescue you like the Fairy Queen in my story books?!
Thuban: (thinking to herself in surprise) Well at least she's not scared of me. (Smiles) Thank you, but I'm afraid I'm not a fairy, sweet pea. Let's go see if your Papa is awake and I'll introduce you to Shian. They'll be so excited to meet an actual princess.
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rkgk-art · 2 years
Before I start with what I actually want to say I wanna cry and mention that I now know why I always prefer my sketches lol
There's been some talk about adult Shian over at @fell-star-if and I thought "our little baby Shian all grown up and cool I wanna draw that!". So I did... or well, tried lol
I wanted them to look pretty angry because I love when cute cinnamon rolls go feral but in the lineart and coloring phase something went wrong and it looked so awful when the piece was finished so I decided to draw over it. And now they look more flustered than angry🙃 did the Harbinger embarrass them maybe lmao
But it took so long and I still like it that I thought it would be a shame if I never showed it... so here it comes:
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Yeah I like fangs what about it
Admittedly I have no idea what adult!Shian would look like: maybe they let their hair grow out or cut it super short. No idea about clothes too... so I just drew them with their child hairstyle and I looked at the art Pk drew of them for the clothes, hope that's alright! 😭
That's about it, uuuuuh, enjoy!
Also, this was the initial sketch of them I should've just stopped there right lol
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And yeah I cropped the hand out because it felt so out of place lmao
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justpked · 1 year
I just live to imagine the Harbinger as a simple lil guy, he's just trying to do his job. All you gotta do is make sure everything stays in with the laws of balance and --Humanity wait stop no what the fuck why, PUT THAT DOWN!
And now that Asol has been stuck alive nearly as long as the MC was, they'll just stare at him and say "So, what exactly did you fix upon killing me? The lack of fanfiction between us?"
But yeah I love Fell Star and I can't wait to get more of it, especially when one of my favorite songs (dark matter by les friction) always reminds me of the Harbinger.
Ah yes, the Harbinger of Calamity, or also known as the Glorified Babysitter who doesn't get paid enough to deal with the Maiden's Children-
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