#with possible parent trap shenanigans
jpriest85-blog · 1 year
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Some more crossover ship art of the Harbinger and Accursed Crack ship featuring Aris and my Harbinger Thuban from @justpked Beyond the Spider Lilies and Fell Star.
As much as I love the potential romance of two terrifying single parents falling in love and combining their families, their courtship would be awkward as hell. PK has confirmed that Aris doesn't know how to flirt and has zero dating experience despite the fact that he has two potential suitors in the game, Prince Intira and Canna. Likewise, Thuban may be charming and has probably had her share of lovers during her long lifetime, I headcanon she had a very on and off again relationship with Death and their is definitely some romantic history with Meidh. She hasn't dated anyone in over a couple of thousand years, so lbr Thuban would be very out of touch with the dating scene as well.
Can you just imagine the both of them trying to ask for dating advice? The best suggestions are probably coming from the kids. I could easily see Shian and my MC, Seleni, becoming the best of friends and would definitely want to become siblings for real when they notice their parents start "like liking" each other.
Tbh Aris, the most successful dates with Thuban are just taking evening walks together in the garden after the kids are asleep. Both of them just enjoy each other's company sharing conversation and a bottle of wine. Just the casual intimate moments where they can forget they're royalty or the an omen of the void, and genuinely joke, share stories, and gradually grow closer emotionally. Possibly some physical gestures of affection like hand holding, kissing, and affectionate biting...what Thuban is still a Beast in her true Abyssal form a bit of playful nipping is a common form of affection for many animals. Besides, Thuban needs to tease Aris back for biting her during their first encounter. Granted, they thought that the other was a potential threat at first, and Thuban did disarm him, tbh she wasn't even that mad she was impressed Aris had the audacity to try biting the Harbinger of Calamity with his blunt human teeth while fighting for his life.
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josephinekhawaja · 2 years
Been seeing posts around proposing Satine and Bo-Katan Kryze as respectively the Star Wars Elsa and Anna...
...given obvious visual and probably other parallels. And I do see what they see, this is the way. But just immediately hilarious to me on another level as Anna endgames with a more working-class dude with 'zero social skills', who starts off as not exactly her favourite person in the universe or at that to be stuck with. And whose dearest companion is assuredly non-human because humans are overrated as at least half the song goes (facts though, Kristoff -- where is the lie). Perfection.
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evilminji · 4 months
Okay but? We of the DPxDC? Are COMPLETELY Sleeping on DPXBNHA?
And not even for the Main Plot Shenanigans!
Just?? It has ALL of DC's super powers? But MORE OF THEM. And like 80% of the population has um! Danny can?? Finally achieve his DREAM of being???
Yeah, he's in Japan. That's a bit of a learning curve. And YEAH, there was a cataclysmic war like a few centuries back that sorta... fucked everybody up. No one wants to talk about it. There may be mass graves and Never Forget memorials. But?
This place seems utopian!
No ghost hunters! Advanced technology! Robust social services*!
Wait... what was that asterisk? What do you mean "corrupt shadowy government organizations"? What do you MEAN "Immortal Supervillians"? NO SPACE PROGRAM!?!? AaaaaAAAAAAAAAAH?!?!? I'M IN HELL!!! This is ACTUALLY THE BAD PLACE, THIS IS HELL, OH GOD NOOOOOOO-!!!!!!
Cause see?
There are SO MANY REASONS he'd end up there?
Think about it! Wish that he lived somewhere his weird biology wouldn't exclude him from becoming an astronaut? In Quirks having Bnha Japan EVERYBODY has weird biology! Y'ain't special! You could TOTALLY be an astronaut!..... if we HAD those! We do not. Shut down that program during the Quirk Wars and never really started it again. (And somewhere, Desiree LAUGHS)
Or MAYBE? Things are getting a little hot on the ground? Bit TOO spicy. The Family Fenton and Friends have fallen back, behind the barely holding shields. Not even the Mansons considerable political maneuvering could stop the inevitably of human fear and blind unthinking hatred. Money can't buy everything, in the end. There is only ONE(1) way out.
Through the Zone.
Plan: Strangers In A Strange World is a go.
They're all Limnal enough to fake it. Sam with her plants. Tucker with his technology and persuasion. Jazz with her limited empathy. Their parents with their... well, weirdness. And with a touch of ghostly assisted meddling? Well, they've always BEEN there! Haven't they?
And that's not to MENTION the random 4 year olds with no control! JUST coming into their powers! With all those big emotions in tiny bodies? Startling events and tantrums? Villian attacks? What could THEY possibly hope to do to control or guide that fresh new power? It does what it does and the rest of us are just along for the ride!
If Danny happens to be minding his business and gets accidentally kidnapped by a VERY distraught 4 year old? Well, that's hardly the KIDS fault, now is it? They're FOUR! That is basically a toddler! Tiny child! They are upset, confused, and didn't mean to do ANYTHING. He's a hero. And Heros don't blame little kids from accidents, no matter HOW stressed it makes them.
No, the curse like a sailor INSIDE their head. Like an ADULT.
Just? Imagine~☆
The slow transition from *starry eyed shoujo sparkles* "This is SO COOL~!" to "huh, that's... kinda weird. And Sus. Weird Sus. Maybe nothing... oh! A distraction!" To "okay, this KEEPS happening, that was shady. You all saw that right? You realize that's not NORMAL, right? That that's fucked up? Not cool?" To "oh god, oh God, OH GOD! I'm in HELL! This is actually HELL! I'm trapped in HELL!!! WHAT THE FUC-"
Like? This kid LOVES space. LOVES the stars. And this is one of the few Superhero Cannon that SPECIFICALLY MENTIONS that IN CANNON? Thanks to Quirks? As in Superpowers? That VERY THING got fuckin SCRAPPED. Gutted. Consigned to be a relic of the past so they could all focus on punching each other Real Good.
He would weep BLOOD. Chew the WALLS. The LEVEL of unhinged this child would unleash? Not as Danny Phantom... but as DANNY J. FENTON? Beautiful. Vaguely psychotic. Definitely doing the Fenton Name proud. God, the NOISE HE WOULD MAKE would be inhuman and yet somehow? Come entirely from his human half.
They👏 Would👏 Hear👏 BOSS👏 MUSIC👏
I don't even know if he'd CARE about the main characters. They'd be tangential at best. The man would be in a one man war with I-Island over their lack of space program and hoarding of scientific progress. Probably living out of an abandoned building or forgotten subway station. Just? The MOST bedraggled, feral genius to ever haunt Japan.
As opposed to the REFINED feral genius. Who is Nedzu.
I bet Danny stands outside his school at one AM waving his scientific papers at a camera and YELLS. Like a deranged lunatic. Mismatched slippers and a "haven't slept in a week" crazed glint in his eyes.
He's Nedzu's new best friend. They GET each other.
And, yes, Nedzu COULD let him in... but it's faster to just let him yell and read the papers through the camera. Who CARES if they both seem insane! Let's shout about advanced physics and engineering at 1 am! Over the speakers!!! Oh? You need to physically SHOW me the notes? Well I COULD unlock the gates... OR just wait for you to finish scrambling up the walls like a feral Racoon, to then throw yourself OVER them.
Either, Or.
I'm just SAYING! We are SLEEPING on this! There is so, SO much fun to be had! Danny breaks rules and minds! His outrage over injustice and the complete lack of SPACE! His protection instincts going BUCK FUCKIN WILD. The INDESCRIBABLE hate boner he would have for Mr. "Lemme just rip parts of your soul out so I can collect your powers like pokemon cards" AfO.
There? Is SO MUCH, guys. SO MUCH!
@hdgnj @the-witchhunter @babbling-babull @hypewinter @nerdpoe @lolottes @dcxdpdabbles @mutable-manifestation
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elizabethemerald · 2 years
In her Arms
Jazz had been on the move almost non stop ever since she had heard about the explosion. Her parents were dead. The portal in Amity was destroyed. The city officials said that Danny was killed by the blast too. But he wasn't. She knew he wasn't. She didn't need the boo-merang to tell her that Danny was still out there some where. He was alive, and she would find him.
She had only stopped moving long enough to pass out in her car for a few hours during the drive to Gotham City. She was following a faint trail, a mere pressure in her mind that was leading her closer and closer to where her brother was. Whatever ecto contamination her parents had done to her over the years had given her a connection to her brother and she would follow that connection to very jaws of hell itself if she had to.
She was running on fumes now. So was her car. She had made it into Gotham and the pull brought her to one of the poorer neighborhoods. In fact it looked like it was the poorest and most crime ridden part of the city. Graffiti covered every wall, multiple burnt out wrecks of cars littered the sides of the streets.
Jazz slammed on the breaks and opened her car door. She was next to an abandoned and fenced off lot and her brother was here. She could feel him. She dashed tears and sweat from her eyes, slung her weapons over her shoulder and tied her hair back. When she left her car she left it with the door open and the key in the ignition. She doubted it would start again and she didn't care enough, all she cared about was her brother.
She crouched next to the fence and the leaped, putting her ectoplasmic strength into the jump as she easily cleared the twelve foot tall fence. She landed on the other side in another crouch, her eyes zeroing in on the woman standing in the middle of the lot.
The woman was easily as tall as Jazz and she was 6'8" thanks to the ectoplasm in her veins. The woman had long black hair and was built like an absolute tank. She was wearing work out clothes that showed off all of her muscles. If Jazz were in a better mental state she would be jealous.
But all she could focus on was the toddler chair just past the woman. The chair that held a small black haired, blue eyed boy that was her entire world. Danny. He was younger and smaller than he should be, but she would recognize him anywhere, and she had enough experience with ghostly shenanigans to recognize a simple deaging. She could deal with that later, now she just needed to recover her brother.
"Give him to me!" Jazz demanded as she stormed closer.
The beefy woman was between her and Danny, she couldn't risk angering her, but all the words were trapped in her mind. All the deescalation techniques she learned, all the psychology she dedicated herself to, was all trapped and stuck. The woman turned to face her and Jazz pulled out her creep stick, her hands shaking.
"Give him to me." She said again, the words feeling like nails dragging past her throat yet it was all she could say.
"I'm afraid I can't do that." The woman said. She kept her hands open and spread apart. Some small part of Jazz's mind said that she was trying to keep her body language open and friendly. But that part was overshadowed by her fear and her exhaustion.
"Give him to me!" She shrieked, wondering if she should be coughing up blood with how difficult the words were to drag out. She dashed forward and swung her creepstick. The woman block and Jazz swung again and again. Each blow the woman either blocked or dodged without any visible effort.
"You have skills sister." The woman said and she went on the attack.
Now Jazz was getting driven back across the lot. She was clearly out matched in every possible way, but she couldn't back down. That was her brother. Danny. Danny. Danny. That was her brother. That was her brother.
The woman twisted her body and with a powerful kick the creepstick was sent flying across the yard. Jazz didn't give her a moment to gloat at disarming her and instead pushed forward with her bare fists and legs, managing to push the other woman back one step at a time. Still she looked calm and confident as if she did this everysingle day.
Jazz ducked under one of the woman's blows and managed to pull her knife. She trust the blade forward with all her might, putting her full ectoplasm enhanced strength behind the blow. And watched in horror as the blade shattered against the woman's shoulder.
"Well struck!" The woman seemed genuinely impressed. Then she twisted and almost without effort threw Jazz to the ground.
Jazz gasped in air as she stared up at her, then past her to where her brother sat in the chair, watching like this was all an exciting movie.
"Please." She forced the word out, like broken glass down her throat. "Give him to me."
She begged. Desperately. The woman startled and pulled a cord from her waist. With a flick of her wrist the cord wrapped around Jazz's body.
"We'll soon find the truth of this. Why do you want the boy?"
The cord glowed around her and even past her pain and her fear and her exhaustion the words came.
"He's my brother."
She gasped the words out.
"He's my brother."
Her throat was closing and her breath was coming faster and faster. Her own fist collided with her forehead.
"He's my brother."
She sobbed the words out, her vision fading as she hit herself again. A high pitched keening noise pulled itself out of her, no more words were coming, just her raw expression of grief and longing and she hit herself again. She smacked her fist into her forehead and when she went to do it again, she felt a tiny hand wrap around her wrist.
"No Jazz! No hurt. No hurt."
Danny's little voice. Just like when he was first a child and would stop her from melting down. When her parents ignored her being touch adverse, when they made her speak even when she was nonverbal, when the noise of the lab wouldn't stop and pounded into her head like a jack hammer.
She didn't try to pull her arm out of his hand but she hit herself again with her other hand. She could hear Danny begging her to stop, but she couldn't, she couldn't, she couldn't. She went to hit herself again and a strong, calloused hand grabbed her wrist, than just as gently as if she were something precious and valuable held her other hand to keep keep her from hurting herself.
"Now, young one, there is no call for that."
"Jazz it's ok." Danny whispered, because he knew the loud voices bothered her. Then he started humming, so softly she could barely feel it, yet his humming vibrated with ectoplasm and carried down all the way to her infant ghost core.
He was hugging her and holding her and humming to her and slowly, muscle by muscle her tension unwound. She could think again, she didn't think she would be able to speak yet, but at the very least she could pull her wrists from the gentle hold of the other woman and wrap her arms around her little brother.
She held her brother, her Danny and sobbed and sobbed. She gone through too much. She had bee told she had lost her parents that everyone she loved, including her beloved brother were dead, her home destroyed. Then she had driven half way across the country following a desperate thread to try and find him only to be beaten by the first stranger she encountered. But at the very least, she had her brother back in her arms again. Just like she was supposed to.
This technically takes place in my Son of the Red Hood AU, but probably won't be for a few chapters. However this was running around my brain and chewing on the walls until I got it out. Jazz and Danny are to me Autistic and ADHD solidarity and I wanted to portray Jazz having an extreme meltdown because of the stress she's been under. Can you guess who her opponent is?
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What are your thoughts on Poppy’s and Catnap’s sibling dynamics and the shenanigans they get up to? Do they give their dad a headache?
Across all universes where Poppy and Catnap/Theo are on good terms and refer to each other as brother and sister, they give their parent(s) the WORST of headaches.
In normal Angel saves everyone/Poppy Worldwide AU, they tease and annoy each other a lot (affectionate), as all siblings do. Poppy is always stealing Catnap's eyeliner. He's always stealing her nail polish. Poppy is the one who suggests they do something stupid, but in a way that makes it sound like the rational thing to do. "Theo", she calls him. "We should bake a four tier chocolate cake! There isn't anything to celebrate just yet, but we should learn how to do so anyways".
"A... Four tier chocolate cake? With your baking skills?"
"Have you stopped to think that dad and mom would need a four tier cake for their future wedding? They'll need us!"
And then Catnap, on all his glory, accepts the idea, except they should make just two tiers so they won't waste food if things go wrong. They spend HOURS in the kitchen, which would be a big deal if it wasn't for the fact that it was 2 AM. Anyways, they burnt the cake, half of it was undercooked, and it was way too sugary, but the fact that they didn't burn the whole kitchen down made it clear to them that they COULD do it. In theory. In practice Picky, Long Legs and Dogday banned them from the kitchen, and Angel was just horrified that these two were left unsupervised in the kitchen.
Poppy was also sent flying more than once from her INSISTING that Theo should run as fast as possible, with her using him as a ride around the farm. Did she learn from that? No. Did Theo learn from that? Also no.
Catnap, most of the time, knows when one of Poppy's ideas is just stupid. He does so anyways because he wants to see the results, because after 10 years working as a cult leader he really, really wanted to act more reckless without it hurting the cult. Poppy likes the idea of offering Catnap guidance, being older for far longer, but she doesn't have the sharpest self-preservation instincts, while Catnap is always thinking about consequences and what is best for everyone. "You should relax more" / "I'm trying, but I can't" is a good description for their dynamic.
Catnap doesn't like asking Poppy for advice. The only ones he doesn't mind are Dogday, Angel and the Prototype. Poppy feels like having to ask your sibling to drive you somewhere, and that sibling can and WILL tease you for it. Meanwhile, Poppy really, really wants to connect more with Theo, mostly as a way of coping with the fact that she wasn't there to watch him grow up, and believed him to be a monster for most of the past 10 years of her life. She doesn't like to be reminded that their first few months post-rescue were messy and of constant side eyes and bickering, and neither does Theo.
Catnap will refuse to admit it, but he looks up to Poppy a bit. She's content with her body and somehow is able to cope in mostly healthy ways. She was trapped for 10 years in a glass case and is somehow not only a bit of a social butterfly, but someone whose company is good to have.
They both really care for each other, despite the strange first year, and give their parents SO MANY headaches. In Great Escape AU, it's Poppy and Catnap sharing the same braincell and coming up with increasingly over-the-top and stupid plans to make it so everyone is able to escape PlayCo. They give a headache to the Prototype with how reckless they are when together, and when Angel comes into the picture what was bad somehow gets WORSE.
Anyways tldr they're stupid when together.
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brothebro · 1 year
Any dp/dc fic recs?
of course! Honestly, i love so many of them and I'll try to include as many as i can in my list here! The Undead Lockpicking series by Milaley: In which Danny has a lockpicking youtube channel and he lockpicks the Watchtower. Hilarious, excellent 10/10
The Bat Trap by Threee: Honestly a good ol twin switcheroo with many funny moments but also a lot of delicious angst! (a Damian & Danny twins au) Just, chef's kiss!
GLXY:PSSNGR by socraticat: Danny takes the place of his alternate universe self who lives with vlad in Gotham after vlad killed his parents. Muchas angst, lots of worldbuilding and fantastic action!
A second life by Die_Erlkonigin6083:Kid Danny who has memories from a past life and currently is Dick Grayson's clone baby (and a bunch of others but mostly Dick's) Adorable 100/10 recommend>
lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood by halfagone (milkywxy): Epic. Dad!Lex and and dimensional travel son!Danny. Sweet and super well-executed Cass/Danny. 10/10 i need to catch up with the latest chappies but it's so freaking good I am aaaaaa
Rooftop Express by EmeraldsAndAmethyst: Danny/Jason. Awesome af. Crime lord Jason ftw! Danny is a (supernatural)delivery boy and professional enigma in Gotham
Our Empty Graves by suomifae: Hazmat Suit, no one knows au! Danny/Jason in which Danny finds himself helping out in Jason's gang. Very cool story building, ideas and execution. Im literally screaming in every chapter. so so good!
bloodlines by halfagone (milkywxy): Danny is Diana's and Bruce's son. He of course doesn't know that. There's a prophesy involved that says Danny will end the world, Diana finds out accidentally about it and finds out she has a son (memory wipe shenanigans) and GOSH. There's so much awesome stuff happening and it's a pleasure to see them piece together the facts. 10/10 Diana rocks
Summons by DizzlyPuzzled: Ghost king Danny in which because he's underage his father gets summoned in his stead. Bruce would very much like to know why he keeps getting yote through summoning circles. Just the right amount of funny, family fluff and angst.
If You Give a Bat a Burger by Cielle_Noire: BOI I HAVE NO WORDS. the plot in this is thiccc and juicy and delicious and the mystery is the cherry on top! Danny lives in Gotham, does some ghostly sigil stuff around to protect Gothamites from bad ghosts, it backfires, we don't know why. Red duck candles are involved. The Batkids are chaos. and im here eating popcorn because it's all super entertaining to watch unfold. 100/10 jessica's duck candle
Friendly neighborhood vigilante by Elizabehta_Beilschmidt: Jazz/Jason THE FIC. honestly one of the best Anger Management fics i've ever read. Love the way Communication between partners is portrayed here and how they overcome the hurdles despite the shitshow that is both their lives (affectionate). 10/10 would read again
Danny Fenton: Dead and Loving It by HyperKid: You need an ao3 account for this one, go go go go make one because it's super worth it! Jason/Danny. They meet at the graveyard, your honour! They actively mess with Bruce and the rest of the Batkids! Gala Shenanigans! What else can i say? Go read!
Worm Off the String by TourettesDog: I am licherally dying of laughter. Peak comedy. Danny/Tim ft little baby man Danny who Tim thinks is Danny's weird af pet. Honestly, so GOOD. 100/10 comedy gold.
Press Heart to Subscribe by Die_Erlkonigin6083: A Danny/Damian fic in which Danny is a streamer and Damian watches his stream. Super cute, well executed, 100/10 sweetness scale
Imprint by Hashtag_DriveBy: Babes i dunno what to tell you. I've done fanart of this fic. De-aged baby Danny and DadHood. Human-ish Fright Knight and Excellent friend Roy. Guys seriously. SO SO SO SO GOOD. 100/10 I wanna see the kid reveal to the batfam and am vibrating out of existence imagining scenarios. - There are more but I can't possibly list them all in one go, I'll make another fic rec list later 💙
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triniteevee · 2 years
Pacify Him
(arven x reader ficlet)
(notes: kinda crackfic, less romantic, mostly humorous, academy shenanigans, reader and arven are adults, perspective shift but no first person pov lol; warnings: suggestive themes, spoilers re: clavell)
tagging @superstition13 and @wyverndollface96 for requesting and @snartalacarte for sending in that ask about arven content (✧∀✧)/
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“It’s not what it looks like!” is quite possibly the worst thing you could have said in this situation.
Fortunately, it was not what you said.
Unfortunately, it was what Arven said.
A loud choking noise that could best be described as a mightyena’s laugh escapes Dendra. The rest of the professors whip their heads in her direction, which gives you a quick second to spare an incredulous look at Arven.
He returns a look that conveys, ‘I panicked.’
Not that what you two were doing goes against academy rules. There may have been some light… brawling, but neither of you really punched or kicked the other. Your little disagreement just escalated a tiny wee bit. It definitely did not require such an audience.
It went like this.
In preparation for midterms, the two of you commandeered the Home Ec room during free period. Arven, in particular, had been anxious to improve on his Meal Points. Within the first five minutes of your session, you had made one too many jokes at your classmate’s expense, and he retaliated by raising your ingredients above his head. In an attempt to secure your precious prosciutto, you may have tickled his surprisingly sensitive sides. With his free hand, he pushes you away in the face, and vision obscured, you wildly flail your arms. You’re not entirely sure with the details, but somehow you found yourself laying with your back flat against the tile floors caged between Arven’s arms.
Nurse Miriam almost sounds innocent, but you’ve hung out with her enough times to detect the twinkle in her eye. “What does it look like?”
Dendra cackles.
With that, Director Clavell ushers out the rest of the staff, save Professor Jacq. An almost strict parental aura emanates from the normally stoic man. Clavell turns his steely gaze at Arven which makes your companion honest-to-Arceus flinch. The gaze you’re given is somehow kinder.
“I know and trust that you two are sensible adults. I respect whatever choices you make regarding pursuing relations…,” he coughs. “Err- relationships.” You stifle a groan, and Arven stiffens in fear beside you. “However!” Clavell’s voice pitches up. “We have to respect that this is an institution for learning. Kindly display some decorum.” Almost like an afterthought, he adds, “Your dorm rooms are yours to use as you please.”
You’re nodding in an attempt to get him to move things quicker, but Arven would not shut his trap as word vomit after word vomit of “That’s not what—,” and “I would never—,” leaves his mouth.
This just serves to further incense Clavell. “Young man, do you see me a fool?”
The poor backtracking from Arven draws a sliver of pity from you, and you decide to put him out of his misery.
“Clive, my man.” Arven looks at you like you had gone absolutely mad, but Clavell stares curiously. “Me and this dude weren’t boning in here. Nor were we planning on boning.” The director has a poker face on, but you can see all his hostility earlier has vanished. “Bro, you know I’m a bit of a rebel — that’s why you and I vibe — but I would never do something so shameless.”
Arven gapes like a magikarp at the two of you. You’re patting the Director’s shoulder like you were best buds. The man is nodding enthusiastically, and whispering, “I see,” over and over again.
He flushes when you look back to send a quick wink, before sharing some (Oh, Arceus) ‘hot goss’ with Clavell— or Clive. He honestly didn’t know anymore.
A tap on his shoulder reminds him of another presence in the room. Professor Jacq is smiling sheepishly, Arven could only offer a grimace in return. The man’s next words slightly tempt Arven to just drop out of the academy forever.
“Misunderstanding aside. If either of you have any questions, remember that I’m not only your thesis advisor, but also a Biology professor.”
Unintentionally going in for the kill, he offhandedly mentions, “Oh, and Miriam texted me to remind you the nurse’s office has protection. Just ask.”
Right on cue, Arven realizes he had just stepped on some ham. Right. A deep sigh leaves him. Somehow, everyone seems to think you and Arven were making more than just sandwiches.
While picking up wasted ingredients, he flushes when he recalls how he had accidentally pinned you on the floor. The white tiles shine mockingly up at him. He focuses his gaze on the occasional pop of color alerting him of scattered bell peppers. He tries not to listen too attentively to your voice as you excitedly swap stories with Clavell and Jacq.
You were always good at that.
Winning over people naturally, that people knew who you were even before you met them. He was, after all, one of those people. Everyone knew who you were, and they all wanted to get to know you. Yet, despite that, you still pay attention to him. You could, by all accounts, have the more powerful and influential classmates eating at the palm of your hand, but here you are in an almost empty classroom essentially wasting time because he asked you to be here.
“Alrighty, y’all. Respectfully, get out! We got sandwiches to make, and a class to pass!”
Who even are you? Speaking to the staff in such a manner would have any other student marched down the steps of the academy, but the two older men simply jovially chuckle. Arven feels himself smile despite attempting to restrain it.
You walk back to your table, just as Arven is getting up. You offer him your hand, which he demurely accepts.
Smiling, you ask him, “What were we making again?”
He snorts. “Well according to the staff groupchat, a scene.”
You let out an even less dignified snort which draws a chuckle from your friend. Soon enough, you’re both deep in belly laughs to the point of tears.
Professor Saguaro doesn’t know what to do with himself upon returning and finding his two students heaving, and a table full of unused ingredients. A lone plated piece of bread sitting pathetically in the middle.
When Arven gets called out in class for not knowing the very thing you were meant to tutor him on, he couldn’t find it in himself to care. He feels you kick him in the side from your seat. Nope. He does not mind at all.
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marzipanandminutiae · 5 months
I think you're passionate and intelligent, but these are more observations than opinions! I like how you care about the truth and not projections, fantaisies about the past and pretty narratives over nuanced thought
The other day I cited your expertise to loudly protest people saying the usual misconceptions about corsets, by the way. They were so full of doubt but I was full of conviction
This is high praise indeed; thank you so much. I try very hard not to fall into a trap of romanticizing the past- because, for a white woman who grew up upper middle class in the US, it is a deeply seductive trap. I could work up as good a daydream about being the daughter of a Boston Brahmin family with liberal-minded parents c. 1875, who could inherit generational wealth and publish scholarly treatises, living with my Lifelong Female Companion and an adopted foundling in a lovely ancestral home on Beacon Hill...
...except I still would have no voice in government, few legal rights, all and sundry AGAINST my openly publishing scholarly treatises, possibly a tooth-and-nail fight with other relatives to keep that house on Beacon Hill in my own name if a male cousin wanted it or something, the risk of my little foundling being taken away if anyone remotely suspected Sapphic Shenanigans and did a lawsuit about it, the need to stop wearing clothing I enjoyed in like a decade to remain Socially Acceptable, air pollution from coal smoke and gas lighting, oh and did I mention that I'd likely have died at 15 from an infected sebaceous cyst anyway?
Also. You know. I'm not the only person in the world!!! Other demographic groups exist for whom the 19th century was just as bad or worse on different axes!!! I Care About Other People!!!
So I just wear their clothing in the present day, where many things are better and some things are worse and other things are neutrally different, and try to encourage people to a nuanced understanding of that world. I'm glad I succeed.
(And screw corset myths all my homies hate corset myths)
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aftgficrec · 3 months
Hellooooo, I can’t believe this is open!1!1!!1 First of all, I wanted to thank you all so much for all the work you do!
I wanted to ask for fics about the twinyards pretending to be each other. Mainly light funny ones if you find them but any will do. Thank you so much!!!
Hi there, anon! Most of the light funny ones can be found in our previous ask for this. -A
NB: in longer fics this could just be a quick switch, so read them with that in mind
previous recs:
the twins switch 1 here
‘the glow in our mouths’ and ‘The Morning AUs Chapter 52: The Parent Trap AU’ here
‘The one with Kevaaron’ here
‘Aftg Youtube AU’ here
‘Forming a Family; Forging a Future’ here
you may also like:
Neil mistakes Aaron for Andrew here
twinyard mistaken identity here
‘If I Knew You’ here
aaron minyard is a little bit cursed series by BlueJay26 [Rated G, 2 complete works, Updated June 2023, Locked]
Part 1: Jeremy Knox Solves the Transmutation Question: Baffles Centuries' Worth of Alchemists [1429 Words, Twinyards Appreciation Week 2022] [Merriam-Webster] metamorphosis| \ˌme-tə-ˈmȯr-fə-səs\ : a change of physical form, structure, or substance especially by supernatural means // the metamorphosis of a perfectly nice teak table into gold (by your baby cousin who won't stop getting cursed) Or, Nicky endures the twins' shenanigans in every possible universe. **Written for Twinyards Appreciation Week, prompt - metamorphosis**
Part 2: AITA? No. Am I cursed? Very probably. [505 Words] I impersonated my twin brother to play a trick on his boyfriend. AITA?
AFTG Bingo 2k18: The Twinyard Card by exactly13percent [Rated T, Collection, Complete, 2018] 
Chapter 2: Pretend College is difficult enough to navigate without Andrew playing games with Aaron's best friend.
Two of a Kind by gluupor [Rated T, 9957 Words, Complete, 2019]
When Aaron didn't get offered an exy scholarship while Andrew did, they came up with a plan. Andrew would play exy and Aaron would go to class. No one would ever know that they were actually two separate people. What could possibly go wrong?
After Aaron goes to Andrew’s Press conference by @iserenademefan [Tumblr, 2018]
Andrew and Aaron pretending to be eachother by @offbrandginger [Tumblr, 2017]
angstier twins switch:
‘Give Me Another Minute (to Lay Here in Your Echo)’ and ‘another turning point, a fork stuck in the road’ here
‘Unlucky Lies’ here 
‘aparecium’ here 
‘Brother’s Best-Friend’ here
‘white walls’ here
‘Deals With Devils’ here (updated)
Doctor, What Doctor by AceSirenSinger [Rated T, 4081 Words, Complete, 2023]
And then, unfortunately, Aaron has an idea. The idea itself is almost not worth having. It is deeply unethical. It is the opposite of ‘do no harm,’ and it is not even guaranteed to work. Aaron actually thinks that this idea might be worse for his license than performing illegal care on a probable criminal in a back alley in the dark. No, Aaron thinks, it is undeniably worse. “You’re a survivor,” Aaron repeats. “You should already be dead, but you’re not. You should pass out sometime in the next few minutes, but I’m guessing you won’t.” Aaron squares his shoulders, makes himself say the words. “If I give you an address, can you get there? •• An AU where Aaron is a doctor, Andrew is FBI, and Neil’s gone rogue against the mafia. Neil needs medical care, and it really should be Aaron performing it, right? Right??
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: major character injury, tw: blood, tw: violence, tw: needles
Your love is my drug by babyprincess675 [Rated G, 24524 Words, Incomplete, Updated June 2024]
Andrew Minyard’s life has been painfully mediocre for years since high school, nothing but guilt keeping him alive up until his twin brother invites him to his Christmas themed wedding in Alaska, where everything changes. Or Andrew gets invited to Aaron’s wedding after years of no contact and things go wrong.
tw: anxiety disorder, tw: suicide attempt, tw: overdose, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: violence, tw: alcohol
in a manner of speaking by likearecord [Rated T, 6335 Words, Complete, 2021]
In Andrew's defense, blind dates are terrible and almost all of Kevin's friends are even worse. Nine times out of ten, calling in a favor to get Aaron to switch and tank it for him would be fine. Unfortunately, Andrew found number ten.
Crossfire by RoseGold_En [Rated M, 18396 Words, Complete, 2018]
The year is 2073. Andrew and Aaron Minyard are twins born into a world with a strict one-child policy due to overpopulation. They take on a singular identity as "Adam Minyard", with only one of them allowed outside at a time. Siblings who are discovered are separated from their families and put into an eternal cryosleep. One day, Andrew disappears. Aaron and Nicky have to find him while maintaining the twins' cover. It's up to Aaron to find out who sold them out and why a bureau agent named "Neil" knows his brother's real name.
tw: vomit, tw: alcohol, tw: violence, tw: gun violence, tw: death, tw: choking, tw: blood, tw: involuntary outing, tw: fire, tw: needles
Secret twin royalty au by @professionalfangirl24601 [Tumblr, 2021]
When queen Tilda gave birth to male identical twins, she knew it could be a threat to her country's future stability. In order to avoid the brothers fighting for the throne, she decided to give one of them up. He would be raised by a maid and then imprisoned with an iron mask constantly covering his face. 
Backliner Andrew by @palmettofoxden [Tumblr, 2017]
Part 1: Andrew takes Aaron's place  Part 2: Andrew takes Aaron’s place - follow-up ideas  Part 3: Backliner Andrew 3/? 
aaron is fat and buff too!!! hc by @palmett-hoes [Tumblr, 2020]
they're deals on deals on deals. meta by @thespineoftherighteous [Tumblr, 2023]
Minyards art by @lnmei
HAPPY TWINYARD DAY!!! art by @babaleza
Aaron and Andrew sand castle building art by @emry-stars-art
POV: You’re Riko and the Twinyards are burying your body. art by @/capt.christine on instagram
nerdy Minyards art by @/intradaya on instagram
Mindyards on defense art by @/kulartly on instagram
andrew & aaron sarcastic healing art by @oliviaillustrations
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bubbleteycosplay · 2 months
What ifs Sigyn's stories
Part 27
So many different universes, so many different possibilities. And in some loves Sigyn and their different stories. Pictures and brief information have been written about some of these possibilities.
But what is her full story, we don't know. But we can spin them further in our thoughts ^^
The whole project here serves to show the possibilities and potential that Sigyn would have had within the Marvel Universe. How she could have been reintroduced, her story made new and more exciting. #JusticeForSigyn stands for creating Sigyn content because Marvel doesn't give us any.
Inspired by @fauna-and-mythos @dailylogyn @dank-art @jonquilclegane @sigynoffidelity @sigynthevictorious @thewitchysystem @shenanigans-and-imagines @timeladyjamie @therese-lokidottir @puckwritesstuff @sigynappreciation @sigyn-obsessed @ellecaterina @roruna
You will love me (AU)
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Everything is going well for veterinarian Loki Odinson: he is successful in his career and has just gotten engaged to the beautiful Amora. But Loki catches Amora with his older brother Thor at his best friend's wedding. He breaks off the engagement and throws Amora out of his apartment that night. He then breaks off contact with both of them. He moves away and starts a new life.
12 years later: Loki kept his vow, he never saw Amora or Thor again. He has been married to Sigyn for 6 years and they both have two three-year-old sons and the happiness couldn't be better about the impending birth of their daughter. But then Loki's mother Frigga dies and leaves a will that forces Loki to reconnect with his brother. At the same time, he receives anonymous messages claiming that he killed Amora on the night of the wedding. Loki investigates and finds that Amora has actually disappeared since then. And then events come to a head: In a forest near his parents' house, a suitcase containing women's clothing is found, which also contains Amora's identity card. And not far away lies a corpse. And he is arrested as the suspected perpetrator. Sigyn, who believes in her husband's guilt, takes on the investigation herself.
You only love twice
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Five years ago, Sigyn had to learn the hard way what happens when you break the rules. She has lost everything. The trust of her husband Theoric. The man she had loved since childhood. And quickly her life. Love is a weakness that she can never afford again!
When offered a chance at redemption, the seductive Vanahnin is determined to complete her task: tracking down a dangerous assassin, a mysterious killer who is after the queen, her own mother, whose identity seems to be constantly changing.
But when Sigyn's investigations lead her into a trap, she is saved by a shadowy figure.
As a man with few memories, Loki only knows that Sigyn is the key to getting to Frayer, and he wants revenge no matter what the price. But a kiss ignites the unbroken passion between them and he can't bring himself to use her.
Can Loki trust her? Or is history doomed to fail? Because it soon becomes clear that Frayer may have discovered that Loki and Sigyn have become closer... and then her own daughter will be in the line of fire.
In the witch's ice garden
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Sigyn wakes up in a castle in Jotunheim that is not her home. Nevertheless, a little boy she doesn't know claims to be her sons. And then there's the creepy guy Loki who pretends to be a husband...
Sigyn actually wanted to go on a forest trip with her sisters - but she ends up in Jotunheim, where a scenario from a horror shocker awaits her... A woman she doesn't know who is trying to kill her and her two little boys. To find out the truth, Sigyn must fight for her life in a deadly game. Which is stronger? Her conscience or her survival instinct?
The girl that fell from the sky (AU)
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Sigyn has no time for love, especially not in winter. During the day, the former racing runner works as a ski instructor, and in the evenings she helps out at her parents' Pension Schneeglöckchen. When she gets to know the new long-term tenant, her well-rehearsed routine, like her heart, is thrown out of sync. Most women would love to do the attractive doctor's bidding, but Sigyn doesn't even think about it.
And him? The Christmas season is approaching, and Loki has only one wish: that the time of contemplation and cookie baking passes by as quickly as possible. The assignment to work as a doctor in a ski resort is therefore very convenient for him. Luckily, the guesthouse where he stays turns out to be a kitsch-free zone. But even the first meeting with the quick-witted daughter of the house causes the hermit to sweat profusely, despite the frosty temperatures...
Red Queen
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This is a universe divided by blood - red or silver.
The Reds are commoners ruled by a Silver Elite who have god-like superpowers. And for Sigyn, a normal red girl from the impoverished Vanaheim, it seems as if nothing will ever change.
Until she comes to Asgard to start working in the palace. Here, surrounded by the highest beings in the universe she hates most, Sigyn discovers that despite her red blood, she has a deadly power of her own. One that threatens to destroy the balance of power.
Fearing Sigyn's potential, Frigga hides her from public view and declares her the long-lost Princess of Vanaheims, now engaged to one of her sons. Although Sigyn knows that a single misstep would mean her death, she quietly works to help the Red Guard, a militant resistance group, and overthrow the Asgard regime.
But this is a world full of betrayal and lies, and Sigyn has begun a dangerous dance - Red against Silver, Prince against Prince, and Sigyn against her own heart...
A sweet secret for dessert
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Sigyn is a confident party girl and financially independent thanks to her lucrative divorce. But since she was attacked by unknown perpetrators and seriously injured, her interests have shifted: instead of dancing in the club, the beauty can now be seen doing martial arts, instead of hot dates, sweaty strength training is on the program. Sigyn never wants to be at the mercy of a man again.
When Loki first sees him, he is immediately mesmerized by her strength and beauty. He's never wanted a woman as badly as she does. He needs a lot of patience to find his way to Sigyn Herzen, but he doesn't give up. And Signyn? She definitely doesn't want a new relationship, but she can't deny that she finds Loki more than a little hot. But she doesn't know if she can really trust him, and when the dangerous shadows of the past catch up with her, she searches for answers. Alone...
The magic of the snake
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Loki comes to Vanaheim to call on the tribal chiefs of Vanaheim to join the army in a campaign planned by Father, the King of Asgard. When he sees Sigyn, he wants to take her with him as his lover.
However, Sigyn is reluctant and insists on a competition. She takes on Loki herself, defeats him and embarrasses him in front of the entire tribe. Loki is not satisfied with this, he seeks revenge. He wants to have the young Sigyn as a slave and dominate her. But these are not the only adventures Sigyn has to go through.
The night you left
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It only takes a moment to unravel a perfect life...
When Sigyn's fiancé disappears without a trace the night after her marriage proposal, her life is turned upside down. But has Loki abandoned her or is he in danger?
As Sigyn desperately searches for answers, it quickly becomes clear that Loki was not the easy-going man she thought she knew. And as she uncovers a hidden tragedy, she realizes a terrible truth: that you can run away from your past - but your secrets will always catch up with you...
Daughter of the Gardens
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Sigyn has had a special relationship with plants throughout her life.
Trees thrive near them. Her fruit becomes larger and riper than Frigga observes her niece's talent with great joy, because the flowers in her garden bloom long before their time.
But the reason for all these miracles is that Sigyn is Iduna's daughter. And Iduna protects Asgard Gardens from any intruders. But Sigyn has nightmares that haven't plagued her for 3 years now. And when Loki suddenly appears, she is convinced that he is the cause of her nightmares.
She is convinced that Loki will be the one responsible not only for Asgard but also for her mother's future death.
She doesn't know if it's a race against time or just her imagination. But Sigyn is ready to face this challenge and realizes that an unknown magic lies dormant within her. A magic that far surpasses that of all others. Only Loki recognizes her potential and is determined to exploit it for himself.
A queen without title and throne
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As a woman, Sigyn doesn't have many options after the death of her father, the clan leader of the Red Dwarfs. The world she lives in is a dangerous place where women only rule through marriage. Since she is still far too young to get married, she automatically loses her claim to the throne and is sent to her mother's home world of Vanaheim, where she is supposed to live. Her uncle doesn't know what to do with her, so he takes care of her further education from then on. So that one day she can support her cousin in his government obligations. So a lonely life begins for the young girl, behind high palace walls. But these are not the only high walls that surround them, even Vanaheim's capital is surrounded by high walls in which the people have to live, a promise of security. But Sigyn's rebellious heart doesn't long for adventure. And after her best friend: Theoric, the son of a Absant from Asgard.
Part 28 is in progress ^^
Here you can find the last part
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dullgecko · 18 days
If the “Good Parents” went on some kind of shenanigan adventure, what would it be? Maybe to get Gilear’s bad luck back, maybe Gorthalax is once again trapped in a gem, or maybe it’s some Jawbone shenanigan that’s a future story.
(Also Pok is an soulknife rogueand Bill would somehow manage to be eve egg class possible but mainly oathbreaker paladin)
The Hangman is also there because Fabian told him to make sure Gilear has a shit time, but Hangman is also a little bit scared of Hallerial
The kids are exhausted, they JUST finished dealing with the latest massive (not quite world ending) quest and have collapsed in the living room to sleep for a few hours when something else starts happening that they, for some reason the universe has decided, are the only ones who can fix it.
The poor kids were so tired they havent even washed the blood and soot off their clothes yet so the parents all collectivly decide NO, WE'RE going to deal with this for them for once. (Pok was the one who had materialised in the prime material to hand off the urgent quest but was COMPLETELY on board with the other parents plan when he saw what a bad shape his sons party were in, technically the bad kids parents fit the prophecy as well as they did so it should be fine right?)
So they leave Gilear behind to watch the kids (and the hangman behind to watch Gliear, and Cathilda to watch all of them JUST in case someone actually needs to be able to fight) and gear up to go murder some demon bastard threatening the world because let their kids rest godsdamnit.
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emoangel44 · 7 months
What do you think Frisk's life was like before arriving in the underground? What do you think their life was like a few years after all that? What kind of person d'ya think they'd be?
this is a fairly hard question because for a long time frisk was effectively an enigma to me. i think frisk is one of the biggest writing weak points in the game and that their character suffers because toby only did the big reveal that theyre a separate person from you too late to do really anything with it, which is why hes focusing so hard on kris in deltarune.
however, i have been thinking more about them lately and trying to figure them out from the few canon details we have. here are some of the lines in the game that i think can give us a peak into frisks upbringing and personality:
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these lines to me seem to imply frisk most likely grew up/lives in a neglectful environment where they dont feel loved or appreciated, whether in a home with parents or an orphanage or somewhere else. their caretakers are clearly absent enough that frisk managed to make it to mount ebott, for whatever reason it is they went. they do seem to at leastl partly want to go back home though, as they ask toriel when they can and you have the option to say they have somewhere else to go.
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they seem very independent and used to doing things for themself. they prefer finding fun in things in their environment to entertain themself with (like playing in leaves or staring at mouse holes) and potentially arent actually used to having toys to play with. they dont like the idea of being trapped in the ruins with toriel and want to leave despite the promise of a loving home.
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...however, they say this about asgore later. they seem to vastly prefer things like toriels homemade pie to making their own instant noodles. maybe theyd be willing to stay with someone on their own terms? you are given the option to stay with toriel or leave on your own at the end of the game. maybe frisk could be fine with either.
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i also choose to believe the 'less grammatically correct' options in the role-play sequence are frisk. the only thing this really proves in that theyre kind of silly. but what undertale character isnt? things like them wiggling or copiously flirting or generally going along with shenanigans tell us they like having a good time like everyone else.
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also, i dont have anything specific to say about the lines you get from running from a fight but i want to include them because theyre fun and some of the only 'probably frisk dialogue' we get that isnt just options.
as for post-mercy, i think the person everyone is talking to in the alarm clock dialogue is frisk. theyre just being told about events they werent there for, like the house party with alcohol they werent invited to for obvious reasons. i think both them having stayed with toriel or gone somewhere else are possible and there isnt strong evidence for either. theres even less evidence about whether they became the ambassador or not. maybe they werent there for some of the hangouts because they were busy with politics? i dont think toriel would let that happen but if any kid in the world could be a successful diplomat its absolutely frisk.
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oblisker · 2 years
reasons to write more fanfiction about fred jones (please)
- silly. very silly. extremely silly. this leaves a lot of room for silly prompts and situations!
- autistic. similarly to silliness, this gives many writing opportunities, ways to explore his character, a wholesome crackfic, hell, even heavy angst! the possibilities are endless!
- parental issues in some adaptations. we all know what that means…
- did i mention he’s EXTREMELY silly?? a little goofster. a bit of a rascal
- funny friends funny relationship with them funny adventures and just use that with everything above and you’ve got a great fic
- intelligence revolving around traps gives you the chance to utilize all the shenanigans.. hijinks… that that could lead to
- i love him we all love him
- autism
- great guy. very good guy. charming man.
- pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepplea
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thatbuddie · 3 months
This hiatus is driving me insane because when you sit down and think about it, there's just SO MANY possibilities that can happen in S8 now:
Buddie roommates (?), Bathena house hunting and renewed domestic shenanigans, Madney taking care of TWO kids, Henren tackling their custody issue but also forming a plan to deal with Gerard (?), Chris learning about young Eddie maybe, queer Eddie, trapped dads situation, breakups and realizations, Bobby figuring out his job back, Eddie and his parents talking things out, a revisit of the will -
The possibilities are legit endless currently. Everything could happen, anything could happen!
i know ohmygod so many possibilities!!!
i see all those and raise you: henren and madney blended family, athena retiring (lmao if i can be a buddie roommates truther until the day i die i can also dream about this), more buddie and ravi work shenanigans, the return of uncle buck, a lighthearted and silly episode a la jinx, madney talking about whether they want more kids or not, a further therapized eddie, maddie and eddie scenes (just give them to me!!!), a little more focus on the whole dispatch team again (i miss linda!!)...
i am just so so so excited for s8, especially knowing it's 18 episodes which means a lot more space for plots and arcs and development.
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First shared in The Saiouma Pit discord server, parts said by other members are in quotations, unassigned bullet points are my messages
Hina: "It could go either way but... if it's Shuichi demonic royalty instead of parent, it's his uncle or Shuichi's parents and uncle being there and he's managing to perfectly play shit off to his parents while his uncle is just not buying it?"
his parents being the rulers of hell but his uncle being the one that cares to visit
Dra: "Shuichi tells Kokichi about what's going to happen, Kokichi agrees to help him find someone to marry (they are stupid) but before they can think of anyone time Runs out Shuichi's uncle appears from his silly little red demonic circle, looks at Shuichi, notices Kokichi and just "your human is rather small" And Shuichi loses it because oh fuck he didn't want to get Kokichi involved in this"
Hina: "The fact they really thought an hour was enough time to find a fiancé is just sad"
Fuwa: "we can extend it to 6 hours." And then I said: "no, an hour is perfect"
also Shuichi knew beforehand and just waited helplessly until it was last bell to do anything so he asked Kokichi for ideas
Fuwa: "they do fucking tinder, try to get a demonic looking match. They use a goddamn fake face app, to like, see who's demonic enough, and they point it towards Kokichi on accident at the very end, and it's like "perfect match". "Wow it's truly satan!!""
Dra: "Does Kokichi get pros/cons of suddenly being married to demon royalty?" me: "like, what could the cons even possibly be? but yes he does"
after that dinner he stays up at night, pulls out his trusty white board
Dra: ""What if they don't have wifi in hell"", Fuwa: "Shuichi's family" (also listing cons)
Hina: "Pros: Demon Royalty, Would Protect You, Live in Castle, Rich, Cool Uncle, Husband Kinda Cute Ig Cons: The Signal Sucks, Parents are Meh, A lot of fire, Hot. Everyone Here lowkey wants to kill you"
idk about the killing part, I think Kokichi could gain respect in hell, they'd think he has what Shuichi lacks, he was always deemed too timid and soft for a heir to the throne, now this human he brought on the other hand…
Dra: "Ok but it'd actually be so funny if the other demons started going with Kokichi's lies and introduced him as the most powerful demon ruler that just happens to look like a lil dude (it's totally so he can fool sinners into thinking he's harmless) and Shuichi is just watching this go down like "huh""
I love fake dating AUs so I'll try to add a little more to this.
Neither of them has realized their feelings yet when that fated night happens, but something's been brewing through months of their living together. They're just friends that help each other in situations like needing an emergency fiancé. It's cool.
Until it's serious and they're told to pack, so they can begin preparations for the wedding and coronation in Hell as soon as possible. So things get a little tense, but they can go with the flow. It's just another adventure in the life of a supreme leader. And then the shenanigans begin.
The chambers prepared for them obviously have only one bed. They have to show off their affection to sell it to everyone. Learning new details about each other when they're made to pick out stuff for the wedding together. Some frosting on one's face while trying potential cakes. Waking up face to face after swearing to stay on far off sides of the bed the night before.
Kokichi learning things about Shuichi's childhood, Uncle shows him pictures. Shuichi watching Kokichi as he impresses demons with his act, looking at the faces he makes and being not only impressed too, but falling a little bit in love with the joy it brings Kokichi to have a receptive audience.
The realization of feelings being followed by the assumption it's unrequited and wallowing in it. The mixed feelings when trying on suits, dreading the approaching wedding day while thinking the other doesn't feel the same. Something pushing the tension past the limit and causing the confrontation. I've been thinking of maybe introducing a little magic to Hell's wedding traditions; they would each have to throw an ingredient into a huge jug of a special alcoholic drink that is prepared for weddings some days in advance and those specific ingredients have to be thrown in by the couple because the mixture will turn a pretty color when someone in love does this step.
Those idiots. These two morons. When it turns out alright they jump to the conclusion that the other is in love but with somebody else. [This could also be done with Kokichi hearing Shuichi mumble something about love in his sleep, or overhear him venting to somebody who knows their situation, probably Uncle or a friend, say "I think I'm in love" all tragically and the same misunderstanding happens]
So accusations fly, "If you're in love with someone, then why didn't you go to them with this?"
"I didn't know then. Why did you agree to this if there's someone you-?"
"I didn't know. And I expected this to be over by now. I thought that they wouldn't approve of me, or find out it's a farce and then kick me out."
"You should be with the one you love. I can open a portal for you. I can come clean to everyone, I got you into this mess-"
"No. It's not that simple" Shuichi looks at him questioningly, so he sighs and continues "... I am pretty sure it's unrequited. Doesn't matter anymore. What about you? I promised to help. Whatever that means now."
Whether they resolve it at that point or continue without talking things out [Shuichi claiming that his feelings are unrequited too, so their only option is to stay on track.] is up to you.
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queenlua · 5 months
amusing bits from Martin Luther: Renegade and Prophet so far:
* "What sparked [Luther's] anger, so he later reminisced, was the preaching of a Dominican friar, Johannes Tetzel, in the nearby town of Jüterborg, who went so far as to claim that his indulgences were so efficacious that even if a person had raped the Virgin Mary they would be assured complete remission from Purgatory." used car salesman-ass strategy lol
* "...the wealth of material that has survived on Luther is so great that we probably know more about his inner life than about that of any other sixteenth-century individual... His collected works, the famous Weimar Edition, extend to 120 volumes, including 11 volumes of letters and 6 volumes of his dinner-table conversations"
holy FUCK. truly a poaster before his time. like would the median tumblr blog fill 120 volumes jeez
* "In the early years of the Reformation, for example, [Luther] talked constantly of invidia, or envy, attributing it to his opponents—though it is hardly likely that they would have envied a penniless, powerless monk, while he, on the other hand, had every reason to be preoccupied with those he envied." lmao. mean girl who goes "they're just jealous" every time ppl hate on him
* "Extraordinarily, in an age when letters were routinely passed from person to person, were forged or intercepted, and when every chancellery filed drafts, Luther kept no copies. This gave his correspondents huge power, because they alone had records of what he had written, but Luther was relaxed about this, joking that he could always deny his own 'hand,' a remark that reveals his remarkable confidence."
i will have to look into this later but this is lowkey fascinating??? it hadn't occurred to me the 16th century world would've, like. written out copies of every damn thing. to support audit trails and such. just because the overhead of producing all those damn copies seems really high. suggests fun possibilities for intrigue and mailfraud shenanigans lol
* "It was popularly believed that when of the counts [in the town where Luther grew up] commissioned an altarpiece for the chapel depicting the Crucifixion, he had the thief on Christ's right painted as his most hated co-ruler
LMAOOOooo. also reminds me of the funny story that the tobacco magnate who funded the creation of Duke University Chapel asked that the stained glass depict the 12 desciples smoking cigarettes, and the dude had to be talked out of it... though i can't find any reference to the story on the internet, sadly. did the duke chapel tour guide MAKE UP LIES to me
* Luther grew up in a family that owned a mine & it's sort of hilarious how bad all these 1500s miners were at economics. they're like. running whole mining operations but with only the haziest idea of, like. where capital comes from. how to not resource trap your way into fuckedness. etc. i dunk on economists a lot but y'know there are some concepts here that actually were p worth formalizing
* our dude Luther was a fucking DRAMA QUEEN let me tell you:
"[Luther] joined the Augustinian order in Erfurt on July 17, 1505 [...] Luther sent his academic gown and ring home to Mansfeld, telling his parents he had drawn a line under this part of his life. He sold some of the fine legal textbooks his father had bought him and donated others to the monastery. Then he invited all his student comrades to a lavish meal, with music and entertainment. At the height of the party, he told his shocked companions of his decision to become a monk, announcing melodramatically, 'Today you see me and never again!' He then left for the monastery, accompanied by his sobbing companions." bet those dudes never forgot that party
* though Martin Luther's dad sure could match him for drama queen-ness (and apparently never stopped resenting Luther becoming a monk instead of a lawyer):
"At the ensuing feast to celebrate [Luther's first mass a priest], for which Luther's father, always the man for the grand gesture, had given the sum of twenty guilders, the breach was still evident. Luther asked whether his father now accepted his decision, and in front of everyone at the table, Hans Luder replied, 'Remember the fourth commandment, to obey father and mother.' 'What if it was an evil spirit' behind [the storm that convinced Martin to become a monk]? he asked. It was a very serious charge, made at a point where Luther had just acted as Christ's representative on earth for the first time."
* Luther was in one of the more hardcore monkish orders, and said order had a pretty rigorous schedule of prayers that involved waking up in the middle of the night... but apparently you could just pay other monks to pray for you if you just Didn't Feel Like Doing It one day? lmao. and in particular Luther did the strategy of "i'll just get them done ALL IN ONE DAY" instead of, like, doing them throughout the week (going without food or sleep, working that day & night to get them done)
* our dude could definitely be a poor lil meow meow / woobie if fandom got their hands on him. this boy is constantly having literal panic attacks about WHAT IF I MISINTERPRETED THIS PART OF SCRIPTURE AND NOW WE'RE ALL GOING TO HELL, when he's in Rome one of the things that bothers him the most (besides the famous indulgence thing) is the fact that they SPEEDRAN masses over there and he's like "oh no though, i spend SO MUCH time on the masses i run, i'm so afraid of doing it without true feeling... who are these speedrunning fucks with no respect goddamn," his confessor gets tired of him because he'll spend UP TO SIX HOURS AT CONFESSION agonizing over shit that doesn't matter... (this is part of the reason he went into academia, actually, his confessor was like "boy you have got way too much anxiety for the purely monastic life, go get a degree or something i stg")
* i do kinda love it when theologians get sexy with it:
"[Staupitz] wrote of different 'stages' of union of the soul, the first being that of 'young maids in faith,' the second that of the 'concubine,' the third, the 'queens': 'They are naked and copulate with the naked one. They taste that outside Christ there is nothing sweet and they enjoy [his] continuous sweetness. For the naked Christ cannot deny himself to those naked,' while in the fourth stage, which Mary alone experienced, Jesus 'sleeps naked with her naked and he shows other signs of such love.'"
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