thesirencult · 7 months
Hundreds of Start Ups Will Fail In the Next 2 Years. Here Is Why :
“Throughout history we witness continual cycles of rising and falling levels of the irrational. The great golden age of Pericles, with its philosophers and its first stirrings of the scientific spirit, was followed by an age of superstition, cults, and intolerance. This same phenomenon happened after the Italian Renaissance. That this cycle is bound to recur again and again is part of human nature.” ― Robert Greene
I would argue that for the past 200 years we have been going through a period who will later be considered by historians "The Age Of Irrationality".
In such a miniscule amount of time we've gone from farming to building factories, from entrepreneurs to influencers and bloggers.
Imagine you met a man from 1870 and you told them 16 year olds would be making millions from a machine that connects them to the whole entire world in milliseconds.
Historical/Dialectical Materialism, is a term that emerged from the theories of Engels and Marx. In simply terms, it says that for every drasis/thesis there is an antidrasis/antithesis and through change, the final product, synthesis is produced.
Synthesis is balance. We have long forgotten that word. We chose to forget that an antithesis will always follow the thesis.
A prime example of irrationality in our culture is the glorification of start ups. When all the facts point North, we take the road to South. Logic goes out the window and start ups like WeWork raise millions (IF NOT BILLIONS) of dollars even though they offer nothing new.
How can a business run for years on years, raise money and not generate PROFIT.
We humans like to think we have progressed. We no longer fall victims to "fast money" and cultish leaders. But we do.
We trust "geniuses" running on psychedelics with our money.
These people are playing chess. This is " The South Sea Bubble" all over again.
Even though a small percentage of start ups offer true value to society and are worth every penny invested on them, others are nothing but glorified horse shit.
Would you buy a ship that was not built but the "owner" claimed it is the fastest ship ever built ? No. You would first want proof. What if you paid the person that had the idea millions of dollars and after 5 years, a boat was all they have made ?
So why do venture capital investment companies with countless of analysts "fall victim" to this. Either they are expecting the company to go public and people to run to buy stock because guess what ? "Microinvestors"(you, me and your aunt) follow the motions of "Macroinvestors" (wall street boys, private equity firms, investors who have reached celebrity status) or they themselves act irrationally.
I would like to hear your thoughts on this women in tech, finance or business in general. Do you agree with me that the start up bubble is finally bursting or is there something else (besides the silent recession) going on?
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ai-bees · 2 years
And this right here is what we'd like to call honorable service.
Tap on this 👉link👈 to read about Stephanie Kwolek, the remarkable woman who invented Kevlar.    
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If you're a female founder, you need to get your TICKET to the Found You Summit 2022 NOW. With a range of expert speakers on networking, mindset, finding investment, market research, marketing, and much more, it's this year's must-attend event! The event runs from 29th-30th June 2022.#WinTradeGlobalFoundYou #networking #femalefounders #FoundYou2022 #WTGFoundYou #WomenFounders
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hydronationchair · 2 months
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Unlocking High Growth Innovation through Diversity and Inclusion
Hydro Nation Chair’s David Millar reflects on increasing diversity and inclusion in Innovation following our programme’s recent internship as part of the Career Ready Programme. Please note that this blog is part one of two, with part two to follow, providing insights arising from the Career Ready internship.
If you were asked to name a famous innovator or entrepreneur, the majority of people would likely name someone they have seen in media or perhaps someone they admire, names such as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Deborah Meaden, or Sam Altman. These lists are often dominated by white males, giving the impression that the world of entrepreneurship is only for those of a specific gender or ethnicity. This feels at odds when most of our world is working hard to celebrate and support diversity and gender freedom.
I asked my 8-year-old the same question recently and I got the expected answers in line with what he sees online or hears about at school but there was another proudly shouted addition to that list – ‘mummy’. My wife is an entrepreneur, or as she prefers founder. She runs her own sustainable dog food company, which she built on her own, at the same time we were at the start of building our family, smack bang in the middle of the COVID pandemic. Three years in, she is seeing 6 figure revenues and considerable month on month growth, making her a well deserving member on my son’s list of inspiring founders.
Given my wife was a Baroque violinist when I first met her and has now transitioned into a high growth business founder, it would seem that the world of entrepreneurship can be accessible to all individuals, including women and not just men. It has not been an easy journey, but with help, guidance, true grit and determination, there are amazing business opportunities to be had.
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So why aren’t we seeing more female founders and what can be done about it?
Championing diversity and inclusion in the tech sector has been a passion of mine ever since I started working full time to support business founders.
In my current role, leading the charge of technology innovation at the Hydro Nation Chair Research and Innovation Programme (HNC), I am lucky to be part of a very diverse team with a 60/40 gender split, in favour of females. The industry itself is also much more diverse in terms of gender split. Building on this great foundation, I have been working closely with my colleagues to better understand the challenges of diversity and inclusion in the tech and entrepreneurial space and what we can do with our programme to address some of these issues.
Following the release of the Scottish Government Report: ‘Pathways: A new approach for women in entrepreneurship’ (published in February 2023), we wanted to support the momentum behind the important activities highlighted in the report. In 2023-34, I was a Career Ready mentor supporting an S5 student called Laura from St Modan’s High School in Stirling.
As part of the Career Ready programme, Laura had a 4 week paid internship working with myself in the HNC team. The focus of her internship was to review the ScotGov Pathways report, interview a selection of female founders and business leaders, gather their views of the report findings and its recommendations and then make recommendations back to the HNC team on how we can improve our programme to support more diversity and inclusion. For these recommendations, please see part two of this blog coming next month.
Entrepreneurship and the world of tech start-ups were new areas for Laura but very quickly, given her own interests in STEM, became of great interest. While reviewing the report, Laura was particularly surprised at some of the data points and reflected on the lack of female entrepreneur role models that she could name. The Pathways Report highlights the lack of female role models as one of the challenges in this space and has some pretty dire statistics for example, funding received by women from friends and family was just 14% compared to the 65% received by women - a factor of 5 times less. In terms of private investment in their businesses, women receive less than 2p for every £1 of total private investment and only 4% of university spinouts were all female-founded as opposed to 75% for all-male founders.
The Pathways report highlights some of the reasons for these dire statistics, covering themes such as:
women feelings of "not belonging" in entrepreneurship, which affects their confidence and self-belief;
formally-defined pathways into entrepreneurship are unclear, while informal pathways and networks underserve women;
that General education and the normalisation of entrepreneurship as a valid career path is largely not present in the education system;
and as shown in the statistics, that women received far less investment than men across all stages of investment.
Converse to these dire statistics and themes, Laura was intrigued by evidence that indicated that businesses with more diverse teams, especially those led by women, can perform better and grow more over time - my wife’s business being s a great example of this. Laura reflected on this as a clear opportunity to encourage and support more women to start their own business if we could build momentum behind the report and execute its recommendations.
As we drive forward towards net zero and beyond, if ever there was a time to increase the number of high performing businesses it is now.
Laura has now completed her Career Ready programme, finding it extremely beneficial in helping her decide on her own pathway post-secondary school, as well as opening her eyes to the world of water management, entrepreneurship and challenges facing female founders. Despite all the existing challenges facing female entrepreneurs, I'm delighted that Laura would now seriously consider starting her own business if the opportunity arose. Laura is preparing for her final exams and has an unconditional place on offer at her first choice University where she plans to study Mechanical Engineering.
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For more information on the Career Ready Programme please visit their website. This is the second time David has been a Career Ready mentor and he would highly recommend it to anyone looking to develop their skills as leaders and support an S5/S6 student with building really important skills and helping them with difficult decisions in terms of pathways beyond school.
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morgandebaun12 · 2 months
Want to Quit Your Job? Here's What You Need to Do!
Discover a comprehensive guide, straight from Morgan's own experiences, ensuring you're equipped for the journey ahead. From clandestine day jobs to budgeting tricks like taking home leftovers, Morgan reveals the gritty realities of entrepreneurship. Despite discomfort, her story showcases the immense payoff awaiting those committed to the entrepreneurial path. Dive into this masterclass for entrepreneurs and get ready to revolutionize your financial readiness. Grab your headphones and get set to embark on your entrepreneurial voyage!
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usnewsper-business · 3 months
Unlocking Opportunities: Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in Venture Capital #femalefounders #genderdisparities #venturecapitalfunding #venturecapitalindustry #womenentrepreneurs
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rileymoore15 · 7 months
Danielle Gronich’s Journey Revolutionizing Skincare Industry | CEO Scoop
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CLEARSTEM Skincare, co-founded by Danielle Gronich, revolutionizes the beauty industry by combining stem cell technology with skincare. Gronich's journey started with personal acne struggles, leading her to holistic skincare solutions and the creation of products that target acne and aging simultaneously. 
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hawaiicalendar · 9 months
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thxnews · 1 year
How UK Governments "Investing in Women Code" Is Revolutionizing Startup Growth
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  Investing in Women Code Signatories Promote Gender Equality in Venture Capital Deals
In a remarkable achievement for gender equality in the business world, a recent report highlights that venture capital deals made by signatories of the Investing in Women Code (IWC) are far more likely to feature at least one female founder compared to the wider market. This marks the third consecutive year that IWC signatories have outperformed the venture capital market. The report showcases the vital role played by diverse investment committees in narrowing the investment gap. With 204 signatories, the IWC now covers a significant portion of the SME lending market, accounting for 39% of UK venture and growth equity deals, up from 24% in 2020.  
Achieving Gender Balance: Impact of the Investing in Women Code
According to the report, last year, 35% of all venture capital deals made by Investing in Women Code signatories were in female-founded companies, surpassing the market average of 27%. This achievement underlines the effectiveness of the Code in promoting gender balance in the entrepreneurial landscape. The Investing in Women Code was established in 2019 as a groundbreaking government-led initiative following the findings of the Rose Review, which identified the lack of funding as a major hurdle for women entrepreneurs aiming to scale their businesses. The Code has since garnered the support of over 200 organizations, indicating a growing commitment among lenders and investors to direct finance towards women-led businesses. Equal access to finance is a catalyst for empowering female founders and fostering economic growth. Business and Trade Secretary and Minister for Women and Equalities, Kemi Badenoch, expressed her enthusiasm for the progress made by Investing in Women Code members in narrowing the finance gap between male and female entrepreneurs. Badenoch emphasized the importance of the UK becoming a gender-neutral business hub, where entrepreneurial success knows no gender boundaries. The report also highlights other key findings, including the increasing market share of venture capital firms that have embraced the Code. In 2022, UK venture capital deals involving IWC signatories rose to an impressive 39% from 24% in the previous year. The report further showcases the growing support for the Code, as new signatories such as British Patient Capital, M&G Catalyst, and the University of Exeter join the ranks. Additionally, the percentage of deals made by venture capital firms with all-female teams rose from 6% in 2021 to 9% in 2022, bringing it in line with the levels achieved by VC signatories.  
Challenges and Priorities: Closing the Funding Gap for Female Entrepreneurs
Despite the progress made, the report highlights the need for greater female representation on investment committees. On average, signatories reported 32% female representation in their investment teams and 24% on their investment committees. The report suggests that more diverse investment committees positively impact successful pitches from all-female and mixed-gender leadership teams, making this an area of crucial focus. The challenging economic landscape influenced the funding landscape for female entrepreneurs, with Angel group signatories reporting a decrease in funding requests by all-female teams compared to the previous year. However, this was also accompanied by a decrease in funding requests from all-male teams. With 23 lenders currently signed up to the Code, including Funding Circle and six new additions, a diverse range of products and services are now available to SMEs across the UK. Furthermore, targeted initiatives are being implemented to provide support to women-led businesses. While progress has been made, it is evident that closing funding gaps remains a priority. Signatories continue to implement various measures to improve support for female entrepreneurs, such as connecting them with female-focused networks, adopting diversity metrics and policies, and providing mentoring and training opportunities.  
Industry Leader Comments
The Minister for Enterprise, Markets and Small Business, Kevin Hollinrake MP, expressed his delight at the growing number of signatories for the Investing in Women Code and the positive impact it has had on female founders' access to finance. Hollinrake urged continued efforts to bridge the finance gap and provide greater financial support for female entrepreneurs. Jenny Tooth OBE, Executive Chair of the UK Business Angels Association, commended the increasing number of Angel groups joining the Code, demonstrating the Angel community's commitment to embracing diversity and recognizing the investment potential of women founders. Tooth acknowledged the challenging economic climate for Angel investment in the latter half of 2022 and expressed hopes for an improving economic environment in 2023. Catherine Lewis La Torre, Rose Review Board Member and British Patient Capital CEO, recognized the significant progress made by venture capital firms in becoming signatories and driving positive changes in investment behaviors. The report confirms that IWC signatories are fulfilling their commitment to support more female-led businesses compared to the overall market. While celebrating these milestones, Lewis La Torre acknowledged the persistent funding gap for female entrepreneurs and emphasized the collective effort required to unlock their potential. Stephen Pegge, Managing Director of Commercial Finance at UK Finance, stressed the critical role of female entrepreneurs in the UK's growth objectives and applauded the initiatives launched by signatories to the Investing in Women Code, which are already yielding positive outcomes. Pegge acknowledged the need for continued efforts, particularly in less-developed finance ecosystems across regions and nations in the UK. Michael Moore, Chief Executive of the British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association, highlighted the progress made in signatories and the growing proportion of VC deals involving Code supporters. Moore reaffirmed the industry's commitment to address funding gaps between female-led and male-led investing, aiming for meaningful progress and the removal of persistent barriers. The third annual report by the Investing in Women Code provides a comprehensive overview of the strides made in supporting female entrepreneurs and narrowing the investment gap. While there is still work to be done, the report underscores the commitment and collective effort of signatories to create a more inclusive and prosperous business ecosystem. For more information, refer to the British Business Bank's website.   Sources: THX News, Department for Business and Trade, Kevin Hollinrake MP & The Rt Hon Kemi Badenoch MP. Read the full article
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livelagom · 1 year
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Shall we talk about wild flowers? They are so important to keep bees, butterflies and other insects alive 🌼🌸 On this kimono are illustrations by Devon based artist Alex Boon featuring the most bee friendly flowers 🐝 We will donate a percentage of the sales to the Bee Friendly Trust, so why not treat yourself today or buy this for your very special Mum 💖🤗 . . . #bees #wildflowers #mothersday #kimono #floralkimono #floralfashion #sustainablefashion #smallbusiness #femalefounders https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpw16ulow-o/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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moonaiapp · 1 year
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Moonlight on: "Agustina Gomez" Aka our beloved artistic director and "old soul lady" from Buenos Aires 💜 Agus joined Moonai's adventure around November 2022 and has since then helped to translate Moonai's founder' aesthetic into the app by mixing @laurajunephilippa_ 's love for nerdy neuroscience, generative arts and dark feminine energy Aside for her love for her dog Purée and @patodecillia , she vibes with old people while doing slow Pilates "muy chill". Creative director for several years she brings an insightful and skilful add-on to Moonai's vision. You can find some of her work through Austrine and in her portfolio. Show her some love here: @medicengomez #moonai #womenempowerement #menstrualcycle #feminineenergy #femalefounders #femtech #womensday #womencommunity #womensupportingwomen #creativedirector (at Moon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpnZRAjjmp2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tokiotours · 1 year
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I guess all that #publicrelations stuff is paying off! F me! 900 clicks organically isn’t bad at all! Nice to see that me working my ass off is paying off! A big #thankyou to everyone who visited www.tokiotours.nl in the past month! We have definitely seen an uptick in bookings too so yeah… we are 🚀🔥👊🏻 Really ❤️‍🔥that all my efforts are bearing fruit! If you have been following along you may have noticed I have had A LOT of setbacks these past few years so I’m frankly still holding my breath for the roof to collapse down on me, but really… this is giving me the drive to be at least hopefully optimistic! #humble #humbled #humbleleadership #humanbehavior #humanexperience #workhard #workhardplayhard #workharder #workhardplayharder #workhacks #socialmediamanagers #googleranking #organicgrowth #organicmarketing #femalebusinessowner #femaleowned #femalefounders #femaleentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneurlife #femaleempowerment #doingitright #doinggood #makinganimpact #makingithappen #makingmoney #makingworkfun #makingitwork #habitsforsuccess (at Amsterdam, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn9f1K9KLIS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ai-bees · 2 years
Marjorie Merriweather Post: She was America’s Wealthiest Businesswoman from the 20th Century
She’s an American businesswoman, trailblazer, socialite, and philanthropist. This feisty female mogul was one of the most successful businesswomen of her time. Learn more about her impressive achievements below.
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Early Life and Education
Marjorie Merriweather Post, the daughter and only child of C. W. Post and the former Ella Letitia Merriweather, was born in Springfield, Illinois.
Marjorie picked up business management skills from her father, including how to market and advertise their goods. Marjorie received a top-notch business education from her father.
Marjorie enjoyed helping her father sell Postum to stores when she was a young child. Postum became well-known thanks to C.W. Post’s successful and effective advertising campaigns.
By the time Marjorie was a teenager, the C.W. Post family was a rich and well-to-do family.
Post studied at the Mount Vernon Seminary and College, which is now the George Washington University.
Early Career and General Foods Corporation
After her father passed away in 1914 at the age of 27, she took over ownership of the 1895-founded Postum Cereal Company, which was expanding very fast.
As a result, she became the richest woman in the US, inheriting $20 million (which would be worth $526 million in 2020).
Marjorie had the option of selling the business and relying solely on her inheritance, but she chose to carry on her father’s legacy instead.
In addition to Bran Flakes and Chips Ahoy!, Grape-Nuts, Honeycomb, Oreo O’s, Pebbles, and Waffle Crisp are just a handful of the cereal brands owned by the company her father created.
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She ran the business as director when her father passed away until 1958.
She grew the company with her second husband, E.F. Hutton, and started to acquire other American food brands, including Baker’s Chocolate, Maxwell House, Hellmann’s Mayonnaise, Jell-O, and many more.
The Postum Cereal Company changed its name to General Foods Corporation in 1929.
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She discovered Clarence Birdseye's (an American inventor, entrepreneur, and naturalist) inventions near Gloucester, Massachusetts, while traveling on her boat, to Hussar.
By freezing food, Birdseye had created a brand-new method of food preservation.
Post purchased Birdseye's company because she realized the potential benefits of frozen food, which led to the success of her business eventually.
Read in detail about: Merriweather's Luxurious Lifestyle & Present-Day General Foods Corporation
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She funded and personally supervised a Salvation Army feeding center in New York beginning in 1929 and continuing during the Great Depression.
She gave $100,000 to the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, which was then built as the National Cultural Center in Washington.
She gave the National Symphony $100,000 in 1955 for free performances, which paved the way for the Music for Young America Concerts, which she financed annually.
The business mogul and philanthropist Marjorie Merriweather passed away peacefully in her sleep at her Hillwood Estate after a prolonged illness. She was 86 years old at that time.
The Key Takeaways
Nobody is an expert from birth, as demonstrated by Marjorie's story.
When she abruptly found herself in a position of power, she chose a growth mindset rather than running away from it.
Mrs. Post was also a woman who was well ahead of her time.
Her developing business acumen is demonstrated in this anecdote by the fact that she was able to identify a commercial opportunity before anyone else.
If you want to read more about successful Female Founders and Entrepreneurs, visit — the AI bees Founder Series for more!
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calilili · 1 year
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Yup that’s me a very long time ago, I think I was about 17 years old and trying out a bit of creative photography with the mirror in my sisters bedroom, in London, where we grew up. . I can remember thinking; that it would be fun to capture me taking a photo of me taking a photo in the mirror, but I also remember being a little disappointed with the quality and graininess and pinky colouring of the result. But I was just using my Kodak extra pocket film camera! . This Ektra camera was a fun instamatic camera, but literally you just pointed and pressed the button - there was very little way of changing the amount of light coming in to the camera or anything else. . But it was about this time in my life that I realised I wanted to do more photography and with a camera that let me be more creative. . And that’s how it all stated! . How about you? Have you always loved photography? . . . . . #Womenwithvision #getinspired #businessconsultant #Onlinebusinesscoach #smallbiz #Businessstrategies #Businessstrategy #Entrepreneurher #femalefounders #Businesshelp #myownbusiness #smallbusinessuk (at Josephine Gray Photography) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmz8VqVNZKz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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morgandebaun12 · 2 months
How Tabitha Brown Built A Business Empire
This week, Morgan DeBaun sits down with social media personality, actress, entrepreneur and author Tabitha Brown @iamtabithabrown !
Tabitha's giving us a behind the scenes look into her journey to building a business empire including everything from books, to cookware and beyond.
Tabitha and Morgan get into a conversation on balance, with Tabitha emphasizing the importance of scheduling breaks to avoid burnout and Morgan speaking on the challenges she's faced navigating work as a new mom. They also discuss content creation and the self-work that goes into showing up authentically online.
Finally, they touch on Tabitha's new book, I Did A New Thing: 30 Days to Living Free, and the challenge she presents readers with to try something new every day.
Tune in for a candid conversation filled with business wisdom, words of faith, and Tabitha's unique charm. Like what you hear? Make sure to leave a rating and review wherever you listen!
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