thesirencult · 6 months
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PILE 1 🤎
The Hermit
My Pile 1 💕 welcome to your reading.
The path to wealth for you starts first and foremost through a much needed spiritual seclusion.
You will realize that money = energy through this path of learning how to listen to your inner voice.
You need to tune out other people, only for now. Others do not understand your ideas and can not help you.
After you come out of this period of self searching you will make a great mentor out of yourself and a guiding light. That means that the transformation you went through blessed you with wisdom to guide others, either to make money, lose weight, awaken, search for spiritual truth etc.
A simple 9 to 5 won't get you there.
Possible career paths, skills and talents you can leverage and ideas : any work that helps people transform, self development/coaching industry, therapist, spiritual worker, book writing, ability to listen to others, empathy
PILE 2 🤎
5 Of Wands
Dear Pile 2 ❤️,
Contrary to Pile 1 your path to wealth includes "climbing the ladder".
You are well equipped to start from the bottom of an organization and reach partner/C-Suite status.
You will probably get a prestigious degree as I can tell you are an overachiever. This reminds me of Suits. You will fight through and compete.
You have great arguing abilities (law?) and have the stamina to get to the top.
Now, apart from the above, the 5 Of Wands can show physicality. This is a sign for me that some of you need to watch your health and not run yourself down from all the work you do.
PILE 3 🤎
Knight Of Cups
You are passionate and romantic. Your soul is artistic and you want to create beauty in this world.
This is a singer and songwriter, a chef that creates beautiful dishes that drive people crazy. An amateur photographer who takes photos of hotels in beautiful destinations like a professional. Someone who wants to build a clothing brand.
You are multitalented and an eternal child. Stick to your arts and crafts and harness your beautiful energy and creator abilities and you'll be unstoppable.
P.S. Take the opportunities that come your way, it's never too early to meet with success, contrary to what others tell you. You'll never be fully prepared or ready. You may be a Projector.
PILE 4 🤎
9 Of Wands
Sweet Pile 4 🧁,
You have so many great ideas and the perfect foundation to make 💰. Your mindset is already more than halfway there and you have great abilities.
You need to work on romanticising struggle. It doesn't have to be as hard as you make it. Don't take the stairs if there is an escalator. You don't have to prove anything to anyone.
If right now things are slow, remember how far you've come. Even if it is not visible in the physical, the past few years you've accumulated a wealth of knowledge and are ready to take the next step.
Trust in yourself and the Universe. Preserve, defend your position and work both hard and smart.
A few months ago I stumbled across a video with a woman who was a business coach. She asked successful people "How did you make it?" and their answer was "I never stopped."
Never. Ever. Stop.
Source : The Siren Cult
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thesirencult · 6 months
One pattern I noticed in successful people :
They make decisions and act out of WANT and not from a place of NEED.
When you make decisions out of a place of need you are prone to being more illogical and have short-sighted vision.
Distinguish your wants from your needs. Needing can indicate trauma bonding with people and ideas.
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thesirencult · 6 months
I want to congratulate everyone :
that is pushing through
that wakes up each morning ready to seize the day even though their chest feels heavy
who is trying to let go of the past and focus on the future
who is healing while simultaneously doing their best to build their foundations.
Congratulations for being human and trying your best!
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thesirencult · 4 months
There is ONE thing you need to realise: We, humans, have a a little voice in our heads that says "Avoid pain!".
Now, this has helped us survive and evolve as a pieces for thousands of years, BUT, it has also made us fall victims to short-term gratification and dopamine.
What if we flip the narrative? How do we do that? With an "anti-vision".
Let's just say you are overweight and want to get fit. Manifestation coaches would tell you to visualise yourself fit and healthy, with a sexy booty and killer abs. This gives you a dopamine rush and a moment of motivation. Good.
Let's now visualise the polar opposite. You, in 10 years, having diabetes and getting tired just walking up the stairs. You, needing a sleeping device because of apnea. You, with bad kidneys and heart issues.
Do you like that picture? No, you don't. It's uncomfortable. PAINFUL.
You say to yourself, I'll never get there, I will be fit. You have now see the bottom and you've realized that you can make different choices now. You know what you want to avoid.
This is how you can capitalise on our "pain avoidance" mechanism. You will either feel pain in the short-term or you will extend that to the long-term.
If you want to start a business don't just think about how you are going to make millions and avoid doing the work. Think about what you want to avoid. Say "I don't want to work for anyone else. I don't want to miss out on buying my kids gifts for Christmas because I can not afford it. I hate being seen as less than. I hate not feeling enough and people making fun of my ideas."
Success is not just about sunshine and flowers, it's about facing our demons and knowing who is the enemy.
Let your bottom be your start. Let your anger and sadness fuel you. Negative emotions can lead to positive outcomes .
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thesirencult · 8 months
I get it. There are countless accounts here and on every single social media platform that advocate for a dangerous type of "hypergamy". That type of a relationship will only make you feel unauthentic and unfulfilled with your life.
If the only use your partner has for you is to be a money printing machine, then you are not a high value woman but a high value heaux. There's nothing wrong with that but even "heauxs" have more talents, skills and financial freedom than some women who will put themselves into dangerous situations by submitting to a high earning man WHO IS NOT A HIGH VALUE MAN !
Being submissive to someone requires you to have some form of strength before that you "give up". You can not submit to someone lower than you.
So, build up your position ! There are great men who are providers without being multimillionaires. If you are interested in living a luxurious life then you should either a. MAKE YOUR OWN MONEY, especially at first or b. do yachting. If the b. choice is up to your standards and you have no problem being treated like a piece of meat, be my guest.
In the past women who chose men for money were weak women who came from environments that didn't allow them to flourish. They had to do everything to survive. I respect that.
What I don't respect is you, who could learn a high performance skill, sell it online and make much more in the long term than those only fans and by keeping your VALUE and SELF INTEGRITY.
Power couples are so much stronger than couples with power plays. The last is only for the bedroom 🔥.
All in all, invest in yourself internally and externally. Become a high value balanced woman and the right man for you will come along.
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thesirencult · 8 months
You are not special neither am I. This can either stop you from progressing or help you gain the perspective that no one is born with superpowers, thus your success in life is dependent on your utilized potential.
"Special people" are not born, they are made. It takes smart work, iron self-belief, discipline and a hint of delusional confidence.
You don't get what you deserve, you get what you ask for.
Ask for more.
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thesirencult · 4 months
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1: The Power of Positive Thinking "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
2: Definiteness of Purpose "When your desires are strong enough, you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve."
3: The Mastermind Principle "No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind."
4: Taking Massive Action
"The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat."
5: Persistence in the Face of Failure
"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit."
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thesirencult · 8 months
Who Am I ?
Studying History & Philosophy Of Science & Technology
My Big 3
Pisces Sun
Cancer Moon
Scorpio ASC
MBTI & Women Love Power Type
INFJ / The Goddess
Philosophy, History, Artificial Intelligence, Business & Self Development & Finance, Astrology & Spirituality & Tarot
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thesirencult · 6 months
Hundreds of Start Ups Will Fail In the Next 2 Years. Here Is Why :
“Throughout history we witness continual cycles of rising and falling levels of the irrational. The great golden age of Pericles, with its philosophers and its first stirrings of the scientific spirit, was followed by an age of superstition, cults, and intolerance. This same phenomenon happened after the Italian Renaissance. That this cycle is bound to recur again and again is part of human nature.” ― Robert Greene
I would argue that for the past 200 years we have been going through a period who will later be considered by historians "The Age Of Irrationality".
In such a miniscule amount of time we've gone from farming to building factories, from entrepreneurs to influencers and bloggers.
Imagine you met a man from 1870 and you told them 16 year olds would be making millions from a machine that connects them to the whole entire world in milliseconds.
Historical/Dialectical Materialism, is a term that emerged from the theories of Engels and Marx. In simply terms, it says that for every drasis/thesis there is an antidrasis/antithesis and through change, the final product, synthesis is produced.
Synthesis is balance. We have long forgotten that word. We chose to forget that an antithesis will always follow the thesis.
A prime example of irrationality in our culture is the glorification of start ups. When all the facts point North, we take the road to South. Logic goes out the window and start ups like WeWork raise millions (IF NOT BILLIONS) of dollars even though they offer nothing new.
How can a business run for years on years, raise money and not generate PROFIT.
We humans like to think we have progressed. We no longer fall victims to "fast money" and cultish leaders. But we do.
We trust "geniuses" running on psychedelics with our money.
These people are playing chess. This is " The South Sea Bubble" all over again.
Even though a small percentage of start ups offer true value to society and are worth every penny invested on them, others are nothing but glorified horse shit.
Would you buy a ship that was not built but the "owner" claimed it is the fastest ship ever built ? No. You would first want proof. What if you paid the person that had the idea millions of dollars and after 5 years, a boat was all they have made ?
So why do venture capital investment companies with countless of analysts "fall victim" to this. Either they are expecting the company to go public and people to run to buy stock because guess what ? "Microinvestors"(you, me and your aunt) follow the motions of "Macroinvestors" (wall street boys, private equity firms, investors who have reached celebrity status) or they themselves act irrationally.
I would like to hear your thoughts on this women in tech, finance or business in general. Do you agree with me that the start up bubble is finally bursting or is there something else (besides the silent recession) going on?
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thesirencult · 8 months
hey do you do birth chart readings?
Yes, I do read birth charts and I love doing it.
I see astrology as an art and myself as an artist. Astrology is a cheat code for life. It can help you unleash and run towards your highest potential. I love servicing people (Venus in Aries/6th house) and cultivating an entire succulent experience for them. After all, you don't get your birth chart read everyday. It's very rewarding to get messages of people who have found a deeper meaning after reading their personal books.
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Even though I've read over 300 birth charts, I still enjoy doing my "reading ritual" : lightning my candles, putting on some sensual tunes and diving into an ocean of stars.
I mostly do PDF readings, as I believe written words hold a lot of energy within them and while channeling, words flow onto the paper.
My readings take longer to deliver, as I like to "sit on" the energies and walk through the paths the stars have created multiple times, checking in with my intuition, to provide the best possible experience.
There is one thing though. I only work with clients who are spiritually ready and open to seeing their soul RAW & BARE.
I also do synastry readings (I love love), business readings and solar return chart interpretations.
I love astrology so much I have built a software, utilizing my experience, AI and machine learning, that will help people explore their chart by themselves. This is not a simple birth chart generator, like the ones people use to sell charts on Etsy, but it's affordable and quick. Like dipping your finger in warm chocolate fudge, naughty, delicious and making you want more. I put my heart, soul and a little bit of magic behind it.
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I have began experimenting with a new style of reading in the past year. Clients who want to dive deeper in a specific part of their lives and birth chart (career, shadow side and healing, love life etc.) can request a reading only on that. I then explore the birth chart through that specific prism.
You see, some stars have been dead for thousands of years, yet their light still reaches earth till now. The moment you took your first breath on earth universe had decided that this is the perfect time for you to come here. It had already decided which stars would have been shining.
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thesirencult · 6 months
We have 2 months till the new year starts.
Timing is a matter of perspective.
It's either too late into this year or TOO EARLY compared to the start of the new year.
Switch your perspective.
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thesirencult · 6 months
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Even though the photo is from Pinterest 📌 some of my favourite books are included and I have to share them !
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thesirencult · 6 months
The shadows feed off of your grief.
They feed off of your dark thoughts.
There are good ghosts and bad ghosts.
Let the good ghosts guide you away from the shadows.
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thesirencult · 8 months
So, yesterday I upload an ICY DIARIES 💎 essay.
I got lots of private messages of women who had to deal with side chicks and unloyal men but I also got a few messages from a 3rd point of view.
Women who had witnessed other girls trying to seduce commited men who clearly didn't have any interest in them.
I have a story to share with you.
A girlfriend of mine has a Russian man who migrated in our country after the Soviet Union fell apart. She came here with her older half-brother who was already 5 years old, because her baby daddy didn't take care of the child.
Here, she worked as a bartender in bars that took advantage of women. Luckily another Russian lady had gotten married to the bar owner and because it was a small town things were a bit better for her. At this time she also met my friend's father and they fell in love. My friend's father raised her older brother like his own, to this day he still takes care of him and his children. He provided a home and financed his business. As you can tell Mr. Friend's Father has money. So much money that my best friend at 23 owns a urus in a place where people still drive beat up 90s cars. Now, she is not spoiled and works 12 hour days. They are all pretty modest and warm people.
Enter Mrs. Side Piece Of Sh*t with 2 kids from 2 baby daddies (cheated on the father of the 1st child). This woman tried to seduce my friend's father. She wanted to be a "business partner/investor" for her unsuccessful ventures. She kept pushing the situation and my friend's mom found out.
Don't mess with a Russian. If you are family they love you like their own blood, but if you are a threat they will attack out of nowhere. They bumped into eachother at a local farmer's market. She annihilated her after the side piece provoked her. I'm talking taking her weave out and scratches everywhere. She is also 6'2.
When I found out I was shocked and sad. I saw it as something to be ashamed about but then, one day we were having coffee at their home and Mrs. Friend's Mom talked to me about it and I understood what it takes to be at the top of the food chain.
My friend's mom told me that she had seen war, hunger and poverty. She had been used by men and seen her friends die from dr*gs. Life had been cruel to her until she met her husband and even then it wasn't easy. People accused her of wanting a green card and money. Her in laws thought of her as a wh*re and disowned her husband. It was not an easy ride. She had not gone through so much only to have her character be attacked at a farmer's market. She also thinks that she should have gotten a degree and a job and not stay at home with the kids, so her husband would have not taken her for granted so many years later. After all that, she took my hand in hers and told me to never take any privileges for granted and to go after my goals and dreams. She advised me to find a good man and not settle for anyone, set boundaries and if all goes bad to take my kids and leave. She believes that we, women, have so much power within us and it's a shame we have to go through such rough times to find out. An example she gave me is that after a divorce most of the time women hold the most powerful position. Also ! Get a prenup!!!
Queens are way more powerful in chess than kings. Same happens in life.
Even writing this makes me tear up. Luckily their family is okay now.
The lesson here is that holding your own is important. I don't condone violence but don't let people fool you that raising your voice and protecting yourself is unlady like.
Bad people see kind women as prays. Know when to be kind and with whom and when to assert yourself.
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thesirencult · 6 months
Be an asset, not a liability.
For yourself.
For your partner.
For your business.
For your social circle.
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thesirencult · 4 months
You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your f*****’ fingers and say, “That’s the bad guy.” So what that make you? Good? You’re not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie.
(Tony Montana, Scarface)
Most people can not handle their darker side. They can not handle their ego and their deepest desires. Now, I'm not telling you to become like Tony Montana. He was consumed by his vices and they run the show for him. I'm telling you to do what you what to do and to stop lying to yourself and hiding from your true nature.
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A couple of years ago, I met a girl who had an obsession with finding a wealthy man. She did not care about anything else other than the money. In her defense, she grew up in a poor family where, her dad beat her mom up and he even did that while her mom was pregnant with her.
That girl was studying finance. She took up Arabic and wanted to work for off shore companies where she could find a husband. She specifically told me she wanted her husband to drive a Porsche which has more prestige than a BMW and buy her a BMW cause the woman should be beneath her husband. Overall she was "micey" in character. If you didn't know her you would think she was shy and religious, but. you should know better guys, these people have more ego problems than the most outspoken, egomaniac extrovert.
So, she looked "weak" but had an agenda. She also was trying to give off the "trad wife" vibe but salivated as soon as a man breathed her direction and shamed any woman who showcased her seductiveness.
A few days ago, she messaged me. She wanted to grab a coffee with me as she would be in town. I was surprised when I saw her. In the "kindest" way I can put it, she looked like women who run on every single rally around and fight for justice (nothing wrong with taht, but if you're following me I bet you get what I'm trying to convey). A white girl with Bob Marley braids! Yup, there it is!
She told me she had given up Arabic and no longer wanted to work in a big shipping corporation because that supported big oil and their agenda. She then preached to me about equality and why the left is supreme. Now, I'm pretty straightforward so I asked her, how and why her views changed. She wanted to own 3 cars and be a stay at home mom! She looked outside the window of the coffee shop and saw my parked car.
"Do you see this car?"
I said "Yeah, I see it."
"Whoever drives this car is a right wing egomaniac who doesn't care about the environment and just wants to flaunt their money." (my car is a hybrid you guys!)
"Do you drive?"
"No, I can not afford a license and my family owns only one car. Also, I'm scared of driving. Also, did I tell you I'm running on the elections with the *left wing side*. Will you vote for me? If I make it I'll get 2k per month plus health care benefits."
"That's my car. I was going to ask you, do you want to take the train home or will you ride with me?" I just wanted this meeting to bo over, to tell you the truth.
She came with me.
Wanna know why? Here is my hypothesis (and it ties in with Tony Montana's words):
99% of people give up on their dreams by age 23. In order to make it easier for them and help them soothe the guilt this breeds, they begin to drift to the opposite "side" of the court. Pornstars turn to trad wives. Playboys turn to "faithful" husbands who preach the word of the Lord. Money and power hungry individuals take up boring jobs and blame the rich and the goverment for everything. Men who can not pick up women turn to red pill guys and so on and so forth.
Most people can not handle their darker side. They can not handle their ego and their deepest desires. Now, I'm not telling you to become like Tony Montana, he was consumed by his vices and that's who runs the show. Either you run the show or someone else or something (an addiction) runs it for you.
We see all that often with sex. Body counts, "I can not find a good man/woman" etc. People who can not get what they want hate those that have the GUTS to get it.
If my acquaintance's beliefs are that strong why did she enjoy the drive in the luxury SUV? Why did she then ask me when are we going out again and if I can bring "that" guy friend who runs a tech start up?
Because they are not her beliefs. They are just a cover up. A mask.
We've all seen how happy some people get when a dreamer fails.
So, go one. Fail. You''ll succeed at some point. You're better than those who sit on the sidelines running their mouth.
They would want to be at your shoes. They would want to run free on the court.
Own that. Own yourself and run after your goals and desires. Fuck them.
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