#Fernando Adrian
mundillotaurino · 5 months
Castellon présente les cartels de sa Feria 2024
OFFICIEL : Les cartels de Castellon dévoiles
L’empresa Funtausa a présenté les cartels de la Feria de la Magdalena 2024 de Castellon qui aura lieu du 3 au 10 mars. 5 corridas, 1 rejon et 2 novilladas sans picadors composent cette édition avec la double présence de Jose Maria Manzanares et un mano a mano en ouverture qui sera arbitré par les toros de Victorino Martin. Les cartels de la Feria de la Magdalena 2024 de Castellon : Dimanche 3…
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ilovecatssoomuch · 2 months
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(source: @433_marc on "X"/ twitter)
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scrollonso · 3 months
fernando was literally made to be in aston martin, from jimmy and him being silly together to lawrence welcoming him with open arms and strollonso getting along so well, this is where he belongs.
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livefastdriveyoung · 2 months
I hope to god that if Adrian Newey is going to Aston Martin, Fernando Alonso doesn't revert to active war crimes.
This new grid isn't prepared for it. Like the whole world lost their minds when Lewis did a trick that others have been doing for years.
Could you imagine if Fernando "I knew he would move," Alonso was just terrorizing George, Lando, or Yuki?
Like I know Daniel Ricciardo woke up this morning, and after having a good laugh and being sad that he might not get to drive one of Newey's creations again, said a quick prayer because he remembers what Fernando was like.
And Lewis is probably like doing some meditation because he cannot handle this shit again.
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rt3nenbaum · 10 months
Recently, Genís Marcó, the man that helped Fernando during his kart years, gave an interview with Mundo Deportivo, and it is really nice and helps you understand Fernando and where he comes from a little bit more so I summed up and translated the parts I think are more important and interesting for you 👇🏻
Fernando shone in the national categories, having his dad always by his side, who made a lot of sacrifices so his son could follow his dreams, Jose Luis acted as a mechanic and also as a chofer, driving Fernando from circuit to circuit with his van, money was tight so the only thing that kept Fernando racing were his wins.
When he had to make the jump to international racing, it was only possible thanks to the help of Josep Marcó and his son, Genís Marcó, who, after Fernando won the Catalunya Championship, started to travel around the world with him. Genís became Fernando's mechanic and chofer so Jose Luis could focus on his role as father, focusing more on cheering for Fernando than anything else.
During their time traveling together, Fernando usually slept once he was in the car, rarely speaking unless it was to complain because he was hungry. Fernando was a quiet kid that always knew how to keep calm, he never showed he was nervous because he was fast and he knew it.
Genís said that the thing that surprised him the most the first time he saw Fernando race was how fast he adapted to things, and how he would wait until the race was over to talk to his mechanic about the problems he had in the kart, he never complained. Genís also said he taught Fernando the importance of tyre management and that it was easy to work with Fernando because, as said before, he could adapt fast and never complained.
When they were training, Genís would usually modifiy Fernando's kart to make it harder to drive, putting more weight or changing it so it didn't turn as well, after he changed it all back to normal for the race, Fernando was even faster than before. This is something that Fernando uses now with his management kids during their simulator sessions!!
It was Genís the one who taught Fernando that if your car is good enough for 15°, you should aim for 10° and that if it is good enough for 3°, you should try to win, this is a philosophy Fernando has followed his entire career.
Genís also talks about how since the beginning Fernando knew this was his future, and that even in the worst times when money was tight, Fernando never stopped believing, but Genís was never that optimistic, and he said that at that moment he thought it would be really hard for Fernando to even drive in formulas because racing without money is almost impossible, but it was thanks to Adrian Campos, another guardian angle fot Fernando, that he could made that jump to single seaters, and Fernando made the most of that opportunity.
Genís also talked about how he couldn't help but get emotional when he went to Fernando's first F1 test for Minardi in Jaen because he was watching the little boy he had welcomed in his home so many times grow up. He said that he was really happy for Fernando, his parents and everyone in his family that always supported him. Genís also talked about how it makes him feel bad when he sees people criticize Fernando for his personality because once you meet him, he is different, he said Fernando is good at driving, nice, funny, and professional, very professional, and he believes Fernando still has plenty of time to do more amazing things like he is doing this year!
Genís left the karting team when his dad died but he came back when a friend of his called him to help his son with his career, that boy is Pepe Martí, 5th this year in F3, the new addition to the Red Bull academy and one of Fernando's management kids :)
This is Fernando with Genís when he was young <3
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petit-papillion · 2 months
Do you regret not having Ferrari on your CV at some point?
"Emotionally, I guess, to a point, yes. But just as, for instance, working with Fernando or Lewis would have been fabulous, but it never happened. It's just circumstance, sometimes that's the way it is."
Adrian Newey | September 2023
Source: Beyond the Grid
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not-another-side-blog · 2 months
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ace-race-ace · 2 months
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janesurlife · 2 months
I know my dream of all Spanish line-up might never come true but dreaming is for free no?
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
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I feel weirdly compelled by this
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mundillotaurino · 6 months
Coups de coeur/coups de gueule de la Temporada 2023
La rédaction de Mundillo Taurino donne ses coups de coeur et coups de gueule de cette Temporada 2023 Au programme, les toros français, des moments cultes de l'année De l'autre côté, des carteles toujours similaires et peu variés...
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ilovecatssoomuch · 2 months
Adrian Newey you know you want to go to Aston Martin, right?????
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don't play with me man you KNOW what you want to do
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formulaocean · 2 months
If Newey is leaving (and it’s still an if) there’s a high chance it’s to retirement or hypercars. But on the off chance it’s to another team it could be very interesting. We all thought Sainz or Mercedes was the key to silly season but it may just be Newey- this more than anything could have Verstappen begin to look around leaving Red Bull.
If Newey goes to Ferrari they better name an avenue in Maranello after Fred Vasseur and it may just be worth the HP sponsor deal. It may also make us all lose our minds if even that isn’t enough however 💔
If Newey takes the rumoured blank check to go to Aston Martin combined with Honda engines…it’s basically Red Bull 2.0. But with Fernando Alonso maybe being a war criminal.
His two regrets are apparently not working with Ferrari or Alonso sooooooo.
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livefastdriveyoung · 2 months
Adrian Newey was always going to Ferrari or Aston Martin. He may not like Lawrence Stroll, which I can't find in print so I can't cite so I don't know the truthfulness, but he's outright said he would have loved to work with Fernando or Lewis. But by the way, while he may not love Lawrence Stroll, I'm pretty sure he helped design the Valkyrie, aka the closest thing to an F1 street legal car. If he knows he can work with other people at the company, he may very well tell Lawrence, "fine but this isn't a dictatorship, I am creating this, I have a large say," plus, you know, the 100 million dollars. As for Ferrari, yeah politics there at the moment are a little (LOT, Recapping some crazy periods, coming from a historian. Watch the bubble) insane, but I think that everyone wants to work for Ferrari, and I think Fred Vasseur is certainly helping to shift the narrative away from the team that made it's drivers look like they were going to war.
I also think it ironic that other than Charles and Lando, Lewis and Fernando have the allegedly longest contracts on the grid. Adrian clearly likes longevity for all thatches already 65 and doesn't have another 19 years to give. But drivers with guaranteed contracts of several years are likely going to be more attractive to build a car for then say, drivers with a one+one like most of the grid is allegedly being offered due to the new regulations.
Why not take a sure thing?
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I'm looking forward to the Miami GP purely because you know Alonso's going to being milking the fuck out of the potential Newey to AM sitch....
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atariforce · 3 months
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Pac-Man: Ghosts Can't Do It by Adrian Fernando
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